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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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See ya, Michael!

Following his last day as the co-host of "Live! With Kelly & Michael" alongside Kelly Ripa on Friday, May 13, all traces of Michael Strahan are being stripped from the ABC morning show's studios, according to a new report.

Come Monday morning, reports Page Six, it will be as if Michael was never there as the show returns to the air as simply "Live! With Kelly."

"There are pictures of [Michael and Kelly] in the hallway that greet all the guests," an insider told Page Six. "And there are pictures of them in the green room. That will all be cleared out and removed."

"I wouldn't call it redecorating, but it will be 'refreshed,'" the insider added. "All that stuff will be boxed up."

Another source told Page Six that erasing Michael from the studio comes as no surprise. "That's consistent with what ABC has done in the past -- it's in line with how they have made other changes."

A rep for the show, however, told Page Six, "That is not true."

Since I went along through the last awful co-host search that was supposed to last longer than it did, except for those pesky ratings tanking.  I'll pass this time unless Nathan Fillion or Jim Parson is filling in. 

I'll check the schedule, but I'd already quit watching with the exception of a few guests.  Sometimes not even then if the guest was already booked on decent night interview shows.

2 hours ago, Tosia said:

Kelly was kinda manic. ...acting a little too happy IMHO.  Jimmy was great in asking questions from Howard Stern. He's a natural.

I think someone like Howard Stern would be a hilarious co-host...but thats mostly just based on what you all say.  I used to listen to his radio show, and in spite of popular opinion, I thought he was great.  And he has experience co-hosting a show with a woman.

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Live with Kelly lost me as a viewer. I already felt Kelly was fake but this nastiness over MS sealed it in my mind.   She was unprofessional to not show up for work as were her antics with the book and People magazine article. Michael was the professional one and the only one who took the high road. I will gladly tune back in when they get rid of her. Why not give the 50 million women who would LOVE to do her job the chance to happily host the show. No drama included. How much does she make for 1 hour day's work? well, they could refill that seat in a NY minute and save themselves some cash.


 Another thing that really bothers me.... She is such a poor role model for young girls! There's a very good reason she had cracked her pelvis(?) and it's NOT because she's eating enough nutrients in her diet. She starves herself and it shows. She doesn't fool me for a minute. I used to really like her until I realized there wasn't much to like. This ugly side of her personality is becoming front and center her publicists nightmare, I'm afraid.

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I liked the People article with Kelly.  She explained that she wasn't just concerned for herself, but for her entire Live family.  I think that things got blown out of proportion about her 1 unscheduled day's absence by the media and fans alike.  I think that TPTB of ABC effed things up in thinking that MS would work until September and then just be gone.  That shows what little they know about what it takes for this show to find a new host.  What was Kelly supposed to do, have prospective co-hosts on while MS was still hosting?  That wouldn't work!  The ABC Execs didn't factor in the summer hiatus or vacation time either.  Good for Kelly for standing up for her show and her livelihood.  She's not a saint, but I don't find her to be as bad as others do.  Respectfully, YMMV.  :)

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On May 14, 2016 at 2:18 PM, ChitChat said:

As with other TV hosts, I have found that either people love her or they hate her.  I don't watch this show all that often, but when I have, I didn't find her all that bad.  YMMV.   She really seemed to be excited when MS first took the job on Live, and now that  they've built up the show & the ratings, he's leaving.  Don't get me wrong - that's his prerogative and his right to pursue other options, but I can understand how disappointed Kelly is in having to start over in finding a new host.  Good luck to MS.  I don't watch any morning news shows, as I am working and I find most of them to have too many anchors/journalists anyway.  I don't need that many to tell me the news!  Same way with the Weather Channel.  I don't need them cutting back and forth to 2 or 3 people just to give me the forecast!  Is MS keeping his FOX NFL gig in the Fall?  That's got to be a tough commute week after week.

Yes, Michael's keeping the Fox NFL gig on Sundays. Considering he had it the entire 4 years & whatever he was on LIVE!, either it's not that hard a commute on him or he's used to it by now. The only time it would seem to be really hard, to me, is when the NFL show goes on location to cover a game--like when  Fox is airing pre-Super Bowl playoff games, the Super Bowl itself, or other special NFL games, like over Thanksgiving & the December holidays--in the actual stadium involved & it's 1 of the farther ones from NYC, like Seattle or something. Compared to that, commuting between NYC & LA each week of football season is probably easy, &, again, something he's used to by now.

On May 12, 2016 at 2:33 PM, snowydaze said:

Kelly was spotted by the paparazzi with a jacket that said "freedom" on the back.   She feels "free" because of Michael leaving?  Ok?  That is how it was interpreted.

I don't know if that's what the jacket was for, but she is stupid enough to make "statements" all the time.  If she is sending another diss to anyone associated with the show or ABC, she may be given more "freedom" than she wants if she keeps it up!   That interview in people is pathetic and self-serving. Who does she think she is?

What was very telling was when Michael asked her if she would move to L A if Mark's show became a hit.  Kelly stammered, and said if the show took off or something like that,  she would. 

So... let's get this straight.  If Kelly's hubby got a job that actually paid the bills, and was a hit, she would leave Live, and that would be ok?   But, if Michael or anyone else decides to leave, she has a say in when they leave and gets pissed because she was given access to their personal job move ahead of time?  

Hopefully, if Mark's show ever does hit, and Kelly feel she needs to move out to L A to be with him,  her co-host will be just as lovely a she has been to Michael! (sarcasm).

In her pictures for the paparazzi, which she conveniently makes sure are taken when she needs to make a statement, she appears to have no make up on. Her makeup artists are magicians!

I doubt anyone else is going to be dying to employ Kelly after ABC pays her back for all of the wonderful public dissing and public tantrums she is having at their expense.   

She really has a major inflated ego and a totally out of touch with reality personality.    

Fox announced their Fall schedule yesterday (Monday). Mark's new show is on the midseason schedule.


Compared to that, commuting between NYC & LA each week of football season is probably easy, &, again, something he's used to by now.

I think the main difference will be that his new gig starts a couple of hours earlier than Live, and it's a bigger show to prep for.   I think he flies all night on Sundays to get back to NYC, so if it's worked out thus far, I'm sure he'll be fine.  That's got to catch up with you at some point though! 

I thought Michael Weatherly was pretty funny today. I do remember him and Kelly from their early soap days and I think there might even be some old press photos of them from back.in.the.day. He really does remind of Robert Wagner. That was great casting on NCIS. It was funny when Michael said Kelly was quite the character even back then. They were all young in their 20's, making good money, living in NYC and working on popular soaps. They were pretty lucky to have had that experince.

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4 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Kelly and Jimmy Kimmel were a good match, they play off each other well, yet Jimmy doesn't take her too seriously.  They had great chemistry, it's obvious they like each other.

Jimmy has chemistry with everyone.  I have watched his show for years and you can tell when guest must be difficult to interview because the are not giving him anything to work with.  He finds something, he is a genius. 

I knew he would be good with Kelly because she is easy and there is so much to poke at.  He made Gelman squirm and exposed the he was not eager to see Michael again.  Loved that. 

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Here's what I'd like to know,how is it possible that with the 'guest' co-hosts, Kelly and the fill-in can sit and actually 'chat' about stuff but yet when she had a permanent co-host, for four years, all they had to 'chat' about is newspaper clippings?!  How is that even possible?  I haven't seen one single newspaper clipping all week.

Kelly is ebullient this week without Michael.  Is she that good of an actress or is it her way of still stickin' it to Michael?  My vote is the latter.

  • Love 6

Here's what I'd like to know,how is it possible that with the 'guest' co-hosts, Kelly and the fill-in can sit and actually 'chat' about stuff but yet when she had a permanent co-host, for four years, all they had to 'chat' about is newspaper clippings?!  How is that even possible?  I haven't seen one single newspaper clipping all week.

Right, so that's all Kelly's fault, Michael doesn't get any blame for that?

Jussie Smollet was smooth as silk yesterday.  Good looking, funny, talented, self-deprecating, he's a catch.

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24 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Right, so that's all Kelly's fault, Michael doesn't get any blame for that?


I'm pretty sure that's not what I said; I merely made an observation.  If I were to place blame, it would sit squarely on Gelman and Art's shoulders.  They're in charge of how the show moves forward.

Edited by finnzup
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1 hour ago, finnzup said:

Here's what I'd like to know,how is it possible that with the 'guest' co-hosts, Kelly and the fill-in can sit and actually 'chat' about stuff but yet when she had a permanent co-host, for four years, all they had to 'chat' about is newspaper clippings?!  How is that even possible?  I haven't seen one single newspaper clipping all week.

Kelly is ebullient this week without Michael.  Is she that good of an actress or is it her way of still stickin' it to Michael?  My vote is the latter.


Because the various co-hosts are like guests who have new stuff to bring to the table--unlike Kelly who talks about her kids, vacations/dinners with other celebs, running/working out……..um, what else?  Michael had a variety of gigs from which to draw from, but it would take too much away from Kelly if he kept giving us entertaining, funny anecdotes from sports friends, plus he was also still star struck about meeting stars new to him--and they seemed to really like engaging with him, too.  He was hot, too, 

I skimmed the People magazine at the check out yesterday. Lots of words rationalizing Kelly's actions after the news.  Not impressed.  Not cover-worthy. I wonder how much her publicist paid to have her on the cover and soften her image.   Not that she may not be "nice"; she just seems boring.  

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There is a blind item here:


It sure sounds like Kelly.  I don't know if it's true or not, but she is pretty vengeful, just based on the fact she has held a grudge against Regis for years. She more and more is coming of like a spoiled, out of touch, entitled brat.

Now it's damage control time!   Her people magazine article and stupid speech were sickening.

  I notice that now all of the co-hosts have to tell us how "nice" Kelly is.  I am thinking Kelly in her tantrum phase had made sure that she handpicked her co-hosts so she could have major butt kissing going on.  She is the one who also asked for Michael to be gone so soon.

She sure is cocky for someone who drove the show into the sewer when Regis left.  She couldn't even read from the pre-printed pages that Gelman gave her.

Wasn't Howard Stern the one who encouraged her to stick it to Clay Aiken because he was so mean to her? I remember her mentioning Howard's name when she whined on the air with Regis the next day.

Kelly can have all of her buddies telling us how wonderful she is, but when push came to shove, she was mean and vengeful to Michael and her employer, for something that she had no real right to know earlier than she did.   Who does she think she is?   The fact that the rest of the staff went to Michael's to watch something, but Kelly wasn't invited was interesting.

And are we to believe that Kelly missed the Upfront for her hubby's new show because she went to a Soul Cycle class for 90 minutes and was tired? So so fake!  She probably was advised to not go since her little antics from the past few weeks were dominating the  headlines, and they didn't want her opening her spoiled mouth.

Speaking of Soul Cycle, Kelly really is looking like she's wasting away more and more.   I do not get how anyone tells her she looks "great".  She is very pretty in the face- or was, but when she is without make-up, her extreme diet and exercise are doing her no favors.  That is her choice, but when she pretends she "loves' food, and we had to hear that she ate a donut in her People article ( she probably worked out for hours to burn it off), and  she pretends she is such a big eater, it just adds to her fake persona.     When  you break your hip bone with a stress fracture, that is not a good sign.

Looks like Michael is already on GMA, the posted a video of him. I think that he handled himself professionally.  Kelly may feel like she is winning now, but no employer is going to reward someone who acts like she did, and in the future, no other network is going to want someone with her tendency to put down her co-workers and network.   Where is Ann Curry now?    

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On 5/14/2016 at 11:54 AM, MzTori77 said:

As I have said in the past, I think Kelly is funny and quick-witted, and I would have been a fan except for one big thing: her obsession with being skinny and her dishonesty about how and why she looks the way she does. The "little fella" may naturally be small, but it is only through extreme measures that Kelly has the body of a 12 year old boy. Yet if you believe Kelly, she eats like a normal person. Oh how she loves the pizza at this restaurant, the burgers at this place, the bread at this place, the cro-nuts, blah, blah, blah. In other words, you would think she really eats! When in reality, you just know that 1000 calories is a cheat day for her LOL. I think she sends a bad message to young girls, who would love to be able to eat like that and stay so skinny. (I speak from experience with an eating disorder, so it is personal with me. I know the deception involved)  Anyway, I find Kelly entertaining but fakety fake fake.

Now, that was my opinion BEFORE the past few weeks. Since Kelly's walk-out, the book-toting and freedom jacket stunts, and the passive-aggressive digs at Michael, my feelings about Kelly are completely negative. Not only do I think she is fake concerning her appearance, I think her nice-girl persona is fake, too. Her diva-like behavior over Michael leaving has made her look small (no pun intended!) and petty.

I may tune in to see some of the guest host auditions, but the winner will have to be pretty spectacular for me to remain a viewer.  I miss Michael already!

Tyra Banks used to pull the same shit and it annoyed me to no end.  There is no need to be patronizing, I know that staying skinny takes a lot of effort.  The sort of effort I can respect, but know that I'm not going to put out.  

My hat was off to Gwen Stefani who admitted that she is pretty much always on a diet to maintain her figure because fashion is more important than food (or something like that).  I don't need the stars to be just like me, it makes me feel worse to think that its all just fallen into place for a lucky few without any work and that they are eating donuts all the time, but are naturally a size 2.

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On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 2:33 PM, snowydaze said:

Michael asked her if she would move to L A if Mark's show became a hit.  Kelly stammered, and said if the show took off or something like that,  she would. 

So... let's get this straight.  If Kelly's hubby got a job that actually paid the bills, and was a hit, she would leave Live, and that would be ok?

Totally forgot about this exchange and what a hoot it was!  Kudos to Michael for getting in some digs to the queen of passive-aggressiveness.  There really was no right answer for Kelly with that question.    If she said, "hell no! why would I leave this cushy gig? she wouldn't be the supportive and submissive wife she likes to portray herself as.  If she blurted out, "yes! I'll follow MARK CONSUELOS!!! anywhere, she'd look like a fool and the bosses would have other good reason to low-ball her come negotiation time.  

I loved the way she squirmed trying to come up with the 'right' answer though.  She got as good as she gave on that particular day!

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I do wonder about a female co-host, though. I mean, does it have to be a woman and a man?

As for The Great De-Hostening of 2016 - I haven't really weighed in. I find the intense dislike of Kelly amusing, how she's nothing but a two-faced, conniving, shrewish harpy. Sure, that's why she has no friends and why no one wants to be on her show and why celebs never greet her warmly... Oh wait. 

Like most relationship breakdowns, it takes two to tango. I suspect Michael has a massive ego, and why wouldn't he? He's a football star, a sports commentator, was chosen for the coveted co-host gig with Kelly (you know, the woman who so hateful no one likes her, uh-huh), and hosted morning news. Of course he bought into his own hype.

Did Kelly deserve to be told that he was leaving more than mere minutes before it went public? Of course. Should she have a say in who her new cohost is? Of course. This isn't like a regular job, where you don't get to pick who,is hired to sit in the next cubicle. The show has her name on it, it's partly her brand, and its success depends on a certain chemistry between the hosts. 

Did she behave childishly in response? Maybe. But I agree with her that after all those years on the show, she deserves to be treated with some respect. And I do wonder if she is criticized more harshly because she's a woman, and/or because she is pretty and blond. Meaning, she is privileged enough to be pretty and blond, she should just shut up and be grateful. A man would never be expected to be grateful.

As for the constant deconstruction of her eating habits; I have a friend who is physically just Kelly. Tiny and thin. She will skip meals and turn away all sorts of fattening stuff. But she will also stuff her face with other unhealthy foods that she likes (nacho dip is her weakness). You'd think she never eats, and she probably doesn't eat much in a normal,week. But like Kelly, she binge occasionally. So I can believe Kelly if she says she loves Whatever Burger, because that burger is likely all she eats all weekend. I don't have that kind of willpower, but some do.

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I think Kelly has been OTT this week, just as she was for Michael's goodbye show.  What cracks me up the most is when they are interviewing the guests, she whips her head around to the male guest co-host with a nod and a big grin.  She never did that with Michael.  It's odd to watch.

Yes, they are definitely bringing in co-hosts to make Kelly more relatable and "nice".  She just has to stop trying so hard.

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Classic Kelly moment, this one with Cedric...He was setting up a decent joke about having been a grocery bagger, and Kelly jumped all over it before he had a chance to blurt it out.  SHE has to be the one to always look so smart/quick witted.  I'd bet anything that this constant demonstration of her need to be the "star" is what drove the ratings down before MS arrived.  Forget about whatever psychoanalyzing we could do about why she is like this.  The bottom line point, which Disney execs are dreading, is the inevitable erosion in viewership because she is just not a good broadcaster.  

As another noted above, Cedric was not having a good chat, and just when he was about to get a real laugh, she stole it from him.  She took his moment to shine a little.  In the week in which she had to bend over backwards to be generous and selfless, she was the customary domineering and selfish Kelly.

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I had no idea this David Muir person looked like a 7th grader!  Maybe it's just that great lighting Kellmee is always leaning into on set, lol.  I kept envisioning him in a little green pixie hat a la Peter Pan!

On another note, heard on Access Hollywood yesterday while watching Reege and Jerry Seinfeld that  Strahan got tons of $$$ for his new GMA role.  If Billy Bush says it, it must be true!

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2 hours ago, Showwatcher said:

Curious, where were Michael's parents and family on his last day.  They were frequent guests on the show.

I imagine it's because of how his leaving was handled, by everyone involved.  I would guess that it was Michael's wish to not have his family there and just get the whole thing over as quickly as possible. The past week was not pleasant for him, I'm sure, and he probably worried how his big send-off was going to go. Why subject his family to possibly being uncomfortable there.

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3 hours ago, finnzup said:

I had no idea this David Muir person looked like a 7th grader!  Maybe it's just that great lighting Kellmee is always leaning into on set, lol.  I kept envisioning him in a little green pixie hat a la Peter Pan!

On another note, heard on Access Hollywood yesterday while watching Reege and Jerry Seinfeld that  Strahan got tons of $$$ for his new GMA role.  If Billy Bush says it, it must be true!

I thought the same thing when he was on The View a while back. He looks so much more distinguished and older behind the anchor desk for ABC News.

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22 hours ago, rcc said:

I thought the same thing when he was on The View a while back. He looks so much more distinguished and older behind the anchor desk for ABC News.

What I liked: he started sharing a story and Kelly interrupted to say how it was The Same With Her and started going into detail About Her. He waited until she paused to take a breath and then continued telling his story until it's conclusion, and then asked her about the comparison she started. He showed that he can steer and control a conversation so I am confident that his odds of being chosen went from slim to none. In her playbook, that is.

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On another note, heard on Access Hollywood yesterday while watching Reege and Jerry Seinfeld that  Strahan got tons of $$$ for his new GMA role.  If Billy Bush says it, it must be true!

Since Billy Bush is going to the Today show, he probably is getting plenty also to get ratings. Every article about Michael's $$$ says the moving van backed up with  the money.

GMA is just Entertainment Tonight in the morning with about 45% commercials. I don't know what Michael will add to the show. We shall see!

Edited by Vinyasa
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Wow. Kelly must have some pretty sweet lighting and maybe even filters 'cuz I'm with everyone upthread who barely recognized Muir when was introduced. I actually stepped closer to the teevee to get a better look and could still hardly believe it was him! And I cannot imagine him leaving ABC News. 

I'm a bit surprised he is even guest hosting. That's the kind of slippery slope that did Brian Williams in. First people stop thinking of you as a serious journalist and then watch yer step!

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