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Maleficent (2014)

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Just saw this today with my husband and young adult kids. They indulge their mother sometimes. I enjoyed it. A nice back story and a twist on the old Sleeping Beauty story. Maleficent has always been a favorite of mine, much more so than the princesses. The most heart wrenching scene was after she was violated and mutilated by someone she loved. Her anger and pain was obvious through her vocalics. Overall, a good Disney movie for younger girls to see.

I found it somewhat problematic in its gender politics which were surprisingly conservative - by giving Maleficent a backstory of beytrayl it really robbed her agency.  Instead of becoming evil through her own decisions and flaws (for instance like Michael Corleone) it defined her fall as solely the result of trusting someone too much.  That's a little troubling.  I think she could easily have been a tragic and quasi sympathetic villainess on her own terms.


Also it seems strange that a nominally feminist retelling would take the most capable female characters from the first film - the three good faries - and turn them from comedic but brave and crucially important characters into brainless, quarelsome, bumblers who make everything worse.


That said Angelina was terriffic in the role.

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Vivienne Jolie-Pitt was adorable and she looks so much like her mother ....... those Jolie genes are certainly strong - it seems the only thing Pitt in that child is the hair color.


I really enjoyed the film for what it was - a live action Disney re-imaging of a fairy tale villian, Jolie was wonderful, it was beautiful and lush to look at, and it kept me entertained.

Saw it this weekend in IMAX 3D, and I quite loved it. The visual effects were amazing. I loved the scenes with her wings.


I like the fact that Maleficient tried to take the curse back and that the spell was broken by god-motherly love.


The only thing I did not like was Beauty being made queen at the end. That seemed out of left field, especially since they had already established that The Moors did not have a ruler.

Vivienne Jolie-Pitt was adorable and she looks so much like her mother ....... those Jolie genes are certainly strong - it seems the only thing Pitt in that child is the hair color.



I didn't even realize that was her daughter Vivienne..No wonder the child was all smiley and huggy. I did wonder if the part where she grabbed her hornes just happened and they left it in there.


Just saw this and I really enjoyed it, nice twist on the fairytale and I figured out that True Love's kiss wouldn't come from Phillip one the fairies put them into a room. However Maleficient/Stefan is really a story of love turned to hate.

Edited by bluvelvet

I loved Sam Riley in this! By the end of the film I was almost sure they'd go the romantic route with Maleficient and the Raven ;) Alas, not in a kids movie.


Still, I found the wing-stealing scene awfully painful to watch - here's an allegory of the first time, that leaves the girl broken. The man takes the most precious thing a woman has and leaves, with no word to seek fortune elsewhere.

(also, but not so fitting "he took my kidney")

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I thought it was a good movie, but stunk as a filling out of the original Disney movie. I mean, the trailers set it up as such. Didn't one of the trailers show scenes from both side by side in comparison? If it was promoted as more of a retelling, or new take on the story, but this seemed to be intended as "what really happened" or "what was going on with this character." If that is the case, shouldn't it follow the main plot points of the original film, such as how Maleficent finds the baby (or more like the girl since it takes her 16 years in the first film!), the final battle and that she is killed in the end?

I saw it last night, and I was shocked that it wasn't as dark as the trailers made it out to be!  It was more like a fractured fairy tale than anything.  Points for creativity though.


Angelina of course nailed Maleficent, and I loved Diaval.  Easily the two best characters in the movie.  Elle Fanning was fine as Aurora, but I wish they had given the character more substance.  The only thing I really didn't like -- other than the fact that Maleficent didn't turn into a dragon because that was the best part about her as a villain -- was how they turned the three fairies into morons.  I guess it was all part of making it Maleficent's story, but Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather were way more kick-ass fairies than the Three Pixie Stooges!


My favorite part, other than the christening, was Philip's reaction when the pixies were trying to get him to kiss her: "It wouldn't feel right, I've only just met her!"  Ha!  So true.  I did like how they made Aurora and Philip a more realistic pairing -- not true love at first sight, just "Hi, I like you, let's see how this works out."


I do not want Disney to make a Cruella De Vil movie, not only because I think Glenn Close was fine, but also because there is NO WAY IN HELL they can make Cruella sympathetic.  She wanted to skin PUPPIES, for God's sake!

I saw it yesterday, and found it rather boring at parts. I agree with the statements on the three pixies - I found them irritating, although I realize where the humor was being directed. I do feel they softened Maleficient quite a bit in other ways - IIRC in the story I know, Maleficient cursed the princess to die at 16 - the third pixie came in and with her birthday gift "softened" the curse to have her and the entire kingdom fall into a deep sleep instead - with true love's kiss as a way to break the spell.


Did no one else think it was odd we never saw another fairy? There are many of them in the Moors, but we never see or meet any of them. I just found it odd Maleficent was elected protector, but we never see any evidence of what else may go on among the fairies. Even in the battle scene, she was the only fairy fighting - I would think other fairies would be a part of this army, and not only woodland creatures.


The only actor that I felt had any presence was Jolie - everyone else kind of fell flat. The villain didn't have much resonance for me - I think he'd remember the fairy's weakness much sooner, and even that didn't have much of an impact in the story. I enjoyed the final fight scene, am glad we got to see a dragon. The whole "Sleeping Beauty" thing at the end was a bit laughable ... she slept for a few hours? 

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I saw it yesterday, and found it rather boring at parts. I agree with the statements on the three pixies - I found them irritating, although I realize where the humor was being directed.


I was irritated by the fairies being idiots at first, but there was a 6-7 year old sitting behind me and she was laughing with such sincere pleasure at the fairy parts that I kind of got over it.


Overall I really liked the film. I thought Diaval was fantastic, and Angelina was magnificent. Elle Fanning also nailed the "So lovely and nice that even Maleficent can't resist her" vibe.


What really held it back was the movie's need to be family friendly. I can't say I can even hold it against it... that's the kind of movie Disney wanted to make, and I think they did a good job. I'm not sure how dark/surprising you can go with a film like this and still make it something kids can follow.

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We decided to do a movie last night. Didn't think there was any thing worth seeing out, but thought this was best of worst that was out there and was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the twist on sleeping beauty being awaken by true love. The look of the film was wonderful. The fairies that raised (if that's what you want to call it) Aurora were nitwits but tolerable.


Elle Fanning did well as Aurora, but I didn't think she brought anything special to the role. I think any halfway descent actor could've done what she did.


Jolie was fantastic. While watching her in this movie I realized how much I've missed her on the silver screen. I think it's been about 4 years since she's been in front of the camera. 


There were a couple of things I didn't really like about the movie: Aurora being made queen in the end and how the curse was fulfilled. It seemed a bit contrived. Plus I thought it was stupid of the king to have all the spindles destroyed and stored in the bowels of the castle. It would've made more sense to destroy them and make sure there were no spindles in tact or not within 100 miles of the castle.


Anyway, we enjoyed this very much. Good movie.

Edited by Enero

I saw this with my older sister a couple of days ago and we both didn't really enjoy it all that much. For a Disney movie, it was ok but I felt like there wasn't any character development that probably could have been there. 


I think Jolie was fantastic and she was really the best part of the film. I thought she managed to save some of the clunky dialogue.


I liked the special effects and cinematography, but I felt like they were starting to brag about them halfway through the movie. They were still really well done, though.


I liked the Crow/Raven a lot and I also thought that maybe him and Maleficent might have shared a kiss, but it is a Disney movie so maybe that would be slightly creepy, but I was fine with just the subtle hints.


I think the plot was very basic and as a film major right now, I didn't enjoy it because of that. I think they could have portrayed the growth of Maleficent/Aurora's relationship a lot better. Of course the movie's about Maleficent and not Aurora but I think if we got a bit more of her point of view, I would have liked it more.


Other than that, I didn't totally enjoy it. It has its good and bad points. I liked the twist with Stefan so that's a plus. But I don't think the film was for me, nor will I buy it. It's good for the kids, absolutely, but I didn't like it.


I took the cutting off of her wings by Stefan to be a rape metaphor. As it should have, it made me supremely uncomfortable as it was an act of violation, betrayal and violence.

It made me uncomfortable too. I guess I saw it as a mutual intimate connection followed by an act of violation, betrayal, and violence. Not quite rape, but just as devastating.

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I just saw this on Starz. I HATED it. I mean it is a perfectly ok movie but it is the message the story that annoys me. It is as if we did a movie on the origin of Darth Vader and made him turn out to be the reason for Mother Theresa and completely misunderstood. I mean I suppose that if you are going to decide to completely ignore every aspect of everything else before and do it your way, sure fine, might as well go for it.  But I don't have to like it.


- It is Malificent that kisses Sleeping Beauty and wakes her with true love's kiss. Guys I saw this plot on once upon a time. Lame. Maleficent isn't her mom.

- Phillip is nothing more than a silly boy here -- getting about 5 minutes of screen time. I really didn't see the point of him other than to fake us out.

- Got to say, are there any men in this movie that aren't portrayed badly? Um.. nope.  Men are evil or stupid.

- I hated the girl who played Sleeping Beauty who was a complete simpleton. 


I was looking forward to taking the edge off her... not a complete 180 on the entire story where no one and nothing would be saved without her goodness.

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With Frozen being a sisterly love story and Maleficent about "maternal" love...will Cinderella also be mainly about relationships between women? It could easily be. The writers or producers or somebody are the same for all 3. I find it interesting.

I didn't like Frozen, but I just rewatched Maleficent. It doesn't have the feel of Sleeping Beauty as I know it at all, but I still love it.

Edited by Betweenyouandme

Maleficent was perfect the way she was. There was absolutely no need for a fucking backstory to make us feel bad for her. I don't want to feel bad for her! She's the best Disney villain they've ever had and all that was necessary for it was for her to be a dark fairy. That's it! Unseelie Court if you want to dig deeper. The fae are not of the same world as mortals and she could easily just be torked that the mortal king and queen didn't give her an invitation and curse their child because of it.


That's what fairy tales were all about. "Sometimes bad shit happens. Deal with it." Not 'let's understand why this bad fairy came to be.'

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Finally saw this last weekend.  It was visually stunning, even on my old, crap tv, but the story wasn't all that, and neither was Angelina Jolie's performance.  I thought the girl who played Maleficent as a child was better.


I guess I'm just a little tired of revisionist backstories for fairy-tale villains.  I much prefer the Charles Perrault version where the fairy who cursed the princess did so because she was pissed that the king and queen had failed to invite her to the christening.  It makes her kind of petty, but I like that.

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Finally saw this last weekend.  It was visually stunning, even on my old, crap tv, but the story wasn't all that, and neither was Angelina Jolie's performance.  I thought the girl who played Maleficent as a child was better.


I guess I'm just a little tired of revisionist backstories for fairy-tale villains.  I much prefer the Charles Perrault version where the fairy who cursed the princess did so because she was pissed that the king and queen had failed to invite her to the christening.  It makes her kind of petty, but I like that.

Agree.   Looked great but was a total bore, IMO. 


Vivienne Jolie-Pitt was adorable and she looks so much like her mother ....... those Jolie genes are certainly strong - it seems the only thing Pitt in that child is the hair color.

How funny is it that my first thought when I saw her was "Damn!  There's no doubt who her father is, is there?"  :)



There's going to be a sequel.

Seriously?  I didn't think it made enough money to warrant a sequel.  Weren't the reviews bad overall?

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