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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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Eileen is wearing the same dress Kyle wore at the Finale Season 4.  Seems Brandi has worn the same dress as well.


It's a really nice dress. Eileen looks fabulous. I don't know what kind of facial work she gets done, but the other wives should take note. I realize this is a fancypants event and it wouldn't be appropriate, but I still think Kyle never looked better than when she was in jeans and a ponytail on a basketball (I think) court talking to Mauricio. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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It is such a shame and a waste to feud with your family or anyone.  Sigh.  Rick and Kathy, you have plenty of money just stop it.  Of course he left your business; you would not make him a partner.  What did you expect?  Stay around knowing he had a better earning power if he started his own business?   


I don't buy it that Mauricio was doing anything underhanded and that is why he was not asked to be a partner.  Rick, you are greedy.  You wouldn't make as much money if you brought on another partner.  And I don't believe Mauricio 'stole' any agents.  They left because they wanted to leave you stupid fuck.  


Kyle, you have to stop giving this any more of your attention.  They will come around or they won't and there is nothing you can do about that.  What would possibly attract a better relationship with Kathy is to just be your loving, positive self. Just be you and focus on what works in your life.  That behavior attracts people.  The more attention you give this feud the bigger it will become.  Stop it. 


Kudos to Lisa for not socializing with the Hilton's due to loyalty to Kyle. 


Ok, done.  LOL!  

Edited by wings707
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It is such a shame and a waste to feud with your family or anyone.  Sigh.  Rick and Kathy, you have plenty of money just stop it.  Of course he left your business; you would not make him a partner.  What did you expect?  Stay around knowing he had a better earning power if he started his own business?   


I don't buy it that Mauricio was doing anything underhanded and that is why he was not asked to be a partner.  Rick, you are greedy.  You wouldn't make as much money if you brought on another partner.  And I don't believe Mauricio 'stole' any agents.  They left because they wanted to leave you stupid fuck.  


Kyle, you have to stop giving this any more of your attention.  They will come around or they won't and there is nothing you can do about that.  What would possibly attract a better relationship with Kathy is to just be your loving, positive self. Just be you and focus on what works in your life.  That behavior attracts people.  The more attention you give this feud the bigger it will become.  Stop it. 


Kudos to Lisa for not socializing with the Hilton's due to loyalty to Kyle. 


Ok, done.  LOL!  

Bolding - mine.   If the Hiltons didn't have their heads so far up their own asses, they would be able to see what assholes they are making of themselves.  Seriously - someone with actual class would not want anything like this to look other than all good in public (despite any hard feelings there might be).   In addition, Kathy would benefit from actually being able to see herself in the mirror and make adjustments if she were to remove her  head from said ass. 

  • Love 8

Bolding - mine.   If the Hiltons didn't have their heads so far up their own asses, they would be able to see what assholes they are making of themselves.  Seriously - someone with actual class would not want anything like this to look other than all good in public (despite any hard feelings there might be).   In addition, Kathy would benefit from actually being able to see herself in the mirror and make adjustments if she were to remove her  head from said ass. 



Many in the upper class look down on the Hiltons.   I know this from a dear friend who was born into 'old money.'  They are viewed as 'nouveau riche.'.  They get the side eye.  It isn't how rich you are, it is about lineage.  Oprah has more money than any of them and she is not considered high society, nor are fortune 500 business men or celebrities.   It is all nuts.  


So I doubt Kathy and Rick are damaging their reputation.  Their reputation has never been all that good!   

Edited by wings707
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It is such a shame and a waste to feud with your family or anyone.  Sigh.  Rick and Kathy, you have plenty of money just stop it.  Of course he left your business; you would not make him a partner.  What did you expect?  Stay around knowing he had a better earning power if he started his own business?   


I don't buy it that Mauricio was doing anything underhanded and that is why he was not asked to be a partner.  Rick, you are greedy.  You wouldn't make as much money if you brought on another partner.  And I don't believe Mauricio 'stole' any agents.  They left because they wanted to leave you stupid fuck.  


Kyle, you have to stop giving this any more of your attention.  They will come around or they won't and there is nothing you can do about that.  What would possibly attract a better relationship with Kathy is to just be your loving, positive self. Just be you and focus on what works in your life.  That behavior attracts people.  The more attention you give this feud the bigger it will become.  Stop it. 


Kudos to Lisa for not socializing with the Hilton's due to loyalty to Kyle. 


Ok, done.  LOL!  

Lisa Vanderpump is getting dealt quite a blow by her inquisitive dinner conversation, but underneath the sordid details coming forth, she was giving Kyle sound advice-just stop letting them manipulate you.  Kyle has been quite candid about the nature of her persona, anxiety, fear of bugs and now we learn she suffered from quite a long bout of depression after her mother's death. 

  • Love 6

Lisa Vanderpump is getting dealt quite a blow by her inquisitive dinner conversation, but underneath the sordid details coming forth, she was giving Kyle sound advice-just stop letting them manipulate you.  Kyle has been quite candid about the nature of her persona, anxiety, fear of bugs and now we learn she suffered from quite a long bout of depression after her mother's death. 



As has been discussed in another thread, production clearly orchestrated that conversation.  Too bad Lisa is getting flack but I am sure this is not the first time any of them have been under fire from production involvement.  I think they are all getting paid enough to deal with what they know is coming.  

  • Love 5

Bolding - mine.   If the Hiltons didn't have their heads so far up their own asses, they would be able to see what assholes they are making of themselves.  Seriously - someone with actual class would not want anything like this to look other than all good in public (despite any hard feelings there might be).   In addition, Kathy would benefit from actually being able to see herself in the mirror and make adjustments if she were to remove her  head from said ass. 

Kathy needs to hire someone just to dress her. The deal must be she gets no input whatsoever. 

Many in the upper class look down on the Hiltons.   I know this from a dear friend who was born into 'old money.'  They are viewed as 'nouveau riche.'.  They get the side eye.  It isn't how rich you are, it is about lineage.  Oprah has more money than any of them and she is not considered high society, nor are fortune 500 business men or celebrities.   It is all nuts.  


So I doubt Kathy and Rick are damaging their reputation.  Their reputation has never been all that good!   

Their reputation has never been all that good with much of anybody. Their pictures should accompany the word gauche in the dictionary. 

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“The girls at Kathy Hilton & Nicky Hilton’s holiday lunch. No detail was spared! So fun. #LadiesWhoHolidayLunch,” Frankel revealed on Twitter, sharing a picture of the girls together.

Read more at http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2015/12/12/bethenny-frankel-hangs-with-the-hilton#SjC4RqIeTZKFuzly.99

Bethenny Frankel from RHONY was invited.


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talula, what are you trying to do to me? I just got up and it's Bethy here and Bethy there.... Make it stop! lol

And are we sure she was invited to that little soirée? (can't bring myself to open that link)

Be more like her to push her way in. Is that food porn I see?


I googled her to see what she was up to and wham there she is with Kathy Hilton. OMG the Hiltons are upset with Kyle. Though Kyle's is used to the 100% hate from Kim, Lol. If it wasn't for Kyle, Kim would probably have died by now. What lousy sisters she has. They say you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your relatives. Ain't that the truth. Kyle just has to push forward and be happy she has LisaV until LisaV stabs her in the back again. Her best revenge is to continue along and become as wealthy as her big stepsister and wash her out of her hair. With 4 daughters she's bound to have plentry of grandchildren and a wonderful rich and rewarding life. Edited by talula
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Here's another fun link starring Kyle:


The comments that follow the article suggest Our Little Miss is not especially beloved by the RT posters. And, yes -- she babbles about Kim-- but we all knew that. Does Kyle get paid by the number of times she references her sister and her own victimization?

In closing she burbles:

Regardless of what we all think, reality stars aren’t insane. So says Kyle. “The illusion is that people on reality television are crazy. But I’m smart, I’m strong, my children are together, and I have a husband I’m in love with. I have the life I always dreamed of having.”

Sounds eerily similar to what Ramona/NYC used to spout....

  • Love 1

Here's another fun link starring Kyle:


The comments that follow the article suggest Our Little Miss is not especially beloved by the RT posters. And, yes -- she babbles about Kim-- but we all knew that. Does Kyle get paid by the number of times she references her sister and her own victimization?

In closing she burbles:

Sounds eerily similar to what Ramona/NYC used to spout....

It always makes me uncomfortable when I hear that sort of thing. My half empty cup nature then has to wait in that uncomfortable space while anticipating that other shoe dropping.
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Ugh it looks like we just got even more detail about why Kyle Richards, Kim Richards, and Kathy Hilton are all fighting! I have to say these three ladies need there own reality show for all of there drama!

LOL That site needs to stop getting it's info from the likes of ROL and/or Brandi! I am really beginning to believe that Brandi IS their SOURCE on all things pro Yolanda and anti Kyle as she pretty much has said the same things on her twitter account and we know, from Brandi herself, how much she loves the tabloids.

Edited by WireWrap
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LOL That site needs to stop getting it's info from the likes of ROL and/or Brandi! I am really beginning to believe that Brandi IS their SOURCE on all things pro Yolanda and anti Kyle as she pretty much has said the same things on her twitter account and we know, from Brandi herself, how much she loves the tabloids.

Plus, I wish they would stop with this "stole clients" nonsense. You can't steal clients. They either follow you or they don't. Mauricio could have kept a client's contact information, called them up, and the client could have replied "No thanks. I'll stay with Rick and Hilton and Hyland." When I was looking for a house years ago, I went through quite a few realtors. And now when people ask me for a realtor who works in my neighborhood, I give them the name of the seller's agent because I was much more impressed by her performance than my own agent. Rick and Kathy are petty assholes. They've raised garbage children, enabled Kim's addiction, and hold petty grudges like 12 year olds.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 13

“The girls at Kathy Hilton & Nicky Hilton’s holiday lunch. No detail was spared! So fun. #LadiesWhoHolidayLunch,” Frankel revealed on Twitter, sharing a picture of the girls together.

Read more at http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2015/12/12/bethenny-frankel-hangs-with-the-hilton#SjC4RqIeTZKFuzly.99

Bethenny Frankel from RHONY was invited.





What has Kathy had done to her eyes to make them dark, tiny hollows like that? Is it the result of tightening the area around it? The woman next to her has the same issue. 


I have to say, for all Kim has done to damage her body, she actually looks very good. Her skin isn't the best (too much sun damage?) but she looks really good overall. 

What has Kathy had done to her eyes to make them dark, tiny hollows like that? Is it the result of tightening the area around it? The woman next to her has the same issue. 


I have to say, for all Kim has done to damage her body, she actually looks very good. Her skin isn't the best (too much sun damage?) but she looks really good overall. 

Kim is not in that picture

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I could care less about the petty Richards family drama rama.  We've only heard Kyle's side, and she is known to always play the innocent victim.  The truth is somewhere in between.


I agree. This is in no defense of Kathy Hilton because I think all three of them are messy, messy women....but at least she's not all over social media and the rags messily denying or confirming everything Kyle is saying.  That shows some restraint and class on her part.  Whereas Kyle is blabbing family business, hither and yon, because she has an uncontested forum on RHOBH.

IF IT'S TRUE that Kathy is upset about Kyle's upcoming show (we only have uncontested Kyle's word for it) no wonder Kathy's pissed.  Kyle has no issue dragging the family business into RHOBH.  Can you imagine what family business she'll bring to a show about family business??  LOL 


Maybe that's why she went to Nicky's wedding.  She figures it will be the last family function she's ever invited to.

  • Love 7

I agree. This is in no defense of Kathy Hilton because I think all three of them are messy, messy women....but at least she's not all over social media and the rags messily denying or confirming everything Kyle is saying.  That shows some restraint and class on her part.  Whereas Kyle is blabbing family business, hither and yon, because she has an uncontested forum on RHOBH.

IF IT'S TRUE that Kathy is upset about Kyle's upcoming show (we only have uncontested Kyle's word for it) no wonder Kathy's pissed.  Kyle has no issue dragging the family business into RHOBH.  Can you imagine what family business she'll bring to a show about family business??  LOL 


Maybe that's why she went to Nicky's wedding.  She figures it will be the last family function she's ever invited to.

Kyle has the right to tell her story. Kathy and Kim have a right to be upset on how they are portrayed - but that doesn't negate Kyle being able to talk about her own life

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Kyle has the right to tell her story. Kathy and Kim have a right to be upset on how they are portrayed - but that doesn't negate Kyle being able to talk about her own life


No argument there.  As long as Kyle keeps flapping her gums about her family problems she's got the attention of Bravo, the likes of RadarOnline and us. 


Someone just mentioned that Kyle's show will be loosely based on a child actress's life in the 70s.  So maybe it will have nothing to do with her sisters. But the first time that child actress's older sister is shown in the back of a van - LOL - Kathy should be righteously miffed.


I think the whole premise for this show is kind of lame.  But I'll watch it as long as I can stand it.

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Good grief!

I know Kyle is small but it looks like she's driving some kind of Monster Truck. Practically need a stepstool to get in.

Loved how the DailyMail not only wrote about the ticket but also detailed her wardrobe. Can't imagine wearing high high heels all the time. That can do some serious muscle damage.

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I agree. This is in no defense of Kathy Hilton because I think all three of them are messy, messy women....but at least she's not all over social media and the rags messily denying or confirming everything Kyle is saying.  That shows some restraint and class on her part.  Whereas Kyle is blabbing family business, hither and yon, because she has an uncontested forum on RHOBH.

IF IT'S TRUE that Kathy is upset about Kyle's upcoming show (we only have uncontested Kyle's word for it) no wonder Kathy's pissed.  Kyle has no issue dragging the family business into RHOBH.  Can you imagine what family business she'll bring to a show about family business??  LOL 


Maybe that's why she went to Nicky's wedding.  She figures it will be the last family function she's ever invited to.

The problem with the Hiltons is they NEVER comment when things are crappy in their family but are the first to boast about accomplishments.  Nicky Hilton's tweeting about her wedding being in the Top Ten of 2015 weddings.  However you never hear a peep about their kid on the airplane, Paris' homophobic slurs, arrests, her kid running down a service station attendant, the kid that is the stalker.  (Kyle doesn't comment about the Hilton kids' run ins with the law either.)  Kathy is not a reality show, although she enjoys the company of some really famous reality stars, her sisters, Kris Jenner, Lisa  Vanderpump and many more.


I am very certain if Kathy Hilton wanted her side of the story to get out she would be provided a forum.  Just this week All About the Real Housewives ran a story claiming Brandi, Kim and Kathy had been out dancing, Tuesday night.  Their basis was an old photo Brandi had posted this week and captioned they were good friends.  Kathy also allowed and didn't discouraged Brandi at her Christmas Party last year.  She had to have known that Brandi would run with the fact Kyle and Mauricio weren't there and she did.  None of the sisters commented-Kathy didn't have to she had Kim and Brandi doing her bidding.  Kim was posting photos-no comments.


So I find your description of messy very apt.  When Kathy wanted to get Kim help she had no problem making Kim's problems very real.


I don't think Kyle would lie about Kathy's reaction to the "dark comedy" based on Kyle's life growing up with a single mom of three daughters.    Kathy has had thirty years to develop her own sitcom.  Kathy can choose to support Kyle and go to the premiere or she could skip it much like she did Farrah's graduation and Brooke's Mexican wedding. 

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From this overview it appears that Kyle, like Jill Zarin, like OG Vicki, never saw a product she couldn't shill. 




Among the revelations:


“It’s something that I can really stand behind,” says Richards. “I’d always eat those frozen diet dinners, and I couldn’t pronounce the ingredients!”  NOTE:  Is HagfaceKyle that dumb that she can’t pronounce listed ingredients??



Also on the site is this Kyle-by-extension tidbit: 



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I think motorcitymom65 was at the same food expo as Kyle. I think she might've sampled the product? Wonder whatever happened with that endorsement.

It is still available.  My guess is that since it is direct instead of retail (it was retail for a brief period of time) they are using a different marketing plan.  The Wall Street Journal seemed to like the product.  I see a pretty big difference between Vicki and Kyle's endorsements.  Vicki produces product after product that is unsuccessful Wine By Wives, Vicki's Vodka, Vicki's Diamonds, Vicki's Perfume and now that own your own boutique for $500.00 MLM thing. Kyle has endorsed Jeep, A Disney movie, now it is these protein shakes and the Artisan Bistro frozen entrees.  All of these companies seem to still be in business.


The other article in Stoopid Housewives (I have a hard time with that site-the nicknames they use are sometimes indistinguishable who they are talking about, having said that I think Hagface Kyle is pretty distinguishable and really in poor taste.  I found the articles they drew their information from:  http://www.courthousenews.com/2015/12/17/loose-lips-sank-sale-of-mansion-owner-says.htm and the article that prompted the lawsuit: http://fortune.com/2015/08/17/9133-oriole-way-los-angeles/  I think Sean the not owner, is a jackass.  He had 32 million in the hand eighteen months ago.  I question someone who can't sell a house reducing, then changing agencies and increasing the price.  Of the new agents are with Hilton & Hyland.  I remember this house from Million Dollar Listing with the Brits on the property during filming.


I am at a loss why stating the obvious causes a house not to sell.  It would seem after 17 months it might be fairly obvious what side of the street and whether or not the house is up against the road.  Should be interesting to see where this goes.  I doubt it will put a dent in the Umansky budget.

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I think motorcitymom65 was at the same food expo as Kyle. I think she might've sampled the product? Wonder whatever happened with that endorsement.

Yep, I was there. Actually presenting my organic items in a booth very near her at Expo West, which is a big deal in the industry. I didn't realize she wasn't involved with it any longer or that they were no longer available in stores. There is a huge difference in what she was doing vs. what Jill Z or Vicki have done. This product was extremely well thought of in the industry. At one time you could purchase it at Whole Foods, Sprout's or Wegman's. People seemed to love the food and there was always a very long line to get a sample (full disclosure - I didn't think any of the things I tried were that good, but I'm not a big fan of frozen meals. I like to cook from scratch for the most part). This business is hard, and most products don't make it in the end, or have to dramatically alter distribution methods to remain competitive.

  • Love 4

Yep, I was there. Actually presenting my organic items in a booth very near her at Expo West, which is a big deal in the industry.


It definitely is. Have you seen the exhibitor list for 2016? Some well-known names there.


I didn't realize she wasn't involved with it any longer or that they were no longer available in stores. There is a huge difference in what she was doing vs. what Jill Z or Vicki have done. This product was extremely well thought of in the industry. At one time you could purchase it at Whole Foods, Sprout's or Wegman's.



Actually Jillzy, as wack as she can be, was supposed to have a decent product in her Skweez line. She applied previous experience in the hosiery industry, and obtained space at Macy's for awhile; now, I think her stuff is remaindered to the TJ's of the world and she sells directly off her Web site (no, I'm not on the Susan Saunders payroll). Unless Kyle was actually in the AB kitchen developing the products I imagine Jill was more actively involved. As for Vicki, meh -- she attaches her name to lots of things -- so does Kyle and for the same reason: money and exposure. 


People seemed to love the food and there was always a very long line to get a sample (full disclosure - I didn't think any of the things I tried were that good, but I'm not a big fan of frozen meals. I like to cook from scratch for the most part).



Good Guide gives AB mostly 7s & 8s in its scoring -- good (no pun intended), not great, I guess. BTW, since you are in the organics industry, do you think Good Guide is a legit reference tool? It seems to be but ....


 Good luck with your product line! Food? Skincare? Lemon colonics? (I kid! I kid!)

Edited by steelcitysister

Interesting Christmas photo from the past.  Kyle is blonde (and before her nose job), Kathy is not-and looks just like her mom back in the day, Paris before the pose, Nicky, Farrah and Barron as a toddlers.   https://www.instagram.com/p/_pewABP9bZ/?taken-by=kylerichards18

That's Big Kathy not Kathy Hilton, isn't it?

  • Love 4

That's Big Kathy not Kathy Hilton, isn't it?

Good catch-no wonder she looked like Big Kathy. Thanks.

Interesting Christmas photo from the past.  Kyle is blonde (and before her nose job), Big Kathy, Paris before the pose, Nicky, Farrah and Barron as a toddlers.   https://www.instagram.com/p/_pewABP9bZ/?taken-by=kylerichards18

ETA-because I screwed up

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Bronzedog, on 22 Dec 2015 - 8:19 PM, said:

It's weird to me that Maurico is doing the ad for the new Will Farrell movie.


They've done a number of Bravolebrity-endorsed film and tv show advertisements over the last few years, IIRC. I think I remember Kyle doing one, and maybe Kandi from Atlanta.  I know there are others that I'm forgetting.


Mauricio made sense to me to do the ad, since he is both a dad and a step-dad!

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They've done a number of Bravolebrity-endorsed film and tv show advertisements over the last few years, IIRC. I think I remember Kyle doing one, and maybe Kandi from Atlanta.  I know there are others that I'm forgetting.


Mauricio made sense to me to do the ad, since he is both a dad and a step-dad!

Kim and Kyle did the movie Frozen.  Lisa and Kyle did one together maybe Fifty Shades of Gray  Tamra did an action movie, isn't Bravo part of the Universal family of entertainment companies?  I also noticed that part of The Agency is a marketing division.  One of their clients is Wheels Up-who we saw on both RHOBH and RHOC. 


I thought it appropriate that Mauricio do the ad.  I think he has proven to be a good step-dad and honor Farrah's father's position.  I just wish he would have adenoid surgery.

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