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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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Where is there proof that there were 'illegal' tapes per the judge? Where is the order? Can we read it?

You will never find the direct documents from court as they were sealed just as you will not find a direct transcript of Bethenny's depositions in front of the judge, just what the media reports but at the time being , nine months ago, it was reported in several media outlets


"Bethenny Frankel’s child custody battle with ex-husband Jason Hoppy has gotten uglier than ever, with new allegations that Hoppy has been secretly recording Frankel, her nanny and her staff, as well as intercepting her personal emails. When the judge in their child custody case found out about Hoppy's alleged snooping, which reportedly involved both audio and video recordings taken without permission, he reportedly ordered an emergency hearing and ruling.

The judge is reportedly now forbidding Frankel and Hoppy from using cell phones, computers or tape recorders against each other. The nanny who cares for their toddler daughter Bryn is also off recording limits, and any email interception is strictly prohibited. Frankel and Hoppy have been ordered to turn over any audio or video recording by Oct. 15, according to TMZ, but Frankel has reportedly never recorded Hoppy."

Jason and his inside sources have Radar Online at the tip of their fingers and if this was a ridiculous lie made up by Bethenny he would have said so and emphatically denied it and denounce Bethenny and her camp for making up BS but never one word about it. If Bethenny was going to make up such outlandish allegation out of thin air I doubt she would have involve the judge into it. Judges do not take kindly to people who involved them in their shenanigans but for the judge to hold an emergency hearing I am sure he found substantiated evidence and not only her say.

Edited by Wendy
  • Love 3

Reads like Bethenny victim-spin to me.  The facts, again, are completely and utterly unknown.  More specifically, zero proof of any kind about 'illegal' actions as found by a judge.  "Reportedly." 


The stuff that comes closer to certain are verbatim reports of what Bethenny claimed on the stand - which was never subject to cross-examination.  Everything else can be tagged by some people as fact and proof that Jason must have done X, Y, Z because Bethenny said so or maybe leaked so to a friendly media outlet.  But there are no facts.  There is no proof.  None.

  • Love 7


But there are no facts.  There is no proof.  None.

There are facts, the judge ordered an emergency meeting and the judge ordered that any illegal obtained recordings be turned into him, the taping of the nanny and staff be stopped immediately and that no hacking of emails be allowed. I doubt that the judge ordered all that based on her claims only.

Same as with claims that the custody has been solved but we have not seen the actual court transcript and probably never will but we know that the custody has been settled. I can go ahead and argue that they are still fighting over custody because I have not read the court transcript that settles it. I guess to each its own.

  • Love 2

Here is the thing about what to believe or not believe.  The internet is full of people that simply make something up and repeat it and repeat it and suddenly it is the truth.  It is impossible to unring a bell.  If we are going to comment on items then we need to educate ourselves on the source as well as the information.  So on that note.  Radar generally has a source.  Friends/family/publicist.  Their information will only be as true as the source.  They sometimes claim lie detector but sources have come out saying that never happened.  Naughty/Nice Rob?  He's not got a good track record.  Daily Mail?  Better than average.  TMZ?  They are interesting.  They get a LOT of their info from court documents.  They actually go and get access.  Unless proceedings are closed, and Bethenny's is not closed, they report on what they read.  


I don't trust email and I don't trust anything that is on a computer.  I work with that all day and I can write email that has the Queen of England messing around with Justin Beiber.   It takes a very skilled forensic specialist to untangle that.  We all make our own decisions on information.  I bet most of us have changed our opinion on the reliability of something over the last 10 years.


So I think the hacking/taping allegation was indeed true.  It was TMZ.  It was court documents.  There was no rebuttal from Jason's camp on ROL.  But if I didn't believe that allegation then I wouldn't believe any of them.  That would include Bethenny asking for primary custody. 

  • Love 1

There are facts, the judge ordered an emergency meeting and the judge ordered that any illegal obtained recordings be turned into him, the taping of the nanny and staff be stopped immediately and that no hacking of emails be allowed. I doubt that the judge ordered all that based on her claims only.

Same as with claims that the custody has been solved but we have not seen the actual court transcript and probably never will but we know that the custody has been settled. I can go ahead and argue that they are still fighting over custody because I have not read the court transcript that settles it. I guess to each its own.

Judges don't order an emergency hearing out of the blue because they are so concerned about a case.   One party applies for it and it is either granted or not-it is generally on the motion calendar.  In this case Bethenny wanted a hearing and got one.  The court ordered MUTUAL orders restraining the parties from taping, filming, intercepting e-mails and what not.


The parties representatives have both stated the custody issue has been settled by agreement and not court decree.  That is as good as it gets.


Bethenny can beat her chest all she wants claiming Jason has planted stories-but let's face it the guy has yet to make a statement or grant an interview. If one of these rags comes forward and identifies their source as Jason that is entirely different. I think it is wishful thinking from Bethenny's camp. 


Up thread someone mentioned that Lisa Vanderpump's case was not getting any press attention.  It is now-here is the link http://m.tmz.com/2014/06/17/lisa-vanderpump-villa-blanca-punitive-damages-sexual-harassment-jury/

Edited by zoeysmom
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Had he not been so spiteful and revengeful I am sure that Bethenny out of her own will would have given him much more than what the courts are actually going to assign him, he could have kept it civil and still maintain some form of amicable relationship with the mother of her daughter but he took the chance and decided to roll the dice and believes that by playing this up in the media he will force her to settle. I hope she doesn't , Jason wanted to play his twisted game in the media, let him go through with it and receive only what he is legally entitled to, he soon will find out how little he is going to get compared to what he thinks he deserves.

You are way more optimistic than I am , I do think that eventually Bethenny will settle, not for 10M, that is ridiculous, but IMO she will get tired and Jason can drag this for years , after all he is not spending his money in lawyer fees she has to pay for it, so as soon as he presents a more reasonable offer she will settle just to put it to rest.

I only hope that she gets to keep the apartment but not sure if it would be worth at all, he is probably going to wreck it and do as much damage as possible and the repairs and redecoration would cost her a fortune.

ETA I also agree with you that Bethenny would never take the risk to anger the judge who is handling her custody case by making up such a story.

Edited by AnnaL
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IMO Bethenny would have to be absolutely out of her mind to take the risk and make up a story that includes a judge order, timelines to turn in evidence and what not.

It would not have been in her best interests to anger the judge with such statements if they were all made up


She slandered her parents by presenting a picture of Fantine being raised by wolves, when the evidence showed that she attended a posh boarding school. She claimed she never had birthday parties until her mother showed photos disproving that … I think she DID have a difficult childhood but she herself told stories so often that SHE ended up believing them.

  • Love 2

She slandered her parents by presenting a picture of Fantine being raised by wolves, when the evidence showed that she attended a posh boarding school.


First, I am 100 percent certain that when Bethenny said she was raised by wolves, that she was not literally calling herself a feral child and unless you genuinely believed when she said it that she meant she was suckling the teats of a wild wolf, you know she was speaking figuratively. I've used the term "raised by wolves" a few times myself and when I have, people get my meaning, that my parents didn't pay a lot of attention to me and allowed me to do not child appropriate things because they were busy doing their own thing. Not once when I have used this phrase has anyone ever immediately said "You were raised by a real wolf? How did you end up in a wolf pack?" and while I am fine with Bethenny hate (she's not my favorite either) there's a point where if other people say it, everyone understands it was figurative speech, but it Bethenny says it, she totally meant she was raised by wolves and is a liar since thats not true, and she's slandering her parents since she said she was raised by wolves and her parents didn't turn her out to be raised by wild animals in the wild.


Second, its entirely possible to attend a posh boarding school and still have a rotten childhood. Does Bethenny exaggerate? Probably, god knows my own siblings do.

  • Love 7


First, I am 100 percent certain that when Bethenny said she was raised by wolves, that she was not literally calling herself a feral child and unless you genuinely believed when she said it that she meant she was suckling the teats of a wild wolf, you know she was speaking figuratively

I think it's pretty clear the original poster WAS taking it figuratively (i.e., describing Bethenny's own version of her  childhood as equaling a character from Les Mis being raised by wolves).


I didn't know about the posh boarding school; interesting.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 5

I've known many a person who attended a rather posh school or two who had a rather terrible home life. One classmate at my prep school ended up in rehab twice because it was the only way to get her parents to pay attention to her. My cousin's father continued to pay for my cousin's tuition at boarding school after my aunt died when my cousin was a sophomore, but refused to allow my cousin to live with him during the summers. My cousin ended up living with the headmaster's family. Just because some has family money, doesn't mean that said family cares.

I've always pictured Bethenny's family like this. It always felt like her parents believed they gave her the best so that absolved them from actually engaging in the act of parenting. That explained to me why she was so neurotic, self-absorbed, and a showoff--anything to get people to pay attention.

As to the divorce, I don't think either of these two is blameless. Bethenny has ISSUES and Jason clearly has issues for getting involved with a woman capital I issues. What reasonable man would see her and jump in with both feet? My brother once dumped a girl because he saw multiple pictures at multiple events with Paris Hilton. Bethenny had been showing America that she was a neurotic mess for years and Jason says "that's the woman for me." So weird.

  • Love 3

As a former fan, I  can say that Bethenny had me fooled.  There's no disgrace in that and nothing wrong with me, because I didn't see through her at first.  I don't see that there's anything wrong with Jason because he was fooled too.  It's next to impossible to work with and cooperate toxic people.  I think Jason tried his best.  Thankfully, it seems he prevailed on the big issues with Bryn's custody.  

I've known many a person who attended a rather posh school or two who had a rather terrible home life. One classmate at my prep school ended up in rehab twice because it was the only way to get her parents to pay attention to her. My cousin's father continued to pay for my cousin's tuition at boarding school after my aunt died when my cousin was a sophomore, but refused to allow my cousin to live with him during the summers. My cousin ended up living with the headmaster's family. Just because some has family money, doesn't mean that said family cares.

I've always pictured Bethenny's family like this. It always felt like her parents believed they gave her the best so that absolved them from actually engaging in the act of parenting. That explained to me why she was so neurotic, self-absorbed, and a showoff--anything to get people to pay attention.

As to the divorce, I don't think either of these two is blameless. Bethenny has ISSUES and Jason clearly has issues for getting involved with a woman capital I issues. What reasonable man would see her and jump in with both feet? My brother once dumped a girl because he saw multiple pictures at multiple events with Paris Hilton. Bethenny had been showing America that she was a neurotic mess for years and Jason says "that's the woman for me." So weird.


It is super weird, but IMO he had a goal in mind and the more screwed she was the better for his plans.

Bethenny has plenty of issues, she has never denied them or hide them, she probably is still working on them via therapy, Jason seemed to accepted her with them and willing to work with that, OTOH I think Jason has a whole bundle of issues that he hasn't even acknowledged and probably never will because it is safer for him to believe his own hype that he is completely normal and perfect and there is nothing to change about him. You can't change what you don't acknowledge, he doesn't believe in therapy so there is no much to go from there.


Like you I had plenty of friends who attended college with me (poor me was there on an financial aid and scholarships) while they seemed to have all the money in the world, they had mommy and daddy's credit cards but also a whole lot of issues, I can't even remember how many of them never visited their parents during breaks or summer vacations, they were wild on looking for the next thing that would numb them inside, deep inside they were looking for that unconditional kind of love that only comes from knowing that your parents love you and accept you no matter what. I had that and there is no amount of money in this world that can buy you that. The simple fact that you know as a child and as an adult that you have people (parents, grandparents, relatives, etc.) who love you no matter what is the basis for a healthy self esteem. Bethenny's situation in this regard is not unique, plenty of kids with rich parents struggle to find an emotional connection. These kind of parents seem to believe that everything can be solved with money: expensive schools, trips, university tuitions but they don't realize that what they need to give is their time and love.

Bethenny has been vocal about her struggles with her father and how much grieve it cost her to try to excel at everything just so he would feel proud of her, in reality she probably thought the only way he could love her was if she was great at something, but then again she never found it , her father according to her own close circle of friends was great with the horses but that was the extend of his emotional interaction. Her mother was just like many teenage mothers, she had her issues and her problems and instead of putting them in the back burner for the sake of her daughter she made them front and center, she had parties to attend, she had fights to pick, it was all about her. Amazingly in this equation I always found interesting that Bethenny was able to bond with her stepfather who by all accounts was nor perfect either, he was a gambler, he fought incessantly with Bethenny's mother to the point of physical violence, he was not perfect , yet out of the three adults in her life he was the only one who took the time out of his day to show any interest in her, he took her to the race tracks, showed her how to care for horses, he was the one who would picked her up from the neighbor houses where Bethenny's mom had left her for few days and ultimately he was the only one with wisdom to know that this kind of environment was way too toxic for a little girl to handle and he registered her and paid for her boarding school. Probably that is the reason why Bethenny still has a relationship with him and has said that he was the only actual parental figure she had.

  • Love 5

All's been quiet on the Bethenny/Jason front so I stalked her twitter page to see what's been up.  Nothing regarding Jason but this was there, in bold letters, wedged in between much promotion of SkinnyGirl products and out of the blue:


Bethenny FrankelVerified account

How annoying is it when non brits emphasize the "t" in literally?


One of her fans said it sounded like she was taking a jab at Rachel Zoe.  Is she trying to re-kindle the nasty twitter war she had with RZ back in 2009?  I never heard of it before, does anyone remember what sparked it?



To answer her question:  Almost annoying as when anyone, non Brit or otherwise, drops the "d" in "Oh no, she didn't" and repeats it like it's 1999. 





  • Love 1

All's been quiet on the Bethenny/Jason front so I stalked her twitter page to see what's been up.  Nothing regarding Jason but this was there, in bold letters, wedged in between much promotion of SkinnyGirl products and out of the blue:



One of her fans said it sounded like she was taking a jab at Rachel Zoe.  Is she trying to re-kindle the nasty twitter war she had with RZ back in 2009?  I never heard of it before, does anyone remember what sparked it?



To answer her question:  Almost annoying as when anyone, non Brit or otherwise, drops the "d" in "Oh no, she didn't" and repeats it like it's 1999. 


They have made up after that feud, Bethenny even has praised some of Rachel's pieces with tweets.

It is not Bethenny's style anyway, when she wants to dish someone she doesn't go around the bushes, she goes frontal and names names.


She did mentioned on previous tweets that she was watching Bravo shows so IMO she probably was referring to the new show Ladies of London when some on the non British ladies are trying to be more British than the brits there.

  • Love 2

She did mentioned on previous tweets that she was watching Bravo shows so IMO she probably was referring to the new show Ladies of London when some on the non British ladies are trying to be more British than the brits there.

That's probably it.  Though I'm trying to avoid any more Bravo shows, I did catch an epi or two of LoL and I LOL'd at Caprice's Here Today, Gone Tomorrow British accent. 


I wonder why Bethenny didn't clarify to her fan that she wasn't dissing Rachel.  Or maybe she did. I'm not great at following twitter conversations so she might have.


As a former fan, I  can say that Bethenny had me fooled.  There's no disgrace in that and nothing wrong with me, because I didn't see through her at first.  I don't see that there's anything wrong with Jason because he was fooled too.  It's next to impossible to work with and cooperate toxic people.  I think Jason tried his best.  Thankfully, it seems he prevailed on the big issues with Bryn's custody.  



You didn't move in with her, marry her and impregnate her on purpose, so I believe there is a bit of a difference between having been a fan and what Jason did, which was entangle his life with hers forever. 


There is not seeing the crazy when you are viewing it from a safe distance and an edited/produced lens and not seeing the crazy when it lives with you every single day.  I do believe that Jason has his own issues for hitching himself to Bethenny with such gusto. 

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 1

That's probably it.  Though I'm trying to avoid any more Bravo shows, I did catch an epi or two of LoL and I LOL'd at Caprice's Here Today, Gone Tomorrow British accent. 


I wonder why Bethenny didn't clarify to her fan that she wasn't dissing Rachel.  Or maybe she did. I'm not great at following twitter conversations so she might have.


You should give it a try, I like the Ladies of London , it is sort of the same as HWs but different.

It has the allure of the first season where the characters are not too mindful of how they come across and haven't learned about editing antics so they are more real. Out of each season my 2-3 seasons are the favorites, after that these ladies learn the game and then instead of being themselves they portray a character that tries to pander to what they think viewers want to see. I do not like that.


I like a character who owns who she is, even when it is far from perfect.  I much rather watch and imperfect but realistic character on TV than the portrayal of a perfect person who is the complete opposite behind close doors. I can deal with imperfect, I can't deal with fake.

Out of each season my 2-3 seasons are the favorites, after that these ladies learn the game and then instead of being themselves they portray a character that tries to pander to what they think viewers want to see. I do not like that.

Exactly it.   I blame my own cynicism when, never fail, I end up disliking each and every Housewife. That may be part of it, but I think you're right about them learning the game and becoming fake. 


I'll have to watch for a LoL marathon.  I enjoyed the clothes and activities.  The sniping wasn't quite as loud and I like that.  I don't know any of their names, yet, except Caprice but they all seemed to have a decent story line.

You didn't move in with her, marry her and impregnate her on purpose, so I believe there is a bit of a difference between having been a fan and what Jason did, which was entangle his life with hers forever.

There is not seeing the crazy when you are viewing it from a safe distance and an edited/produced lens and not seeing the crazy when it lives with you every single day.  I do believe that Jason has his own issues for hitching himself to Bethenny with such gusto.


Yeah. I personally think, and thought, Bethenny was way too obsessed with having a perfect set up, the boyfriend, the baby, the wedding and the career, to be all that great to be around... As in I felt bad for her when Jason #1 dumped her but I totally understood why - she was full of issues and drama and he had kids to think about. If I can see that from watching RHONYC. I have a hard time painting Jason #2 as Bethenny's victim when I am repeatedly told he's not a half wit. Bethenny's issues were on display. She didn't rape him, she didn't force him to marry her.... Jason volunteered for this.


I am not saying Jason deserves mistreatment or anything like that, but neither does he deserve the whole "Poor little Jason, he was tricked by that witch!" when he's supposedly a grown up, and reasonably intelligent. If the collective "we" all saw Bethenny as damaged and toxic, then Jason needs to own that he whipped out the dick and intentionally had sex with, impregnanted, and married, the toxic beast. And he needs to own that he's the only person in the world who didn't see how Bethenny was toxic and since Bethenny's awfulness was on display since day one, he either is really super dumb, or he saw some reason to attach himself to a toxic person. My guess? The money.

  • Love 2

Yeah. I personally think, and thought, Bethenny was way too obsessed with having a perfect set up, the boyfriend, the baby, the wedding and the career, to be all that great to be around... As in I felt bad for her when Jason #1 dumped her but I totally understood why - she was full of issues and drama and he had kids to think about. If I can see that from watching RHONYC. I have a hard time painting Jason #2 as Bethenny's victim when I am repeatedly told he's not a half wit. Bethenny's issues were on display. She didn't rape him, she didn't force him to marry her.... Jason volunteered for this.


I am not saying Jason deserves mistreatment or anything like that, but neither does he deserve the whole "Poor little Jason, he was tricked by that witch!" when he's supposedly a grown up, and reasonably intelligent. If the collective "we" all saw Bethenny as damaged and toxic, then Jason needs to own that he whipped out the dick and intentionally had sex with, impregnanted, and married, the toxic beast. And he needs to own that he's the only person in the world who didn't see how Bethenny was toxic and since Bethenny's awfulness was on display since day one, he either is really super dumb, or he saw some reason to attach himself to a toxic person. My guess? The money.


Since the moment the story was told about how Jason introduced himself to Bethenny I thought 1) he is either perfect for her because he really gets her , 2) he had a very elaborated plan in mind to get himself settle into the good life.


As it turns out to be he never really got her and only used her issues as a weapon to inflict her more emotional pain, if he wanted the perfect suburban wife that sure wasn't Bethenny by any stretched of the imagination, there is absolutely no way that he ever thought it could be possible to turn Bethenny into the perfect Hazleton wife who wanted to spend every weekend with his parents so I have to lean towards he was after recognition and money.


Bethenny IMO is not a monster, she is neurotic, OCD woman with childhood issues and a lot of drive and determination, a lot of people and I mean a lot are just like that, those qualities have propelled her in the business arena but have been a hindrance in her personal life. Many male executives display the same qualities and are praised for them, they get to the top of the food chain and their spouses are usually SAHM who enjoy the happy life and provide support instead of resentment and competition.


Jason OTOH IMO is a manipulative man who knew and had time to study Bethenny and her emotional struggles, who knew she was on her way up and who did everything and say all the right things to win her over and secure himself a piece of the pie. Once his job was done (modification of prenup) he rolled the dice again and decided that if he could push Bethenny hard enough to ask for divorce then he could get even more money, so he moved out three times, refused to go to therapy and according to plan she asked for divorce. Then since that moment on all he has done is play the right cards to force a settlement where he can get more money than what the modification would give him. He played the part of the perfect BF and husband and now he is working hard to collect based on an image he portrayed and not on who he really is.  


When Jason used Bethenny's emotional issues to inflict her more pain during their arguments I knew the marriage was doomed, if a person really loves you, he would never used your most rooted fears to hurt you, never. Jason's passive aggressiveness was glaring to me even if not to others and this relationship was not meant to be and never was. Now Jason can happily seat and wait for his big pay day , collect his money and then he can start the life he has always wanted, find himself a submissive woman who sees him like the savior of her world, , a girl who tells him everyday that he is the best thing since sliced bread, a hometown girl who doesn't mind goes to Hazelton every weekend, a girl who probably won't have to work another day in her life because after all Bethenny's money will go long ways to support Jason and his new family for the rest of his life. 


Jason's best investment to date has been getting Bethenny pregnant and marrying her.  If there has been a winner in this marriage that certainly has not been Bethenny, it has been Jason. How many people can say that they have invested merely three years of their life and got money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives? Not very many and we all know what name do they receive: Gold diggers.  

  • Love 4

All's been quiet on the Bethenny/Jason front so I stalked her twitter page to see what's been up.  Nothing regarding Jason but this was there, in bold letters, wedged in between much promotion of SkinnyGirl products and out of the blue:



One of her fans said it sounded like she was taking a jab at Rachel Zoe.  Is she trying to re-kindle the nasty twitter war she had with RZ back in 2009?  I never heard of it before, does anyone remember what sparked it?



To answer her question:  Almost annoying as when anyone, non Brit or otherwise, drops the "d" in "Oh no, she didn't" and repeats it like it's 1999. 

she seems to just love getting into it with people.....must be an extremely unhappy woman.

Bethenny and Jason made some very heartfelt vows to one another and seemed to say, "I love you" a lot for people who seemed to be so conniving and manipulative entering into their marriage as they have been accused of doing.  I always wonder if Bethenny had not sold to Jim Beam would she still be with Jason? After the sale I thought ut-oh Bethenny is starting to think she married Mr. Right Now instead of Mr. Right.  Jason was surrounded with all that was Bethenny every waking hour near the end of their marriage.  Maybe the old adage "familiarity breeds contempt" applies to these two.   I always thought it a bad idea the Bethenny empire people were all over the house.  Jason seemed to walk into a three ring circus at night.  When he tried to set limits Bethenny and her staff balked.  Granted when they first married Julie was around but it just always seemed so chaotic and an atmosphere not designed to nourish a healthy marriage. 


Marriage is just a contract and all that is left now is the dividing of the spoils.  Jason seems to have zero desire to have any public persona or exposure.  Bethenny on the other hand spin machine seems to be turned back up http://www.allabouttrh.com/bethenny-frankel-replacing-barbara-walters-view/  .  One thing about Bethenny is she does aim high.

Since the moment the story was told about how Jason introduced himself to Bethenny I thought 1) he is either perfect for her because he really gets her , 2) he had a very elaborated plan in mind to get himself settle into the good life.


As it turns out to be he never really got her and only used her issues as a weapon to inflict her more emotional pain, if he wanted the perfect suburban wife that sure wasn't Bethenny by any stretched of the imagination, there is absolutely no way that he ever thought it could be possible to turn Bethenny into the perfect Hazleton wife who wanted to spend every weekend with his parents so I have to lean towards he was after recognition and money.


Bethenny IMO is not a monster, she is neurotic, OCD woman with childhood issues and a lot of drive and determination, a lot of people and I mean a lot are just like that, those qualities have propelled her in the business arena but have been a hindrance in her personal life. Many male executives display the same qualities and are praised for them, they get to the top of the food chain and their spouses are usually SAHM who enjoy the happy life and provide support instead of resentment and competition.


Jason OTOH IMO is a manipulative man who knew and had time to study Bethenny and her emotional struggles, who knew she was on her way up and who did everything and say all the right things to win her over and secure himself a piece of the pie. Once his job was done (modification of prenup) he rolled the dice again and decided that if he could push Bethenny hard enough to ask for divorce then he could get even more money, so he moved out three times, refused to go to therapy and according to plan she asked for divorce. Then since that moment on all he has done is play the right cards to force a settlement where he can get more money than what the modification would give him. He played the part of the perfect BF and husband and now he is working hard to collect based on an image he portrayed and not on who he really is.  


When Jason used Bethenny's emotional issues to inflict her more pain during their arguments I knew the marriage was doomed, if a person really loves you, he would never used your most rooted fears to hurt you, never. Jason's passive aggressiveness was glaring to me even if not to others and this relationship was not meant to be and never was. Now Jason can happily seat and wait for his big pay day , collect his money and then he can start the life he has always wanted, find himself a submissive woman who sees him like the savior of her world, , a girl who tells him everyday that he is the best thing since sliced bread, a hometown girl who doesn't mind goes to Hazelton every weekend, a girl who probably won't have to work another day in her life because after all Bethenny's money will go long ways to support Jason and his new family for the rest of his life. 


Jason's best investment to date has been getting Bethenny pregnant and marrying her.  If there has been a winner in this marriage that certainly has not been Bethenny, it has been Jason. How many people can say that they have invested merely three years of their life and got money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives? Not very many and we all know what name do they receive: Gold diggers.  

Bethenny wasn't rich when she married Jason.  Skinny Girl could have gone bust instead of boom.  Bethenny had every right to say no to the marriage and chose not to.  Gold diggers usually refer to women who marry very wealthy men for nothing more than a free ride.  I don't think it applies to Jason-they were both near middle age people with careers that met, fell in love and created a baby.

When people accuse someone of marrying only for money they are essentially saying the wealthy person can only be loved by opportunists.  It is as much a slam to the wealthy person as it is the gold digger.

  • Love 3

Bethenny wasn't rich when she married Jason.  Skinny Girl could have gone bust instead of boom.  Bethenny had every right to say no to the marriage and chose not to.  Gold diggers usually refer to women who marry very wealthy men for nothing more than a free ride.  I don't think it applies to Jason-they were both near middle age people with careers that met, fell in love and created a baby.

When people accuse someone of marrying only for money they are essentially saying the wealthy person can only be loved by opportunists.  It is as much a slam to the wealthy person as it is the gold digger.


Bethenny *was* rich by any reasonable American standard when she met and married Jason. Frankly, she was *rich* when she was on the first season of Real Housewives. By the time Jason met her, she had been on RHOYNC and was known to be making a nice wage there, and was already getting her own spin off where she would be getting even more money. Skinnygirl was booming to the point that Bethenny felt the need for a pre-nup over it.


Jason had every right to say no to the marriage and chose not to. If her behavior on Real Housewives is so revealing, he could have rented the dvds and learned just who she was long before agreeing to become Mr. Bethenny Frankel. He didn't have to leave his job to work for her, he didn't have to agree to be on her reality show. Considering that Jason is now getting a free ride merely because he married Bethenny, while I am willing to think it wasn't his sole reason for marrying her, I'm hard pressed to say he had no idea who Bethenny was when he married her and had a baby with her.

Jason himself said to Bethenny that he had seen her on the show RHNY , being that they met way after season 2 had finished filming he knew who she was, by then Bethenny had filmed three seasons of a reality tv show, and two of them have aired , the apprentice and RHNY reason 1, season 2 was filmed and promotions were being made for the airing of season 2, Bethenny had published her first book naturally thin and had made the best seller lists for many, many weeks. By the time they started dating Bethenny had finished her second book, another best seller and season 2 was airing.

The fact that he introduced himself whille Bethenny was surrounded by a whole camera crew while filming a promotional denies the simple idea of Jason thinking she might be just a regular girl. Furthermore Jason has never claimed that he never knew who she was and was totally surprised to find out that she was a Bravo celebrity.

Jason never moved to her first one bedroom apartment, he moved in with her to her much nicer second apartment, the one who had the extra room for an office, that is where he proposed. Jason was invited to few trips with free tickets given to Bethenny, so all in all I would say that Jason did in fact knew who she was, knew exactly what to tell her and followed his little script to be mr. Perfect. Bethenny already had her cocktails producing and her partnership with Kanbar was sealed jumping the production from a small scale to a medium scale.

Jason on his side had his 9-5 job and according to JZ he also did some personal training on the side. Other than that nothing else, he never was involved in real state except taking care of the rent for a couple of apartments for a friend. So I would say that when Jason first saw Bethenny at that bar, it was not coincidental and he had already done his homework, he knew about her sassy ways and smart mouth and had practiced his little opening line many, many times.


As much as I think Jason is being a total jerk about the divorce, I don't think this is all part of his master plan to be set for life on Bethenny's penny.

Whatever lines/moves he made when they first met, obviously worked. I think they were very attracted to each other and fell in love. I don't know how planned or unplanned the pregnancy was, but it was so early in the relationship and during the honeymoon stage. I think because of both of their ages, they welcomed the pregnancy and all must have felt pretty damn perfect in their world for about a second or two.

I don't think Jason was trying to turn B into a Hazelton housewife, but I do think he thought B would finally have family. And since there were no in-laws, he probably assumed they would spend all holidays with his family. I can also understand and see why B would not expect or want to spend all holidays and many weekends with her in laws. None of which have anything to do with them not being good people.

Sad as it is, most marriage do not last and poor B & J had many knocks going against them (despite their great initials). It's not the first time exes acted like assholes while going through a divorce. I do think Jason is willing to hurt B at the lowest level he can and that will bite him in the ass down the line with his daughter. I hope B is not pulling the same crap. Obviously Bryn is the loser here. Maybe Jason and Bethenny will eventually get their shit together for her sake.

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 1


So I would say that when Jason first saw Bethenny at that bar, it was not coincidental and he had already done his homework, he knew about her sassy ways and smart mouth and had practiced his little opening line many, many times.

This made me laugh out loud because I immediately had a mental image of Christian Bale in American Psycho. 

  • Love 1

As much as I think Jason is being a total jerk about the divorce, I don't think this is all part of his master plan to be set for life on Bethenny's penny.


To be fair, no, I don't think Jason sought her out because of money, but I do think, by the time she was pregnant that he was aware that he would be walking away from a very wealthy woman. I think he figured she was already pregnant and decided to make do, and marry her, rather than walk away. But, if Bethenny could have walked away at any point, so could Jason. And Jason had a lot more financial incentive to stay and marry her. So if she's such a psycho hose beast that its easily discerned from a tv show that in season one,two and three, was usually edited in her favor,  why did Jason walk right into that? I mean, I'd call him a moron (he never seemed all that intellectual to me) but people insist he's not stupid. Does Jason bear any responsibility for the mess he willfully inserted himself into?

  • Love 2

One more story about Skinny Girl.  This is now through December 2013. http://www.buzzfeed.com/sapna/sales-slim-down-for-bethenny-frankels-skinnygirl-cocktail-br


I hope Bethenny had a huge stock option in Jim Beam-as it sold for $16.6 billion.  We drink a lot of booze here in the good old USA.

She might, which would be a good move for her. Like with any new venture beam took the risk, it won for two straight years and now it is coming to an end, just like any fade.

More and more people are constantly changing and trying new things, Bethenny's fortune was that she was able to capitalize and capitalize big when she had the chance, but times are changing, more and more people are changing from diet sodas to water, or water enhance products and soon enough there will be some studies to let us know that any kind of sugar is bad and there will be another change. I do not see it as bad at all, it had a great run and it has forever won Bethenny a spot into the market of diet cocktails, her own name is a synonym of that. Bethenny took the risk and sign for bonus, Kanbar was smarter and took his investment and moved to new products. That IMO is the trait of any good entrepreneur, you takes risks and chances, some pay and some don't, in this case for Bethenny it paid huge and gave her a future of financial stability that would not have happened otherwise.

  • Love 1

Yikes.  Do you think her talk show had any impact on sales tanking like that?  I wish they'd break it down by month.  That would give an indication. Wow. That's dismal.




That IMO is the trait of any good entrepreneur, you takes risks and chances, some pay and some don't, in this case for Bethenny it paid huge and gave her a future of financial stability that would not have happened otherwise.

I agree with this.  In addition, a good entrepreneur will also learn from mistakes.  I think the divorce and talk show were too much negative press for her brand. It was a perfect storm of bad timing.  Is it possible to have a successful brand and be such a polarizing figure?  She might have to choose between celebrity and her goods.  If I could make the kind of money she's made through product, I'd fade into the background, raise my child and roll around in my piles and piles of cash.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 2

If Jason did so much research to victimize Bethenny, then I think it's fair to say that he is not the evil genius some make him out to be, but perhaps more likely, a rube of epic porportions. He would hav known about Bethenny's first marriage of 8 months, her explanation for it in her book which says she was looking for security (yay, money!) and upward mobility (social climber), and that he had a nice, warm family (sound familiar?). Bethenny left her husband (Peter Sussman) of 8 months, because she didn't want to be married to a "8x10 piece of paper" (she's such a sweetheart, isn't she?). But don't worry, she soon (very soon...some even say sooner than she should have) found hot passion with Sussman's good friend and usher at their wedding. But alas, he must have also turned into an 8x10 piece of paper because that didn't work out either, which came as a surprise to no one. I'm pretty sure that even if Jason had all of this planned out, right down to the line he 'rehearsed' when he met her, there is no way he could have predicted the outcome with such a volatile personality. It just makes no sense. But considering her past history and all of her yammering about being raised by wolves, is it really surprising that a second marriage wouldn't work out either? I'm not saying Jason is innocent in all of this or that B. is some sort of evil woman. Clearly, they both have issues. But I think they just ended up marrying the wrong person. Him once so far, her twice. But evil plans cooked up to steal her money? I don't think so. What's that saying? "Fools jump in where angels fear to tread."

  • Love 8

I don't think Jason is an evil mastermind who plotted to take down Bethanny. Nor do I think Bethanny is a Machiavellian puppet master that pulled Jason's strings. I tend to met in the middle. I think they are both fairly self-involved people who want thier own way and don't like to compromise. Unfortunately they want different things and got married too quickly to really understand that. I mean they barely knew each other when they got pregnant and got married. They were practically still in the first dates stage. When they met I think they liked each other very much. Partly because they liked each other and partly because of what each could do for the other. Glamour for him, stability for her. I don't think it went deeper than that. I never felt a string bond between them past that blush of first attraction. If Brynn hadn't come when she did I would have given them 6 more months. They were a mismatched couple from the beginning who amused each other with their differences, but would have grown tired of those differences very quickly if they hadn't had a child. But I do believe that they had fooled themselves into thinking they were in love. It's surprisingly easy to do. That's why you don't start trying to have a baby with someone you barely know. I know plenty of non-famous people who have started trying to have kids with their SO of 4 months or 6 months or some other silly time span. Everybody is always sure they're really in love and it almost never works out well.

  • Love 6

I'm not sure they actually tried to have a baby so early on, despite what B told the press. I think they may have had a drunken night of sex and got lazy with the birth control and decided to spin it to make it sound better.

Could be. I really don't remember what either said. I got the impression they were sort of trying to have an accident. Like whatever Bethanny used as birth control was running out and they talked about it and decided to see what happened. I think they both probably thought it would be a lot harder to get pregnant and I don't think they did anything to try and rush it, so maybe they really weren't expecting it to happen. But when it did I remember getting the feeling that they had at least had a cursory conversation and "what if" and were in the same page about keeping the baby and getting married. Bethanny didn't seem at all anxious about Jason's reaction.

  • Love 2


If the collective "we" all saw Bethenny as damaged and toxic, then Jason needs to own that he whipped out the dick and intentionally had sex with, impregnanted, and married, the toxic beast. And he needs to own that he's the only person in the world who didn't see how Bethenny was toxic and since Bethenny's awfulness was on display since day one, he either is really super dumb, or he saw some reason to attach himself to a toxic person. My guess? The money.


He wouldn't have signed the pre-nup if he wanted all that money.


New York is filled with rich -- VERY rich -- single women.  Being tall, good-looking and pleasant, he could have married ANYONE.


I think he wanted to rescue and save her.  In her early shows, you can see how grateful she was to have a "normal" family.  She was sweet and vulnerable.


Once she had her baby … she was done.  She got what she wanted.

  • Love 1

He wouldn't have signed the pre-nup if he wanted all that money.


New York is filled with rich -- VERY rich -- single women.  Being tall, good-looking and pleasant, he could have married ANYONE.


I think he wanted to rescue and save her.  In her early shows, you can see how grateful she was to have a "normal" family.  She was sweet and vulnerable.


Once she had her baby … she was done.  She got what she wanted.

I agree with it all.  With a tiny caveat...I just can't say Bethenny was 'sweet' without choking on my croissant.  I think she thought she was in love.  And that softened her.  Slightly.  I watched some clips from BGM and BEA and although the problems seemed evident in the beginning, the attraction was certainly there, too.  At times, I wondered how 2 people who looked at each other like that and seemed to make each other laugh so much could be filing for divorce less than 2 years later. 


I think he did want to rescue her as he appears to have been raised in a solid, loving household while she wasn't.  But he got in over his head.  She got the baby she wanted, the business went crazy, neither one of them knew how to cope.  I really don't think there was a devious plan on either side.  It's a pity there was a divorce but it's really a shame the way it's being played out. 

  • Love 3

He wouldn't have signed the pre-nup if he wanted all that money.


New York is filled with rich -- VERY rich -- single women.  Being tall, good-looking and pleasant, he could have married ANYONE.


I think he wanted to rescue and save her.  In her early shows, you can see how grateful she was to have a "normal" family.  She was sweet and vulnerable.


Once she had her baby … she was done.  She got what she wanted.

And yet he never did, tall, good-looking women even if pleasant are not about to marry a guy who is a salesman who lives in a show box apartment, if that was the case he would have married way before he met Bethenny.

The reality of NYC in my experience is that this is a jungle were only the most fit survive, tall, good looking and pleasant women know what they are and what they have and unless they come from very wealthy backgrounds and have trustfunds, none of them were on the same league as Jason. How do we know that he didn't try before? How is it possible that he lived in NYC for 15 years and there is not one ex girlfriend who is willing to spill the beans on him, not one lady who would even claimed that she went out on a date with him, not one person who is willing to say that he dated so or so. IMO the simple answer is because he never dated anybody worth of tabloid fodder before, so that theory that he could have married a wealthy, tall, beautiful women goes out the door.

As far as she got pregnant and got what she wanted, the same can be said for Jason, that is and has been his only meal ticket this far. Bethenny got pregnant, she didn't need to get married and she didn't want to get married until after the baby was born, she was okay with just living together and said so but Jason wasn't having it. Bethenny should have followed her gut instincts and wait until the baby was born, that would had given her precious time to get to know him better and most likely that marriage would have never happened. They would have had custody issues but not money issues which is IMO what Jason is all about.

Was it part of an elaborate plan since the beginning? Who knows, only Jason knows, what is very clear to me is that it is part of his plan right now. He could have accepted the money provided to him in the modification , which btw Bethenny mentioned in one of the first episodes of BEA 2 as very generous and that Jason will be very well protected in case of a divorce, she said this right in front of him and he never contradicted her, so I have to assume that the amount was very generous and they could still have some kind of civil relationship, instead he chose the path of asking for as much as he can, play this on the media and use the custody case to twist her arm into a settlement. If Bethenny wasn't sure that Jason was after all a common gold digger since the get go, I am sure that she has a much clearer idea now that the guy she married was Dr. Jekyll and the real Jason is Mr. Hyde.

As best as I can determine and feel free to correct me, Bethenny and Jason started dating in November of 2008.  Her first book was published in 2009.  So she wasn't a best selling author before they met.  Rich is relative and Bethenny wasn't rich when they met.  Especially by NY standards.  She was a mini celebrity who had been on MS apprentice and did two seasons of RHNY.  She wasn't making tons of money.  Even with her Pepperige Farm contract, she talked about struggling to pay the bills. 


Bethenny and Jason didn't just hop into bed and get pregnant.  They were dating for almost a year.  They got engaged in October of 2009 and Bryn was supposed to be born in June of 2010.  She was five weeks early.


I do think that the two really did fall in love.  And that it was 'helped' by their age.  That around forty time when single people feel that's it's time to really have to get moving if they want children.  Was Bethenny's future on the rise?  Yes but I don't think Jason had some crystal ball in which he could see how successful Skinny Girl was going to be.  And, he wasn't exactly some poor man on the street when they met.  As for him wanting to get married before the baby was born - being raised a Catholic, it's not unusual at all.  And I'm sure there was pressure from his family on this as well.  She had some money when they got married but again, she wasn't raking in dough.  Skinny Girl was still in the beginning stages and wasn't sold until 2011.


As for Jason 'twisting' Bethenny's arm in the custody settlement to get more money, it was Bethenny who filed for primary custody.  As Bryn's other parent, he had every right to fight back.  We don't know what they're fighting over now in the settlement.  There's just gossip in tabloids.  We don't know what was in the prenup either.

  • Love 5

Looks like Jason is moving on.  http://radaronline.com/photos/jason-hoppy-mystery-woman/photo/668287/


For awhile people will be interested in who Jason dates.  Unless Jason meets and settles in with someone famous no one will care.  His fame is secondary and he does nothing to pursue it.


I would never have expected Jason's former love interests to come crawling out of the woodwork-that is just tacky. Of all the RH husbands how many have we heard about their previous wives or girlfriends?  We have seen a few exes  but not really their pre-marriage partners. 

  • Love 1


The reality of NYC in my experience is that this is a jungle were only the most fit survive, tall, good looking and pleasant women know what they are and what they have and unless they come from very wealthy backgrounds and have trustfunds, none of them were on the same league as Jason. How do we know that he didn't try before? How is it possible that he lived in NYC for 15 years and there is not one ex girlfriend who is willing to spill the beans on him, not one lady who would even claimed that she went out on a date with him, not one person who is willing to say that he dated so or so. IMO the simple answer is because he never dated anybody worth of tabloid fodder before, so that theory that he could have married a wealthy, tall, beautiful women goes out the door.

If we use the Scale of Pure Trash, where worth is from Jane Goodall (worst) to anything Kardashian (best), then this valuation makes sense.  So Jason would've been a bad-ass, worthy of the great Bethenny Frankel, if in his past he also had a string of tabloid-loving famewhores before his wife?  He is lame because no one has come out to Page Six about dating him years ago?


I have non-profit directors as girlfriends and Broadway composers as male friends, and they aren't married, and I am, and we're all around Bethenny's age and have been in NYC for 10+ years to decades.  They aren't anything other than awesome because they haven't gotten ringed up.  No matter what anyone says, that is not unusual for professionals in NYC.  It just isn't.  It's ridiculous to decide that someone waiting to marry or never marrying deserves to be looked at suspiciously...forever!   Or to assume they are planning some super-spy kind of campaign to marry a rich dude or broad, and use their never-married status as 'evidence' of their bad character.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 5

As best as I can determine and feel free to correct me, Bethenny and Jason started dating in November of 2008.  Her first book was published in 2009.  So she wasn't a best selling author before they met.  Rich is relative and Bethenny wasn't rich when they met.  Especially by NY standards.  She was a mini celebrity who had been on MS apprentice and did two seasons of RHNY.  She wasn't making tons of money.  Even with her Pepperige Farm contract, she talked about struggling to pay the bills. 


Bethenny and Jason didn't just hop into bed and get pregnant.  They were dating for almost a year.  They got engaged in October of 2009 and Bryn was supposed to be born in June of 2010.  She was five weeks early.


I do think that the two really did fall in love.  And that it was 'helped' by their age.  That around forty time when single people feel that's it's time to really have to get moving if they want children.  Was Bethenny's future on the rise?  Yes but I don't think Jason had some crystal ball in which he could see how successful Skinny Girl was going to be.  And, he wasn't exactly some poor man on the street when they met.  As for him wanting to get married before the baby was born - being raised a Catholic, it's not unusual at all.  And I'm sure there was pressure from his family on this as well.  She had some money when they got married but again, she wasn't raking in dough.  Skinny Girl was still in the beginning stages and wasn't sold until 2011.


As for Jason 'twisting' Bethenny's arm in the custody settlement to get more money, it was Bethenny who filed for primary custody.  As Bryn's other parent, he had every right to fight back.  We don't know what they're fighting over now in the settlement.  There's just gossip in tabloids.  We don't know what was in the prenup either.

Some of your facts are incorrect, Jason and Bethenny met in November of 2009 and were dating openly, meaning dating other people as well for 6 months before they started actually dating , Bethenny has written that it was June of 2009 when they actually decided to give it a try as BF and GF , Bethenny first book was released in March of 2009 and was on the best seller lists for more than four months so when Bethenny decided to date Jason she was in fact a best seller author. A book doesn't get made from conception to finish from one month to the other, there is several editing processes in between and it can take a long time because it is actually release, Bethenny had worked on that book for almost a year before it was released, and matter of fact her second book was already in the last editing stage when they started dating oficially. But Bethenny bread and butter has never been her books, it has been the cocktail line.

Bethenny agreed to even signed for this show back in 2006 because she needed a platform for her products, her baked cookies and her cocktail, she started strong with the cookies but as soon as she realized their shelve life was not the best she quickly moved on her cocktails. The first time Bethenny spoke about her skinny girl margarita w during the first season of RHNY which was filmed in the fall of 2007, way before Jason was even heard off, Bethenny was already going from bar to bar trying to convince several restaurants to carry her cocktails. The second season of RHNY was filmed during agust- October of 2008 , from beginning to end. Jill's charity event where Bethenny provided 20k worth of SGM was filmed on October 10th 2008, when Bethenny and Jason haven't even met. Big argument between Jill and Bethenny because of the marketing on the booth, free advertising, th e product was produced, bottled and distributed , all of that with Jason not even in the picture. Bethenny's formal partnership with David Kanbar was formalized on November 8th of 2009, again Jason was not part of the equation yet Bethenny product has potential enough to attract an investor of the caliber of Kanbar.

Bethenny was filming a promotion for her own cocktail on that Tenjune bar which had agreed to sell Bethenny's cocktails, so there was definitely a big difference between Bethenny and Jason , Bethenny had a cocktail line, books ready to pop and had finished her third season of a reality show, way different from a pharm sale who lived in a minuscule apartment and barely making it.

As far as the custody Bethenny filed for primary custody because one of them had to be named a primary custodial parent as the state of New York will choose one of them to be primary anyway, so it was not something outrageous that she requested and IMO doesn't grant the amount of crap that Jason has pulled in this divorce. Now that the custody is settle and they have come to an agreement and he can no longer be accused of abandoning his daughter (his favorite excuse) what is his reasoning for staying in an apartment that he knows he never put any money towards? What is his excuse to keep living there when he knows he doesn't have the money to afford it? IMO Jason has gotten used to the good life andhe likes it and will do anything in his power to keep living it up of course with Bethenny picking up the tab.

  • Love 1

Some of your facts are incorrect, Jason and Bethenny met in November of 2009 and were dating openly, meaning dating other people as well for 6 months before they started actually dating , Bethenny has written that it was June of 2009 when they actually decided to give it a try as BF and GF , Bethenny first book was released in March of 2009 and was on the best seller lists for more than four months so when Bethenny decided to date Jason she was in fact a best seller author. A book doesn't get made from conception to finish from one month to the other, there is several editing processes in between and it can take a long time because it is actually release, Bethenny had worked on that book for almost a year before it was released, and matter of fact her second book was already in the last editing stage when they started dating oficially. But Bethenny bread and butter has never been her books, it has been the cocktail line.

Bethenny agreed to even signed for this show back in 2006 because she needed a platform for her products, her baked cookies and her cocktail, she started strong with the cookies but as soon as she realized their shelve life was not the best she quickly moved on her cocktails. The first time Bethenny spoke about her skinny girl margarita w during the first season of RHNY which was filmed in the fall of 2007, way before Jason was even heard off, Bethenny was already going from bar to bar trying to convince several restaurants to carry her cocktails. The second season of RHNY was filmed during agust- October of 2008 , from beginning to end. Jill's charity event where Bethenny provided 20k worth of SGM was filmed on October 10th 2008, when Bethenny and Jason haven't even met. Big argument between Jill and Bethenny because of the marketing on the booth, free advertising, th e product was produced, bottled and distributed , all of that with Jason not even in the picture. Bethenny's formal partnership with David Kanbar was formalized on November 8th of 2009, again Jason was not part of the equation yet Bethenny product has potential enough to attract an investor of the caliber of Kanbar.

Bethenny was filming a promotion for her own cocktail on that Tenjune bar which had agreed to sell Bethenny's cocktails, so there was definitely a big difference between Bethenny and Jason , Bethenny had a cocktail line, books ready to pop and had finished her third season of a reality show, way different from a pharm sale who lived in a minuscule apartment and barely making it.

As far as the custody Bethenny filed for primary custody because one of them had to be named a primary custodial parent as the state of New York will choose one of them to be primary anyway, so it was not something outrageous that she requested and IMO doesn't grant the amount of crap that Jason has pulled in this divorce. Now that the custody is settle and they have come to an agreement and he can no longer be accused of abandoning his daughter (his favorite excuse) what is his reasoning for staying in an apartment that he knows he never put any money towards? What is his excuse to keep living there when he knows he doesn't have the money to afford it? IMO Jason has gotten used to the good life andhe likes it and will do anything in his power to keep living it up of course with Bethenny picking up the tab.

According to this interview and other places they met in November, 2008 and started dating.




Interesting that in this article she is quoted as saying she wanted to marry before the baby. 


I didn't say that Skinny Girl didn't exist before Jason came along.  It was in it's beginning stages and she was struggling.  No one knew at that time if the company was going to take off or not.


As for primary custody, do you have a link for that because when I searched I couldn't find anything that stated in NY one parent 'must' have primary custody.  You can have joint legal custody or sole legal custody.

  • Love 3

According to this interview and other places they met in November, 2008 and started dating.




Interesting that in this article she is quoted as saying she wanted to marry before the baby. 


I didn't say that Skinny Girl didn't exist before Jason came along.  It was in it's beginning stages and she was struggling.  No one knew at that time if the company was going to take off or not.


As for primary custody, do you have a link for that because when I searched I couldn't find anything that stated in NY one parent 'must' have primary custody.  You can have joint legal custody or sole legal custody.

I thought it odd that Bryn would have conceived prior to Jason and Bethenny meeting so I was pretty comfortable with the November 2008 date.  Would have made for a very interesting custody battle.


Following the success of other RH business ventures there was a far greater chance that Skinny Girl would be marginal or go bust.  Had it not been for Bethenny's Raw Talent management company putting things in order for Bethenny to meet Kanabar-it would probably be just another flash in the pan RH product. Of course Bethenny had to reminded via a lawsuit about that help. From all accounts what made the product soar in 2010 forward was Bethenny's exposure on RHONY and her spin-offs.  I guess it was just her bad luck that Jason happened to be filming with her at the time. 

  • Love 1

According to this interview and other places they met in November, 2008 and started dating.




Interesting that in this article she is quoted as saying she wanted to marry before the baby. 


I didn't say that Skinny Girl didn't exist before Jason came along.  It was in it's beginning stages and she was struggling.  No one knew at that time if the company was going to take off or not.


As for primary custody, do you have a link for that because when I searched I couldn't find anything that stated in NY one parent 'must' have primary custody.  You can have joint legal custody or sole legal custody.

She provided 20k worth of cocktails for the charity event, so the cocktail had already been produced and bottled and before she met Jason she had already signed her partnership with David Kanbar who wouldn't have had anything to do with Bethenny if there was no potential , so they met in November of 2008 but according to Bethenny and Jason himself who has said on the show that he forced her to make up her mind and make the decision to date him exclusively, the fact remains that there were not on even plain fields, Jason introduce himself as a real state mogul (lol) just to have a reporter from Fox News do some digging around and have an article stating that he was not registered to sell or buy anything on NY or PA and that there were absolutely no records at all of any Jason hoppy haven't sold any real state in both states. By the time Jason put his foot down and asked her to make up her mind was June 2009, cocktail popping, best seller book and another on the way, she had been offered her own spin off by Bravo and she was signed to sign her fourth season of a reality show with great ratings, hardly the same plain field of a pharm salesman who did some personal training on the side.

Regarding NY custody laws, check


Physical Custody

Although the term "joint custody" refers only to legal decision-making, the child must still live somewhere. Typically, a New York court will name one parent as the custodial, residential or primary parent, and the other as the non-custodial parent. However, New York courts will sometimes order a situation that amounts to "joint physical custody," even if they don't use those terms to describe it. In these situations, both parents are considered custodial. A child might live with Dad one week, with Mom the next week, and so on.

Confusing Factors

In New York, all custody orders include some sort of visitation schedule, unless the court deems one parent unfit. Sometimes a non-custodial parent might have such ample visitation that it would seem the parties have a joint physical custody arrangement. However, even if parents share time with their child on an almost equal basis, one is still the primary parent and the other is still the non-custodial parent. To further complicate matters, when the child is visiting with his non-custodial parent, that parent is responsible for making basic day-to-day decisions, such as whether or not the child should see his pediatrician for a case of the sniffles. This does not mean that the parents share joint legal custody. Each parent has the right to make small decisions for the child while the child is residing with him or her.

So technically Bethenny could have requested for shared physical custody but that would have required to basically split the child one week with one and the other week with another and I don't know any parent who would do that or even consider that in the best interest of the child. But it is obvious that even requesting primary custody there was the understanding that both of them were going to be very much part of Bryn's life, except when Jason and his team decided to focus on the legal part of the custody to keep nailing sole custody.


Jill's event was October 21, 2008.  Bethenny entered into the agreement with Kanabar in November of 2008.  Kanabar had nothing to do with the $20,000.00 in donation of liquor.


There is no way an event of 200 people racks up a $20,000.00 bar bill.  Bethenny may have been exaggerating a bit.

Edited by zoeysmom
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She provided 20k worth of cocktails for the charity event, so the cocktail had already been produced and bottled and before she met Jason she had already signed her partnership with David Kanbar who wouldn't have had anything to do with Bethenny if there was no potential , so they met in November of 2008 but according to Bethenny and Jason himself who has said on the show that he forced her to make up her mind and make the decision to date him exclusively, the fact remains that there were not on even plain fields, Jason introduce himself as a real state mogul (lol) just to have a reporter from Fox News do some digging around and have an article stating that he was not registered to sell or buy anything on NY or PA and that there were absolutely no records at all of any Jason hoppy haven't sold any real state in both states. By the time Jason put his foot down and asked her to make up her mind was June 2009, cocktail popping, best seller book and another on the way, she had been offered her own spin off by Bravo and she was signed to sign her fourth season of a reality show with great ratings, hardly the same plain field of a pharm salesman who did some personal training on the side.

Regarding NY custody laws, check


Physical Custody

Although the term "joint custody" refers only to legal decision-making, the child must still live somewhere. Typically, a New York court will name one parent as the custodial, residential or primary parent, and the other as the non-custodial parent. However, New York courts will sometimes order a situation that amounts to "joint physical custody," even if they don't use those terms to describe it. In these situations, both parents are considered custodial. A child might live with Dad one week, with Mom the next week, and so on.

Confusing Factors

In New York, all custody orders include some sort of visitation schedule, unless the court deems one parent unfit. Sometimes a non-custodial parent might have such ample visitation that it would seem the parties have a joint physical custody arrangement. However, even if parents share time with their child on an almost equal basis, one is still the primary parent and the other is still the non-custodial parent. To further complicate matters, when the child is visiting with his non-custodial parent, that parent is responsible for making basic day-to-day decisions, such as whether or not the child should see his pediatrician for a case of the sniffles. This does not mean that the parents share joint legal custody. Each parent has the right to make small decisions for the child while the child is residing with him or her.

So technically Bethenny could have requested for shared physical custody but that would have required to basically split the child one week with one and the other week with another and I don't know any parent who would do that or even consider that in the best interest of the child. But it is obvious that even requesting primary custody there was the understanding that both of them were going to be very much part of Bryn's life, except when Jason and his team decided to focus on the legal part of the custody to keep nailing sole custody.


You stated that in a previous post that: As far as the custody Bethenny filed for primary custody because one of them had to be named a primary custodial parent as the state of New York will choose one of them to be primary anyway, so it was not something outrageous that she requested and IMO doesn't grant the amount of crap that Jason has pulled in this divorce.  According to link you just provided that's not true as I previously stated.  Your link says:


Although the term "joint custody" refers only to legal decision-making, the child must still live somewhere. Typically, a New York court will name one parent as the custodial, residential or primary parent, and the other as the non-custodial parent. However, New York courts will sometimes order a situation that amounts to "joint physical custody," even if they don't use those terms to describe it. In these situations, both parents are considered custodial. A child might live with Dad one week, with Mom the next week, and so on.


Bottom line is that she didn't request primary custody because she 'had' to.  She did it because she wanted to and back to my original response to you is that Jason had every right to file in response.  And that's not pulling crap.  We have no idea of what the financial settlement issues are so I don't think anyone is in a position to assume Jason's pulling crap on that either.  Even in the best of circumstances, these issues can get complicated.


I'm done on this subject.

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