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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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The story about taking care of Monty at her home has always been sketchy to me, but if true, this has to change. Putting an addict in a home with strong meds is like putting a kid in a candy store. It was the first clue I knew that Kim's "three years sober!" story was a farce.



Monte moved in with her.  He probably has a palliative care nurse close by or in the house.  And his meds are probably locked up now.  Not so much so Kim doesn't use them for her sake but more so he has the meds when HE needs them.  

Edited by wings707
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Monte moved in with her.  He probably has a palliative care nurse close by or in the house.  And his meds are probably locked up now.  Not so much so Kim doesn't use them for her sake but more so he has the meds when HE needs them.

It's Kim's house. His meds aren't locked up. And keep in mind that Monty denied giving Kim his pills - that was her story only. So clearly she had access.

  • Love 6

It's Kim's house. His meds aren't locked up. And keep in mind that Monty denied giving Kim his pills - that was her story only. So clearly she had access.


How do you know they are not in a lock box now given what happened?   

I won't watch it. I really don't care if Kim gets sober or not just stay off the shows I like.


Yep, I totally agree.  I could not care less.  

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He will tell her she needs to go to rehab now!  She will go on and on about the wedding, monty, chad, etc.  and say she can't miss these "family" moments, but she has "promised" her family that she is sober, and this was a slip due to pressure.   He will somehow compromise (giving her permission to do exactly what the hell she wants), then go on to "recommend" a sober living coach - the person of his choice, meetings, and therapy.      Basically she will agree to anything/everything he says.   I doubt he will go hard on her,  but will do a standard scare tactic of "if you don't stop you will die".   She will insist this is just a slip.    Pretty much she wants everyone to think she's so remorseful, believe it was a "slip", and she can handle things.   She definitely doesn't want to admit that she's out of control, that it's anything more than a one-time deal, and has NOTHING to do with the pressure of being on a reality show.  No way does she want Bravo to think Dr. Phil, or any professional, is recommending she not do the show.   And, bottom line I think that's why she's doing the interview - not to convince anybody but Bravo Execs. 

He will tell her she needs to go to rehab now!  She will go on and on about the wedding, monty, chad, etc.  and say she can't miss these "family" moments, but she has "promised" her family that she is sober, and this was a slip due to pressure.   He will somehow compromise (giving her permission to do exactly what the hell she wants), then go on to "recommend" a sober living coach - the person of his choice, meetings, and therapy.      Basically she will agree to anything/everything he says.   I doubt he will go hard on her,  but will do a standard scare tactic of "if you don't stop you will die".   She will insist this is just a slip.    Pretty much she wants everyone to think she's so remorseful, believe it was a "slip", and she can handle things.   She definitely doesn't want to admit that she's out of control, that it's anything more than a one-time deal, and has NOTHING to do with the pressure of being on a reality show.  No way does she want Bravo to think Dr. Phil, or any professional, is recommending she not do the show.   And, bottom line I think that's why she's doing the interview - not to convince anybody but Bravo Execs. 

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I think the theory posted here that Kim was flushing drugs was pretty astute.  I have no other explanation, unless she travels through drainpipes like the Super Mario brothers.  And to be frank, I could picture Kim crawling out of a dirty drain, kinda like the ghost in The Ring.


Dr.Phil must have offered cash or else she would have sucked up to Andy with a Sunday special edition of WWHL.

  • Love 14

"Secrets Revealed" better be a bunch of production shots of Kim drunk off her ass ...


She may be very candid about the rigors of filming, and production's expectations



I was thinking today about that bitch getting $400k/year for barely showing up to a few lunches and a free trip to Europe. Oh the rigors ...

Edited by missy jo
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Well this was filmed and the promos are already out there so I suspect she filmed it the day after the arrest or 2 days after the arrest. Kathy Hilton may have had some help from the Fosters, they are good friends with Dr. Phil.


I don't think she will admit to anything other than 1 slip during filming and the D&D arrest. This is all spin control and nothing more IMO.

If Kathy and the Fosters helped her get on Dr. Phil, I think it was for PR to help her keep her job. I hope they also helped her see an actual clinician. 

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I think the theory posted here that Kim was flushing drugs was pretty astute.  I have no other explanation, unless she travels through drainpipes like the Super Mario brothers.  And to be frank, I could picture Kim crawling out of a dirty drain, kinda like the ghost in The Ring.


Dr.Phil must have offered cash or else she would have sucked up to Andy with a Sunday special edition of WWHL.

Thanks for that visual, Morbs, lol.

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This whole Dr Phil thing has Kathy's fingerprints all over it.  Seems as if Kyle is staying out of it (good for her).   I find it amusing that her first concern was the PR over her arrest, and not seemingly the result of a major relapse.   It just goes to show she has no desire for a true recovery, but putting on a good face for the public.   Anybody truly interested in recovery wouldn't  be bothering with a big public show of remorse, they would be putting out a written statement, and heading to rehab.

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It just hit me.


If Kim is back on for another season (which I hope she isn't) but if she returns you all know she's gonna throw this in Kyle face that Kathy helped her through this trying/difficult time. And Kyle was in NYC and went to Coachella (whatever the hell it's called) she didn't make post bail, like sweet Kathy might have done.


We all know it wont fly since they have been estranged.  But Kim loves to twist and lie to put herself in a good light and try to make Kyle look bad.  I can feel it.  I'm already preparing myself.


Kyle should let Kathy handle it all.  If Kim dares say anything, Kyle should remind her that she is not a very helpful sister so Kim should not expect any help.


wings707, so what's the over/under on whether Kim shows up wasted to the Dr. Phil interview?


She will be clean for the interview.  The question is how quickly will she load up after the interview. 

  • Love 7

Dr PHIL better ask her directly about abuse of other drugs besides alcohol... He better be 100 goddamn % direct.


He was direct with Dina Lohan.  He has a mad skill using his quiet tone of voice, direct look and responding with um hm.  The um hm says I don't believe you.  It unsettled Dina and will Kim.  

wings707, so what's the over/under on whether Kim shows up wasted to the Dr. Phil interview?



I don't know what over/under means.  :>)


ETA:  just saw the answer above.  I agree, sober for the interview and calm her nerves after.  

Edited by wings707
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Kyle should let Kathy handle it all.  If Kim dares say anything, Kyle should remind her that she is not a very helpful sister so Kim should not expect any help.



She will be clean for the interview.  The question is how quickly will she load up after the interview. 

I say, Kim will hit the bottles, booze/pills, as soon as the cameras are gone.

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Gotta question.  I'm running fast, but I can't keep up!


Remember the photo BlackMamba posted a couple of days ago of one of Kim's exes driving her and her daughter to college?  He was a real looker.  Was that Monty?  And was the girl Brooke?  I get Kim's ex-husbands all mixed up; same with her daughters.  If that was Monty, and he looks as bad as he does now, that's really sad.  (Of course, it's sad no matter who it is).  He must be the same one who was in the Christmas picture of the family because he looked bad then.


I'll never believe that Kim was in that much pain that she needed a pill.  I think she just thought she needed something to get through the reunion, and that's why she took it. Just an observation, but if Kim is taking (or took) one pill for pain from a man who is dying of cancer, she is totally without a conscience, IMHO.  Totally. 

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What makes now (this past week, since Kim's arrest) any different from when Monty supposedly moved in? Kim was an addict in recovery then, as in now.


Not her arrest, I was thinking when the poker game aired.  Nothing is different with Kim but Monty, after learning that she took one of his pills, may have made the decision to lock them up.  He is focused on the end of his life, not paying close attention to Kim.  Those around her are just witnessing the same old, same old.  Or Kyle might have told Monty to lock them up right after the poker game filmed.  

  • Love 2


I won't watch it. I really don't care if Kim gets sober or not just stay off the shows I like.





Just looking at Kim through the years on the show and in photos this woman has aged a great deal.


I've noticed the same thing - what is she, 50?  She looks at least 10 years older, and many 60 year olds don't look as aged as she does.


This is probably awful to say, I know, but every time I see her, I think she needs a shower. 

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From the Season 5: Days of Real Housewives Lives - The Season in Review thread:

That's something I've always seen discussed here as fact but I don't remember seeing it on the show, although I could have missed it. Was this reported as truth in the tabloids somewhere?

Most of the info I've gathered was from the show, but also from social and regular media and inferences made. Early in season 2 Kim mentioned that she and John split custody of Kim, IIRC she said that it was an alternate weeks arrangement. During the season Kim moved in with Ken and fell off the wagon, or, if you assume she was never on the wagon, her drinking/using became more intense and problematic.

Kim boo-hooed to Kyle something to the effect that falling in love cost her her kids, and then went on to say that Chad, who happened to be dating Ken's daughter,* was OK with the relationship but her daughters were not, and I wouldn't be surprised of Kimberly started living with her father more than half-time. A few months later Kim and Ken broke up which left her "homeless" and Kim went to rehab and certainly by then Kimberly was living with her father full-time.

From the looks of it Kim and Kimberly reconciled after Kim's rehab stint and became close again, by now Kimberly was an upperclassman in high school and presumably still went to school in her father's neighborhood (mentioned in season one), so I would not be shocked if she continued to live primarily with her father, especially during the school year when she was still in high school, but also spent time with Kim, IIRC she was the one sick in bed when Kyle visited.

* not discussed on the show.

Edited by quinn
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From radaronline.com


Headed For Disaster! Kim Richards ‘Distanced Herself’ From Sober Circle ‘Months Ago,’ Relapse ‘Surprised No One’
Posted on Apr 21, 2015 @ 4:15AM

Kim Richards’ Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-stars were worried about her sobriety for months before her very public relapse. And although the troubled blonde insisted she was still working her AA program, RadarOnline.com has learned that behind the scenes, she had distanced herself from sober friends, for whom her relapse is “no surprise.”

“Kim was not working the AA program at all leading up to her arrest and relapse,” a former friend tells Radar. “She was not going to meetings, not working the steps and she was not hanging out with her sober friends, which is a huge part of what you need to do to stay sober. A lot of people thought she was secretly getting loaded.”

According to the source, “Kim had said that she thought that she was way too busy for her program because she was a television star.”
“He friends all told her countless times that if she did not put her recovery first, she would lose everything.”


“No one is surprised at all about her relapse,” the insider adds. “It is a clear example of how important it is to be honest and also a lesson on what happens if you keep secrets.”


Edited by quinn
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From radaronline.com

Dr. Phil Offers Kim Richards Free Rehab Stay In Exchange For Interview — Did She Say Yes?
Posted on Apr 21, 2015 @ 11:09AM


RadarOnline.com has learned that Dr. Phil offered to send her to a rehab facility all-expenses-paid after she sat down with him for an interview about her recent arrest.


After the interview, a source said, “Dr. Phil offered to send her to rehab, and said he would take care of the expenses. It was extremely generous, and a facility was picked out by Dr. Phil. Kim was blown away by the gesture, but didn’t immediately agree to go.

“Kim’s daughter, Brooke, is getting married for a second time next month, and she doesn’t want to miss it,” the source said. “The event will be taking place out of the country. Meanwhile Dr. Phil warned Kim her life was in danger because of her addiction to alcohol.”

Edited by quinn
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There's a video and it looks like Kathy, Chad and the woman that manages Kyle and Kim are present.  The article mentions Brooke being there.  It says three of her children so that means that Whitney or Kimberly was present too.



OK I read more and it says, "Three of Richards' children, Brooke, 29, Chad, 22 and Kimberly, 20,  who were there to support their mother..."

Edited by quinn
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Interesting that the Daily Fail quotes Kim as saying 'I'm not drinking every day'.  Quote different from what she was saying on RHOBH.


Not surprised as to the outcome of Dr. Phil's offer.  Kim did the same thing to anyone on RHOBH who dared to suggest she needed help - - attack, attack, attack. 


I just can't feel any sympathy or empathy with her/for her any longer.  I would feel for anyone who wants help but she clearly doesn't.  Missing Brooke's wedding is an excuse.  Wanting to check out or choose the facility herself is an excuse.  My guess is that the facility suggested was Promises Malibu and Kim will find something wrong with it.  There will always be some excuse.


I feel sorry for her children but I think everyone needs to distance themselves from her for their own wellbeing. 

There's a video and it looks like Kathy and Chad are are there and the article mentions Brooke being there.  It says three of her children so that means that Whitney or Kimberly was present too. i

quinn, it mentioned Kimberly was there but not Whitney.

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