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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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16 hours ago, bannana said:

Ted the Temp gets off the elevator at Jabot and sees his workspace covered by broken glass and with an extra chair.  Jack walks out and Ted says, dude, what the heck?  Jack tells him he picked the perfect day to have a long lunch.  He asks who did this and Jack says he did.  Ted is amazed and Jack says she is lucky he didn't throw it at her head!  Ted asks what this is about, who is she, and seeing Jack's enraged face, he reconsiders and backs away.

I could just imagine if this scene were with Gloria instead of Ted, JC with eyes bugged out to full drama queen capacity.  Damn I miss her!!! :(

16 hours ago, bannana said:

Jack is helping Ted straighten up and he tells Ted to hire someone to fix the damage and to book a meeting room at the GCAC.  So Jabot has no Board/meeting rooms?

I assume they have meeting rooms, Jack was just asking to have one reserved.  You know, so one of the many many many other Jabot employees wouldn't be able to book the room for that time :)

16 hours ago, bannana said:

Traci tells Ash that she owes her an apology.  She had no idea how much pain Ash was in, she should have paid more attention, supported Ash and admonished Jack.

Yeah, because nobody in the Abbott family has ever done that.


16 hours ago, bannana said:

Traci says Jack has always been competitive and entitled

Or so she says to the one who thinks she is entitled to be CEO of any company she sets foot in...I still want to smack her for how she behaved toward Victoria at Newman.

  • Love 11

Jack tells Dina in the manse living room the fantastic news that his real father is John Abbott.  Dina asks if she knew him and Jack tells her she knew him for a long time, she was married to him.  Jack describes John in glowing terms, and apologizes to Dina for what he put her through these last few months, and vows to set things right for the family.  Dina tells Jack he is always so lovely and thanks him for caring so much, and then asks him to remind her again who he is. As an aside, when my mother was in late stages of Alzheimers, we hung a pic my late father in her room.  When I would go to visit her, she would tell me that people had told her this man was her husband.  She had no memory of the 45 years they were together.  So this scene rang surprisingly true to me.  Including the part where she doesn't know who Jack is.

Phyllis shows up at Jabot in a leather dress.  She calls Billy, but he doesn't answer his phone.  She leaves him a vm saying she is glad he is back and she will continue to fight for him.

Billy wishes Dina a good morning and gives her a kiss.  Jack, happy, wants to show him something.  The surprise is a family breakfast.  Everyone but Ash is there, and they are all skeptical that this is a good idea.  Dina thinks it is a marvelous idea and tells them to sit.  Ash arrives, saying she will take the last seat, snarking that they can vote her and Billy out as CEO but not of the family. Jack says they would love for her to join them.

Mariah is back and reunites with Tessa at CL.  She brings her a necklace as a gift.  Mariah says next time Tessa should come with her, but Tessa says she cannot miss a minute of work until she gives those sharks what they claim she owes them.  Meanwhile, also at CL, Rey Rey and Sharon are role-playing a mock interrogation about removing a mattress tag, and she fails and appears to be guilty.

Tessa tells Mariah she will be done paying her debt in a year.  Sharon escapes from Rey Rey and catches up with Mariah.  She tells Mariah there is no chance for her and Nick.  Mariah wonders if Rey Rey is in Sharon's future.

The Abbotts are very quiet at breakfast.  Jack confesses that it is hard for him to sit there with Ash who betrayed and hurt him,  but she is still his sister, and he cannot cut her out of his life.  Jack says they all need to talk.  Ash wants to talk about the plan for Jabot now that she has been ejected.  Billy tells her she doesn't get to complain about how unfairly she has been treated after what she did to sabotage his time as CEO.  Ash tries to respond but Traci interrupts and asks Billy to say something positive.  Billy says he takes responsibility for his addiction and self-destructive behaviour, but then he confronts Kyle and his role in setting him up to gamble.  Billy says he wants to be reinstated as CEO, now that he is in treatment.  Kyle points out that Billy was gambling even before his high stakes betting and felony embezzlement.  Jack interrupts and says they are finally talking but he didn't mean that they should be talking Jabot.  That obsession is why they find themselves in pieces today.  He suggests they set business aside and focus on being a family.  He makes a nice speech about love and forgiveness and invokes John Abbott.  Dina is sobbing.  Jack says he is willing to try, and asks who is with  him.  And everyone just looks awkward and no one says a thing.

Mariah is concerned that Rey Rey is becoming a big part of  her life, at work, living upstairs.  Sharon assures her she is not interested in Rey Rey.  Phyllis shows up and Mariah says they should throw her man stealing ass out.  Sharon says they still have charity work they are  doing together. Mariah tells her to dump the evil tart, and Sharon says she can handle the evil bitch, which Phyllis overhears.  She says the evil bitch needs to talk to Sharon in private.

Traci says they can survive this as long as they make an effort and stat forgiving.  Abbys says she is still in shock over what Billy did and how he tried to cover it up and the lengths Kyle went to try and expose it.  But, she says to her mom that what she did at the company and in this house is so much worse.  She used Abby's special bond with her grandmother to punish her uncle.  Abby says that she knows that Ash was hurt but she never thought her mom could do something so horrible.  Ash apologizes and says she never should have pulled Abby into this. She apologizes to Billy for making him feel like he didn't matter and that she didn't respect him.  Ash says these two apologies are sincere.  She says she will not apologize to Jack and she is not going to beg for anyone's forgiveness. She says that they are all aware of the sadistic decisions Jack made to use her paternity against him.  She says they should all still feel sickened by this but apparently they are not.  Jack and everyone else who commits a crime against this family gets a free pass.  She lashes out at Kyle saying he colluded with Prick to take Jabot public and he used his uncle's gambling addiction against him until he hit rock bottom.  She says Billy hid his addiction and stole money from his family's company just like he stole his brother's wife.  Wait, what?  Didn't she just apologize to Billy?  And btw Ash, you too stole money to fraudulently pay your DNA faker.  She carries on, saying that she is the monster, asking them if that is something they can all agree on.  She dares any one of them to act like they are better than her.  Jack says they are not and if she could just get over this persecution complex...Then Ash bangs the table several times, lashing out at Jack, asserting: you are going to call me a narcissist, you of all people!  Oh come on Ashley, grow the fuck up. She chides him for sitting at the head of the table as if he belongs there.  She says that John Abbott was an exceptional man and she doesn't care if it is his DNA running through Jack's veins, he is nothing like him and he never will be.  She is yelling by now, and a beleaguered Traci interrupts and asks her what she is doing.  Billy says to Traci that you can hear Ash's defense, they are all horrible people, so why can't she be too.  He makes a good point, shockingly.  Billy tells Ash she is only half right, yes, they all screwed up, but for decades she made them believe she was above it all.  If only her new deceptions had the same staying power.  Billy says he doesn't need a title, he is going to Jabot to do what he can to make things better.  A gloomy Abby tells Traci that Dina is upset and Traci tries to comfort her.  Sobbing, Dina says she doesn't understand why they are all so angry. Billy follows Kyle into the living room and confronts him about sleeping with Dummer and says that Billy should speak to her, she deserves to know where she stands.

Later, Abby brings Dina some cinnamon tea, and Jack says they are sorry they upset her.  Traci, looking at Ash, says that conflict and tension frighten and depress her. Kyle says they should all think about that and not be so selfish.  Jack says, especially during meals.  A defiant Ash looks at Traci and asks her if there is something she wants to say to her.  Traci tells her how disappointed she is in her sister.  Ash says she is disappointed in Traci.  It is unfortunate that she is the only one, Ash says, that stands up to Jack's hypocritical and self-righteous behaviour.  Jack loudly sighs in frustration. Ash throws down her napkin and says she should go, and Traci says, probably.  Ash walks out of the room but stops to listen as Traci assures Dina that everything is going to be okay.

Rey Rey asks Mariah why Sharon would talk to Phyllis rather than toss her out.  Mariah mentions the charity thing and then tells Rey Rey she wants to get to know him better.

Sharon fills Phyllis in on the one dollar payment.  They snipe at each other and Sharon says she is feeling very liberated, much like Billy.  Phyllis says she wouldn't know, he is avoiding her.  And she slithers out of CL.

Billy has summoned Dummer to Jabot, and she tells him how great it is to see her again.  He says he is making positive changes.  She wants to be part of his new life.  He tells her he needs to do his first year of recovery solo.  She says she can help him.  She says she had given up on him until he came to her and told her he needed her.  She believes he felt the same connection that she did, and tells him no illness can scare her away. Billy looks slightly guilty, but maybe not.

Mariah wants to know Rey Rey's intentions vis a vis her mom and warns him off of getting more benefits than coffee and cupcakes.  He says she reminds him of Lola, and that is a compliment.  Rey Rey says he is married and is only offering friendly platonic support.  Then he questions her about the night of the girls' party when JT crashed it.  He wants to know if there is anything she can tell him that is not in the police report.  Sharon overhears and interrupts them.  Rey Rey wants to know why Sharon is acting irritated with him.

Jack and Kyle discuss what he did to Billy.  He makes him consider if Abby had done that to Jack and got him hooked on painkillers.  Kyle concedes it would be unforgivable.  Jack notes that if Ash was not on board, wasn't this a clue to Kyle that he was going too far, but Kyle says she was perfectly fine taking advantage of it after all.  Kyle says he cannot make too much of her phony moral outrage.  Jack replies that he thought it was the good part of Ash crying out before the darkness and the hate swept in.  He says that what she said at breakfast cut him to the core.  Kyle says him too and he regrets siding with her against Billy, and that now Billy hates him and Jack probably does too. But Jack tells his son he hates what he did and he understands it better now.  He says to give Billy time, and that he is in fact responsible for most of it.  Kyle says he can stay mad at him for decades as long as he never gambles again. Jack says unfortunately it doesn't work that way.  If an addict truly wants to recover they have to learn how to forgive.

Ash is at the GCAC bar, and Kyle shows up.  Ash sighs and says she is not in the mood to hear him gloat.  He says he is not.  So then why is he here, she asks.  He says that Ash has always been so meticulous, never making a move without a calculated outcome to the closest probably degree.  He thinks it is the scientist in her.  He says this time she lost control of the experiment and the result was a mess beyond anything she ever imagined.  He tells her she was angry, arrogant, and only focused on vengeance.  Ash smugly replies that is priceless for Kyle to talk to her about arrogance.  He says the lesson she taught him is also priceless, on how to ruin a dream opportunity that she almost got away with.  If she had only paid Andrew from her own pocket AND NOT FROM JABOT!  Thank you, Kyle.  He says she would have succeeded if she used her own money and he would be the one who helped her do it, to his dad, to Billy, to the whole family.  She says he is forgetting his enthusiasm for the task and using his uncle's addiction against him.  Kyle says he will never forget or stop regretting what a heartless ignorant mistake he made.  He had the audacity to think he was better than Billy, more cutting edge, smarter, the future of Jabot.  He proved how wrong he was by choosing to team up with Ash.  She thought she was invincible but she got sloppy, just like Billy.  At least Billy could blame his gambling.

Billy tells Dummer that they are looking at things through different lenses.  Dummer thinks they could be great together.  She says there is a reason he called her when he was at rock bottom and he says she is right, but she is not going to like it.

Mariah talks to Tessa about Sharon talking to Phyllis.  She cannot understand what they could possibly have to talk about.  Tessa says she doesn't know, she stayed away.  AHA!  And Mariah wonders why Sharon pulled her away from Rey Rey, saying something is going on and she needs to find out.

Rey Rey tells Sharon he doesn't suspect Mariah so what is the problem.  Sharon says she made Mariah go to the party so she is just trying to keep her out of it.

Ash arrives at the manse and Jack, Traci and Abby are in the living room.  She asks about Dina.  Traci and Jack say there is too much tension and they all could do better.  Ash says that they mean her, and says the best thing is for her to move out.  Abby says she doesn't have to do that, but Ash says she doesn't want to make things worse for Dina and she doesn't want to stay where she is not wanted.  Wah wah wah!!!

Billy tells Dummer he has no romantic interest in her.  Phyllis walks in and asks what is going on.  Billy says he was about to tell Dummer that the reason he slept with her is knowing what it would do to Phyllis when she found out.  He says: so, there you go.  Now you know.  Phyllis and Dummer are stunned.

  • Love 17


Billy told Phyllis, in front of Dummer, that he slept with Dummer to get back at Phyllis.  Dummer was gobsmacked, as was Phyllis.


You know the funny part is that she is stupid enough to believe everyone will accept her with Billy.  She really earned the name "Dummer." I would love to see how Victoria reacts to her niece sleeping with her ex-husband.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Diane M said:

The family (any outsiders?) had yet another board meeting (this time at the GCAC) and ousted Ashley as CEO.  Question:  Who is now running Jabot?

Nobody.  Billy made a pitch but that got derailed with fighting.  Billy nobly went to the office to get things back on track but all he accomplished was talking about his sex life.

  • Love 8
20 hours ago, ByTor said:
On 10/15/2018 at 6:29 PM, bannana said:

Jack is helping Ted straighten up and he tells Ted to hire someone to fix the damage and to book a meeting room at the GCAC.  So Jabot has no Board/meeting rooms?

I assume they have meeting rooms, Jack was just asking to have one reserved. 

Quoting myself....you were right, @bannana, and I need to learn how to read, you (and Jack LOL) said "book a meeting room at the Athletic Club", so apparently Jabot does not have meeting rooms.  Sorry!! :)

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Quoting myself....you were right, @bannana, and I need to learn how to read, you (and Jack LOL) said "book a meeting room at the Athletic Club", so apparently Jabot does not have meeting rooms.  Sorry!! :)

I said to my husband, “You mean to tell me that they have no meeting rooms in the whole Jabot tower?” ?

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, miamama said:

I need to add to the comments about @bannana caps.


Thank you so much!!!! 


Yes, it cannot be said enough, thank you so much Bannana for your amazingly detailed recaps. Thanks to you, I get to keep up on what's going on with the show without the torture of actually watching it. Even though I haven't seen an episode of Show in over a year, I can't give up reading about it here. You preverts are much harder to quit than Y&R and it's so much easier to follow the snark when you actually know what's going on with the characters.

Edited by Desperately Random
  • Love 11
1 minute ago, valleycliffe said:

easy peasy.......mal will write it and it will be so..........

i mean, jeebus, gt needs more scenes that she can pick from for her emmy reel....

guess she's still giving master classes or something..

Then they could have her marry Prick, adopt the Assby twins, buy CL and take over ownership of the GCAC.

  • Love 11
On 10/12/2018 at 3:26 PM, Toomuchsoap said:
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I just saw a spoiler for (I believe) the week of 10/22 on SoapCentral that Kyle and Dina are talking and Dina tells him about a safe in John's office long hidden. It doesn't say whether it's in the house or at Jabot, but Kyle goes there and sleuths out a hidden panel and finds long-hidden information put there by John (presumably). It'll probably turn out that John "Abbott" wasn't an Abbott, but the biological son of someone else, but adopted/raised with the Abbott moniker. Wouldn't surprise me.


Do I need to cut a bitch at CBS?

Good grief.

  • Love 11

Why is Summer being made into a victim after she spent months pursuing Billy for sex? Why is Kyle coddling her after giving her that speech about no longer doing that? 

Can thye get rid of Shauna already? College can't come soon enough so they can get rid of all these bad acting teens. Why are we pretending she and Hilary had a strong super close relationship? They knew each other for a few months and even then Hilary didn't pay attention to her like she should've. 

Why must I endure Phyllis' hoarse screeching?

  • Love 16

I had completely forgotten about the Ashbys and Nate and then suddenly there they were again on my screen.

Phyllis is pissed that Billy had revenge sex with Dummer, and Dummer is pissed that Billy threw that fact in Phyllis' face.  I guess she had another idea of how they might sensitize her mom to the fact she is banging her boyfriend.  Billly coldly says:  Two birds, one stone, it is actually quite efficient.  True dat, Billy Boy.  Dummer is appalled. And she asks him since when is he such a pig and he replies, since always.  Well, since you have been playing Billy, JT.  Then Phyllis lashes out at her daughter about what childish fantasies were running through her mind when she told Mariah.  Dummer says Mariah overheard her and blabbed to Sharon.  Dummer says that after Sharon blew up her own wedding that Billy came to her saying he wanted her.  A snarly Phyllis says she bets it took her thirty seconds to take her clothes off and jump in bed with him.  Okay, that is technically true, but I think that Phyllis should be turning her attention to the self proclaimed pig in the room, not her Supergirl.  Dummer explains that she thought they had a real connection, but the next morning he was gone to rehab.  She was rooting for him to get better and hoping that things could go somewhere between.  Till now, she says.  Dummer lashes out at Billy and says that every horrible thing people say about him is true.  She says that she had thought her mom was wrong for him, but it turns out they are perfect for each other.  Dummer stomps out.  Billy says Dummer is turning into a little drama queen.  Phyllis snarls that she thinks she is telling the truth.  Billy says she def is, because not only is she her daughter, she is Nick's daughter.  He says: I cannot tell you how sweet it was getting it on with the two people that screwed me over.  And Phyllis slaps him, hard.  As expected.

Tessa and Mariah are at CL planning a night alone together at Tessa's place.  Where does Tessa live, anyways?

Nate the busy body is at the prison visiting Lily and tells her that Neil and Ash are an item.  Lily is growly with Nate because Cane did not show up for his visit.  Nate says he will look into it for her.  Did they really bring this character on for this shit?  Can we have Jordan back, please?  Now that Hilary is dead, he should be welcome back in town.

Kyle sees Lola at CL and tells her that he has had a hell of a day.  He asks her out.  He suggests flying her to dinner in Chicago and she is not impressed at the waste of fuel to go to dinner.  She asks him why he was arrested for grave-robbing. 

Billy has no apologies because he and Dummer were two consenting adults, and he didn't cheat on Phyllis, that is what she did.  Phyllis is spitting nails now.  She reminds Billy that they were broken up when she slept with Nick, that she had thrown him out.  She did not cheat on him!  He says that he was just arrogant to think there was something different between him and Phyllis, that he was different than her other exes.  She says he was different, he was everything to her.  He tells her she has difficulty with being honest.  She likes having people on the side, which is why she keeps all these men in her orbit.  Like Nick.  He says she still has Jack on a string.  She tells him that he thinks he has hurt her with this disgusting move, but it is nothing compared to what he has done to himself.

Devon, Shauna and Chuckie are just getting home to the PH from her swimming competition.  And she goes on about how dead Hil inspired her to win.  Devon is lapping it up.

Kyle explains the grave-robbing and his stupid, impulsive move to try to find the answers to his dad's paternity.  Lola says her bros wanted her to think the worst of Kyle, and didn't give her the context.  Mariah and Tessa come by and Mariah meets Lola for the first time.  Lola invites them to hang with her and Kyle and they decide to have a games night.

Phyllis tells Billy has hit lower than rock bottom.  She says he sounds proud of himself, and if Dummer hadn't been around he would have ended up with Vic.  He said that wouldn't have been nearly as effective for revenge sex.  Phyllis asks how he could take advantage of Dummer, when he knew she had the hots for him, just for a fleeting moment of satisfaction?  He admits it was not his finest moment and says that he did it so that Phyllis has to live with the vivid image of the two of them together.  Just like he is tortured by the thought of her and Nick and the lies that followed.  He goes to leave the office and she throws a mug and misses him by a lot.

Kyle, Lola, Tessa and Mariah have just completed a tour of the Abbott manse.  Lola is impressed by the amazing kitchen.  Then they play charades and it looks fun and funny.  Then they play Truth or Dare.    He asks Lola to tell the truth about when she did something wrong and regretted it.  She tells a story about when she got stiffed at a job at a used car sales place and for pay, made a deal to drive an old truck off the lot and she secretly cannibalized his other vehicles to be able to do so.  Mariah is impressed.  Lola asks Mariah the same question and Mariah says she impersonated her dead twin sister and tried to drive someone crazy and she will regret it till her dying day.  Mariah asks the same question of Tessa who says that she stole her journal and plagiarized her thoughts and wrote a hit song.  And got fired for it.  Which proves to me Tessa has done something worse.  Lola says she is a lot less of a bad ass than them...or, she had done something worse and got away with it.  Tessa looks ever so slightly uneasy.  Dummer texts Kyle and says she wants to meet with him.  Later, Dummer shows up at the manse and says she needs to talk to him, he is the only one he can talk to.  Mariah says, Snowflake, what in the world are you doing here?  Kyle explains that Dummer is going through something.  Mariah gives her a hard time and Kyle defends her, and says he cannot turn his back on a friend who is hurting.  Lola seems skeptical.  Mariah tells Kyle that Dummer has never been a friend to him.  The three of them leave, with Kyle apologizing to Lola.  

Nate finds Cane at the GCAC and gives him a bad time for neglecting Lily.  He admits he blew her off because it is too hard.  Nate leaves, Cane goes to the bar where Billy has also shown up and they both order doubles.  Cane tells Billy he is not going to offer him a job.  Billy says he would never work for him again.  They spar a bit.  

Lola, Tessa and Mariah are at the GCAC have a drink in the lounge.  They discuss Dummer, and only Tessa is willing to consider that Dummer really did need a friend.

Dummer says she isn't sure what is worse, Billy using her to get back at her mom, or her mom blaming her for everything.  Dummer considers leaving town, and he says she is not a quitter.  He gives her a pep talk.  She hugs him.

Now Mariah and Tessa are talking about Dummer, and Mariah is annoyed that Kyle is jeopardizing his new relationship with Lola for Dummer.   Kyle shows up looking for Lola, but Mariah tells him it is too late, he blew it.

At the Jabot office, Phyllis is blubbering.  Dummer arrives, and Phyllis tells her to leave.  Dummer apologizes.  Phyllis also apologizes for blaming her daughter.  She says they are both better off without that loser.  They hug.

Billy tells Cane Lily is a wonderful woman, not like Phyllis and thanks god she is out of his life.  Cane figures they will be back together in a month.  Billy says, not this time, he went full scorched earth, saying it felt right at the moment, it always does.  Looking back, he says he went too far and caused damage that cannot be undone.

Edited by bannana
  • Love 21

 Thanks Bannana, great recap as always.

58 minutes ago, bannana said:

Cane figures they will be back together in a month. 

 A month? I give it two weeks before they're sniffing around each other again. There's no way that Mal is going to keep his rom-com super couple apart for longer than that.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Desperately Random said:

 Thanks Bannana, great recap as always.

 A month? I give it two weeks before they're sniffing around each other again. There's no way that Mal is going to keep his rom-com super couple apart for longer than that.

I don't know about that.  How does Phyllis get past what he did with Summer?  It seems to me to be the end of them but surely Mal will find a way.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, bannana said:

I don't know about that.  How does Phyllis get past what he did with Summer?  It seems to me to be the end of them but surely Mal will find a way.

maybe Dummer will die in the dark closet O.R. in childbirth. Then Phyl can force him to raise the kid (Kyles)

Seriously, maybe Butt gets coma'ed by gamblers after Prick, Jack and Nick ALL threaten him. Who Shot Butt

Banana - great recaps too. Thanks 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, bannana said:

I don't know about that.  How does Phyllis get past what he did with Summer?  It seems to me to be the end of them but surely Mal will find a way.

Yep. They will keep flirting and being hawt and funny and Gina will do back flips and hair flips and Jason will speak in his affected deep voice am-I-not-the-cooolest way, this time in a new work situation.

It was and will continue to be about showcasing GT and JT, rather than writing for character.

  • Love 15
6 hours ago, bannana said:

I don't know about that.  How does Phyllis get past what he did with Summer?  It seems to me to be the end of them but surely Mal will find a way.

is what billy did with dummer worse than deacon framing daniel for murder ?  i mean that didn't stop phyl from being filthy with him on the dumpster..

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

easy peasy.......mal will write it and it will be so..........

i mean, jeebus, gt needs more scenes that she can pick from for her emmy reel....

guess she's still giving master classes or something..

I wonder what she's got on ol' Mal?  Hmmm? If the stuff on Reel to Real is even half right, there's probably a boat-load. Do you suppose the reason they brought back Josh Griffith is because they're sorting out the allegations on the "showrunner" that Abhi Sinha was referring to?

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, Toomuchsoap said:

I wonder what she's got on ol' Mal?  Hmmm? If the stuff on Reel to Real is even half right, there's probably a boat-load. Do you suppose the reason they brought back Josh Griffith is because they're sorting out the allegations on the "showrunner" that Abhi Sinha was referring to?

yes, curiouser and curiouser 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, bannana said:

I don't know about that.  How does Phyllis get past what he did with Summer?  It seems to me to be the end of them but surely Mal will find a way.

I don't get it either. In fact the reveal as sweet as Billy dropping the bomb on them felt rushed with no build up to a satisfying explosion. Phyllis swore she'd kill Billy if he messed with Summer. Phyllis should be reeling from Billy crossing that line and ready to do damage. Billy coming back from rehab with the same chip on his shoulder gives no room for angst or story if he's not in a place of genuine regret and fear of losing' the only woman he's ever loved ' and awareness of the crappy thing he did to fray at Phyllis and Summer's relationship.  The fact that Billy just dumps the news he nailed Summer in revenge sex a mere week after the deed shows how little the show sees that as kind of a big deal and possibly implies that a bigger consequence from that night (Bummer baby) is being planned.

But again, everyone knows Billy and Summer had sex so if/when she ends up pregnant there's still no ticking bomb or clock of Phyllis realizing Billy is her grandbaby's daddy. Summer now hates Billy so she's in no way going to want to use the kid to keep him which is what these kinds of pregnancies are built for. Basically a Bummer Baby is non-story unless there's another twist coming. Kind of disappointing how they've already undercut a potentially dynamite story.

  • Love 7

I don’t understand how Billy and Phyllis can get back together without it being gross, awkward, and inappropriate. Of course Mal is going to reunite them, probably via some zany, romcomcom hijinks that leave us all agape at the utter rone deafness of it all, but damn, man, Buttbiscuit revenge fucked her daughter to stick it to Phyllis and her ex-baboon. Any kind of a self-respecting woman and decent mother never touches that rancid mayo man again. I know, I know. Phyllis engaging in sensible, dignified behavior will happen at the same time Nick translates the works of Aristotle into Mandarin. 

  • Love 16

I wish GT would watch her acting 3-4-5 years back on Y&R. In fact, I should research that myself to see if I can find some of the old shows that give us a glimpse of GT, PB, EB, MTS, etc. Wonder how different, how much more realistic their acting was back then before this show became such a circus? I think it would make me sad to see how this soap has devolved through the years. 

  • Love 7

Well, I didn't have time for a recap today, but the important parts were this:

  • Ash is wallowing in self-pity, yet still with her halo of entitlement, at CL's "patio".  She encounters Vic there and they apparently commiserate.
  • Before her wallowing at CL, Ash was a c-word towards her Alzheimer's ridden mother.  Challenging her on her every thought and memory.  And her useless ass stomped out of the house, after distressing Dina to the max.
  • Kyle shows up; a distressed Dina has been searching the manse for something that would prove to Ash that she and John cared about her.  Because, did I mention, almost 60 year old Ash wah wah wah'ed to her mother.  Fuck, I hate Ashley a lot right now.
  • Dina convinces Kyle that there is a safe somewhere, and then eventually he realizes it is at the Jabot office.  He takes her there, and then removes the panel and finds the safe.  Can I just say, I so much love MA, as she helped him moved the things and plants on the credenza.  Wow.  I hope we can have more MA.
  • Dina has the combination, her birthday, and she proudly states her birth year!  Kyle opens the safe.  Dina is ecstatic.

Previews show that Kyle is trying to shred the documents and Dina tries to intervene.

Edited by bannana
needed bullets
  • Love 21

Ashley was John’s favourite princess. He did nothing but dote on her. She didn’t learn until adulthood she wasn’t his bio daughter so wtf is she whining about? She was NEVER an outsider in her family. She was the beautiful starlet at the centre of it.

Traci on the other hand had to listen to John call Ashley his “beauty” for her entire adolescence. 

Dina favoured Jack so her departure would have skewered him more than Ashley - especially since it fed tension in his relationship with John. Jack resented his father for driving his mother away. And that is how Bill Bell wrote that dynamic before it became John Abbott the Saint and Dina Abbott the Skank.

Ashley is ridiculous. Also she yelled at Dina for YEARS so why do it now again when she’s sick? It’s gross.

Basically Mal turns everyone into an asshole to shock us. 

  • Love 23

I love that Kyle is an active next-gen Abbott. It's too bad he only has Abby as part of his generation as it'd have been interesting to see Colleen as the understanding 'Traci' of the group of cousins and how they would all interact. You also have Katie and Johnny coming up from the Billy branch of the family tree.  Wonder how long it'll be before they age Johnny so Billy has a teen son rebelling and acting as his rival and also so he and Victor can fight over him since he's an adopted Newman.

  • Love 9

i know whats in the safe.



it is a document from john abbott giving ashley ownership of her products.

john had it drawn up when jack was running roughshod over everyone and wanted to protect ashley.

at the time, she only had a few products but since that time she basically will own all the jabot products..


  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

i know whats in the safe.

  Hide contents


it is a document from john abbott giving ashley ownership of her products.

john had it drawn up when jack was running roughshod over everyone and wanted to protect ashley.

at the time, she only had a few products but since that time she basically will own all the jabot products..


Argh!!!  Maybe that is how Phyllis gets to be CEO.  There's


no company left to run!

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, basiltherat said:

Maybe Ashley should have had Andrew work on a cure for Alzheimer's instead of cancer!

I still say dim bulb Abby could say "We've finally run out of those 'special' vitamins Graham left" and they have them tested and woops....hell they 'cured' retinitis pigmentosa for Adam... cured death a few times... new doc could do a brain transplant....

We won't go into plastic surgery so perfect it fools married couples.

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

but would the contract/letter still be binding after the company was sold and then jack bought it back with his own money...

fuck you mal

Not a lawyer, but the way it was worded, it sounds like the products and patents are hers.  This is crazy.  

  1. John would never have kept this secret--how long ago did he die?
  2. The Jabot office has never been altered in all these years?
  3. What about the lawyer who drew up the papers?
  4. How does this work with Ash leaving?  The family is disgusted with her behaviour, she is feeling sorry for herself, takes her inheritance and leaves town?  Or is this her redemption story and she gifts it back to the company?  And leaves?

Anyhoo, I will try to do a recap over the weekend.

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