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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I doubt Kim made Kingsley dangerous. I think it was more a case of Kim adopting a dog who had been abused thinking saving Kingsley would give her something to do and being completely unable to deal with the responsibility. Both Kim and Kyle kind of like to be the maternal savior, they're just really bad at it.

I thought 1 of Kim's daughters got Kingsley as a very young pup, 3-4 months old. Does anyone know how old he was when the daughter got him?

  • Love 3

I thought 1 of Kim's daughters got Kingsley as a very young pup, 3-4 months old. Does anyone know how old he was when the daughter got him?

I don't know how old Kingsley is but it sounded to me as if Conrad (the worst airline passenger ever) got Kingsley from Craig's list, gave it to Whitney and then Whitney gave it to Kim.  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2014/12/26/kingsley-tried-to-kill-latest-trainer-trainer-suing-rhobh-kimrichards11-for-non-payment-6000-dog-cage-in-kims-backyard-paid-by-bravo-kim-got-kingsley-from-kathy-hilton-son/


I do read the word puppy in there.  Maybe there is a more informative story?


ETA Who knew the mighty Conrad Hilton would use something so peasant like as Craig's List to procure a pet. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

I don't know how old Kingsley is but it sounded to me as if Conrad (the worst airline passenger ever) got Kingsley from Craig's list, gave it to Whitney and then Whitney gave it to Kim.  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2014/12/26/kingsley-tried-to-kill-latest-trainer-trainer-suing-rhobh-kimrichards11-for-non-payment-6000-dog-cage-in-kims-backyard-paid-by-bravo-kim-got-kingsley-from-kathy-hilton-son/


I do read the word puppy in there.  Maybe there is a more informative story?


ETA Who knew the mighty Conrad Hilton would use something so peasant like as Craig's List to procure a pet. 

Kingsley was/is about 3 years old now, I believe so that would mean they got him as a young pup, maybe 6 months old. We have to factor in when he was first filmed, not when we first saw him. When Kim got Kingsley in her home her other dog was still alive, she got him either right before or right after she moved into her current home.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1

Too fuckin' funny that you have the one Newfie averse to swimming the riptides, WireWrap!  I have a huuuuge aversion to saliva of any kind, yet doggie drool doesn't faze me a whit - especially when it is splattering the 12' walls.  Go figure.  :-)


I totally agree with your assessment of the howives' animals - that is how I judge everyone!  Because if you have great critters and treat them well ... I may just have to like you. 


If Kim's kids are a reflection of any good parenting, love and stability (which animals & children need & crave), I highly doubt the praise lands solely on her doorstep.  Because she's a hot mess, and they've risen above it, somehow.


Found A Peanut - I've recently seen my 4 eldest cats to their graves, so this resonates with me like nothing else.  The best, yet worst, times of my life, in a nutshell (so to speak).

My sincerest condolences for your loss, walnutqueen. I was there some years back with a small posse that I'd raised together from kittenhood. I wouldn't trade a moment I had with them, but it's so very hard when the story comes to a close.

Kim let her young teenager move in with her dad rather than give up moving in with her new party buddy a few years ago, so, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at all that she couldn't put her dog's needs before her own. But it's still galling to think that the poor beastie might have had a chance with someone else.

  • Love 2

Did she Rye?  That's awful.  Kim's ruined that dog, and made it dangerous.  It either needs a strong rescue owner, or to be put down.  Kim should never be allowed to own a dog again, unless it's some tiny calm breed, without teeth and muscles enough to kill someone.

This is the one area I am somewhat sympathetic to Kim because I love my dogs like they were my children. When they develop behavorial problems it is devastating. All of mine adore people and would never hurt anyone, but my neutered male reacts very badly to unneutered males (dogs only, not human). He has never actually bitten another dog but if the dog is unneutered he will chase it intimidate it and I am pretty sure would actually fight it. I have never allowed it to go that far and it certainly helps that Mr. Macho is a 13 pound poodle mix that I can easily pick up and take out of the line of fire. He gets along great with other dogs, but this is the only time I have had to deal with behavioral issues. I spoke to a trainer but he said this type of reaction is  very difficult to control because it is an actual chemical reaciton in some dogs. 


I know the situation with Kingsley is far more serious, but it makes me really sad. First she brings in an abusive trainer, which cannot help and then she is such a hot mess, I can't imagine that the poor dog would look at her as the leader. Sadly the dog has to suffer the consequences.

  • Love 4

Every Newf I have ever met has been a total love bug. They are awesome dogs. You have the oddest of odd couples at home, WireWrap. Your Newf could probably wear your Maltese for a hat.

It's always a pleasure to hear of elder animals being doted on. I hate when people don't appreciate how loving they are or seem to understand that their responsibilities to their companion animals are total, from cradle to grave.

Amen. I adoped a little shih tzu on 11/1/2013. She had been used for breeding, developed mammary cancer and their vet told them he would report them if they bred her again, so they were taking her to the shelter to be put down. I got all this from the neighbor who rescued her from them but wasn't allowed to have pets in his Apartment. I took her knowing our time would be short. We tried surgery which did slow it down enough to give her several wonderful months where she felt good. She adored my other two dogs, and I spoiled her rotten for 11 months. Broke my heart that we had so little time, but I am so thankful to have given her the best 11 months of her life. 


When I first brought her home I had to coax her into the house with treats or pick her up and carry her. She was never allowed inside in her whole 8 years of life prior to coming to me. Sweet little Lily.

  • Love 8

This is the one area I am somewhat sympathetic to Kim because I love my dogs like they were my children. When they develop behavorial problems it is devastating. All of mine adore people and would never hurt anyone, but my neutered male reacts very badly to unneutered males (dogs only, not human). He has never actually bitten another dog but if the dog is unneutered he will chase it intimidate it and I am pretty sure would actually fight it. I have never allowed it to go that far and it certainly helps that Mr. Macho is a 13 pound poodle mix that I can easily pick up and take out of the line of fire. He gets along great with other dogs, but this is the only time I have had to deal with behavioral issues. I spoke to a trainer but he said this type of reaction is  very difficult to control because it is an actual chemical reaciton in some dogs. 


I know the situation with Kingsley is far more serious, but it makes me really sad. First she brings in an abusive trainer, which cannot help and then she is such a hot mess, I can't imagine that the poor dog would look at her as the leader. Sadly the dog has to suffer the consequences.

I know many thought the trainer last season was abusive but I never thought that. We were already starting to hear about Kingsley's questionable behavior, although not how bad he really was, and I suspected he had bitten someone then. When we saw that trainer kick out toward Kingsley, what many did not notice was that the dog tried to bite him and the trainer was just protecting himself. Kim was to have the dog on a leash before the trainer came into her home and did not bother to do that and the trainer was attacked. We saw video of Kingsley and the trainer together and the dog was calm and happy. Kim refused to work with Kingsley, she stopped training him altogether and the end result is that 2 more people were badly bitten by him.


The trainer that Kim herself hired and failed to pay, I posted links to his FB page a couple of days ago, says that he fears the next time, Kingsley could kill someone. He goes as far as saying Kingsley is the single most dangerous dog he has ever seen. This trainer specializes in working with the most aggressive dogs out there, he is the last hope for most of the dogs he works with. And yet, it has been reported that Kim renamed him to keep his bite history secret and that she hopes to bring him back into her home at some point. I suspect that after Monty passes she will attempt to bring Kingsley back home with her.  

And he knew love for probably the only time in his life while he was with you. My heart breaks for you, what a very difficult decision. 

Thank You.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

I know many thought the trainer last season was abusive but I never thought that. We were already starting to hear about Kingsley's questionable behavior, although not how bad he really was, and I suspected he had bitten someone then. When we saw that trainer kick out toward Kingsley, what many did not notice was that the dog tried to bite him and the trainer was just protecting himself. Kim was to have the dog on a leash before the trainer came into her home and did not bother to do that and the trainer was attacked. We saw video of Kingsley and the trainer together and the dog was calm and happy. Kim refused to work with Kingsley, she stopped training him altogether and the end result is that 2 more people were badly bitten by him.


The trainer that Kim herself hired and failed to pay, I posted links to his FB page a couple of days ago, says that he fears the next time, Kingsley could kill someone. He goes as far as saying Kingsley is the single most dangerous dog he has ever seen. This trainer specializes in working with the most aggressive dogs out there, he is the last hope for most of the dogs he works with. And yet, it has been reported that Kim renamed him to keep his bite history secret and that she hopes to bring him back into her home at some point. I suspect that after Monty passes she will attempt to bring Kingsley back home with her.  

Thank You.

A good trainer never would have met the dog in that manner. He didn't approach the dog properly and his training methods were the wrong type for aggression. Yes the dog had issues but the wrong training can make the issues worse and I believe they did.

  • Love 4

A good trainer never would have met the dog in that manner. He didn't approach the dog properly and his training methods were the wrong type for aggression. Yes the dog had issues but the wrong training can make the issues worse and I believe they did.

If you re-watch when the trainer comes into Kim's home, he does not approach Kingsley at all. Kim opens the door, Kingsley is behind her legs, the trainer walks in and then turns to speak to Kim. That is when Kingsley comes out from behind Kim, lunges at the trainer in an attempt to bite and the trainer blocks him with his leg to keep from getting bit. Kim was to have the dog on a leash before the trainer entered her home, she admitted that but failed to do it because she was on the phone. I do not believe that the producers, who hired/paid for the trainer, or Kim ever told the guy that Kingsley had already bitten 2 people before they called him. I believe he has said that he was only told that Kingsley was chewing shoes or whatever object he could get his mouth on, failing to mention those "objects" included people.  


After he brings Kingsley home her son and a daughter are with her. Kingsley is fine with the trainer, no muzzle on him in the car, but he is then muzzled because of the film crew. He goes over with Kim what she needs to do at home and her daughter says that "she (Kim) will never do it" and then Kim in her TH says that she will do things "her" way, not the trainers. Here we are now 1 year later after no more training by Kim or another professional dog trainer and Kingsley has bitten a total of 5 people, 2 of them seriously with 1 needing 2 surgeries. Kim then calls in 3 different trainers, only after a lawsuit was filed , that specialize in aggressive dogs who say this dog is the most aggressive dog they have ever encountered yet Kim still wants to bring him back home with her.


IMO, it wasn't the fault of the first trainer we saw, the fault lies on Kim and Kim only.

  • Love 7

Sorry, I disagree the trainer was a poor trainer. He was wrong on every suggestion. This has nothing to do with Kim being the wrong owner, she was definitely the wrong owner but he was the wrong trainer also.


I know nothing about aggressive breeds or trainers for that matter, so I am curious about what he suggested that was wrong? I don't remember the trainer actually being shown very much, so I could have totally missed any suggestions. I just saw Kingsley lunge for him from behind Kim and the trainer bring up his leg. I may have changed the channel after that - because I don't remember any of his suggestions at all.

  • Love 1

When multiple trainers are having difficulty making progress and we have Kim consistently admitting that she isn't following the advice of trainers then to me that suggests that the fault for the problems with Kingsley lies with Kim and not the various trainers.


Kim always has excuses for why things aren't her fault and the problems with Kingsley are among many others in Kim's life.


She should never have been given the dog in the first place as she has no business having that kind of a pet. She's shown herself to be a completely irresponsible woman on multiple levels that I find it almost shocking that the dog hasn't simply been taken from her. I understand why but I thin it's a super dangerous situation.


I simply can't give Kim the benefit of the doubt anymore. Her reactions to what happened with Alexia and her second mother just make Kim sound clueless and selfish.


As far as the Diane Schuler comparisons--


The main similarity I see is how people can be in denial about something that is crystal clear and right in front of them. People will constantly make excuses for Kim no matter how offensive her behavior and I basically felt that way with Diane's defenders. When the guy says something about how Diane might have thought she was downing water--omg, I can almost see Kyle trying to grasp at straws to come up with some shit like that. I still remember somebody talking to Kyle about Kim's loopy behavior (it might have been when Kim was going with Paul and Adrienne to that basketball game and she was completely loaded) and Kyle says something like "Um...maybe she was tired?"


This also makes me think of all of the driving around Kim was doing during season 2 in episodes where she very much appeared to be on something. These days she doesn't seem to drive to events anymore but that definitely wasn't the case in season 2 (and a couple of incidents in season 1 like at Lisa's) so I definitely don't think that Kim is somebody who takes driving while under the influence particularly seriously.


When I read comments about how Kim is the only person on this franchise who is a nice person or who isn't mean spirited or is the "only one on the women with integrity" I honestly don't get it and feel completely confused because I struggle to find examples of Kim being this sweet person who is really just being misunderstood and overly criticized.

  • Love 15

When multiple trainers are having difficulty making progress and we have Kim consistently admitting that she isn't following the advice of trainers then to me that suggests that the fault for the problems with Kingsley lies with Kim and not the various trainers.


Kim always has excuses for why things aren't her fault and the problems with Kingsley are among many others in Kim's life.


She should never have been given the dog in the first place as she has no business having that kind of a pet. She's shown herself to be a completely irresponsible woman on multiple levels that I find it almost shocking that the dog hasn't simply been taken from her. I understand why but I thin it's a super dangerous situation.


I simply can't give Kim the benefit of the doubt anymore. Her reactions to what happened with Alexia and her second mother just make Kim sound clueless and selfish.


As far as the Diane Schuler comparisons--


The main similarity I see is how people can be in denial about something that is crystal clear and right in front of them. People will constantly make excuses for Kim no matter how offensive her behavior and I basically felt that way with Diane's defenders. When the guy says something about how Diane might have thought she was downing water--omg, I can almost see Kyle trying to grasp at straws to come up with some shit like that. I still remember somebody talking to Kyle about Kim's loopy behavior (it might have been when Kim was going with Paul and Adrienne to that basketball game and she was completely loaded) and Kyle says something like "Um...maybe she was tired?"


This also makes me think of all of the driving around Kim was doing during season 2 in episodes where she very much appeared to be on something. These days she doesn't seem to drive to events anymore but that definitely wasn't the case in season 2 (and a couple of incidents in season 1 like at Lisa's) so I definitely don't think that Kim is somebody who takes driving while under the influence particularly seriously.


When I read comments about how Kim is the only person on this franchise who is a nice person or who isn't mean spirited or is the "only one on the women with integrity" I honestly don't get it and feel completely confused because I struggle to find examples of Kim being this sweet person who is really just being misunderstood and overly criticized.

If memory serves me correctly this time, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, it was after season 2 that limos/drivers were provided for all the women. This season is the first time we are really seeing any of them drive themselves again, except when Kyle took Lisa for the MG in season 3 (I think), Lisa, Kyle and Lisa R have been shown driving their own cars to a few events. I have no doubts limos were provided to begin with because of Kim's driving during season 2.


ETA........As far as I know, none of the last 3 trainers have said or even implied that the trainer we saw on the show last season did anything wrong. Kingsley was already a vicious/aggressive dog by the time that trainer was called in.

Edited by WireWrap
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As far as the Diane Schuler comparisons--


The main similarity I see is how people can be in denial about something that is crystal clear and right in front of them. People will constantly make excuses for Kim no matter how offensive her behavior and I basically felt that way with Diane's defenders. When the guy says something about how Diane might have thought she was downing water--omg, I can almost see Kyle trying to grasp at straws to come up with some shit like that. I still remember somebody talking to Kyle about Kim's loopy behavior (it might have been when Kim was going with Paul and Adrienne to that basketball game and she was completely loaded) and Kyle says something like "Um...maybe she was tired?"


This also makes me think of all of the driving around Kim was doing during season 2 in episodes where she very much appeared to be on something. These days she doesn't seem to drive to events anymore but that definitely wasn't the case in season 2 (and a couple of incidents in season 1 like at Lisa's) so I definitely don't think that Kim is somebody who takes driving while under the influence particularly seriously.


All the talk on this forum had me watching the documentary again over the weekend. It is so powerful, and I had never thought before of the denial of Diane's family and compared it to Kim.  I don't know if there is a real comparison to make on the merit, because it sounded like Diane's family had never acknowledged this reality at all, where I think that Kim's family finally did, but doesn't want to look to closely at what might be going on now. The main thing that the documentary reminded me of is that if you aren't in big denial, it is so hard to just walk away because of the overwhelming fear that the addict will harm someone else. At least that was my experience. When I grew weary of the role of a drunk in my life, I would get sucked in by the fear that they would get in a car and kill someone. It's another kind of hell that those folks who love addicts have to deal with. So much potential guilt to be found everywhere.   

  • Love 2

I usually notice everything. I can't believe my noticer has let me down! What the hell am I supposed to be noticing?? It's driving me beserk!

For someone that was coughing so bad that she broke a rib, ruptured a disc and gave herself a hiatal hernia....there is no oxygen tube! She claimed she had bronchitis and pneumonia, hence the bad coughing.......she would be on oxygen. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

After viewing Kim and Brandi, I am beginning to wonder if Kim's adoration of Brandi has crossed from BFF status to girl crush status.  Kim seems awfully physically demonstrative towards Brandi, Brandi has been known to have physical relationships with women.  It is the level of adoration Kim is placing on Brandi-like a 15 year old girl with her first big crush and the parents don't approve.  There may be more to what Brandi was saying when she said Kim had said she was her BFF and Brandi wasn't terribly qualified.  So far in support of Brandi we have essentially see Kim-there for Brandi to mock her ex husband and trying to help Brandi get over JR.  I am quite certain if Kim is as whacked out as Brandi says over having to admit to a relapse, the last thing she is going to come to terms with is her obsession with Brandi.

  • Love 1


After viewing Kim and Brandi, I am beginning to wonder if Kim's adoration of Brandi has crossed from BFF status to girl crush status.  Kim seems awfully physically demonstrative towards Brandi, Brandi has been known to have physical relationships with women


I've been wondering the same thing, Their actions towards each other, some of what they say towards each other, Kim's vulnerability, their inability to hold their liquor. Brandi too, seems possessive of Kim.  She acts like its a contest between her and Kyle with Kim as the prize. 

  • Love 1

On the bus to hell with you. Ken cracked me up, plus I can't stand Kyle. I think she's a bully. And I think she has a lot invested in Kim remaining an addict. Kyle herself obviously wasn't ready to reexamine her relationship with Kim. It drove me up the wall the way she spent S2 dragging Kim, who was obviously losing the battle with sobriety, all over town to events she didn't want to go to. It was a bad idea. She wasn't ready and said as much several times, but Kyle had to be the one to call the shots. It was such undermining behavior. Stop trying to control Kim's recovery, you harpy.

This. Also why is it okay for Kyle to not control her behavior but somehow Kim is an asshole for not controlling her behavior. The are both in into their eyeballs and I don't feel any more sympathy for poor put upon Kyle than I do for poor messed up addict, KIm.

  • Love 3

This. Also why is it okay for Kyle to not control her behavior but somehow Kim is an asshole for not controlling her behavior. The are both in into their eyeballs and I don't feel any more sympathy for poor put upon Kyle than I do for poor messed up addict, KIm.

Because Kim's behavior is dangerous to her, and potentially to those around her. Because Kim's behavior makes those around her sick with worry for her. Because Kim's behavior means that others around her have to pick of the pieces and assume the responsibilities she will not, or cannot. Because Kim's behavior means that she doesn't even know what day it is. Kyle might be annoying, controlling, and prone to hysteria, but she seems to be managing her own life quite nicely. When she starts calling folks up at 2AM, telling them secrets or God knows what else, then her behavior should be as analyzed at Kim's. 

  • Love 10

Because Kim's behavior is dangerous to her, and potentially to those around her. Because Kim's behavior makes those around her sick with worry for her. Because Kim's behavior means that others around her have to pick of the pieces and assume the responsibilities she will not, or cannot. Because Kim's behavior means that she doesn't even know what day it is. Kyle might be annoying, controlling, and prone to hysteria, but she seems to be managing her own life quite nicely. When she starts calling folks up at 2AM, telling them secrets or God knows what else, then her behavior should be as analyzed at Kim's. 

So somehow she should be better able to control her behavior? She is an addict and she should be able to control that more than Kyle should be able to control her reacting to it? I don't see it that way. If anything, Kyle should be more able to control her action because she isn't under the influence of psychotropic drugs which actually change the structure of your brain.

  • Love 2

So somehow she should be better able to control her behavior? She is an addict and she should be able to control that more than Kyle should be able to control her reacting to it? I don't see it that way. If anything, Kyle should be more able to control her action because she isn't under the influence of psychotropic drugs which actually change the structure of your brain.

To me the difference was Kim was intentionally humiliating Kyle with her new BFF Brandi.  I do think Kim suffers from convenient memory lapses.  How is it Kim hasn't apologized to Lisar or Eileen?  I don't blame Kim's behavior on being an addict, I think she is an addict who behaves in an entitled manner without regard for others' feelings.


If Kyle hasn't figured out after this season her sister will never be there for her then it on Kyle.  I hope Kyle has finally seen Brandi for who she is and can maintain her composure around her. As to Kim telling Kyle's secrets we will never know because Brandi has a way of making crap up and declaring it the truth.

  • Love 5

So somehow she should be better able to control her behavior? She is an addict and she should be able to control that more than Kyle should be able to control her reacting to it? I don't see it that way. If anything, Kyle should be more able to control her action because she isn't under the influence of psychotropic drugs which actually change the structure of your brain.

Here is the problem, both Kim and Kyle know which buttons to push to set the other off no matter how hard the other tries to control themselves. Kim knows what to say/do to get Kyle's over the top crying reaction. These 2 have been having this very same sick twisted dance since they were kids. Kim tends to get extremely vicious when she is using and/or if Kyle looks at her questioningly manner. Kim wants respect and trust from Kyle even though she has not earned it and Kyle isn't ready to give it to her because Kim is still falling off the wagon with regularity. Other than the season 1 limo scene, Kyle has kept Kim's addiction quiet but Kim can not let go and forgive her sister for that 1 time.


I dislike both sisters but when you add in Kim's continued drug abuse, she sinks lower than Kyle. And Brandi slithers below the sisters flicking her cruel vile tongue at both to keep them fighting IMO.

  • Love 5

So I'm on the mailing list for Cinefamily (a movie theater here in LA) and I was really surprised to see promotional email from them touting "See Kim Richards in person". This Friday they're showing Escape from Witch Mountain with Kim Richard appearing in person http://www.cinefamily.org/films/kid-power/#escape-to-witch-mountain.


A perfect Friday the 13th event indeed ...

  • Love 6

So I'm on the mailing list for Cinefamily (a movie theater here in LA) and I was really surprised to see promotional email from them touting "See Kim Richards in person". This Friday they're showing Escape from Witch Mountain with Kim Richard appearing in person http://www.cinefamily.org/films/kid-power/#escape-to-witch-mountain.


A perfect Friday the 13th event indeed ...


If you go it's a perfect time for you to stand up and tell her that we at PTV know she's an addict and a drunk from her actions alone and not anybody else's. If she doesn't stop she'll be a coroners case with a nice Y incision. It's her problem, her choice, her consequences.


We'll pass the hat for your bail.

  • Love 13

Go!  Oh my god, if I were on the best coast right now I would be there in a heartbeat.  Plus, Cinefamily finally got rid of those awful, painful plastic folding chairs they used to use and you can actually watch a movie without suffering extreme pain.  Or you could always take a handful of Vicodin.

  • Love 4

It would take much more than a handful of Vicodin to get me to drive up the 5 and watch Escape to Witch Mountain.  I've managed to avoid Kim Richards' brilliant career so far - why ruin a great track record this late in life?  I can go to the dive bar down the street and see the same old broke down blonde leathery broads reliving their heydays any time (but I prefer to drink alone. At home. Yelling at my TV).  :-)

  • Love 8

I usually notice everything. I can't believe my noticer has let me down! What the hell am I supposed to be noticing?? It's driving me beserk!


She's pointing out secretly to Lurch where her stash is.

It's the moment when the good meds kicked in.

She's basking in the glow of being the center of attention once again. Nurses are paid to care.

She's counting each flower in her arrangements to see if they love her more this time than last time.

She just called Kyle and is smiling because she just dropped a pile of guilt once again at Kyles doorstep.

She's going the Yolanda route, except she doesn't have the money, the hubby, the sympathy for her self inflicted unhealthy behavior. 


It could be anything really.


edited to add for Yolanda fans that Yolanda's disease was not self- inflicted. It's something that happened to her and not something she decided to do unlike Kim.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 1

I doubt Kim made Kingsley dangerous. I think it was more a case of Kim adopting a dog who had been abused thinking saving Kingsley would give her something to do and being completely unable to deal with the responsibility. Both Kim and Kyle kind of like to be the maternal savior, they're just really bad at it.

Here is plaintiff Rosario take on why Bravo/Evolution media is responsible for her injuries.  http://allthingsrh.com/bravo-involved-lawsuit-regarding-kim-richards-dog-attack/

  • Love 2

The funniest thing to me, at the end of the Witch Mountain trailer:


Kim Richards in Person

(schedule permitting)

I have seldom been so amused by an old trailer. I loved Escape to Witch Mountain when I was a kid and would have loved to have seen it in the theater back in the late 80s/early nineties if I'd had the opportunity. The first time I saw it was at a friend's house and then I recorded it off of TV and watched it probably dozens of times. I haven't seen it since my sister was little. I forgot how hardcore those kids were. They pulled guns on people via magic, this one kid is getting his ass kicked with magic via sports paraphernalia, they're controlling animals (even a bear!) so that they'll attack, making cars go off of the road, attacking police officers? Kim Richards' Tia was not to be trifled with!


Honestly though considering how much Kim seemed to enjoy that fan signing event from last season, I feel like she'd be inclined to show up no matter what condition she happened to be in. 

  • Love 1

I have seldom been so amused by an old trailer. I loved Escape to Witch Mountain when I was a kid and would have loved to have seen it in the theater back in the late 80s/early nineties if I'd had the opportunity. The first time I saw it was at a friend's house and then I recorded it off of TV and watched it probably dozens of times. I haven't seen it since my sister was little. I forgot how hardcore those kids were. They pulled guns on people via magic, this one kid is getting his ass kicked with magic via sports paraphernalia, they're controlling animals (even a bear!) so that they'll attack, making cars go off of the road, attacking police officers? Kim Richards' Tia was not to be trifled with!


Honestly though considering how much Kim seemed to enjoy that fan signing event from last season, I feel like she'd be inclined to show up no matter what condition she happened to be in. 

I think Kim is more fearful of current day fans showing up and wanting a discussion with her.

  • Love 3

I'm going to try to go. This is one of those moments where I wish RHBH wasn't such a guilty pleasure because I really don't want to go alone. I have no idea who I know who watches it! (Except for my mom, but she doesn't live here.) Maybe I'll pitch it to my boyfriend as a campy movie opportunity and just not mention the whole Kim Richards angle. 

  • Love 3

So, did anyone see Kim on Revenge?


She was high.  It was noticeable.  She seemed loopy and slurry.  And she wasn't even on screen very long.  If she was hoping for a big break from being on a network show, I don't think she did herself any favors.


And for the love of God can she please, please, please stop that "Kim is emotional" whisper/voice she does?  Drives me crazy!!

  • Love 2

There is reoccurring love fest going back and forth between Kim and Monty-true friends, best friends, soul mates, friends forever.  So in the middle of Monty's twitter was this picture https://twitter.com/montybrinson   Monty and a couple of Hustler models rocking the night out.  I have a feeling Kim's concerns about him disappearing here and there have far more to do with the company he keeps.

  • Love 3

I'm going to try to go. This is one of those moments where I wish RHBH wasn't such a guilty pleasure because I really don't want to go alone. I have no idea who I know who watches it! (Except for my mom, but she doesn't live here.) Maybe I'll pitch it to my boyfriend as a campy movie opportunity and just not mention the whole Kim Richards angle. 

Kim has tweeted and said she will be there tonight.  Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I do want to rebuild my relationship with Kyle, but I just don’t know how. We’re so close that I think we’re both haunted by our history of ups and downs.


Kim's blog is up.


This part is interesting as well, and I'm not so sure I dismiss this as "just Kim lying."

During Kyle’s mixer and Brandi and  Lisa R.’s lunch, certain phone calls between Brandi and me were brought up. I know exactly which phone calls they were, and, yes, they were concerning, because they were about someone who was in need of help—someone I care deeply about. I was directly involved in a very tough situation that did put me in harm’s way, and that’s why I was distraught when I called Brandi about it. It was NEVER about me or alcohol and drugs. Both Kyle and Brandi knew exactly what those calls were about, so I was extremely upset when Kyle, knowing how private it was, kept on pushing Brandi to talk about the phone calls.




Also, I have to agree with this:

To add fuel to the fire, Lisa R. was going on and on about how she knows all about addicts and how she knows when she meets one, but she is not an expert or a professional, so she shouldn’t be going around judging and stereotyping. I don’t appreciate Lisa R. talking about me in a derogatory way behind my back and about my supposed problems to everyone around us when she doesn’t even really know me or anything about my journey to sobriety. I know what happened on poker night looked bad—even I was shocked when I saw it! However, I have always been open about my sobriety, how I WAS in a bad place, and how I have been and am sober for the past three years. Instead of wanting to curl up into a ball and hide in the midst of all this drama, I feel confident and strong in myself. These rumors and the fighting actually made me realize how much stronger I am today.


More at the link of course.

There is reoccurring love fest going back and forth between Kim and Monty-true friends, best friends, soul mates, friends forever.  So in the middle of Monty's twitter was this picture https://twitter.com/montybrinson   Monty and a couple of Hustler models rocking the night out.  I have a feeling Kim's concerns about him disappearing here and there have far more to do with the company he keeps.

Did you notice the tweet right before that one? It looks like Kathy/Rick Hilton and Adrienne Maloof went on that Vegas trip! Look at where the woman's hand is on Monty in that picture! Is Kim upset that her sister Kathy was there when Monty hooked up with these women? I seriously doubt it!

Here is the problem with living in Kim land.  Kim had an innocuous tweet about seeing a sea turtle in the ocean.  She is apparently boating on vacation.  Because she is such a dingaling she gets responses such as: that wasn't the ocean or a turtle you were in the bathtub and it is a turd.  So unless Kim decided to dial back the ditzoid behavior it is time to smarten up. 

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Kim is the most frustrating housewife on this franchise.  Although I dislike Brandi more and if I could kick only one housewife off it would be Brandi, I don't find her nearly as frustrating as Kim.  How can Kim not see how Brandi threw her under the bus with Lisa Rinna?  I read her blog expecting that she would mention how hurt she was that Brandi basically admitted she had relapsed to someone who was not her friend on camera, but instead her anger is pointed at Kyle, who has actually been discreet about this relapse, and Lisa Rinna, who didn't betray her the way Brandi did.  Kim doesn't have enough brain cells left to function anymore.

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