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Love & Hip Hop: New York - General Discussion

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Fairlily, I'm so pissed at you!  I can't unhear  "ARR-ICK-UHH" now when that girl is on screen all I can do is watch her mouth, I don't even know what she's saying lol.


I can't help it, Amina found a warm place in my cold black heart.  That girl has the sensibilities of a child and it makes me want to protect her.  and call the locksmith and Jacoby & Meyers.


I don't know if Rich Dollaz is the person I would go to to vouch for my man's, hell any man's, fidelity.   I would like Chrissy to stop dressing like she's 24 or even 34.  When H&M has full coverage halter top jumpsuits up to and through size 18 there really is no excuse for what we're being exposed to.   Old habits, I spose.


Tallula, personally, I'm not quite avant garde enough to know what sort of weather and occasion dictates a full length peep toe suede boot, with cowboy fringe yet, but let us now be on notice, mkay?  It's appropriate courtside visit garb.


Peter's problem is women?  sigh.   Peter's problem is being a lying ass liar who lies.  The women's problem is knowing that and dealing with him anyway.  This shit right here is exactly what makes dating ridamndiculous.   The mind boggling part isn't that dudes believe this nonsense about themselves it's that they have our permission.  WHAT??  Who are these chickens walking around nyc thinking that the D is really this rare?  This takes, as my 7 year old niece would say, building a shelf of steam (self esteem).  


Tara, while I feel your pain, I simply do not and never have understood your expectations.  This guy was either married or someone else's man and already the father of count em, SIX other children, when you met.   All being married would've done was make him your legal headache.  I really don't get what she's beat about.  That man said he was in love with two women?   Huh?  Can't that only happen if you're cheating on both of em?   {{picks up tambourine}}  Girl get your liiiiiiiiiiiiife!


Um, before I forget what is "jeoparding"?


Say what you will about mama dee nem, it's still customary to wear pants when receiving guests, no?


Take a drink whenever anyone says: let's be clear


Now that all their *secrets* are out in the open, Diamond is going to find herself moving forward (oooh, drink whenever somebody says moving forward) with Cisco and we will soon see a battle of the brazilian yaki between her and his baby's mother.   And she STILL won't leave him.     Father, I stretch my hand to thee.

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Somebody school me on the logistics of this: you wanna go out of town with your baby's mom and the kids....your wife doesn't want you to go because she's pregnant....you tell one of the worst lies I ever heard ON FUCKIN' CAMERA to your wife so you can go....and then you proceed to go on said out of town trip with baby momma and the kids and that's all ON FUCKIN' CAMERA too....you even asked baby momma to get back together ON FUCKIN' CAMERA.....get turned down and then show back up and tell your wife "I choose you".....where they do that at??.....I don't advocate cheating on your spouse one way or the other, but there HAS to be a way he can do it without stomping on his poor wife's feelings the way he is.  I hope Amina watched that last night and booked a one-way flight for her and her baby to Germany.  


SN:  I try my best not to curse either online or in general conversation (i normally reserve it for when I'm watching sports) but the audacity of that shit (ooops....there I go again) had me heated last night.

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Wow - where to start. Amina - sometimes I feel like you made your bed & now you must lay in it but with that being said, even you don't deserve this kind of treatment. It's actually crazy because she started out as a side chick, was the first side chick ever married & now the rolls are reversed as she is now a wife. It's truly a disappointment to see that the only time Peter actually shows up to plans with his wife is when he's telling her lies to be domesticated with his "other" family. SMH.

I don't know if Peter is dumb or just doesn't give a fuck because he doesn't seem to filter anything he says on camera. I'm actually curious to know what happened in their household when this episode aired :-/


I love how their "family" vacation is in Barbados lol. When i think of a family vacation I think of Disney World. 


There's no better excitement than the news of pregnancy - I just got that news a few months ago - love it. Yandy seems like a very smart woman but this is pretty confusing to me. Do you think the perfect time to have a baby is while your mans out on bail (which took a year to get on top of that)!? I don't get it.


Diamond is pathetic. Telling her mom she's gonna stay in NY even though she's done with Cisco. Umm... why? Go get your kid!!! Get a life!!!

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Cubic Zirconium says she's gonna stay in NYC when she could be with her daughter? Ugh.

And blonde chick just went off birth control? Stop lying, girl, you know you just misplaced your Metamucil and Ensure.

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All of them except Erica Cyn and Diamond are entirely too old for their level of fuckery.


Amina Tara and Peter all need psychological help, most especially Amina for knowing he'd been with a woman 10+ years and never committed. How does that not ring the alarm bells of trash?

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Omg I just literally created an account just to say OMFG! You all are so on point!!! I am enjoying reading all this!!! after this last episode I had to take to the web and social media in hopes that I would see others who felt the same as me! This show is so ridiculous!! So glad I found this forum!!!

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AND lied about how he chose her over Tara. Like someone else said, I would have loved to have been a fly on their wall the night this aired. I know she's having the 8th child, but how many baby mamas does Peter have? Why do these women think he's so hot?


Chrissy looks more 53 to me. And it seems like Chink is just using her house and her vagina to Do Drop Inn whenever he's in the city.


Diamond. What a silly little cow. That situation seems totally fake to me. And where is the baby daddy?


Yandy. I kind of like her but why is she having another baby with a man potentially facing 20 years in prison? Is she crazy? And I nearly plotted when i saw her at the Black Enterprise office because I used to cover politics for that publication and could not believe the editors or whoever are associated with her and would allow their office to appear on that silly show. I'm too ashamed to even tweet about the show!


I'm glad Tara decided to do a Kelly Taylor and it would be nice if she found some wonderful, non-hip-hop guy and took that stupid weave out of her head and went back to that chic pixie she totally fucking rocked at the reunion.

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I need some background on these people: Was Amina knowingly Peter’s side chick?  Where do Tara’s kids fall in the lineup of Peter’s kids?  Are the youngest out of 8 besides Amina’s baby?  Or was it 9?  Am I confusing him with Tony from ATL?  Was Tara the only one that was a wife?


I damn near choked listening to Peter talking about how women are his Achilles heel.  The man is saying this on vacation while asking his ex-wife who he’s trying to woo while his baby mama is at home just about to give birth.  I don’t think you have an addiction, Peter.  I’m pretty sure you’re just a ho.


Chrissy in that jumpsuit? Why hello there, backfat and saggy titties.


Ha!  I yelled at the TV that she had back titties!

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I need some background on these people: Was Amina knowingly Peter’s side chick?  Where do Tara’s kids fall in the lineup of Peter’s kids?  Are the youngest out of 8 besides Amina’s baby?  Or was it 9?  Am I confusing him with Tony from ATL?  Was Tara the only one that was a wife?


I damn near choked listening to Peter talking about how women are his Achilles heel.  The man is saying this on vacation while asking his ex-wife who he’s trying to woo while his baby mama is at home just about to give birth.  I don’t think you have an addiction, Peter.  I’m pretty sure you’re just a ho.





Ha!  I yelled at the TV that she had back titties!

If I remember how this foolishness started.  Amina was Peter's artist, Peter was with Tara, but cheating on her with Amina.  I believe that he was telling Amina that he and Tara weren't together and that he was just around her for the kids, or his usual nonsense.  Amina either believed it or was ok with being the side chick.  Peter and Tara were never married.  Peter then marries Amina out of nowhere and he and Tara officially break up.  Tara's children with Peter are his youngest, outside of the baby with Amina.  Also Tara herself was the side chick to a woman Peter was with and has kids with, I believe that baby mama now lives in New Orleans.  Peter's oldest son is rapper Corey Gunz.  I have no idea who or where the other 4 children are.

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How does this dumb Tara bitch sit here on tv claiming to be doing all this with this scumbag "for her sons"? How fucking confused are her sons when one day dad is gone and the next day dad's taking us on vacation with mom. How does she think her sons feel when one morning dad is there and the next day he's not. She's the one who keeps bringing him back around. He's a piece of shit. If he wants to be gone let him be gone. This back and forth only fucks up the kids. And she's only doing it because of some infatuation she still has for him. God, women like her piss me off. Selfish actions all under the guise of "for the kids". Tara is obviously as mentally challenged as that other idiot pregnant by him.

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Episode 5:

"Oh Baby!"

Erica and Rich reconnect, but she doesn't approve of his new client. Meanwhile, Cisco tries to overcome past issues with his baby mama, Chrissy wants to have a baby, and Amina goes into labor.

Airs January 19, 2015.

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Is there a new Chrissy on the show? Chrissy WHO wants to have a baby? There's no way they're talking about 54yr old Missy TittyBack. No way.

Unless she thinks she can breastfeed from behind.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I really hope this is scripted because the kinda pain Peter handed out to Amina while she was in labor was unreal. I am not even laughing or being snarky anymore. No one deserves that. I ...just incredibly insensitive. No clinical- narcissistic. Mona Scott needs her ass kicked for this one.

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If I remember how this foolishness started.  Amina was Peter's artist, Peter was with Tara, but cheating on her with Amina.  I believe that he was telling Amina that he and Tara weren't together and that he was just around her for the kids, or his usual nonsense.  Amina either believed it or was ok with being the side chick.  Peter and Tara were never married.  Peter then marries Amina out of nowhere and he and Tara officially break up.  Tara's children with Peter are his youngest, outside of the baby with Amina.  Also Tara herself was the side chick to a woman Peter was with and has kids with, I believe that baby mama now lives in New Orleans.  Peter's oldest son is rapper Corey Gunz.  I have no idea who or where the other 4 children are.


I just had to remphasize the sheer nutfuckery of this sentence here.    Peter marries Amina.....THEN he and Tara break up.   ::unfurls scroll:: now hear this, now hear this, by proclamation of the Bachelorettes Society of the City of New York, now therefore, be so advised that we are not running out of penises.   I repeat, there is no moratorium on dick in New York City.  Please behave accordingly.   So sayeth this twentieth day of January, 2015 in the year of our Lord  ::refurls scroll::


Is there a new Chrissy on the show? Chrissy WHO wants to have a baby? There's no way they're talking about 54yr old Missy TittyBack. No way.

Unless she thinks she can breastfeed from behind.


Please report to personnel for your last paycheck.   ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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I just had to remphasize the sheer nutfuckery of this sentence here.    Peter marries Amina.....THEN he and Tara break up.   ::unfurls scroll:: now hear this, now hear this, by proclamation of the Bachelorettes Society of the City of New York, now therefore, be so advised that we are not running out of penises.   I repeat, there is no moratorium on dick in New York City.  Please behave accordingly.   So sayeth this twentieth day of January, 2015 in the year of our Lord  ::refurls scroll:

MA'AM!  You cut this right out!  I near 'bout choked on my coffee!  *HOWL*


I swear ... chicks seriously act like it's a dick shortage in the streets.  I'm single and let me tell you ... finding a dick ain't difficult.  You gotta swat them things away with a stick.

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How does this dumb Tara bitch sit here on tv claiming to be doing all this with this scumbag "for her sons"? How fucking confused are her sons when one day dad is gone and the next day dad's taking us on vacation with mom. How does she think her sons feel when one morning dad is there and the next day he's not. She's the one who keeps bringing him back around. He's a piece of shit. If he wants to be gone let him be gone. This back and forth only fucks up the kids. And she's only doing it because of some infatuation she still has for him. God, women like her piss me off. Selfish actions all under the guise of "for the kids". Tara is obviously as mentally challenged as that other idiot pregnant by him.

Even if Tara and Peter are not together, and whether or not they should be going on "family vacations," he still needs to spend time with his children. Surely you aren't suggesting he abandon them because he has a new wife and baby or because he and their mum have broken up!


Second that to the poster who noted that the condition that could prevent Chrissy from conceiving is old age. And why does she insist on putting all those ratty wigs on her head? The one that's a short bob looks a trillion times better than that other crap. And does she look in the mirror at what she's wearing before she leaves the house?

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Despite the hotmessedness that is Chrissy, I enjoy her, her wigs, and her old lady voice. I find her situation with Chink to be pretty realistic.  I mean, who hasn't been in a situation where they stop birth control pills without notifying the person that they're sleeping with who a few days ago couldn't even bother to tell you when he came into town?  But for real, I find the whole "not divorced from his wife but still moving on" to be interesting and true to real life (who knows how much of the actual storyline is true though).  I'd love to find out more on her pimp/madam backstory.  Someone out there HAS to know how old this chick is!  I know she didn't exist in a vacuum before this show!  Why haven't we seen an old yearbook picture of her or something?


Even with the Peter/Amina/Tara storyline, this season is not ratchet enough for me. I need some Hazel E and Mimi in my life.

Edited by vavavoom
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Someone out there HAS to know how old this chick is!  I know she didn't exist in a vacuum before this show!  Why haven't we seen an old yearbook picture of her or something?


::crooks finger:: girl c'mere.   It ain't a picture, a postcard, a public certified document from the health department, na'an. one. piece of paper available to be seen.  She is GOOD guut friends with the search engine gods, hear? I was on page 13 of Google, girl 13 and she did not exist before this.  One of those pages returned a link to a site which lists the cast and their ages and her name and blurb was in the bio, d.o.b.? not so much.  {{neicey nash voice}} Hah?

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Chrissy has a "condition" that could keep her from being pregnant. That condition is being old.


That condition is called MENOPAUSE. (fibroids my ass)


Panky is a sadist.


This episode needed more ratchet...not these scripted story lines they're trying to push on us!

Edited by Jade Foxx
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I'm still trying to get over, "I chose you.  You know, after I asked my ex-girlfriend if she wanted to get back with me and she told me to shove it.  But, I chose you.....and the baby you're about to pop out."   Lot's of weapons were available in that hospital room, girl.  I just don't get.  He's not even that good looking.  And he has EIGHT other kids.  The dick can't be that good.

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I'm still trying to get over, "I chose you.  You know, after I asked my ex-girlfriend if she wanted to get back with me and she told me to shove it.  But, I chose you.....and the baby you're about to pop out."   Lot's of weapons were available in that hospital room, girl.  I just don't get.  He's not even that good looking.  And he has EIGHT other kids.  The dick can't be that good.


and....AND, she was in full on late stage labor.  If ever there was a circumstance ripe for justifiable homicide....


{{rings bell}} hear ye, hear ye...lol.   I mean it can be, but damn, standards.  How many kids do you and your husband have?  one together but he has 8.  they're all 7 years old.  the hell you sound?

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and why, Why, WHY do these women all want to be pregnant by this group of "men" . There is not a redeeming quality in any of them. Just a bunch of lies, fronts and empty promises. SMDH

ALL of this right here. A dude who's still married, one that's out on bail and Panky Duggar with FiftyLeven kids? WHY?? Why would you get knocked up by any one of these trolls? It defies all logic.

I struggle with who the worst offender is. College educated, bout her business Yandy or simple ass Amina who is in the deepest throws of love I have ever seen.

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I am thoroughly fascinated with Chrissy. Especially with that Donna Summer wig. I have a feeling ole girl would be kinda fun to hang with for a drink or two.. You know, that one ratchet person you know and can't help but like. Her blaccent cracks me up.

Oooh now Crisco's baby mama got some big ole titties. That's all I got to say about that.

Did I see Yandy's friend blatant reach under her ratty wig and give herself a hefty,hearty scalp scratch?

Aminas little one was darling. As a nurse though,I saw that little iv on her hand. I wonder why.

Peter is an awful piece of shit.

Totally off the subject , I never saw a thread on here for Sorority Sisters. Was I the only one watching it?

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I am thoroughly fascinated with Chrissy. Especially with that Donna Summer wig. I have a feeling ole girl would be kinda fun to hang with for a drink or two.. You know, that one ratchet person you know and can't help but like. Her blaccent cracks me up.


BWAHAHAHAHA!!!  She committed though ain't she? 


Oooh now Crisco's baby mama got some big ole titties. That's all I got to say about that.


Abundance notwithstanding, the guy has a type.  How did we like that bit about wishing she would "move forward" (now take a drink) and bring another dude around his kids?  Wait so you're a whore and lie and the truth ain't in ya, but I can't have a boyfriend?  Hood rules make no sense at all.


Did I see Yandy's friend blatant reach under her ratty wig and give herself a hefty,hearty scalp scratch?


C'mon girl what is she supposed to do with no rat's tail and a full set of acrylics?


Aminas little one was darling. As a nurse though,I saw that little iv on her hand. I wonder why.


She was early right?  Is that not normal for preemies?  Fluids and stuff?


Totally off the subject , I never saw a thread on here for Sorority Sisters. Was I the only one watching it?


Guh? Let's hope we got our fill, because Nationals smooth ran them off for life!  LOL!! Snatching letters and all that.   I did love that one girl who had a couture boutique but said the word couture means whatever she feels like it means.   Don't tell nobody else you went to college, hear?

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BWAHAHAHAHA!!! She committed though ain't she?

Abundance notwithstanding, the guy has a type. How did we like that bit about wishing she would "move forward" (now take a drink) and bring another dude around his kids? Wait so you're a whore and lie and the truth ain't in ya, but I can't have a boyfriend? Hood rules make no sense at all.

C'mon girl what is she supposed to do with no rat's tail and a full set of acrylics?

She was early right? Is that not normal for preemies? Fluids and stuff?

Guh? Let's hope we got our fill, because Nationals smooth ran them off for life! LOL!! Snatching letters and all that. I did love that one girl who had a couture boutique but said the word couture means whatever she feels like it means. Don't tell nobody else you went to college, hear?

I thought the baby was only a week early. 39 weeks is full term. She was probably small for gestational age.

What career is Erica talking about? I'm serious. Has she put any music out? I'm lost on how she makes a living.

So Chipotle is now gonna try singing? Ay Dios Mio.

Chrissy loves her some back fat- showing jumpsuits. I love how Chink (I can't with that name) was not about the baby life. And his ass ain't getting a divorce anytime soon.

Oooh that Adrene (on SS) was something else. But April? I loved her crooked China bangs in her THs. Lol

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I was here for Crisco's baby momma. She wasn't filming no scene for Mona. That shit was real for her. She ain't have no extra tracks put in, she ain't put on no spandex Klass6 dress, she ain't rock no 5 inch heels. She was there to tell that sucka to F all the way off.

She's like the Anti-Amina. Wanna cheat? Wanna keep disappointing? Cool. I'm just gonna pack up this here house, and this here kid and get scarce. School em girl!

Now if she come back next week and there's a make up scene I must take her cape away.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Chink is such a lie - I can see someone remaining married but separated due to laziness & not caring about filing for divoroce (happened to me) but if you actually have someone in your life who you're basically building a future with, you would handle that guaranteed. He's not divorcing because he's STILL MARRIED & still involved with his WIFE to some extent. He doesn't come home & holler at his girlfriend because he clearly has zero loyalty to her - you're in town and don't even call at all!? Where they do that at?? & he's tripping about her getting off the pills & not ready to have a baby because again HE'S MARRIED. Wow - this is not a real relationship. Bitches need to start opening their eyes or stop lying on tv

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Chink is such a lie - I can see someone remaining married but separated due to laziness & not caring about filing for divoroce (happened to me) but if you actually have someone in your life who you're basically building a future with, you would handle that guaranteed. He's not divorcing because he's STILL MARRIED & still involved with his WIFE to some extent. He doesn't come home & holler at his girlfriend because he clearly has zero loyalty to her - you're in town and don't even call at all!? Where they do that at?? & he's tripping about her getting off the pills & not ready to have a baby because again HE'S MARRIED. Wow - this is not a real relationship. Bitches need to start opening their eyes or stop lying on tv

Ooooh, you ain't never lied. And I wanna know what Mrs. Chink thinks of all this fuckery.

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I thought the baby was only a week early. 39 weeks is full term. She was probably small for gestational age.


What career is Erica talking about? I'm serious. Has she put any music out? I'm lost on how she makes a living.

The stress of Stanky Panky basically stopped the baby from growing, thus her small size.


Erica makes most of her money hosting at clubs across America.   And her fans buy the "Her" clothes and assorted Erica merchandise. She's not a millionaire, but I think she's doing pretty good.


I'm so confused at to what Erica took from Cyn?  If she cheated, so did Cyn.  You got an opening montage picture and a regular paycheck.  Be happy with the come up.

Edited by mjt626
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I'm still trying to get over, "I chose you.  You know, after I asked my ex-girlfriend if she wanted to get back with me and she told me to shove it.  But, I chose you.....and the baby you're about to pop out."   Lot's of weapons were available in that hospital room, girl.  I just don't get.  He's not even that good looking.  And he has EIGHT other kids.  The dick can't be that good.

LOL yep the dick can be that good. What is that we call it? Ahh, dickmatized. I remember many moons ago, my late teens, early 20's, rational thought goes out the window when you think you are in love and nobody gets you like he does. Loved me a "bad boy". But he is not even a "bad boy", not to me anyway. Maybe because I am looking at him through these senior citizen eyes, and I see a smooth talking, selfish, delusional prick who thinks of himself first.

Poor, poor Amina. He cannot even let her be happy on their daughter's birthday. It looked like he rushed in there to give her the news she had been waiting for, "honey I am home and all yours now". I get he is on a reality show and his wife will see he lied to her, big time, but did Mona and company and Peter really feel telling her at this moment, the birth of her first child, is the right thing to do? She is so right, Tara made that choice, not Peter. Which stings all the more.

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I was here for Crisco's baby momma. She wasn't filming no scene for Mona. That shit was real for her. She ain't have no extra tracks put in, she ain't put on no spandex Klass6 dress, she ain't rock no 5 inch heels. She was there to tell that sucka to F all the way off.

She's like the Anti-Amina. Wanna cheat? Wanna keep disappointing? Cool. I'm just gonna pack up this here house, and this here kid and get scarce. School em girl!

Now if she come back next week and there's a make up scene I must take her cape away.

Girlllllllll, preach! All of that!

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Episode 6:

"Exes and Ohs"

Peter comes clean to Amina. Meanwhile, Cyn and Rich attempt to join forces in work, only to have Erica sabotage their event; relationship problems plague Chrissy; and Yandy plunges into a sticky situation.

Airs January 26, 2015.

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Excuse me, Cyn, imma let you finish your TH about your brother's suicide…just as soon as you get those breastesses under control. Could. Not. Concentrate. with those tatas pushed up so far you be carrying your own head rest e'erywhere.

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I have a confession to make…the only reason I watch this show at this point is because I think both Amina and Aaa-Rick-Kuh (Erica) are so damn pretty. Batshit crazy and dumb as a box of rocks, respectively, but still pretty. Yes, I'm shallow. With that said…


Amina/Tara/Stanky Pankey (God I love that name): I really have tried to see what these women see in this loser, to continue to put up with his lying and nonsense. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities, he's not attractive, and there is not a pipe game good enough in the world to keep turning the other cheek. And yet, here they both are. The sad thing is that this dude is 50 years old, so if Amina thinks he's going to change, she's sadly mistaken. I hope now that she's had her baby girl, she's taking the steps to move on with her life, and leave this asshole behind, especially after that shit he pulled in the delivery room. Even move back to Germany to her family. I really doubt he would fight her on it. Once the enamor of a new baby wears off, he'll be back to the same nonsense. I have mixed feelings about Tara…I want to be on her side, but considering she started out as the side chick with Peter, it's hard to buy her holier than thou act. I did love the way Amina pulled her card at the table, saying "Didn't you stay with him when you found out he was in a relationship/had a family too?" and she quickly changed the subject, ha!


Yandy/Mandecees: I like these two, but I CANNOT get behind a man who says it's his wife/fiances/girlfriend's responsibility to fix the drama between himself and his baby's mama. Nuh uh, YOU laid down with her, YOU produced a child with her, and YOU have had damn near a decade to work out some sort of communication between the two of you in order to raise your son. I'm sure there are people that can never get it together, but if that's the case, get the courts involved. Enough with these hood rules. And Yandy, Imma need you to NEVER where that messy excuse of a permed mop on your head again. Stick with the bob, it looks cute on you.


Erica/Rich/Cyn: As ridiculous as Erica acted at that party, I kind of agree with her. Cyn didn't have to go to Rich for this project. Not with all the industry people she seemingly knows (from what I gather from her Instagram). She shouldn't avoid common people between her and Erica because they broke up. But damn, you just gonna go straight to one of the main reasons why you and old girl had issues? Stupid, IMO. I'm glad the two of them officially ended this so-called relationship. I'm almost looking forward to her finally getting with Bow-Wow and calming the hell down, the drunken Puta bitch shit is tired, especially knowing (and finally confirming on camera) that she's a mother. As far as I know they are still going strong and are getting married in April, it will be a nice change for her to calm the hell down.


Sidebar: Why does Rashidah keep popping up on this show? Is she gunning for her own now? And how exactly does one become a "Stiletto Expert?" I know a couple of undergrads still trying to decide on a major. Just saying.


Chink/Chrissy: Over them both, because they are both too damn old for these shenanigans. If she wants a baby that bad, then she needs to just go ahead and adopt, and forget about this Chink dude. Especially since he may NOT get a divorce. That's one thing I've never understood. Why be legally tied to someone you don't have any contact with? I get it can be expensive, and stressful when kids are involved, but it doesn't seem like kids are in his situation. But from my own experience, there is nothing more satisfying than getting that letter saying your matrimonial ties are severed. There's something more to that story than what he's telling.


Glad Cisco and Diamond "Crazy Eyes" Strawberry weren't on this episode, they can disappear all together. Aside from all their other crap, I HATE the stunted way Cisco talks, putting random pauses throughout his sentences. He sounds like a hood booger William Shatner.

Edited by Angelsmom1009
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Sadly what worked my nerves is Amina naming the baby Cori Pankey. Peter already has 1 son named (Peter)COREY Pankey Jr. There's millions of other names besides Cori. However I could hear Peter say some dumb shit to her like "I want my first& my last child to be named Corey/Cori " and Amina dumb ass would believe him& think it's so sweet.

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 I did love the way Amina pulled her card at the table, saying "Didn't you stay with him when you found out he was in a relationship/had a family too?" and she quickly changed the subject, ha!


And Yandy, Imma need you to NEVER where that messy excuse of a permed mop on your head again. Stick with the bob, it looks cute on you.


Sidebar: Why does Rashidah keep popping up on this show? Is she gunning for her own now? And how exactly does one become a "Stiletto Expert?" I know a couple of undergrads still trying to decide on a major. Just saying.


Glad Cisco and Diamond "Crazy Eyes" Strawberry weren't on this episode, they can disappear all together. Aside from all their other crap, I HATE the stunted way Cisco talks, putting random pauses throughout his sentences. He sounds like a hood booger William Shatner.


Amina doesn't seem too bright, but she was smart enough to point out Tara's ridiculous hypocrisy.  Tara was all "how dare you point out that I was once a side chick just like you and didn't leave the guy just like you!"


Yandy's hair was a mess!  It looked like something one of the Mary Jane Girls would wear.


Ha!  Cisco does sound like a hood William Shatner!  He's working so hard to sell you his story!  He's conflicted!

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