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Special Contestants: All Stars and Firefighters and Lunch Ladies, Oh My!

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I have an unnatural love for Veronica (or as I am referring to her- Chef Rachel Berry).  I think IRL she may be extremely annoying but I liked the way she articulated her thought processes and her insane striped socks and crazy dancing.  Besides, I tend to root against the ones with formal training, which includes girl in tech school for cooking and boy whose parents pay to have him coached by an actual chef.

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The teens are done, I didn't care who won.


EDITED: After I posted the above, I checked my scheduled recordings on my DVR & noticed that on Thursday Chopped is on again & it's a "Teen Redeem" episode, so I guess the teens aren't done. Damn it.

Edited by GaT
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Just watched the finale and, against my better judgment, I actually enjoyed the teen tournament. I was glad Veronica won and think the kids went out in the right order in the finale. Peter was cute but so young, no-affect Greek girl was done, and I was happy to see the formally trained ringer eliminated at the end (all the while talking about how good it would look on her college applications--really?) in favor of the drama geek (yes, I was one). I usually don't like these gimmick episodes so I'm not sure what made my heart grow three sizes for this one.

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 I usually don't like these gimmick episodes so I'm not sure what made my heart grow three sizes for this one.

I hadn't liked her very much but I felt bad for her when she said her parents didn't support her dream but instead expected her to go into the military.  That's not what I think most parents would be pushing at their 15 year old daughter, and I say that as a an ex-military woman.

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Talk about a heart growing three sizes...I just might marry Mark Murphy if he asked me. How lovely of him to run after Dante when he was chopped on the redemption show and give him a pep talk. What a guy. Sure, offering him a job or some money would've been nice too, but that only appears to be Gordon Ramsay's shtick.

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Once again, the judges give to much help to a kid. Dante heard Aaron saying how the filling of the empanada had to cool down, so he switched to a tostada. And then he quits cooking because he got chopped..

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Meh, that didn't bother me.  I've seen regular episodes where a contestant overheard what the judges said about an ingredient.  They sit the judges so close to the kitchen, it's no wonder it doesn't happen more often than it does.


But, I think Dante's frustration was about A) embarassment and B) there's his chance at college.  


It was emotional, yes, but he's a teenager and they act on their emotions.  He'll pull out of it and figure out some way to make it happen.

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I don't mind the teen tournaments -- the kids are so talented, and the judges just seem so transparently proud and happy to see kids inspired by cooking.


Talk about a heart growing three sizes...I just might marry Mark Murphy if he asked me. How lovely of him to run after Dante when he was chopped on the redemption show and give him a pep talk. What a guy. Sure, offering him a job or some money would've been nice too, but that only appears to be Gordon Ramsay's shtick.

I thought that was really lovely of Marc (who I have a soft spot for anyway -- he just seems like such a nice, funny, goofy person). Also, FWIW, Ramsay is kind of infamous at this point for making those big offers and not coming through on them (Waffle House Julia among several others).


But, I think Dante's frustration was about A) embarassment and B) there's his chance at college.  


It was emotional, yes, but he's a teenager and they act on their emotions.  He'll pull out of it and figure out some way to make it happen.


And yet, I was disappointed in his behavior and I still don't think Dante came off very well here. The other kids were so likable and humble, and Dante every time seems to come in with this air of arrogance and entitlement. Several of his comments to the camera were really off-putting, and even when the other kids tried to talk to him in the stew room, he just shut them down rather rudely.


I totally understand how badly he wanted and needed the prize -- I was a poor kid too -- but Dante always seems to come across as petulant and like he feels like he's somehow "owed" this. The judges seemed almost embarrassed when he basically said, "If I don't win, I don't go to college," and I definitely felt like that was a little too much emotionally.


However, at the same time, it was hard to watch two poor kids go up against the blond kid (can't remember his name), who while he seemed very sweet, smart and talented, was once again going to simply donate the winnings. There's a big divide there.


But then when Dante lost.... then broke down off-camera and went off and sobbed? I melted. I felt like we saw how much of his arrogance is simply this exterior shell and immaturity, and he's such a kid (and so talented), I hated seeing him suffer.


So I did love seeing the judges' emotions at how much he was hurting, and that Marc cared enough to go off and support Dante, and to remind him of what he can still accomplish. It was really sweet, and a nice ending to the episode.


Meanwhile, the other two boys were incredibly sweet, positive and gracious competitors, and I loved the "dance-off" while they were awaiting the final verdict.

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I get that losing is no fun but I feel like "I lost Chopped, so I'm quitting cooking" is a pretty unnecessary reaction. When is a chef ever going to be required to make a meal using 4 weird ingredients, in 30 minutes, to be considered successful?


I'm not big on "What will you do with the money" because it just adds an awkward component like it did with Dante. Also, if your only shot at college is a B-level competitive reality TV show where you basically have a 25% chance of winning, may I point you to the scholarship board of your local guidance counselor's office. But like we're always saying here, I don't care whether you're here for your dead grandma or the American Lung Association or your cat or what, just shut up and cook.


Regarding teen tournament finale, I basically didn't care as long as Gigantic Frizzy Ponytail was chopped early because I found her obnoxious. Rude to Peter in the green room, wouldn't shut up about her life of nothing but cooking, and that blasted ponytail. I laughed more than necessary at Ted asking Veronica if she was at least going to buy the complete series of Glee on DVD with the winnings.

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Just when I thought it was safe to come back to Chopped, they follow the kids tournament with the kids redemption show/tournament. They need to get off my lawn.

Is it over yet? I want my adult cooks back.

Edited by Gbb
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Regarding teen tournament finale, I basically didn't care as long as Gigantic Frizzy Ponytail was chopped early because I found her obnoxious. Rude to Peter in the green room, wouldn't shut up about her life of nothing but cooking, and that blasted ponytail.

Yeah, me too. Something about her bored/sleepy monotone voice, along with mentioning her Greek heritage every two minutes, had me rooting against her.

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Just when I thought it was safe to come back to Chopped, they follow the kids tournament with the kids redemption show/tournament. They need to get off my lawn.

Is it over yet? I want my adult cooks back.


I'm going to delete all of the kids shows from my DVR unwatched. I tend to save up Chopped episodes to binge-watch, but these kids need to get off of my lawn before I resume.

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I watched the all star chopped and as much as I love Anne I was rooting against her the whole way. She should not be on this show...she is too much food network and it didn't seem fair that she has little special relationships with all of the judges.


So sorry Madison had a bad day. I just love him.

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I'd like to think that Ted and I have a psychic connection.  He saw the Glee connection too.  I couldn't hate on any of them and I do feel bad for the kids that need the scholarship to go to college but I can't imagine Veronica in the Army and if this gets her a chance at another dream I'm all for it.

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I don't know how the producers aired this show with a straight face.

I think the producers think that as long as the cooks are playing for charity, they can put any group on the show.

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I turned this episode off after the appetizer round. 


I don't think I've ever done that before.


I deleted it unwatched, which I've never done before.  I was actually interested in seeing Chopped after the long drought due to KidTV, but I mostly don't watch sitcoms and didn't recognize any names and wasn't up for the judges fawning over how insanely talented these d-list actresses were as they made, I dunno, tacos or burgers or something.  I've already kicked the Chopped habit, maybe I will just read here and the weekly descriptions until I spot them put on someone who can cook and is fun to watch.

Edited by Totale
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What a joke this episode was. I actually did not know any of the "Sitcom moms". Shows you how much network TV I watch. Plus a couple of them were from shows in the 90's. The producers are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel of that is the best they could find.

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Horrible episode.  I'd never heard of any of them either.  The one with four husbands and poor grammar sounded like she didn't have a brain in her head so I was floored when she said she used to teach history somewhere.  Shudder.  Good thing she gave up that job.

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Not only were these 4 has-beens lousy cooks, but if someone provided a script to a network exec today and it had three black women who were such stereotypes, they would be thrown out the door. I think they even described one in her intro as "the sassy type". For the most part, they all made the same stuff, which involved cutting up the ingredients and putting them on a plate, while acting like caricatures and recalling their faded glory days as sitcom moms. I had never heard of any of them prior to this episode.

What's next, a quartet of stumblebums from Penn Station , making a dinner out of dumpster treasures and cheap wine?

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You mean like a special edition featuring Jackee's 4 husband's?

Yes, or....

"Here Come The Old Game Show Hosts!"

"Two-Year Olds Loose In The Kitchen!"

"Let's All Cook Pet Food For Chris Santos!"

"Taxi-Cab Drivers Cook Meals On The Go From Their Cabs!"

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I've watched about 4 minutes and can already tell 2 things:


1) none of them can cook, as the only 2 cooking things in the intro were Boy Meets World mom using a hand mixer in a bowl with mixed up cake mix, and Family Matters mom flipping a premade pancake in a cold pan.


2) I want one of those purple Chopped coats.

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Ok, I caught up on these last two episodes, which might be the worst episodes ever.   I was really bothered by the teen who thought not winning Chopped meant he couldn't go to college, and had to quit cooking.  He came across as a crybaby - OK if he's 12 but he's 18!  Get a job, take out student loans, check out colleges that are less expensive than the one you have your heart set on, check out the student work programs.  Do NOT count on winning a TV contest as your only shot at getting an education. 


The sitcom moms episode was stupid, hard to watch it.  And of COURSE they had to use ingredients like "TV dinners".   They're not called that any more, and no they don't have millions of grams of sodium.  There are some decent healthy options in the frozen food section of the supermarket, and many people rely on them for work lunches, quick dinners, etc.  I have no idea WHY they had these women on.  I hate the whole "lunch lady/grandma/mom"  categories that they keep using for women on this show.  It just plays into stereotypes of women.

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I may have a heart of stone, but I wasn't moved at all by Dante breaking down. It just seemed like another part of his whole entitled/superior schtick.  He was SO SURE he would/should win, his ego just couldn't take it when he got chopped.  I didn't feel like his breaking down was a sign of vulnerability breaking through; I felt like it was disbelief/shock that things didn't go exactly the way he thought they should.  That kind of entitlement bugs me in any contestant, no matter what their age is. That's one reason why I actually liked Veronica who was the other teen competition -- she didn't seem so utterly sure that she was the best cook there, and she would've been supportive/happy if another contestant had won. 


Meanwhile, I also disliked the Greek/frizzy ponytail girl, for the reasons people have already said here. A couple pages ago someone referred to one of the college contestants as "duh-faced" and, well ... I hate to be mean but that kind of applies to this girl too.


Sitcom moms - awful.  I'm so old that I actually remember when Jackee was on 227 back in the late 80s.  That's when she first played the same general character she's been playing ever since (the airhead/sexpot/"sassy black lady").

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Nooooo! I just saw a commercial for a new show called.... Chopped Juniors! A whole show devoted to rugrats.

On a positive note, maybe it will keep them off Chopped. Poor Ted.

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I saw a commercial for for "Chopped Junior" today. Did my eyes deceive me or did I catch a glimpse of Martha Stewart at the judging table?



Oh lord.  I hope you just need your eyes checked.

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I hope the Chopped Junior series fails spectacularly. It is hard enough to have to watch the kiddiepoos looking devastated on the occasional episode, but there is no way I am going to watch it on a regular basis. I can't believe someone at the network thought this was a good idea. You can expect more meltdowns on the order of Dante if this is a regular series.

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Seriously, why are these kid versions of reality shows so popular?? I've been seeing commercials for Project Runway Junior, and now we'll have Chopped Junior. In addition to probably a million other ones that have not crossed my radar.  I don't know who these people are who find watching kids compete in traditionally adult arenas SO adorable, but I'm definitely not one of them.

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I've watched other kid cooking shows, and I'm bothered by how upset the kids get when they are eliminated.    When adults cry, pout, stomp their feet, they're being childish.   When kids do it, it makes me uncomfortable, because that's how kids act.  they haven't yet learned (not all of them)  to be gracious losers, to take things in stride.  Playing a soccer game in front of parents is not nearly as intense as cooking on a TV show, under time constraints, with unusual ingredients.   I don't like seeing kids in that context, having their flaws magnified by a TV show.  

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Fashion model chefs, great. I don't think Chef Crosby could have been more pretentious, listening to "holistic" approach to life made me want to smack him. It drove me crazy trying to figure where I knew Chef Ashley from, finally realized she was on "The Next Great Baker"/"Cake Boss"


Why is this show on twice a week?

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Just watched the special in-laws pairings. It was a series of leftovers, which didn't leave them much room to cook anything new. Putting lasagna in a blender? Ooookay..... Shepherd's Pie, anyone? Good for you, Amanda, for sticking to your guns that one of them wasn't too spicy, even if Alex gave you the stink-eye.

The winning pair met in the circus. I really want to know what the woman's son did in the circus, too.

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Just watched the special in-laws pairings. It was a series of leftovers, which didn't leave them much room to cook anything new. Putting lasagna in a blender? Ooookay..... Shepherd's Pie, anyone? Good for you, Amanda, for sticking to your guns that one of them wasn't too spicy, even if Alex gave you the stink-eye.

The winning pair met in the circus. I really want to know what the woman's son did in the circus, too.

I was kind of half-asleep with the TV on during this ep. Did I hear wrong at the beginning-ish, or was 1 of the daughters-in-law part of a lesbian couple--I thought most of the pairs referred to "my son/my husband", then I thought the last pair's daughter-in-law referred to "my wife". Just curious if I heard right or wrong.

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I'm watching right now and yes, one of the daughters-in-law is married to a woman.  The daughter in law wanted to use the prize money to help have a child with her wife.  (funny aside, I'm not in a lesbian relationship but kids are extremely unlikely with my husband for a number of reasons - but I think the prospect of a grandchild is probably one of the only things that would ever get my MIL on a cooking show!).


Is it just me or is Chopped using an awful lot of already cooked ingredients lately? It seems like they used to have them here and there, but lately I feel like all the baskets have been pretty much all leftovers, even when it's not a "leftovers" theme. And then the judges complain when they use too many non-basket ingredients.  Well geez, if you want them to actually cook, they kind of have to make heavy use of the pantry and fridge.

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I didn't understand how the women who placed second made it through the appetizer round.  They attempted to make croutons out of pieces of lasagna by drying the noodles in the oven.  That seemed doomed to fail and did.  So they took the little semi-dry pieces of untransformed noodle and put them on top of dry slices of bread and called it crostini.  Those had to be totally unpalatable.  

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