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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I refuse to believe this. That Nick is any good in bed, I mean. I bet he uses the jackhammer technique and cries out "CHIQUITA!" when he climaxes.


Victor simply must get his claws into Jabot. His can be the face of a landmark lawsuit filed by numerous date rape victims roofied by Hex.


Nick, right up there with Noel Coward in the wit department, undoubtedly thinks of his partners as his little banana splits. [Oh, I just disgusted myself there.]


But perhaps Sharon (a) just has a generous nature, (b) has not, perhaps, had the finest of comparative experiences--c'mon, did the vet look that good?, © finds anything that does not conclude with a champagne bottle to the head and stuffing a body in a BMW trunk to be okay, or, (d) mistrusts her judgment after her horizontal experiences with Billy and Victor.


Yup, Victor could be the cover-item for Litigators' Review all right. Why do I think there's something odd coming up re this supposed Jabot buy-out where Ashley and Victoria are concerned? Well, so long as Stitch, who to me radiates dullness, isn't concerned, I guess that's all right.


I just thought of something related to Victor and the PortaConfessional: wasn't he raised by nuns or something? Isn't his middle name Christian? Is this revenge?

  • Love 6

Victor simply must get his claws into Jabot. His can be the face of a landmark lawsuit filed by numerous date rape victims roofied by Hex.

I would wish for this, but I figure it would be swept under the rug.  Didn't he get enough fines and bad publicity from the Bonaventure thing to put Chancellor Industries in trouble?   Yet, we never saw him embarrassed or humiliated on the show - in fact, it was barely mentioned.  When something bad happens to the Abbotts, we see it played out for weeks with them suffering terribly, and yet when something happens to Victor, the show seems to not even notice or mention what happened.  I think he could have hundreds of law suits, and it would just be yesterday's news and the show goes on to his next victory. I was figuring he pulled the Brass and Sassy because he figured out what was going to happen and will now let Jabot flood the market, get slapped with the lawsuits.  Then he can grab the company while it is in trouble,  Just thinking out loud.  Whatever happens, Victor will never be hurt, not on this show. JMO

  • Love 8


(d) mistrusts her judgment after her horizontal experiences with Billy and Victor.

Objection! As Victor and Sharon were never shown in bed together, I move that carnal relations never occured between the two.


Damn, what a gross sentence. Words like Sharon, Victor, bed, and carnal should never be jumbled together, unless to say "Victor has carnal relations with himself in bed while gazing up at a life-sized poster of Jagabbot, a fact Sharon revealed to Austin for his expose."

  • Love 16

You brought it up in the post before hers.. so why would she not comment about your comment?

That was on par for when Sharon bragged to Phyllis about how good Nick was in bed.. WHILE Phyllis was married to him. I also remember Sharon  sticking her pregnant belly in Phyllis's face the whole pregnancy. So I think it goes both ways. Both women are rude to each other. Sharon sure does not get a free pass for her rudeness.

Don't want to get into a pissing match with you but Phyllis did not even know that Shick's baby Faith belonged to Dickweed until after she was ***still born***.The day after to be exact. She believed the baby was Jack's until she and Summer got back from the over seas clinic to treat Summer and Dickweed told her the baby had died and he was the father.So why would Sharon be sticking her pregnant belly in Phyllis' face when she knew that Phyllis believed the baby to be Jack's?Also for the last part of her pregnancy she was in the mental hospital.


Also when she told Phyllis that about sex with Dickweed being good Phyllis had been all up in her face ragging on her about it.. Sharon should have decked her one but she was being harassed by a crazy woman and was trying to shut her up!


Big difference in who has been rude to whom and Phyllis wins by a landslide.

Edited by Slowpokey
  • Love 6

Objection! As Victor and Sharon were never shown in bed together, I move that carnal relations never occured between the two.


Damn, what a gross sentence. Words like Sharon, Victor, bed, and carnal should never be jumbled together, unless to say "Victor has carnal relations with himself in bed while gazing up at a life-sized poster of Jagabbot, a fact Sharon revealed to Austin for his expose."

Seconded.  Mr. Chairman?

  • Love 5

If I think of Sharon and Victor in bed together. Him being her father figure and parent of 2 exes, grandfather to her children, his wrinkly old nutsack, and his incoherent mumbling while he screwed and Sharon makes her Japanime bugged eyes. That can't exist in my mind or I will need 2 hours of therapy.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 5

 I obviously disagree totally. I think Sharon is as rude as anyone else on the show. Phyllis included.

Well we will agree to disagree on that because I have not seen her be as rude as Phyllis at all but whatever. I also never saw Sharon flaunting her pregnant belly in Phyllis' face and neither did you.

Edited by Slowpokey
  • Love 6

Hey movinon. I haven't had a chance to watch properly. Just skimmed but the main developments:


Phyllis is suspicious of Victor and Kelly both. She goes to see Victor about this interest in Jabot. He says "Profit!." He tells her Kelly is dead from an apparent suicide while conscience/ghost John comes to see Jack -- who is fretting about his role in the mess of Kelly's life. Daddy says you're a good man but Jack's not convinced (I am quite positive Kelly is not dead and I see a gas lighting of Jack coming. Why not? Sharon was worthy of such treatment; why not Jack? aaargh.)


Alone Nikki wants to know what's up with this Jabot thing and Victor says "Jack will beg for my help and I'll give it to him in exchange for everything he owns."


Cricket wants revenge and wants to charge Neil and Nikki with obstruction among other things. She tells Paul she can't have kids any more. Much crying ensues. <eye roll>


Hilary is snooping around Neil's case and proceeds to have yet another annoying conversation with Devon and Lily about what a bitch she is. Leslie is back to be Neil's lawyer.


Michael is angry and Lauren thinks trying to sex up a man with prostate cancer is the best way to help him. Also Cane talked to Michael and there is something with Chancellor and a coup but I just can't watch Cane. Especially when I do a speed-view.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 5

Hey movinon. I haven't had a chance to watch properly. Just skimmed but the main developments:


Phyllis is suspicious of Victor and Kelly both. She goes to see Victor about this interest in Jabot. He says "Profit!." He tells her Kelly is dead from an apparent suicide while conscience/ghost John comes to see Jack -- who is fretting about his role in the mess of Kelly's life. Daddy says you're a good man but Jack's not convinced (I am quite positive Kelly is not dead and I see a gas lighting of Jack coming. Why not? Sharon was worthy of such treatment; why not Jack? aaargh.)


Alone Nikki wants to know what's up with this Jabot thing and Victor says "Jack will beg for my help and I'll give it to him in exchange for everything he owns."


Cricket wants revenge and wants to charge Neil and Nikki with obstruction among other things. She tells Paul she can't have kids any more. Much crying ensues. <eye roll>


Hilary is snooping around Neil's case and proceeds to have yet another annoying conversation with Devon and Lily about what a bitch she is. Leslie is back to be Neil's lawyer.


Michael is angry and Lauren thinks trying to sex up a man with prostate cancer is the best way to help him. Also Cane talked to Michael and there is something with Chancellor and a coup but I just can't watch Cane. Especially when I do a speed-view.


I know Smelly is crazy, but fuck, is she really so far gone AND stupid that she thinks faking her suicide is going to help her get Jack back?


Someone PLEASE exterminate Cockroach.

  • Love 7

She's trying to make him suffer. Feel guilty, maybe even drive him off the wagon or suicide. She is a sadistic bitch, I've realized this for a long time. She had a lot glee and twisted pleasure fucking with Jack and Phyl and even her brother Stitch. It was clear by her actions and comments and demented expressions.

My question is why does he feel bad? Smelly Horse just physically attacked his fiancé, violently hitting her on the head. If loony wanted to die good riddance.

  • Love 4

Wow, today's show was a bit boring!  But there were a few good things as miamamma noted above.  My number one fave thing was Leslie is back!  I actually wasn't watching--it was on but muted, and I asked myself, who is that woman?  It took me a minute to realize it was long lost Leslie!  Wonder if her husband who was on for five minutes many months ago will be back.  Maybe he killed Austin.  Leslie apparently is on the Legal Aid Board and has taken a leave to help Neil get off because she cares that much about him, even if he was an asshole to her when they broke up!


I know we all hate Cricket but I am on her side.  She should sue Neil civilly.  And why not charge Drinki?  She lied and said Christine ran into the road.  So Cricket is charging her with obstruction but Pricktor FORBIDS IT!  YOUGOTTHAT?


Now that the truth is out and he no longer has to keep his mouth shut, and comply with Colin's blackmail, Cane tells Mikey he wants to oust Jill as CEO of Chancellor.  According to Cane she has too much on her plate with Fenmore and Chancellor.  Mikey says she should pull back from Fenmore, but Cane reminded Mikey that his cancer is  creating a problem there--she needs to support Lauren!  Oopsie, Cane, a little tactless there!  Michael was pissed that his illness is part of  Cane's daily business discussions, and I kind of agree, since Cane basically just wants to get rid of Jill, who should never have stayed loyal to his lying ass when his con was revealed (not that I hold a grudge).  As for Lauren, Show has destroyed her for me.  There was a time, when the Baldwins were first a couple, that I liked her.   But now, she is just loathsome.  I can barely stand to look at her.  And today she was just awful.  I hope Michael gets rid of her just cause.


GhostJohn is as stupid as Jack. However Pricktor did sing John's praises to Phyllis--HE IS TEN TIMES THE MAN THAT JAGABBIT IS!


I think the anvils are falling on Cricket and Paul's marriage.  Paul seems to swing from making her feel bad that she wants justice to adoring her.  Not a good approach Paul.  No more babies for them--do they even realize that they are pushing 60?


Phyllis is pissed at Pricktor for letting Kelly get away, since they had a deal to lock her up. Drinki defends Pricktor, and says he knows nothing about where Kelly is, and then Pricktor announces: BUT I DO!  That Drinki, she can't buy a clue.  I wish she would go back to the loser bar and knock back a few to cheer herself up.


So Kelly supposedly killed herself, and Phyllis shows Jack a picture of her from the morgue--a laughable posed picture of Kelly laying on the morgue table.  Seriously, folks?  When did Phyllis get this stupid?  Jack is distraught.  


Oh and Cane wants back into Lily's bed, and he's back on the cancer pitch, as a means to an end.  Sheesh, this guy is creepy.


Hilary has some plan to cozy up to the DA who is prosecuting Neil.


Previews:  idiot Sage telling Nick that his Bingo is gone; Bingo/Adam telling Chelsea that he thinks they would be dynamite together; Jack telling Ben that Kelly is dead (and Abby is there too, hmm...).

  • Love 7

No one is as rude as Phyllis---it is just not possible---yeah there are plenty of pond scum wanna be's (and no I do not think Sharon is one but whatever) at the end of the day line up the uglee and Phylllis always wins---isn't that the point of her character? reptile personified? I still think ol' vic is the most disgusting one but Phyliis was created to be ICKY and she is still is no matter the writer or the actress---

  • Love 9

So Kelly supposedly killed herself, and Phyllis shows Jack a picture of her from the morgue--a laughable posed picture of Kelly laying on the morgue table.  Seriously, folks?  When did Phyllis get this stupid?  Jack is distraught.


Not to mention when did Jack get this stupid? But ya, for Phyl to believe it is just totally, well, unbelievable. That is all the proof Phyl needed from Victor to believe that Kelly is dead? Yep, a head shot of Kelly lying on a table, and a label identifying the morgue as the county morgue. Not even the name of the county. Could be anywhere. And really, Victor knows but Stitch doesn't? When did Victor become Kelly's next of kin? Sheesh.


How long do we have to listen to the Bug whine about losing Larva? There are many reasons why Larva may not have ever obtained full bug status. And the most annoying thing is that in Cricket's entire life up until the last few months she never showed any great desire to be a mother. Double sheesh.

  • Love 5

Wow, today's show was a bit boring!  But there were a few good things as miamamma noted above.  My number one fave thing was Leslie is back!  I actually wasn't watching--it was on but muted, and I asked myself, who is that woman?  It took me a minute to realize it was long lost Leslie!  Wonder if her husband who was on for five minutes many months ago will be back.  Maybe he killed Austin.  Leslie apparently is on the Legal Aid Board and has taken a leave to help Neil get off because she cares that much about him, even if he was an asshole to her when they broke up!


I know we all hate Cricket but I am on her side.  She should sue Neil civilly.  And why not charge Drinki?  She lied and said Christine ran into the road.  So Cricket is charging her with obstruction but Pricktor FORBIDS IT!  YOUGOTTHAT?


Now that the truth is out and he no longer has to keep his mouth shut, and comply with Colin's blackmail, Cane tells Mikey he wants to oust Jill as CEO of Chancellor.  According to Cane she has too much on her plate with Fenmore and Chancellor.  Mikey says she should pull back from Fenmore, but Cane reminded Mikey that his cancer is  creating a problem there--she needs to support Lauren!  Oopsie, Cane, a little tactless there!  Michael was pissed that his illness is part of  Cane's daily business discussions, and I kind of agree, since Cane basically just wants to get rid of Jill, who should never have stayed loyal to his lying ass when his con was revealed (not that I hold a grudge).  As for Lauren, Show has destroyed her for me.  There was a time, when the Baldwins were first a couple, that I liked her.   But now, she is just loathsome.  I can barely stand to look at her.  And today she was just awful.  I hope Michael gets rid of her just cause.


GhostJohn is as stupid as Jack. However Pricktor did sing John's praises to Phyllis--HE IS TEN TIMES THE MAN THAT JAGABBIT IS!


I think the anvils are falling on Cricket and Paul's marriage.  Paul seems to swing from making her feel bad that she wants justice to adoring her.  Not a good approach Paul.  No more babies for them--do they even realize that they are pushing 60?


Phyllis is pissed at Pricktor for letting Kelly get away, since they had a deal to lock her up. Drinki defends Pricktor, and says he knows nothing about where Kelly is, and then Pricktor announces: BUT I DO!  That Drinki, she can't buy a clue.  I wish she would go back to the loser bar and knock back a few to cheer herself up.


So Kelly supposedly killed herself, and Phyllis shows Jack a picture of her from the morgue--a laughable posed picture of Kelly laying on the morgue table.  Seriously, folks?  When did Phyllis get this stupid?  Jack is distraught.  


Oh and Cane wants back into Lily's bed, and he's back on the cancer pitch, as a means to an end.  Sheesh, this guy is creepy.


Hilary has some plan to cozy up to the DA who is prosecuting Neil.


Previews:  idiot Sage telling Nick that his Bingo is gone; Bingo/Adam telling Chelsea that he thinks they would be dynamite together; Jack telling Ben that Kelly is dead (and Abby is there too, hmm...).


What does supporting Lauren have to do with Jill working at Fenmore? Why can't Jill support Lauren and Michael without having to work there?


Cockroach and Paulie just need to go ahead and get divorced and be done with it. They should have never gotten married in the first place. I guess the 10 people who still care about this pairing are happy but why do the rest of us have to suffer.


Not to mention when did Jack get this stupid? But ya, for Phyl to believe it is just totally, well, unbelievable. That is all the proof Phyl needed from Victor to believe that Kelly is dead? Yep, a head shot of Kelly lying on a table, and a label identifying the morgue as the county morgue. Not even the name of the county. Could be anywhere. And really, Victor knows but Stitch doesn't? When did Victor become Kelly's next of kin? Sheesh.


How long do we have to listen to the Bug whine about losing Larva? There are many reasons why Larva may not have ever obtained full bug status. And the most annoying thing is that in Cricket's entire life up until the last few months she never showed any great desire to be a mother. Double sheesh.


I'm never going to believe that larva was ever going to survive in Cockroach's hostile womb for nine months. And if by some miracle it did survive it probably would have been half human/half demon with bad hair.

  • Love 4

Wow, today's show was a bit boring!  But there were a few good things as miamamma noted above.  My number one fave thing was Leslie is back!  I actually wasn't watching--it was on but muted, and I asked myself, who is that woman?  It took me a minute to realize it was long lost Leslie!  Wonder if her husband who was on for five minutes many months ago will be back.  Maybe he killed Austin.  Leslie apparently is on the Legal Aid Board and has taken a leave to help Neil get off because she cares that much about him, even if he was an asshole to her when they broke up!


IAs for Lauren, Show has destroyed her for me.  There was a time, when the Baldwins were first a couple, that I liked her.   But now, she is just loathsome.  I can barely stand to look at her.  And today she was just awful.  I hope Michael gets rid of her just cause.


GhostJohn is as stupid as Jack. However Pricktor did sing John's praises to Phyllis--HE IS TEN TIMES THE MAN THAT JAGABBIT IS!


Phyllis is pissed at Pricktor for letting Kelly get away, since they had a deal to lock her up. Drinki defends Pricktor, and says he knows nothing about where Kelly is, and then Pricktor announces: BUT I DO!  That Drinki, she can't buy a clue.  I wish she would go back to the loser bar and knock back a few to cheer herself up.


So Kelly supposedly killed herself, and Phyllis shows Jack a picture of her from the morgue--a laughable posed picture of Kelly laying on the morgue table.  Seriously, folks?  When did Phyllis get this stupid?  Jack is distraught.  


Oh and Cane wants back into Lily's bed, and he's back on the cancer pitch, as a means to an end.  Sheesh, this guy is creepy.


Hilary has some plan to cozy up to the DA who is prosecuting Neil.



I think if I had some kind of monitor that showed my responses to parts of the show, yesterday it would have picked up the following:


"Leslie! Yes! Where have you been? Please stay--and stay away from Avery, please? Maybe rent an office from Michael."


"GhostJohn!" "Thank heavens, literally!" "Would you mind mentioning to Hair and Makeup to lay off the Burgess Jenkins Creamsicle? Jerry, you're still a nice-looking man, but you don't deserve to be double-dipped in that stuff. Anyway, I don't care what you're saying, the dialogue's stupid anyway, but you're always so menschy...Could you please come back from the dead? And stay? Please?'


"Cricket, just STFU--and supersize it. NinjaPenguins will get it for you from the commissary. You can't carry the 'God forgives, I don't' thing--you don't have the chops--frankly, you make me sympathize with Neil. And every other felon you've gone up against."


"Nikki, speaking of supersizing, here's a giant go-cup of Stoli. Get it down you. Stat. That's just to help you get over supporting Victor. Feel better now? Have another."


"Lauren, you whorey one-note thing. Go away."


"Abu Dhabi? What's this load of crap? Snore."


"Cane? Who cares?"


"HIlary, go on, fulfill your fell intentions...but...I guess it's too late to crab about the obvious redemption-arc, huh?"

  • Love 10

Memo to Bug/Paulle -- Adopt.  Foster.

I would fear for any child placed under the care of the bug.  I don't think she has any maternal instincts at all and Paul's experience with fathering children is questionable.  My memo to them is to divorce and start over - some place new.

Edited by movinon
  • Love 3

I am subtitling today's CDN episode as:  Conscious Uncoupling


It didn't take long to end Vicky and Ben.  After Jack tells him that Kelly is committed suicide, Abby calls Vicky to tell her.  She rushes over to GCAC and the first words out of her mouth were something like this:  Ben, I am so sorry about your sister, I mean, I know she was a whackjob and all, but you must feel terrible.  What can I do to help you feel better?  Have you heard the one about the monkey who walks into a bar?  So this didn't go well, and Ben yelled at Vicky cause she never liked his sister cause she split up her marriage and all (well, yeah).  And so Vicky decided the best thing to do is leave, and Abby assured her she would take care of Ben, and Vicky looks back with a knowing and suspicious look on her face as Abby comforts Ben.  Ben and Abby eventually leave the club together (after much Kelly blah blah), but not before Ashley espies them and has a curious and worried look on her face.


Phyllis is not happy that Jack feels bad about leading Krazy Kelly to kill herself, and threatens to leave him if he doesn't cut it out!  He says he will.


Chelsea forgot her wedding planning date with Billy and had already planned a road biz trip to La Crosse.  Billy, disappointed and worried that she doesn't give a shit about their marriage, encourages her to go.  And she is catching a ride with Gabriel.  Ballsy, but stupid on Billy's part, and Ashley knows and pretty much tells him so.  Oh, and then of course their vehicle breaks down in the middle of Wisconsin.  But good news, Gabriel has the same energy bars as the ones Adam used to love.  And then Chelsea starts reminiscing about her first wedding with Adam in Kansas, and her second wedding, and Gabriel is practically creaming his jeans but she doesn't seem to notice.  Chelsea blah blah blah Adam, I feel like he is still here, and Gabriel says, he is here.


But don't worry about Billy cause he is there to comfort Vicky.  And btw, Vicky is the one to tell Billy about Kelly.  Shouldn't Jack have thought to call Billy, and maybe Lily?  Anyhoo, Villy commiserate on how hard it is to talk to their new partners, and they look like they are going to kiss.


Before that Sage has it out with Adam, and slaps him and tells him he is no Gabriel.   And then later Sage tells Nick that Bingo is gone.  And this leads to monkey toe sex on the dirty dropsheets.  Ever notice how these two get turned on by dirt and debris?  Is this a thing, construction site sex?


Previews:  Sharon walking in on monkey sex between Nick and Sage Sharon goes there to "tell him everything"); Gabriel trying to stop Chelsea from getting out of the vehicle.

  • Love 7

I am subtitling today's CDN episode as:  Conscious Uncoupling


It didn't take long to end Vicky and Ben.  After Jack tells him that Kelly is committed suicide, Abby calls Vicky to tell her.  She rushes over to GCAC and the first words out of her mouth were something like this:  Ben, I am so sorry about your sister, I mean, I know she was a whackjob and all, but you must feel terrible.  What can I do to help you feel better?  Have you heard the one about the monkey who walks into a bar?  So this didn't go well, and Ben yelled at Vicky cause she never liked his sister cause she split up her marriage and all (well, yeah).  And so Vicky decided the best thing to do is leave, and Abby assured her she would take care of Ben, and Vicky looks back with a knowing and suspicious look on her face as Abby comforts Ben.  Ben and Abby eventually leave the club together (after much Kelly blah blah), but not before Ashley espies them and has a curious and worried look on her face.


Phyllis is not happy that Jack feels bad about leading Krazy Kelly to kill herself, and threatens to leave him if he doesn't cut it out!  He says he will.


Chelsea forgot her wedding planning date with Billy and had already planned a road biz trip to La Crosse.  Billy, disappointed and worried that she doesn't give a shit about their marriage, encourages her to go.  And she is catching a ride with Gabriel.  Ballsy, but stupid on Billy's part, and Ashley knows and pretty much tells him so.  Oh, and then of course their vehicle breaks down in the middle of Wisconsin.  But good news, Gabriel has the same energy bars as the ones Adam used to love.  And then Chelsea starts reminiscing about her first wedding with Adam in Kansas, and her second wedding, and Gabriel is practically creaming his jeans but she doesn't seem to notice.  Chelsea blah blah blah Adam, I feel like he is still here, and Gabriel says, he is here.


But don't worry about Billy cause he is there to comfort Vicky.  And btw, Vicky is the one to tell Billy about Kelly.  Shouldn't Jack have thought to call Billy, and maybe Lily?  Anyhoo, Villy commiserate on how hard it is to talk to their new partners, and they look like they are going to kiss.


Before that Sage has it out with Adam, and slaps him and tells him he is no Gabriel.   And then later Sage tells Nick that Bingo is gone.  And this leads to monkey toe sex on the dirty dropsheets.  Ever notice how these two get turned on by dirt and debris?  Is this a thing, construction site sex?


Previews:  Sharon walking in on monkey sex between Nick and Sage Sharon goes there to "tell him everything"); Gabriel trying to stop Chelsea from getting out of the vehicle.

Thank you Bannana great recaps!!  Love the "Monkey Toe Sex" LOL

  • Love 3

Phyllis is not happy that Jack feels bad about leading Krazy Kelly to kill herself, and threatens to leave him if he doesn't cut it out!  He says he will.


I have no interest in seeing Jack cry or feel bad over that stupid animal. They dated for like four months and are no longer together. Her well being is no longer his responsibility, especially since she made it her mission to cause him and Phyllis nothing but problems. If anyone has to feel bad about this worthless scumbag "dying" let it be her brother. He should feel bad about not getting her any help.

  • Love 6

I have no interest in seeing Jack cry or feel bad over that stupid animal. They dated for like four months and are no longer together. Her well being is no longer his responsibility, especially since she made it her mission to cause him and Phyllis nothing but problems. If anyone has to feel bad about this worthless scumbag "dying" let it be her brother. He should feel bad about not getting her any help.

I agree. But I know what they're doing. Piling on Jack means he will be all weak and vulnerable and more stupid than usual so Victor and conspirator can home in for the kill.


aaaack I wish Kelly were really dead. Freaking loathe this woman, even when she has no speaking parts. 

  • Love 7


I have no interest in seeing Jack cry or feel bad over that stupid animal. They dated for like four months and are no longer together. Her well being is no longer his responsibility, especially since she made it her mission to cause him and Phyllis nothing but problems. If anyone has to feel bad about this worthless scumbag "dying" let it be her brother. He should feel bad about not getting her any help.

AMEN.. I have no interest in seeing that idiot crying over that wackjob. Phyllis needs to dump that loser and move the hell on..

  • Love 1

 He tells her Kelly is dead from an apparent suicide while conscience/ghost John comes to see Jack -- who is fretting about his role in the mess of Kelly's life. Daddy says you're a good man but Jack's not convinced

Are we sure this isn't doppelGhostJohn?  The real ghost John always tells Jack what a screw-up he is. 

  • Love 8

I'm pulling up to the table with those who are scratching their heads and rolling their eyes while watching. WTF Pratt! Why is everybody being dumbed so far down their arses are getting rug burn so that Satan's Grampire can give them all atomic wedgies? Why was Victor in possession of a slab photo? Can't anyone ask? Really? They all suspect the Turd is up to something yet he divulges this little tidbit and they all take the bait? No wonder EB likes the writing these days. The rest of the characters look like total idiots!

I sincerely hope that he is talking to his fucking self in that confessional and is heading for Fairview's rubber penthouse.

  • Love 11


And then Chelsea starts reminiscing about her first wedding with Adam in Kansas, and her second wedding, and Gabriel is practically creaming his jeans but she doesn't seem to notice.  Chelsea blah blah blah Adam, I feel like he is still here, and Gabriel says, he is here.

Does GabAdam really think Chelsea is going to welcome him with open arms and forgive him on the spot, remembering how he sat there and listened to her pouring her heart out about her lost love?  He deceived her on so many levels I can't even list them all.  But he thinks she's just gonna go "Oh, so you've always been Adam and you thought you would have a little fun cat and mouse game playing with my emotions?"  It should be more like  "YOU BASTARD!!  GET OUT OF MY SIGHT AND DON"T EVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN!!"

  • Love 11

Does GabAdam really think Chelsea is going to welcome him with open arms and forgive him on the spot, remembering how he sat there and listened to her pouring her heart out about her lost love?  He deceived her on so many levels I can't even list them all.  But he thinks she's just gonna go "Oh, so you've always been Adam and you thought you would have a little fun cat and mouse game playing with my emotions?"  It should be more like  "YOU BASTARD!!  GET OUT OF MY SIGHT AND DON"T EVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN!!"


Oh you must be hungry or need a coffee!  You are making far too much sense!  This is where the story should take us but watch Chelsea do just that!    

  • Love 4

Does GabAdam really think Chelsea is going to welcome him with open arms and forgive him on the spot, remembering how he sat there and listened to her pouring her heart out about her lost love?  He deceived her on so many levels I can't even list them all.  But he thinks she's just gonna go "Oh, so you've always been Adam and you thought you would have a little fun cat and mouse game playing with my emotions?"  It should be more like  "YOU BASTARD!!  GET OUT OF MY SIGHT AND DON"T EVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN!!"

I actually think, as stupid as this is, that the plan is to remain Gabriel forever. He'll just fall in love with Chelsea, adopt Connor and carry on. Their love is beyond identity. lol.

  • Love 5

Today's ep, is Conscious Uncoupling, continued, as relationships hurtle to their inevitable end.


YAY Sharon!  She walks in on Nick and Sage having monkey toe sex, and she BLASTS HIM.  Sage is a complete idiot (flirting with him while she does the walk of shame out of there), but Nick is even worse telling Sharon that she had no business entering his "office".  HA HA HA!!!!  Sharon says:  You remember this day, Nicholas Newman.  Of all the times you have dragged me to court, called me an unfit mother, taken my child away from me, so smug and self-righteous, while you sleep with a MARRIED WOMAN!  It was a thing of beauty and Sharon Case was brilliant.  Then Nick tells her what he does outside of court is none of her business.      Sharon points out that everything she does, thinks or feels sends Nick running to a judge.  Nick doesn't want to think about that he just wants to move on.  Sharon reconsiders telling him about the interview and blows him off and stomps out--she realizes she doesn't need to worry about what he thinks now.


I only watched sporadically today, but later in the episode, Sharon is at her house, she is upset and talking to Dylan, and asking him if he thinks that she is off, or over the top, and he expresses concern, and then she sees the lipstick message on the mirror, something like:  I know the truth and so do you.  Sharon worries that she herself wrote the message, and asks Dylan if that is what he thinks.


The Scoobies are busy trying to prove that Sharon murdered Austin.  Well, Dummer is.  Mariah and Noah are the voice of reason, and Kevin is trying to view the Sharon interview.  Dummer has a flashback to Austin, that wasn't all that useful.


Chelsea and Gabriel, blah blah blah, Adam, blah blah.  Then the guy with the gas can arrives and puts us all of out of our misery.


Vicky and Billy, we only seem to connect with each other blah blah.  They hug and I am pretty sure Billy's little friend was all, hey-ho, what is this feeling I am having for my ex-wife when I am currently engaged to my ex-rapist?  The end of Vicky and Ben is really close, and Billy and Chels are not far behind.


Sage tells Adam that she screwed Nick.  And says it was the best monkey toe sex ever.  There was a hint of jealousy that crossed Adam's face.  


Previews:  Bens says to Abby, last time someone helped me shower, I cheated on Victoria (WTF?!, why would he say that?); Kevin announces he decrypted Sharon's interview with Austin; Gabriel confronts Nick about sleeping with Sage.

  • Love 13

Today's ep, is Conscious Uncoupling, continued, as relationships hurtle to their inevitable end.


YAY Sharon!  She walks in on Nick and Sage having monkey toe sex, and she BLASTS HIM.  Sage is a complete idiot (flirting with him while she does the walk of shame out of there), but Nick is even worse telling Sharon that she had no business entering his "office".  HA HA HA!!!!  Sharon says:  You remember this day, Nicholas Newman.  Of all the times you have dragged me to court, called me an unfit mother, taken my child away from me, so smug and self-righteous, while you sleep with a MARRIED WOMAN!  It was a thing of beauty and Sharon Case was brilliant.  Then Nick tells her what he does outside of court is none of her business.      Sharon points out that everything she does, thinks or feels sends Nick running to a judge.  Nick doesn't want to think about that he just wants to move on.  Sharon reconsiders telling him about the interview and blows him off and stomps out--she realizes she doesn't need to worry about what he thinks now.


I only watched sporadically today, but later in the episode, Sharon is at her house, she is upset and talking to Dylan, and asking him if he thinks that she is off, or over the top, and he expresses concern, and then she sees the lipstick message on the mirror, something like:  I know the truth and so do you.  Sharon worries that she herself wrote the message, and asks Dylan if that is what he thinks.


The Scoobies are busy trying to prove that Sharon murdered Austin.  Well, Dummer is.  Mariah and Noah are the voice of reason, and Kevin is trying to view the Sharon interview.  Dummer has a flashback to Austin, that wasn't all that useful.


Chelsea and Gabriel, blah blah blah, Adam, blah blah.  Then the guy with the gas can arrives and puts us all of out of our misery.


Vicky and Billy, we only seem to connect with each other blah blah.  They hug and I am pretty sure Billy's little friend was all, hey-ho, what is this feeling I am having for my ex-wife when I am currently engaged to my ex-rapist?  The end of Vicky and Ben is really close, and Billy and Chels are not far behind.


Sage tells Adam that she screwed Nick.  And says it was the best monkey toe sex ever.  There was a hint of jealousy that crossed Adam's face.  


Previews:  Bens says to Abby, last time someone helped me shower, I cheated on Victoria (WTF?!, why would he say that?); Kevin announces he decrypted Sharon's interview with Austin; Gabriel confronts Nick about sleeping with Sage.

Thank you Bannana so much! Can't wait to see this one!! 

  • Love 2

I really don't get the writing and Summer's logic, she thinks Sharon did what? Came all the way up to the cabin (with Faith!) hit Austin on the head and then picked him up and put him in the armoire? Then what? Wrote lipstick all over the place, knocked out Abby and is following her son and daughter around saying she knows what they did? WTF Summer is a moron. If they ruled Summer couldn't pick up and put Austin in the armoire alone, how exactly was Sharon supposed to pick up dead (literally!) weight?


And go Sharon for calling Nick out on his hypocrisy!

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 11

I really don't get the writing and Summer's logic, she thinks Sharon did what? Came all the way up to the cabin (with Faith!) hit Austin on the head and then picked him up and put him in the armoire? Then what? Wrote lipstick all over the place, knocked out Abby and is following her son and daughter around saying she knows what they did? WTF Summer is a moron. If they ruled Summer couldn't pick up and put Austin in the armoire alone, how exactly was Sharon supposed to pick up dead (literally!) weight?

And go Sharon for calling Nick out on his hypocrisy!


Why is no one asking Summer why it could not have been HER mother? Even if Phyl was busy Valentine's Day (and I really don't remember since nothing was happening at GCAC with all the employees busy elsewhere dropping out of the sky) she could have hired someone to off Austin. She never really thought he was good enough for her Special Snowflake. Maybe there is a backstory we don't know about that she found out about Austin and Abby. (Since we didn't know about the docu there could be another backstory we and everyone else are clueless about). I am surprised Mariah hasn't asked Summer why it couldn't be HER psycho mother?


I loved Sharon getting into NIck's face too. The only thing that made me go 'eewww' was Sharon telling Dylan that she walked in on Nick and Sage just as they finished having sex. I thought they hadn't done the dirty deed as yet (though I do tend to tune those two out so maybe missed the confirmation that they had, indeed, finished). All I could think of was "How does Sharon know they had finished? Smell? Was there semen running down Sage's legs when she stood up?" Eewww again.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 4

Well, apparently the secret that Sharon has about Nick is that he broke some girls neck and Victor paid a lot of money to keep it quiet...Nick threatened Sharon with keeping Faith from her again and Sharon told him if he tries it, she will tell the whole world what he did...also Kyle is the one who wrote the message on Sharon's mirror, trying to spook her into telling all, when Noah heard what Kyle did, Noah smashed him in the face..LOL...

  • Love 7

Well, apparently the secret that Sharon has about Nick is that he broke some girls neck and Victor paid a lot of money to keep it quiet...Nick threatened Sharon with keeping Faith from her again and Sharon told him if he tries it, she will tell the whole world what he did...also Kyle is the one who wrote the message on Sharon's mirror, trying to spook her into telling all, when Noah heard what Kyle did, Noah smashed him in the face..LOL...

Canadian, I only watched bits and pieces, but I don't think we saw that on the Austin video, right?  It was in the video, presumably, but I think they didn't show it, just that there was a secret, and then as you say, she threatens to expose the secret if he keeps Faith from her.  I rewound the last fifteen minutes but couldn't find it said by her, but we have to assume it is on there based on the Scoobies' reaction.  So this is something that must have happened when Nick was a teen and probably they were horseback riding, although rough sex would make a better story.


The only other highlight was that idiot Ben told Abby that he slept with Ashley.  Oh and super sleuth Avery sees something suspicious in the Gabriel B signatures (they looked the same to me, you should see my sig).

  • Love 3

nO, it wasn't shown on the video, all she said on there was that Victor paid heavily to cover up something Nick did that would have sent him to prison...later at her house, just her and Nick there, he threatened to keep Faith from her..that's when she said I will tell the world you broke that girls neck if you try to keep Faith from me...the show ended there..to give Nick his due here though, Sharon was acting pretty unstable...but she was terrified about the message on the mirror that Kyle confessed to the gang that he did...Noah walloped him good for that..

This is lots of new information, Canadian.  Was this in your show today, or did you find something online?  If it was your today's show, I can hardly wait until tomorrow.  By the way - everything ok?  Haven't seen you on the board much lately.

in today's Canadian show movin...

  • Love 3

Well, apparently the secret that Sharon has about Nick is that he broke some girls neck and Victor paid a lot of money to keep it quiet...Nick threatened Sharon with keeping Faith from her again and Sharon told him if he tries it, she will tell the whole world what he did...also Kyle is the one who wrote the message on Sharon's mirror, trying to spook her into telling all, when Noah heard what Kyle did, Noah smashed him in the face..LOL...

Are you sure Kyle is an Abbot, gas lighting (lite) Sharon? Oh yes, Victor did steal him away from Jack for a bit after Diane was killed by Victor's wife. So the Newman gas lighting company could continue with him!

I'm so glad Sharon told Nick off. I hate they'll railroad her for Austin's death. Blah blah blah lets kick Sharon round 100.

I want it to come out publicly that Victor gas lighted Sharon, bought off Kelly, staged her "death", like he did with whatshername who died in the volcano in HI, framed Sharon for it to be tried in WI ( because HI &WI are sooooo close) and left her in prison "for life". Better yet, I want the documentary airing Newman dirty laundry to come out in court. All of it. Then count Victor as top of the charts for killing him except that he was buried under the Underground. But Nick was out running about.... Or Phyllis even, I don't think she's too innocent to do it. Maybe Phyllis was filmed poisoning Kelly. (Yes, not true, but I can hope!)

But the Abbott dirty laundry, well, let Kyle & Phyllis' come out, such as when she seduced him to come between Summer and Kyle. (So Phyllis had doubts, why wasn't she blamed for 18 years of hiding that, like Nick hid it. But only Sharon is at fault, old old news repeat.)

So much for my rant...

  • Love 8

Well, apparently the secret that Sharon has about Nick is that he broke some girls neck and Victor paid a lot of money to keep it quiet...Nick threatened Sharon with keeping Faith from her again and Sharon told him if he tries it, she will tell the whole world what he did...also Kyle is the one who wrote the message on Sharon's mirror, trying to spook her into telling all, when Noah heard what Kyle did, Noah smashed him in the face..LOL...

Thanks Canadian! Can't wait to see this one too. Good on Noah and about time he honored his mother! Kyle is really a lot different this time.Can't believe he would do something like that to Sharon.Guess his time spent with Victor when he was younger rubbed off on him a little bit. 

Why is no one asking Summer why it could not have been HER mother? Even if Phyl was busy Valentine's Day (and I really don't remember since nothing was happening at GCAC with all the employees busy elsewhere dropping out of the sky) she could have hired someone to off Austin. She never really thought he was good enough for her Special Snowflake. Maybe there is a backstory we don't know about that she found out about Austin and Abby. (Since we didn't know about the docu there could be another backstory we and everyone else are clueless about). I am surprised Mariah hasn't asked Summer why it couldn't be HER psycho mother?


I loved Sharon getting into NIck's face too. The only thing that made me go 'eewww' was Sharon telling Dylan that she walked in on Nick and Sage just as they finished having sex. I thought they hadn't done the dirty deed as yet (though I do tend to tune those two out so maybe missed the confirmation that they had, indeed, finished). All I could think of was "How does Sharon know they had finished? Smell? Was there semen running down Sage's legs when she stood up?" Eewww again.

She mentioned something about the afterglow so maybe it was just written all over their faces.LOL

Are you sure Kyle is an Abbot, gas lighting (lite) Sharon? Oh yes, Victor did steal him away from Jack for a bit after Diane was killed by Victor's wife. So the Newman gas lighting company could continue with him!

I'm so glad Sharon told Nick off. I hate they'll railroad her for Austin's death. Blah blah blah lets kick Sharon round 100.

I want it to come out publicly that Victor gas lighted Sharon, bought off Kelly, staged her "death", like he did with whatshername who died in the volcano in HI, framed Sharon for it to be tried in WI ( because HI &WI are sooooo close) and left her in prison "for life". Better yet, I want the documentary airing Newman dirty laundry to come out in court. All of it. Then count Victor as top of the charts for killing him except that he was buried under the Underground. But Nick was out running about.... Or Phyllis even, I don't think she's too innocent to do it. Maybe Phyllis was filmed poisoning Kelly. (Yes, not true, but I can hope!)

But the Abbott dirty laundry, well, let Kyle & Phyllis' come out, such as when she seduced him to come between Summer and Kyle. (So Phyllis had doubts, why wasn't she blamed for 18 years of hiding that, like Nick hid it. But only Sharon is at fault, old old news repeat.)

So much for my rant...

Didn't read this before I posted Thumper. We think alike when it comes to Victor! LOL


Yes I am sure Sharon will be at fault and will pay dearly as per usual. Sure does get old. )-:

  • Love 4

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