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S03.E12: Where's Copenhagen?

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18 hours ago, nenya said:

D'Andra's finances are very confusing to me. Does she not have a personal credit card? Why does everything get charged to the business card? Or does it get charged as well to her trust, so her mom sees her spending? Did she make a bad investment, and doesn't want to admit it? Something seems really odd - because even normal old me has $1200 available my personal credit card. 

I think the majority of us could put $1200 on a personal credit card, I just don't understand  both D'Andra and LeeAnn not charging the upgrade.

10 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

And the biggest question of all: how or why would Mama Dee even know if D'Andra upgraded to first class? Does Mama Dee oversee D'Andra's finances? Is she looking at D'Andra's credit card statements? Something seems so off in that family.

I am thoroughly confused by D'Andra's financial situation as well.    Her first (and only, apparently) instinct is to put the airfare on the business card?   WTF   Not only is the flight NOT a business expense for her mother's company, but does she not have a personal credit card?   Is that possible?    Something is definitely off.   

Let's not forget that D'Andra is earning an income from this show and could totally afford the $1200 out of that salary.

Edited by tabloidlover
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I cheer their frugality. It seemed like it was that in LeeAnne's case anyway; I don't know what is going on with D'Andra. If she still needs mommy to give her a job and pay her credit card bills at 50, well, that is pretty bad. Kid fail and parenting fail.

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3 hours ago, tabloidlover said:


I am thoroughly confused by D'Andra's financial situation as well.    Her first (and only, apparently) instinct is to put the airfare on the business card?   WTF   Not only is the flight NOT a business expense for her mother's company, but does she not have a personal credit card?   Is that possible?    Something is definitely off.   


But isn’t it? She’s using this show to promote her business so she could technically write it off has a business related expense. You’d be amazed the things people can technically write off for business expenses for 

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Dear Dallas ladies: You can send me all your unopened jars of pickled herring.  Yum Yum, in my Tum Tum.

And, no, I am not Nordic.  German/Polish if anything, and was raised to love pickled herring, amongst other delicacies.  My Oma used to make a herring butter that made my lips smack.  <sigh>

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On 11/1/2018 at 10:41 PM, dosodog said:

I'd like more scenes of Chunk.

1 1/2 years and we just now meet the charming, stout fellow.

I'm a little peeved it took this long.  Why was he not at the painting party?

I read somewhere ( for the life of me I can't remember where), that Chunk doesn't always do well with other dogs. Louis and he have to be separated, which is probably why we don't see him much. 

We have a extremely alpha dog, and he and my mild mannered little dog have to be separated at meal times and when we aren't home for the little dog's safety.  Both are great dogs, just different personalities.

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On 10/31/2018 at 9:14 PM, nexxie said:

Did I see a preview where Travis talked about butt sex?! So glad we had an emergency announcement about potential tornadoes that preempted that part of the show!

This was absolutely horrifying that he would say this knowing it was being taped for a tv show.  And in front of his inlaws aka Stephanie's parents!!!  ACK.

On 10/31/2018 at 10:02 PM, dosodog said:

And how did production not pick up the 1st class tab?  Hmmmmmm.

I am convinced they all sat in First and that it was all a ruse to try to create drama.  OR that Leanne and D'Andra don't really care about sitting up front and wanted to spend their money some other way.  International first or business is just the best.  If all they wanted was $1200, I'd be so down with that.  However, maybe it is not as important to them?

On 11/1/2018 at 8:17 AM, pasdetrois said:

Stephanie's "I'm not worthy" schtick is fake. It's how she manipulates people into thinking she's a helpless little southern belle when in fact she's a crafty social climber.


I also enjoyed meeting Chunk this episode.  I feel like the whole drama between D'Andra and LeAnne is manufactured only for the show.   I think LeAnne and Brandi signed on as "the villains" and they are set to play their roles.  D'Andra simply hasn't been that interesting in the past seasons but this year she is front and center due to the "feud" with LeAnne.

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I was surprised that not only was D'Andra not able to pay the upgrade to first class out of her own personal funds (one of her 5 bank accounts that she wouldn't need to worry about now that she's getting business), as someone who presumably has lived a fairly nice life and travels frequently, wouldn't she also maybe have miles to use? But, even if she DID use the company card, Dee is giving her the company, so it would be her decision to make anyway, not Dee's.  Plus, she said earlier that her stepfather had provided for her in a way that gave her more than enough to live on, but not if she had to fund her company separately and start over.  Since she's not doing that, she shouldn't have any issues paying for the upgrade to first class.

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I don’t think Momma Dee gives a rip about her daughter. This “defense” is all for more camera time. D’andra just seems pathetic being so ecstatic that this otherwise withholding mother is standing up for her. 

Its so nice that so many believe that she is defending her daughter out of somentrue maternal instinct but  no one with real tender feelings for their child would have spoken to her on camera the way that Dee has spoken to d’andra accusing her of being envious of Dee’s good looks.

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Like an earlier poster already asked about here, I’m just as perplexed over how LeeAnne manages to afford her lifestyle. She isn’t as openly wealthy as the other broads(her house obviously isn’t as nice, for starters), but obviously she lives well enough to afford designer outfits/accessories/beauty treatments and to hit pricy charity events...how’d she end up involved in that world as a carnie outsider anyway? I’m assuming her pageant lifestyle gave her a taste of that world and she desperately clung to it along with all those connections she made via pageant networking...but what’s her actual career and how’s she managed to support herself beyond just appearing on this show?

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Motivational Speaker circuit?

Ex pageant girl, charity volunteer, carny girl who can work a crowd and knows the buzzwords? 

Secret lottery winner?

Non so secret assassin? Who only needs her hands?

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On 11/5/2018 at 8:10 PM, Sun-Bun said:

Like an earlier poster already asked about here, I’m just as perplexed over how LeeAnne manages to afford her lifestyle. She isn’t as openly wealthy as the other broads(her house obviously isn’t as nice, for starters), but obviously she lives well enough to afford designer outfits/accessories/beauty treatments and to hit pricy charity events...how’d she end up involved in that world as a carnie outsider anyway? I’m assuming her pageant lifestyle gave her a taste of that world and she desperately clung to it along with all those connections she made via pageant networking...but what’s her actual career and how’s she managed to support herself beyond just appearing on this show?

Leanne is like a grifter.  she buddies up to the designers and wears their clothes for an in-turn referral.  She works social events, do get her butt in the door.  Her carnie upbringing is paying off, she a total con job

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On 11/5/2018 at 6:10 PM, Sun-Bun said:

 I’m assuming her pageant lifestyle gave her a taste of that world and she desperately clung to it along with all those connections she made via pageant networking...but what’s her actual career and how’s she managed to support herself beyond just appearing on this show?

I have a feeling she's had to work hard all her life to maintain a lifestyle she wants.  I bet she's managed her money well, and I noticed she is not flippant about her possessions, and I appreciate not doing an upgrade. A designer dress or shoes is a better investment than temp first class. This gal does not rest on her laurels.

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On 11/1/2018 at 11:13 AM, Jel said:

Disagree that she hasn't done shit to anyone. I think she dishes up a fair bit actually.

I'm team Brandi in the Leanne/Kam thing, Kam's face, mannerisms and accent annoy me to no end and LeeAnn is just psycho, buuuuut, Brandi adds herbs to the pot she stirs, and diaretics. 

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On 11/2/2018 at 12:26 PM, jaync said:

Agreed, and I likewise can't fathom a side piece just giving her baby to her lover and his wife to raise. (The further notion that the Hollmans would enthusiastically arrange for the Redmonds to have Travis's supposed love child is just too ridiculous to contemplate, imo.)


I don't think Brandi's adopted son is really her husband's but on the side piece just giving up the kid front...  My cousin had a baby when she was 14 or 15.  The baby daddy was like 30 or something (I just remember being ~17 and thinking he was old and it was gross as shit).  He went to jail for statutory rape.  His wife stood by him.  As soon as he got out of jail my cousin was knocked up again.  His wife kicked his ass to the curb, but took both my cousin's kids because she realized it was their best bet for a good life given their biological parents and since the kids were siblings to her kids she wanted what was best for them.  The wife was a really good person and I don't think most people would do that.  My cousin was okay with it for a while, but unfortunately she eventually took the kids back.  Poor kids. 

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While I actually adore Stephanie, I'm ashamed at her lack of world knowledge.  She not only said "Where's Copenhagen?" when Cary first invited her, but she further discussed still not knowing where it was, in her TH.  By the time they film the TH, it's much later.  I'd have hoped she'd have pulled out her sparkly little phone and typed it in.

Then again, just this month, a 22 year-old girl asked me where Minnesota was when I told her I had a trip there.  I said, "You know, Minnesota".  She said, "Oh, we didn't learn where all the states were".  I said, "Up north, close to Canada, middle of the country.....Michigan, Illinois??" and she gave me a blank stare.  Sad state of education.

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