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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Best line of the show was DoppleJack saying that he has always wanted a Ferrari. PB said it like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And the look on VIctor's face when DJ was explaining to Phyl that he is a changed man. For maybe the first time (to me) in my 21 years of watching, EB seems to be engaged in a storyline and not just reading cue cards.


I am just not buying that Nick believes that Sharon killed two people, including the woman who was about to become her daughter in law. Stupid stupid writing.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Nick the punching baboon strikes again. Was the reporter visibly disabled in some way, such as, oh I don't know, blind or in a wheelchair? I've heard that kind of thing makes his hairy, ground-plowing knuckles twitch.

Of course, it's perfectly normal for a grown man to punch a reporter in a public place instead of using his words. It's even more normal to blame someone who wasn't even there for your poor anger management skills. However, if you've been diagnosed with a mental illness, any deviation from a perfectly even keel results in alarms blaring and citizens running around like squirrels on bath salts screaming "CRAZY!"

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I love Dylan standing up for Sharon to dumbo Nick and of course Nick is all attacking Sharon and defending himself. Only she has to pay for things, he needs yo never take responsibility for anything.

Noah gained some points this episode for saying to Faith he was on Sharon's side.

Where the heck is Mariah? She and Sharon haven't shared a scene since like Faith's custody hearing.

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Where the heck is Mariah? She and Sharon haven't shared a scene since like Faith's custody hearing.


That is a very good question.  I haven't even seen her mentioned in any of the spoilers I've read, long range or short.

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Some one mentioned on another board that CG had taken a two week vacation. Don't know if that is true or not just what I read. I sure miss her and Sharon could really use her support and friendship right now.

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Some one mentioned on another board that CG had taken a two week vacation. Don't know if that is true or not just what I read. I sure miss her and Sharon could really use her support and friendship right now.

Hmmm. On Twitter awhile back she mentioned having some auditions and people were alarmed she was leaving Y&R. She said, no no "just lots of down time lately and I'm a workaholic." So looks like the lack of screen time is not her choice. She may be vacationing but I suspect she figures she might as well since they don't have her on much.


I don't get the sense Pratt is all that big on Mariah. No spoilers about her anywhere and Pratt didn't mention her as being "underused" in the interview. Just MO and HK.


Ridiculous IMO. CG is the strongest of the younger set. 

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Ridiculous IMO. CG is the strongest of the younger set. 

I cannot agree more.  CG is a fabulous actress.  I love her look too - perfect porcelain.  I am olive complexion - we always want what we don't have, right?  ;)

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Pratt is such an ass---believe me I have been here before---if we like Mariah he will trash her and not use her while he jams stoopid Summer/dummer down our throats 24/7---he is beyond horrid

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OK---I see I HAVE Ranted in a few places so I will try to keep quiet and hope that UpChuck will be better than I know he will---snort---but I will try to hope that Dummer and Kyle and all the rest will NOT be the idiots he says they will be but still I think I have been here before---UGH to him and his minions 

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Since I am the pollyanna of preverts these days, I am going to believe that Pratt has gone back to the drawing board with Mariah. Her stories with Sharon (argue, support, argue, support) and Kevin (sexual tension, snark, almost kiss every three weeks) and Summer (snap, look hurt, snap some more) are limiting and limited. 


She can carry something big and perhaps he's coming up with something meaty for her. 


Could be....;)

Edited by miamama
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I read that CG tweeted that she had two weeks of vacation.I totally believe that she has the chops to carry a meaty s/l. IMO, she's head and shoulders above HHK and MO. Camryn has a very expressive face and eyes so she can easily communicate without words. I can't stand any character being jammed down my throat which is part of the reason I can't stand Dummer. Then there's the fact that she hasn't done anything but whine/cry and be a bitch since she was SORASed. I hate when someone is a pet and TIIC make the show revolve around them ***cough MS and EB***. The cast of Y&R has always been a talented group who each deserves their time to shine.

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I vote for Uncle Dylan. Which would also put the final nail in the coffin of the long dead Avery-Dylan pairing.

I would love that. Those two are really cute together.The happy look Faith gets on her face when she sees Dylan is just so cute. I know she is acting but she does a great job and I think they really do like each other! 

Well, they can't award custody - temporary or otherwise - to Sharon now. Guess that leaves Turd and Drinkki.

Yep two people who are actually murderers! LOL

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^That's right. Cane is in his 40s (well the actor is). And he was pretending to be Phillip and Thom Bierdz is in his 50s. 


Cane is closer to Lauren's age than Lily's.


According to a quick Google search, the actors who play Lily, Cane, and Lauren are 27, 43, and 51. (I figured you were right, but I wanted specifics. ;) Meanwhile, I don't even want to think about Cane and Lauren having an affair.)


ETA: On the positive side, I see that we're going to get a glimpse into what I speculated about re Fack and Adam. At the end of today's show, Gabe visited Jack and said something like, "You know damn well I'm not an Abbott or a Bingham..." Fack looked more than interested. (IIRC, he said "Abbot" because Fack had said, "What do you care about our merger, you're not an Abbott...?") Cut to the previews, and Fack's telling Victor that Adam isn't who he seems to be.


I predict that Adam won't reveal himself entirely, but just enough to make Victor curious.  

Edited by C76
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If Nick is such a monster for what he did (nothing more than allowing an underage girl to drink alcohol and encouraging (but not forcing) her to jump off a roof) then what does it say about Sharon that she married him and kept quiet about it for 20+ years?

It tells us what a money grubbing trash bag she has always been.

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Yes the big news today was Gabe revealing to Fack that he is not an Abbott or a Bingham.  Right at the end.  He also said he wasn't going to stop until he brought Prick to his knees.  And Fack told him he could leave N/A.


The other big news was Nick was an asshole (not really news) and lost his cool with the Doc or whoever was with Faith, I think it was a doc, after she told him that Faith saw him punch the reporter and that she is afraid of her own Daddy.  At which point Nick lost his temper.  Hah!  Ever helpful Sage tried to calm him down.  In the end Victoria comes to the hospital and Faith goes home with her.


There was a lot of bonding going on between Sharon and Dylan, they were practically careening into some sort of a something, but then it sort of stopped there.  Definite bonding but feels like Sharon is not wanting to go further, maybe because she has already boinked every male relative of Nick's except her own son.  I actually like Sharon, generally, and like her a lot with Dylan, they seem a good match.  I would just like this to not be the same broken record where everyone lashes out at her for bedding Dylan.  And btw, when you are under house arrest, I guess you cannot have groceries delivered because they were eating pickles and peanut butter.  Or does that mean she's pregnant?  Wait, could she be pregnant?


Fack didn't bother going into work today and not because he was sick.  He just wanted to tool around in his Ferrari with Phyllis.  Billy came over to have it out with him, and Fack said some strange things to make Billy think he has gone completely bonkers.  Gabe showed up at Billy's and that is where he found out about the merger.  He headed over to N/A and walked in just while Chelsea was meeting with Pricktor, Victoria and Ashley about Chelsea's new line.  Which Victoria said she liked but wanted bigger blocks of primary colours or some such nonsense and that they were going to focus group it and change the designs per the results of the focus group. Chelsea insisted that she is AN ARTISTE and  a DESIGNER and refused to change her designs according to a bunch of dumb amateur opinions (kind of like hers was when she started this career last year), so she quit.  And Gabe was there to back her up and they chatted afterwards, and she thanked him for his support.  Apparently Gabe was only gone a day--a lot happens in one day in GC.  I have a new theory that Victor and Victoria are also doppelgangers cause they are both being ridiculous.  Victoria bossing Ashley around like she is a junior coordinator or admin asst.  For no good reason.  (I cannot wait for the moment that Ashley spills to Victoria about Ben shower sex!)  And Pricktor going along with Victoria treating his beloved Ashley like a piece Wisconsin cow pie on the bottom of his shoe.  I just cannot figure out how they are going to justify all of his bizarre behaviour including kidnapping and rape by proxy, but I guess they will.  Pricktor actually says to Ashley after Chelsea quit:  I've emailed you the names of some designers.  Hah! Really, this guy has designer names in his BB?  Maybe he is Victoria's admin asst.  And they are also now only meeting in the lab at Jabot so Newman boardroom, Pricktor's office and Jack's office must all be too good for this high-powered group to meet in.  If I was Ashley I would go hang out there for some peace and quiet.  Ash points out to Prick that he didn't just lose a designer, he may have alienated the mother of his grandson, and she said that he still missed Adam.  Prick said that Adam was an asshole who treated Ash like shit and he killed poor Delia and he would never forgive him.  Ash pointed out the irony that Prick's final straw was when Adam teamed up with Jack against him, and Prick is now teamed up with Jack, but of course we know he's teamed up with Fack!  BTW, Ashley and Victoria both looked stunning.


Sage was around today but I didn't pay much attention.  She was giving Chelsea a hard time because she was quizzing her about Gabe.


Chelsea and Billy decide to get married, like right now.  Which reminds me, Gabe was over at Billy's earlier pointing out that Adam carried Chelsea across that threshold of the penthouse, and Adam did blah blah first, etc, which seemed super obvious to me that he was telegraphing that he is Adam.  But Billy didn't get it.  I have to say again that BJ is starting to work for me as Billy, not with Victoria or even Chelsea, but in the business interactions and going after Fack, Gabe and Prick.


In the previews for tomorrow, Fack to Prick:  Mr Bingham is not who he appears to be.   Also, Kelly to Prick:  Your delivery arrived, and he replies: I hope it is sufficient for you to control the situation.  Then there's a scene where Billy finds Jack, but of course we know that is just Jack dreaming.


Wonder what that delivery could be?

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If I know Victor, and I'm thankful I don't, he probably sent Kelly a gallon drum of Hex and a variety of medieval torture instruments.

And I suppose Sharon has to grub money because she didn't have the good fortune to fall out of a gold-plated wealthy vagina like that hairy Hefty bag Nick did.

Edited to add: Jinx!

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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I'm thinking the delivery is the OxyFake drug Jack was on a few years ago. She could totally control him with it. He's an addict. She gives him a dose and he'll be begging for more. Sounds about Victor sick. And it might explain the Billy hallucination that ensues. Hex is too gross to contemplate. ugh no no no sex with Kelly while he's tied up. Just no. It's bad enough with Vivaldi playing amid white roses (but at least then it was boring and chaste). 


lol on Fack patting his knee for Phyllis to come sit. And then later burying his face in her bosom. How does GT not laugh her ass off? Burgess Jenkins tweeted that he's having trouble keeping a straight face with "bad Jack."


I thought JH was FANTASTIC in his scenes with Fack. Feeling his head for a fever (lol) and just the delivery of his lines "Are you HIGH?" He's really good. Even when he was talking to Billy about the merger (and I agree Bannana, about Billy. I actually like him with the Fack, Jabot stuff), they had a good energy and banter. And then Chelsea's name came up. ugh. And it was like the air came out of a balloon). 


Chelsea insisted that she is AN ARTISTE and  a DESIGNER and refused to change her designs according to a bunch of dumb amateur opinions (kind of like hers was when she started this career last year), so she quit.


IKR? This made me gag.

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I'm thinking the delivery is the OxyFake drug Jack was on a few years ago. She could totally control him with it. He's an addict. She gives him a dose and he'll be begging for more. Sounds about Victor sick. And it might explain the Billy hallucination that ensues. Hex is too gross to contemplate. ugh no no no sex with Kelly while he's tied up. Just no. It's bad enough with Vivaldi playing amid white roses (but at least then it was boring and chaste). 


lol on Fack patting his knee for Phyllis to come sit. And then later burying his face in her bosom. How does GT not laugh her ass off? Burgess Jenkins tweeted that he's having trouble keeping a straight face with "bad Jack."


I thought JH was FANTASTIC in his scenes with Fack. Feeling his head for a fever (lol) and just the delivery of his lines "Are you HIGH?" He's really good. Even when he was talking to Billy about the merger (and I agree Bannana, about Billy. I actually like him with the Fack, Jabot stuff), they had a good energy and banter. And then Chelsea's name came up. ugh. And it was like the air came out of a balloon). 


IKR? This made me gag.

Okay this would be beyond the pale, if that's what it is, especially since Prick is married to an addict.  Of course, kidnapping, torture and rape by proxy are also beyond the pale, not to mention tormenting the mentally ill Sharon (it was interesting that Prick mentioned Adam's torture of Ash, but doesn't regard what he is doing in the same vein.)  I simply cannot figure out how Prick can justify what is going on  here, in his own warped mind but also when it all is revealed.  Argh.


But yes, there was pure Fack gold today, so much of it, his expressions etc.  And when Billy said to Fack he should go drive his Ferrari and have his midlife crisis and screw Phyllis in every room in the house, just don't destroy Jabot, that was some good stuff.  Honestly, without Mariah around, this Fack stuff is all that is keeping me interested, which makes me worried about my own self.


Still I wouldn't take fashion bossin' from a bint who can't brush her own hair.

or open a box.

Absolutely agree, and also, I don't think designers design based on focus groups, but then what do I know.  The marketing would make sense to test.  Victoria is absolutely being ridiculous, and I am not sure why.  

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I heard Victoria might be leaving for a spell. Maybe she'll flee in shame over her behavior when she finds out daddy is a proxy rapist and kidnapper.... and in cahoots with Delia killer. Nah. She'll be "Daddy!" and then be up his butt in a week.


Maybe she'll take her billions, scrape off dad and go live near her kid Washisname. How crap a mother is she?

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JH was on fire today. He stole every single scene he was in. Not that that is unusual, but today he was even more entertaining than usual.


Loved the scene with Dylan and Sharon. MInd you Sharon Case can bring out the best in pretty much anyone.


I wonder how Nick likes having the tables turned and someone taking away his kid for what really is a stupid (and not the least bit believable) reason. As they say, karma is a bitch.

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Yes the big news today was Gabe revealing to Fack that he is not an Abbott or a Bingham.  Right at the end.  He also said he wasn't going to stop until he brought Prick to his knees.  And Fack told him he could leave N/A.


The other big news was Nick was an asshole (not really news) and lost his cool with the Doc or whoever was with Faith, I think it was a doc, after she told him that Faith saw him punch the reporter and that she is afraid of her own Daddy.  At which point Nick lost his temper.  Hah!  Ever helpful Sage tried to calm him down.  In the end Victoria comes to the hospital and Faith goes home with her.


There was a lot of bonding going on between Sharon and Dylan, they were practically careening into some sort of a something, but then it sort of stopped there.  Definite bonding but feels like Sharon is not wanting to go further, maybe because she has already boinked every male relative of Nick's except her own son.  I actually like Sharon, generally, and like her a lot with Dylan, they seem a good match.  I would just like this to not be the same broken record where everyone lashes out at her for bedding Dylan.  And btw, when you are under house arrest, I guess you cannot have groceries delivered because they were eating pickles and peanut butter.  Or does that mean she's pregnant?  Wait, could she be pregnant?


Fack didn't bother going into work today and not because he was sick.  He just wanted to tool around in his Ferrari with Phyllis.  Billy came over to have it out with him, and Fack said some strange things to make Billy think he has gone completely bonkers.  Gabe showed up at Billy's and that is where he found out about the merger.  He headed over to N/A and walked in just while Chelsea was meeting with Pricktor, Victoria and Ashley about Chelsea's new line.  Which Victoria said she liked but wanted bigger blocks of primary colours or some such nonsense and that they were going to focus group it and change the designs per the results of the focus group. Chelsea insisted that she is AN ARTISTE and  a DESIGNER and refused to change her designs according to a bunch of dumb amateur opinions (kind of like hers was when she started this career last year), so she quit.  And Gabe was there to back her up and they chatted afterwards, and she thanked him for his support.  Apparently Gabe was only gone a day--a lot happens in one day in GC.  I have a new theory that Victor and Victoria are also doppelgangers cause they are both being ridiculous.  Victoria bossing Ashley around like she is a junior coordinator or admin asst.  For no good reason.  (I cannot wait for the moment that Ashley spills to Victoria about Ben shower sex!)  And Pricktor going along with Victoria treating his beloved Ashley like a piece Wisconsin cow pie on the bottom of his shoe.  I just cannot figure out how they are going to justify all of his bizarre behaviour including kidnapping and rape by proxy, but I guess they will.  Pricktor actually says to Ashley after Chelsea quit:  I've emailed you the names of some designers.  Hah! Really, this guy has designer names in his BB?  Maybe he is Victoria's admin asst.  And they are also now only meeting in the lab at Jabot so Newman boardroom, Pricktor's office and Jack's office must all be too good for this high-powered group to meet in.  If I was Ashley I would go hang out there for some peace and quiet.  Ash points out to Prick that he didn't just lose a designer, he may have alienated the mother of his grandson, and she said that he still missed Adam.  Prick said that Adam was an asshole who treated Ash like shit and he killed poor Delia and he would never forgive him.  Ash pointed out the irony that Prick's final straw was when Adam teamed up with Jack against him, and Prick is now teamed up with Jack, but of course we know he's teamed up with Fack!  BTW, Ashley and Victoria both looked stunning.


Since when do focus groups get to design fashions? I thought the designer was supposed to design pieces, hence why they were hired? 

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I have to say again that BJ is starting to work for me as Billy, not with Victoria or even Chelsea, but in the business interactions and going after Fack, Gabe and Prick.

I have to agree and I have bitched as loud as anyone about this guy.  I just think maybe he doesn't do romance stuff well, but he's been quite good from the first time Fack popped in.   I'm enjoying both of these guys, and can even tolerate Victor right now.  Great recap, of course - I'm anxious to see this one.

Edited by movinon
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Not that I know what I'm talking about, but I don't think the use of focus groups is unreasonable, that way the designer would have a strong idea of what the customers would like.  I imagine for the high-end lines this is NOT true, it seems that with them it's more like "this is our line and you better like it," and dear show, I'm sorry but you are not going to convince me Chelsea is in the same league as a Karl Lagerfeld/Marc Jacobs.

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Really liked Sharon and Dylan's scenes. 


I was really hoping Adam wouldn't goof up around Fake Jack and he did. Really hope he figures out Jack's clueless before he says more. Victor's just an ass who should be jailed, putting a stranger in Phyllis's bed is low. I guess Nick will eventually go to him or he'll get involved to get Faith back since that's how the do things but Nick acts like he's above it all.

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And I suppose Sharon has to grub money because she didn't have the good fortune to fall out of a gold-plated wealthy vagina like that hairy Hefty bag Nick did.



I hear that, Ninja! Some people gotta just let go of the Sharon hate. You don't have to like her, but jeez!

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I hear that, Ninja! Some people gotta just let go of the Sharon hate. You don't have to like her, but jeez!

Yep get that plank out of their eye! I get she is not everyone's cup of tea but Lord have mercy!!

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JH was on fire today. He stole every single scene he was in. Not that that is unusual, but today he was even more entertaining than usual.


Loved the scene with Dylan and Sharon. MInd you Sharon Case can bring out the best in pretty much anyone.


I wonder how Nick likes having the tables turned and someone taking away his kid for what really is a stupid (and not the least bit believable) reason. As they say, karma is a bitch.

I absolutely adore JH! I was really feeling Adam Newman in his scenes!!


Shylan was really sweet and I was tearing up when he was talking about the baby and wanting to be a daddy.SC brings out some good acting in SB.


OMG! I loved seeing the caveman getting a small taste of what he put Sharon through.Paybacks are Hell huh Dickie?

I have to agree and I have bitched as loud as anyone about this guy.  I just think maybe he doesn't do romance stuff well, but he's been quite good from the first time Fack popped in.   I'm enjoying both of these buys, and can even tolerate Victor right now.  Great recap, of course - I'm anxious to see this one.

I am liking him more and more!

Thanks Bannana! 

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And btw, when you are under house arrest, I guess you cannot have groceries delivered because they were eating pickles and peanut butter.  Or does that mean she's pregnant?

I think it means time to give Summer a kiss :)

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It's just that Sharon is like that unfortunate snowshoe bunny who pokes her head out of her snowy lair just as a wolf walks by in the Predators of the Artic Documentary.


"The rabbit's litter is doomed but the wolf's cubs will survive the spring blizzard."


To quote Steve Erwin...it's nature's way.

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Still I wouldn't take fashion bossin' from a bint who can't brush her own hair.

or open a box.



Victoria's reign of entitlement got on my last nerve yesterday. I'm glad Chelsea quit. 


bannana, that recap was fantastic. I'm looking forward to today's show.

Edited by C76
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Hilary is preggers for sure but maybe Sharon or Chelsea (Fertile Myrtle) The show could use some new young people who aren't HK. They could have them sorased and knocked up (Especially Chelsea's spawn) in a year.

Did Mikey find out his cancer was terminal and that's why he's pushing Lauren away?

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The bad news is there is a lot of Gnummer today.  The good news is lots of Fack and Jack.


It was a dream, Billy wasn't really there with Jack.  And as much I loved the creativity you guys displayed on the "delivery", it was actually fabricated proof that Kelly showed Jack to convince him that no one will be looking for him because he and Phyllis died at sea during a midnight sail on their wedding night.  Jack is "lost at sea", but Kelly has proof of Phyllis' death, and she tells Jack she is really and truly dead.  She shows him new clippings and morgue documents.  Kelly thinks that now Jack will get over Phyllis and love him.  He make sit clear to her that he loves only Phyllis and now he will mourn her and only love her forever, and tells Kelly to just kill him.


Back to Fack, he questions Gabe when he says he is not a Bingham--what did you say?  But Adam takes that as Jack keeping his cover.  Then Gabe reveals that he and Jack had a plan to ruin Pricktor, and Fack had that aha look.  Gabe tries to find out what Jack is up to, what is his plan now, and Fack tells him there is no plan, no long game.  Gabe says Jack seems like another person.  Fack says he is changed since the building collapse.  Gabe warns Fack that Pricktor has not changed and will take everything from Jack.  Fack goes to see Pricktor to update him.  Prick says that Gabe is pretty good at his job, but arrogant and expendable.  Fack says:  I wouldn't get rid of him just yet.  Jack knows something you don't which explains  the real Jack's personal interest in Gabriel.  Mr. Bingham is not who he appears to be.  Prick and Fack talk about Harrison Bingham, and how Prick took over his company and dismantled it, and how weak etc he was, and Fack says that Harrison died of a heart attack as a result, and Prick says maybe, but he doesn't feel the teensiest bit bad about that.  But Prick concludes that is why Jack is interested in Gabriel who he sees as an ally against Prick.  Except Fack says, Gabriel told Fack that he is not a Bingham and Prick muses, then who the hell is he?   


Prick:  Jack knows the truth about what the real Bingham is hiding.  Fack:  I take it your friend Jack is of very little use anymore.  Prick:  Jack is of no concern to you, okay?  Fack:  If the real Jack returns to find that I am in his shoes, it is very  much my concern.  (and the next bit of dialogue Prick and Fack are practically nose to nose and at one point I thought PB was going to LOL)  Prick:  Let me make something very clear to you, I sprang you from a Peruvian prison (I think he just likes to say Peruvian), you are on my payroll, I pay you, if you no longer can perform the job you are of no use to me.  Fack says that he didn't want to tip his hand by asking too many questions and then sarcastically says:  What do you want me to do Boss?  Prick says he wants Fack to stay as far away from Bingham as he can because he might be careless enough to ask questions to which you do not know the answers.  Fack:  Then you are not going to fire him.  Prick:  I keep my enemies close, and my bigger worser badder enemies even closer than that, yougotthat?


Billy and Chelsea are getting married TONIGHT.  Gabe finds out from Anita that they are getting married.  That's cause Gabe leads her to believe that Chelsea quit her job because of Billy and other corporate stuff, and she'd be better off not being an Abbott.  Gabe shows up at her hotel room and Chelsea tells him to leave and (with the door ajar of course) says:  It was just sex, and BILLY CANNOT FIND OUT.  Of course Billy overhears, but hides, and Gabe leaves.  Billy tells Chels they should call off this wedding and have a real family wedding, and then he hugs her and says he wants her to get everything she deserves and has a vengeful look on his face.


Okay, I will waste a few keystrokes on Gnummer.  So something like two weeks after she buried her husband, Dummer is being romanced by Gnome at some expensive dinner with a celebrity chef.  She says she wants to spend the entire evening with him.   Hey and guess what, Gnome tells us in the time that he was away from GC, he did a lot of growing up and learned what the Abbott name can do for him.  That doesn't sound like growing up to me.  He wants to be his own man and she wants to be her own woman.  Then, he goes to open the champagne he flew in from France (as if!) and she reminds him she is underage.  Hah!  Gnome gives her an expensive gift of jewellery and she freaks out and says she cannot take it and says:  YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL.  Apparently she doesn't want all the finer things in life now, and doesn't like the person that Gnome has become. So she rather rudely blows Gnome off, dumps him and tells him she will find her own way home.  Gnome bumps into Fack, who tells him to take his Ferrari for a spin to chillax.


Prick bumps into Gabe at the GCAC.  Prick says that he was rude to him earlier at the office (which was actually the lab!).  Then he orders a DOUBLE TEQUILA.  Prick says to Gabe that he doesn't know him very well, and Gabe says he knows him better than Prick thinks he does.  Prick says that he made a mistake earlier on and tries to get Gabe to open up to him.  Gabe is torn up about Chelsea, and Prick figures out it is more than about work.  Fack sees Gabe and Prick in the bar and does a beeline back outside.


Previews:  Nick tells Dylan to butt out, Dylan tells him he needs to talk to Sharon about Faith.  Queen Bitch Victoria tells Ash she better get used to reporting to her, and Ash says, or what, you going to fire me?

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