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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 8:09 PM, zoeysmom said:

Mothers aren't usually part of the bridal party.  There are no moms in the photo.  Notice all the women have the same dress on. Farrah was in white and got a ring.  I think that is Mauricio's sister.

If that's Mauricio's sister, she's a ringer for their mother.  And not to be unnecessarily cruel, but the girls are lucky they don't take after the females in his family.  Although adorable little Portia may take after them a little.  Hopefully she won't go for their hideous bleached out butterscotch hair color.  I am a little concerned that Portia's curls have looked brushed out and frizzy of late.  With the proper products, she would have almost perfect ringlets.

4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

It was just a Jewish ceremony, Kyle converted in order to marry him.

Kyle's Wiki page claims she follows Modern Orthodox Judaism. Hard to say if this is true as in MO women lean toward more conservative gear (not the head coverings or long sleeves and skirts expected in Traditional Ortho) but definitely not the boob-baring necklines Kyle's worn over the years. Maybe it's the LA version of Modern Ortho.

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Hey, I'm a Greek Orthodox Christian but that doesn't mean I go all vegan during Lent, and I do celebrate Christmas on December 25th as well as on January 7th. You can count yourself among a religion without following all the details of said religion (spoiler alert: I know many Muslims who eat pork and drink alcohol too).

Edited by AndySmith
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6 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Kyle worked a fair amount as an adult. It's true that she and Mo were never as rich as Rick and Kathy or Kim has been at various times, but I suspect they were pretty comfortable. I wonder if just working as an adult had some normalizing effect on Kyle--going on auditions as an adult, getting rejections as an adult, walking on to sets where she's not the star. She did 21 episodes of ER as Nursery Dori, which is great. However, ER has 331 episodes. Dori almost always had fewer than 5 lines. I'm sure Kyle was happy that they liked her enough to ask her to come back, but it wasn't as if this was beaucoups bucks either. Perhaps if Kim had  more experiences like this as an adult she might be in a better place now.

A couple of shows ago, Kyle said they didn't have any money. They were living in an apt with 3 kids.  Was she lying about her situation? That doesn't sound pretty comfortable to me.

Wasn't Kyle pregnant when she got married to MO? 

On 2/6/2017 at 8:24 AM, zoeysmom said:

Portia has eyelashes most of these women would kill for-very pretty.


well since Kyle keeps the kid on camera I am sure we will see her eyelashes, her first zit and her first period if the show goes that long. 

did any of you watch "Dr. 90210"? Portia is hovering on the verge of becoming Sydney Rey, in my opinion.

4 hours ago, sarivon said:

well since Kyle keeps the kid on camera I am sure we will see her eyelashes, her first zit and her first period if the show goes that long. 

did any of you watch "Dr. 90210"? Portia is hovering on the verge of becoming Sydney Rey, in my opinion.

O, wow, Dr. 90210 -- that brings back TwoP memories and (keeping it on topic!) is where Paul and Adrienne first graced TV screens (they bickered back then, too).

I rarely give Kyle props as I find her vapid as hell but I will say I cannot see her and Maurice ever letting Portia reach Syd's levels of spoiled petulance. At least, I hope they wouldn't. ;-D

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4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Kind of a cute picture of pregnant Kim, Kyle and their dad: 

He looks like Blake Carrington.  

4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Pantene Poster girls Kim and Kyle: 

Kyle looks just like she did on Little House.  I love her character, she was a cute little thing and always made me cry.  (I have the DVDs)

19 hours ago, sarivon said:

well since Kyle keeps the kid on camera I am sure we will see her eyelashes, her first zit and her first period if the show goes that long. 

did any of you watch "Dr. 90210"? Portia is hovering on the verge of becoming Sydney Rey, in my opinion.

And just where the fuck are their "The Agency" caps?

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4 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

Thanks for the photos @zoeysmom. Is their father still alive? I'm reading HH but it's a slow go for me. It's hard to watch the dynamics of the Sisters without looking at the Parents. 

Kyle's father died in 1989, he would have been 100 years old this year.  There is a photo of he Kyle and Kim further up the page.  He is in a vehicle.

  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

Thanks for the redirect. @zoeysmom. Good looking couple. I really think Kim and Kyles children hit the genetics lotto. Kathy is just eh to me. I think it has to do with my perception of her. 

I think in this photo Kathy looks a lot like her mom:  http://images.cdn.starpulse.com/resize_image.php?source_image_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.cdn.starpulse.com%2Fnews%2Fbloggers%2F8%2Fblog_images%2Fkathy-hilton-kim-richards.jpg&target_height=397&target_width=754&fp=273x147

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On 1/23/2015 at 8:24 AM, jinjer said:

Brandi didn't touch Kyle until Kyle grabbed her from behind.  The reason Kyle was shoved so hard was probably because 1 the pizza went flying, they were near the stairs and, according to Kyle and Brandi, Brandi's armed got scratched. On WWHL Brandi accused Kyle of scratching her, and Kyle corrected her and said it was from the studs on her cuff.  So yes, Brandi did strike back, and that physical reaction is on Brandi.  It was a reaction not the initial aggression. 


Look, I agree that Brandi was a fool for getting in between the Richards sisters.  Brandi was drunk and was playing Cap'n Save a Ho.  She played right into Kim's hands.  Kim apparently told her Kyle was "bothering" her when she returned from the bathroom, and that's all Brandi needed to know.  But Kim continued to provoke and engage Kyle.  Brandi was trying to get Kim to disengage and separate.  Kyle chased after them. To label Brandi the aggressor in all this is wrong IMO.  

Exactly. Yeah I know this is an ancient post but I,m finally reading the this thread from the beginning. there will be more likes on things that happened a while back.

On 3/30/2017 at 11:07 AM, zoeysmom said:

Kyle on Juicy Scoop a two part interview:  http://wondery.com/wondery/shows/juicyscoop/  The interviewer pretty much has her telling her life story.  A lot about her childhood, mother, first husband and growing up.  A tiny bit about Erika near the end=which was more the interviewer Heather McDonald than Kyle.

I am a Juicy Scoop listener!  I love Heather McDonald, she is hilarious.  If you are looking for a funny, gossipy podcast, I recommend this one.  

I was surprised that Kyle opened up as much as she did on this podcast.  She said more about herself and her life (husbands, parents) in this relatively short podcast than she has ever shared on the show.  Maybe the show doesn't delve very deep on purpose, but I wish they would.  We don't want a whole season of did we or didn't we see someone's non-existent underwear.

Kyle seems very genuine and can be a good person.  However, I have always seen her as a user (taught well by mama) and she told a story on the podcast that really made me dislike her.  She had just started dating Mauricio and he wasn't going to be able to see her for a weekend because he had friends in town, including a lady, a family friend he had promised to see before meeting Kyle.  Kyle decided to make him jealous (she even said that she wanted to make him suffer) so she called an old boyfriend to take her out so they would run into Mo and his group of friends.  She was totally using this poor guy and she sees NOTHING wrong with this.  I guess the story is also in her book.

It is also weird how she tries to make her mother seem like a loving mother and not the crazy, husband-stealing, raging b---- she was.

Edited by heatherchandler
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27 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I am a Juicy Scoop listener!  I love Heather McDonald, she is hilarious.  If you are looking for a funny, gossipy podcast, I recommend this one.  

I was surprised that Kyle opened up as much as she did on this podcast.  She said more about herself and her life (husbands, parents) in this relatively short podcast than she has ever shared on the show.  Maybe the show doesn't delve very deep on purpose, but I wish they would.  We don't want a whole season of did we or didn't we see someone's non-existent underwear.

Kyle seems very genuine and can be a good person.  However, I have always seen her as a user (taught well by mama) and she told a story on the podcast that really made me dislike her.  She had just started dating Mauricio and he wasn't going to be able to see her for a weekend because he had friends in town, including a lady, a family friend he had promised to see before meeting Kyle.  Kyle decided to make him jealous (she even said that she wanted to make him suffer) so she called an old boyfriend to take her out so they would run into Mo and his group of friends.  She was totally using this poor guy and she sees NOTHING wrong with this.  I guess the story is also in her book.

It is also weird how she tries to make her mother seem like a loving mother and not the crazy, husband-stealing, raging b---- she was.

Maybe her mother wasn't a crazy husband stealing bitch.  Heather kept trying to get her to say her mom had taught her these man nabbing tricks and Kyle would not agree.  She said her mother taught them self confidence.   So it really doesn't matter to some what Kyle who lived it had to say about growing up they will always have their agenda. 

I listened to the Podcast and Kyle's parents divorced over the father's infidelity.  So I am not getting the husband stealing reference.  I take little to no stock in House of Hilton crap. 

I heard the same story and I got the impression the guy wasn't too devastated.  She seems to remain friends with the exes.

Part 2 airs Tuesday.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Maybe her mother wasn't a crazy husband stealing bitch.  Heather kept trying to get her to say her mom had taught her these man nabbing tricks and Kyle would not agree.  She said her mother taught them self confidence.   So it really doesn't matter to some what Kyle who lived it had to say about growing up they will always have their agenda. 

I listened to the Podcast and Kyle's parents divorced over the father's infidelity.  So I am not getting the husband stealing reference.  I take little to no stock in House of Hilton crap. 

I heard the same story and I got the impression the guy wasn't too devastated.  She seems to remain friends with the exes.

Part 2 airs Tuesday.

I don't have an agenda, but I thought it was common knowledge that Big Kathy was a huge, husband-stealing asshole.  Not that the men were "stolen" exactly, but she kept finding herself in relationships with married men... which has never happened to me... hmmm.

I have never read the House of Hilton, although I have seen snippets.  I was basing my thoughts on the various interviews with the stepchildren of Big Kathy.  I think Diane Richards was the one to spill the beans on what Big Kathy was really like.  Ken Richards was married when Kathy got pregnant, so that is verifiable.  One of Kim's boyfriends has also spoken openly about her.  

If you google the woman, nothing but awful headlines appear.  I don't believe everything I read, but where there's smoke, there's fire.

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I don't have an agenda, but I thought it was common knowledge that Big Kathy was a huge, husband-stealing asshole.  Not that the men were "stolen" exactly, but she kept finding herself in relationships with married men... which has never happened to me... hmmm.

I have never read the House of Hilton, although I have seen snippets.  I was basing my thoughts on the various interviews with the stepchildren of Big Kathy.  I think Diane Richards was the one to spill the beans on what Big Kathy was really like.  Ken Richards was married when Kathy got pregnant, so that is verifiable.  One of Kim's boyfriends has also spoken openly about her.  

If you google the woman, nothing but awful headlines appear.  I don't believe everything I read, but where there's smoke, there's fire.

I don't think husband stealer has ever been attributed to Big Kathy.  Where you get it from is beyond me.

Don't listen to the step children.  Keep in mind Kyle's dad would have been 100 years old this year.  Her dad was a divorced man when her mom met him.  Big Kathy wasn't pregnant with Kim when they married. 

Kyle said very clearly in the interview there was zero in the way of relationships with her father's other children.

Sometimes it takes a bigger person to look past "the headlines" which were that dreadful book.  The women was far from perfect but she should not be vilified.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I don't think husband stealer has ever been attributed to Big Kathy.  Where you get it from is beyond me.

Don't listen to the step children.  Keep in mind Kyle's dad would have been 100 years old this year.  Her dad was a divorced man when her mom met him.  Big Kathy wasn't pregnant with Kim when they married. 

Kyle said very clearly in the interview there was zero in the way of relationships with her father's other children.

Sometimes it takes a bigger person to look past "the headlines" which were that dreadful book.  The women was far from perfect but she should not be vilified.

I believe his children from his first marriage that they did have an affair when he was still married. He and his first separated/filed for divorce and Kathy got pregnant with Kim before his divorce was final and before they married. Just because the sisters didn't have a relationship with their step-siblings doesn't mean the steps are lying about the timeline, they lived it, Kyle did not. I get Kyle and her sisters trying to protect their mothers reputation but that doesn't negate facts, Kathy/Ken started an affair while he was still married/living with his then current wife and that Kathy got pregnant before they said "I do" after the divorce. That said, it is entirely possible that the marriage was over before he met Kathy but that doesn't negate that he was still married and living with his wife, it makes him the cheater.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I believe his children from his first marriage that they did have an affair when he was still married. He and his first separated/filed for divorce and Kathy got pregnant with Kim before his divorce was final and before they married. Just because the sisters didn't have a relationship with their step-siblings doesn't mean the steps are lying about the timeline, they lived it, Kyle did not. I get Kyle and her sisters trying to protect their mothers reputation but that doesn't negate facts, Kathy/Ken started an affair while he was still married/living with his then current wife and that Kathy got pregnant before they said "I do" after the divorce. That said, it is entirely possible that the marriage was over before he met Kathy but that doesn't negate that he was still married and living with his wife, it makes him the cheater.

Thank you!  Facts are facts.    

There are facts - the fact is that Big Kathy got pregnant before he was divorced.  There are opinions - I have the opinion that Big Kathy is an asshole.


31 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I don't think husband stealer has ever been attributed to Big Kathy.  Where you get it from is beyond me.

Don't listen to the step children.  Keep in mind Kyle's dad would have been 100 years old this year.  Her dad was a divorced man when her mom met him.  Big Kathy wasn't pregnant with Kim when they married. 

Kyle said very clearly in the interview there was zero in the way of relationships with her father's other children.

Sometimes it takes a bigger person to look past "the headlines" which were that dreadful book.  The women was far from perfect but she should not be vilified.

The stepchildren would be the ones to listen to, they were there and they were old enough to know what was going on.  I think the fact that Kyle has no relationship with the father's other children says A LOT!

I think the headlines speak for themselves, and I am not sure why I would want to look past them.  Her reputation is absolute crap.  If someone is vilified, it is often because that person is a villian!  

Edited by heatherchandler
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3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I believe his children from his first marriage that they did have an affair when he was still married. He and his first separated/filed for divorce and Kathy got pregnant with Kim before his divorce was final and before they married. Just because the sisters didn't have a relationship with their step-siblings doesn't mean the steps are lying about the timeline, they lived it, Kyle did not. I get Kyle and her sisters trying to protect their mothers reputation but that doesn't negate facts, Kathy/Ken started an affair while he was still married/living with his then current wife and that Kathy got pregnant before they said "I do" after the divorce. That said, it is entirely possible that the marriage was over before he met Kathy but that doesn't negate that he was still married and living with his wife, it makes him the cheater.

How is it that their father adopted Kathy before Kim was born if these time lines are so in tact? 

I find people surrounding Kathy Hilton to be big liars for drama and money.   

3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Thank you!  Facts are facts.    

There are facts - the fact is that Big Kathy got pregnant before he was divorced.  There are opinions - I have the opinion that Big Kathy is an asshole.


The stepchildren would be the ones to listen to, they were there and they were old enough to know what was going on.  I think the fact that Kyle has no relationship with the father's other children says A LOT!

I think the headlines speak for themselves, and I am not sure why I would want to look past them.  Her reputation is absolute crap.  If someone is vilified, it is often because that person is a villian!  

When has Big Kathy ever been in the headlines?  It is just so ridiculous to count on second and third hand gossip and call it headlines.  The woman was unremarkable until someone decided to write about Paris Hilton.  Then all the vermin came crawling out of the woodwork.  My question id why?

Keep in mind the step-kids were grown and older than Big Kathy.  Wah-wah.

41 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

How is it that their father adopted Kathy before Kim was born if these time lines are so in tact? 

I find people surrounding Kathy Hilton to be big liars for drama and money.   

When has Big Kathy ever been in the headlines?  It is just so ridiculous to count on second and third hand gossip and call it headlines.  The woman was unremarkable until someone decided to write about Paris Hilton.  Then all the vermin came crawling out of the woodwork.  My question id why?

Keep in mind the step-kids were grown and older than Big Kathy.  Wah-wah.

I believe his children from the first marriage, they had nothing to gain by revealing this info and I highly doubt that anyone was paid for talking to the HoH author. Kim was born after they were married but Kathy got pregnant before they married and I don't think little Kathy's dad fought Ken adopting her.

Look, all 3 sister loved their mother and will try and protect her image as much as possible, especially Kathy, but neither Kim or Kyle have first hand knowledge of what happened before they were born other than what they were told.

I don't remember ever reading any old articles about Big Kathy before the book and had there been any, someone would have used them in a blog or tabloid. I suspect that the truth about her lies somewhere in the middle between the sisters/families stories and those others gave for the book. None of those that were interviewed ever said the author lied/twisted what they told him even though Kathy tried to stop everyone from talking to him or that they were paid for their interviews.  

I don't judge Kyle or her sisters for their mothers behavior, that is on Kathy, not her daughters.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

I believe his children from the first marriage, they had nothing to gain by revealing this info and I highly doubt that anyone was paid for talking to the HoH author. Kim was born after they were married but Kathy got pregnant before they married and I don't think little Kathy's dad fought Ken adopting her.

Look, all 3 sister loved their mother and will try and protect her image as much as possible, especially Kathy, but neither Kim or Kyle have first hand knowledge of what happened before they were born other than what they were told.

I don't remember ever reading any old articles about Big Kathy before the book and had there been any, someone would have used them in a blog or tabloid. I suspect that the truth about her lies somewhere in the middle between the sisters/families stories and those others gave for the book. None of those that were interviewed ever said the author lied/twisted what they told him even though Kathy tried to stop everyone from talking to him or that they were paid for their interviews.  

I don't judge Kyle or her sisters for their mothers behavior, that is on Kathy, not her daughters.

Well they were obviously estranged from their father and half sibs.  They could have been influenced by their mother and there is nothing saying the author didn't take liberties.

It is kind of a throw back to the 60's.  It would be next to impossible for Kyle's dad to get divorced through during the duration of a  pregnancy.  NY use to be a cause state and you had to prove up the reason-and the adulterer can't use it as a reason for the divorce.  For the most part it took years.  So it would pretty much impossible for her to have the affair, get pregnant and marry Ken in that time frame.

Why would anyone care if these people claimed they were misquoted?  They were small enough to give the interviews to begin with. 

Part 2 airs Tuesday and Heather is trying to get Kyle to fall in line with the HOH view of Big Kathy.

Kyle had an easy out when Heather started talking about Erika's performance on this week's DWTS-she claimed not to have seen anything but a phot of Erika's car. 

3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Well they were obviously estranged from their father and half sibs.  They could have been influenced by their mother and there is nothing saying the author didn't take liberties.

It is kind of a throw back to the 60's.  It would be next to impossible for Kyle's dad to get divorced through during the duration of a  pregnancy.  NY use to be a cause state and you had to prove up the reason-and the adulterer can't use it as a reason for the divorce.  For the most part it took years.  So it would pretty much impossible for her to have the affair, get pregnant and marry Ken in that time frame.

Why would anyone care if these people claimed they were misquoted?  They were small enough to give the interviews to begin with. 

Part 2 airs Tuesday and Heather is trying to get Kyle to fall in line with the HOH view of Big Kathy.

Kyle had an easy out when Heather started talking about Erika's performance on this week's DWTS-she claimed not to have seen anything but a phot of Erika's car. 

I have no problem with Kyle/Kim/Kathy defending their mom but I also have no problem with Ken's other children setting the record straight. As I said before, I think it possible that Ken's first marriage was over for all intent/purpose before he left his then wife and started dating/sleeping with Kathy, it happens. And, if she, the first wife, didn't contest the divorce, it would have made things easier/faster in getting divorced and he/they had the money to get things done faster than the average couple.

The book, HoH, was a big deal when it first came out as Paris was a big deal back then. So, if anyone interviewed for the book was misquoted that would have made the tabloids. One thing is clear, that the Dugan clan is close and likes to keep things in the family, like most families do. They can talk about family secrets but no one else can. LOL

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

I have no problem with Kyle/Kim/Kathy defending their mom but I also have no problem with Ken's other children setting the record straight. As I said before, I think it possible that Ken's first marriage was over for all intent/purpose before he left his then wife and started dating/sleeping with Kathy, it happens. And, if she, the first wife, didn't contest the divorce, it would have made things easier/faster in getting divorced and he/they had the money to get things done faster than the average couple.

The book, HoH, was a big deal when it first came out as Paris was a big deal back then. So, if anyone interviewed for the book was misquoted that would have made the tabloids. One thing is clear, that the Dugan clan is close and likes to keep things in the family, like most families do. They can talk about family secrets but no one else can. LOL

That was not how divorced worked back then in New York state.  You had to have grounds and adultery required proof.  So it isn't a question of not contesting.  Grounds were abandonment, adultery, insanity.  Divorces weren't that easy to come by. 

Kathy Richards was such a small part of the book which was a book designed to go after a 23 year old celebutante, Paris Hilton.  Paris is no saint but unremarkable people such as her grandmother didn't need to be brought down.  The poor woman was dead.

13 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I am questioning how good this series of Kyle's is-waiting over a year to air it and on some re-tooled network.  http://deadline.com/2017/03/paramount-network-american-woman-heathers-wacolip-sync-battle-renewed-season-4-launch-2018-1202055474/

It sounds like the network is rebranding or something (Spike & TVLand becomes Viacom's new Paramount Network or something like that...???). Anyway, that channel sounds like it will have other new shows that sound interesting. Heathers sparked my interest.

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10 minutes ago, Vicky8675309 said:

It sounds like the network is rebranding or something (Spike & TVLand becomes Viacom's new Paramount Network or something like that...???). Anyway, that channel sounds like it will have other new shows that sound interesting. Heathers sparked my interest.

Tv land is staying but some of its content is going to Spike which ia going to be rebranded The Paramount Network but still have Spikes hit shows Lip Sync and the tattoo stuff.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Tv land is staying but some of its content is going to Spike which ia going to be rebranded The Paramount Network but still have Spikes hit shows Lip Sync and the tattoo stuff.

I feel bad for Kyle and the cast and crew of "American Woman", film in the summer of 2016 and the show doesn't hit the airwaves until early 2018?  I would think if the show makes it there might be an issue with retaining the cast.  The children actors on the show will have matured two years. 

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I feel bad for Kyle and the cast and crew of "American Woman", film in the summer of 2016 and the show doesn't hit the airwaves until early 2018?  I would think if the show makes it there might be an issue with retaining the cast.  The children actors on the show will have matured two years. 

Good points! 

I know the show will be nothing like the BBC show Absolutely Fabulous but for some reason I keep imaging it so.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Well they were obviously estranged from their father and half sibs.  They could have been influenced by their mother and there is nothing saying the author didn't take liberties.

It is kind of a throw back to the 60's.  It would be next to impossible for Kyle's dad to get divorced through during the duration of a  pregnancy.  NY use to be a cause state and you had to prove up the reason-and the adulterer can't use it as a reason for the divorce.  For the most part it took years.  So it would pretty much impossible for her to have the affair, get pregnant and marry Ken in that time frame.

Why would anyone care if these people claimed they were misquoted?  They were small enough to give the interviews to begin with. 

Part 2 airs Tuesday and Heather is trying to get Kyle to fall in line with the HOH view of Big Kathy.

Kyle had an easy out when Heather started talking about Erika's performance on this week's DWTS-she claimed not to have seen anything but a phot of Erika's car. 

Do we actually know that he got divorced in New York. He could have "moved" to Nevada for 6 weeks and gotten a divorce there.

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