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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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So if I'm reading this correctly Brandi was drunk because Eileen didn't have appropriate food available? What about every other time we have seen her drunk this season??? She has an excuse for everything. I also don't like what she is implying about Kyle either. Who's the alcoholic here, the one we see wasted every scene she is in or the women we have never even seen tipsy?

Brandi was not sober when she got into the limo with Kyle, she was already past the point of no return IMO.

  • Love 4

I tend to think Brandi is being honest in her blog this week.  She and Kim have been together a lot between seasons.

That she and Kim spend time on the phone or in each others company does not mean that Brandi is telling the truth. These are 2 women in the throes of addiction and will say/do anything to keep the truth from coming to light IMO.

  • Love 8

This has me curious

Not this week but the week after, Brandi crashes Kyle's party and lays into her? Wow even by Brandi standards those are some very big balls.

That she and Kim spend time on the phone or in each others company does not mean that Brandi is telling the truth. These are 2 women in the throes of addiction and will say/do anything to keep the truth from coming to light IMO.

It is official Brandi has been sued http://www.realitytea.com/2015/01/22/joanna-krupa-sues-brandi-glanville-slander-defamation/.


I am curious just how much of a divide Brandi will create between Kyle and Kim but I think this upcoming hospital visit will keep Kim out of circulation for awhile-perfect excuse.

  • Love 1

I definitely see envy on Brandi's side when it comes to Eileen though. I don't know what it is about actresses (and pageant queens) but they seem to rub Brandi the wrong way for whatever reason. 


I, personally, have an issue with pageant queens.  The hair, the makeup, the boobs, the clothes, the cloyingly fake personality - I'm from the Midwest, and we don't have a lot of tolerance for that shit.  Having said that, I liked Joyce in small doses.  I think models have a tendency to dislike pageant queens, because they feel they're a joke, and have no place in the modeling world with their stiff and practiced posing.


But, I'm not sure if that's what triggered Brandi.  I watched the "Jacqueline" episode carefully, and Brandi was very drunk.  She stated after the fact that she called Joyce by the wrong name to irritate her.  I think that was a clear lie, because the first many times she was corrected, you could tell it was a mistake.  I think that saying it was deliberate was a cover up for her drunken bumbling, and I think she turned on Joyce because Joyce made a (rightful) issue of it, because Joyce outed Brandi's pre-season phone call to Lisa, and because Lisa seemed to immediately dislike Joyce.


Eileen is a different story.  I don't think Brandi disliked Eileen at all.  I think she acted in awe of her and was planning to latch onto her as her next Lisa V.  It's difficult to interpret Brandi's actions because underlying her drunken behavior, she's also incredibly childish.   Brandi never showed an ounce of regret for how she treated Joyce, and I don't believe she ever apologized.  The look on Brandi's face after the wine toss was very telling.  She actually looked like she was going to start crying, then recovered with all the bravado shit she does.  She also apologized to Eileen and gave her a lame gift.  I see her flirting with Vince as similar to her flirting with Ken.  I don't think Brandi is attracted to him - she would think he's too old - I think she's repeating the Lisa/Ken pattern, and she felt safe and protected when she was close to them.

  • Love 4

I've had bronchitis quite a few times.  I have never had a pain reliever prescribed.  Typically, it's some antibiotic and either an inhaler, cough syrup, or mild muscle relaxer (to help stop the coughing spasms).  I also have a slight touch of asthma, so any fumes even strong smells can start me on a coughing spree.  Definitely not a smoker nor do I hang around anyone who smokes.  I cannot even imagine puffing even once on a cigar if I even thought I had bronchitis.


Brandi is once again talking out of her ass.  Both Brandi and Kim are just trying out different stories, hoping one will stick. 


I think Brandi did try to attach herself to Eileen, but Eileen wasn't having any part of it.  Brandi also has to have one friend on the show, or at least someone to film with - otherwise she becomes expendable (like Danielle from NJ).  Danielle was reduced to filming with that friend of hers (can't think of that guy's name) or her daughters.  A HW has to have at least one person to film with on a regular basis outside of their required parties and gatherings.   The only person really left for Brandi was Kim, a kind of kindred spirit (i.e. addict).  I doubt Brandi cares if Kim is relapsing; all Brandi cares about is Brandi.  Brandi was probably glad as she now has a drinking/pill popping buddy.  (Yolanda is way too wrapped up with her daughters, her king,  and her disease to be at Brandi's beck and call - for those 3 a.m. drunk phone calls).


Brandi also thrives on conflict.  Every year she's had her big fight with someone on the show.  Lisa V is so over her; she outplayed Brandi this year by going to the housewarming, bringing her a gift, and apologizing.  I don't think Lisa needed to apologize, but it was the quickest and smartest way to deal with Brandi.  Be cordial, smile, and really don't engage with her.  Eileen and Lisa R seem smart enough not to engage with the crazy.  Yolanda just calls her a naughty girl and shakes her head.  Who does that leave?  Kyle.  I'm sure Kim has also said rotten things about Kyle and other family members girl her "girl time" with Brandi.  It could all be her end game as some have suggested.  Brandi may not have forgotten how she was treated by the Richards sisters and this is her 'revenge'.  


The thing is, I am sure the sisters have been at odds before and have found there way back to be close again.  When that happens, Brandi is out in the cold.  

  • Love 4

I just want to know how Brandi can mistake a blini with (probably) salmon mousse for a 'kid's pancake' with 'weird colored salmon'.  Oy vey. 

I think she is doing that in hopes of getting a rise out of Eileen.  I doubt Eileen will dignify it with a response. I can't believe what she said about the woman's house. This from a woman who most repeated decorating accessory is dog urine and feces.



I, personally, have an issue with pageant queens.  The hair, the makeup, the boobs, the clothes, the cloyingly fake personality - I'm from the Midwest, and we don't have a lot of tolerance for that shit.  Having said that, I liked Joyce in small doses.  I think models have a tendency to dislike pageant queens, because they feel they're a joke, and have no place in the modeling world with their stiff and practiced posing.


But, I'm not sure if that's what triggered Brandi.  I watched the "Jacqueline" episode carefully, and Brandi was very drunk.  She stated after the fact that she called Joyce by the wrong name to irritate her.  I think that was a clear lie, because the first many times she was corrected, you could tell it was a mistake.  I think that saying it was deliberate was a cover up for her drunken bumbling, and I think she turned on Joyce because Joyce made a (rightful) issue of it, because Joyce outed Brandi's pre-season phone call to Lisa, and because Lisa seemed to immediately dislike Joyce.


Eileen is a different story.  I don't think Brandi disliked Eileen at all.  I think she acted in awe of her and was planning to latch onto her as her next Lisa V.  It's difficult to interpret Brandi's actions because underlying her drunken behavior, she's also incredibly childish.   Brandi never showed an ounce of regret for how she treated Joyce, and I don't believe she ever apologized.  The look on Brandi's face after the wine toss was very telling.  She actually looked like she was going to start crying, then recovered with all the bravado shit she does.  She also apologized to Eileen and gave her a lame gift.  I see her flirting with Vince as similar to her flirting with Ken.  I don't think Brandi is attracted to him - she would think he's too old - I think she's repeating the Lisa/Ken pattern, and she felt safe and protected when she was close to them.

Eddie's best friend Josh, plays on the "Young and Restless", I am thinking Brandi made an ass out of herself with Eileen before Eileen could form an opinion of her.  Brandi was so rude about bringing up the "you were married" (Josh worked with Eileen at the time).  I don't believe for one minute Brandi was ever that enamored with  Eileen's character, I think it was Brandi trying to humiliate Eileen and of course guarantee herself screen time.  Same with the comment to Vince-I swear Brandi marks territory faster than a beer drinking greyhound on meth.  I must say you have me reevaluating the scene with Eileen and Brandi-I thought she was stifling a laugh. Must re-see TV.

  • Love 10

Did anyone notice new BFFs Brandi and Kim and their contrasting stories about Kim's bronchitis in their blogs?  Brandi claims she tried to get Kim to go to the doctor but Kim claimed it was only bronchitis.  Kim claims she had pneumonia and bronchitis and had been to the doctor several times.  Ladies, when you conspire keep your stories straight!!!!! 

  • Love 3

I've had bronchitis quite a few times.  I have never had a pain reliever prescribed.  Typically, it's some antibiotic and either an inhaler, cough syrup, or mild muscle relaxer (to help stop the coughing spasms).  


Well, that cough syrup is generally (though not always) an opiate, though usually mild.  I used to get bronchitis every winter as a kid and sometimes still do, every few years or so.  Sometimes my throat starts to tear up because the coughs are so bad.  


My doctor has always prescribed Hycodan (opiate) or Phenergan with codeine (antihistamine and anti-emetic with opiate) to stop the coughs.  A good side effect of mild opiate dosage is that they depress the respiratory system, so it gives you a break from the absolutely relentless coughing that bronchitis can cause and help you to get some sleep.  


I never saw any sign of Kim having bronchitis anyhow, though, so...yeah.  :)

Edited by haydensterling
  • Love 4

Didn't Kim once claim to having bronchitis before? I could have sworn she mentioned it in another season.


I think models have a tendency to dislike pageant queens, because they feel they're a joke, and have no place in the modeling world with their stiff and practiced posing.

Stiff and practiced posing...isn't that what models do, too?


RedHeadZombie - I just have to throw this out there. My neighbor, who lived in the midwest, has a daughter who....*drumroll*...was in beauty pageants ten years ago. From what she has told me, the midwest area they were from, it was big on pageants. It was the reason why her daughter was involved in them.

  • Love 3

I remember Kim having a persistent cough in Season 2. I specifically remember her deliberately coughing all over Lisa and Lisa trying to be a good sport about it while clearly wanting to have nothing to do with Kim. If the cameras hadn't been there I doubt she'd have been half so nice about it. 


I think this is the same party where Brandi had one of her rare moments of handling a situation in an appropriate and mature way. I wonder what Brandi would think then if she'd been told that she'd be buddy buddy with the woman who wanted to have her own daughter get involved in their fight? I feel like she'd have a hard time believing it.

  • Love 4

I do agree that putting herself between the Richards Sisters is Brandi's endgame. Splitting up the Richards Sisters is something no cast member has successfully done before (one could argue Lisa V. and Taylor tried.) But, ultimately, it will be her downfall, since the Richards Sisters have been on the outs before and have found their way back to each other. They have a love-hate relationship.


I did sort of agree with Brandi that alcoholism isn't the result of a "personality trait." People with plenty of personality traits become alcoholics, addicts, etc.  I've never bought the "addictive personality" thesis, in that there are people with "addictive personalities" who become substance abusers and others without that personality who do as well. That said, it's also not something someone has "no control over", insofar as the responsibility is ultimately the addict's to seek treatment. Also, that said, I think Kyle says that Kim just has an "addictive personality" as a safe way of rationalizing her sister's addictive behaviors (which have also included shopping and gambling in the past, beyond substance abuse) - and it's a pretty harmless comment on her part.

  • Love 3

I just want to know how Brandi can mistake a blini with (probably) salmon mousse for a 'kid's pancake' with 'weird colored salmon'.  Oy vey.

Well, when you don't eat your dinner, you drink it, you're bound to miss a few things. I bet she calls caviar "some weird salty bat shit on a cracker."

  • Love 11

WQ, that reminds me of the Frasier episode where Roz got hooked on caviar and Frasier & Niles couldn't "get the good stuff" anymore and were going to have to buy retail and "cut it in with the good stuff." She was imagining it would taste good on a danish.


Meg Ryan to Tom Hanks: "It's a GARNISH!!!"

  • Love 2

I just want to know how Brandi can mistake a blini with (probably) salmon mousse for a 'kid's pancake' with 'weird colored salmon'.  Oy vey. 


Oh my God, no. Just, no. I had no idea what she meant by "kid's pancake" (aren't all pancakes for kids?), but she was referring to blinis? There are no words. She is so willfully ignorant and classless - and yet thinks she is cute. Not cute.

  • Love 4

I've had bronchitis quite a few times.  I have never had a pain reliever prescribed.  


My mom thought she cracked a rib.  Turns out, all the coughing from her bronchitis inflamed her ribs or muscles around her ribs.  She got a pain medication.  Question:  Could an anti-inflammatory make one appear high?


Oh my God, no. Just, no. I had no idea what she meant by "kid's pancake" (aren't all pancakes for kids?), but she was referring to blinis?


OT: I agree with you that pancakes are for kids. At my age, I won't eat a whole one anymore.  HOWEVER!! And I just discovered this recipe and I'm so excited to share with my beloved PTVers:  Cut thin apple slices. Like 1/4 inch.  Dip 'em in pancake batter.  I add a little cinnamon.  Cook just like a regular pancake with a tad bit of butter and OMG.  Pancakes without the guilt.  So freaking good.  You're welcome.

  • Love 6

My mom thought she cracked a rib.  Turns out, all the coughing from her bronchitis inflamed her ribs or muscles around her ribs.  She got a pain medication.  Question:  Could an anti-inflammatory make one appear high?



OT: I agree with you that pancakes are for kids. At my age, I won't eat a whole one anymore.  HOWEVER!! And I just discovered this recipe and I'm so excited to share with my beloved PTVers:  Cut thin apple slices. Like 1/4 inch.  Dip 'em in pancake batter.  I add a little cinnamon.  Cook just like a regular pancake with a tad bit of butter and OMG.  Pancakes without the guilt.  So freaking good.  You're welcome.

Searching for apples in the fridge now.  That sounds awesome!

  • Love 2

Searching for apples in the fridge now.  That sounds awesome!


I had a leftover pork chop from dinner last night which I sliced thin and browned in the pan with those apple pancakes.  This, is what my little prince had for breakfast before school today. He's in for a rude awakening when he leaves for college next year (insert Kyle-worthy sobs here) and is eating leftover ramen and spoons of peanut butter.

  • Love 6

I just want to know how Brandi can mistake a blini with (probably) salmon mousse for a 'kid's pancake' with 'weird colored salmon'.  Oy vey. 

I don't think she mistook anything. I think she was just being a bitch.


My mom thought she cracked a rib.  Turns out, all the coughing from her bronchitis inflamed her ribs or muscles around her ribs.  She got a pain medication.  Question:  Could an anti-inflammatory make one appear high?



OT: I agree with you that pancakes are for kids. At my age, I won't eat a whole one anymore.  HOWEVER!! And I just discovered this recipe and I'm so excited to share with my beloved PTVers:  Cut thin apple slices. Like 1/4 inch.  Dip 'em in pancake batter.  I add a little cinnamon.  Cook just like a regular pancake with a tad bit of butter and OMG.  Pancakes without the guilt.  So freaking good.  You're welcome.

Thank you! I just bought a bunch of apples yesterday. I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow...

  • Love 4

Every time I read that Brandi is claiming "the truth will come out this season," I reflexively turn into Whitney Houston and think, "show me the receipts!" Although I mean in this case the real receipts: Kim's rent or mortgage payments. The car insurance. Rehab stints. Any utilities. Hospital bills that she can't afford the copay (because I doubt she works enough to qualify for SAG benefits). Any and all expenses that Kim has incurred that her family has taken care of during her decades-old addiction. We've talked a lot about the psychological and mental toll of all this (and I don't at all discount their importance, believe me) but there is a financial cost as well. And this internal family culture of shielding Kim has also resulted in a longterm financial burden.


If Brandi really is Kim's champion, let her take on ALL the responsibilities that Kim's allegedly negligent family has been shouldering for 30-odd years.

  • Love 7

It is beginning to make sense why Brandi just had to do an oops (BTW nothing shows-she has shown far more on her fake wardrobe malfunctions on her  forced red carpet appearances) then I saw this where Mauricio and The Agency are hosting a top notch nightly cocktail party in conjunction with the LATimes and Victory Ranch at the Sundance Film Festival.  One of the hosts from The Agency is none other than Jonathan Ruiz-Brandi's boyfriend.  I guess even a childless for the weekend Brandi could wrangle an invitation. She claims to be having dinner tonight with Carlton Gebbia.   



So Jonathan was good enough to wrangle the NBC Golden Globes after party invitation and nothing for Brandi. 


Even these two could get in for a picture:  http://instagram.com/p/yP35xsrQPv/  Has Slade added highlights to his hair?

  • Love 1

Remember the "joke" she supposedly played on Andy on WWHL?  Apparently Andy didn't think it was amusing




"Although Andy Cohen chose to stay silent in the days that followed the episode, he has since spoken out, claiming he didn’t find Glanville and Lewis’ prank to be funny. It wasn’t a joke to me. It wasn’t funny,” he said, according to a January 20 report by AllAboutTRH."


Hmmm...He's not backing her story, which is interesting.   As lighthearted as WWHL is, I believe Andy takes that show very seriously. Will be interesting to see if he has her on again.  Her days really could be numbered.  

  • Love 3

Remember the "joke" she supposedly played on Andy on WWHL?  Apparently Andy didn't think it was amusing




"Although Andy Cohen chose to stay silent in the days that followed the episode, he has since spoken out, claiming he didn’t find Glanville and Lewis’ prank to be funny. It wasn’t a joke to me. It wasn’t funny,” he said, according to a January 20 report by AllAboutTRH."


Hmmm...He's not backing her story, which is interesting.   As lighthearted as WWHL is, I believe Andy takes that show very seriously. Will be interesting to see if he has her on again.  Her days really could be numbered.

Please let this be a sign of things to come.

  • Love 7

From Kyle's thread:

So Brandi had her Podcast and at about the 3:00 mark she starts going off on Kyle. It is worth to listen to the first 4:30 because brandi's first guest is her hairdresser that appears on the show with her. He is as foul mouthed as Brandi. So Brandi has some Kyle info and claimed she couldn't even watch her on WWHL, because she would go tweet crazy. Brandi is saying she does know the Hilton family because she went to their Christmas party and there was no Kyle. http://www.podcastone.com/pg/jsp/program/episode.jsp?programID=582&pid=480080

Next up she claims she didn't go to Utah with JR because she would have to stay under the same roof as Kyle and she would beat her up if she saw her. Does anybody think Brandi was offered an invitation to the event? I sure don't.

Lastly after announcing at the beginning of her Podcast that she was having the cast of "Little Women LA" on Brandi answers hairdresser question about what happened during the fight with Kyle in the driveway because Kyle had said on WWHL, the caller would have to watch it. Brandi's response is Ky;e did nothing as she is only 4'11. I hope the Little Women of LA beat her ass.

Ugh. She is so painful to listen too.

I agree that she probably wasn't invited to the Utah vacation. Why is she still with this guy anyway? Hasn't she bitched on camera about the fact that he cheats on her? Is this all she can get?

For Brandi, JR is a good get because he's a good looking Latino. The Brandi-JR relationship is a strange one: on his end, he went to a party at his boss' house, met some chick and then commandeered his boss' daughter's bathroom to "spend time" with his new acquaintance - that has nothing to do with the strangeness of the relationship with Brandi, but off the bat I thought there was something not right about this guy. He has gotten in swipes at Brandi like not including her in a couples' getaway with his friends, and according to Brandi (I know, needs to be taken with a boulder of salt), he told her he loved her and then proceeded to get in a relationship with another woman and re-locate her to LA.

On Brandi's end, she blasted him in interviews and Twitter, and since he is not on Twitter, she actually tagged Mauricio's company; from what I gather, she wrote about him in her book and made him look like a patsy; he was living with another woman but still hooking up with Brandi which is known because Brandi tweeted about it; and it's highly likely that he was the guy who she made public that he broke up with her via email and her version is that he did not like that she put her kids first. Brandi has done a lot of cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and downright disrespectful things towards this guy, has done it publicly and involved his job, and yet he can't seem to quit her.

I dunno, Brandi may have done something that I didn't think possible, and that is find a man that in her book is ideal - age appropriate, good-looking, Latino who will put up with her. But then again while Jonathan Ruiz is superficially attractive, underneath he is no prize at all. It looks like a clustercluck of a relationship, but apparently that's not a showstopper for either of them.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

I can't help but think that since Brandi has so alienated herself from Kyle that the next step will be that it is all Kyle/Mauricio's fault that this guy drops her.  Because poor single Brandi was allowed to fit in with the high-powered folks at The Agency.  I would suggest that Jonathan take his UK listing and his one rental listing and head over to Hilton & Hyland where the Hiltons are so warm and welcoming to Brandi.  This guy is a joke and isn't doing The Agency any favors. 

  • Love 5

From Kyle's thread:

For Brandi, JR is a good get because he's a good looking Latino. The Brandi-JR relationship is a strange one: on his end, he went to a party at his boss' house, met some chick and then commandeered his boss 'daughter's bathroom to "spend time" with his new acquaintance - that has nothing to do with the strangeness of the relationship with Brandi, but off the bat I thought there was something not right about this guy. He has gotten in swipes at Brandi like not including her in a couples' getaway with his friends. And according to Brandi (I know, needs to be taken with a boulder of salt), he told her he loved her and then proceeded to get in a relationship with another woman and re-locate her to LA.

On Brandi's end, she blasted him in interviews and Twitter, and since he is not on Twitter, she actually tagged Mauricio's company, from what I gather, she wrote about him in her book and made him look like a patsy, he was living with another woman but still hooking up with Brandi which is known because Brandi tweeted about it, its highly likely that he was the guy who she made public that he broke up with her via email and her version is that he did not like that she put her kids first. Brandi has done a lot of cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and downright disrespectful things towards this guy, has done it publicly and involved his job, and yet he can't seem to quit her.

I dunno, Brandi may have done something that I did not think was possible, and that is find a man that in her book is ideal - age appropriate, good-looking, Latino who will put up with her. But then again, Jonathan Ruiz is superficially attractive, but underneath he is no prize at all. It seems like a clustercluck of a relationship, but that may not be a showstopper for either one of them.

Sounds like they are perfect for each other.

Couple of superficial jerks who thrive on drama real or imagined.

I tried to listen to her podcast her voice horrible! I had to stop after the beat Kyle's ass part.

I love that Brandi thinks going to a party at Kathy's means she knows anything about the family.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4

Blog about Brandi's podcast with Carlton




Brandi talks about Carlton coming back on the show because she needs somebody on her side. She tells Carlton that some crazy shit happens on the show this season and whines about it being “really tough”. Carlton thinks being in that arena without any allies is difficult. Brandi says she has Yolanda and Kim but that it’s hard because Kim is the “other scapegoat” (and by scapegoat, she means drunk) and that “if they don’t take it out on me, they take it out on Kim” (all aboard the delusional victim express!!).

She mentions that she and Kim don’t have husbands and thinks that something to do with it. Brandi then claims that when she shows up with a date, the women show her more respect and are so much kinder to her. “Is that bizarre?”, she asks. She says maybe they feel they “CAN’T ABUSE HER ANYMORE” when she’s with a man. “It’s sexist to say that, but I’ve noticed when I have a date, people are more respectful. It’s so sad” (um, gee, maybe because when you have a date, you actually try not to get fall down sloppy drunk).





OMG, this chick is truly delusional . She actually thinks that when she shows up with a date the other women show her more respect?


She probably doesn't get sloppy drunk when she is with a date, maybe the date kindly removes her before she makes an ass of herself, it has nothing to do with the guy, it has to do with Brandi being a vicious drunk, this simple fact has obviously eluded her.


Brandi is it not THEM, it is YOU, you are the problem.


Holy Mother of all Delusions

  • Love 10

Blog about Brandi's podcast with Carlton







OMG, this chick is truly delusional . She actually thinks that when she shows up with a date the other women show her more respect?


She probably doesn't get sloppy drunk when she is with a date, maybe the date kindly removes her before she makes an ass of herself, it has nothing to do with the guy, it has to do with Brandi being a vicious drunk, this simple fact has obviously eluded her.


Brandi is it not THEM, it is YOU, you are the problem.


Holy Mother of all Delusions

Yep. To all of this. 

  • Love 3

I love how they called her out on another lie. Brandi claimed that the crew of CA replayed the Porsha/Kenya fight over and over again because they all hated Kenya, the hate part I might believe, but that the reunion was not shown until after the final CA challenge was filmed! LOL

  • Love 1

I wonder if Jonathan is popping pills and drowning in booze too?


I'm patiently waiting for Brandi to "spill" what she knows about Kyle. It will probably be the final nail in her coffin as a castmember.

I did not hear it directly but I read that Brandi said in one of her recent podcasts that they were thrown out of a concert or a party because he was drunk.

The other attraction could be sex, Brandi is as horrible as they come, but the sex part of the relationship is probably stupendous, although not for the faint of heart.

I love how they called her out on another lie. Brandi claimed that the crew of CA replayed the Porsha/Kenya fight over and over again because they all hated Kenya, the hate part I might believe, but that the reunion was not shown until after the final CA challenge was filmed! LOL

I thought the same thing. 

Just as an FYI for anyone that is not watching......Brandi is kicking some serious ass on Celebrity Apprentice. She is the gal we all remember from S2. Go figure.

I didn't like her Season 2.  But I do believe she is in a position to do well on CA primarily because Kenya puts herself front and center in every single challenge.

  • Love 2

I did not hear it directly but I read that Brandi said in one of her recent podcasts that they were thrown out of a concert or a party because he was drunk.

The other attraction could be sex, Brandi is as horrible as they come, but the sex part of the relationship is probably stupendous, although not for the faint of heart.


Oh no doubt there's lots of anal, choking and threesomes.


I just don't know how JR can keep working with Mauricio when he associates with someone who's actively trying to destroy Kyle.

  • Love 4

Just as an FYI for anyone that is not watching......Brandi is kicking some serious ass on Celebrity Apprentice. She is the gal we all remember from S2. Go figure.


Yes she did.  Trump appears to love her. Everybody appears to love her except Kenya. She's either got a dual personality:  1.) the drunk, tampon-dangling, instigator and 2.) the clear headed, take charge, take-no-bullshit businessperson OR....we've been punked and the vast majority of what we see on RHOBH is scripted. 


Dual personality seems to be the likely answer.  But if it's not, then we have to assume that all the other Hos are in on the act. 


What would be brilliant:  If Bravo ever decides to quit these franchises, the last reunions should be clips of hot topic scenes. For instance the wine toss.  Then after replaying that, they'd show behind the scenes footage of Eileen wiping the wine off her face while simultaneously high fiving Brandi and saying, "That was GREAT!  You have a future in soaps! I'll hook you up with my agent, girlfriend."  LOL  Another...Right after Brandi pushes Kyle on the steps, we see the behind the scenes footage. "Dang, Brandi, did you have to shove me so hard?  I owe you one next episode, sweetie."  Laughter and big hugs all around.


I'd kinda love that.

  • Love 2

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