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S15.E08: Blowin' in the Wind

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1 hour ago, Joana said:

And it wasn't cute back then either. However, it was said by an intern, and it's at least somewhat understandble why they would treat every patient as a new learning opportunity. The problem is that they've kept it up over the years even though they really should know better by now. I mean, if you're a seasoned doctor like Bailey who's seen and treated every medical condition imaginable under the sun and you still get a genuine kick out of seeing people with horrifying injuries, you might have an issue or two.

But IMO it's a part of a bigger problem with the show generally forgetting these people are not 20-somethings fresh out med school anymore. So you get Meredith chased by hot young studs, Alex still living in that gross building that looks like a junkie nest and not being able to afford a new TV, people screaming about their sex lives in the middle of the hallway and so on.

Or how they cut each other's hair and don't go for a $7 super cut at the local salon. Because it's suppose to show they are "close". Even Alex said he is done paying off his loans. He shows no love for the dump he and Jo are living in. Go buy a real house or at least a very nice condo. 

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15 hours ago, izabella said:

I think they intend that she is socially awkward with awkward and somewhat immature interpersonal skills because of her child prodigy genius-ness.

That's the best I can come up with. 

I absolutely agree that that's what they are going for with Maggie but it doesn't work any more. Jackson isn't the first guy she's slept with, he isn't even the first guy on the show she's slept with (was Deluca the first?). Unless Maggie is on the Asperger's Spectrum or has ADHD or another condition where the person can't read social cues, none of which we've seen, there's no excuse for her lack of basic social skills any more.

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On 11/16/2018 at 2:43 PM, statsgirl said:
13 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

I am completely on board the Meredith/DeLuca train. I think they have plenty of chemistry and I like that, while hesitant to go there, Meredith is at least (for now) not being rude or playing hard-to-get like she was with Riggs and even Linc to an extent. (Also, with his hot factor, charisma, and sincerity...it's DeLuca over Linc for me, hands-down, no contest.)


On 11/16/2018 at 2:43 PM, statsgirl said:


I have the feeling that I'm going to dislike Owen in the upcoming story.

Sorry about the weirdo quote boxes. I am also on team Mer/DeLuca  and agree that he is hands-down the more attractive of the two actors.

And my default where Owen is concerned is "dislike" and I don't see it improving with this storyline.

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Agree with previous comments, Maggie is the worst.  The  ridiculous plots do not help.  Why are they so desperate to fit her into the show?  And the actress brings nothing, absolutely nothing.  .  Bring back Sarah Drew now.  

The stupidity of the Maggie and Meredith sisterhood boggles the mind.  

I have struggled with this show for years.  Other than Karev, it is a fast forward bit of nothing.  

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5 hours ago, skermac said:

so this was a mid season finale, when will it return?

Sometime in January or February. Grey's has been instituting these fall finales before Thanksgiving since Season 8. They take a month and half off, and then they roll through the spring, almost uninterrupted as they usually have 15-16 episodes to get through.

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On 11/16/2018 at 3:31 PM, Palomar said:

Avery, if you still had feelings for your ex-wife, why finalize the divorce?  If you aren't ready for a new relationship, why take a risk with your "step-sister" when you know if it doesn't work, all hell will come down on you and you can only be the bad guy with everyone in your family. At least have a few non-serious relationships until you do know where your head is.

He doesn't still have feelings for his ex-wife. As he told Maggie, he's just mourning over what he lost. He took the sabbatical to clear his head and he's looking back at things differently. He's found God now, and he realizes that was the one obstacle that really halted their marriage before it could really take off. He didn't have this mindset when he signed those divorce papers 2-3 years ago. He's only now just come to this realization.

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On 11/16/2018 at 12:08 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I find it ironic that Maggie blurted out about Catherine's diagnois to Jackson, because when Jackson treated her mother he specifically said that he couldn't discuss her mother with her, and had her access blocked so she couldn't snoop into her mother's medical file, because of HIPAA.    Maggie had to wait until her mother told her, and Catherine will never have the right to tell about her condition, because of big mouth idiots like Meredith, and Maggie.  

Exactly!!! It is not her place to be telling Jackson about his mother's condition. Meredith shouldn't have told Maggie. He should be hearing this news first from his mother. Not having it passed down the chain and hearing from a woman who doesn't keep any secrets. Jackson was the ultimate professional when he did not disclose Maggie's mother's condition to her, even after she threw a tantrum. It wasn't his place to tell her.


On 11/15/2018 at 12:56 PM, Infie said:

I couldn't believe Maggie telling Jackson about Catherine.  I know it was played as Maggie feeling all sad and tortured, but I also kinda feel like it was also payback for Jackson knowing about Maggie's Mom's illness and not telling Maggie.  

Still - this time Catherine is going to find out that someone talked, and I can't imagine her taking anyone breaching her confidence lying down.  I hope she sues Meredith and Maggie both for HIPPA violations.  Seriously - there are very few things that drive me crazier than betrayal of confidential information for no good reason.  

Couldn't agree more. Jackson followed HIPAA like he should and didn't disclose her mother's information to her until her mother was ready. Jackson should have been afforded the same courtesy. He should be hearing news like this from his mother, first. And now, he never will. Instead he's getting this information down a pipeline from Maggie, who was told by Meredith. This show makes it seem like HIPAA is optional. The condescending look Maggie gave Teddy for not telling Owen about the baby yet really irked me. Who the hell is she to judge. Teddy disclosed confidential information with you, and because you can't handle it, you blab it out. It's not your place to judge as a doctor. Your job is to treat to the patient and ot give out their medical info without consent. I wished Teddy had decked her or told her she was suing. 


On 11/14/2018 at 9:45 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Fucking seriously, Maggie? You couldn't give Catherine the chance to tell Jackson about her illness? Sure, Meredith made a huge mistake in telling Maggie, but Maggie couldn't wait a day. Hell, she couldn't wait a couple of hours! I do genuinely try to like Maggie but....the show makes it really hard. This wasn't her secret to tell. It wasn't Meredith's either, which is why I also am not impressed with her. Like, come on! How dare she tell Jackson about Catherine's illness? Catherine just found out herself and Maggie robbed her of the chance to tell Jackson on her own terms. It's not like Meredith told Maggie that Catherine was planning on hiding her illness from Jackson.

I am so fucking over Maggie. Her constant drama and whining. And now the writers are trying to use Catherine's condition to force them back together. Ugh. Just stop. Because Catherine is sick, Maggie is now all of a sudden going not run away when things get tough? She said it herself, "Does he expect me to change overnight." There is no chemistry at all.

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On 11/15/2018 at 11:28 AM, statsgirl said:

Looks like breaking HIPAA is catching.  The time it was Meredith telling Maggie, last time it was Maggie telling Meredith. Is Amelia going to catch it next?

Worse than violating HIPAA, is the justification after doing so: "you did it first, now we are even". Yes, because HIPAA is just this thing that doctors use to "get even" with one another.

I could never follow this show, but started more of less following it later last season. I was hopeful after a couple of episodes that I thought didn't suck but now I am back on hate-watching. Let's see how long t lasts.

All this coupling is so juvenile. Can't people live as many adults do? Not everyone needs a "love life". Not everyone needs to "hook up". Not everyone needs sex all the time. Besides, NONE of the character have chemistry with their pairing. NONE. Not sure why they had to bring back Teddy. Don't get the appeal of the character with the gloomy face, don't get the appeal of the actress either. 

One question that bugs me: what is the age group those people are supposed to be? I know the timeline is messed up but the teenagy drama is hard to swallow when I look at those actors faces and they aged as they should, so I expect them to mature as they age, but then they act as if they are fresh out of college. 

That was a big rant.

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5 hours ago, alexvillage said:

All this coupling is so juvenile. Can't people live as many adults do? Not everyone needs a "love life". Not everyone needs to "hook up". Not everyone needs sex all the time. Besides, NONE of the character have chemistry with their pairing. NONE. Not sure why they had to bring back Teddy. Don't get the appeal of the character with the gloomy face, don't get the appeal of the actress either. 

I don't have a problem with them wanting or needing a love life and sex, but as I posted in the Chicago Med forum, I'm sick and tired of them humping and furtively fumbling with each other in the workplace, especially a workplace which is supposed to be as clean and sterile as possible.   They do this on all the medical shows and it's just a tired trope.

Edited by Ohwell
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17 minutes ago, dmc said:

wait didn't delucca claim to break up with Maggie because he couldn't handle her being his boss...I wonder NOW if this was  a lie 

Plus, wasn't Delucca just last season going through reconnecting and breaking up with the love of his life?  He sure got over that relationship in a hurry.  I know they need a love interest for Meredith but why not bring in a new "doctor" that is a little older with some life experience.  I know they did that with the guy that she lost to his "dead" wife coming back and DeLucca is more cost effective but can we get real here?  Plus Meredith does have 3 kids.  Hell yeah that is a factor that no one seems to bring up.

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57 minutes ago, Palomar said:

Plus, wasn't Delucca just last season going through reconnecting and breaking up with the love of his life?  He sure got over that relationship in a hurry.  I know they need a love interest for Meredith but why not bring in a new "doctor" that is a little older with some life experience.  I know they did that with the guy that she lost to his "dead" wife coming back and DeLucca is more cost effective but can we get real here?  Plus Meredith does have 3 kids.  Hell yeah that is a factor that no one seems to bring up.

This too LOL


I rewatched this episode with my mom and was like wait didn't he tell Maggie he could handle her being his boss or something....and yes that girl that he claimed was the love of his life 

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Maybe she'll go out with Delucca and Link and both dates will suck. And then she'll realize the only man she really wants is Koracick. Hey, a girl can dream...

Very unpopular opinion. I liked what Glasses said about feeling confident and whole after Nico kissed him. And I thought the sex in the ambulance was hot. *ducks*

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2 hours ago, Palomar said:

Plus, wasn't Delucca just last season going through reconnecting and breaking up with the love of his life?  He sure got over that relationship in a hurry.  I know they need a love interest for Meredith but why not bring in a new "doctor" that is a little older with some life experience.  I know they did that with the guy that she lost to his "dead" wife coming back and DeLucca is more cost effective but can we get real here?  Plus Meredith does have 3 kids.  Hell yeah that is a factor that no one seems to bring up.

Obviously the show is going with the Mere/Deluca hook up. Oh! Yeah! They are SO going there.

Besides all the logical reasons not to go there-- they (the actors) at least have a modicum of chemistry -- which I can't say about the one with the weird hair (Can't remember his name)

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25 minutes ago, taanja said:

Obviously the show is going with the Mere/Deluca hook up. Oh! Yeah! They are SO going there.

Besides all the logical reasons not to go there-- they (the actors) at least have a modicum of chemistry -- which I can't say about the one with the weird hair (Can't remember his name)

I know LOL my point were more or less Delucca lied to Maggie to get rid of her


Sorry but I can't stand Korasic and didn't he sleep with Amelia?  I mean can't we get a fresh love interest

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I actually think Korasic is funny, but yes, he's slept with Amelia, Catherine, and the character that Geena Davis played -- that we know of.  I like him as a friend for Mere, but not necessarily a love interest.  I'm not getting any chemistry from M and DeLuca thus far.  And I know a lot people took issue with her comment about  being his attending, since Derek was hers, but I thought that was a valid point that showed growth.  She KNOWS how difficult that kind of relationship can be and wants to steer clear.  Not sure what I think about Link yet.  

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2 hours ago, dmc said:

I know LOL my point were more or less Delucca lied to Maggie to get rid of her


Sorry but I can't stand Korasic and didn't he sleep with Amelia?  I mean can't we get a fresh love interest

I don't feel I've seen enough of the Korasic dude to judge either way?  I mean-- what is his first name? Have we ever heard it spoken?

Thanks for reminding me of Deluca's tru luv chick -- he sure got over her lickity split huh?

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21 minutes ago, taanja said:

I don't feel I've seen enough of the Korasic dude to judge either way?  I mean-- what is his first name? Have we ever heard it spoken?

It's Thomas. Or Tommy, as he's called by Catherine. 

I agree that he haven't seen enough of him and he hasn't been written seriously enough yet to be really able to judge. But at least in theory he's a better prospect than either DeLuca or Link, who are both a hard no right off the bat. 

Also, the reason I'm kinda rooting for him is that I don't think he'd be promotted to a series regular anyway and so his romance with Meredith wouldn't be hogging the screen too much. 

Edited by Joana
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43 minutes ago, Joana said:

It's Thomas. Or Tommy, as he's called by Catherine. 

I agree that he haven't seen enough of him and he hasn't been written seriously enough yet to be really able to judge. But at least in theory he's a better prospect than either DeLuca or Link, who are both a hard no right off the bat. 

Also, the reason I'm kinda rooting for him is that I don't think he'd be promotted to a series regular anyway and so his romance with Meredith wouldn't be hogging the screen too much. 

I’m wondering if he is being saved for Amelia in case they decide to go with Owen and Teddy as endgame. He works just as well with Amelia as he does with Meredith and they seem to have a good relationship as friends and colleagues. 

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I find it hilarious that everyone is clutching their pearls over young guys pursuing Meredith and acting like it's the most insane thing on television. We know that men and women don't exclusively fuck people their own age, right? Also, TV and film are full of beautiful young women dating older, fatter, less attractive men. What's wrong with the show flipping the script and having a female lead being pursued by younger guys? Meredith is also a total catch; she's a beautiful woman and an incredible surgeon. I'm 27 and if Ellen Pompeo winked at me I'd be following her into an on-call room.

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On 11/18/2018 at 3:30 AM, displayname said:

Remember Meredith's annoying friend from season 5? The one who got surgery done on her? The one who called her "death"? The one whose name I've erased from my brain?


Glasses is more annoying than her. Congrats, show.

So is Maggie.

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Well, I finally got around to watching this episode, and I'm beginning to wonder why I bother anymore.

I did like the Richard/Bailey scene. 

Personally, out of the three options they seem to be pushing for Meredith, I would like to see her end up with Koracik. DeLuca would be second choice(if I had to make one), and Linc is a hard no.

Maggie can leave at any time, she is just overbearingly obnoxious.

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I think they made a huge mistake not letting us get to know HAOG at all before throwing him into a recycled storyline. Let us get to know the character a little before literally recycling dialogue from a previous season and putting him into a relationship with someone that most viewers really don’t care about. I barely know the characters name at this point. 

I think all these new characters aren’t being integrated/ introduced  right and it’s really hurting the show. 

I was done with Teddy/Owen drama in season 6 or so. So speaking of recycling storylines...

Maggie continues to be the worst and Meredith was so far out of line. I know no consequences will come, but still.

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15 hours ago, taanja said:

I don't feel I've seen enough of the Korasic dude to judge either way?  I mean-- what is his first name? Have we ever heard it spoken?

Thanks for reminding me of Deluca's tru luv chick -- he sure got over her lickity split huh?

I don’t even know his first name 😂🤷‍♀️

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Did I miss a show? When did Bailey and Ben separate? (Was it on Station 19, which I have stopped watching?)

I'm fairly certain that every hospital which does procedures/surgery is required to have generators. Now it is possible that the generators may fail but that is really far-fetched (see Superstorm Sandy). 

I do not get Glasses/Nico. 

What idiot blurts out to the father of her unborn child that she is pregnant while performing surgery  - in front of numerous other people? 

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41 minutes ago, LisaM said:


Did I miss a show? When did Bailey and Ben separate? (Was it on Station 19, which I have stopped watching?)


Yes. Which I don’t watch either so this is really annoying.

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14 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Meredith is also a total catch; she's a beautiful woman and an incredible surgeon.

All I can say is, mileage definitely varies on this.  Plus, her lisp is annoying as hell.  

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I wouldn't say she's a total catch, but she's a reasonably attractive woman and I'm sure she'd be able to have a lot of casual sex if she wanted to. I wouldn't have a problem with her having flings with young hotties if she initiated them, such things do happen. However, I do have a problem with the story of her love life the way it's being presented - that she's just standing around minding her own business while all those hot and successful guys (i.e. guys with lots of options) are falling head over feet for her and are desperate to even get a date with her is simply too unrealistic. She's not that hot. 

Edited by Joana
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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Plus, her lisp is annoying as hell.  

Quoting myself because I just figured out that it's the annoying sibilant sound she makes which makes it sound like she's hissing.  Maggie and Jackson sound like they're straight up lisping though.

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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 3:16 PM, taanja said:

I know right? Mere and Deluca's scene together was kind of cute-- and I can't believe I'm saying that! She is his superior and it's kind of inappropriate and of course there was that whole fucking Maggie thing---- but Deluca brought all that up when defending his attraction to Mere. So hell. I am interested to see where the show will go with this

I guess he got over his true love that was deported a while back.....  

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At this point, I actually wish DeLuca would go to wherever the "true love" got deported, because they've never written his character that well.  I like him but I'm ready to see him leave now. 

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17 hours ago, BaseOps said:

I find it hilarious that everyone is clutching their pearls over young guys pursuing Meredith and acting like it's the most insane thing on television. We know that men and women don't exclusively fuck people their own age, right? Also, TV and film are full of beautiful young women dating older, fatter, less attractive men. What's wrong with the show flipping the script and having a female lead being pursued by younger guys? Meredith is also a total catch; she's a beautiful woman and an incredible surgeon. I'm 27 and if Ellen Pompeo winked at me I'd be following her into an on-call room.

Clutchin' those pearls...clutchin' those pearls! << hey it plays like a little ditty in my head!

I am older but I am right there with you! I LOVE the actress and the character! I really like giving Meredith many men and letting her decide who and what she wants. After seeing her with Deluca this past ep-- I say bring it on!

2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

All I can say is, mileage definitely varies on this.  Plus, her lisp is annoying as hell.  

I love that lisp! I want to lick that lisp!

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For me, it’s not about the looks and I think that DeLuca and Meredith have decent chemistry. But she has 3 freaking kids, and they are still very young. That is a LOT of responsibility for anyone to take on, much less a 20 something with no kids and no previous marriages.  If DeLuca were my brother or friend, I would try to talk him out of that immediately.  It’s just too much. 

Beyond that, as much as I was not a fan of Derek, we are supposed to believe that he and The MerDer of It All are absolutely legendary st SGH, and of the current possibilities Koracick is the only one I see who has the confidence to not be intimidated by that.  But bring on the younger guy flings!  

Edited by Deanie87
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7 hours ago, Ohwell said:

At this point, I actually wish DeLuca would go to wherever the "true love" got deported, because they've never written his character that well.  I like him but I'm ready to see him leave now. 

Didn’t his “true love” go to Switzerland to work with Cristina to avoid deportation? The storyline was so stupid I may be remembering it all wrong and multiple people have referred to her being deported. Either way, he should go join her.

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4 minutes ago, deaja said:

Didn’t his “true love” go to Switzerland to work with Cristina to avoid deportation? The storyline was so stupid I may be remembering it all wrong and multiple people have referred to her being deported. Either way, he should go join her.

I don't remember if she was deported or went to Switzerland to avoid deportation.  The point was that she had to leave, and now I wish DeLuca would join her.  I'm pretty sure he could work with Cristina if Meredith or Bailey or one of the other doctors would give him a recommendation.   All I know is, he needs to get the hell out of Grey-Sloan-Mercy-Death-ScrewHIPAA.   

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I won't bore anyone with the details, but years ago a friend and her 15 year old were at a total deadlock.    In the counselor's office the daughter said she wanted to go to foster care, and the mother agreed on the spot, and the counselor mentioned that the mother would have to pay child support until she became 18.    That stopped that idea.   So unless Betty is an emancipated minor, or unless she was taken away by the state, and parental rights severed, there would be money involved.       On the other hand, since when has anything on Grey's been according to reality?   

The intern DeLuca was hot and heavy with last season was a DACA Dreamer, and her extensions had run out, or else it was denied (I obviously wasn't all that interested), so Meredith called Cristina, and the woman flew to Switzerland to work at the institute Cristina runs.     However, that was fantasy land too, since I doubt the young woman had a valid passport, and definitely no time to get a Swiss visa.  

I don't mind a doctor being enthusiastic that they can fix your issue.,     However, I dislike the interns this time saying they hoped for a lot of horrible injuries.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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11 hours ago, Joana said:

I wouldn't say she's a total catch, but she's a reasonably attractive woman and I'm sure she'd be able to have a lot of casual sex if she wanted to. I wouldn't have a problem with her having flings with young hotties if she initiated them, such things do happen. However, I do have a problem with the story of her love life the way it's being presented - that she's just standing around minding her own business while all those hot and successful guys (i.e. guys with lots of options) are falling head over feet for her and are desperate to even get a date with her is simply too unrealistic. She's not that hot. 

I don't really see that happening though. DeLuca knew Meredith for years before developing an attraction to her. It didn't start until after their drunken kiss. It's not like he took one look at her and his eyes popped out of his head. With Link there was certainly less build-up, but even he sort of backed off until Jo told him to pursue it. All they've had is some casual flirting, and we've seen that Link is pretty much a big flirt. It's not exclusive to Meredith. He also hit on Amelia.

Guys also love the chase. Meredith turning them down no-doubt makes her even more attractive to them. 

Also, it's a soap opera. A little suspension of disbelief is to be expected. DeLuca pining after an attractive, accomplished older female surgeon is hardly the least believable thing on this insane show. 

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13 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I won't bore anyone with the details, but years ago a friend and her 15 year old were at a total deadlock.    In the counselor's office the daughter said she wanted to go to foster care, and the mother agreed on the spot, and the counselor mentioned that the mother would have to pay child support until she became 18.    That stopped that idea.   So unless Betty is an emancipated minor, or unless she was taken away by the state, and parental rights severed, there would be money involved.       On the other hand, since when has anything on Grey's been according to reality?   

Has Betty's legal status ever been hinted? Like, was anything said that would make us at least guess what is going on? I don't remember how the kid got to Owen. 

I believe that the only way the state would leave her alone would be if she is emancipated. But as you said, Grey's is not really based on reality.

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Maggie shouldn't have said to Jackson about her mother. Neither Meredith should have told her, but I could maybe understan why she did it ( as she said, as Maggie told her about Teddy, now she told her about Jackson mother). But Meredith didn't go and tell Owen about Teddy, because it wasn't her jod, so why did Maggie has to? Hope I explained myself quite well!  About the elevators, I was quite upset...it made me  curious,of course, but I wouldn't have ended the episode just like that leaving Glasses and Kim in the ambulance and some of the characters in the elevator. The "positive" thing that makes this even more interesting is that Meredith and Andrew are paired, so I really want to see what happens. I just hope that Teddy and Owen decide not to tell Amelia about the baby in a freacking elevator, I mean...that's an important discussion, and I feel like Amelia could freak out or break down in the elevator. Coming to the end, RIchard should chill out a bit, I understand that he's stressed, but he didn't even asked for Catherine, he immediately thought about  her cheating on him, which I think it's a bit disrespectul for her and probably means he doesn't have faith in her. Miranda made a huge mistake by taking a pause with Ben, not staying with him isn'tngoing to make her less afraind of him dying, but probably even more because she doesn't have him beside her everyday. Quite a good finale, waiting for January!

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1 hour ago, sesealia said:

he immediately thought about  her cheating on him, which I think it's a bit disrespectul for her and probably means he doesn't have faith in her.

Unless I missed something, she's never given any reason to think she'd cheat on her husband; if I were her and that was my husband's first assumption on someone else answering my phone, I'd be pissed..

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7 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Unless I missed something, she's never given any reason to think she'd cheat on her husband; if I were her and that was my husband's first assumption on someone else answering my phone, I'd be pissed..

that's exactly what I think! And no, you didn't miss any episode, she didn't give any sign to possibly cheat,actually she seems scared for Richard because she doesn't want him to get even more stressed and worried. And as we know, of course she wasn't cheating!

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20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The intern DeLuca was hot and heavy with last season was a DACA Dreamer, and her extensions had run out, or else it was denied (I obviously wasn't all that interested), so Meredith called Cristina, and the woman flew to Switzerland to work at the institute Cristina runs.     However, that was fantasy land too, since I doubt the young woman had a valid passport, and definitely no time to get a Swiss visa.

She committed a traffic infraction I think, speeding or going through a red light, and that was enough to enable ICE to deport her.

I've read that ICE goes after the low-hanging fruit, such as the woman who went to court against her abusive husband, because it keeps their numbers up rather than the truly dangerous.

4 hours ago, sesealia said:

Maggie shouldn't have said to Jackson about her mother. Neither Meredith should have told her, but I could maybe understan why she did it ( as she said, as Maggie told her about Teddy, now she told her about Jackson mother). But Meredith didn't go and tell Owen about Teddy, because it wasn't her jod, so why did Maggie has to?

I think she told Jackson because she herself had wanted to be told when her mother was so sick but Jackson kept it to himself.

Whether Maggie should have told Jackson or not is for debate but in this case it wasn't breaking HIPPA because she wasn't acting as Catherine's doctor, unlike Meredith.

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