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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I tuned into the last few minutes of Dr Phil this afternoon to see if they would be showing any new footage in a preview for tomorrow's show with Kim (they didn't) and the forensics psychological "expert" they had on today with Phil looked so familiar but I couldn't place him. Then Dr Phil thanked Dr Sophy for participating in today's show and I was like WTH? I thought Dr Sophy was a faux psychotherapist or maybe a marriage counselor at best. Strange. Anyway, I then wondered if a family member contacted Dr Sophy on behalf of Kim, who then got in touch with Phil. I thought Sophy was a quack, not a 'real' doctor.

I don't know if anyone knows the answer, but if it was animal control that left with Kingsley from Kim's house, how long will animal control keep him in their custody before putting him down?

Dr. Sophy is real-in addition to his celebrity clients such as Paris Hilton and Taylor Armstrong, he is head of the Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services.  Is dual roles have been questioned.   He is a DO as opposed to an MD and I think that is where the confusion lies. 

  • Love 4


Yes, let me age myself here, but I recall years ago when Elizabeth Taylor went there. She later discussed the fact that she had cleaned toilets, among other chores. Oddly enough, because there is obviously no comparison in star power, but I can see Liz handling that way better than the spoiled, self absorbed bitch that is Kim.


Because as soon as they tell Kim she has to clean toilets, she'll say "But do you know who I am? - Google me".

  • Love 11

So Chad is blaming Brandi, eh? And who was it before they met?

I have been skimming this thread to keep up to date. So did the court give her the choice of rehab or jail time? Is that why she is going?

No, Chad is saying Brandi is toxic. I didn't read blame just his opinion of a terrible person.

I was sort of looking forward to Dr. Phil, but now I can't wait. He is not letting Kim do her big eyed bullshit routine.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 8

I'll admit to being curious as to how the battle lines are forming as far as the cousins. With Kathy being friendly-ish with Brandi I wonder what Paris and Nicki think of Brandi? Are Kyle's kids mostly upset with Kim over Kingsley biting Alexia or do they mostly feel sorry for their aunt and cousins? I wonder how the feud between the sisters impacts the dynamic between the cousins overall? Do we think Kim's kids are all fine with Kyle or do any of them feel that Kyle has somehow treated their mother unfairly? I felt like Kim was probably trying to make a bigger deal out of Whitney asking Kyle to take down the hospital pics on IG than it really was to Whitney. 


I commented on this further upthread. My guess is that they absolutely have. I swear too that I read a quote recently where Kim or maybe somebody else said that she didn't know the maitre'd that night. Anybody else recall reading that? 

I wonder if that employee still works there.

I don't know you at all, but based on this post I'm going to say "Hey, Ellee, you are A-OK".   Full disclosure - I care more about animals than I do about people, which I suppose makes me a terrible person, except to the animals.  And my Mum.  ;-)




I am much more concerned about Kingsley than I ever was (or ever will be) about Kim fucking Richards.  Where in the HELL are Cesar Milan, Dogtown (Best Friends), Tia Torres, and all the other legit pit bull rescues right here in SoCal?   I want to believe there is a place for him, because the alternative just breaks my heart.  I can forgive a lot, but will never forgive Kim for Kingsley.

I used to donate to Best Friends....I so hope they might come through.....this is so heartbreaking.

  • Love 4

So, if Kim is blaming what her "fans" had to say on social media, isn't that all the more of a reason she should leave the show.   Hey Kim, if you stay home, not on TV, nobody will remember you, and nobody will mention you on social media!  Problem solved.  


If Kathy is running the show, setting up the Dr. Phil interview, it's probably a sure bet she had a hand in Kim going to rehab, and getting Kingsley removed.   With all that's going on, it's nice that her son is out playing golf today.   Rich kids.

  • Love 7

There comes a point in your life where you have to pull up your big girl pants and realize that you, and only you, are responsible for the choices you make. You cannot blame your parents, your siblings, the men in your life or your employer. You choose



Too true!  My sister and I did not have a happy upbringing, something that took me a long time in therapy to overcome.  My sister--no.  She's 67 years old and still blaming my parents for the shit show that is her life.  At some time the statute of limitations on blaming others has to run out, doesn't it?

  • Love 17

No, Chad is saying Brandi is toxic. I didn't read blame just his opinion of a terrible person.

I was sort of looking forward to Dr. Phil, but now I can't wait. He is not letting Kim do her big eyed bullshit routine.



Oh, yes.  Yes she is.  Definitely toxic for Kim.  I see.  Not toxic for those who dismiss her ala LisaVP and Eileen.  They got her down. 

  • Love 3

Kim has too many people enabling her for too long.  She's emotionally stunted, still thinks she a "star", and is completely delusional.  I feel like her sisters have some sort of guilt complex over all they have, over Kim being basically broke, not owning a home, an addict, etc.   If it weren't for relatives, Kim would be living in a one bedroom apt "deep in the valley", with posters of her old movies on her walls.   At some point, they all have to say NO MORE!   She overspends, they bail her out, she loses her lease, they bail her out, whatever she does, they move in to take care of her.  Now that her kids are grown, maybe they will stop.    Is Kim counting on her daughter marrying a wealthy guy to bail her out?   Why does anyone need to support her?  


You can only hope the kids fathers tell them they are not responsible for their mom.  They need to cut her loose.   It is one bad decision after another with Kim, and yet she's always full of excuses, blames others, and in reality doesn't think she has any problems - except for the fact that people OWE her.

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I'm guessing she's going to "rehab" to shut people up, including her children.  I just don't think this arrest has anything to do with it.  She's doing it because the kids probably said it's rehab or else.

Too bad about Kingsley.   I thought his very bestest friend in the whole wide world, MONTY, would have taken his lovely doggie ass with him wherever he goes while Kim's in rehab.

And seriously, Kathy, that PERFECT sister, ought to be watching her back because I see a big old BUS heading her direction.  Kim's already run over her daughter with it, it's only a matter of time before the perfect one screws up something.  Not buying what you're selling poor widdle Kimmie.  Not buying it.

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She's seen the backlash of what has been leaked of her Dr. Phil interview and she's checked in before it  actually airs to make it a moot point.



Exactly! Now, no matter how awful the Dr. Phil appearance is, it is irrelevant and on the "do not discuss" list. I think the rehab is only for appearance's sake, and I'll be shocked if she stays the whole time.


And yes, Promises is a cushy rehab with massage and arts classes, etc. It's not even that hard to smuggle drugs in there! (I know people who know people, LOL.)


It's a shame, because Dr. Phil usually sends people to the facilities he works with in Texas. One of them is a dual-diagnostic treatment center for women, meaning they figure out what's going on as far as mental illness and addiction, then treat the whole person. This would be invaluable to someone who actually wanted help.


Dr. Phil: "But you went to a bar. You could have gone anywhere! You could have gone to I-Hop!"  ... woo hoo, Christmas is coming early tomorrow!


ETA: if Kim is blaming what her "fans" had to say on social media, isn't that all the more of a reason she should leave the show.


Plus, she straight-up blamed the reunion at first. I so hope Bravo takes notice of that. Kim isn't a draw or a fan favorite, and there are many fish in the sea of potential Beverly Hills housewives. Send her packing, Bravo!

Edited by missy jo
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I have been skimming this thread to keep up to date.  So did the court give her the choice of rehab or jail time?  Is that why she is going?  

The court date is in June. Besides, in this matter the courts wouldn't offer her rehab for simply being a stupid drunk. She wasn't caught driving, which is when the courts usually offer rehab as a choice.



All I can say about this family is niece Paris thought it a great idea to go to Las Vegas and DJ a pool party at a place called Rehab.  Such a sensitive family.  Had Kyle or one of Kyle kids have done that it would have been war.  Monty was there-because that is the place for a man pushing 60 to hang out.

I hate defending Parish Hilton but, she has hosted gigs at Rehab in Vegas many times, and those gigs are scheduled months in advance. How would Paris know that her beloved, fellow addict would end up arrested and running to rehab?


So, Kim Richards was driving while drunk? Oh boy. I remember when I made a post which I pointed out, "God help you, me, or anyone one of our family members if she is ever out there driving while drunk." Apparently Kim's behavior should have garnered sympathy instead of the comments we were posting. All I got to say (post) is, HA!!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I'm guessing she's going to "rehab" to shut people up, including her children.  I just don't think this arrest has anything to do with it.  She's doing it because the kids probably said it's rehab or else.

Too bad about Kingsley.   I thought his very bestest friend in the whole wide world, MONTY, would have taken his lovely doggie ass with him wherever he goes while Kim's in rehab.

And seriously, Kathy, that PERFECT sister, ought to be watching her back because I see a big old BUS heading her direction.  Kim's already run over her daughter with it, it's only a matter of time before the perfect one screws up something.  Not buying what you're selling poor widdle Kimmie.  Not buying it.


I distinctly remember her babbling away to Yo in Amsterdam something to the effect about "if my kids find out I'm drinking or using again, they'll cut me off" (paraphrased, I don't remember her actual wording of the consequences she'd face).


Maybe her kids did follow through with that threat to sever communication with her in the event of a relapse.  Maybe their final straw was the (apparent) refusal to cooperate with whatever Dr. Phil had lined up for her.


Now I'm curious.  Chad is out playing golf today.  I'm wondering to what degree Mommie Dearest's behavior might have played a role in his psychiatric issues.


I recall a discussion Kim had with one of her daughters way back in season 1 when the poor child was packing to go visit her father and Kim sat in there attempting to lay a massive guilt trip on her (which I remember the daughter seemed to handle extremely well).


Who knows what sorts of mind fucks she may have been using on Chad to keep him at home with her.


Maybe Kim's nasty ass will stay in rehab long enough this time so that Chad might actually get a significant break from her and flourish.  

Exactly! Now, no matter how awful the Dr. Phil appearance is, it is now irrelevant and on the "do not discuss" list. I think the rehab is only for appearance's sake, and I'll be shocked if she stays the whole time.


And yes, Promises is a cushy rehab with massage and arts classes, etc. It's not even that hard to smuggle drugs in there! (I know people who know people, LOL.)


It's a shame, because Dr. Phil usually sends people to the facilities he works with in Texas. One of them is a dual-diagnostic treatment center for women, meaning they figure out what's going on as far as mental illness and addiction, then treat the whole person. This would be invaluable to someone who actually wanted help.


Dr. Phil: "But you went to a bar. You could have gone anywhere! You could have gone to I-Hop!"  ... aw, man. Christmas is coming early tomorrow!


I firmly believe Kim doesn't want real help with her issues.


IMO, she wants to go to the facility of her choosing...which will be the most spa-like atmosphere the Hilton money can afford, where the celebs call the shots and the staff is pretty much reduced to just reassure them about how fabulous they are and how none of this is really their fault.


I have a really low opinion of places such as Promises, Passages, and Seasons.  


Kim would never be able to handle a hardcore treatment facility where any amount of introspection and self-awareness is required to succeed.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 16

So, if Kim is blaming what her "fans" had to say on social media, isn't that all the more of a reason she should leave the show.   Hey Kim, if you stay home, not on TV, nobody will remember you, and nobody will mention you on social media!  Problem solved.  


If Kathy is running the show, setting up the Dr. Phil interview, it's probably a sure bet she had a hand in Kim going to rehab, and getting Kingsley removed.   With all that's going on, it's nice that her son is out playing golf today.   Rich kids.

First misconception of Kim's that needs to be cleared up is the majority of the people who watch the show are viewers - not fans.   


I feel for Kingsley and then I tell  myself they have the 36 month bite law in effect for a reason and I just can't see expending all kinds of energy to save Kingsley.  He may have gotten a bad deal with his original owner putting him on Craig's List, Conrad adopting him and giving him to Whitney, and Whitney being unable to keep him and him going to Kim but I just feel like human safety and other pet safety outweighs my sympathy for the dog.  The one trainer said he was unsuitable around other animals so I am wondering what happens to this dog if he spared under California law?  They find a home a person who is willing to adopt a dog with a long bite history, who agrees not to have other people or animals in their home?   It seems far more people are concerned about the dog than Kim.  That has got to hurt Kim's feelings.   In the very near future Kim has to clean up a legal mess she ignored that involved Kingsley.  That is something that can haunt her for years. 

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I don't have a DVR and I will be working until late tomorrow but I knew that you guys would come through for me.  It hasn't even aired yet and we've already got some of the worst of it.  Let's see what we learned:


-  Kim poured herself a two inch glass of vodka which made her drunk.  (I'm sure upon retelling the story the size of the glass will shrink down to a dixie cup.)

-  The Polo Lounge is on the way home for Kim from Brooke's house to her own.

-  Kim was driving while drunk.  She said she drove to the lounge at midnight and was still displaying drunken behavior to the police at 1:30 am despite not having anything to drink while at the bar.  She just wanted to sit there.

-  The Polo Lounge stops serving drinks before midnight.

-  The Polo Lounge was empty except for Kim and people that she was bothering.

-  Kim feels safe in that bar and has a particular booth that she always sits in.


I loved Dr Phil's frustration with Kim not getting that a bar should be the last place for a recovering alcoholic to go in.  Let alone be her safe place.  Dr Phil is validating us - we're not crazy, she is.

Edited by rehoboth
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 It seems far more people are concerned about the dog than Kim.  That has got to hurt Kim's feelings.   In the very near future Kim has to clean up a legal mess she ignored that involved Kingsley.  That is something that can haunt her for years. 

I am more concerned for the victims of Kingsley, and then my sympathy goes to Kingsley who had no business being in the care of an addict, something her children had to be aware of when they handed the dog over to her.


Where was Kim's concern when Kingsley was attacking people including her niece who nearly lost her finger? Or as Kim liked to put it, "It was just her fucking finger!!"


I could care less how Kim feels about the viewers, fans, or haters, and how that may affect her. Fuck her feelings. She can be all butt hurt for all I care.  She sure didn't think about anyone's safety around that dog, and now that it has come out she drank Vodka, and likely had meds in her system, and then drove in her car, she sure as hell had no concerns about anyone on the road. Kim is seeking pity and sympathy. That bitch won't get any from me.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 17

I am more concerned for the victims of Kingsley, and then my sympathy goes to Kingsley who had no business being in the care of an addict, something her children had to be aware of when they handed the dog over to her.


Where was Kim's concern when Kingsley was attacking people including her niece who nearly lost her finger? Or as Kim liked to put it, "It was just her fucking finger!!"


I could care less how Kim feels about the viewers, fans, or haters, and how that may affect her. Fuck her feelings. She can be all butt hurt for all I care.  She sure didn't think about anyone's safety around that dog, and now that it has come out she drank Vodka, and likely had meds in her system, and then drove in her car, she sure as hell had no concerns about anyone on the road. Kim is seeking pity and sympathy. That bitch won't get any from me.

BUT, BUT, BUT.........I thought Kim's alcohol choice was wine? Isn't that what she told Kyle 3 years ago? LOL

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I wonder if Phil is going to address her perscription pill intake.  That to me is a big part of the problem.  Kim can stay off booze for a while but I don't think she's ever off perscription medication, she certainly has never claimed to be.  On the plane in her confrontation with Lisa R she took care to say she wasn't abusing perscription drugs not that she wasn't taking them.  I really think a person with addiction problems as severe as Kim has should not be taking any kind of drug or alcohol because she'll never really get completely well.  On Dr. Drew's addiction reality show an actor named Jeff Conaway checked in and he claimed that he was in pain all the time and so was given pain meds.  As a result he never kicked his addiction and subsequently died.  I'm afraid that's what's going to happen to Kim.  It certainly appears that if you live in Hollywood you can get whatever you want perscribed to you by a physician, anti anxiety meds, pain pills anything even if you're a known addict.

Unfortunately this is true almost everywhere. I have had cases where we could never get a handle on the addiction problem because some screwball doctor was prescribing opiates or benzodiazepines and sometimes both.

One woman was being weened off methadone because some doctor had her taking something like 30 pills a day. Prescription pills and doctors who endorse their use are a huge problem. But that makes money for pharmaceutical companies and not the corner drug dealer, so it's ok.

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BUT, BUT, BUT.........I thought Kim's alcohol choice was wine? Isn't that what she told Kyle 3 years ago? LOL

Wine comes in between her downing gallons of vodka. LOL


My husband told me once that vodka is the alcohol that a lot of alcoholics like to drink because it doesn't have an odor or that it doesn't leave an odor on one's breath. Does anyone know if that is true? If it is, I wonder if this is why Kim drinks it.

  • Love 2

Wine comes in between her downing gallons of vodka. LOL


My husband told me once that vodka is the alcohol that a lot of alcoholics like to drink because it doesn't have an odor or that it doesn't leave an odor on one's breath. Does anyone know if that is true? If it is, I wonder if this is why Kim drinks it.

If a person drinks vodka there is still an odor about it.  That may have been all her daughter had on hand.


Another reason people drink vodka is because of all the hard liquors it has the least amount of taste.  Nowadays you can get it in almost any flavor.

  • Love 2

- Kim poured herself a two inch glass of vodka which made her drunk. (I'm sure upon retelling the story the size of the glass will shrink down to a dixie cup.)

- The Polo Lounge is on the way home for Kim from Brooke's house to her own.

- Kim was driving while drunk. She said she drove to the lounge at midnight and was still displaying drunken behavior to the police at 1:30 am despite not having anything to drink while at the bar. She just wanted to sit there.

- The Polo Lounge stops serving drinks before midnight.

- The Polo Lounge was empty except for Kim and people that she was bothering.

- Kim feels safe in that bar and has a particular booth that she always sits in.

I loved Dr Phil's frustration with Kim not getting that a bar should be the last place for a recovering alcoholic to go in. Let alone be her safe place. Dr Phil is validating us - we're not crazy, she is.

On the website it says that the Polo Lounge closes at 1:30, so now I'm confused. Edited by Stinamaia
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If a person drinks vodka there is still an odor about it.  That may have been all her daughter had on hand.


Another reason people drink vodka is because of all the hard liquors it has the least amount of taste.  Nowadays you can get it in almost any flavor.

Oh, maybe that is what my spouse told me - least amount of taste. He told me so long ago.  I have had drinks with vodka as an ingredient, but never had just pure vodka.



I see they have a Mother's Day Brunch. Hey, I wonder if I can get my family to take me there?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

On the website it says that the Polo Lounge closes at 1:30, so now I'm confused.

Kim was lying. Of course. About everything.

My husband told me once that vodka is the alcohol that a lot of alcoholics like to drink because it doesn't have an odor or that it doesn't leave an odor on one's breath. Does anyone know if that is true?

I've heard this is true.

  • Love 6

Can anyone find out what Kim Richards did this past October 4th? That is National Vodka Day! According to this site, vodka is colorless, odorless, and tasteless:



It's not tasteless to me!


Kim was lying. Of course. About everything.

I've heard this is true.

No, not Kim. She wouldn't ever lie. Not wide-eyed Kimmie.

  • Love 6

Can anyone find out what Kim Richards did this past October 4th? That is National Vodka Day! According to this site, vodka is colorless, odorless, and tasteless:


Celebrating with Adrienne! Of course she claimed no vodka touched her lips but straws were spotted in her purse! (JK) LOL

  • Love 4

If a person drinks vodka there is still an odor about it.  That may have been all her daughter had on hand.


Another reason people drink vodka is because of all the hard liquors it has the least amount of taste.  Nowadays you can get it in almost any flavor.

I knew at least one alcoholic who believed vodka was odorless and who went everywhere with vodka in a vessel appropriate for the circumstance (team coffee cup at a Little League game, MacDonald's coke cup at a PTA meeting). Maybe Kim shares that view. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 5

Heres my shit attempt/guessestimation at a timeline

Kim had to have watched the reunion pt 3 on the 7 (8?)pm west coast time like the rest of RHOBH castmates did that night.

Once the show ended and fresh out of alcohol, she and Brooke might had discussed her behavior on the reunion. Pissed off that Brooke wasnt buying what she was selling, Kim snuck out and drove drunk to The Polo Lounge.

One can assume, depending on traffic, she got there around 9 or 10ish. Kim was definitely drunk when she arrived and had more drinks when she was sitting in her "fav booth".

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

The only reason why Kim didn't get a drink at the Polo lounge is probably because she didn't know what time/day it was (didn't realize the bar had closed already)  I'm surprised she didn't say her drink was thimble sized or she only had a sip of someone else's drink.


Management would have tried to get her to leave nicely first before calling the police.  She had to have been a hot mess for them to call LE.


Kim needed to take Kingsley to a Pit rescue long before this, but once again, she only thinks of herself.


Now she's blaming everyone on social media?  Yeah everyone put that drink in her hand and drank it for her.  Can I blame her for snacking and gaining weight while I watch RHOBH? 

Edited by hoosier80
  • Love 6

Heres my shit attempt/guessestimation at a timeline

Kim had to have watched the reunion pt 3 on the 7 (8?)pm west coast time like the rest of RHOBH castmates did that night.

Once the show ended and fresh out of alcohol, she and Brooke might had discussed her behavior on the reunion. Pissed off that Brooke wasnt buying what she was selling, Kim snuck out and drove drunk to The Polo Lounge.

One can assume, depending on traffic, she got there around 9 or 10ish. Kim was definitely drunk when she arrived and had more drinks when she was sitting in her "fav booth".

It aired at 8 p.m. here on the west coast.


I bet Brooke and Kim argued about Kim's stance on that whole Alexia matter. Maybe that pissed off Kim.

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Kim's revisionist story doesn't make sense to me. Why would she say she drank at Brooke's house, and then drove to the Polo Lounge, where she did NOT drink? Because obviously she's then admitting that she DROVE DRUNK? Does she think this sounds better than going to a bar and ordering drinks? Yes, it might be painting a sad picture of a lonely or desperate alcoholic, but at least it's not DRIVING DRUNK!!

I think I answered my own question. Kim's image is all she cares about. To her, drinking a glass of vodka at her daughter's house doesn't sound as bad as drinking alone at a bar (notice how Dr. Phil kept emphasizing "at a bar!") and besides, she didn't drive drunk, she was just feeling "woozy."

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It's interesting that the statement from the police stated something like  that the bartender cut her off, she was loud and bothering patrons, then they asked her to leave.   It doesn't jive with her story (which we all know as absolute fact - NOT).    She probably was at Brooke's, snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a large shot or several, left after some type of argument about her lies on the reunion show,  drove to Polo Lounge, had several more drinks, then the trouble started.  She says she's "fuzzy" about details.  Kind of like the 5, 7, 8 day hospitalization.  


When I do drink, my cocktail of choice is a vodka/tonic/extra lime.  Vodka, depending on the brand, does have a distinct taste, but it's lower in calories, and no sugar - which can cause hangovers. . . hence the choice of alcoholics.  It's easy to disguise in other beverages, like iced tea, coke, even coffee.   I can easily see that being Kim's beverage of choice - she could even put it in mouthwash.     But, 2" of vodka would not make somebody goes that nuts!   Unless she had other "pills" in her system, and even then it's doubtful.  She has, by now, a huge tolerance, so I'm not buying her only one drink excuse. 

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Kim's alleging that she goes by the Polo Lounge while driving from Brooke's house to her own.  Do any CA people know where any of these locations are? 

I know where the Polo Lounge is. I have passed it many times. I have no idea where Brooke lives. Anyone?


I knew at least one alcoholic who believed vodka was odorless and who went everywhere with vodka in a vessel appropriate for the circumstance (team coffee cup at a Little League game, MacDonald's coke cup at a PTA meeting). Maybe Kim shares that view.

I am having flashbacks to game night when Kyle smelled Kim's Starbuck's cup.

  • Love 1

Heres my shit attempt/guessestimation at a timeline

Kim had to have watched the reunion pt 3 on the 7 (8?)pm west coast time like the rest of RHOBH castmates did that night.

Once the show ended and fresh out of alcohol, she and Brooke might had discussed her behavior on the reunion. Pissed off that Brooke wasnt buying what she was selling, Kim snuck out and drove drunk to The Polo Lounge.

One can assume, depending on traffic, she got there around 9 or 10ish. Kim was definitely drunk when she arrived and had more drinks when she was sitting in her "fav booth".

They get each reunion episodes sent to their homes prior to when it is shown on TV, there is no reason for Kim, or any HW, to watch it on TV like we have to. They are to have written their blog and turned it in to TPTB before show day so that it is edited and ready to be posted directly following the broadcast. This is another BS sob story to soften any negative feedback aimed at her.

     But, 2" of vodka would not make somebody goes that nuts!   Unless she had other "pills" in her system, and even then it's doubtful.  She has, by now, a huge tolerance, so I'm not buying her only one drink excuse. 

Well, that depends....if that 2 inches she claims she drank was actually the amount left in a new bottle of vodka that she opened and drank herself. That would make more sense than her drinking only 2 inches total IMO.

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Brooke had been in Dubai so she may not have seen the episodes.  I would think they would watch the entire three parter.  Maybe Brooke was going to help her write a blog.  HAHAHAHA  What we don't know is if Kim stopped at another bar or liquor store.  Since her car wasn't impounded the only ones who would know would be her family if they picked the car up before fetching her.  Just a guess bit I am thinking Kim was more likely dressed in her jeans and flannel shirt than Polo Lounge attire.   


Kim tells such distorted stories it is unclear what truly happened and it sounds like the staff at the Polo Lounge aren't talking.

  • Love 3



Hmmm?    When Kim said the bar was CLOSED, she probably neglected to say that it was CLOSED TO HER.


She may have already been plastered when she arrived so they refused to serve her.

According to this statement by the Police Spokesperson, Kim was drinking at the PL. He refers to the PL complaint as to why they wanted Kim escorted off the property by the police at the 0:38 mark.....he mentions drinking as 1 of them.  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2015/04/17/kimrichards11-arrest-explained-by-beverlyhills-police-rhobh-kylerichards-bravotv-andy/


   it sounds like the staff at the Polo Lounge aren't talking.

Except to the Police and the Police are talking! LOL

  • Love 5

In my mental fantasy, Brooke saw her mother crying and complaining about all the stress in her life during the reunion, including Brooke's upcoming wedding (and possibly Kim's intent to disinvite Kyle) and said, "Well, mom, if my wedding is causing you all of this stress, maybe you should just not be involved in the planning."


And pop went the weasel...and possibly the wine cork as well.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 8

So, if Kim is blaming what her "fans" had to say on social media, isn't that all the more of a reason she should leave the show.   Hey Kim, if you stay home, not on TV, nobody will remember you, and nobody will mention you on social media!  Problem solved.  


If Kathy is running the show, setting up the Dr. Phil interview, it's probably a sure bet she had a hand in Kim going to rehab, and getting Kingsley removed.   With all that's going on, it's nice that her son is out playing golf today.   Rich kids.


I'm going to cut this kid a break. Having Kim for a mother surely messed with his coping skills. I could see it being his way to remove himself from the chaos.


Wine comes in between her downing gallons of vodka. LOL


My husband told me once that vodka is the alcohol that a lot of alcoholics like to drink because it doesn't have an odor or that it doesn't leave an odor on one's breath. Does anyone know if that is true? If it is, I wonder if this is why Kim drinks it.


 In my experience with 2 alcoholics in my life, it is one of the reasons. The other is that it is tasteless/has a milder taste therefore they can drink it quicker.



Hmmm?    When Kim said the bar was CLOSED, she probably neglected to say that it was CLOSED TO HER.


She may have already been plastered when she arrived so they refused to serve her.


I am pretty certain it was closed to her only. I have never seen a bar or lounge shut down at night unless everyone is gone (thinking of the table that she was harassing).

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i wonder if Dr. Phil will confront Kim about making a scene at the Lounge. Kim hasn't mentioned that part in the bits we've seen.

It's amazing to me that Kim claimed she just went there to sit down because she feels safe there. If she does feel safe, it seems it is more because the staff is discrete. It's also a little bit funny that the Beverly Hills Hotel is involved because it's been the focus of a boycott because it is owned by the Sultan of Brunei who has imposed sharia law in Brunei.

Edited by Stinamaia
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Two inches of Vodka in a lowball glass (which it looks like the kind of glass she described) is the equivalent to 5 or 6 shots, yes?

And it could be that she poured more than 2 inches of vodka.

And then she had more to drink at the Polo Lounge.

Unless she had tons of drugs in her system... Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

i wonder if Dr. Phil will confront Kim about making a scene at the Lounge. Kim hasn't mentioned that part in the bits we've seen.

It's amazing to me that Kim claimed she just went there to sit down because she feels safe there. If she does feel safe, it seems it is more because the staff is discrete. It's also a little bit funny that the Beverly Hills Hotel is involved because it's been the focus of a boycott because it is owned by the Sultan of Brunei who has imposed sharia law in Brunei.


Kim Richards is too busy being in 100% pain and maintaining her 3 year sobriety streak to follow current events.

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notnowimbusy, on 27 Apr 2015 - 4:40 PM, said:

So, if Kim is blaming what her "fans" had to say on social media, isn't that all the more of a reason she should leave the show. Hey Kim, if you stay home, not on TV, nobody will remember you, and nobody will mention you on social media! Problem solved.

If Kathy is running the show, setting up the Dr. Phil interview, it's probably a sure bet she had a hand in Kim going to rehab, and getting Kingsley removed. With all that's going on, it's nice that her son is out playing golf today. Rich kids.

Whats wrong with him playing golf? The kid has probably been through hell with his mom and now he has issues of his own.

I see him playing golf more like his mom is finally someplace safe and he doesn't have to worry about her so he can relax and do his own thing .

Dr. Phil doesn't come on here until 3 pm Pacific time. I'm pissed I have to wait! I assume we'll talk about the interview here instead of the Dr Phil thread.

Uh...Kim if what people are saying to and about you upsets you that much. I have one piece of advice: Stay off social media. Problem solved.

Edited by Maharincess
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