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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Bannana, great job! How do you remember all the details? When I did the recaps last week, I had to write down as much as I could, and mine weren't as detailed as yours : D

Welcome back, bannana - that was a great recap.  Capricasix, you did a great job, too, and we appreciate it.  My weekend from hell just keeps expanding, so I'm posting very little, but I still come on to read, and I still FF and drink.  lol

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Do you have a PVR? I can see how one of those would be useful, LOL. I don't have one, so I was just madly scribbling and watching at the same time :D

Yes, PVR.  Otherwise it would be tough to do.

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At CL, Dylan gives Sharon a gift certificate for the spa, and before Sharon can leave, Sage and Dick show up after house-hunting.  Dick decides right now is the time to tell Sharon about the BABY.  Sage is so freaked out by this she says Dick can tell her alone and she takes a cab back to her hotel.



Great re-cap!  Thanks to you and Capricasix!

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PatsyandEddie quote

Hit the old misogynist right where it hurts, The Wallet!

Yes.  Buy a Ferrari and then get in the Miscarriage Lane at Rexx Rugg (good one Basil!)

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Dear show.


I see that you are writing nick even more of a nincompoop than he already is..


"Sharon better not hurt the herb or her sprout"?..say what?


I think the herb should fear nick more when he finds out that she changed adam's face to look like Constance's grandson in order to defraud her and her estate.  Also, it seems that constance went downhill quite fast and are we sure the herb didn't help her along to speed up her demise?


I think I liked nick more when all he did was sit around and peel bananas with his feet than I do right now.


Oh, one other thing, please let Sharon humiliate nick when she takes him back to court and sues to regain custody of her daughter whom nick has replaced with his new sprout.


thank you




I'm co-signing this, valleycliffe!


Nick topped off his perceptive and deeply sensitive response to Dylan's fair evaluation of Sharon [and everybody else in town] in his usual incisive way, by responding with, "So, you're sleeping with her."


Yes, Nick, only a bit of dick can lead anyone to say anything remotely even-handed about Sharon. You, Nick, carry around a Scarlet M for "mental," in case you need to brand Sharon quickly and protect the vulnerable citizens of Genoa City.


And your lovely new madonna, Sage, is so very vulnerable...a gal with a history and a half. Better slap that scarlet letter on Sharon before she does Sage out of the Tudor-style five-bedroom with the great big backyard for all the little simians she'll produce, now that that tiresome inablity to bear children has been dealt with.

Edited by pearlite
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Nick is such a tool! Dylan has been saying the same sort of things about Sharon since he met her. He'd better start whittling that Scarlett "L" for liar that Sage will be needing soon since he likes to slap labels on everyone.

MTS & KSJ were outstanding today.

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Dear show.


I see that you are writing nick even more of a nincompoop than he already is..


"Sharon better not hurt the herb or her sprout"?..say what?


I think the herb should fear nick more when he finds out that she changed adam's face to look like Constance's grandson in order to defraud her and her estate.  Also, it seems that constance went downhill quite fast and are we sure the herb didn't help her along to speed up her demise?


I think I liked nick more when all he did was sit around and peel bananas with his feet than I do right now.


Oh, one other thing, please let Sharon humiliate nick when she takes him back to court and sues to regain custody of her daughter whom nick has replaced with his new sprout.


thank you



Awesome Valley. You hit it dead on!!! 

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A day without Farko is like a day without sunshine, so the good news is, we had more Farko today.  Also Keystone Cops and Scoobies.  A bunch of Chelz/Gabe blah blah.  And Drinki and Neil!


Paul is being called incompetent by the media and he puts all the blame on the Scoobies because they have been obstructing the case.  Well Chief, why didn't you press charges against them?  Why do you keep sharing evidence with them and telling them secrets and strategy? So he goes ahead and tells them the latest inside info which is that the FBI tested the DNA and there was no match with the DRUG KINGPIN.   Paul is working with the FBI.  Mariah says:  The blind leading the clueless.  It's also Paul's birthday today so he and Cricket take the moment to reminisce about their dead baby and all their hopes and wishes that are gone.  Cricket wants the two of them to take a vacation, but Paul can't get away.  He is going to Washington to take care of this DRUG KINGPIN DNA matter.  They mentioned Ronan as a person that could help them.  Paul wants Cricket to come with and she says yes.  Washington, here we come.  Later on the Scoobies try to figure out why suddenly the DNA  is not a match to the DRUG KINGPIN.  They figure that the DNA was tampered with.  Or that Paul is lying about the DNA to keep them in the dark.  Or the FBI is lying to Paul.  Kevin is on the case.  He's going to hack the FBI database and Mariah thinks he is crazy for taking the risk.


Prick is confronting the Farko about the murders, but Farko logically says, why would I murder those two rich kids I never set eyes on?  Farko thinks Prick has a greater motive and I agree.  But Prick says those kids were his family and this is personal for him.  WTF?  Since when?  Prick:  I wouldn't murder someone over a petty expose, that's absurd. I am not a killer.  But when it comes to protecting my family, I have no limits.  Farko points out that if the truth came out about what Prick did to Jack, that Prick would be in jail.  Prick says he knows what lengths Farko has gone to to change his identity but Farko points out that it was Prick's idea.  Prick says that with the DNA found that Farko is back on the FBI's ten most wanted list.  Prick says that Farko was MIA and could have killed them.  But Farko says he was spending time with his son.  Farko thinks that Prick gave the DNA to the police to keep him in line.  He says that Prick has built in several exit strategies.  Farko tries to reassure Prick that he is acting in their best interests and he is loyal to Prick, he came to him with the Gabe info.  Prick says:  You're good, you're really good.  You think you are pulling the wool over my eyes?  From now on, you are going to act like Jagabbit and get your ass to this office every day. He warns him no more games and he has to follow Prick's orders.  And leaves.  Farko then immediately looks up the online news re the murders and looks Marko worried like.  The Marko look is the bulging eye thing he did last week.


Neil and Drinki are still in her room at the GCAC.  She says she is done playing the dutiful wife.  Neil agrees that Prick manipulated her into witnessing the CONTRACT and that that was unfair.  Whoa, Neil, you pressured her every bit as much as Prick did.  But Neil rightly points out that Drinki is drunk cause she wants to be, and the CONTRACT is an excuse.  Neil tells her her life is spinning out of control and he tells her she needs to go to rehab.  And Drinki starts singing: They tried to make me go to rehab

But I said, "no, no, no"


Okay, that was just in my head.  But she really doesn't want to go to rehab because she is worried what it will do to her family. I would like her reason to be, I actually want to be a lush and go around making trouble for the people I don't like including Prick.  But she really doesn't want to go go go to rehab, and Neil won't let up.  Drinki says she will get a sponsor and work the program, but he is not buying it. She rightly points out that you can't force someone to quit drinking, and look what happened when she tried to force him--he went and killed Cricket's baby.  He tries to then really guilt her into it, telling her she is the matriarch and is needed by her family so she needs to quit drinking.  Drinki apologizes to Neil re the dead baby comment.  Prick shows and is all up in Neil's grill.  He has come to drag Drinki home by her ponytail.  He tells Neil he should focus on his job and not on his wife.  Prick thinks they are drinking together. It appears that Prick thinks Neil has designs on Drinki (I think he does too, Prick).  He tells Neil to leave and he does.  Prick then says to Drinki:  Why do you let him drag you down like this.  She starts screaming at Prick and says this is all Prick's fault, because of the lie he made her tell, and she throws a 40 oz vodka bottle into the fireplace.  Wait a minute.  Yesterday she had a dozen or so little bottles that she drank and we are still in the same scene and she has also polished off most of a 40 pounder?  How is she standing?  Anyways, then she starts throwing little mini bottles into the fireplace--I drank this one to drown the guilt, I drank this one to kill the pain.  (Drinki, who do you think is going to have clean up the microscopic shards of glass?  Yes, the minimum wage staff.  I am okay with yelling at Prick but have some consideration for the people living below the poverty line.)  She lashes out at him for causing pain for the kids, and manipulating them and controlling them, for rejecting Dylan and trying to ruin him.  And all along I stood by and protected you and made excuses for you and why, I don't know.  Prick endures her tirade and then tells her she is coming home with him, and she says she is not his lackey.  He tells her to pack her bag, and she says no.  He says:  You need help, my baby.  (ARGH!!!).  Is this how you want to live?  Drinki says she is done submitting to him and keeping her mouth shut.  She doesn't want to live like this anymore.  Prick can't believe that she says he is killing her soul piece by piece, when he has given her everything.  She tell him that is not the point and tells him to leave and he does.  Prick sees Neil in the bar and thanks him for supporting her, but says she needs help.  Prick laments that he has no control.  Meanwhile Drinki is angrily packing her bag and breaks down crying.


Chelz/Gabe/Dick and Sage are still at the GCAC talking about the miracle that is her baby.  The whole convo seemed inappropriate to me, but I guess it was a way  for Gabe to get more info on the pregnancy.  Nick was blase, cause he knows wherever he drops his load, babies appear, and he is totally cool with 4 kids from three baby mamas.  The Chelz and Gabe talk some more blah blah about Connor.  Gabe also encourages Chelz to go directly to Farko with her children's line proposal, which she does.  And we learn that she spent months of work on this and Victoria never even looked at it.  Hmm.   I think the way it works in the real world is you get the green light to put together the business case, and then you put all the work in.  In any case, she tells Farko she has a strong work ethic and always does her best.    She says that Victoria is being petty.  Farko tells her he is doubling her budget and she will do both the men's and children's line.  Chelz says Farko is like his old self.  And then he appears to come on to her while saying that he trusts her.  But she doesn't seem to get it.


Gabe swings by the UG to confront Sage about the pregnancy.  He wants a paternity test.  Sage points out that if Chelz finds out about them having sex, it will put his relationship with her in jeopardy but he doesn't care, he has a right to know if he is the father.


Previews:  Ash to Farko:  This used to be a family business, when did you stop caring about our family;  Phyllis to Joe:  Quit using Avery, and then Avery tells her to go;  Billy to Gabe:  No Jackass, what I am saying is I don't hate Chelsea, and Gabe asks if that means he has forgiven her for sleeping with Gabe.

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Later on the Scoobies try to figure out why suddenly the DNA  is not a match to the DRUG KINGPIN.  They figure that the DNA was tampered with.  Or that Paul is lying about the DNA to keep them in the dark.  Or the FBI is lying to Paul.  Kevin is on the case.  He's going to hack the FBI database and Mariah thinks he is crazy for taking the risk.


Wouldn't it be funny if Farko were in a witness protection program and that's why he was no longer a "match" on the FBI's system? That would actually explain the absence of photos of him (sort of). He could want out of the program and back in the game and Victor is inadvertently helping him. Nah, Pratt isn't smart enough. 


He says:  You need help, my baby.  (ARGH!!!).


Why when Victor calls Nikki "baby" is it so revolting? It makes me cringe. I have no problem with it as a term of endearment. But Victor, just no.


ETA: Thanks, bannana!!

Edited by miamama
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I am confused. So apparently I ff'd by the scene where Neil admits to Nikki that he did not witness Jack signing the contract. So why is Nikki boo-hooing that she witnessed a contract that wasn't actually signed by Jack in the first place. Why isn't she running to Fack, thinking he is Jack, and asking him why he is going along as if he signed a contract to unite Jabot and Newman when he actually didn't? When he was in a coma she couldn't ask him. Why isn't she asking him now, drunken stupor aside?

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I am confused. So apparently I ff'd by the scene where Neil admits to Nikki that he did not witness Jack signing the contract. So why is Nikki boo-hooing that she witnessed a contract that wasn't actually signed by Jack in the first place. Why isn't she running to Fack, thinking he is Jack, and asking him why he is going along as if he signed a contract to unite Jabot and Newman when he actually didn't? When he was in a coma she couldn't ask him. Why isn't she asking him now, drunken stupor aside?

This would be awesome, because Farko would say he signed it and that Drinki witnessed it.  Which is why it won't happen, yet.

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This would be awesome, because Farko would say he signed it and that Drinki witnessed it.


I am sure you are right Banana- lol -  but the fact that Nikki isn't asking him makes no sense. Also makes no sense that Victor isn't mad at Neil for telling Nikki that Jack did not sign the contract. Nikki believed that Jack signed not because Victor told her he did, but because Neil told her Jack signed. So why isn't Victor blaming Neil for Nikki now refusing to come home and drinking again?

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They mentioned Ronan as a person that could help them.  Paul wants Cricket to come with and she says yes.  Washington, here we come.

Awesome recap, bannana.  Just thinking, wouldn't it be wonderful if Paulie tightpants and the bug would just stay in Washington, and that hot Ronan could come back and be the Police Chief.  He might not do a better job, but he would sure look better not doing it.  Joe is looking better by the minute and we have Gabe/Adam, but another hottie wouldn't hurt.  Since we have no show, maybe we could have more eye candy.

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I have been reading Jeanne Cooper's memoirs and she says DD was quite the hottie back in the day.  Is this true?

Yes he sure was. I thought he was very sexy and handsome! He was one of my favorites back then. Did you know that he was besties with the singer/actor Rick Springfield? They went to acting classes together and Rick lived with Doug's sister, who was a model for 3 years. Doug and Rick are still friends today.

Peacheslatour since I absolutely love your hashtags regarding Sick (he hasn't even offered her a glass of water!) I searched out a few photos of DD when he was younger (I couldn't get the images to post, so I posted links).







Ooh La La! DD was one sexy hunk!!!

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Peacheslatour since I absolutely love your hashtags regarding Sick (he hasn't even offered her a glass of water!) I searched out a few photos of DD when he was younger (I couldn't get the images to post, so I posted links).







I had the same problem - just put that little box up in the top left corner.  We need to get boes to give us lessons - he obviously has no problem posting pictures.   lol

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Thanks Margamo!  Wow he's almost unrecognizable now.  Getting old sure sucks.

That is does trust me! DD then and now isn't as drastic and depressing as comparing David Lee Roth from the 80's to now, or myself for that matter! :)  My new non generic avatar is in appreciation for the Sick Hashtags - I call it #notevenacrumb (though what she is getting...a pic is worth a thousand words). 


I had the same problem - just put that little box up in the top left corner.  We need to get boes to give us lessons - he obviously has no problem posting pictures.   lol

Movinon - thank you so much! I figured out what I was doing wrong! :) Last pic - I just found it and it's better than the last two.



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I see from the pic above Paulie Tightpants always liked tight pants.


I never found DD attractive. Total mileage thing. Even when he was young he was always meh. I didn't even love Peter Bergman when he first came on. But I was sulking over losing Terry Lester and declared PB too "conventionally handsome" for my young tastes. lol. The older PB's gotten the more I find him sexy. :) He's a total fine wine. Blessed with that thick hair and he keeps trim. In his case aging does not suck. :)

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OH MY!!!! ♥♥♥♥ Paulie Tightpants was hot!!!!

I see from the pic above Paulie Tightpants always liked tight pants.


I never found DD attractive. Total mileage thing. Even when he was young he was always meh. I didn't even love Peter Bergman when he first came on. But I was sulking over losing Terry Lester and declared PB too "conventionally handsome" for my young tastes. lol. The older PB's gotten the more I find him sexy. :) He's a total fine wine. Blessed with that thick hair and he keeps trim. In his case aging does not suck. :)

I loved them both Terry Lester and Peter Bergman. And you are right PB is aging like a fine wine!

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Billy is babysitting Connor at the Penthouse because daycare couldn’t reach Chelz so they contacted Billy.  Gabe shows up.  A bunch of blah blah between them, and Gabe says Billy is not Connor’s father and he should remember that. 


Farko wants Chelz to throw a part for the Abbotts and Newmans to celebrate the merger.  (This should be good.)  Chelz asks him why he is being so nice to her after she cheated on Billy, and Ash walks in and says:  that’s a damn good question.  Ash is pissed that Chelz went over Ashley’s head to go to Farko.  Farko says that Ash, Billy and Vic nixed the children’s line and it was personal.  Chelz gets called by Billy to come home cause Connor is sick, nothing serious.  Later Ash concedes to Farko that he is back to his old Jack self, being decisive, after she first accuses him of not being his old self, and being impulsive.  Farko has convinced Ash that he wants the Abbotts and Newmans working together.  Ash said she wants Farko to be true to Jabot, and never go back to being Pod-Jack.


Phyllis shows up at Joe’s rehab.  She is worried that Avery has let go of Dylan too easily.  Avery tells Phyll rather snippily that she knows what she is doing.   Later Phyllis figures that Joe has plateaued in his recovery as a way to keep Avery in Chicago.  She tells Joe to stop using Avery.  Avery tells Phyll to leave.  Phyll wants to get closer to Avery, and wants her to come to the party but Avery sees it as a ploy to get her back with Dylan.


Island Girl is going to leave Jack uncuffed while she runs some errands.  She has a chain on his ankle.  She wants to know if she can trust him and reminds him of  when he stabbed her.  He appears to be compliant but I think he is faking.  When she leaves, he gets up and walks over to the plate of fruit and he looks at the knife, but then just cuts a piece of fruit with it and goes back to the bed leaving the knife on the table.  Kelly is watching via a hidden camera and is pleased that Jack is completely compliant.    Later she sees him walk toward the door and she has a baseball bat ready to clobber him but he just closes the door and goes back to the bed to read.


Island Girl tells Jack that he has passed all her tests and that now their life together can begin.  But then she says that if Jack cannot truly love her he should just get up and walk out of the cabin.  Jack tells her he wants to be with her, and kisses her.  Later he wakes up naked in bed, and looks at his hand which is uncuffed but has blood on it.  He rolls over and finds Kelly apparently DEAD with blood running out of her mouth and he looks completely surprised.


Billy and Gabe get into it about Adam.  Billy says Adam left his dead daughter on the side of the road.  Gabe says that Billy left Delia in the car alone.  Billy wants to know how Gabe knows these things.  Gabe says he has heard things, and that Adam would not knowingly hurt a child.  Billy says Adam confessed to him.  This was quite a weird scene, and I cannot believe Billy didn’t realize Gabe is Adam.  Doofus.  They get into it again in front of Chelz and she says they should be more like Farko, who is trying to get everyone working together.


Ash and Billy are at the lab.  They talk about Gabe and Chelz.  Billy describes Gabe as an avenging angel sent down by Adam to get in Billy’s face.  Billy says Gabe is obsessed with Chelz and knows stuff, like about Delia and how she died.  Billy wonders why a stranger would be working so hard to defend Adam. 


Chelz and Gabe are still at her place and she is telling Gabe to stop fighting.  Gabe says:  he is never going to forgive me for taking away someone he loves, and he says he is not talking about Chelz.  Whoops.  Gabe sidesteps, and then tells Chelz that they were meant to be together and he will be her second great love.


Phyllis shows up at Farko’s office.  He says he is going to do an all-nighter at work.    They cuddle on his office chair, and he says he wants to make love to her like before, before they were married.  And she doesn’t find this suspicious!


Previews:  Island Cop to Pricktor:  We have a problem, Kelly’s dead and Jack is gone, and Prick looks stunned (really, Prick, what did you expect?); at the merger party, Dick tells Drunki Prick and Vic that he and Sage are having a baby, and Drunki says: what? And Vic says, are you sure it is yours?;  also at the party, Hilary to Lily, how dare you mention my mother, you are not fit, and then she lunges at her.  Lily and Phyllis are in fancy clothes and Phyllis tries to help Lily, and Devon is trying to restrain Hilary.

Edited by bannana
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Is Kelly FINALLY dead?????????? I cannot WAIT to see her lifeless face.

They shoot six weeks ahead, right? Sounds about accurate - six weeks ago is when CM began to seem a bit maudlin on Twitter.

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That scene when Gabadam says to Billy that he got home kind of late with Connor, and Billy very calmly listed everything that he and Connor had done since Billy picked him up at daycare (go to the doctor, wait there for an hour, pick up prescription, etc). That was great. Knocked the wind right out of Gabadam's sails!

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I see from the pic above Paulie Tightpants always liked tight pants.


I bet that those very same pants he's wearing in this beefcake shot are still on him, but by now absorbed into his body - lining his colon, as NinjaPenguins told us.  

Talk about the "distressed" look.....

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I was wondering with Kelly dead (and she is dead; her face was hilarious with the eyes wide open -- hammy to the end) how Jack will be prevented from getting back to GC. He has to be delayed or the Fack/Jack story will end and Pratt has said it will go on for some time. But now that I watched, it's clear Jack is totally fucked up. I think we are to assume Kelly successfully brainwashed him -- drugged or not. He didn't seem to remember Phyllis at all. Now he's going to think he killed the wife he loves, Kelly. So I'm guessing he's going to wander around aimlessly. Doesn't explain how Kelly died -- unless Jack's messed up brain caused him to do it and he blocked it out. 


Eww on Farko appearing to come on to Chelsea even more today. Seriously, show, she's not that woman. I could see him coming on to Sharon or Ashley or Hilary. But Chelsea???? ugh.

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Those old scenes of Nikki and Doug were so pretty babyish. They looked like just hatched chicks. Dylan should look like an Easter egg.


Wana bet Jack gets arrested (thanks to Prick probably) And gets rescued in the Nick (sic) of time before getting a jail-lover. 


Ronan comes back with Jamie who is the next threat to... guess who.


Welcome to the adventures of Bummer, the star of the show. Talk about having photo's of someone with  a goat. Better than talent.


She's the next Mary Stuart, Erica Kane and Vicky Lord Buchanan all in one.


I was thinking on some of the golden days when Soaps had occasional sweet scenes - dog forbid Nikki bought Dylan a coffee machine for Christmas and they shared the first cups and had a nice scene. Everything is so heated, overblown, over dressed where sex or possession is the only love. No one has a friend. Even the kids can't be friends.


(GH can't do kids well, it has them as mini creepy adults plotting against each other over romances) Y&R Could do better but I doubt it. They'll have grown children turn up and expect us to care - or even know who the hell they are.

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That scene when Gabadam says to Billy that he got home kind of late with Connor, and Billy very calmly listed everything that he and Connor had done since Billy picked him up at daycare (go to the doctor, wait there for an hour, pick up prescription, etc). That was great. Knocked the wind right out of Gabadam's sails!

Yes, and thanks Capricasix for noting that.  I was in a time crunch today and wanted to get the big news out about Kelly's death, but normally, I would have loved to detail that all out for our US fans.  The exchanges between Gabe and Billy today were awesome.  Crazily, I didn't even dislike BJ and normally I only like him in biz situations.


But at some point, why is Billy not saying, if it looks like an Adam (sort of), and quacks like an Adam, it is an Adam?  

I was wondering with Kelly dead (and she is dead; her face was hilarious with the eyes wide open -- hammy to the end) how Jack will be prevented from getting back to GC. He has to be delayed or the Fack/Jack story will end and Pratt has said it will go on for some time. But now that I watched, it's clear Jack is totally fucked up. I think we are to assume Kelly successfully brainwashed him -- drugged or not. He didn't seem to remember Phyllis at all. Now he's going to think he killed the wife he loves, Kelly. So I'm guessing he's going to wander around aimlessly. Doesn't explain how Kelly died -- unless Jack's messed up brain caused him to do it and he blocked it out. 


Eww on Farko appearing to come on to Chelsea even more today. Seriously, show, she's not that woman. I could see him coming on to Sharon or Ashley or Hilary. But Chelsea???? ugh.

I think Kelly is dead based on the previews and her tweets from awhile back.  I really didn't think that Jack was brainwashed and that he was playing along for the big escape.  That could still be true.  He could have screwed her, to secure her trust, and someone else could have murdered her (but who?).  Until we know how she died it is tough to say, but she could also have killed herself, I guess.  I just want to believe that Jack was Jack and was playing her.  Sigh.

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I just want to believe that Jack was Jack and was playing her.



Me too. But then he'd call someone in GC straightaway or find his way to a consulate or something. Then the jig would be up for Victor and it's much too soon. That's why I think he is actually messed up. And why would he bother having sex with her? She'd already untied him. He had her trust and there was a knife nearby. Not that he couldn't have bashed her head in. But he was child-like and dopey, even when Kelly left him alone.


It's possible someone ordered the killing (Farko) and for Jack to be re-abducted. But why bother? Why not kill him too?


I have a feeling he will run into an old Marko associate or enemy who will assume he's the drug lord. 


Pratt isn't done beating the shit out of Jack yet. 


It will be a long and winding road home for our Jack. But at least he's not on a farm in Kansas with a blind woman and a cow named Bessie. That was fucking unreal. (Bill Bell was not always great.)

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Thanks Margamo!  Wow he's almost unrecognizable now.  Getting old sure sucks.

Eh. I don't think he's that bad. And I kinda/sorta remember what Paul looked like back in the day.


See what I did just now^? I thought I'd respond to the description of Paul as "unrecognizable". Then, suddenly I saw the photo Margamo posted, and my brain was flooded with ohmygodwherethehelldidthatcomefrom?




If we didn't see Jack actually kill her, I'm sure he didn't. Though he had every right. But he'll think he did.


You know what, miamama? Right now I don't care if Jack killed Kelly or not. I'm just glad she's gone.


The thoughts I have about these characters. I swear, if I thought the same way about real people, I'd be going to hell. ;)

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I see from the pic above Paulie Tightpants always liked tight pants.


I never found DD attractive. Total mileage thing. Even when he was young he was always meh. I didn't even love Peter Bergman when he first came on. But I was sulking over losing Terry Lester and declared PB too "conventionally handsome" for my young tastes. lol. The older PB's gotten the more I find him sexy. :) He's a total fine wine. Blessed with that thick hair and he keeps trim. In his case aging does not suck. :)

I totally agree about DD - just wasn't my cup of tea, even at his best.  But I was thrilled to see Peter Bergman from the beginning and he just gets better with age.  I think he's the reason we bitch about Billy - the comparison is just so overwhelming.  

Edited by movinon
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You know what, miamama? Right now I don't care if Jack killed Kelly or not. I'm just glad she's gone.


I can't describe the joy I feel. The relief. The letting out of jail sensation. Ding dong the witch is dead or when the snow melted in Narnia. 


I only wish I could have watched Jack stab her 100 times. 

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Those old scenes of Nikki and Doug were so pretty babyish. They looked like just hatched chicks. Dylan should look like an Easter egg.


Wana bet Jack gets arrested (thanks to Prick probably) And gets rescued in the Nick (sic) of time before getting a jail-lover. 


Ronan comes back with Jamie who is the next threat to... guess who.


Welcome to the adventures of Bummer, the star of the show. Talk about having photo's of someone with  a goat. Better than talent.


She's the next Mary Stuart, Erica Kane and Vicky Lord Buchanan all in one.


I was thinking on some of the golden days when Soaps had occasional sweet scenes - dog forbid Nikki bought Dylan a coffee machine for Christmas and they shared the first cups and had a nice scene. Everything is so heated, overblown, over dressed where sex or possession is the only love. No one has a friend. Even the kids can't be friends.


(GH can't do kids well, it has them as mini creepy adults plotting against each other over romances) Y&R Could do better but I doubt it. They'll have grown children turn up and expect us to care - or even know who the hell they are.

Hilarious OMG!! I can't stop laughing!!!

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Me too. But then he'd call someone in GC straightaway or find his way to a consulate or something. Then the jig would be up for Victor and it's much too soon. That's why I think he is actually messed up. And why would he bother having sex with her? She'd already untied him. He had her trust and there was a knife nearby. Not that he couldn't have bashed her head in. But he was child-like and dopey, even when Kelly left him alone.


It's possible someone ordered the killing (Farko) and for Jack to be re-abducted. But why bother? Why not kill him too?


I have a feeling he will run into an old Marko associate or enemy who will assume he's the drug lord. 


Pratt isn't done beating the shit out of Jack yet. 


It will be a long and winding road home for our Jack. But at least he's not on a farm in Kansas with a blind woman and a cow named Bessie. That was fucking unreal. (Bill Bell was not always great.)

Good thinking miamama.  If Farko knows where Jack is, he could have had him abducted, as his exit strategy.  Remember when Farko pointed out Prick had built in several exits for himself?  So, Farko had Kelly killed by the Island Cop, and Jack has been taken to another location (poor Jack!).  It pisses me off though that Jack was not playing her, I was waiting for him to shackle her to the bed and cut off her hair extensions and stick them into her mouth.  


Farko is keeping Jack alive as part of his exit strategy with Prick, I guess.

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Yes, yes. Makes sense. I couldn't figure out why he'd keep him alive. But that works. Farko would then have this to hold over Victor. And if anything happens to him (i.e. Farko), his people could ensure Jack be returned to his family to reveal all that Victor has done.


I was waiting for him to shackle her to the bed and cut off her hair extensions and stick them into her mouth.


OMG I'm dying. We've been ROBBED! Why couldn't we see a gruesome scene of Kelly being horrifically murdered by Jack. Dammit, show.

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Sage got a hair chop and looks far better!  On the subject of hair I wish Ashley didn't go to the extreme end of platinum highlights especially around her face, it washes her out and actually looks gray on her age and I wish she would also keep a shoulder length, looks like she is growing it.  MTS has thick hair and is rocking her 60's flip! 


I had to laugh watching Avery in physio in stiletto heels and wasn't it cute she and Phyllis rocked heels/skinny black pants and tops that matched their eyes!


Loved Kelly's wide-eyed stare into the camera!!  LOL

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I'm imagining a scenario where Neil is trying to drive Drinki to a "meeting" and they end up in the Miscarriage Lane at Rexx Rugg and out walks Sage!  Two tocks in a row -- that's bold writing!

OK, I should not have taken that gulp of coffee before reading that bolded part :)

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banana quote:

Farko is keeping Jack alive as part of his exit strategy with Prick, I guess.


If Farko really is this drug lord who somehow looks just like Jack, then he has had Kelly killed and Jack is going to be arrested by the Island 'cops' and extradited back to that Peruvian prison.  [assuming that what ever isle they are on has extradition with Peru.]  Which shows everyone in/of/connected with this show is dumber than a bag of hair. The news is going to show the capture of the drug lord replete with pictures and history, (and why have no pictures of this man shown up already?  I don't watch but I'm assuming he is such a secret drug lord he has taken care never to be photographed.).  I can't imagine that the GC captains of industry (aka Newbotts) only read the GC Times and will, therefore, miss the striking resemblance to Drug Lord and Jabot King shown on line and in the news media.  Farko better be long gone by then-but it will raise the question as to whom is really in the Peruvian Slammer.  (Peruvian prison-really? Is this the new orange?)  This will get Prictor off-because he will deny any knowledge of the true identity of Farko and he has the Friends Forever Epiphany of the UG Collapse to back up his recent behavior with 'Jack'.  And Farko is a scheming drug lord - sooo, he did it all.  Victurd wins again.

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Today is the big merger PARTY.  Which was planned in about 5 minutes.  Good thing for text-invites.



Farko is with the Newbots at the Lab, the hub of business activity these days.  He wants everyone to come to the PARTY and make nice.  Ash says he can count on her.  Abby says since she is a true Newbot, of course she will be there, and Ben agrees.  Billy is not thrilled and Vic agrees with Billy.  Farko says it must be because of the invite list that they are not thrilled.  Billy says that Chelz is staying home with Connor and is sure Gabe will be by her side.  With no self-awareness at all, Abby says:  what a guy.  Vic thinks this event feels rushed, what does Farko hope to gain with this happy happy joy joy event.  Ash pounces and says Prick is also part of this event and would Vic talk to her father like that.  Farko says this is all about the company, legacy of two families, blah blah.  They all say they will support Farko.  Vic separately talks to him about how Farko overrode her decision and wants him to reverse it.  Farko says he did it as a biz decision, not because he was letting his personal feelings affect him, as Vic did.  He blows her off.


Lily has heard about Hevon, because she sees them at the GCAC and confronts them.   She is dressed in a sparkly mini-dress.  She calls Hilary a lying piece of trash.  Hilary calls Lily a sanctimonious bitch.  Phyllis shows up and reminds them there is an important PARTY happening.  Hah!  Lily says Hilary wanted to avenge her mother’s death and asks her if Rose would be proud of her for all the lives she’s ruined, and Hilary takes offense, and lunges at her.  Devon and Phyllis stop them.  Lily cannot believe Devon, but he says this time he is being open and honest, and she calls him delusional and stomps off to her PARTY.



Prick is at the Ranch, and Neil is there talking about whether Drinki should go to the PARTY.  Prick thinks that is better than hanging out in a beautiful hotel room with a mini-bar as a companion.  Maybe, Prick, maybe.  Neil thinks it is a bad idea for her to go to the PARTY, it’s too much pressure.  Drinki appears.  Drinki says she is fine, she woke up stone cold sober thinking about Cassie.  Prick says he is glad Drinki came home.  She says she just came to pick up a sparkly dress for the PARTY.  


Drinki talks to Neil about the PARTY. He thinks she is too fragile and she says she is a lot stronger than the last time he saw her.  Wait, wasn’t that yesterday?!  Neil says she shouldn’t have to be white-knuckling her way through the day.  Neil thinks the PARTY will get ugly and he doesn’t want Drinki caught in the crosshairs.



Island cop discovers a dead Island Girl in the cottage by the ocean.  He calls Prick and tells him Kelly was murdered and Jack is gone.  Prick says, this is terrible she was so young.  IC says it is a tragedy.  Prick says they were supposed to take care of things, but obvi didn’t.  He asks when she died.  Island cop says she’s been dead for a while and there is no cash in her wallet. Prick figures Jack could be anywhere, but IC says it is a small island and they will find him.  He wants to know what to do with Kelly, and Prick says as far as the police are concerned she has been dead for months, but she deserves a proper burial.  IC says he will take care of it, and Prick says:  You find Jack Abbott, you make that your priority, or else! and then Prick looks at himself in the beveled window in the door which distorts his face into multiple images—WHICH MAKES ME THINK AGAIN THAT HE IS A DOPPELGANGER!  The problem is that Prick has done so many despicable things that this Prick is close to that but just more animated and reckless.  Maybe he will turn out to have a mental illness.  That would be rich.  Also, I don't think they showed Kelly's face today and not sure why that is other than budgetary reasons.

Prick rejoins Drinki and Neil and they tell him that Neil doesn’t want Drinki to go to the PARTY.  Prick says he wants her by his side, but Drinki said she is not doing it for Prick, and Neil is not going to make her change her mind.  She’s going because it is a family event and to show Dick and Vic that she is fine.



Sharon, looking fabulous with a side part, is very high strung and Dylan thinks it is because of the Sagebrush. She rushes out.

Dick is at Cassie’s grave.  I thought we just had the birthday anniversary?  These two dates (birth and death) seem to happen with alarming frequency.  He tells Cassie he has successfully impregnated another woman.  Sharon shows up with flowers for Cassie and overhears.  Sharon says she will give Dick privacy and leave, but he asks her to stay.  They reminisce about Cassie.  Dylan had followed Sharon and sees her with Dick and walks away.  They reminisce some more blah blah. 



Stabby are at the Lab and Ash kind of barks at them and walks out, and Abby is mystified and wonders whether the fact she is doing the same guy her mom did might have something to do with it.  Did I mention I loathe Stabby?.  I hope Ash fires them both or at least spits on them.


Villy are still mumbling about the PARTY and Vic wants to go because of the trainwreck factor and then she says:  I still have a hard time believing Jack signed off on this merger of his own free will.  WTF???  That’s Ash and Billy have said all along but I don’t think we ever heard Vic say that.  I guess now that Prick demoted her she is telling the truth.  Vic thinks Billy should avoid the PARTY, but Billy says he won’t cross the line as long as Prick doesn’t.

Sharon shows up at CL to see Dylan and they talk about Cassie’s death briefly.  Sharon says that she receive an invite to the PARTY even though she doesn’t work there.  She thinks that Farko would not hurt her and she wants to go.  Dylan cautions her.


At the PARTY (which is like a pinball game with various characters pinging off each other into 30 second conversations):

  • Prick is talking to Vic and she tells him she is still pissed at him for promoting a guy who has been in town for five minutes.  Prick says he gets to make all the decisions and she needs to get along with Gabe.
  • Drinki worries with Phyllis that Farko has jumped back into work too quickly.  Phyll says that Farko is doing the right thing for him and the company and he is more like himself again.

  • Neil shows up with Gwen, or as Lily says, the woman that Devon was pretending to date while he was sleeping with my stepmother.  Lily kind of likes that Neil is messing with Devon but not sure she likes him with Gwen.  Hilary tells Gwen that she is worried about Neil and Gwen isn’t buying it and tells Hevon they both repulse her.

  • Ash has it out with Ben and tells him she has feelings for him.  She was okay with him going back to Vic, but when he broke up with Vic and then bypased Ash and went to Abby, she was hurt.  Ben is stupefied.  Ash doesn’t want Abby to know.  Later Abby wants to know what's up.  Ben is shaken and he leaves and says he is going back to work.
  • Dick announces to his family that he and Sage are having a baby.  Drinki is appalled.  As is Prick.  Phyllis wishes Dick well.  Drinki wonders why Phyll is okay with this, and she says she is not the one who changed the paternity test.  Drinki laughs and says to be a fly on the wall when Sharon finds out, and Dick says she knows and is fine.  Prick doesn’t buy it and tells Dick to watch his back.

  • Sharon and Dylan show up and Drinki is not impressed to see them together.  Later Dylan tells Drinki that he broke up with Avery.  And she warns him about Sharon and wants him to stay away from her.  She is totally freaked out by this almost as if her pet just died, and then boom, she heads for the champagne and chugs a glass.
  • Prick takes a call from IC who says they haven’t found Jack, and Prick says find that SOB, I don’t want him coming here  and ruining everything.

  • Jack makes a toast.  He says he looks at NA as the merger of two great families blah blah.  And that today is the anniversary of Cassie’s death, and he breaks up a bit, and announces that he is funding a new pediatric wing at the hospital in Cassie’s name.  That is why he invited Sharon.  Ash, Prick and Abby are watching and say that was unexpected, and then whoever was spying on Prick earlier walks toward them, and Prick walks toward the camera and says:  you should not be here.  Who can this be?  From the previews I am guessing it's Sage.  But it could also be Mariah. 


Previews:  Cop to Kevin, what the hell are you doing on the Chief's computer? Dylan to Drinki are you okay, and she says, no:  Lily to the guests, there has been a severe car accident and the valet says it was driven by someone from the PARTY.  I bet that it's Ben, but in the preview Prick is also wondering where Drinki is.

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Thanks Bannana! That looked like a tough one to recap with all the players.


Drinki wonders why Phyll is okay with this, and she says she is not the one who changed the paternity test.


Will this show never tire of trashing Sharon? Why the fuck would Phyllis care if Nick and his wandering dick impregnated someone? He was most recently engaged to her sister for god's sake. I'd say she's moved on. But we had to have this line so the Sharon bashing could begin.


I wonder why Farko did this Cassie wing thing? What's up with that?


Who would Victor say that to? He wouldn't feel so strongly about Sage would he? Or Mariah? It can't be Jack can it? He's become a moron apparently so he couldn't make it home that fast.


Another car crash? sigh. 

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