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S06.E01: Staten Island, Part 1

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Note: Showtime has made this episode available on demand so if you enter this thread, you will be spoiled!



Ray being pulled from the East River by Police Officer Sean “Mac” McGrath. Taken over the bridge into Staten Island, Ray finds a chance at a new life, but the peace he comes to find is interrupted when Sam Winslow comes calling. With the ghosts of his past returning, and his father Mickey plotting something in prison, Ray may not have a choice but to return to his roots.

Original air date: 10/28/18

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Well it was a real slow start. Not sure I like the change of scenery. I thought the whole moving in with the cop that pulled him from the river not believable? Oh well I love Liev so I’m in regardless but hopefully they get back to sexy fixer Ray and less sad sack Ray. Fingers crossed. 

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This series is overstaying its welcome. How long in reality would a guy dodge not be thrown in prison or be dead 4 seasons ago.  His body falling into the river looked like one of them dummies thrown off a roof in a comedy sketch. Cop drags him onto the shore... there is no shore there. What's a uniformed patrol cop from a staten island precinct doing in manhattan.

Edited by 100Proof
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From Staten Island to Brooklyn to SoHo without a car in Ray Donovan's timeframe (after getting beat up in Brooklyn). IMPOSSIBLE.

I think Ray Donovan (the show) is circling the drain. If this is a preview of what we are about to experience this season, I'm out. Next week will tell.

Edited by preeya
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The show has certainly had a change of flavor and maybe not to my taste. I liked that he had begun to work on the cops motorcycle, but then why did he stop? That was one of the most human (normal) moments that I’ve been glad for him or seen him be normal.  I’m ok with him being in NYC, but agree that you cannot jumps boroughs that fast, especially after being beaten up. 

Of all people I cannot believe that when Ray, meets Mac in the bar, that he sits with his back to the door. For someone who has just been through so many things in his life that Ray would IRL do that. Ha, I don’t when possible and I’m nothing. 

On one hand his reunion with Bridget was cold, but then I was never enamored of her character.

Looks like Ray wants to be the comeback kid. Terry’s comment about him being fat and seeing him take too many punches is just setting him up for a redemption arc. The previews showed it coming (without me speculating here). 

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Ahhh, the more things change, the more they stay the same. You can take away Ray's fancy suits, fancy cars, and fancy house but no matter where he lives, the first thing he does when he walks in the door is pour himself a drink or two.

I get being annoyed with himself for wearing a Yankees hat, but dude, that's not your hat to throw away! Just take it home and give it back to the guy who's been nice enough to let you stay with him.

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I watched this morning in fits and starts so I'm sure I missed more than this - but why is it such a big deal that the cop took them to Staten Island?  I mean, other than it was surely against procedure; how does it have racial implications?

Edited by TexasGal
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On 10/23/2018 at 6:22 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ahhh, the more things change, the more they stay the same. You can take away Ray's fancy suits, fancy cars, and fancy house but no matter where he lives, the first thing he does when he walks in the door is pour himself a drink or two.

I get being annoyed with himself for wearing a Yankees hat, but dude, that's not your hat to throw away! Just take it home and give it back to the guy who's been nice enough to let you stay with him.

As in Mad Men, addiction gets to be a pretty boring plot element after a few seasons, because in real life hard core addicts are fundamentally tedious.

I've stayed with the show because I like the actors, but it really peaked at the end of season 2, and has been in significant decline ever since.

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1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

I watched this morning in fits and starts so I'm sure I missed more than this - but why is it such a big deal that the cop took them to Staten Island?  I mean, other than it was surely against procedure; how does it have racial implications?

Different county. Different potential jury pool. S.I. has a much higher percentage Caucasian population than Manhattan.

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Well, I loved it. Yes, it is absurd and redundant but I enjoy watching it unfold. What happens to me every year is that I forget after so much time most of what happened in the last season, so I have to go back and read episode summaries. 

What is most absurd is that Mickey goes to jail and gets out and then goes back in again. What in the hell was that concoction he was drinking? How many people has Ray murdered? Yes, it is nuts that he has not been arrested. But I love how grim and emotionless he always is. He is like a walking zombie. 

And Ray, the fixer, getting beat up by that fat guy? I don't know... I always have to watch each episode at least twice to follow the plot. 

Also, what's so incriminating for the cop because he drove them from Manhattan to Staten Island? 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Interesting cover of "New York, New York." It was almost danceable.

Ray in NYC. A Bahston boy versus the Noo Yawkas. The fights start themselves!

A "method" actor? More like a "meth head" actor. I think whoever wrote that line was trying too hard to sell it.

Bridget. Ugh. Mickey, yikes. What kind of vile prison cocktail was that?  And why does everyone keep underestimating him? At this point they need to put him under a supermax prison.

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On 10/24/2018 at 12:08 PM, Loandbehold said:

Different county. Different potential jury pool. S.I. has a much higher percentage Caucasian population than Manhattan.

I guess he was suppose to call it in and let the psych people evaluate a jumper.  As for why it's a big deal that he took a Samoan from Brooklyn to SI, who knows?

Maybe just a plot device to get Ray pulled back into working for Sam and doing his fixer stuff again.  Guess Ray connects with the fat cop from The Wire, who saved him from himself -- he did jump after all, following the loss of Abby.  So out of this obligation, he's willing to do Sam's dirty work and basically get back into the only game he knows.

Ray only went to see Terry to help the cop's kid and then happened to run into Bridget.  Tells you that he wasn't even thinking of them.

Ray is such a shitty father too.  It's a wonder that Bridget doesn't have daddy issues and is mowing through a lot of dickish guys -- the cancer boy is apparently gone and her new beau seems like the same kind of basic guy -- at least she's not screwing Ken Cosgrove any more.

I think Ray was taking the beating from the Samoan because he didn't want to ruin it for the cop, had to bribe him.  He'll probably get payback on him later in the season.

Likewise, of course Ray and Anita -- who doesn't know what Tinder is in 2018 -- are going to get it on.  It's a strange plot, that in this day and age, an aspiring politicians who used to work in the DA's office has to be sexually discreet to advance her political career.  First of all, most of these politicians will marry someone, anyone, if they're serious about politics.  She had to arrange a hookup via fake emails?

Then desperate to get the sex video back, she goes to confront the guy herself and then kills him?  She's a former prosecutor, which doesn't mean she is incapable of committing a crime, but it's highly unlikely.  Plus she knew that Ray is a fixer and working for Sam to help her.

Meanwhile, Mickey has been plotting to get out by OD'ing on nicotine, collecting butts for who knows how long.  Does water extract nicotine from cigarette butts?  I'd think the gastric distress from drinking that horrible concoction would hurt the old man before affecting his heart.

Ray is going to have to deal with Mickey because his old script is being made into some cheesy blaxploitation movie for Sam Winslow's Netflix knockoff.  

Nobody in the family seems to care about Bunchey fighting for custody of his baby.  So he'll probably do something stupid and they'll have to help him somehow.

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Ray jumps from a bridge and lived?! Takes a club to the head, falls face first in the water, and was fortunate he didn’t drown or have a brain injury. No need to go to the hospital or have a mental evaluation…. straight to jail for him. From the opening and the season's preview: is Liev Schreiber playing Ray or Sabertooth from Wolverine?

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13 hours ago, scrb said:

Ray is such a shitty father too.  It's a wonder that Bridget doesn't have daddy issues and is mowing through a lot of dickish guys -- the cancer boy is apparently gone and her new beau seems like the same kind of basic guy -- at least she's not screwing Ken Cosgrove any more.


I believe it was the same guy (cancer boy) with a different look.

ETA: The IMDB summary includes this:  "Bridget and Smitty are also still in New York and seem quite happy but both still have some unresolved issues with Ray."

Smitty is the cancer guy from last season.

Edited by preeya
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Totally almost threw up on my desk when Mickey drank his tobacco & water concoction. I kept looking away and then when I though it was safe, I would look back, and Mickey is still slurping away. My stomach rolled several times. Gotta give it to Jon Voight, he has no qualms about looking like a horrible person. He embraces it totally. 

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I frankly forgot a lot of this show, but I was happy to remember, upon hints, that Abbey was dead and the kids jettisoned (almost).  So I am giving this show time to let Ray progress beyond his terrible family into something interesting.  This show and Homeland are pretty much legacy shows at this point.

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I really, really, really do not want to go back and watch any of last season.  Does anyone remember if Bunch's wife left him or if she died?  Normally I'd assume she left him, but this show has a lot of situations for people to die in.  Also, why is Mick in prison?  I think Darrel fucked him over somehow, but don't remember any details.

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22 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

If memory is correct, Bunchie's awful Tex-Mex wrestler wife pretty much disappeared as the show eliminated most of its awful characters.  In last night's episode, she marched back and forth in the window, in shadow, thankfully, while Bunchie drank whiskey from a flask.


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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I really, really, really do not want to go back and watch any of last season.  Does anyone remember if Bunch's wife left him or if she died?  Normally I'd assume she left him, but this show has a lot of situations for people to die in.  Also, why is Mick in prison?  I think Darrel fucked him over somehow, but don't remember any details.

Bunchy actually left his wife, after she confessed to having an affair while she was on the wrestling tour.

Mickey is in prison because Darryl and Ray set him up for having killed the new LA FBI guy, which actually Darryl did (without knowing he was FBI).  When said FBI guy was about to arrest Mickey at Ray’s insistence.  

I watched most of season 5 again when they showed it Saturday and Sunday, or else I wouldn’t have remembered either!  Also, Coner signed up for the military so hopefully he will not be present this season.

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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I really, really, really do not want to go back and watch any of last season.  Does anyone remember if Bunch's wife left him or if she died?  Normally I'd assume she left him, but this show has a lot of situations for people to die in.  Also, why is Mick in prison?  I think Darrel fucked him over somehow, but don't remember any details.


I didn't either, but I did. . . . . . . .  Bunch told Theresa to leave (I think she did). Mick is in prison because of Ray & Darryl. They told the FBI guy that Ray murdered the head of the FBI. Darryl produced the gun that sealed the deal. So yes, Darryl did fuck him over, because he (Darryl) was the one who committed the murder.  Also, Ray had Sam pull the strings to get Smitty the surgery.

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Yes, she threatened the doctor.  At gunpoint.

Her return to LA pre-threatening was actually a pretty funny scene, Mickey and Darryl were at the house doing their usual hookers and blow scene and she walked in - saw what they were doing, they were oblivious to her being there.  For once, the actress' stink face seemed appropriate.

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7 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

I do remember that Ray gave them Mickey in exchange for his daughter's release from jail. But, I don't remember why Ray's daughter was in jail. Anybody? Did she steal something? Or threaten that doctor? 

Here's the link for a concise recap of the season 5 finale. Answers the questions being asked here.

Click this link: https://goo.gl/xAdYuc

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59 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

charges were against Bridget

From what I remember - breaking and entering, assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping

Sorry I got confused by why Mickey was in prison and how Ray used it to get Bridget out of jail.

Edited by roughing it
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Color me surprised, but I really enjoyed this.  I knew going in there would be plot holes the size of Manhattan, so I was prepared to forgive.

I love that Ray's left eyebrow can have a whole conversation with the cop while they watch television. I love that Lena is back. I love that Terry is back.

Didn't love Mickey, the 1/2 brother or Bridget being back. I'm neutral on Bunch.

I really, really, really don't want another show with politics overtaking the plot. Please, show,  just stick with what Ray does best. If they can't do that, I'm done with Showtime. I literally never watch it anymore because it has gotten so political and just plain weird. 

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So I just binged all 5 seasons in the last 3 weeks.  That's a lot of blood, a lot of bodies, a lot of Southie, and a LOT of the word "Fuck(ing)".  I mean a LOT, lot.  

I'm always prepared to forgive if I don't have to hear or see Abby anymore.  I'd like to see St. Bridget climb off her high horse/cross.  Do Ray's credit cards support her & Cancer boy?  She was in school and he was kinda working in a bar, but who knows what they do now.  I'm interested, as I find her character has a lot of potential.  I never disliked her.  Conor going into the Marine Corps is convenient, so I approve. 

Chubby Ray with the beard is just as hot and compelling to me as lean, clean-shaven Ray.  But I can see them getting him back in "fighting" shape with a lot of shirt-less workouts in the boxing ring......please.....

I'm pretty neutral on most everybody else; like them sometimes, hate them sometimes.  But Lena of course is still Shane to me, and I will always adore her.  I just keep expecting her to whip out a pair of scissors & cut somebody's hair.  I hope we see her regularly.  

Edited by leighdear
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Okay, so Ray is now a bearded sad sack living in New York.  Maybe the new setting will be good for the show, but the premise for this season is the same old, femme fatale kills someone and needs Ray to fix things for her.  I couldn't figure out what Mickey was doing with all the tobacco and the bedpan.  I thought he was trying to make a tobacco bomb to blow out the wall of his cell and make a big escape lol.  I forget why CPS or whatever were taking Bunchy's baby away from him.  I know he wasn't father of the year.

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On 10/29/2018 at 8:16 AM, riverheightsnancy said:

Totally almost threw up on my desk when Mickey drank his tobacco & water concoction. I kept looking away and then when I though it was safe, I would look back, and Mickey is still slurping away. My stomach rolled several times. Gotta give it to Jon Voight, he has no qualms about looking like a horrible person. He embraces it totally. 

In real life too. 

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On 11/5/2018 at 3:34 PM, Dobian said:

Okay, so Ray is now a bearded sad sack living in New York.  Maybe the new setting will be good for the show, but the premise for this season is the same old, femme fatale kills someone and needs Ray to fix things for her.  I couldn't figure out what Mickey was doing with all the tobacco and the bedpan.  I thought he was trying to make a tobacco bomb to blow out the wall of his cell and make a big escape lol.  I forget why CPS or whatever were taking Bunchy's baby away from him.  I know he wasn't father of the year.

I thought he was going to use it to look like coffee-ground emesis which implies GI bleed. 

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