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The View in the Media


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Geez, was that review co-written by Geddie?! It complains that there were no "necessary sparks", no feuding and no controversy. I think that's a good thing! And the article insinuated Rosie was trying to get attention by getting melancholy about Joan rivers, but actually both Whoopi and Rosie got choked up talking about her and both were friends of hers. The author was looking for things to pick apart.

Edited by CathInAZ
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Geez, was that review co-written by Geddie?! It complains that there were no "necessary sparks", no feuding and no controversy. I think that' same good thing! And it sounded like Rosie was trying to get attention but getting a little teary during the Joan Rivers chat when really both Whoopi and Rosie got choked up talking about her and both were friends of hers. The author was looking for things to pick apart.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Apparently "Ken Tucker" is Geddie's latest nom de plume. That reviewer clearly went into it already hating RO and looking to pick her and the show apart no matter what they did. He also seems to forget that "bubbly" Elisabeth was largely developed into the "jump into the fray" shrew that she became. She didn't start that way and certainly not on her first show.

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Ms. Hasselbeck didn’t know a lot, but she would say almost anything. Ms. Wallace knows plenty and prefers to keep her feelings to herself.



It really is unfair to be reviewing the show to this degree after one episode.  There was no way this show was not going to be awkward considering how dark all the recent headlines have been, introducing two new hosts, and addressing the deaths of Joan Rivers and Robin Williams.  And damn, Elisabeth's meltdowns were never "instructive".  

Edited by Morbs
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But “The View” was once distinctive mostly because the hosts argued — sometimes at the highest decibels — over news events, politics and social issues.


And it was annoying!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Elisabeth:

She spoke from the heart, not from articles in The Weekly Standard, and brought an opposing view to daytime television debate


Really? Really?

Do the people that write these articles actually claim to have watched the show?

Edited by ginger90
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Well, speaking of Bits…… I was in the car yesterday afternoon and almost drove off the road laughing.  There's a radio talk show host in Seattle named Dori Monson, a guy who is a total right wing, Limbaugh-loving ranter.  Unfortunately he's on a station that gives regular traffic updates so I sometimes listen.  Yesterday there was a mild earthquake about 3am here and he's talking about how he felt it, it woke him up at 3 am, he couldn't go back to sleep, so he switched on the tv-- Fox News, natch.  And he said that morning show with Elisabitch was on and he was watching it -- and he said he couldn't believed HOW bad that team of Bits, Doucy and that other doofus is.  He said he's not normally up at that hour so he hadn't really watched it before and was shocked how terrible they are.  He played a clip of some airhead reading the news and mispronouncing stuff, and then on the clip Bits makes some inane comment about the newsreader's mistakes.  After he played the clip of Bits' idiotic comment several times, he was laughing so hard he could barely talk. And he said about her "whatever she says makes no sense.  These strings of words come out of her mouth, but they make NO sense! She can't talk! If you could get a transcript of what she says on that show, it would be like a total word jumble!" And then he cracked up even more hysterically, played the clip again, couldn't stop laughing and said again what an incompetent moron she is.  And he is a hard-core Geddie right-winger.


For y'all I dug around on the inter webs and found this link for you.  The bit starts around the 14:00 mark, his comments about how bad the show is are around 15:00 and the Bits comments are around 15:25:



  • Love 12

After he played the clip of Bits' idiotic comment several times, he was laughing so hard he could barely talk. And he said about her "whatever she says makes no sense.  These strings of words come out of her mouth, but they make NO sense! She can't talk! If you could get a transcript of what she says on that show, it would be like a total word jumble!" And then he cracked up even more hysterically, played the clip again, couldn't stop laughing and said again what an incompetent moron she is.  And he is a hard-core Geddie right-winger.


For y'all I dug around on the inter webs and found this link for you.  The bit starts around the 14:00 mark, his comments about how bad the show is are around 15:00 and the Bits comments are around 15:25:




Bless your heart!  gigglesnort, that was awesome!

  • Love 3

Well, speaking of Bits…… I was in the car yesterday afternoon and almost drove off the road laughing.  There's a radio talk show host in Seattle named Dori Monson, a guy who is a total right wing, Limbaugh-loving ranter.  Unfortunately he's on a station that gives regular traffic updates so I sometimes listen.  Yesterday there was a mild earthquake about 3am here and he's talking about how he felt it, it woke him up at 3 am, he couldn't go back to sleep, so he switched on the tv-- Fox News, natch.  And he said that morning show with Elisabitch was on and he was watching it -- and he said he couldn't believed HOW bad that team of Bits, Doucy and that other doofus is.  He said he's not normally up at that hour so he hadn't really watched it before and was shocked how terrible they are.  He played a clip of some airhead reading the news and mispronouncing stuff, and then on the clip Bits makes some inane comment about the newsreader's mistakes.  After he played the clip of Bits' idiotic comment several times, he was laughing so hard he could barely talk. And he said about her "whatever she says makes no sense.  These strings of words come out of her mouth, but they make NO sense! She can't talk! If you could get a transcript of what she says on that show, it would be like a total word jumble!" And then he cracked up even more hysterically, played the clip again, couldn't stop laughing and said again what an incompetent moron she is.  And he is a hard-core Geddie right-winger.


For y'all I dug around on the inter webs and found this link for you.  The bit starts around the 14:00 mark, his comments about how bad the show is are around 15:00 and the Bits comments are around 15:25:



What a hoot.... and imagine these people get paid tons of money to be wordsmiths and they produce this kind of drivel

  • Love 4

Well, speaking of Bits…… I was in the car yesterday afternoon and almost drove off the road laughing. There's a radio talk show host in Seattle named Dori Monson, a guy who is a total right wing, Limbaugh-loving ranter. Unfortunately he's on a station that gives regular traffic updates so I sometimes listen. Yesterday there was a mild earthquake about 3am here and he's talking about how he felt it, it woke him up at 3 am, he couldn't go back to sleep, so he switched on the tv-- Fox News, natch. And he said that morning show with Elisabitch was on and he was watching it -- and he said he couldn't believed HOW bad that team of Bits, Doucy and that other doofus is. He said he's not normally up at that hour so he hadn't really watched it before and was shocked how terrible they are. He played a clip of some airhead reading the news and mispronouncing stuff, and then on the clip Bits makes some inane comment about the newsreader's mistakes. After he played the clip of Bits' idiotic comment several times, he was laughing so hard he could barely talk. And he said about her "whatever she says makes no sense. These strings of words come out of her mouth, but they make NO sense! She can't talk! If you could get a transcript of what she says on that show, it would be like a total word jumble!" And then he cracked up even more hysterically, played the clip again, couldn't stop laughing and said again what an incompetent moron she is. And he is a hard-core Geddie right-winger.

For y'all I dug around on the inter webs and found this link for you. The bit starts around the 14:00 mark, his comments about how bad the show is are around 15:00 and the Bits comments are around 15:25:


Bless you GoldDust. That was a hoot. Fox & Friends ladies and gentlemen, where the combined IQ is roughly equivalent to that of a blueberry muffin. Heh. :)

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Meh, I would take anything that the New York Post prints with a Humvee sized grain of salt. That tabloid isn't exactly a bastion of ethical and accurate reporting. And don't forget they're owned by the same people who own ClusterFox and employ Bitsy. Just sayin.


Agreed, I really should have put a question mark at the end of that post!

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Glad you enjoyed the clip on Bits.  I enjoyed it so much that in the light of day now I listened again and just have to relish this right wing ranter who is one of the top radio hosts in the NW hating on Bits.  Even her own tribe can't stand her.  It's too great.  So I just have to repeat his exact comments about her:


Monson: And Elisabeth Hasselbeck… I adore her brother-in-law, Matt.  But, uh…WOW! There is NOTHING there!  I mean just… just nothing there (laughs)


His producer/sidekick:  It is tough. We've played audio from her before in interviews.  She has a tough time--


Monson:  She can't talk!  It's really something to watch.  She strings words together---if you had a transcript of most of the stuff she spontaneously says, it would be a world JUMBLE. It really is amazing. So there's that, and then this morning I had to record this……(explains how he came to record show)


[tape of newscaster mispronouncing Kauai several times, finally saying it to rhyme with Hawaii and he and his producer go over the newsreader's words again]


Monson:  I have to play the whole report coz you have to hear the interplay between her and the, uh, anchors at the end


[more audio and commentary]


Monson: Then it gets even better...


[plays audio again of newsreader saying Kauai rhymes with Hawaii so that must mean it's near Hawaii]


[on audio] Hasselbeck:  I like that rhyming. Thank you Heather.


Monson:  Do you hear Elisabeth Hasselbeck?


Producer: what'd she say?


Monson: 'I like that rhyming' (hysterical laughing).  I swear to you it was one of the funniest things I've ever heard on tv news (more hysterical laughing)


Producer: you know it's weird they have that reputation isn't it?   (Hysterical laughter)


Mosnon:  I'm sorry, I gotta play the last few seconds, I haven't heard this since 3am.  I was hoping it was as funny at 1:25 in the afternoon as it was when I was sleep-deprived at 3 am


[replays tape of newsreader again and Hasselbeck's comment]


Monson:  (mocking Bits) "I like that rhyming"  (hysterics)


Producer:  rhyming is fun.


Monson: OOOhhh that is just the best!  And that is the fastest 15.


[plays audio logo for show]


Monson:  "I like that rhyming!"

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Elisabeth better hang on to her current job with both hands because honestly who else would hire her?  Fellow right-wingers like this radio guy sees her for the complete and total idiot that she is.  I do take solace in the fact that as soon as the newer younger blonder FoxBot model is rolled off the line EH will probably be shown the door and then she can go to that big fancy home in Connecticut and tweet all day long about patriotism, gluten free cookies and voicing her opinion on things no one asked her about.

  • Love 6

GoldDustWoman, thanks so much for posting that clip. It was hysterical! 


I sometimes flip the TV over to Fox & Friends in the morning just to laugh at EH, but I only can last a minute or two before I want to strangle someone. I was really hoping they wouldn't renew her contract after a year, but when I tuned in for a few seconds the other day they were celebrating her one year anniversary on the show. Ugh, I want her off any and all TV and gone forever from the public sphere.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Thanks for that, GoldDustWoman - that was beautiful! 




I don't agree with this review at all.  I'm linking it because I find opinions opposite to mine interesting to read, but this one is so completely different from my own.  I think there are television reviewers slated to review shows they obviously don't even watch.  This guy seems to be just pulling random points right out of his ass - points he heard previously when the lineup was announced and just went with it.  For example, there were comments about Rosie P's voice at first.  But I have found her, and her voice, nothing but delightful.  She hasn't even spoken all that much, but when she has, it has been a pleasure to hear her.  This reviewer just wanted to get his joke out.  Awful.  Given the choice between the constant high pitched screeching we were put through for ten years too long and Rosie P's sweet yet smart gentleness, I'd take Rosie P's voice any time, any day of the week. 

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Full disclosure: I am a man. As such, I am not in the target demo



As soon as I read that line I knew his review would be a bunch of crap.  So what is he saying?  That the View's target demo (just women I guess according to him) would find everything he found unappealing they would find entertaining?


Reviewing TV shows if very different from reviewing movies.  Anyone can review a movie.  You watch a movie you give your opinion on it.  TV shows need to be reviewed by someone that consistently watches the show.  Someone familiar with the hosts/actors and understands the way the show works.  I'm not sure I have seen what I consider an honest review of the new season yet.  We are only a week in so perhaps professional reviewers are waiting for the show to find it's footing before they write their opinion.


This guy seems to be just pulling random points right out of his ass



You mean like Elisabeth used to do?

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These last 2 paragraphs explains the entire review...... now I understand why it was so biased


If there’s one bright spot, it is Wallace, the token conservative this season. She’s a natural, bright and charming and engaging. Despite being the least known on the panel, Wallace brings the most chat value to the set’s new drop-leaf table.

Alas, you can’t have a talk show with only one talker. So if ABC execs and producers have any sense, they will fix the chemistry before viewers shrug and visualize something else in the 11 a.m. hour.


If he thinks that Nichole Wallace is the most chattiest member...... well he just wasn't paying attention

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If he thinks that Nichole Wallace is the most chattiest member...... well he just wasn't paying attention


Oh I'm guessing he was paying attention to her.  And I'm going to bet it's because of this.


If there’s one bright spot, it is Wallace, the token conservative this season. She’s a natural, bright and charming and engaging. Despite being the least known on the panel, Wallace brings the most chat value to the set’s new drop-leaf table.




Wallace brings the most chat value?  What exactly does that mean?  What she says is more important than the other co-hosts?  Or does he just like what she says more than the other three women.

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I am glad to see all of your responses, because that review had me questioning what show it was I watched all last week.  I was thinking "is it me?".  I do like to read differing opinions, and although I don't agree I can usually at least see where someone is coming from.  But that was off the wall. 


One last thing about it - the reviewer was fixated on the term "who-ha".  Maybe someone told him a few years ago that the hosts on the View talk about their "who-ha", which would prove he's pulling random points out of his ass.  I watched all last week (which is what he is supposed to be reviewing) and if that was said then I missed it.  I do remember a discussion between the ladies recalling times in their lives where they were taught to "know their vaginas".  I know they used the word "vagina", because that made me think of all the years where "penis" was allowed to be said on tv but not "vagina" and that it took too long for that to happen.

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
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I loved watching Elisabeth, which is saying something as I am a flaming liberal.  I disagreed with her, but I at least felt she spoke intelligently and respectfully.

Nicolle tweeted this blog, saying it raised good points. I just got a big kick out of the above quote. I guess it really does take all kinds to make the world go 'round.

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Nicolle tweeted this blog, saying it raised good points. I just got a big kick out of the above quote. I guess it really does take all kinds to make the world go 'round.

This blogger kinda failed on her analysis... we don't go to war as a country.... Other than military members and their families and friends.... this country doesn't sacrifice anything when we are at war..... except for new reports most of America doesn't realize that we are at war..... it is kinda shameful

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Couldn't agree more fl2dc.

In addition she supports those in Congress that mostly cut benefits for veterans, active military and all the families that are affected. One example is cutting food stamps for military families living on base.

And that is so very wrong, imo. Just say you don't agree with a particular decision or part of the whole. But she can never do that. Just wonders "where are the parents?"

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Whoa. If this is true - and if it was in front of the audience, I doubt they'd make it out of whole cloth - this is nuts:




The article seems to have a general anti-Rosie slant so I take it with a grain of salt, but if they're describing the incident accurately, she was in the wrong. Commercial breaks etc are carefully timed and Whoopi had no say in the matter.


I'm a little bummed thinking of smirky self-righteous Bitsy sitting there reading this.

Edited by Mumbles
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Why would Rosie grab a mic to complain to Whoopi and tell her she hurt her feelings when she was 5 feet from her? And that article says Whoopi wasn't there for the try outs when every other article says she was.

I hope it's true though just so something interesting happens!

Edit: here's a Post article with a response from a show publicist calling it a "misundertanding" and an "exchange". http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/rosie-o-donnell-whoopi-goldberg-fight-front-view-audience-article-1.1957308

Edited by Morbs
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Whoa. If this is true - and if it was in front of the audience, I doubt they'd make it out of whole cloth - this is nuts:


The article seems to have a general anti-Rosie slant so I take it with a grain of salt, but if they're describing the incident accurately, she was in the wrong. Commercial breaks etc are carefully timed and Whoopi had no say in the matter.

I'm a little bummed thinking of smirky self-righteous Bitsy sitting there reading this.

Eh, I call BS. Certainly W and RO are both very strong personalities, but I'm not quite buying it. For one thing, the hot topic about spanking occurred on the season premier two weeks ago. I don't recall them returning to that subject again in hot topics last week, did they? Also Rosie has worked in television for a very, very long time. She knows what a freaking time cue is and she knows who calls the shots about when they must go to commercial break, and it's not Whoopi. Sure, there may have been a moment of grumpiness about wishing they had been able to continue a particular subject, but an extended angry shouting match with a hand mic in front of the studio audience? That sounds a lot like a gossip writer judiciously embellishing a mostly nothing story to me. But who knows? The View certainly has a long history of not bringing out the best in its cohosts.

Now, the bit about Whoopi wanting out of her contract is a bit more believable. There was a weird, brief on camera exchange between WG and Nicolle (I think) during the first week that sort of alluded to the idea that Whoopi wanted out of the job. WG quickly laughed it off and dove into her intro for the next segment, but I remember it caught my attention at the time and made me think hmmm...the newbie almost just let something off the record slip there I think. Pure speculation on my part, but I've said before it wouldn't surprise me if W does indeed want off the show after this season and then Rosie would take over the moderator chair and they'd bring in a new cohost who represents a younger demographic on the panel. Guess we'll see.

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Whatever....(I don't like that expression) but I agree.

WG wants out - even if this season is more interesting than the past ones. She has stepped up to the plate.

But, imo, she would like a payout rather than just leaving.

The View provided her with a platform to promote so many other endeavors - Broadway, documentaries etc.

And as much as I like RO, she is force to deal with in their positions. Plus TV is not creative for WG. Even to reboot her career at this point.

Could be a win-win for both of them, if there is a payout.

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Radar online also just ran this story about Rosie o and Whoopi. Very disappointing. The fact that Rosie would do this In front of an audience is not good and unprofessional. I am liking the chemistry on the show and enjoying it. Not happy that rosie O. would initiate this and go off like this. Whoopi is moderator and has producers in her ear directing the flow and timing of the show. If they tell her to go to commercial, so be it...why is Rosie taking it out on her? I hate to see her giving fodder to Fox News and others who will jump on this story and run with it.

Edited by CathInAZ
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Radar online also just ran this story about Rosie o and Whoopi. Very disappointing. The fact that Rosie would do this In front of an audience is not good and unprofessional. I am liking the chemistry on the show and enjoying it. Not happy that rosie O. would initiate this and go off like this. Whoopi is moderator and has producers in her ear directing the flow and timing of the show. If they tell her to go to commercial, so be it...why is Rosie taking it out on her? I hate to see her giving fodder to Fox News and others who will jump on this story and run with it.

This article is false. 3  of my friends, were at the view, and didn't witness a confusing with Rosie, and Whoopi.

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I had two family members who went that day & they say it's 100% true. The only reason it didn't get out faster was the Friday show was previously taped. Then it was the weekend where apprently all of television shuts down. Rosie can't stand not being in control and wants to be the moderator. You snooze you loose, Rosie. That said, Whoppi is a horrible moderator & TPTB should let her leave if she wants to.

Now, the bit about Whoopi wanting out of her contract is a bit more believable




I would be believe Whoopi wants out of her contract but why should ABC buy her out if she is requesting to leave?  If ABC was asking her to leave then they would be obligated to buy her out but if she leaves on her own accord they don't owe her anything right? 

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I would be believe Whoopi wants out of her contract but why should ABC buy her out if she is requesting to leave?  If ABC was asking her to leave then they would be obligated to buy her out but if she leaves on her own accord they don't owe her anything right?


From what we know of Whoopi, I could totally see her wanting out of her contract but insisting that ABC still paying her for remainder of her contract.  I'm not saying that it's true, but I could see her thinking she still has enough clout as an EGOT to demand this.

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