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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Hardly. Mrs Consuelos knows his skill set.  He's not a bumbling gap-toothed sub-100-IQ ex=jock who exudes Peter Principle 101 and can't talk current events or pop culture.  She will cash her checks, fire up her production company, celebrate 20 years on Live, and retire in glory/adulation @ 50 --  unless ABC Syndication decides to keep her employed @20M.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
16 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

Hardly. Mrs Consuelos knows his skill set.  He's not a bumbling gap-toothed sub-100-IQ ex=jock who exudes Peter Principle 101 and can't talk current events or pop culture.  She will cash her checks, fire up her production company, celebrate 20 years on Live, and retire in glory/adulation @ 50 --  unless ABC Syndication decides to keep her employed @20M.

Oh and Kelly's skill set is...?  You can mock Michael all you want, but since he left the ratings have not recovered .  

So,   basically that means that Kelly knows that she can't get a way with being  her real self with cohosts who she feels that she  feels are not inferior to  her.. So when someone gets old, or someone doesn't have the experience she has - watch out .

That shows Kelly's true character, and is exactly why ABC didn't pick a newbie to this genre , or Kelly would have felt entitled to treat them like crap when they dared cross her . 

Edited by orangekit
  • Love 9
On 6/28/2017 at 7:25 PM, Medicine Crow said:

Kelly is going to go nuts!!!  LOL ...

She's already pretty  much having a hard time knowing how to deal with Ryan as it is ! It would be so much fun to see Ryan leave Livw for Idol, and have Kelly trying to fake being "soooo happy for him"!!  

Right now she is overcompensating and putting on the BFF act with Ryan . It's forced and nauseating, but actually quite amusing to see  her deal with someone walking in above her  level and having to deal with it with a smile .

it is  hillarious  when the new co-host Is better with the guest cohosts , and has more natural conversations than he ever has with the narcissistic "star" of the show who can't  Do host chat without holding pre typed  clips to her nose and misreading them! 

Kelly is really getting what she deserves . It's obvious ABC didn't want to a newbie next to her and have her pull the crap she did before  . 

She won't be able to make a little scene now and it will be fun watching her attempt to be professional when he gets even bigger with the network!

Edited by orangekit
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, orangekit said:

Oh and Kelly's skill set is...?  You can mock Michael all you want, but since he left the ratings have not recovered .  

So,   basically that means that Kelly knows that she can't get a way with being  her real self with cohosts who she feels that she  feels are not inferior to  her.. So when someone gets old, or someone doesn't have the experience she has - watch out .

That shows Kelly's true character, and is exactly why ABC didn't pick a newbie to this genre , or Kelly would have felt entitled to treat them like crap when they dared cross her . 

If Kelly feels she treat people like dirt because she feels above them, I am glad that they hired Ryan.  He is not on her level - he is way above her level . 

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Kelly is a first class fake .  It is fun watching her get payback for her ridiculous display of playing victim last year, and also her horrible treatment and unprofessional behavior with Michael on the air . Glad he didn't sink to her level .  

I am sure Kelly can retire and she and Mark can produce more tacky reality shows, but she is very competitive , and  her fragile ego will not handle Ryan being the darling , while ABC probably will not worry about  making sure she is happy.

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I didn't expect it t be live today  I thought that it was a repeat with Jerry O'Connell. 

Kelly's story was fine for a few minutes , but then she went on and on, and she can barely spit out sentence.   

Kelly's hair style looks good , but why would anyone make her her hair have white oe grey tones? It does not flatter her face with her pale skin. She looks like a ghost 

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I looked at the clock and Kelly had talked for 13 minutes straight about her vacation.  Jerry would TRY to just insert a comment here and there and she would bulldoze right over him.  It was the worst ever I could recall -- and that's saying a lot.  I don't know if she kept going on her "monologue" all the way to the summer travel trivia because I turned the channel.  I literally said out loud to the tv "good God, Kelly, shut up".  

I was so glad to see Jerry again -- lucky him, he didn't get the co-host position.  It would be agonizing for him because clearly she thinks she's dominant over Jerry.

Edited by MerBearHou
  • Love 7
On ‎2017‎-‎06‎-‎27 at 7:48 PM, SanDiegoInExile said:

I am a Ryan fan, but his laconic, half-asleep demeanor isn't doing the show any good.  For all his faults, Michael was bubbly (almost too much), hyper, and oozed ego.   Ryan likely has as big an ego, but his style is not flashy or insincere or garish (all of which Strahan mastered).  Ryan probably also has 100 IQ points on Strahan, though the show really doesn't need a professor/expert/lecturer, which is how  Ryan has come across in this first month.  He doesn't seem real excited to be there.  Plus, he needs to work on his storytelling, which is probably going to be hard for him.  His radio show has never really been about *him* and one reason 'Live" works is that the co-hosts bring at least some events from their personal lives to the show.

I do think he will get better, mostly because he will have plenty of feedback given to him over the next few months.

I've said ever since Regis got the boot, that Kelly knows her days are numbered.  Maybe she will stay around and take the huge paycut that Regis was offered.  Most likely, she will walk away a winner, with a couple hundred million in the bank, three kids in college, a working actor-hubby who lives half the year away from her, and a production company that will spew out reality a half-dozen reality shows a year. 

Not sure what you base that on.  I have watched MS and RS, and quite frankly, I think Strahan did a better job.  If Seacrest is so smart, why after decades in public, can he not be a host that is not lurching across to the guest or host?  Why is he putting his leg up on his knee or under his butt.  He is truly not comfortable in that role.  Strahan was and is much better.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I looked at the clock and Kelly had talked for 13 minutes straight about her vacation.  Jerry would TRY to just insert a comment here and there and she would bulldoze right over him.  It was the worst ever I could recall -- and that's saying a lot.  I don't know if she kept going on her "monologue" all the way to the summer travel trivia because I turned the channel.  I literally said out loud to the camera "good God, Kelly, shut up".  

I was so glad to see Jerry again -- lucky him, he didn't get the co-host position.  It would be agonizing for him because clearly she thinks she's dominant over Jerry.

OMG - that was one of the most painful storytelling episodes that Kelly has ever done during host chat , actually it was one of the most painful of any host . She is w horrid storyteller, but usually she is ok she telling family stories .  She definitely would bull doze Jerry if he got the job, he is way too nice . Ryan would have nicely cut her off , he is good at that ! 


On a positive note, at least she isn't taking about hot sex wirh MARK CONSUELOS aka baby daddy, or talking about using a tampon to stop someone's bleeding because she's so "huge" down there, like she did after previous family vacations!

 The hair color looks very unflattering with Kelly's pale complexion.  I get that she is going gray and they may want it to blend in more , but it just doesn't look too good . 

  • Love 6

Kelly with David Muir was embarrassing.   She constantly kept gushing over his looks, and acting like a teenager because he kissed her on the cheek. She got ridiculous.  He even looked a bit embarrassed or confused at one point.

After a week or Ryan and any other co-host, seeing the contrast of how Kelly works with other co-hosts was quite a contrast.  Where Ryan tries to make his co-host comfortable, and lets them have the spotlight, while he converses, Kelly on the other hand dominates and rambles on and on. She also  is weird and gushes about them to the point of being weird.  She has no idea of how to come out of her narcissistic little bubble, and just let others take the spotlight a bit.

When she started going on again about her vacation, I thought we were in for another filibuster to tell a story that could have been told in about 5 minutes.   Luckily, David had something to add about some vacation he took with her family.

She really is so painful to watch lately.    It is a good thing they didn't hire someone who didn't have the experience that  Ryan has hosting.

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I was fascinated (not) with host chat this morning about the kind of chocolate you like is an indicator of the type of person you are.  Completely laughable!!  Why can't two adults talk about adult stuff instead of the constant drivel & price of tripe that's being shoved down our throat.  She had Van Jones as co-host this morning & that's what Gelman gives them to discuss?  WTF?  I tuned out half-way through that steaming pile of drivel.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Why can't two adults talk about adult stuff instead of the constant drivel & price of tripe that's being shoved down our throat.

Unfortunately, the last two adults that did that were Reege and KLG.  As soon as Reege announced his departure, Gelman began the scramble to make something of Kelly.  Sadly, all he could come up with was the newspaper clippings and we all know how that played out.  Anyone else beside me remember watching Reege, the master story-teller, playing along with reading the clippings and trying to talk about them??  What a stinkin' mess, lol.

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Kelly really is getting into mocking Lola a lot lately.  Some of it is funny, but since she obviously has no ability to carry on a real conversation, she now has taken to making Lola the butt of her jokes on an almost daily basis. She is also mocking her again on their  page today.  It was a video of her telling the audience about Lola's short dress she picked for her sweet 16 party.

Last week Kelly's idea of 'conversing" consisted on commented ad nauseam at every co-host's and guest's looks and bodies.  She is truly obsessed with looks like a teenager.   I can't imagine being her daughter. Kelly is immature and obsessed about her body and looks like a teen herself.

I read a couple of articles - who knows how true they are- about the show's ratings being in trouble. Some say Ryan may be gone, others say the show may be cancelled.   I wouldn't doubt the show would go, I think they may be planning that anyway, but I think Ryan already has connections to the network and other positions.

On 7/7/2017 at 10:15 PM, Medicine Crow said:

I loved Regis' stories!!

Me too!  And remember when he held up NYC newspapers and talked about the news or current events?      He didn't need to hold up clipping of dumb stories to his nose and say "ummm" 100 times to read a paragraph.  

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I'm behind schedule, just watched Monday's episode this morning, pretty humdrum until Jill Kargman came on.  I'm not too familiar with her, I know she has a scripted show on Bravo but I've never seen it.  She absolutely killed it!  Funny, self-deprecating, knows how to tell a story.  My choice for funniest guest this year.

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3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I'm behind schedule, just watched Monday's episode this morning, pretty humdrum until Jill Kargman came on.  I'm not too familiar with her, I know she has a scripted show on Bravo but I've never seen it.  She absolutely killed it!  Funny, self-deprecating, knows how to tell a story.  My choice for funniest guest this year.

Totally agree with you-- Jill's show, Odd Mom Out, is absolutely my favorite comedy on TV right now.  New season starts tomorrow and I can't wait.  Love love love Jill Kargman, though I get that she's not for everyone.  I think she's hilarious and super smart.  She was a great guest.

  • Love 2
On 7/11/2017 at 1:42 PM, MerBearHou said:

Totally agree with you-- Jill's show, Odd Mom Out, is absolutely my favorite comedy on TV right now.  New season starts tomorrow and I can't wait.  Love love love Jill Kargman, though I get that she's not for everyone.  I think she's hilarious and super smart.  She was a great guest.

Her (Jill's) brother is Drew Barrymore's most recent ex-husband & the father of her 2 daughters. Despite the divorce, Drew & Jill have apparently remained close/best friends... or so I keep reading.

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The tick conversation went from funny to disgusting when Kelly had to take over and talk about her male childrens' "beans and franks" apparently referring to looking for ticks in their genitals ! Gross and inappropriate, especially since Juaquin was in the audience. He was on FF with her after the show .


Mark was away so much when the kids were little ?  He seemed to spend his time working out all day, and was home a lot until they got older .

WTF is wrong with her ?  She has no boundaries and is desperate to take the spotlight to the point of embarrassing her kids .  I remember when she talked about Michael doing "you know "

in the bathroom on Jimmy Kimmel because he hit puberty 

And Mark is into MMA fighting ? What is that ?  

I love Anderson Cooper too, but sometimes with Kelly he's just a little too goofy, but he's s still fun. 

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Kelly is a talentless , lucky , woman who got a job that she still can not handle without a strong co-host taking the lead.

Her "oversharing", is always crude and tacky .  After Regis left, host chat was reduced to tampon talk , including telling us how "big " they are because she had three kids (even though she had c sections )  we also heard about pubic hair,  sex details about Mark jumping her all the time, so she had to pretend she was asleep!  We also  were treated to her throwing tampons at Gelman during FF!  It did get topped off with her gross sharing about Michael on Jimmy Kimmel!

At times Kelly can be nice and real , and some

of her family stories are cute, by  overall,

she lacked the ability to allow her cohosts to talk and tell a story without interruption, and everything has to be about her in the end .

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, snowydaze said:

The tick conversation went from funny to disgusting when Kelly had to take over and talk about her male childrens' "beans and franks" apparently referring to looking for ticks in their genitals ! Gross and inappropriate, especially since Juaquin was in the audience. He was on FF with her after the show

The third place that google lists to check for ticks is the groin area. Most everyone who lives near a forest knows that. 

4 hours ago, snowydaze said:

 She has no boundaries and is desperate to take the spotlight to the point of embarrassing her kids .

They all seem well-adjusted, mature, smart, and happy.  Maybe one day we will get a Christina Crawford-like expose, though I imagine the several million dollars that each will inherit might delay that.

4 hours ago, snowydaze said:

And Mark is into MMA fighting ? What is that ?  

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport that allows both striking and grappling, both standing and on the ground, using techniques from other combat sports and martial arts.

Only the hottest, trendiest. most intensive form of training that exists.  It's all the rage, though I personally think it's somewhat like human cock-fighting. Minimal rules. Cages. Tattoos and third grade educations.  Nearly fight to the death. For fans who think boxing is too tame and boring.  A decade or two ago, John McCain tried to get it banned.  Then Fox got a hold of it, created two cable channels to hype it (FS1 and FS2), sold it to most active males under the age of 30 as "macho", launched crazy pay per view mania (they are up to their 215th "event"), and now it's become a mainstream sport with competing organizations raking in millions.




Edited by SanDiegoInExile
  • Love 3

Kelly is good with Anderson, but she would steamroll him if he was the permanent co-host. She interrupt Ryan, but he knows how to be on more equal footing wit her .

The tick coversatuon got disgusting on many levels . Kelly is not a good story teller, so she resorts to gross and inappropriate much of the time .

I think anyone with a brain knows she was talking about the kids genital areas when she was as searching for ticks, we didn't need visuals of her pretending to look under, and calling them beans and franks - gross . It's bad enough if she was talking about  her husband, but it was about her boys; one whom was sitting in the audience.

Her kids seem nice, and overall she is a good mom I think, but I think the boys seems more grounded than how she describes her daughter . Maybe it's the role models th boys had , as opposed to who Lola has as a role model .

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I really like when Anderson Cooper co-hosts with Kelly...he has a natural gift for telling stories and because they are personal friends they carry on an easy conversation.  Anderson had me laughing so hard.  When I see him on CNN doing his serious news-man gig, its hard to square that with the goofy guy on with Kelly.  And this morning she has Bravo Andy on with her and again, because they are friends, they are relaxed and having fun together.  I sure Kelly wishes either Anderson or Andy had been picked for her Co-host.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, larsonb said:

Kelly is good with Anderson, but she would steamroll him if he was the permanent co-host. She interrupt Ryan, but he knows how to be on more equal footing wit her .

The tick coversatuon got disgusting on many levels . Kelly is not a good story teller, so she resorts to gross and inappropriate much of the time .

I think anyone with a brain knows she was talking about the kids genital areas when she was as searching for ticks, we didn't need visuals of her pretending to look under, and calling them beans and franks - gross . It's bad enough if she was talking about  her husband, but it was about her boys; one whom was sitting in the audience.

Her kids seem nice, and overall she is a good mom I think, but I think the boys seems more grounded than how she describes her daughter . Maybe it's the role models th boys had , as opposed to who Lola has as a role model .

all I can compare Lola/Kelly to is my granddaughter who is a little younger than Lola, but despite my granddaughter having several very good female role models of strong capable women, she is still a teenage girl.  Very different than the grandsons or my sons when I was raising them.  We just spent a week with the three grands.  What a difference in the girl.  And when her friends come over.  Oy.  

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On 7/26/2017 at 7:45 PM, larsonb said:

Kelly is good with Anderson, but she would steamroll him if he was the permanent co-host. She interrupt Ryan, but he knows how to be on more equal footing wit her .

The tick coversatuon got disgusting on many levels . Kelly is not a good story teller, so she resorts to gross and inappropriate much of the time .

I think anyone with a brain knows she was talking about the kids genital areas when she was as searching for ticks, we didn't need visuals of her pretending to look under, and calling them beans and franks - gross . It's bad enough if she was talking about  her husband, but it was about her boys; one whom was sitting in the audience.

Her kids seem nice, and overall she is a good mom I think, but I think the boys seems more grounded than how she describes her daughter . Maybe it's the role models th boys had , as opposed to who Lola has as a role model .

What was really funny is how Kelly was concerned about saying how Joaquin liked  O take pictures in front of cars , but she didn't think twice about getting into gross detail about checking for ticks on his genitals and calling them beans and franks.

Its very funny how Kelly imitates Lola , the funny thing is , Lola is like a teen version of Kelly! 


I dont dislike Andy , but they get into the inside jokes and the constant "sweetie" is nauseating.

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On 7/29/2017 at 11:25 AM, goldenpuppy said:

What was really funny is how Kelly was concerned about saying how Joaquin liked  O take pictures in front of cars , but she didn't think twice about getting into gross detail about checking for ticks on his genitals and calling them beans and franks.

Its very funny how Kelly imitates Lola , the funny thing is , Lola is like a teen version of Kelly! 


I dont dislike Andy , but they get into the inside jokes and the constant "sweetie" is nauseating.

Yeah, she talks about Michael's puberty bathroom habits when he locked himself in the bathroom , talks about inspecting her boy's genitals  and nicknames them , but is all concerned if Joaquin hears her talking about him taking pictures in front of cars !  That's just odd !


The "sweetie" talk reminds me of the old days when she would do her cringeworthy voice and say the word repeatedly . Blech

I thought it was hilarious how someone last week asked her if she still had a house in the Hamptons and she got all tongue tied !  Too funny!


It is hilarious that  little, short , Mark is all into MMA fighting and into boxing . He reminds me of guys we would say have "short man syndrome", where they over compensate for being short !  Remember when he pretended he as 5'9"? I met Mark in person, he seems like a nice guy, but he is very short, maybe 5'6" with thick heals !  

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Kelly always takes the whole month of August off, and many days in June and July. I remember when Michael Strahan got the HOF award, Kelly was there, it was Aug. 1st and we didn't see her again until after labor day.

I think they want Ryan there to promote AI Reboot and to have all the kids on etc. and I am sure Kelly is on her way out. They are keeping Ryan. They have or are going to build him a permanent studio. I don't think he likes NYC but I also think he is getting sick of KUWTK and he probably doesn't have that much control  anymore.

I get so furious when Kelly keeps harping on Gelman's cheapness. He has a budget and it is small because of Kelly's huge salary.

Does anyone know when her contract is up? I am sick of her. So sick of her.

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National Enquirer says Ryan is looking to relocate Live! to LA and Kelly is having none of it.  Says she is upset that he's the darling of the show and she is stomping her foot saying, 'no, I'm the darling and I will quit' if they steamroll over her again as they did with Strahan's leaving.

I'm thinking there might be a smidge of truth to this story. 

All of this drama and the ratings are still in the tank.  What once used to be a sure thing for the execs (Live! and all things attached)  has turned into a major headache. 

Another day and it's another previously taped episode. This time it's Kelly & Andy Cohen. My god! Do these people ever put in a full week? It's 21 Days until Labor Day and you know they'll be off for at least 2 weeks or more. Kelly has been gone more then 3 weeks and was a week before that in Canada. It's crazy the money that Ripa & Seacrest make and they  hardly ever work. He just started in May!!!! I would love to know how many actual LIVE shows they do. I need to start keep count. I'm beyond livid. LOL!!! 

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To be fair to Sprinkles (RS), he works his butt off helming his own production company.  He was in Tampa this past weekend taping for Idol.  My guess is that is ongoing this week.

However, it really is maddening as a viewer that virtually all syndicated programming in August is repeat city.  LIVE has been ridiculous, though, in carving out black days (no new production) throughout the year.  Cost savings and talent loves it, doncha know.

Just tuned in this morning.  Both hosts are there together.  Seems like you can cut the tension.  Kelly didn't fawn once, no kiss, no hug, no arm pat.  Is it just me?  There maybe some truth to this LA story.   IDK, I can't see Gelman and Art relocating.  And then what if the show doesn't go well?  Then its all Ryans fault and on his shoulders.  That's a lot of pressure.

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