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S01.E17: Decisions, Decisions

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10 hours ago, druzy said:

Ashley puts Bar’s feelings first.

Lexi is faced with a difficult choice.

Kayla and Stephan go to court.

Jade's anxiety reaches an all-time high.

Brianna says, “hello,” to Oregon and, “goodbye,” to her sister.

Airs: October 15, 2018

(I think MTV is labeling this Season 1b)

Is this the description for next weeks episode?  Or was there another episode I missed.  I watched the 2 hour episode (really just 2 shows, back-to-back).  I'm trying to find this weeks thread. 

Ashley is pure trash. Does she even hear herself?

Dumbdumb Lexi is still sighing over gormless, charmless, personality free Kyler, I see.

Jade and Sean are so toxic it actually makes me uncomfortable.

Why isn't Stefan in the slammer yet? That guy is an assault charge waiting to happen. He always looks like he's about to haul off and clobber someone.

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8 hours ago, eskimo said:

Is this the description for next weeks episode?  Or was there another episode I missed.  I watched the 2 hour episode (really just 2 shows, back-to-back).  I'm trying to find this weeks thread. 

That was the description on MTV's website for the October 15, 2018 episode that aired at 10pm.

ETA- sorry you're right this is for next week's episode

Edited by druzy

Jade isn’t perfect but you gotta take into account how mature she is despite her family and baby daddy situation. She seems like the only girl on this show who works and has her own place (unlike Ashley whose daddy pays for everything). Her own crackhead mother was really asking her for money while she was having a breakdown.

Lexi is boring and dumb but she’s only 18 and extremely respectful of her mother so I have hope for her if she can dump the big oaf Kyler.

Stephan is a pathetic POS and Kayla is slowly but surely realizing it and taking action. 

Ashley was much more mature this episode but there’s something about her that comes off not genuine. She always looks like she’s scheming.

Wtf is wrong with Brianna’s mother?? No job, no place to live, but travels across the country and spends a bunch of money on air bnb and food. I thought they moved to be with her parents yet her parents didn’t seem to offer any kind of shelter for them. Brianna’s sister knows her family is fucked up and made the right decision to stay in Wisconsin. 

How do we have 5 girls with 5 babies and only Jade and maybe Ashley have a job...?

  • Love 8

Stephan once again tops the list of mean, stupid, ugly and useless motherfuckers. Why does Kayla drive him everywhere? Let him find his own way to court! I bet he's been fired from multiple jobs with his shit attitude. Can you imagine looking for door hinges or screws at Home Depot and asking Stephan for help? I can't. How about asking for a substitution on a menu item? Or to please see if they have this in another size? Hahahahaha, I kill me. Then he pouts "I'll do it! Because I'll do anything for MY SON". Fuck you Stephan. Maybe try to be an adult human being and treat your son's mother and grandmother with something resembling ordinary politeness.

Kyler. Kyler Kyler Kyler. WHAT does Lexi see in him? I have never seen even the faintest glimmer of anything like a personality, kindness, humor, intelligence, anything other than smug, fatuous self satisfaction. I wish Lexi would dump him. Bet he'd go chasing after her fast enough then.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, littleB1rdy said:

Jade isn’t perfect but you gotta take into account how mature she is despite her family and baby daddy situation. She seems like the only girl on this show who works and has her own place (unlike Ashley whose daddy pays for everything). Her own crackhead mother was really asking her for money while she was having a breakdown.

Lexi is boring and dumb but she’s only 18 and extremely respectful of her mother so I have hope for her if she can dump the big oaf Kyler.

Stephan is a pathetic POS and Kayla is slowly but surely realizing it and taking action. 

Ashley was much more mature this episode but there’s something about her that comes off not genuine. She always looks like she’s scheming.

Wtf is wrong with Brianna’s mother?? No job, no place to live, but travels across the country and spends a bunch of money on air bnb and food. I thought they moved to be with her parents yet her parents didn’t seem to offer any kind of shelter for them. Brianna’s sister knows her family is fucked up and made the right decision to stay in Wisconsin. 

How do we have 5 girls with 5 babies and only Jade and maybe Ashley have a job...?

Exactly what I was thinking. Ashley may also be in school. Is Brianna's sister older?

9 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Chloe's mom took her computer with her when she took Jade for the night.  Dollars to donuts Chloe never saw that laptop again. 

That was heartbreaking!  Hearing Jade cry and her POS Mom trying to help was sad.  But then her mom asked her for money and took her computer on the way out.  Did she say she was sleeping in her car?  Then she lectures Jade on drug use when she is clearly still using.  What a piece of work!  Poor baby, Kloie.  She is so cute and surrounded by so much trash.

Stephan is the absolute worst!  His child support is $20 a day!  Seriously?  He could beg on the street and still cover that.  They should have hit him up for way more.  It's the "he's the worst" tax he should be made to pay!  I loathe him!


ETA: The amount Kayla said was actually $20 per week in child support.

Edited by Marisagf
I'm a perfectionist! So many edits!
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Some takeaways from this ep:

I get your sorrow, Bar but you know what? If you engage in criminal behavior and get caught, you go to jail, sometimes forever. Bar has another teardrop tatoo.

I felt bad for Jade and hopes she is feeling better but she should have never shown her mother her prescription bottle. When Jade left the kitchen to put Kloie down for a nap, all I could think of was that I hope she took the bottle with her. 

I am losing interest very quickly in Breanna’s story. Her segments were a snoozefest.

Kayla: She makes me crazy with what she puts up with from this piece of shit. When he threw the papers in on the backseat, she should have told him to GTFO of the car. He’s whining that he’s being “finessed” because he’s expected to contribute to the support of his kid? I just can’t with this loser. Seems that next week we finally see what we’ve all been expecting for a while now. What makes me crazed is Kayla saying she doesn’t know how she is going to get past it. i have news for you: you don’t get past it. You tell him to fuck off, get a restraining order and go to court and say he’s a psychotic lunatic that you do not want around your child.

I thought Lexi was being a little stupid perhaps a little superior going on about not going to the party because she has responsibilities for Tobias. It was one party, one evening and she could have stayed for an hour and left. A little too much self righteousness for me there as she just kept saying over and over and over again how she wasn't going to saddle her parents. Again, it's ONE hour. If she did this multiple nights a week or something I could see it being an issue. It looked to me like she really wanted to go. She should have gone for a short time instead of being what I considered in this particular instance, a martyr.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Stephan is the absolute worst!  His child support is $20 a day!  Seriously?  He could beg on the street and still cover that.  They should have hit him up for way more.  It's the "he's the worst" tax he should be made to pay!  I loath him!

$20 a day? Wasn't it like $125 per month? That's $4.16 a day. JJ would say you can't feed a goldfish on $4.16 a day. He's a lowlife loser and Kayla is nothing short of a moron for having any association with him at all. He's a lunatic.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Stephan is the absolute worst!  His child support is $20 a day!  Seriously?  He could beg on the street and still cover that.  They should have hit him up for way more.  It's the "he's the worst" tax he should be made to pay!  I loath him!

I think Kayla said "$20 a week" but her math skills are suspect. $128 a month is $32 a week (well, $30-ish for months that aren't February.).

aah - I see configdotsys beat me to it. I was contemplating weighing in on other matters, too, but decided not to . . . .

Edited by akr
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I feel bad for Jade and her situation is one of those that makes me glad the cameras are there. I think she wants to be a good mom but is overwhelmed. It sucks that her support system are drug addicted and/or homeless. It's good that her ex went back to the therapist. Maybe he'll show up for real soon. He looked really tired with deep, dark circles under his eyes. Maybe he's just upset or maybe there's more he could have added to the Con list, like drug problem.

Lexi probably didn't want to go to the party because she couldn't drink because she's nursing. I guess she's never heard of pump and dump.

Stephan is a real dirt bag. Kayla is in deep denial, not wanting to admit how poor her choices have been.

I actually thought Ashley's advice to Bar - to live a good life that his brother won't get to, was actually a little wise. He needs to move on from his trashy family if he wants a normal life. Dwelling on his brothers' conviction isn't going to help anyone.

Edited by Soobs
  • Love 3

Ugh so angry with Kyler what a cruel POS.  And Stephan is absolutely APPALLED at the idea he's expected to provide financial support for his son.  Was there something we weren't seeing, like maybe Kayla gets paid for the show and he's expecting the child support to come from that? Otherwise his anger at being asked to pay a mere pittance towards that son he claims to love so much is perplexing.

I didn't notice Jade's mom taking the computer.  If it was for drug money it only makes Jade's overall situation more sad.  Of all the young moms she has the least (visible) support from her own mom.  It seems like her mom will help but there are always underlying motives.  And that boyfriend/stepdad makes me nervous.

Edited by JasminePhyllisia
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On 10/23/2018 at 8:40 AM, littleB1rdy said:

Jade isn’t perfect but you gotta take into account how mature she is despite her family and baby daddy situation. She seems like the only girl on this show who works and has her own place (unlike Ashley whose daddy pays for everything). Her own crackhead mother was really asking her for money while she was having a breakdown.

Her mom was so freaking giddy when she realized she could ask for money for a hotel because they were taking the baby! So gross. 

On 10/23/2018 at 11:45 AM, politichick said:

Exactly what I was thinking. Ashley may also be in school. Is Brianna's sister older?

i think so - pretty sure she's in her 20s but I could totally be making that up too.   I want to know how they ended up in Wisconsin so far away from her family. 

20 hours ago, JasminePhyllisia said:


I didn't notice Jade's mom taking the computer.  If it was for drug money it only makes Jade's overall situation more sad.  Of all the young moms she has the least (visible) support from her own mom.  It seems like her mom will help but there are always underlying motives.  And that boyfriend/stepdad makes me nervous.

On the way out her mom yells "oh and we're taking your computer!" 


I don't think Lexi wanted to go to the party at all and was using the baby as an excuse. Most grandparents would love to hang out with their grandkid for a night.  But I found it extremely odd/surprising she would openly say underage kids are going to get wasted at that party. 

  • Love 4
On 10/23/2018 at 1:15 PM, configdotsys said:

Some takeaways from this ep:

I get your sorrow, Bar but you know what? If you engage in criminal behavior and get caught, you go to jail, sometimes forever. Bar has another teardrop tatoo.

I felt bad for Jade and hopes she is feeling better but she should have never shown her mother her prescription bottle. When Jade left the kitchen to put Kloie down for a nap, all I could think of was that I hope she took the bottle with her. 

I am losing interest very quickly in Breanna’s story. Her segments were a snoozefest.

Kayla: She makes me crazy with what she puts up with from this piece of shit. When he threw the papers in on the backseat, she should have told him to GTFO of the car. He’s whining that he’s being “finessed” because he’s expected to contribute to the support of his kid? I just can’t with this loser. Seems that next week we finally see what we’ve all been expecting for a while now. What makes me crazed is Kayla saying she doesn’t know how she is going to get past it. i have news for you: you don’t get past it. You tell him to fuck off, get a restraining order and go to court and say he’s a psychotic lunatic that you do not want around your child.

I thought Lexi was being a little stupid perhaps a little superior going on about not going to the party because she has responsibilities for Tobias. It was one party, one evening and she could have stayed for an hour and left. A little too much self righteousness for me there as she just kept saying over and over and over again how she wasn't going to saddle her parents. Again, it's ONE hour. If she did this multiple nights a week or something I could see it being an issue. It looked to me like she really wanted to go. She should have gone for a short time instead of being what I considered in this particular instance, a martyr.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on the superiority! I normally like Lexi, and think she is sweet, but the way she acted towards her friend wasn't flattering. She kept insisting that she had to put Tobias first in what sounded like a really judgmental tone! It was like, "you're not mature enough to have a baby like me, so you clearly wouldn't understand what a martyr I HAVE to be." It was condescending in the way that high school girls with boyfriends insist to their peers that they'll "understand someday" what it's like to be in love. It seemed really important to her friend that she come, and I'm sure Lexi could have shown up for like an hour. I think she REALLY wanted to wait and see what kyler wanted to do, because she didn't want to lock herself into plans if there was a chance it would mean missing out on seeing him. That attitude is so shitty. As a single adult, I don't feel bad that my married friends have to miss an hour with their husband to briefly see me!

Edited by Christina87
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I felt that Lexi is realizing she’s in a completely different place in life than all of her friends, and also Kyler. She’s stepping up and taking care of Tobias, getting her first job, and at least trying to be a mature adult- all at a very young age. High school parties just aren’t her “thing” at this point, even though she realizes they probably *should* be something she’s in to. I didn’t see that as her playing the martyr role, more like a little wake up call that her entire priority structure has shifted. That’s not a bad thing- it’s life as a mom. 

Edited by asemumma
  • Love 8
11 hours ago, asemumma said:

I felt that Lexi is realizing she’s in a completely different place in life than all of her friends, and also Kyler. She’s stepping up and taking care of Tobias, getting her first job, and at least trying to be a mature adult- all at a very young age. High school parties just aren’t her “thing” at this point, even though she realizes they probably *should* be something she’s in to. I didn’t see that as her playing the martyr role, more like a little wake up call that her entire priority structure has shifted. That’s not a bad thing- it’s life as a mom. 

I could see this if it was a weekend away or an out of state 24 hour trip or something. I could also understand if Lexi simply said that she was not into the party thing and would rather just chill with Tobias and "I'll miss you guys but have a great time!" I just didn't get that vibe. I got a superior, judgmental tone from her about something that could have simply been an hourlong  or even half hour long "I just stopped by to see everyone and say goodbye..." before they all went their separate ways. This was not a typical weekend party or a general hang out type thing. It was the last one and as her friend said, these people all grew up together and now would be going in all different directions. It wouldn't have killed her to go for an hour and to me it was painfully obvious that she wanted to go. Saddling her parents? For thirty to sixty minutes? Please with the drama. Seemed more like she said no to somehow prove how responsible she is. I thought it backfired. It was an hour. A shorter time than if she went on a date night dinner with fatboy. 

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, asemumma said:

I felt that Lexi is realizing she’s in a completely different place in life than all of her friends, and also Kyler. She’s stepping up and taking care of Tobias, getting her first job, and at least trying to be a mature adult- all at a very young age. High school parties just aren’t her “thing” at this point, even though she realizes they probably *should* be something she’s in to. I didn’t see that as her playing the martyr role, more like a little wake up call that her entire priority structure has shifted. That’s not a bad thing- it’s life as a mom. 

are we just used to Jenelle & Farrah dumping the baby off on their parents?  "byeeee guys I gotta get my party on now!!!!!!!!!!!  I'M  A TEENAGER!!!!"

  • Love 3

Jade needs to pull a Kail and move on.  Kail stays making horrible decisions but  somehow she  works on her income and keeps things together for her 3 boys.


Sometimes your parents ain’t worth shit and it is obvious the mom comes around for the cameras and any money she can get. If Jade’s income blows to Teen Mom status ($250,000+) the mom wants a piece of the action and show. 


It is nice to see her baby daddy get help.  They seem to be the volatile version of Tyler & Caitlyn.....who are a snooze fest. I am pulling for the baby daddy so that she can kick the drug addict mom to the curb!


Stephan is the most disgusting human being....EVER!  I don’t care about this chick, anyways. When she allowed  Stephan to  berate and steal from her mom.  I was done with her. 


Brianna and Mom. Since the baby has a disability, I am going to guess they will just keep living off his welfare.....and, MTV. 

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 5

Lexi’s party....I need to see how it plays out.  She lied to Kyler about cleaning but was putting makeup on. 


Kyler went with or without MTV camera crew? I know the car camera is a given and that is edited in later on. 


Lexi wants to go to the party.....bad! The mom was going to watch the baby.  Why Lexi acting like she is not going is confusing.

They were talking about underage drinking and all that goes with that (drugs, sex, etc).


 I wonder if the classmates told her she couldn’t film the show at the party and she got mad at that. Decided to stay home.  She is sticking to......’I am a responsible mom’.....hard!  When we all know she wants to be in that car with Kyler sooooo bad!  Lol

  • Love 1
On 10/23/2018 at 8:44 PM, JasminePhyllisia said:

Ugh so angry with Kyler what a cruel POS.  And Stephan is absolutely APPALLED at the idea he's expected to provide financial support for his son. 

I was pregnant at 16 and a mom at 17. My daughter's father, who worked for UPS at the time, was ordered to pay $10.00 a week in child support and no share of childcare while I worked full-time at a grocery store. $10.00 a week was below the legal minimum for our Commonwealth at the time but PoS had a very powerful attorney and the judge that was backing him was eventually forced of the bench in a sex-for-sentencing scandal. PoS signed away his parental rights as soon as my boyfriend at the time agreed to get married and adopt the child when she was 18 months old. PoS is currently running for Commissioner in our hometown as, of course, a Conservative Republican! Reading this forum is kind of triggering some PTSD.

  • Love 13
On 10/23/2018 at 10:15 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Kyler. Kyler Kyler Kyler. WHAT does Lexi see in him? I have never seen even the faintest glimmer of anything like a personality, kindness, humor, intelligence, anything other than smug, fatuous self satisfaction. I wish Lexi would dump him. Bet he'd go chasing after her fast enough then.

This seriously baffles me every week. I do NOT understand what Lexi sees in him. I hope Tobias takes after Lexi because she's a cute girl. She could no so much better.

On 10/23/2018 at 8:19 PM, Soobs said:

I actually thought Ashley's advice to Bar - to live a good life that his brother won't get to, was actually a little wise. He needs to move on from his trashy family if he wants a normal life. Dwelling on his brothers' conviction isn't going to help anyone.

I thought her advise was good as well. Probably the only time I liked her. 

  • Love 2
On 10/25/2018 at 9:13 AM, Dance4Life said:

Lexi’s party....I need to see how it plays out.  She lied to Kyler about cleaning but was putting makeup on. 


Kyler went with or without MTV camera crew? I know the car camera is a given and that is edited in later on. 


Lexi wants to go to the party.....bad! The mom was going to watch the baby.  Why Lexi acting like she is not going is confusing.

They were talking about underage drinking and all that goes with that (drugs, sex, etc).


 I wonder if the classmates told her she couldn’t film the show at the party and she got mad at that. Decided to stay home.  She is sticking to......’I am a responsible mom’.....hard!  When we all know she wants to be in that car with Kyler sooooo bad!  Lol


I don't think she wanted to go.  I think she wanted to hang out with Kyler, but not at the party.  She was looking for a reason to not go.  Kyler didn't want her to go, either - he said something about her just sitting in the corner while he hangs with his friends.  She doesn't seem like the party type.


6 hours ago, MaggieG said:

This seriously baffles me every week. I do NOT understand what Lexi sees in him. I hope Tobias takes after Lexi because she's a cute girl. She could no so much better.

I thought her advise was good as well. Probably the only time I liked her. 


Tobias is adorable, so I think he takes after his mom.

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