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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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 Now,if they are found by the court to be incompetent to make medical decisions for themselves the parent, or anyone coud petition the
court for guardianship but without a court order, we couldn't discuss anything unless the patient gives us permission
but in this case, I doubt that is the case.

Edited by Higgins


Thanks.  I appreciate the clarification.


So as it stands now:

We know the facility is barred from releasing information as it is a violation of HIPAA regulations.

We do not know if Kim's kid was admitted.

We do not know if Kim has access to her kid's condition if he was admitted.

We do not know if Kyle has texted Kim about the situation.

We do not know if Kim has ignored or blocked Kyle's texts.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

So Kim doesn't call Kyle and that makes her a bitch.  If she had called Kyle, how many would be saying "There she goes again, expecting Kyle to HELP her!"

I am not getting where the "help" thing is coming from. No one seems to be suggesting that Kyle should help, or that she should be given an award for doing so. Most of us seem to be commenting on the notion that Kim isn't answering questions or relaying information to Kyle. That she is ignoring Kyle's attempt to reach out and offer support, or perhaps just understand what is going on. That is very different from asking for or accepting help of some sort. Again, this is all based on a ROL story, which might not be factual. We are just commenting on what we are hearing, which is that Kim is ignoring Kyle. Answering questions is not even close to accepting help from someone. IMO it is emotional blackmail to use her anger or hurt to keep Kyle from understanding what is going on with this young person, who we have every reason to believe Kyle loves and is worried about. I do believe, however, that this fits with Kim's MO in general. I don't find it hard to imagine that this is what Kim has always done. Probably always issued threats like "if you want to see me or my kids, I don't want to be questioned or interrogated about my business or my life. Don't lecture me about my drinking if you want me around. Don't question me about the decisions that I make". I could be wrong, but my experience with people suffering from addiction is this exactly. It is always on their terms and it is often painful. They are generally pros at blackmailing your affection in return for looking the other way and keeping your mouth shut.

  • Love 15

Kyle's avoided Kim for months, and according to Brandi, for months BEFORE the show.  That's fine that Kyle will only deal with Kim while filming now, but with all her bitching and martyrdom about supposedly always having to "take care" of Kim, and how very, very, VERY hard that is for Saint Kyle?  Kim decides to try and deal with this on her own or with family/friends who are not Kyle, so she's wrong again?


I don't put much stock into what Brandi has to say, so who knows who has avoided whom and for how long.  If Kyle is indeed avoiding Kim, it stands to reason that she will deal with her during filming because that's what they both get paid for.  If Kim wants to handle her addiction on her own, more power to her.  That will let Kyle enjoy her life with her husband, kids and friends, without having to worry about Kim, and Kim can continue calling her bestie Brandi at 2 a.m., who will continue to trash Kyle and enable Kim by validating her behavior.  Works for everyone all the way around.

  • Love 8


 Now,if they are found by the court to be incompetent to make medical decisions for themselves the parent, or anyone coud petition the

court for guardianship but without a court order, we couldn't discuss anything unless the patient gives us permission

but in this case, I doubt that is the case.

Applications for conservatorships are public and that has not been done in this case if  there is a psychiatric admission. I just find it hard to believe that Kim would have a child admitted and then be photographed, for the first time in almost a month partying at Kathy's.


Thanks again Higgins, you are the best.

  • Love 4

Can we review a bit of family history for me please? Brooke's dad is Monty and he's still alive. Is Chad and Whitney's dad alive? Who is Kimberly's dad and is he alive? Who was the fiancé of Kim's who got murdered? (IOW, was he Kimberly's dad?)

Here is how it lays out-Kim got pregnant married Monty and they had Brooke. February 1986

Kim met Gregg Davis divorced Monty and got pregnant and married Gregg Davis had Whitney and Chad. (Circa 1988-1990)

Kim divorced Davis and took up with John Colette and they were engaged, and he was murdered in October of 1991.

So the Davis children were conceived and whelped between 1988 and 1991.

After Colette's murder Kim put his motorcycle on the market and with Mother Colette's blessing Kim began dating John Jackson.

One thing led to another and they had Kimberly Jackson in August of 1995.


So four children and three dads.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

ZM...........can you put that in a flow chart so we can see the evolution of Kim's instability?   LOL


4 children


3 dads


2 marriages


Yup!  Problems just seem to come naturally to Kim Richards.

You forgot the engagement after Davis and before Jackson.


This past episode Kim did mention the births, weddings and divorces Kim and Kyle had experienced together.  That is why this quibbling over who supported Kim and when is silly.  They are sisters they have lived the highs and lows long before RHOBH and long after RHOBH. 

  • Love 3

Thank you, Zoeysmom, for all of the info.  I can't keep names, dads, and dates straight with any of the Richards kids.


Has Kim ever talked about John Colette and his death?  I imagine it had a big impact on her but I wonder if and how it contributed to her substance abuse problem. 

Collett was being sued along with his associates for bilking elderly investors out of $150 million before he was killed. He was killed by a hit man that was later found guilty. He and Kim started dating before she left second husband Davis.     http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20439856,00.html

  • Love 3

Thank you, Zoeysmom, for all of the info.  I can't keep names, dads, and dates straight with any of the Richards kids.


Has Kim ever talked about John Colette and his death?  I imagine it had a big impact on her but I wonder if and how it contributed to her substance abuse problem. 

Kim went to a psychic on the show, and she briefly discussed him as the love of her life (of course).  It was before Kim went to rehab. I would not expect any less from Kim because she has to have an excuse for drinking.  The fact that shortly after his death she began a five year relationship with Jackson which resulted in Kimberly is apparently just something that happened during her grieving period. 


Kim partied before during and after Collett.  I am sure she blames her addictions on his death.  

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

Collett was being sued along with his associates for bilking elderly investors out of $150 million before he was killed. He was killed by a hit man that was later found guilty. He and Kim started dating before she left second husband Davis.     http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20439856,00.html

It certainly seems like Kim had a pattern of starting one relationship before she ends another. I know this has been discussed before, but I wonder why Brandi doesn't have an issue with this. 

  • Love 8

It certainly seems like Kim had a pattern of starting one relationship before she ends another. I know this has been discussed before, but I wonder why Brandi doesn't have an issue with this.


Brandi called Eileen a homewrecker because of her relationship with Vince before they were both divorced, but has no problem with Kim having a relationship with Davis while still married to Monty?  This is the same woman who calls all the other women hypocritical?  It makes as much sense as her suggesting that the others' husbands cheat on them just because Eddie cheated on her.  Her thought process leaves me baffled.

  • Love 10

It certainly seems like Kim had a pattern of starting one relationship before she ends another. I know this has been discussed before, but I wonder why Brandi doesn't have an issue with this. 

I am going to wager a guess that Brandi has several friends that have either been cheaters or are with cheaters. Just as I don't believe she would say Emma Willis (one of her alleged BFFs) is a prostitute because she married Bruce*-in her case truly 25 years older and has sex with him. Or Yolanda who married David-same age difference as LvP and Ken.   Very different standards for Brandi or has Brandi would say hypocrisy, double standards.


* Bruce who cheated on Demi and broke up his family and he had three children.

  • Love 7

I am going to wager a guess that Brandi has several friends that have either been cheaters or are with cheaters. Just as I don't believe she would say Emma Willis (one of her alleged BFFs) is a prostitute because she married Bruce*-in her case truly 25 years older and has sex with him. Or Yolanda who married David-same age difference as LvP and Ken.   Very different standards for Brandi or has Brandi would say hypocrisy, double standards.


* Bruce who cheated on Demi and broke up his family and he had three children.


I'm going to go ahead and say that I don't doubt that Brandi herself has cheated while in a relationship or had sex with non-single men before.  She's protests too much for me to believe otherwise and with all her bragging of "blackout sex", who knows who she was banging. 


I do think it's funny that Kim's marriages and affairs have never gotten the "Brandi Treatment".  I mean the Richards girls were pretty much bred to snag rich husbands, so wouldn't that make her BFF Kimmie and her sister Kathy, in her eyes, prostitutes as well, because they did, indeed, bag some rich men?  It's also funny that Kim won't stand up for Kyle and Mauricio regarding Brandi trying to insult and hurt them by throwing out cheating accusations, when she herself is an actual cheater(won't speculate on K & M because I have no idea) and probably wouldn't like "her business" being talked about on camera.  I would love it if BFF Brandi trotted that little gem out, when shit hits the fan with them.    

  • Love 12

This is really funny because I was scolded for asking about Chad but I see he's fair game for discussion now.  


If I were Kyle, I would not answer one text, one phone call, I would slam the door shut in Kim's face if she showed at my house.  Kim is a toxic garbage dump and she is too set in her delusional ways to change anything about her situation.  Fuck her.   

  • Love 8

Does anyone know if Kim still owns her home in Palm Springs? I know she had a home there and that was apparently one of the reasons she sold her share of the mom's house to Kyle. I think it was a townhome if memory serves. 

It was a house/townhouse in the same development as Big Kathy's.  I do believe it was sold because Kim could not afford a second home. At what point and when I don't know.   Big Kathy died in early 2002, so dividing up the property took awhile.  It sounded to me like the three sisters did not want to maintain the mortgage property taxes on the house so it was either sell it or one or two needed to buy the others out.  This is pretty basic probate protocol.  I could be wrong but I think Big Kathy owned a third home in the development and it may have gone to an ex-husband.

If one ignores the story at the end of it there is a link to a video-"Where are they now?"  It is a very cute Kim Richards with mother Big Kathy (after she has been diagnosed with cancer) talking about her life and NO REGRETS as a child star.  Interestingly Kim is living in Arizona at the time. I will leave the horse business to the equestrians on the site.  I can't remember Kim's version of horses from earlier this season when she rode with Yolanda.   http://stoopidhousewives.com/tag/kim-and-kyle-richards-mother/


There is a cute family photo-strong resemblance between Portia and Kyle.


Obviously the August 2006 date is wrong since Big Kathy died in 2002.  I am assume this is a "Where Are They Now Nanny and the Professor Cast," piece.

Edited by zoeysmom

That was at least 13-15 years ago. She's definitely aged a good deal and the alcohol/drugs and sun exposure have not been kind. However, as much as I'm disliking her at the moment I will give her props for having fabulous hair! Her hair always looks great and she can carry off shoulder length hair at age 51 very well.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 2

The thing that I cannot understand is what has made Kim turn on Kyle in such a manner. During most of S3 and all of S4, they seemed to be in such a good place. Clearly something has happened to change this.


When talking about the upcoming episode where Kim seems to hint at issues in the Lisar/HH marriage, I remembered that Kim didn't like it when folks were talking about the Mauricio cheating rumors. I checked out her blog from that episode, and she had this to say:


"As far as the conversation that took place regarding unfaithfulness, I will say that this is something that really bothered me. I love my sister very much, and when she is sad I am sad. It is very difficult to be in this world and not be hurt by the rumors and comments that people make up. There is a time and place for everything, and that conversation should have never been brought up."


This also got me thinking about the talk from both Brandi and Kim that Kyle isn't "there" for Kim, whatever that may mean. I got to wondering what Kim thought about Brandi making such an accusation originally at the S3 reunion.  This is what she had to say about that at the time:


"The thing that really confuses me, is she said how I was her friend, and I do believe I am! So WHY!?!  Why be so mean? I guess I don't fully understand her -- like when she said my sister secretly doesn’t want me to make it! I know in my heart Brandi doesn't want that for me, and she knows my sister doesn't want that for me! So WHY? Only Brandi knows!"


It's so strange that Kim seemed to see things much more clearly during these times. She didn't like what Brandi was saying about Kyle, and didn't like that folks were gossiping about Kyle's marriage.  She is nothing except supportive of Kyle up until at least a year ago. 


It might all sound crazy, but I think that Kingsley is at the root of a lot of this. Brandi and Kim keep talking about the fact that they started getting close 6 months ago. 6 months ago would have been March, when something very big happened.  That is when Kingsley bit Kim's friend. According to the friend, Kim was hysterical that she not make a big deal out of the bite, as she might lose her job, and have to put Kingsley down. I can imagine that Kyle wasn't as supportive as Kim would have liked during this time frame. She always stated she was nervous about the dog, and I could easily imagine her becoming disgusted and telling Kim to get rid of the goddamn dog. Brandi might have been much more supportive. She mentioned last year at one point that she got Kim's attachment to Kingsley as she had the same attachment to her dogs. She talked about her kids being gone with Eddie 50% of the time and it was just her and the dog. She said she could completely understand Kim's need to have Kingsley in her life. Is it possible that Kim turned to Brandi at this time? Maybe she was saying things about not being able to go on if someone took Kingsley away and Kyle didn't take this as serious as Kim and Brandi thought that she should have. For some reason, from the very beginning, I thought the 2am phone call involved something about the dog. It would be interesting if that was in fact the case, considering that just days after filming ended Kingsley bit Alexis.

Very interesting, Motorcitymom65. I think the reason for the "change" which occurred, as you say, "at least a year ago", is that that was the point when Kim went back to drinking/using. Poker night was not an isolated event. All of her resentments, real and imagined, came flooding back in with her return to substance abuse. And whom better to hook up with than the queen of jealousy and resentment...Brandi. Both these women have separated themselves from the other cast members and from the spirit of the show: Wealthy, interesting, pampered, gracious women living their lives in fabulous surroundings. Kim and Brandi do not fit in.

  • Love 9

What is the name of the biography on the Hiltons that talks about Big Kathy and all the terrible things she did to her kids? Is it "House of Hilton" or is it "The Hiltons: The True Story of an American Dynasty." I've seen it referenced a lot on the episode message boards but wasn't sure which one it is - the True Story one is newer.

Yes and it has been linked repeatedly.  This is a better site as it lists the 2004 sale of $430,000.00.  That would be the one Kim is blithering about.  The most recent sale was $450,000.00. 

  • Love 3

What is the name of the biography on the Hiltons that talks about Big Kathy and all the terrible things she did to her kids? Is it "House of Hilton" or is it "The Hiltons: The True Story of an American Dynasty." I've seen it referenced a lot on the episode message boards but wasn't sure which one it is - the True Story one is newer.

I read House of Hilton and it starts goes back to Conrad and the hotels. The author is pretty hard on everyone including Paris, Kim and Big Kathy but Kyle he doesn't say much about.

  • Love 2

That was at least 13-15 years ago. She's definitely aged a good deal and the alcohol/drugs and sun exposure have not been kind. However, as much as I'm disliking her at the moment I will give her props for having fabulous hair! Her hair always looks great and she can carry off shoulder length hair at age 51 very well.

I am so with you here, which gives me pause. Her hair looks fabulous; so healthy and shiny. This might be the result of good genes - clearly Kyle's hair is amazing as well - but generally when you are abusing your body in whatever form, it shows in your hair. Kim's has never looked more healthy. Not only that, but she is keeping up with the maintenance. That blonde is not easy to pull off and she is keeping up with it. I spend much of my time while watching Kim pondering this.

  • Love 4

I am so with you here, which gives me pause. Her hair looks fabulous; so healthy and shiny. This might be the result of good genes - clearly Kyle's hair is amazing as well - but generally when you are abusing your body in whatever form, it shows in your hair. Kim's has never looked more healthy. Not only that, but she is keeping up with the maintenance. That blonde is not easy to pull off and she is keeping up with it. I spend much of my time while watching Kim pondering this.

You know, I hadn't thought much about that bad health/abuse showing up in one's hair. Good point. I don't think Little Kathy inherited it to the extent of Kim & Kyle; she doesn't have the thickness and shine that they do. Must've been on their dad's side. Kim & Kyle's daughters have gorgeous hair also.

  • Love 5

Those sales dates and prices are interesting. 


I'd love to know who bought it in 1996, and where the money came from.  From records, not from Kyle.

Kim was twice divorced and in her early thirties. If she had actually paid for that house, as in handed her mom a check, I think we'd have already heard about it in no uncertain terms from Kim's own lips. No way she'd let that go unmentioned.

If any of her girls was in a position to gift Big Kathy with a house at that time, I'd think it would have been Little Kathy Hilton, but that hasn't come out either, so not likely.

I wish these online listings went back to the early 2000's. I really wonder where Kim's house went if she did have one nearby.

  • Love 3

Those sales dates and prices are interesting. 


I'd love to know who bought it in 1996, and where the money came from.  From records, not from Kyle.

What is interesting about them?  Mauricio and Kyle cashed out Kathy and Kim at the top of the market.  Big Kathy and her many husbands actually had income and it wasn't connected to Kim.  By 1996 Kim had not worked for ten years.  Big Kathy had three properties in the development.  The Richards bought and built property before Kim landed a sitcom in Bel Air and most likely used the proceeds from the sale of that property to buy in Indian Wells. 


Is there anything Kyle has said that is disputed by the records because try as I might I cannot find anything.

  • Love 11

Very interesting, Motorcitymom65. I think the reason for the "change" which occurred, as you say, "at least a year ago", is that that was the point when Kim went back to drinking/using. Poker night was not an isolated event. All of her resentments, real and imagined, came flooding back in with her return to substance abuse. And whom better to hook up with than the queen of jealousy and resentment...Brandi. Both these women have separated themselves from the other cast members and from the spirit of the show: Wealthy, interesting, pampered, gracious women living their lives in fabulous surroundings. Kim and Brandi do not fit in.

I actually think that Kim and Kyle getting along in the previous seasons was the anomaly and the tension we see now may be how they just are. In S1 their dynamic was odd. They both claimed everything was great! No family problems! Nope, not here! Richards girls are all best friends! Yet, Kim and Kyle were always very tense around each-other. Lots of sniping and passive aggressive digs on both ends. Even before the limo fight I remember thinking how much they said they loved each-other, but acted like they hated each-other. Then there is the big limo fight and S2 got real tense. They dance around each-other, and both get annoyed and mean with each-other, and things are just baaaad. Then Kim goes to rehab and they have this brief period of hyper positivity. They still fight a ton, but they're both in this "Kim's new found sobriety(such as it is) will give us a clean slate and solve everything!" So they do this whole "Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters" routine, but slowly the initial post-rehab everything is great glow fades completly and they fall into their old pattern of basically being the most annoying frienimies on the planet. I'm just saying Kim and Kyle may love one another, but they don't like each-other and I don't think they ever really have.

  • Love 14

I actually think that Kim and Kyle getting along in the previous seasons was the anomaly and the tension we see now may be how they just are. In S1 their dynamic was odd. They both claimed everything was great! No family problems! Nope, not here! Richards girls are all best friends! Yet, Kim and Kyle were always very tense around each-other. Lots of sniping and passive aggressive digs on both ends. Even before the limo fight I remember thinking how much they said they loved each-other, but acted like they hated each-other. Then there is the big limo fight and S2 got real tense. They dance around each-other, and both get annoyed and mean with each-other, and things are just baaaad. Then Kim goes to rehab and they have this brief period of hyper positivity. They still fight a ton, but they're both in this "Kim's new found sobriety(such as it is) will give us a clean slate and solve everything!" So they do this whole "Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters" routine, but slowly the initial post-rehab everything is great glow fades completly and they fall into their old pattern of basically being the most annoying frienimies on the planet. I'm just saying Kim and Kyle may love one another, but they don't like each-other and I don't think they ever really have.

I agree and I think they need to stop beat up themselves and each other over the fact.  The clean slate theory only works if no one brings up the past but as Kim said they have shared so much in their lives, marriages, births, deaths and divorces.  So these simplistic ideas of not bringing something up and a fresh start are poppycock.


I will say Kim bringing up the house and Kyle saying let's talk about it was healthy.  Until Kim really signs off on something acknowledging first and foremost that she wasn't screwed out of anything-in fact she was spared a loss and a significant one at that.  Had she stayed in on the property she would have had to pay half of what Kathy's share was-say $120,000.00.  So right off the bat that is $60,000.00.  Add half of 10 years of mortgage, taxes, insurance, maintenance, remodeling, wear and tear, refurnishing, utilities at maybe $50,000 a year and that is another $250,000.00,that would be $260,000.00 in out of pocket money to retain ownership in a house that they paid $430,000.00 for and sold for $450,000.00.  Even at the 5 year mark Kim would needed to pony up her $120,000.00 plus Kathy's $60,000.00 and $125,000.00 -why would Kim want to spend $325,000.00 dollars to get back in and another $125,000.00 before the sale?  That would be equivalent to the sale price of the home-at that is only a half interest.  So  I think Kim needs have someone clearly and in crayon if necessary, go line by line and see how she and Kathy and her daughter Brooke were the only ones who made money off Big Kathy's house.  I would think if Kim had wanted personal effects of Big Kathy's she would have been able to claim them-they would have not gone with the sale of the house.  Of course most of that stuff is divided at the time of death and you don't go back for seconds.


I do believe when Kyle listed this house was the beginning of the resentment we saw on Poker Night.  I think it was just too much to put in Kim's ear that Kyle was now employing private jets to fly the family to their annual Tahoe vacation, chartering yachts in the Mediterranean, buying the big house in the desert all in the same time period were too much for Kim to handle.  Couple the conspicuous consumption with an angry Brandi and Kim was bound to lose it.  Kim probably felt that Kyle and Mauricio should have given her the house.  If Kim had really wanted it why not just buy it-instead of asking for the listing for her daughter?

  • Love 7


Speaking of exploding heads-this is a story on Kyle's blog  the first video link is why I could never, ever have a conversation with Kim Richards.

Oh sweet Jesus. How damn nauseating it was to listen to Kim rattle on, "But she hurt ME!" Forget about Adrienne and Paul being upset and hurt, it is all about KIM!! Brandi hurt Kim more than anyone else!! Boo-fucking-hoo!

  • Love 9

Oh sweet Jesus. How damn nauseating it was to listen to Kim rattle on, "But she hurt ME!" Forget about Adrienne and Paul being upset and hurt, it is all about KIM!! Brandi hurt Kim more than anyone else!! Boo-fucking-hoo!

I know! Saying someone, a known addict BTW,  is using/taking meth in the bathroom is soooooo much worse that revealing the private use of a surrogate to have children, and the children do not know this yet, on national TV! Me, me, it's all about ME! Kim's mantra!

  • Love 3

I know! Saying someone, a known addict BTW,  is using/taking meth in the bathroom is soooooo much worse that revealing the private use of a surrogate to have children, and the children do not know this yet, on national TV! Me, me, it's all about ME! Kim's mantra!

What doesn't register to Kim is, there she was bringing it up on camera! All her crying about people bringing up her sobriety or lack thereof, she is he one who draws attention to it with those tantrums! How controlling and manipulating of her to try and direct the conversation Kyle was having with someone else about two people who were truly blindsided by that bitch, Brandi.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

So it's okay if Kyle cuts Kim off but not okay if Kim cuts her out?

I don't think anyone's saying that.  They can both cut each other out, IMHO.  In fact, it's probably for the best.  BUT--if a child of Kim's is in trouble or is hurt does that mean Kyle doesn't have the right to know how her own nephew/niece is?  Kim withholding that information is a dick move. Period. 

  • Love 16

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