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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Thanks all for the feedback, it takes a while to do so it's good to know that people get something out of it.  They will hopefully get shorter, but when good shit is happening I feel like I need to share it all!


Share! Share!! Love the detail. Our fruit cappers rock!!


I watched it and OMG Fack is so hilarious. His face when it was clear Billy was going to put on a show was so funny. He sat forward all excited. It was like "Holy shit these people are insane but so entertaining!"


Agreed that the lines fell pretty flat with BJ's Billy. But it was still pretty funny. Glad the relationship was blown out of the water. Might as well make it entertaining for a few minutes after months of "Chelly" hell.


Have to add again that MCE is so lame. I didn't find her sadness compelling in the least. Not because I don't like her (I don't) but she goes into that panting, gasping crap and ugh. Takes me right out of the scene.

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Thank you, BANNANA, your recaps ROCK! They are perfect in every way, and they're better than watching the show, except that I will be tuning in for this one.


Edited by msblossom
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The Herb


Thanks Peacheslatour - that may be one of the best nicknames ever. I think I am going to refer to Sage from now on as Herb.


Best line today was Fack saying that he wasn't worried about missing Billy's wedding because he would eventually have another one. Priceless. Also loved Fack's golfing outfit. PB really needs to spend more time out of suits.


Paulie needs to resign as Chief of Police and put Kevin in charge. The killer obviously is familiar with Paul's lack of deduction skills.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I heard Victoria might be leaving for a spell. Maybe she'll flee in shame over her behavior when she finds out daddy is a proxy rapist and kidnapper.... and in cahoots with Delia killer. Nah. She'll be "Daddy!" and then be up his butt in a week.


Maybe she'll take her billions, scrape off dad and go live near her kid Washisname. How crap a mother is she?

Or how great would it be if Victoria leaves and comes back played by the great true blue-blooded bitch Heather Tom?

I would be over the moon and I think I could go back to watching on a regular basis.

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Everything Old Ass Billy said about CinderCon was right except that shit never bothered him before he found out she cheated with Gabe. Annnd he admitted first to kissing Mop and wanting it to go further ("we both did") but stopped out of respect for Chels.

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Share! Share!! Love the detail. Our fruit cappers rock!!


I watched it and OMG Fack is so hilarious. His face when it was clear Billy was going to put on a show was so funny. He sat forward all excited. It was like "Holy shit these people are insane but so entertaining!"


Agreed that the lines fell pretty flat with BJ's Billy. But it was still pretty funny. Glad the relationship was blown out of the water. Might as well make it entertaining for a few minutes after months of "Chelly" hell.


Have to add again that MCE is so lame. I didn't find her sadness compelling in the least. Not because I don't like her (I don't) but she goes into that panting, gasping crap and ugh. Takes me right out of the scene.

Did you see it when Billy started going on about how he and Jack had made some mistakes? Fack nodded earnestly, and I nearly died.


​bannana, do you have a web site? 

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Another fan of bannana's awesome recaps.  How I enjoy the snark, the ability to know which scenes to FF in advance, etc. 


So, who thinks that Gabe's way of consoling Gasping Flounder Chels might be a round of the Palindrome Game?  Certainly this is one of the things they covered in her GED prep.  He can start off with TACO CAT (so easy Nick could get it) and work his way up to the classic MADAM I'M ADAM.  Cut. End scene. 

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Random thought: Aside from Kyle (who someone else mentioned as a suspect), what if the killer in the latest Genoa City Whodunit is a cop?

Edited by C76
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Random thought: Aside from Kyle (who someone else mentioned as a suspect), what if the killer in the latest Genoa City Whodunit is a cop?


Yes, doesn't it have to be someone with access to the police computers and someone who could doctor the tape with the date/time stamp.  That cop that is returning, forget his name?  How close are we to finding out, losing interest!

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Did you see it when Billy started going on about how he and Jack had made some mistakes? Fack nodded earnestly, and I nearly died.


​bannana, do you have a web site? 

No website.  Crazily, I have a very busy career, but somehow doing these recaps, though time-consuming, is kind of relaxing.

Random thought: Aside from Kyle (who someone else mentioned as a suspect), what if the killer in the latest Genoa City Whodunit is a cop?

Yes, I have been speculating Harding from almost the beginning. It has to be a cop or lawyer or someone who works there because the killer was fully visible to the cops when he damaged the computers--I think it was Courtney's but it damaged all.  A cop was less than two feet away from him/her.

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It's weird. bannana, thanks for mentioning his name--my mind was on Harding. Yet if he's guilty, I can't imagine what his motive was/is.

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So shockingly, the show was good again today.  Not what I expected.  And I am even going to say something nice about Dummer.  I loved her necklace.


Prick and Nic are at the GCAC, and Nick thinks that Prick wants him to come back to work for him.  Nick is super excited to report that the Underground is reopening tonight, and he needs to be there to tend to his half dozen friends and family guests.  But Prick really wants to find out about Gabe.  Gabe saunters over.  Prick: Speak of the devil.  Gabe: I will take that as a compliment coming from you.  Mind telling me why you are priming my old boarding school pal for info about me?  Nick would like to know that too.  Prick explains that he has inherited a bunch of staff he doesn't know through the merger and he likes to vet people before he hires them (Wait, didn't he separately approach Gabe to offer him a job working directly for Prick for more money and as a mediator?  I think that was only yesterday in GC time.  Prick has early onset you know what.).  Gabe rightly points out that he already knows his background seeing as he screwed over his father--this is all news to Nick, and Prick just sidesteps all of that.  Gabe says that TGVN is intimidated by him, and this makes Prick laugh that heh heh heh thing he has been doing for a while now.


Prick:  Sonny boy, you don't know what you are getting into.  I've surmised that you have an enormous ego--if I were you I would check that ego, okay? Gabe:  I am not afraid of you Victor.  Prick:  I love guys like you, cocky, full of themselves, that's just what I like.  (okay at this point if I didn't know that Prick was Gabe's father, I would have thought we were going down another road with these two.) Prick gets up to leave and Gabe hand waves him by saying, after you and Prick looks pissed, and says Watch it.  Gabe tells Nick, I love that guy, and Nick warns him that he doesn't know what he is up against, and of course for the 100th time Gabe says, I think I do, more than you know.  Seriously, I have long abandoned my disappointment that Adam didn't try to play this long con properly and protect his identity at all cost, but Gabe is telegraphing to the world that he is Adam and no one gets it.  Argh.

Gabe and Nick talk about Prick, and Gabe says he is confident cause he has done his research plus all that stuff with Harrison.  Nick: Congrats, you have everything figured out.  Gabe: not everything though I was right about you dumping Sage on her ass.  Nick says the only reason Sage is confiding in Gabe is cause she has been under his thumb for years, and all the while he was chasing Chelz and then ruined her wedding, but Gabe rightly points out that Billy did that all on his own.


Billy apparently broke the internet, according to Victoria, who bumps into him at CLER.  It turns out he posted a video of the not wedding.  Billy admits that he and Chelz were a mistake from the beginning.  Go figure a relationship that started out with her drugging me so she could have sex with me while I'm unconscious, didn't end well. No kidding, Billy, I think we have been saying this for years.  Vic thinks that Billy got her back good, even better than a Scarlet letter.  I guess Billy doesn’t know that Ben is with Abby, cause he still thinks he is with Vic, and she doesn’t bother to correct.  My fave thing though, when Vic said that Billy shouldn’t get bitter, there’s a lot of that going around these days, according to her.  Hah!

Chelz is on her way to a meeting but before she goes, Anita points out that Chelz should be setting her sights on Gabe, with his great abs and chiselled face.  Anita:  Obvi you agree with me, you shacked up with Mr Hunka hunka burning love.  Chelz wonders how Anita knows about his abs, and Anita says, a woman can dream. Chelz says sleeping with Gabe was the biggest mistake of her life.  (Really Chelsea?  The biggest mistake?  I am sure if I spent 20 seconds on this I could come up with 5 bigger mistakes.  Here's one:  turning down the $10 million that Pricktor offered you to leave town after the Billy con.)


Back to the Scoobies:

Ben and Abby are at the lab, apparently the only Newman/Abbott workspace left.  They aren't worried about work and what to do now that Hex has been shelved. They are reviewing the new developments, notably that the video evidence and latex prints suggest Sharon is innocent.  Ben is worried that the real killer knows that they know and he promises to protect Abby.  Ash walks in on their PDA and suggests that Ben get a job elsewhere.  Abby tells Ash this is something big, not a fling, and Ben has a “shit, I didn’t sign up for this” look.  Ash says, let’s get back to work, if you can stop groping for a few...Abby runs out (very professional!) and Victoria sees it.  Ben is idiotically smug.



Over at Dummer's fully paid for apartment (but she doesn't want to be one of those people), Gnome confirms that the deli was closed so the time stamp was tampered with.  They decide Paul needs to know, but won't listen to them, so they decide to recruit Dylan.  Little do they know that Paul, Best Daddy in the World, is currently with Dylan, and he isn't buying anything he's selling.  In fact, Paul thinks Sharon is guilty and that Dylan is stupid for helping her.  Paul:  Stop telling me how to do my job!  Paul is actually a real asshole this entire episode. Not sure where they are going with this other than to make him look more stupid than he usually does.  Paul implies that something else is going on between Dylan and Sharon for him to be so invested, and he wonders what Avery thinks about it.  Dylan's response:  Avery's busy helping Joe rehab right now.  Hah!  I have got to figure out how to use rehab as a verb in my real life. 

More awkward shit with Gnummer.  She has a problem that he is going to play golf with his dad.  He calls her out and basically says she is the reason her marriage went wrong.  Later they argue again and she is pissed that he is going to play golf.  I am an occasional (almost never) golfer and I am offended by her aggressiveness against his golf playing.


Abby shows up at Scooby-ville to lament that Ben doesn’t love her and of course Dummer is not impressed and stomps off.  Abby and Gnome, blah blah, re Dummer.  At CLER, Dummer is annoyed that everone else is not on the case, trying to find the killer.  Nick walks in and Noah tells him that Sharon is not the killer.  Nick is not convinced.  He actually had a look on his face like he had some lower body distress.


More Paul being an idiot, but now it because the GCPD computers are compromised (what, again?).  He still won’t admit that if someone stole/compromised computers, that actually makes Sharon seem more innocent.  Maybe Paul is the killer?


Pricktor meets Chelz at the pool bar lounge.  What is happening here? All biz takes place in the lab and suddenly all meetings take place in the pool bar lounge.  Are we really supposed to believe that Pricktor would go to the pool bar lounge?


Chelz says she is a tramp, but Prick disagrees.  He wants Chelz back at NA and she agrees.  She will have full creative control.  Prick is probing around the relationship she has with Gabe.  Will she be comfortable?  She says they really don’t know each other, except for the hot sex they had.  Prick notes that he went into a burning building to save her son (hey Prick-hole, that was also your grandson he saved!).

So Billy is at the penthouse collecting his belongings: a book, a picture.  (And finally two coffee mugs that look completely generic.  He walks out of there with a half a small duffle of belongings. That should tell us something.)


Anita is there and points out that he doesn’t have a right to be with Connor after the way he treated his mother—(and I agree).  Anita lets him say goodbye to Connor.  Billy explains to Connor that he won’t be living there anymore.  That’s the way the world works, things change and people like Billy need to trash your mommy on the internet and make sure everyone knows what she did.  But I love you Connor.  Oh yeah, and he sees Delia eyes when he looks at Connor.

Prick shows up at the Lab, the now only place of business for this huge conglomerate Newman/Abbott.  I love it.

Chelz is with him, and he announces that she is back in the fold. Queen Bitchtoria is harsh but Prick say they will work it out.  Not so much.

Vic goes on bitchy mode and Chelz gives it right back.  Then finally they get to the point.  Vic lashes out at Chelz for what she did to Billy and Chelz confronts Vic that she saw them kissing.  Vic is surprised!


Chelsea is not quitting, she wants to make Victoria’s life miserable.  Ash tries to connect with Victoria by saying she agrees with the way she treated Chelz and that Victoria was always best with Billy.  Nice play, Ashley!

Gabe and Billy get into it—Gabe tells Billy he was a sub baby sitter, not Connor’s father.  Billy punches Gabe in the face.  Gabe lets Billy know that Chelz saw Villy sucking face and that is why she went to Gabe.  Chelz walks in and says how could you Billy!  Billy says he was a mark in another long con for her.  Chelz says to Gabe, everything Billy said about her is true.

Previews:  Prick to Fack: You arrogant jack-ass, you do not undo what I have worked so hard to build up.    Kyle to Prick: Where do you get off talking to my dad like that.  Real Jack is being kissed by Kelly and stabs her in the neck.

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Another great recap, bannana.  I love reading these a day ahead.  I have the sick baby one more day, and on Sunday I will catch up on 2 US days.  Thanks again - you are doing such a great job. 

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OMG Paul's voice I just can't anymore especially when he yells his scenes now, he is just plain angry all the time, can't stand him and can't listen to that tortured voice.  


I think Kevin/Michael and Dylan are using the same color to comb through their grays while Paul is using a slighter lighter shade!  LOL  Sharon looked amazing in that green dress! 


Did anyone else notice the weird vibes going on with JH/EB during the GCAC scenes with Nick?  I wasn't sure if someone forgot their lines and adlibbed because both seemed to be laughing and working hard at not laughing harder, even Nick was smirking.  

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Thanks Bannana! Great recaps! If I ever had anything to like about Dickweed whatever it was has been blown to smithereens! What a self centered prick!

After Sharon sticking up for his hot headed fist pummeling and saving his custody of their daughter, the one he has no problem of using to punish her with, he can't work up a smidgen of decency for his son in saying maybe his mother just might be the victim of a murder setup. I loathe this stupid bastard.

And then all the crap he spews at Gabadam about controlling Herb and having her under his thumb.Calling him selfish and only thinking about himself! What has this stinky toed bitch been telling this asshole?

And Dickweed needs to take a good long look in his bathroom mirror because everything he says to his half brother describes him to a tee! Geezz just like Phylthy jumping Chelsea for cheating on Billy! These hypocrites are totally clueless!

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I saw the same thing Foghorn. Someone screwed up and with one take I guess you just carry on. I wish there were blooper vids on line somewhere. JH looks like he could be a bit of a joker.

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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Paul has got to be the worst police chief to ever draw a breath.He is just completely worthless. I used to like him but no chief of police could ever be this stupid.

I can't believe they would believe a most likely around 110 pound woman could man handle a big strapping man like Austin and move him to a closet ,carry him out of a yard and put him in a car all the while it's proven she had her 7 year old daughter with her and was at a public place with the police chiefs son.

And then murdering a police woman,some how getting her out of the police station to the cabin and stuffing her in the same closet,then returning to the station and installing a virus on the computer to erase the files . Yeah makes sense to me.

I saw the same thing Foghorn. Someone screwed up and with one take I guess you just carry one. I wish there were blooper vids on line somewhere. JH looks like he could be a bit of a joker.

He really does and I loved that little twinkle in his eyes. All three looked like they were having a blast!
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What's more annoying than Paul's stupidity and tunnel vision regarding Sharon? It's how aggressive and smug he is about making her pay, even after he's confronted with piece after piece of exculpatory evidence. Keep fucking that chicken, Paul, and please do persuade Christine to prosecute the case before a jury. It would be nice to see both their careers crash and burn in a blaze of abject stupidity.

Hey Nick! That wasn't Gabe's thumb Sage was under. Ha ha ha. Dolt.

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What's more annoying than Paul's stupidity and tunnel vision regarding Sharon? It's how aggressive and smug he is about making her pay, even after he's confronted with piece after piece of exculpatory evidence. Keep fucking that chicken, Paul, and please do persuade Christine to prosecute the case before a jury. It would be nice to see both their careers crash and burn in a blaze of abject stupidity.

Hey Nick! That wasn't Gabe's thumb Sage was under. Ha ha ha. Dolt.


The chicken's in Intensive Care with hyperexhaustion, NP...with Christine out of commission, Paul will now be moving on to the role he was born for...fucking the dog.

He's got flop-sweat pouring off him like a mighty Niagara at this point. And, much as I never gave half a weak damn about Christine, her current MO as Valkyrie o' Vengeance is boring me into a stupor.

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OMG Paul's voice I just can't anymore especially when he yells his scenes now, he is just plain angry all the time, can't stand him and can't listen to that tortured voice.  


I think Kevin/Michael and Dylan are using the same color to comb through their grays while Paul is using a slighter lighter shade!  LOL  Sharon looked amazing in that green dress! 


Did anyone else notice the weird vibes going on with JH/EB during the GCAC scenes with Nick?  I wasn't sure if someone forgot their lines and adlibbed because both seemed to be laughing and working hard at not laughing harder, even Nick was smirking.  

Yes, his voice is so hoarse.  I get that when I get sick but I try not to scream at people, even when I don't have that.  Sharon did look gorgeous, and Ashley was stunning again.  Chelsea looked better in that black jumpsuit than she did on her wedding day.  Everything looked better, hair makeup.


I do think there was some adlibbing going on with JH/EB.  Especially that scene where Gabe sort of waves him through, and Prick says: Watch it.  These two are quite good together but that is all thanks to JH.  I feel he is improving  every day as Adam.

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I've got a bit of speculation. In order to get to it, I'm going to do an incredibly lazy recap of a few critical moments from today's show.


Jack stabbed Kelly in the neck with a pen. Shortly thereafter, he found a phone in her purse and dialled. He called Kyle. However, when Jack called, Kyle and Fack were racing around in Fack's sportscar. Fack answered Kyle's phone. Long story short, Jack now knows that Fack exists. 


Now then. Here's the part that intrigued me the most: Fack and Kyle got into an accident. Because of this, I predict that something will unravel. It HAS TO. I'm not sure what'll happen, exactly. Yet I doubt that Fack and Jack share a blood type, etc. Hopefully one of the nurses will say something to Phyllis. Then, that'll get the ball rolling in terms of discovering what Victor did.


As for the rest of the show, I have no real thoughts on Austin's death, other than the fact that a part of me wishes he wasn't really dead.


Also, I love the little girl who plays Faith. The person I watched with today joked that maybe she's the one who killed Austin. If only...

Edited by C76
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It was a wee bit exciting today with Jack stabbing Kelly in then neck WITH THE PEN SHE GAVE HIM!  And Jack getting a hold of her phone, and calling Kyle, but of course FACK ANSWERED!


But back to the beginning.  


Fack, Kyle and Phyllis are at the GCAC and Kyle is telling about driving the Ferrari and speeding, and Summer walks by.  She is aloof and uncomfortable.  Kyle says she has been weird lately and gives the example of the big dinner he planned for her and she rebuffed him.  Tonight is the big night where Nick will reopen the Underground--and tens of people will attend.  Phyllis is reticent to attend because of the explosion and it's been keeping her up at night.  Fack is not worried at all, and says it wasn't that bad--what are the  chances the same building will collapse on you--one in a bajillion?  (Which makes me think it could happen.)  He almost got caught when Phyll asked him if he remembered what he told her that night under the rubble.  Prick came to the rescue.   Phyllis leaves to get ready for the party (but I am pretty sure she is wearing the same outfit later on).  Fack stands and watches her leave the room, and Prick says:  Will you sit down!   Then when they are alone, Prick berates Fack, and Fack says:  all work and no play....and Prick says:  You get back to the office, and act like Jack Abbott, you got that.  You arrogant jack-ass,  you do not undo everything that I worked so hard to build up.  You do what I tell you to do.  Kyle walks by and overhears and defends his father to Prick.  Fack says it's all fine, and Prick says Kyle is right, he has treated Kyle's father with disrespect and he apologizes.  Fack's reaction to this is hilarious.  Prick says he will see him at the office, and Fack says: right-ee-oh!  BTW, Fack is wearing a deep pink tie and pocket square!  Fack tries to cheer up Kyle and says he can drive the Ferrari to the UG.  Later Kyle says Fack is the best dad ever, and Fack says he should get a Ferrari for Kyle.  For some reason Kyle didn't bother me nearly as much today as he has to date.


Phyllis and Dummer blah blah about Kyle but the only interesting part of that is that Phyllis says that Jack seems different to her, when Dummer notes that Kyle is different.  So at least Phyllis is aware he is different but it seems like she likes this new Jack.


Back to our Misery plotline, Jack says it's been two days, so I guess he has had no food or drink for that long.  She gives him some water, but makes him apologize first, and then she makes him say Thank you Kelly.  Then she is eating in front of him and makes him say please and she feeds him and he spits it out and says he is not going to let her break him.  She tells him he's rude.  I don't know where the Miss Manners Kelly came from but I am pretty sure tying someone up and not feeding them is pretty damn rude.  He tells her she is demented, and she goes into a tirade and says she will leave him alone with no food or water, and then he backtracks and apologizes.  And then with her crazy Kelly face she says:  what are we going to do with you?


Kelly says they need to resolve this and Jack says how, and she says:  how about the old-fashioned way.  And Jack has a look of--oh shit no, I cannot get it up for this BSC bitch.  And Kelly laughs and says she was just kidding and decides that Jack can make up to her by writing her a love letter.  This is a pretty crazy idea, but then she is BSC so I guess it fits.  She undoes the restraint on his right hand, and he writes the love letter.  She reads it aloud and is very touched.  Of course she is too stupid to realize that it is a love letter to Phyllis.  She leans over to kiss him and he stabs her but good in the neck.  Kelly leaves him untied because she she kind of staggers and then sinks to the ground holding her wound.  She points out that she has screwed them both because she is the only one who knows where he is--so he has killed them both because she is dying and he will die then too (which reminds me of another Stephen King novel, Gerald's Game).  He begs her to give her the handcuff key so that he can go get help for her.  She refuses and passes out.  Jack manages to reach her purse and searches it for the key but it is not there.  But a cell phone is and he calls Kyle.  Now why he would call Kyle to tell him a crazy lady is holding him hostage, I don't know.  Billy would have been a more logical choice.  Kyle is driving the Ferrari and Fack answers the phone. (BTW, Kelly's purse is really ugly, it's one of the woven ones you buy cheap in the islands.)


Jack says:  who is this.  Fack says:  who is this.  Kyle says:  who's on the phone?  Fack insists that the caller identify himself and he says: This is Jack Abbott!  Who the hell is this?  Fack is flustered and Kyle is distracted by this and they crash.


Sharon and Michael are at her house discussing the case.  She encourages him to go to the UG reopening, but he reminds her that he and Lauren are separated.  Noah shows up with news about the case and says that Paul is close to dropping the charges.  He and Michael tell Sharon about the photo of her entering Austin's apt, and that it was tampered with.  Sharon is excited but Michael tries dampen her spirits and says it is not a done deal.  Sharon is happy that Noah believes her and asks about whether Nick knows.  Later Sharon is concerned about Michael's health and suggests he take a nap and she will do the same upstairs.  Michael falls asleep right away and Sharon comes down to get something and then she gets a look in her eye, and you just know what she is up to.  Sure enough she shows up at the UG.


At the UG Nick is showing Faith the new UG which she points out looks just like the old UG.  Nick is talking about how everything is great and the way it is supposed to be with Faith back with him, and she is smiling and Sage walks in and she gets a major pout on.  She is upset that Sage is there, because she thinks they are not seeing each other anymore, and Nick explains that Sage works at the UG.  Sage compliments Faith's beautiful dress, and Faith snarls that her mommy bought it for her.  Faith is unimpressed and Nick cannot cheer her up.  He makes her a milkshake, and asks if she knows the secret ingredient and she correctly says peanut butter.  Hmmm, interesting choice since peanut butter almost killed your other daughter Nick.  Mariah is there and she has wonderful chemistry with Faith, you can even tell the little actress loves CG.  Kevin tells Nick the news about Sharon's case, but he isn't so sure she's innocent.  Mariah calls him out on it and says that all the Newmans want Sharon to go to jail, even if she is innocent.  Sage, who is wearing a distractingly tight white dress, tells Nick she will wait for him until this Faith thing is resolved. 


Ben and Abby blah blah about that whole episode where Ben said he has feelings for Abby. I barely noticed it the first time around but we got to hear all about it today and Abby went on and on about how pathetic she is, and that she is a slut (yes, a slut), and that he is true blue and dedicated and devoted to his ex-wife.  Ben points out that he has jumped from bed to bed, and then she called Ben a man-whore.  I have no idea where they are going with this but I think Abby is a ruined character (not that she was great to begin with) and it just makes it more unpleasant to watch her every time she appears.  It gets worse when they go to the UG and Abby is wearing hot pants again.  Mariah has the best lines here:  Classy, Abby--showing up with a guy you stole from your sister at the place where you used to hook up with the guy you stole from your niece. And, the back room is available in case any of your other relatives show up with their boyfriends and you feel the strong urge to sleep with them as well.  And says to Nick, don't yell at me, tell her to stop slutting around GC.  They get into it, and it looks like we might get a catfight but the guys intervene and Nick says no one is fighting tonight.  Prick arrives and agrees. Mariah says she will make Abby a screwdriver! Noah goes to buy his ancient and wealthy grandpa a drink.  Ben and Abby get a table.  Phyllis shows up and says that Dummer won't be coming and that Jack and Kyle are coming together.  So if you don't count the employees, we have a good half dozen guests, all but two of whom are related to him.  When Sharon arrives she is dressed for clubbing and looks very satisfied with herself.  It was a little disturbing, like she's gone off the deep end.  Everyone looks positively stunned when she walks in, except Prick, who looks at her with contempt.


Previews:  Jack on the phone with someone saying, my son has been in some kind of and accident, and Kelly comes and lunges at him; Sharon is resisting arrest with a police officer at the UG (no doubt Prick called them; Avery is all bitchy to Dylan who comes to see her at rehab.


So some musing about Pricktor.  Kelly says no one but her knows where Jack is.  But we know that he shipped her "evidence" to show Jack that he is presumed dead.  So he knows where they are, and he clearly knows about the kidnapping.  And he knows Kelly is crazy.  I guess I just don't see how he is justifying all of this in his mind.  He's done a lot of evil things and gotten away with it.  The only way out here is if Kelly dies, which I guess she probably does.  And then he can say he had no idea about the kidnapping.  But Prick didn't know that Kelly would die, so what would have been his exit strategy then?  And how long would he have planned to keep Fack in place?  This whole thing baffles me, but I am highly entertained by Fack, so I am putting up with the unbelievability of it all.

I've got a bit of speculation. In order to get to it, I'm going to do an incredibly lazy recap of a few critical moments from today's show.


Jack stabbed Kelly in the neck with a pen. Shortly thereafter, he found a phone in her purse and dialled. He called Kyle. However, when Jack called, Kyle and Fack were racing around in Fack's sportscar. Fack answered Kyle's phone. Long story short, Jack now knows that Fack exists. 

C76, I am not certain that Jack knows that Fack is Fack.  Logically he should know, because he has his voice, but I wonder whether he really caught on to that.  I also think that the accident will create some confusion etc.  But until Kelly is dead--which I am assuming at some point she will be, I don't see Jack escaping.  

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banana, I know it may be a stretch, but for now I'm telling myself that Jack has an inkling about what's up. ;) Didn't he hear Kyle addressing someone as Dad? (As in,"Dad, who's that [on the phone]?")  


I mean...Yes, I'm making an assumption. It's just that I know these shows like to drag things out, and I love Fack. But I don't want this Fack/Jack nonsense to take too long. 


Sadly, I realize you're right about Jack's chances of escaping. The action onscreen gives me hope, but spoilers and various hints elsewhere suggest otherwise. 

Edited by C76
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Poor Jack! I am so glad that I have to work on afternoons when he's being tortured.

Sage is going to wait for Nick, huh? How romantic. That's like waiting for a poison oak genital massage. Only dumber.

Victor is a horror, like a "the four horsemen of the apocalypse gang banged Satan and Victor hatched from the resulting egg" horror. Like a "Cthulhu was lactose intolerant, ate a wheel of cheese, washed it down with a milkshake, and then used Genoa City as his outhouse to unleash a fully formed Victor from his nether regions" horror. I guess what I'm saying is that Victor is a bad person and possibly an evil demonic entity. The only drink Noah should buy him is a chalice full of holy water. Burn baby burn.

How sad that Jack used what could be his only phone call to dial 1-800-GNME-SUX.

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Fack answered Kyle's phone. Long story short, Jack now knows that Fack exists.


Yeah, as Bannana says, I don't think it's a given at all that Jack knows. The call was confused and he was weirded out by Fack's voice but that was about it. And Kyle kept saying "Dad...Dad...who is it?" So Jack might have thought Kyle somehow knew he was on the phone and was addressing him


Hard to say. What strikes me is that Fack knows Jack Abbott phoned him so Victor will double up whatever measures he has in place re: Jack with Kelly. He'll probably send Kelly a goon to help her. Jack won't escape yet. It's too soon based on what Pratt has said.


lol at Jack's face when Kelly seemed to suggest he'd have to get it up. Poor Jack indeed.


Agree that Kyle was less irritating. PB has that effect on actors. That and getting away from lusting after Summer.

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Why on earth would Jack call Kyle? Why not Billy or Ashley, or hell, why not Adam? If I were kidnapped by a psycho ex, I'm pretty sure I'd call someone with at least one brain cell, and enough power and clout to get a rescue effort going. Not some whiny, self-absorbed adolescent. He might as well have called Summer.

Show, stop trying to make the Garden Gnome relevant.

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WTH, Sharon? Why is everyone in GC an idiot?

Yes, that too! You're almost free of murder charges, Sharon. Why don't you try to stay out of trouble for at least a day. Sheesh.

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O.K. I know I am biased but Dayum!!!!! Sharon Case is smoking hot in that dress! Loved the way the camera panned from her feet slowly up to her head to get the full effect! I just have to say it. I think all the women on this show are beautiful but Sharon Case in my humble opinion is the most beautiful woman on this show!

Thanks Bannana! Great recaps of today's Canadian.

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Sharon and Michael are at her house discussing the case.  She encourages him to go to the UG reopening, but he reminds her that he and Lauren are separated.  Noah shows up with news about the case and says that Paul is close to dropping the charges.  He and Michael tell Sharon about the photo of her entering Austin's apt, and that it was tampered with.  Sharon is excited but Michael tries dampen her spirits and says it is not a done deal.  Sharon is happy that Noah believes her and asks about whether Nick knows.  Later Sharon is concerned about Michael's health and suggests he take a nap and she will do the same upstairs.  Michael falls asleep right away and Sharon comes down to get something and then she gets a look in her eye, and you just know what she is up to.  Sure enough she shows up at the UG.


At the UG Nick is showing Faith the new UG which she points out looks just like the old UG.  Nick is talking about how everything is great and the way it is supposed to be with Faith back with him, and she is smiling and Sage walks in and she gets a major pout on.  She is upset that Sage is there, because she thinks they are not seeing each other anymore, and Nick explains that Sage works at the UG.  Sage compliments Faith's beautiful dress, and Faith snarls that her mommy bought it for her.  Faith is unimpressed and Nick cannot cheer her up.  He makes her a milkshake, and asks if she knows the secret ingredient and she correctly says peanut butter.  Hmmm, interesting choice since peanut butter almost killed your other daughter Nick.  Mariah is there and she has wonderful chemistry with Faith, you can even tell the little actress loves CG.  Kevin tells Nick the news about Sharon's case, but he isn't so sure she's innocent.  Mariah calls him out on it and says that all the Newmans want Sharon to go to jail, even if she is innocent.  Sage, who is wearing a distractingly tight white dress, tells Nick she will wait for him until this Faith thing is resolved. 


Ben and Abby blah blah about that whole episode where Ben said he has feelings for Abby. I barely noticed it the first time around but we got to hear all about it today and Abby went on and on about how pathetic she is, and that she is a slut (yes, a slut), and that he is true blue and dedicated and devoted to his ex-wife.  Ben points out that he has jumped from bed to bed, and then she called Ben a man-whore.  I have no idea where they are going with this but I think Abby is a ruined character (not that she was great to begin with) and it just makes it more unpleasant to watch her every time she appears.  It gets worse when they go to the UG and Abby is wearing hot pants again.  Mariah has the best lines here:  Classy, Abby--showing up with a guy you stole from your sister at the place where you used to hook up with the guy you stole from your niece. And, the back room is available in case any of your other relatives show up with their boyfriends and you feel the strong urge to sleep with them as well.  And says to Nick, don't yell at me, tell her to stop slutting around GC.  They get into it, and it looks like we might get a catfight but the guys intervene and Nick says no one is fighting tonight.  Prick arrives and agrees. Mariah says she will make Abby a screwdriver! Noah goes to buy his ancient and wealthy grandpa a drink.  Ben and Abby get a table.  Phyllis shows up and says that Dummer won't be coming and that Jack and Kyle are coming together.  So if you don't count the employees, we have a good half dozen guests, all but two of whom are related to him.  When Sharon arrives she is dressed for clubbing and looks very satisfied with herself.  It was a little disturbing, like she's gone off the deep end.  Everyone looks positively stunned when she walks in, except Prick, who looks at her with contempt.


Since when has Stench been dedicated and devoted to his ex wife? Was it when he was going after another man's wife?


Are we supposed to believe that Sharon is having another episode?

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Are we supposed to believe that Sharon is having another episode?


I'm afraid so. She was all giddy about the good news re: her case and then seems to have snuck out to go to club opening. sigh. It's annoying as all shit but at least it's sort of how manic depressive people behave. You know over the top excitable I can do anything kind of behaviour like going to a party when you are supposed to stay home. NOT CHANGING DNA TESTS or MURDERING PEOPLE.

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And yet no one questioned Nick's sanity when he went into the wild, got blitzed out of his mind, and stumbled into a bear trap. Nosiree, that there is a charming story to tell the family and apparently a great way to meet chicks.

Still, a dumb thing for Sharon to do, and miamama makes a good point that it's fairly realistic for her to feel, shall we say, exuberant after getting the good news about her case. I wonder who tattled? I bet their last name is Newman.

The only reason to call Kyle for help is if you have a landscaping crisis. "Oh my god! The lawn looks so naked! Somebody get Kyle Abbot on the line!" Jack would have had better luck dialing Neil's silver briefcase.

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Since when has Stench been dedicated and devoted to his ex wife? Was it when he was going after another man's wife?


Are we supposed to believe that Sharon is having another episode?

There are certain scenes where blah blah is all I can do. I loathe Abby and Ben, so I only watch these scenes so I can sort of relate them to you guys. But it was basically Abby saying I am a slut and always have been, but you were a good guy devoted to your wife etc all those year when you were wrongly convicted.  And then Ben contradicted her and said he jumped from Victoria to Ashley to Abby.  And even Abby agreed that he dumped Victoria and an hour later they were doing it.

And yet no one questioned Nick's sanity when he went into the wild, got blitzed out of his mind, and stumbled into a bear trap. Nosiree, that there is a charming story to tell the family and apparently a great way to meet chicks.

Still, a dumb thing for Sharon to do, and miamama makes a good point that it's fairly realistic for her to feel, shall we say, exuberant after getting the good news about her case. I wonder who tattled? I bet their last name is Newman.

The only reason to call Kyle for help is if you have a landscaping crisis. "Oh my god! The lawn looks so naked! Somebody get Kyle Abbot on the line!" Jack would have had better luck dialing Neil's silver briefcase.

Yeah, I don't get how Kyle would be the first person he calls.  Either Billy or Ashley would make more sense.  

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^ As Photo says above: show is determined to make Kyle relevant. Suddenly he is the first person on earth Jack calls when he's in serious trouble. Ridiculous. He'd have called Billy in a heartbeat. They've actually been consistent that Jack leans on Billy in a way he doesn't with Ashley and Traci - he's more protective of them. But let's throw away years of history so gnomie can matter. Surprised Jack didn't call Summer. <eye roll>

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Poor Jack! I am so glad that I have to work on afternoons when he's being tortured.

Sage is going to wait for Nick, huh? How romantic. That's like waiting for a poison oak genital massage. Only dumber.

Victor is a horror, like a "the four horsemen of the apocalypse gang banged Satan and Victor hatched from the resulting egg" horror. Like a "Cthulhu was lactose intolerant, ate a wheel of cheese, washed it down with a milkshake, and then used Genoa City as his outhouse to unleash a fully formed Victor from his nether regions" horror. I guess what I'm saying is that Victor is a bad person and possibly an evil demonic entity. The only drink Noah should buy him is a chalice full of holy water. Burn baby burn.

How sad that Jack used what could be his only phone call to dial 1-800-GNME-SUX.


Ninja, forget a new keyboard, you owe me new nostrils! I'm just catching up with my morning coffee and I read THIS!! Thank you for starting my day off with such perfection. LMAO!

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