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Couldn't agree more, Andyourlittledog2. I  watch The Soup mostly to be amused by Joel's comments, and secondly, to make fun of the actual clips themselves. I know some of these guests (maybe all?) are contractural obligations, but the ones that aren't, should be cancelled immediately. The only guests I've enjoyed were Joel's cast members on Community and now that it's gone, I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing Gillian or Jim anymore. I can't believe how unfunny all of those comics are.

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Joel: great comic timing and oh my! Those abs! I had no idea until I saw him in all those chest-baring shots on Community. I managed to catch his show when he came up to Canada and he was amazing! Great comic timing, lots of funny family comedy and the ability to improvise with the audience. I loved it. Now that he's no longer doing Community, I hope he is quickly snapped up to do something else. He appears to be a workaholic., Surely The Soup won't be enough for him. It's not enough for me.

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YAAAASSS!!! Third on this sentiment: Cannot stand the guests.

Every time one comes trotting out to pimp their latest shitty project that'll likely end up cancelled or scrapped anyway, I just groan and count the minutes until the clips begin again.

None of us watches this show for the guests but for funny clips and funnier snark; why don't their producers get this?!!

Although Mankini is welcome on my screen anytime.

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I love Joel beyond my wildest beliefs!!!

When you've been watching this show as long as I have((back in the olden days of Craig Kennear and it was still called "Talk Soup")), it's easy to get attached to certain hosts.

I thought for sure that NO ONE could ever top the brilliance that was Hal Sparks as host. Then Joel came along and totally stole his crown---perfect timing, hilarious acting, and just downright brilliant reactions and delivery? Hells yes, sorry Hal, but Joel is officially DA MAN!

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I've been watching The Soup its inception, from Greg Kinnear sitting at the helm of Talk Soup, and what I've always enjoyed was the snark and the silliness in regards to the antics of talk shows and reality TV .

As someone who has laughed out loud for years when it came to viewing this show, its disappointing that my finger has started to hover over the delete button on my remote.

In the last two years I feel that Joel might be a bit burnt out, or the writing team that comes up with the material are seriously lacking true humor, its not coming across as honest humor, but forced.

I wandered in here today with this in mind and wondered if anyone else felt that way too?

I'd rather see more of "Lou" or "Mankini", than the guest spots of television shows I don't even watch... of course that's probably the point of their making an appearance, but it's sailing right past my enthusiasm meter.

Edited by Mckinnonsgirl
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I love Joel.  Really he's the only reason I still watch The Soup.  I think it's gotten a lot less funny lately but Joel (I just typed Jeff...RIP Community) still makes me laugh.  

We saw him live a few years ago and he was hilarious.  And really, really tall!

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A-freaking-MEN to the comments about there being too many guests.  It used to be funny when they'd bring on someone after they'd made fun of them for a long time (like the Chicken Tetrazini lady, Sanjaya, or Greg Kelly) but now it's just a forum for non-funny comedians and random actors to shill upcoming projects.  Seth Green and Lucy Lawless are exempt from this, though, because I find their interactions with Joel to be hilarious.  But almost everyone else is annoying.


I also miss when Mankini wasn't overplayed and there were weird running gags like the dancing Maxi-pad and the floating heads.


Does anyone else feel that the "Clip of the Week"s are a lot less funny than they used to be?  It used to be that the final clip was by far the funniest, or at least one of the funniest, clips they showed the entire episode. But now I feel like it's not the best material they have at all. 

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The CotW is definitely weaker.  So is Reality Show Clip Time (but not as bad as CotW).  I miss things like Chicken Tetrazini and Whitney Houston.  Damn, Can I Just Be Kiki? was perfect for that but it seemed like they only used it when talking about whatever show that was from rather than use it on other bits.  They don't seem to do the recurring gags anymore.  I can take or leave the guests most of the time.  I got sick of the endless community guests and bits that they had going for a while.  

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Does anyone else feel that the "Clip of the Week"s are a lot less funny than they used to be? It used to be that the final clip was by far the funniest, or at least one of the funniest, clips they showed the entire episode. But now I feel like it's not the best material they have at all.

Heh, maybe that's why it's no longer the "kick ass" clip of the week -- they're acknowledging the slip in quality!

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Yeah, I remember Lou Diamond Phillips as the special guest on the live anniversary episodes last year. I was kind of surprised that was the "best" celeb they could do (no offense) but he was hilarious -- very natural and game for anything.

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I have to chime in on the love for Joel, I started watching back when it was Talk Soup although I was young and couldn't always get control of the TV to watch it, or stay up late but I tried to.  I do think that Joel has done well with the show and we watched Community simply because Joel was in it and fell in love with that show also (R.I.P....).  My husband and I made the trip out to Comic Con a few years back and hubby got a picture with Joel (he really is tall, then again my husband is on the short side). Joel did well spending time with the fans : )

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A couple of programming notes:


“The Soup Live”

Premieres Wednesday, July 2nd, Wednesday, July 9th, Wednesday, July 23rd and Wednesday, July 30th @ 10:00pm ET/7:00pm PT

We did it successfully in June and now, based on popular demand, “The Soup” will go live for two more episodes in July!  After being live for the month of June, host Joel McHale and a cavalcade of surprise celebrity guests bring two more LIVE episodes to fans as they recap the week in pop culture without the safety net of network censors.  You never know who might stop by  when “The Soup” brings fans a look at the week’s biggest headlines in Hollywood and most mockable moments in entertainment all LIVE on Wednesday, July 2nd, Wednesday, July 9th, Wednesday, July 23rd and Wednesday, July 30th.


“The Soup: Joel’s Picks”

Premieres Wednesday, July 16th @10:00pm ET/PT

“The Soup: Joel’s Picks” features  host Joel McHale picking his favorite clips of the year so far, along with his top three of all time in a brand new episode on Wednesday, July 16th.


I totally agree with everybody else's comments about the celebrity guest overload, but I guess the July 16 clip show will be Joel and nothing but Joel. Can't wait to find out what his three all time favorite clips are. Spaghetti Cat? Chicken Tetrazzini?

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 Can't wait to find out what his three all time favorite clips are. Spaghetti Cat? Chicken Tetrazzini?

Oh I hope one is the Dunkadooballs lady.  I miss her. 

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Congrats to The Soup for being nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Short-Format Live-Action Entertainment Program (yes, that's an actual thing) for its True Detective parody! It's a weird category that includes the Bruno Mars half-time show and the Between Two Ferns interview with Barack Obama -- which I'm assuming will be the winner -- but still pretty cool.

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This week's live show is the first one I can recall with a significant screw-up. The sound disappeared for a few seconds -- I'm guessing Joel said a bad word and they're on a seven-second delay.

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Yeah, he definitely said a swear word and then recovered with "WHERE'S YOUR BABY?!?"  I loved it.  I am surprised at how well the live shows have gone.  I think they should always be live!

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OK seriously, those were his "all time favorite clips"?  I only even remember one of them, and none of them were really all that funny.  Oh Soup, you used to be so good...what happened??

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OK seriously, those were his "all time favorite clips"?  I only even remember one of them, and none of them were really all that funny.  Oh Soup, you used to be so good...what happened??


Yeah, they were totally half-assing it, which is discouraging. Joel was even saying things like "the clips the staff picked out as my favorites" or something like that. Now that Community has been picked up by Yahoo TV, I wonder if he's just counting down the days 'til his contract with E! is up.

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More Soup for you:

E! Entertainment has locked in one of its top personalities, extending its deal with The Soup host Joel McHale through 2016. The actor and comedian will remain at the helm of the comedy show. Additionally, McHale’s production company, Free Period Productions, will continue its production development deal, which gives E! first look rights to non-scripted series. This marks the first major talent deal to close under new E! programming chief Jeff Olde.



To be honest, I'm kind of surprised... I had figured Joel had been phoning it in for a while now, waiting for his current contract to expire. I wonder if they're going to keep doing the live shows.

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More Soup for you:


To be honest, I'm kind of surprised... I had figured Joel had been phoning it in for a while now, waiting for his current contract to expire. I wonder if they're going to keep doing the live shows.


Me too.  The Soup has gone downhill lately, like you I figured Joel was just waiting for his contract to expire and then would leave the show.  And honestly, as much as I like him, I was hoping that was what would happen.  The show needs some new blood or something.  It's just not all that funny anymore.  My DH and I watch it out of habit but we only half-way pay attention to it.

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Ditto---I've been catching up with it via OnDemand, and I'm laughing maybe once per episode, at best.

Joel on this show *used* to make me laugh so hard throughout that I'd almost weep...he comes off now like he's almost phoning it in.

Actually, everyone is, and that's just sad!

Also? ENOUGH with the lame, promo-thirsty guests and their pathetic comedy bits, ugh!!

I dunno if it's the writing or if the show just needs to shake things up and find wackier clips and bring back the funny pop-up characters/lines(("Kiss my ass!", "Chicken Tetrazini!", etc)), but something's gotta give. This show feels more lifeless every week and Joel needs to drink a Red Bull or three before he films new shows, I'd say.

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In case anyone cares: "The Soup" is moving back to Friday nights.

Beginning December 12th, host Joel McHale and team will pack up their green screen, DVRs and bikini wearing hairy guy and move back to Fridays! To celebrate, the first show on the new night will be the highly-anticipated, annual-ish Soup Awards which honors the most embarrassing achievements in recent television history. So don’t move off that couch, we will do all the moving for you, and tune-in to The Soup Awards on “The Soup’s” new night beginning Friday, December 12 at 10pm ET on E!
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I wonder if they're trying to fix ratings with the move back to Fridays?  Not that I've watched it live in years but it always seemed better as a mindless Friday night show than something plunked down in the middle of the week.  It was a nice wrap-up of that week's television stupidity.  

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A reminder to "Soup" fans: this is the week it moves back to Friday. Looks like "Gayusa" will be getting an award...


Beginning December 12th, “The Soup” will move back to the show’s original time slot on Fridays at 10pm ET! To celebrate, the first show on the new night will be the highly-anticipated, annual-ish Soup Awards live, which honors the most embarrassing achievements in recent television history. With past honorees such as the hot tub from “Jersey Shore,” and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” for Being Responsible For Creating The Show That Is Virtually The Only Show That Is Ever In Our ‘Gay Shows’ Segment, there is truly no other award show that can compare to The Soup Awards. This year Joel McHale will be honoring an entirely new group of deserving recipients for their crowning achievements in such categories as Best Pooping (Unscripted), Best Japanese Show That Talks About Gay Issues in the USA, and the coveted Entertainer of The Year.
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I watch it every week, but mainly out of habit now. Nothing ever strikes me enough, one way or another, to come here and post about it. Sadly, I just don't find it near as funny as it was in the past.

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First time here...where are all the fans???


The "edgy" jokes and clips got boring.  The show ran its course around the time they started pimping Community non-stop imo.


Speaking of jokes, I don't know why Joel McHale gets a pass on those from the tumblr crowd.  I guess being on a sitcom beloved by most of the internet helps.

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I hate Community .

It was OK for a while, but I thought everybody got out of CC in two years.  I could do without the constant pimping of it on The Soup, but I could do without all the pimping of people and shows I've mostly never heard of.  I just assume it's like even more commercials (of which TS already has a shocking amount), except I can't skip over them as easily.

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Horrible guest star, terrible skits, lame clips (with the possible exception of Moby re-evaluating his life choices on RuPaul's Drag Race). The only redeeming thing about this past week's show is that Joel skipped his now-obligatory "aaaaanywaaaays" in a yawn voice... unless I've finally managed to tune that out after months of trying.


Given the Lakers' performance this year, Nick Young would have been better served practicing on the court rather than struggling to read a teleprompter. I wonder if he understood anything he was saying. Wow, was he painful. But then, isn't this the same guy who swears a dolphin was trying to murder him?

Edited by dmeets
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My husband, who is a huge basketball fan, related a few Nick Young facts: 1) He's dating Iggy Azalea 2) He dubbed himself "Swaggy P" 3) He is injured and hasn't been playing lately, which might explain why he had time to go on "The Soup." Following his appearance, we both agreed that Nick won't be asked to host SNL anytime soon.

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Man, Jason Van Der Beek killed it on The Soup last night. Best guest they've had in a long time.

The Beek seems to bring it; I haven't seen everything he's ever done by any means, but what I have seen has been strong.

The llama in the whorehouse bit was funny, but sometimes I have the humor IQ of a 12-year old.

Joel looked weird clean shaved. The last ep of Community was a big tease about whether there'd be another season - I wonder if he's been going on auditions or something and that's why he was cleaned up.

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i just saw "T-Rex autopsy" and it begs for a Soup mention. Especially where

one of the "scientists"  reaches up the T-Rex vagina and pulls out an egg!

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