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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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By Bethenny's own words, if Bryn decided to eat meat it would not be a "big deal" and it would be ok, yet she, Bethenny, in fact made it not just a big deal but a huge deal by bringing it into court as a way to secure Primary Custody of her. And nowhere did I read that Bethenny claimed that Jason was "stuffing" Bryn with hotdogs like he was forcing her to eat them against Bryn's wishes. Bethenny needs to give up this need to control everyone. JMO


Or maybe Jason needs to stop using Bryn to push Bethenny's buttons.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 2

If that were actually true then bitter women everywhere would just make sure their cases all went to trial and they would bring pictures of all the dirty socks their ex husbands left on the floor and walk away with sole custody.

But in real life, no it just doesn't work that way.


Why is the matter always reduced to the silliest issues that were mentioned as a way to minimize Bethenny's concerns about Jason's behavior?  She testified to some other things that were really significant, like Jason saying "I'm sorry you have to go with Mommy" and threatening to destroy her with her fans, and going out of his way to menace her in her own home. There was a lot more than dirty socks brought up in court.  But no one ever mentions those things when characterizing Bethenny's testimony as stupid.  Could it be that those facts aren't so stupid, and must be omitted from the narrative because they are harder to minimize? 


Exactamundo!  This.  Both Beth & Jason are physically and mentally fit to take care of Brynn and they live in the same area (relatively speaking) so there is no reason the judge won't split things 50-50% down the middle.


Actually, the custody case regarding Bryn has been settled. By an agreement between Bethenny and Jason they reached after the trial started.  That is what the last several pages of her threads have been discussing. 



Holidays will be split up and alternated year-to-year.  Summer vacations as well.  Joint decision making for Brynn's medical, dental, religious, and any other major decisions will be split accordingly.  This will all be hammered out in excruciating detail in Beth & Jason's divorce documents.  In the state where I reside couples are mandated to have this "fun" part of the divorce handled by a mediator and let me tell you that it is straight up excruciating.  It can take several sessions depending on how complicated or how "far apart" the opposing couples are.  My ex and I were arguing so horribly we almost got kicked out of the mediator's office.  Ahhh, good times.  Good times ....

If the mediator can't get couples to agree on the hammering out of the "who, what, where, when, and why" regarding the children the attorneys go to bat. If there is still no compromise the judge decides, whether the sticking point be matters pertaining to physical custody or legal custody.  What ever the judge decides is written in stone.  In my case my ex husband was so ridiculous and being so contentious over the slightest, most stupid issues regarding our child the mediator thought there was something "off" about my ex husband (hee).

The mediator thought my ex husband was being so purposely spiteful that she was going to recommend a guardian ad litem for my child (my child's own personal, independent attorney) to aid the judge in determining which parent got the lion's share of physical/legal custody.  When my ex heard that (and how expensive it was going to be!) he magically got "right" again and his dumb ass got snapped back into reality.



I suspect Jason may have been even more difficult that your ex, since after going through mediation (which surely they did),  they still could not come to an agreement and had to move to the trial stage. Jason didn't seem to have his "come to Jesus moment" until he was sitting in the courtroom listening to Bethenny describe his behavior to the judge.  Maybe if the money he money he wasting had been coming out of his own pocket he would have magically got "right" again and had his dumb ass got snapped back into reality a bit sooner.


I disagree with the poster up thread (regarding the "hot dog" issue) citing that something like that could translate into potential loss of legal custody.  I think not.  My ex was a drug user, seriously poor decision maker when it came to my child (and I had ample police reports to back that up) and he STILL got 50% placement, both legal and physical.  I had a much better attorney than my spouse did and after all of the yelling and shouting and battling  and money spent on attorney fees everything regarding our child was still split 50-50.


I guess judges usually have good reasons for deciding the way they do.  But all they can go by is what is presented in court.  And hot dogs were only a small part of it.  As another poster stated, it was not about hot dogs, it was about respect and, might I add, cooperation.  


Maybe if we referred to the issue as "Bryn's diet" instead of calling it "the hot dog issue" the subject might get a little more respect.

  • Love 2

Hi gang, I'm not making an official "rule" here but probably, for the sake of keeping the peace, it would be a good idea to refrain from using phrases like "other posters" or "the original poster thinks" or really any reference to how "other posters" are wrong etc.


Just keep your post to your opinions, things you think, how you feel etc. That way no one is calling anyone else out and we can all agree and disagree without attacking. Thanks! 

  • Love 4


She's all over the place. Remember the speaking tour she went on after she got married, advising people to wait to be happy, wait until you find "the one?" Now she's telling people to listen to your gut, because she didn't (in marrying Jason), and it was a mistake. Nothing she says can be taken at face value, because everything is said to sell something. She got married to get a spinoff and sell her brand, and now she's telling people to listen to their instincts to sell her new book.

I'm really turned off by this interview. More Jason-trashing, and she even throws Andy under the bus!

  • Love 8

Bethenny is the one who talked about being damaged first.  I'm sure she's talked about it for years to those close to her.  I'll bet we can even find scenes of her telling Gloria (Jill's mom) that she was damaged when they were having some heart to hearts during her last season on HW. 

Edited by crgirl412
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Look, everyone knows I'm the first one to blame Satan Andy for the cruelty surrounding his shows, but her saying that he's to blame for her getting married is ridiculous.  Even her saying it in jest makes her sound like she is of limited intelligence & can't make responsible decisions for herself.  It's utter nonsense.  She's babbling.


Now, if she actually is saying Satan Andy pressured her to get married, by dangling the show & buckets of money in front of her, I suppose that's something else.  And so what does that say about Bethenny?  She married someone she wasn't sure she wanted to marry cuz of money?  Bottom line is she made the choice to marry him.  Had nothin' to do with Satan Andy.

  • Love 7


I suspect Jason may have been even more difficult that your ex, since after going through mediation (which surely they did),  they still could not come to an agreement and had to move to the trial stage. Jason didn't seem to have his "come to Jesus moment" until he was sitting in the courtroom listening to Bethenny describe his behavior to the judge.  Maybe if the money he money he wasting had been coming out of his own pocket he would have magically got "right" again and had his dumb ass got snapped back into reality a bit sooner.

Oh, but the money Jason is "supposedly wasting"  is coming out of his own pocket.  Know that.  Jason is married to Bethenny. The money is his as well.  Even if Bethenny doesn't want it to be.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 5
I believe Bethenny was being facetious with the 'it's Andy's fault' comment.


Um, no, I don't agree.  Read the quote & the context it's in.  No, it doesn't sound like she is kidding.  Believe me, that's exactly what I thought when I heard this, but no, she seems perfectly serious & even says Andy admits to it.  Don't ask me to explain it.  These are her words.  Ask her.

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Bethenny is exhausting and should not be given  a public platform to continue to discuss her divorce.  She sure acted the giddy bride during the Bethenny Getting Married show.  I am not sure what her doubts were she told Jason she loved him at the end of every sentence.  So I don't get the fear.  Maybe Bethenny needs to shut up and stop trying to make excuses for her behavior.  It is okay to be wrong and just be wrong. 


I guess I a, confused how Miss Real expects to continue doing reality shows when she doesn't want her husband or family or real friends as a part of the show.  It is called an infomercial.

  • Love 5

Poor Andy. Thomas Ravenal has blamed him for making him [Thomas] spend $1M on a failed political campaign and now Bethenny is blaming Andy for making her get married.


Between Bethenny and Jason, I think Jason is the lesser of two evils. I have no doubt that if he wanted to, he'd be able to remarry and have a relatively successful marriage. Not so much for Bethenny. I truly believe there is something mentally wrong with her. I don't think she ever wants to be happy and that makes me sad for her.

  • Love 7

I blame Bethenny.  I don't think she will ever do better than Jason, but she treated him - and his family - like crap.  Bethenny is too fame hungry, too money hungry to ever be in a good relationship. All drama because she wanted a TV wedding and her own show.  Yet now she is on "reality" TV crying about her life, her failed marriage.   For her daughter's sake, she needs to deal with her family issues in private.

  • Love 5

I think Bethenny is blaming herself--she admits she made a lot of mistakes--in the end, I think deep down while the marriage didn't work out, I doubt she'd change having married Jason, because then she would not have Bryn, and I think she really loves her daughter.

I identify very much with how she comes off because I grew up in a family with parents that were not aways trustworthy or reliable, and I think when a child doesn't have that unconditional love and trust, it is a core issue that follows them forever.  I struggle a lot with letting anyone close and with being too abrupt with people so when Bethenny does it, I can understand where it comes from.

I hope the therapy she does is real--not just for tv--because it really is something that you have to work through and make your peace with.  How she is with other people goes all the way back to how she learned to relate to others as a child, and it really does shape how you deal with everyone.   For Bryn's sake I hope she keeps working on it in therapy so she doesn't repeat any of her mother's mistakes.

  • Love 2

I was like WTF when I read somewhere that a judge was making Bethenny pay for Jason's legal fees and another judgment where she gives him a lot of money and he has use of the apartment he lives in now with Bryn.


But the more attention I pay to this clusterfuck, the more sense these judgements make to me. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that Jason was a prop in Bethenny's Ever After. Both the show and her real life. She didn't get married because she was in love or loved the guy, it would make a good spin off so Jason became her husband. I think it is beyond calculating for her to procreate just to have a subject for a show but it fit into her overall life narrative. She was getting older and wanted a child so why not. Bryn happened.


She literally discard the prop when the curtain falls. She didn't even have the decency to  tell him in person, she writes him a letter and hopes he takes whatever she offers and goes away quietly while she moves on to the next phase of her life.


In life, we encounter situations what make us into people we aren't. If a guy marries me and discards of me when it is convenient for him, the way Bethenny did Jason, I would turn into the most bitter ex he's ever had the misfortune of crossing. I will do everything in my power to bring him to heel. If I appear to be a greedy bitch in the process,  so be it. 


I used to be on her side but as things become clearer to me, I am rooting for Jason to wring out every dime he can from her. It is sweeter that she is paying for the legal team that is squeezing the shit out of her.


As far as custody of her daughter. If she didn't want to share, she should have used a sperm bank. Baring that, she  should have  married someone she was willing to partner up with FOR LIFE. Or been a little bit more decent to the father when she wanted to end the union.


She deserves every bit of pain this resolution brings her. She brought it upon herself. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 9

I was like WTF when I read somewhere that a judge was making Bethenny pay for Jason's legal fees and another judgment where she gives him a lot of money and he has use of the apartment he lives in now with Bryn.


But the more attention I pay to this clusterfuck, the more sense these judgements make to me. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that Jason was a prop in Bethenny's Ever After. Both the show and her real life. She didn't get married because she was in love or loved the guy, it would make a good spin off so Jason became her husband. I think it is beyond calculating for her to procreate just to have a subject for a show but it fit into her overall life narrative. She was getting older and wanted a child so why not. Bryn happened.


She literally discard the prop when the curtain falls. She didn't even have the decency to  tell him in person, she writes him a letter and hopes he takes whatever she offers and goes away quietly while she moves on to the next phase of her life.


In life, we encounter situations what make us into people we aren't. If a guy marries me and discards of me when it is convenient for him, the way Bethenny did Jason, I would turn into the most bitter ex he's ever. I will do everything in my power to bring him to heel. If I appear to be a greedy bitch in the process, then so be it. 


I used to be on her side but as things become clearer to me, I am rooting for Jason to take her to wring out every dime he can from her. It is sweeter that she is paying for the legal team that is squeezing the shit out of her.


As far as custody of her daughter. If she didn't want to share, she should have used a sperm bank. Baring that, she  should have  married someone she was willing to partner up with FOR LIFE. Or been a little bit more decent to the father when she wanted to end the union.


She deserves every bit of pain this resolution brings her. She brought it upon herself. 

Judgments usually indicate finality.  There have been interim support orders and Behtenny was ordered to pay$100,000.00 subject to set off .  Jason is living in the apartment and Bethenny is paying the mortgage and $11,000.00 a month in HOA fees.  Right now Jason is certainly enjoying some benefits and sees his child 50% of the time.


But the more attention I pay to this clusterfuck, the more sense these judgements make to me. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that Jason was a prop in Bethenny's Ever After. Both the show and her real life. She didn't get married because she was in love or loved the guy, it would make a good spin off so Jason became her husband. I think it is beyond calculating for her to procreate just to have a subject for a show but it fit into her overall life narrative. She was getting older and wanted a child so why not. Bryn happened.


She literally discard the prop when the curtain falls. She didn't even have the decency to  tell him in person, she writes him a letter and hopes he takes whatever she offers and goes away quietly while she moves on to the next phase of her life.


I am not crying any crocodile tears for Jason. There is no doubt in my mind that he would not have pursued, impregnated and married Bethenny had he not seen a ticket to ride. I also have no doubt that once he locked it down, he made it his mission to drive her crazy and out the door, the door to the multi million dollar home that she bought.

  • Love 2

I was like WTF when I read somewhere that a judge was making Bethenny pay for Jason's legal fees and another judgment where she gives him a lot of money and he has use of the apartment he lives in now with Bryn.


But the more attention I pay to this clusterfuck, the more sense these judgements make to me. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that Jason was a prop in Bethenny's Ever After. Both the show and her real life. She didn't get married because she was in love or loved the guy, it would make a good spin off so Jason became her husband. I think it is beyond calculating for her to procreate just to have a subject for a show but it fit into her overall life narrative. She was getting older and wanted a child so why not. Bryn happened.


She literally discard the prop when the curtain falls. She didn't even have the decency to  tell him in person, she writes him a letter and hopes he takes whatever she offers and goes away quietly while she moves on to the next phase of her life.


In life, we encounter situations what make us into people we aren't. If a guy marries me and discards of me when it is convenient for him, the way Bethenny did Jason, I would turn into the most bitter ex he's ever. I will do everything in my power to bring him to heel. If I appear to be a greedy bitch in the process, then so be it. 


I used to be on her side but as things become clearer to me, I am rooting for Jason to take her to wring out every dime he can from her. It is sweeter that she is paying for the legal team that is squeezing the shit out of her.


As far as custody of her daughter. If she didn't want to share, she should have used a sperm bank. Baring that, she  should have  married someone she was willing to partner up with FOR LIFE. Or been a little bit more decent to the father when she wanted to end the union.


She deserves every bit of pain this resolution brings her. She brought it upon herself. 

I couldn't agree with you more. Bethenny is very calculating. She wanted a child, Jason was a pretty nice, good-looking guy with a decent income ($100k as I read, from his sales job) and he really seemed to love her. He also didn't seem at all interested in being on camera, and did BEA for her as far as I could tell. Skinnygirl wasn't sold --so she hadn't yet become a millionaire from it--until after they were married.


And from what we saw on the show (her edit which was always striving for "favorable to Bethenny"), Jason was a big help in getting along with the people around her that Bethenny all too often was rude or dismissive to (and she wasn't interested much in business--except the part where it involved promoting herself publicly, she's very good at that and that was a part of what Jim Beam bought. However, Jason was good with people and with finances. He was very supportive of her even while we saw and heard her constantly complaining about him and putting him down. (And the less said about her interactions with his parents or her feelings about his friends from Hazelton, the better. I'll always remember how that apartment was "my way or the highway" for Bethenny and when he wanted one little space to call his own and relax with his friends it became instead a giant closet for her wardrobe).


She has a good personality for television. For real life interaction as a friend or relative? I don't think so. And I don't think for a moment that this divorce would be so acrimonious if she hadn't tried to use her money to get sole custody in the first place. Again, selfish. Because that's how she is. I don't blame him at all for not just letting her railroad him now as we saw in her own show happened over and over.

  • Love 11

I am not crying any crocodile tears for Jason. There is no doubt in my mind that he would not have pursued, impregnated and married Bethenny had he not seen a ticket to ride. I also have no doubt that once he locked it down, he made it his mission to drive her crazy and out the door, the door to the multi million dollar home that she bought.

She was on a fairly new cable show hawking muffins at Whole Foods when he met her. Where exactly was her ticket to ride going? Neither one of them knew at that point.

  • Love 6

She was on a fairly new cable show hawking muffins at Whole Foods when he met her. Where exactly was her ticket to ride going? Neither one of them knew at that point.

She had a rich family, a stint on Martha Stewart Apprentice, two seasons on a popular reality show, talks of a spin off, she was famous enough to to get all in inclusive vacations provided to her and guest spots on the Today show (remember, that's why Jill was pissed) a best selling book, SkinnyGirl Margarita was starting up and a camera crew was following her around.

Jason had a date he dumped when he saw her.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 3

She was on a fairly new cable show hawking muffins at Whole Foods when he met her. Where exactly was her ticket to ride going? Neither one of them knew at that point.


The the multi-million dollar house that "Bethenny" bought?   Yeah.  About that - it was the multi-million dollar home that Jason and Bethenny bought together with their money as a legally married couple.  Bethenny and Jason bought the home together with their joint money as a married couple, wasn't it?  I thought they bought their home affter they got married.  Bethenny did not buy that multi-million dollar home alone when she was single, did she?  (I could be wrong on this).  Jason was Bethenny's legal spouse at the time of the home/apartment purchase?  Marital assets ....

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 2

The the multi-million dollar house that "Bethenny" bought?   Yeah.  About that - it was the multi-million dollar home that Jason and Bethenny bought together with their money as a legally married couple.  Bethenny and Jason bought the home together with their joint money as a married couple.  Bethenny did not buy that multi-million dollar home alone when she was single.  Jason was Bethenny's legal spouse at the time of the home/apartment purchase.  Marital assets.

They had a prenup which, I believe, makes SkinnyGirl money Bethenny's money. I believe the recent court filings showed that the house was purchased by Bethenny only.

  • Love 2


Last, I think Jason played a very important part in the beverage deal. I remember it like the above poster, Bethenny had the idea, Jason had the details to make a deal. Both in knowing the ins and outs of contracts, negotiations, as well as being personable when dealing with the for lack of a better term that I can think of right now, the big wigs. I look at Jeffrey Lewis and Gage. Jeffrey had the idea, started it from scratch, Gage came into his life, took the idea and expanded it behind the scenes. I see many parallels between those two couples. In both the personalities [bethenny/Jeffrey, explosive, versus Jason/Gage, even keel] Except Jeffrey and Gage are making it work, and with Bethenny and Jason it fell apart. I would think if Jason and Gage broke up, Gage would probably have a big investment in the relationship, emotional and business wise, and would need to be compensated, just like Jason is entitled to being compensated for his part in Bethenny's success. I really think if Jason had not been around, Bethenny would still just be a reality chick, without the beverage bonanza.

I hate bringing my favorite Jeffrey Lewis and Gage into this Bethenny talk but I wanted to show a comparison view. I have such a reality crush on both of them. They are my favorites of all time.

That wasn't Jason, that was David Kanbar.

"As THR first reported in May 2011, Frankel was sued by Raw Talent, a Los Angeles-based management company, which claimed its co-president Doug Wald met the Real Housewives of New York and Bethenny Ever After star in May 2008. Wald said he helped her find an agent at APA and transition her from reality TV personality to the face of the lucrative Skinnygirl Cocktail empire. That allegedly included hooking her up with liquor industry veteran David Kanbar, who put together a business plan for a company that would buy the brand, use Frankel's celebrity to help market it and sell it in two years for a hefty profit.

But Raw Talent says Frankel fired Wald in November 2008, days before signing her deal to develop and market Skinnygirl. Frankel and Kanbar later sold the company in what The Hollywood Reporter called a $120 million deal."


Edited by shoegal
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They had a prenup which, I believe, makes SkinnyGirl money Bethenny's money. I believe the recent court filings showed that the house was purchased by Bethenny only.


Well, no one knows what's in the prenup and no one knows what they decided how the condo should be handled.  We do know that there was a trust set up and the trust bought the condo - not Beth.  Let's not go down that road again.  Additionally,  if something (a house, car, boat, you name it) is bought by a spouse when they are married and is in their name only, unless there is some specific agreement in a prenup, that purchase is considered a marital asset. 

  • Love 2

Well, no one knows what's in the prenup and no one knows what they decided how the condo should be handled.  We do know that there was a trust set up and the trust bought the condo - not Beth.  Let's not go down that road again.  Additionally,  if something (a house, car, boat, you name it) is bought by a spouse when they are married and is in their name only, unless there is some specific agreement in a prenup, that purchase is considered a marital asset.

It seems that the trust was invalidated and the deed/title has to be amended to reflect that Bethenny alone bought the condo. From the reporting on the court docs, the condo was bought with money from an account with only Bethenny's name, and the rest was financed by Bethenny alone. It seems she is claiming that under the terms of the prenup, it makes the condo her asset. Something about the trust was an attempt to make it a marital asset under the prenup. Now the trust is no more, and never was.

We will see how it goes down, but I'm betting Bethenny gets the apartment in the end. I think Jason fucked up with the sloppy (dishonest?) trust execution.

  • Love 2

Beth and Jason's custody was settled in May (or June), 2014.  Beth filed for divorce in Jan, 2013.  The shows we're seeing now were filmed in Dec, 2014.  Feel free to correct if I'm wrong.


My question is does anyone know what the temporary custody arrangement was when Beth filed for divorce?  Yes, I realize that it's difficult getting used to shared custody but she had been dealing with this already for at least six months.  I'm curious as to what was happening previously.

It seems that the trust was invalidated and the deed/title has to be amended to reflect that Bethenny alone bought the condo. From the reporting on the court docs, the condo was bought with money from an account with only Bethenny's name, and the rest was financed by Bethenny alone. It seems she is claiming that under the terms of the prenup, it makes the condo her asset. Something about the trust was an attempt to make it a marital asset under the prenup. Now the trust is no more, and never was.

We will see how it goes down, but I'm betting Bethenny gets the apartment in the end. I think Jason fucked up with the sloppy (dishonest?) trust execution.

Yes, I realize all that.  That's why I stated let's not go down this road again.... We've discussed it adnausium.

  • Love 1

Does Jason have a job? On the show thread there was a discussion about who has Bryn on what days (part of a larger discussion about the idea of rescheduling the trip) and someone mentioned something about him needing to work. I remember reading something a long time ago that said he couldn't find a job.

Did he ever get one? It never seems to be mentioned in stories about him and Bethenny. Surely he has found something by now, hasn't he?

Does Jason have a job? On the show thread there was a discussion about who has Bryn on what days (part of a larger discussion about the idea of rescheduling the trip) and someone mentioned something about him needing to work. I remember reading something a long time ago that said he couldn't find a job.

Did he ever get one? It never seems to be mentioned in stories about him and Bethenny. Surely he has found something by now, hasn't he?

I believe that Jason is working.  At least, according to the rumors of what his contribution that is required for support of Bryn's preschool and other activities.  If rumors are to believed, he makes about $100000 a year.  These rumors are regarding court documents that were supposedly seen by anonymous sources.


If he wasn't working, I think that would have come up in the custody hearing. 

  • Love 1

I believe Bethenny was being facetious with the 'it's Andy's fault' comment.

I thought she was too and then hereis this article:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/andy-cohen-its-ridiculous-that-bethenny-frankel-blames-me-for-her-marriage-to-jason-hoppy/


Interesting Andy believed the two be very much I love.  Maybe it was the constant "I love yous," on camera or the vows.  That now makes two men in Bethenny's life that felt she was very much in love with Jason.  Perhaps Bethenny should stop second guessing herself

  • Love 2

I wish I could tell Bethenny one piece of very good advice given to me by a woman who had been thru a terrible divorce years ago..."sometimes you have to know when to walk away."  I took it to heart and it saved me a lot of stress, took the settlement, shared custody of my two kids and moved on.  Bethenny has to realize that it is only money, its a shame she did not work as hard on herself or the relationship as she is working to keep the money.   Not a great way to be a role model for a child.

  • Love 4

Bethenny has to realize that it is only money, its a shame she did not work as hard on herself or the relationship as she is working to keep the money.


Perhaps, but I also think part of the problem is how public this divorce is and for Bethenny to back down, she would be publically declaring Jason won - she, the businesswoman was beaten by Mr. Bethenny Frankel. Let's not kid ourselves, there's a large number of people who would merrily indulge in "Bethenhy lost! She was beaten by her despised ex, lets all revel in Jason's victory in defeating her" - and thats not something the average divorcee faces.


Plus, honestly, it's easy to say it's only money. I've seen divorced couples argue to the point of restraining orders over much less money. In this case - whatever the deal was, we know its a LOT of money and that Jason signed a pre-nup which should have made the divorce more financially simple. I can see, after he was dumb enough to sign the pre-nup (and personally if you're on the "Bethenny was never really in love with him, she just wanted a baby and an assistant" conspiracy theory, that Bethenny insisted on a pre-nup should have been a sign to Jason that she wasn't that into him) that she might want to hold him to his agreement.

  • Love 3
From what I have read, a judge ordering joint legal custody after going through an entire trial is almost unheard of. This is because if the parties were able to work together at all, a full trial would not have been necessary in the first place. So to avoid the parties being back before the judge almost immediately because they can't work together, the judge typically makes the call that one person has all the legal control.



This is not true at all.  Proving a parent is not fit for any legal custody at all takes a huge burden of proof.  Just because it went to trial does not mean that it is likely that it would rule for one parent.  If this were true, everyone would do a trial.  The default is for it to be joint.  You have to prove the person is seriously not capable.  She was not able to do that.  Judges see this all the time and they know people get petty and vindictive.  They look at hot dog stuff and say grow up, you're being silly.  It wasn't enough.  If he was signing Bryn up for medical research studies against B's wishes OK then she would have a case, but no.


And hot dogs were only a small part of it.  As another poster stated, it was not about hot dogs, it was about respect and, might I add, cooperation.



But they don't have this, obviously, since they are getting divorced.  When you get divorced there are two households.  There will be different rules and different parenting in those two households.  It is a lot easier on everyone to co-parent if there is some sort or spirit of respect and cooperation, but this is not legally required and can't be enforced.  No judge is going to say, oh he doesn't respect you, you get sole custody.  The judge looks at you like two morons acting ridiculous and says "work it out".  If the child is not in serious danger, you have no game.

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 10

I thought she was too and then hereis this article: http://www.allabouttrh.com/andy-cohen-its-ridiculous-that-bethenny-frankel-blames-me-for-her-marriage-to-jason-hoppy/

Interesting Andy believed the two be very much I love. Maybe it was the constant "I love yous," on camera or the vows. That now makes two men in Bethenny's life that felt she was very much in love with Jason. Perhaps Bethenny should stop second guessing herself

Someone in the comments said it best that Andy and Bethenny are trying to downplay their friendship to us with this hogwash.

  • Love 3

Why is it up to Bethenny to just give in and pay Jason off? Why isn't it up to Jason to quit trying to get more of Bethenny's money than he already agreed to? And it was Bethenny's partner, Kanbar (sp?) that insisted on the prenup for precisely this reason. Jason is a douchbag. JMHO.

We have no idea what Jason is asking, what Bethenny is asking or what is in their prenup. JS

  • Love 3

That's not true. We know that Jason is asking for more than the prenup or all this would be over.

Or maybe Bethenny is trying to get out of her end of the prenup. Everyone assumes Jason gets diddly as per the prenup. Maybe that's not the case and she doesn't feel he deserves what was originally agreed upon...you know, since he hid the remote and all.

  • Love 6

Or maybe Bethenny is trying to get out of her end of the prenup. Everyone assumes Jason gets diddly as per the prenup. Maybe that's not the case and she doesn't feel he deserves what was originally agreed upon...you know, since he hid the remote and all.

There have been reports of B offering him more than the prenup and reports of Jason asking for more. True? I don't know, but it just seems more likely that the person who signed a prenup would want more instead of the other person not honoring the prenup.

  • Love 4

There have been reports of B offering him more than the prenup and reports of Jason asking for more. True? I don't know, but it just seems more likely that the person who signed a prenup would want more instead of the other person not honoring the prenup.

I wouldn't call them reports.  They're rumors from anonymous sources.  The fact is that no one knows what their prenup specifies or what is going on in the divorce settlement except those involved. 

  • Love 3

Well, I am open to hear logical theories about the pre-nup.


I mean, the point of a prenup is to keep the assets of one partner protected. So here are my theories.


1. Jason wants more than what he agreed to, for whatever reason. This is, I suspect, the reason 99 percent of all pre-nups get challeneged, the partner who is getting less wants more due to whatever reason they think changes the pre-nup.  


So if Jason isn't the problem - and the "we don't know WHY this is happening, we don't know what is in the pre-nup" idea is basically happening to get Jason off the hook from being the guy who signed a pre-nup and now wants more.... well, what is the other choice?


2. Bethenny wants to pay Jason LESS than what she agreed to in the pre-nup. Really, I've never heard of this happening but ok. I find it hard to believe that this has never ever been suggested even in rumor, that the entire divorce drama is over Bethenny wanting to take away even what the pre-nup said.


Does anyone have a logical third or fourth option as to why they're arguing over the prenup terms?

  • Love 3

That's not true. We know that Jason is asking for more than the prenup or all this would be over.

It may be more of a question of interpretation of certain aspects of the pre-nup.    Even the most measured, control freaks in the world can't prepare for every financial contingency surrounding a marriage no matter the duration.  if it were cut and dried they would not be going to court.  At the end of the day I do believe Bethenny wants Jason to be able to have a suitable home for Bryn since she is with Jason 50% of the time.  Sometimes people mature during the divorce process and realize it has far reaching consequences.

  • Love 1

That's not true. We know that Jason is asking for more than the prenup or all this would be over.

No, unless you or someone here has actually seen the prenup, we know nothing and we do not know what Bethenny has offered him as there is a gag order in effect. So, with the exceptions of what some bloggers and someone on, I assume, Bethenny's team, release/blog about, we do not know 1 single fact of what is dragging this divorce on so long.

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