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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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It was a misdemeanor charge, so I bet her atty shows up for her, does a no contest plea, and there is a fine.   I can only hope that the judge happens to be a RHBH fan.   Wouldn't it be great if he/she demanded Kim appear, then started asking her all sort of questions - "what did Harry do?" ,  "where is your dog", "how to you pay your bills", etc.  Oh it would be fabulous.  


I am hoping that Kyle is staying well out of it.   If Kathy went to all the trouble to set up the interview, and Kim stormed out, I bet she's not happy.   

  • Love 14

Well she can walk off on Housewives, she can walk out on her kids and Dr. Phill when she doesn't like what she is hearing. She ain't walking out when she stands before the judge. It might wind up being like Robert Downey Jr.'s case, court enforced rehab. or jail then rehab.


Speaking of RDJ, he about the only entertainer I would have really missed if he hadn't gotten help. Still remember his statement to the judge about his addiction something along the lines of "I've got a gun in my mouth and I like the taste of the metal." I think that brought it home for everyone. Just glad he got his life back on track.

  • Love 12

I can only imagine what Kim will turn into once Monty dies, she loses her gig with Bravo and her children give up on her. Is that what could be considered 'rock bottom''?  She's going to hit it hard. I hope there's still one hand left that's willing to reach into the abyss of her downward spiraling and pull her out before there's just no hope left.

Very few narcissists ever seriously self-reflect, or are even able to, so if Kim were to go to rehab again it probably wouldn't work.

  • Love 9

If Kim continues down this road, someday she could end up in prison.   That would mean CIW and she would be all huggy duggy doo doo with the Manson gals and Betty Broderick.    The Real Housewives of CIW !


Since it is Bev Hills, another possible scenario is that someone finally has had it.  They go to a boutiq-wa  and find the perfect 90210 way to silence Kim for good.




  • Love 1

When she was arrested the poster at CDAN mentioned that when she goes to court the judge might require that she do some rehab program.  

I realize her public drunkeness is probably not that serious, but with her assaulting an officer would that charge be serious enough that they would be able to legally require her to go into some program as part of avoiding jail?  I know they don't keep people long in jail because of over-crowding so they do in and out, but I was wondering if the judge might do that given her situation.

I do think if she had to choose jail vs rehab, she'd do the rehab.

California has the Prop. 36 program which is for qualified, non-violent offenders. It is geared towards people such as those who have been arrested for under the influence of drugs or possession of drugs, etc. That program allows judges to ask the defendant if they want to enter the program or rehab. Judges do sometimes order defendants to enter rehab, but that is usually for drunk drivers and repeat offenders of DUI.  Kim's situation does not seem to allow for a judge to offer her rehab since Kim was merely under the influence at a bar, not driving. From what I understand of the law, there will be no jail time. Kim has not had any instances of breaking the law or being arrested and charged for similar behavior within the last five years.  I believe, if Kim gets an attorney, they will end up dropping the assault (kicking the cop) and she will end up just pleading guilty to drunk in public and trespassing. That alone will likely get her a fine and possibly probation.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

I can only imagine what Kim will turn into once Monty dies, she loses her gig with Bravo and her children give up on her. Is that what could be considered 'rock bottom''?  She's going to hit it hard. I hope there's still one hand left that's willing to reach into the abyss of her downward spiraling and pull her out before there's just no hope left.

She's a tough old bird. And stubborn. I do believe her bottom is pretty far down there. If she has to nearly die to get there, I believe she'll push that boundary -- that is, if her family can manage to try not to "rescue" her. I'm not saying they should abandon her, but I hope they don't bail her out of her messes. She needs to feel the weight of what's going on around her.

  • Love 7

If Kim continues down this road, someday she could end up in prison. That would mean CIW and she would be all huggy duggy doo doo with the Manson gals and Betty Broderick. The Real Housewives of CIW !

Since it is Bev Hills, another possible scenario is that someone finally has had it. They go to a boutiq-wa and find the perfect 90210 way to silence Kim for good.

What is CIW?

Edit to ask: What is a boutiq-wa?

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2

She's a tough old bird. And stubborn. I do believe her bottom is pretty far down there. If she has to nearly die to get there, I believe she'll push that boundary -- that is, if her family can manage to try not to "rescue" her. I'm not saying they should abandon her, but I hope they don't bail her out of her messes. She needs to feel the weight of what's going on around her.

If Kim was/is to be believed, she was close to dying right before she went into rehab the last time.

  • Love 5

Question regarding the Dr Phil fiasco: 


Do you think that Kim thought she could control the interview to the extent that she would cop to drinking that one night and that would be it?    And that she could shut down anything other than that scenario?  "Dr Phil, I am not here to talk about all the legit meds that I take on a daily/hourly basis for real reasons.  I am here to talk about ONE NIGHT that got a little out of hand.  One night in three sober years."


Or do you think that she really thinks she has fooled everyone and that there is no way in her mind that the interview could ever go there - meaning questioning her claim of THREE YEARS SOBER!? That Dr Phil would pat her on the head and say 'there, there, you're obviously so stressed.  You know you can't do that again."

  • Love 7

Good question, rehoboth. There must have been some discussion about what her goal was with the interview, and how she should accomplish it. I don't know what else was discussed, what she was told, or if she heard what anyone was saying. She might feel like they lied to her about the purpose of the interview, but she's pretty delusional. If Kathy arranged this, I'm sure she had some specific results in mind, namely that Kim and the family come out of the interview looking better than before. I don't know if she knew that rehab would be pushed and if she was for it or not. Kathy might not have a good idea of how awful Kim is these days; I don't really think she's very involved in Kim's life regardless of what Kim says. I bet Kathy didn't want Kim to show her ass by fleeing the show. So I bet no one is happy about how the interview turned out.

  • Love 7

Question regarding the Dr Phil fiasco: 


Do you think that Kim thought she could control the interview to the extent that she would cop to drinking that one night and that would be it?    And that she could shut down anything other than that scenario?  "Dr Phil, I am not here to talk about all the legit meds that I take on a daily/hourly basis for real reasons.  I am here to talk about ONE NIGHT that got a little out of hand.  One night in three sober years."


Or do you think that she really thinks she has fooled everyone and that there is no way in her mind that the interview could ever go there - meaning questioning her claim of THREE YEARS SOBER!? That Dr Phil would pat her on the head and say 'there, there, you're obviously so stressed.  You know you can't do that again."


That's exactly what I think. She can't intimidate Dr. Phil into ignoring the obvious. " let's talk about Robin, then everyone will know" isn't going to fly with Dr. Phil.

On a side note her public undoing couldn't be any more ironic or karmic. The exact thing she threatened others with ( outing some scandalous secret) is exactly what has happened to her. It's almost Shakesbearian in its simplicity and brilliance.

  • Love 16

Doctor Phil says he does not pay for interviews, but I know he helped collect donations for Michelle Knight as part of her appearances (and to be honest I think he's done a wonderful thing in giving her a place to speak out--I'm not sure anyone else would have treated her so well), and to get the Anthony family on after Casey's acquittal his company made some kind of significant "donation" to the charity the parents founded in Cayleigh's name.  I think most often if he gets one of these bigger name things--he either offers the rehab and treatment (which I'm sure he gets donated) or the person appearing comes on to sell a book or movie about their history so they gain financially.

  • Love 4

It is very possible that Kim crushed, then snorted, several vicoden in order to get that type of reaction/high but, IMO, it was not just 1 vicodin pill she "swallowed".

Could be but I doubt any amount of vicodin caused that reaction by itself.


Not necessarily.


I was a teen from the 80s party scene and pot has never been my substance of choice.


To assume that all of us in that demographic were liberally indulging in marijuana usage isn't accurate nor fair, IMO.

You probably weren't running with the Faye Resnick, Nicole Brown, Kardashian group.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 1

When The Ladies Arrive @ The Canal Boat Ride In Amsterdam


Yolanda Accidently Offers Kim A Glass Of Champagne


If You Listen Intently...You Hear Kim Say (Paraphrasing) No, I Am Not Drinking TONIGHT Or No, Not Tonight


I Recall Thinking @ The Time Hmmmmm 





Yes.  I definitely heard the word 'tonight' in that exchange.  And I questioned myself - I thought I must have misheard.


Over the years, I have given Kim the benefit of the doubt over and over again.  Knowledgeable people on these boards immediately questioned her elective surgeries right after rehab and my first thought was "Maybe it was something she always wanted to do."  Luckily, due to my training right here, my second thought is "this is an excuse and she's using again."

  • Love 8

Question regarding the Dr Phil fiasco: 


Do you think that Kim thought she could control the interview to the extent that she would cop to drinking that one night and that would be it?    And that she could shut down anything other than that scenario?  "Dr Phil, I am not here to talk about all the legit meds that I take on a daily/hourly basis for real reasons.  I am here to talk about ONE NIGHT that got a little out of hand.  One night in three sober years."


Or do you think that she really thinks she has fooled everyone and that there is no way in her mind that the interview could ever go there - meaning questioning her claim of THREE YEARS SOBER!? That Dr Phil would pat her on the head and say 'there, there, you're obviously so stressed.  You know you can't do that again."

She really thought she could control the conversation! LOL


Good question, rehoboth. There must have been some discussion about what her goal was with the interview, and how she should accomplish it. I don't know what else was discussed, what she was told, or if she heard what anyone was saying. She might feel like they lied to her about the purpose of the interview, but she's pretty delusional. If Kathy arranged this, I'm sure she had some specific results in mind, namely that Kim and the family come out of the interview looking better than before. I don't know if she knew that rehab would be pushed and if she was for it or not. Kathy might not have a good idea of how awful Kim is these days; I don't really think she's very involved in Kim's life regardless of what Kim says. I bet Kathy didn't want Kim to show her ass by fleeing the show. So I bet no one is happy about how the interview turned out.

I think Kathy would have talked to her kids before setting this up, so I think she knew how bad Kim was again.


Could be but I doubt any amount of vicodin caused that reaction by itself.


You probably weren't running with the Faye Resnick, Nicole Brown, Kardashian group.

It is possible that Kim responds differently to a lot of drugs because of her long term drug abuse and I suspect that she took more than vicodin , if that is in fact what she took. I, myself, do not buy the story/excuse Monty is selling. He denied even giving her a pill to begin with and IMO, this is just a cover story for her at this point.

  • Love 10

Could be but I doubt any amount of vicodin caused that reaction by itself.


You probably weren't running with the Faye Resnick, Nicole Brown, Kardashian group.


Closer than you might think...


LOL at Kim running for the door when she suspects intervention. Only thing that would have made it better is if Dr Phil had yelled after her, "One day somebody's going to hold you accountable, Kim Richards!"


That would have been absolute perfection.

  • Love 5

While I agree that Kim was a very pretty woman at one point, I definitely disagree that she looks better than 90% of the women her age. Kim's skin is a nightmare. My mom is almost ten years older than she is and frankly looks much better especially in terms of skin and wrinkles. The best thing that I can say about Kim is that she's kept her weight down but I'm sure this is because of the drugs as opposed to any discipline on Kim's part. 


Kim has retained the vestiges of good looks and she looks nice in the airbrushed photo shoots, but I feel like the drugs have really done a number on her overall. I agree too that she looks older than Kathy. Kathy has gained weight but she's still very pretty and it's easy to see where Paris gets her looks from. I agree that they are a good looking family. I actually think that Paris and Whitney look as though they could be sisters. 


As far as what drugs Kim is on or has indulged in in the past--


I agree that Kim often seems "amped" up and on the night of the car ride over to Poker Night it did not by any stretch of the imagination to me seem like she was acting like a person who was drinking, smoking marijuana, and/or taking a single pill of vicodin. She seemed *energized* and it definitely took me back to Game Night and SUR in season 2 where I'm convinced that she was either on cocaine or meth. I lean towards it probably being cocaine because meth has more signs and I think she'd have a harder time hiding it.


I bet you there was all kinds of shit on the cutting room floor (pun not originally intended lol) the night the crew was filming with Kim and Ken in that hotel room. 

  • Love 8

Question regarding the Dr Phil fiasco: 


Do you think that Kim thought she could control the interview to the extent that she would cop to drinking that one night and that would be it?    And that she could shut down anything other than that scenario?  "Dr Phil, I am not here to talk about all the legit meds that I take on a daily/hourly basis for real reasons.  I am here to talk about ONE NIGHT that got a little out of hand.  One night in three sober years."


Or do you think that she really thinks she has fooled everyone and that there is no way in her mind that the interview could ever go there - meaning questioning her claim of THREE YEARS SOBER!? That Dr Phil would pat her on the head and say 'there, there, you're obviously so stressed.  You know you can't do that again."

In the mind of an addict, they always feel they have others fooled, even professionals. They think if they have been able to get away with manipulating those around them, they can fool just about anyone.



While Brandi drinks more than she should, and her drinking has lead to very questionable behavior both on and off camera,  I don't believe she is anywhere close to having the kind of substance abuse problem Kim has. Not to say she doesn't have some sort of problem, but its not on the level Kim's is

Brandi was arrested for DUI. She has mentioned that she leans heavily on alcohol to help her get through the week. She has also admitted mixing Xanax with her alcohol. Not sure what level one has to be on to be in trouble, but Brandi is definitely not right in the head and her drinking only seems to compound it.

  • Love 8

CIW is the California Int. for Women, the prison that most women go to in So. Cal.

Boutiq-wa is how Serge in Beverly Hills Cop pronounced boutique. Its hilarious. The actor is Bronson Pinchot.

Thank you! Learn something new every day around here.

Question regarding the Dr Phil fiasco:

Do you think that Kim thought she could control the interview to the extent that she would cop to drinking that one night and that would be it? And that she could shut down anything other than that scenario? "Dr Phil, I am not here to talk about all the legit meds that I take on a daily/hourly basis for real reasons. I am here to talk about ONE NIGHT that got a little out of hand. One night in three sober years."

Or do you think that she really thinks she has fooled everyone and that there is no way in her mind that the interview could ever go there - meaning questioning her claim of THREE YEARS SOBER!? That Dr Phil would pat her on the head and say 'there, there, you're obviously so stressed. You know you can't do that again."

I think that's exactly what she thought would happen. Then he would hug her and tell her it's time to stop taking care of everybody else and put herself first.

Then he would send her on a trip to help with her stress.

  • Love 8

I recognized Kim as a total druggie way back on the night of the hidden crutches, when she told Kyle in the bathroom she hadn't slept or eaten in 7 (5, 8 or 9?) days.  She was so obviously meth or coked up that I didn't even blink an eye at Brandi's meth in the bathroom comment.  Same with the crawling on the bathroom floor/limo scenes with Ken.   Total alky?  Probably.  Total druggie?  Most definitely.  I know both intimately


Now I think she's drinking and doing other drugs, because that gives courage and denial.  If she was methed out, she'd be too fucking paranoid to go anywhere near "Dr" Phil.

  • Love 16

Thank you! Learn something new every day around here.

Who would have thought from watching the first season of the OC what an education we would all get? LOL Drug abuse/rehab, alcohol abuse/rehab, personal Bankruptcies, domestic violence, grifting, Federal court system, Federal prison system, sibling rivalry issues, adoption, ghostwriters, divorce, cougars, business ventures,  insurance coverage, dog/bite laws, mortgage fraud/laws, business BK and suicide. I am sure I missed a few things but this is still a long list for so few HWs. LOL

  • Love 9
Kyle is a beautiful woman, stunning.  She is wearing my uniform, skinny jeans (mine from Old Navy), crisp white shirt (GAP) and often with a scarf (TJ Max) and fancy shoes.  I wear my  funky Fly London shoes en lieu of spikes and aviators (similar).  Maybe that is why I think she looks so cool!  LOL.


Geez, wings, I'm not in the habit of giving other women wolf whistles, but you must be one smashing sight when you go out!  I need to lose ten pounds off my tusch, and then you need to come to San Francisco and put me together!  "Wings, Dresser to the Ordinary HW!"  I'll bet Kim would lose that plaid flannel shirt in a matter of days and become your new celebrity client.

  • Love 6

I recognized Kim as a total druggie way back on the night of the hidden crutches, when she told Kyle in the bathroom she hadn't slept or eaten in 7 (5, 8 or 9?) days. She was so obviously meth or coked up that I didn't even blink an eye at Brandi's meth in the bathroom comment. Same with the crawling on the bathroom floor/limo scenes with Ken. Total alky? Probably. Total druggie? Most definitely. I know both intimately.

Now I think she's drinking and doing other drugs, because that gives courage and denial. If she was methed out, she'd be too fucking paranoid to go anywhere near "Dr" Phil.

I agree. A lot.

Didn't she pull out a tiny baggie with white residue when she and Ken were in the limo? Whatever it was she pulled out wasn't a bag meant for weed or pills. More like a bag meth or coke would come in.

  • Love 13

While I agree that Kim was a very pretty woman at one point, I definitely disagree that she looks better than 90% of the women her age. Kim's skin is a nightmare. My mom is almost ten years older than she is and frankly looks much better especially in terms of skin and wrinkles. The best thing that I can say about Kim is that she's kept her weight down but I'm sure this is because of the drugs as opposed to any discipline on Kim's part. 


Kim has retained the vestiges of good looks and she looks nice in the airbrushed photo shoots, but I feel like the drugs have really done a number on her overall. I agree too that she looks older than Kathy. Kathy has gained weight but she's still very pretty and it's easy to see where Paris gets her looks from. I agree that they are a good looking family. I actually think that Paris and Whitney look as though they could be sisters. 


As far as what drugs Kim is on or has indulged in in the past--


I agree that Kim often seems "amped" up and on the night of the car ride over to Poker Night it did not by any stretch of the imagination to me seem like she was acting like a person who was drinking, smoking marijuana, and/or taking a single pill of vicodin. She seemed *energized* and it definitely took me back to Game Night and SUR in season 2 where I'm convinced that she was either on cocaine or meth. I lean towards it probably being cocaine because meth has more signs and I think she'd have a harder time hiding it.


I bet you there was all kinds of shit on the cutting room floor (pun not originally intended lol) the night the crew was filming with Kim and Ken in that hotel room. 


I hate to say it but I tend to agree, with no proof whatsoever....


Her hands were an absolute mess, stained, broken nails, dirty nails, band-aids, in a scene with Kyle in that season.  Somebody over at TWOP swore they were "meth fingers."


Then her crawling around on that bathroom floor at the hotel obviously looking for something quite small really piqued my curiosity, especially when Ken was firmly telling her not put whatever it was in her purse when she found it.


Didn't seem to be a pill that had rolled away nor did it seem to be a vial of errant cocaine...and it sure the fuck couldn't have been a drink.


So, yeah, after that entire season and what we were shown, and knowing Kim probably wasn't in a financial position to afford high-grade coke, I started to think maybe that TWOP poster had been right.

  • Love 9

Geez, wings, I'm not in the habit of giving other women wolf whistles, but you must be one smashing sight when you go out!  I need to lose ten pounds off my tusch, and then you need to come to San Francisco and put me together!  "Wings, Dresser to the Ordinary HW!"  I'll bet Kim would lose that plaid flannel shirt in a matter of days and become your new celebrity client.


What does the well-dressed woman wear to rehab?  Probably something simple and flats to scale the fence.

  • Love 6

Geez, wings, I'm not in the habit of giving other women wolf whistles, but you must be one smashing sight when you go out! I need to lose ten pounds off my tusch, and then you need to come to San Francisco and put me together! "Wings, Dresser to the Ordinary HW!" I'll bet Kim would lose that plaid flannel shirt in a matter of days and become your new celebrity client.

Hey neighbor. I'm in the Bay Area too.

The Bruce Jenner/Diane Sawyer interview, Robin Roberts and the Cleveland Kidnapping victims, and now Kim on Dr. Phil - this is like my version of the NBA playoffs.


We should had called Kim would walk out.  I loved how she laid down the ground rules in her meeting with Lisa R. in the last episode.  We should all learn from Kim and walk into job interviews or family gatherings saying. "These are the topics I'm willing to discuss..."


I really think Kim does any drug she can get her hands on.  I think some sort of methamphetamine is what aged her skin so severely, besides the sun and alcohol.  She's aged badly, IMO, and her style (the tan, the bleached hair, the cheap extensions) make it 100x worse.  Yolanda can still pull off the tan and bleach, but Kim can't, and needs a style to soften her skin.  


I think about Amy Winehouse passing away like everyday, and I used to have compassion for Kim, like when she freaked out losing the plastic baggy in the limo and that whole era, but I just can't find much sympathy for her nowadays since she's directed her personal misery onto others.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 9

I agree. A lot.

Didn't she pull out a tiny baggie with white residue when she and Ken were in the limo? Whatever it was she pulled out wasn't a bag meant for weed or pills. More like a bag meth or coke would come in.


She certainly did, and appeared to be looking for any residue she could use.


That entire episode was so telling about Kim.


Remember the busted-ass shoes she was wanting to wear to that swanky event at SUR and Ken overruling her?  Damned things looked like she'd had them and been wearing them consistently since she made Tuff Turf.  


And showing her makeup person her lipstick vibrator she was so proud of and bitching about Ken, whilst ordering him to find her phone, charge her phone, get her something to drink, etc.


Looked like she was living her own version of a whacked out Norma Desmond.  I kept waiting for a chimp to amble into the room.


I could never quite decide if Ken was using drugs, too, or if he was just Kim's gopher.  He seemed quite pissed off during that entire hotel episode and the fact that they were running so late and he couldn't get her ass out the door.


If Bravo intends to keep her under contract, they need to get her off of this show and put her on something like "Down and Out in Beverly Hills:  The Substance Abuse Edition."  


I really hope she and Brandi are both gone next season.  


Between withered/weathered Kim and Brandi's grotesquely swollen head and face, it's becoming downright difficult to watch.

  • Love 17

I agree. A lot.

Didn't she pull out a tiny baggie with white residue when she and Ken were in the limo? Whatever it was she pulled out wasn't a bag meant for weed or pills. More like a bag meth or coke would come in.


I was honesty expecting her to lick the inside of the baggie.


I hate to say it but I tend to agree, with no proof whatsoever....


Her hands were an absolute mess, stained, broken nails, dirty nails, band-aids, in a scene with Kyle in that season.  Somebody over at TWOP swore they were "meth fingers."


Then her crawling around on that bathroom floor at the hotel obviously looking for something quite small really piqued my curiosity, especially when Ken was firmly telling her not put whatever it was in her purse when she found it.


Didn't seem to be a pill that had rolled away nor did it seem to be a vial of errant cocaine...and it sure the fuck couldn't have been a drink.


So, yeah, after that entire season and what we were shown, and knowing Kim probably wasn't in a financial position to afford high-grade coke, I started to think maybe that TWOP poster had been right.


The something small was most likely a meth "rock" - I've seen this more times than I care to remember.



ETA: "Meth fingers" might have been me - they start out as drying, cracking, bleeding cuticles and get worse from there.

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 10

Kim also had that persistent cough during season 2. 


Thinking back to Kim in the limo with the baggie reminds me of her saying that the bra she was wearing was "dirty". She had all kinds of clothes in that hotel room and she couldn't come up with a clean bra? I remember being amazed at the time. 


Then I was peeking through my fingers when she was doing her lip pout while she was looking in the mirror and fluffing her hair. It was such a mess I'll never forget it. 


Kim spent a lot of time in the bathroom at SUR but when she had the conversation with Kyle where Kyle ruined her flower she seemed like she was on some kind of downer and her eyes were droopy. 


Lol, remember when Taylor said something about seeing a superhero in a suit with a big question mark and that would be Kim? It's so true in a way. We know the basics of what's going on with her but as far as what goes on in her head it's a fucking mystery. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 11

She is gorgeous and so is Kim and Kathy too. They are a good-looking family. I know you all think Kim is rough looing but, she kooks better than 90% of women here age.



I recognized Kim as a total druggie way back on the night of the hidden crutches, when she told Kyle in the bathroom she hadn't slept or eaten in 7 (5, 8 or 9?) days.  She was so obviously meth or coked up that I didn't even blink an eye at Brandi's meth in the bathroom comment.  Same with the crawling on the bathroom floor/limo scenes with Ken.   Total alky?  Probably.  Total druggie?  Most definitely.  I know both intimately


Now I think she's drinking and doing other drugs, because that gives courage and denial.  If she was methed out, she'd be too fucking paranoid to go anywhere near "Dr" Phil.

I suspect coke over meth.  She was either strung out on stimulants or manic or both.

  • Love 6

Closer than you might think...



That would have been absolute perfection.

If pot isn't her thing why is she still enjoying a puff or two with Brandi recently. She may not smoke pot all the time but she must kind of like it otherwise why do it now? I hate alcohol, can't stand the feeling or the loss of inhibitions so I never drink. Kim is not the reason Kyle smokes pot occasionally, that was my point. Kyle smokes pot because she wants to and appears to do so responsibly who give a fuck? I know Kim is Satan but she doesn't control Kyle's substance use

  • Love 3

I recognized Kim as a total druggie way back on the night of the hidden crutches, when she told Kyle in the bathroom she hadn't slept or eaten in 7 (5, 8 or 9?) days. She was so obviously meth or coked up that I didn't even blink an eye at Brandi's meth in the bathroom comment. Same with the crawling on the bathroom floor/limo scenes with Ken. Total alky? Probably. Total druggie? Most definitely. I know both intimately.

She said in Amsterdam to Brandi before they went with The Lisas she hadnt a full night rest.

I said several posts ago, Kim is an experimental kind of girl. She loves drinking and pills; yet never rule out shes done other drugs like coke and maybe smoked meth or crack a time or two.

Remember how upset she was when Brandi said she was doing crystal meth on it season 2's game night and when they were in Ojai and she was crying in the bathroom about her never doing it and when Lisa V questioned if she was doing a sleeping pills and she got quite defensive and cried on the bus. Sometimes with tears there is some underlining truth.

  • Love 8

If pot isn't her thing why is she still enjoying a puff or two with Brandi recently. She may not smoke pot all the time but she must kind of like it otherwise why do it now? I hate alcohol, can't stand the feeling or the loss of inhibitions so I never drink. Kim is not the reason Kyle smokes pot occasionally, that was my point. Kyle smokes pot because she wants to and appears to do so responsibly who give a fuck? I know Kim is Satan but she doesn't control Kyle's substance use

In Amsterdam Brandi said, "the last time I smoked pot I was with you."  She did not say Kyle smoke pot with her .  Vanderpump was there as well and said Kyle didn't smoke pot.  At last year's Reunion Brandi mentioned- at least I am not in the car smoking pot.  Nobody responded.  Brandi was doing a Kim and knew from Kim that Kyle had smoked pot.    By Brandi bringing it up that way it forces Kyle to admit she has smoked pot. 


Kim isn't Satan but both Brandi and Kim have tried to divert attention from their drunkenness by dragging Kyle into it and claiming she has wine every night and then Kyle had more to drink than I did, Kyle was drunk at the Gay Mixer.  Then it forces the others to either support Brandi/Kim contention or support Kyle's side of things.

  • Love 11

Kyle is a beautiful woman, stunning. She is wearing my uniform, skinny jeans (mine from Old Navy), crisp white shirt (GAP) and often with a scarf (TJ Max) and fancy shoes. I wear my funky Fly London shoes en lieu of spikes and aviators (similar). Maybe that is why I think she looks so cool! LOL.

Dina Manzo and Kyle are the prettiest 40-something HWs I ever seen. Dina still wins because she looks to have had little to no work done but yeah.

  • Love 3

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