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S32.E15: Wheel of Fortune


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Kyle really is a loser. Was he that scared of Jozea and Davonne or that sure he could beat Natalie and Paulie and teach them a lesson? Cause if he wanted to teach them a lesson he could have just sent them home and picked Jozea and Davonne instead. I felt bad for them because I really liked as a team, especially compared to the rest of this mess. He was never going to pick Cara Maria and hope by now she is over that gross, weird looking dude.

Brad is also gross. Was he really trying to slut shame Kayleigh when he dates Britni?

I didn't want to root on Paulie and Natalie but when the rest of the teams are Lavender Ladies and Team Young Buck...Ugh.

Two teams coming back from the Redemption house should have been because Sylvia was sent home for headbutting Marie.

  • Love 11

I actually enjoyed this episode. Amanda finally went home, Kyle and Brad got beat in an elimination, and Cara Maria and Marie won an elimination and came back to the house. The only bad thing is Da’vonne and Jozea went home. They were a great team that deserved more. 

Kyle is one of the biggest douchebags on the Challenge. Brad is another idiot. 

Kam is such a good sport and I hope she eventually makes it back into the house with Kayleigh. I like the way she strategizes and just plays the game overall. 

I was happy to finally see Paulie and Natalie win an elimination. I know Kyle was desperate to win, but was it really necessary for him to spin Natalie that fast? I felt bad for her. On the other hand, I cracked up when Paulie fell down.

I can’t wait for trivia next week! That’s my favorite challenge and TJ’s! I’m hoping anyone but the Lavender Ladies and Team Young Bucks wins. 

Edited by Steph619
  • Love 13

So. Much. Sucking. So much.

Okay, try to look on the bright side: One, Nelson & Shane's win over Cara Maria & Marie was negated in about thirty minutes of TV time. Two, Kyle & Brad pick Natalie & Paulie for the lay-up . . . and the ball doesn't go into the bucket. Natalie & Paulie won. Do you believe in miracles?!? Especially after Kyle tried to liquefy Natalie in the Bingo tumbler. And I thought for sure Beards/Bandanas/Bullshit would win when Paulie fell off the platform. But we got one of the biggest upsets in the show's history. At least in the top ten.

Oh! And Amanda goes home!!! Apparently, we're at a point where nobody gets a new rival teammate this late. Zach's boo-boo from two weeks ago was enough to kayo him and Amanda. Good riddance. I know, Zach probably hasn't evolved that much, but Amanda is The Worst. Well, One Of The Worst.

Bad news: Redemption House is still in play. Why?!? I kinda like the idea that Kam & Kayleigh and Brad & Kyle go back to RHouse, only to find all their shit packed up and Teege telling them to go home.

Seriously, can you root for anyone? I know "Cara & Marie" is cute, but I'm thinking Paulie will use his time in the main house to do whatever voodoo ritual is needed to make her fall for him. And I reckon Kyle is a much better option. Fuck, Abram's better, and he might send you to a hospital while remaining asleep.

  • Love 3

“2018 Century”. Oh Nelson.  Poor, dumb Nelson.  

I know I couldn’t decide who to root for in those eliminations.  I hate Natalie and Paulie and Kyle.  Get irritated with Brad but don’t hate him so I guess I was for Kyle and Brad.  I hate  Cara and Kayleigh but don’t hate Kam and Marie, so guess I don’t care.

I will miss Jozea and Davonne.  I didn’t think I would think that at the beginning of the season

37 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Fuck, Abram's better, and he might send you to a hospital while remaining asleep.


  • Love 4

They were right that just as they isolated Bananas and Tony, the producers changed the rules to bring back two teams instead of one.

if the rules can change at any time, it’s rife for manipulation and kind of unfair to the teams which outmaneuvered their rivals.

of course both teams will vote with Jonny now.  Cara Maria and Marie will and Pauly and Natalie pretty much have to, though they will be voted in first.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Coco88 said:

“2018 Century”. Oh Nelson.  Poor, dumb Nelson.

So dumb. Sooooo dumb. Trivia next week should be fun.

I think Kyle has finally tipped over the line for me where his funny talking heads are no longer enough to overlook his otherwise obnoxious behaviour. I'm pulling for #CaraMarie, but I feel like having Cara and Paulie in the same house will make me hate Cara again real quick. Speaking of Paulie, I had to roll my eyes when he was boasting about sacrificing his body for the elimination while Natalie was bleeding from everywhere. I guess Natalie didn't really have a choice about it, whereas Paulie could have stopped spinning Brad around, but come on.

I did not expect to end up being so fond of Jozea and Da'vonne.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Coco88 said:

“2018 Century”. Oh Nelson.  Poor, dumb Nelson.

Lmao!  Oh man, that had me laughing for 20 minutes straight.

3 hours ago, scrb said:

They were right that just as they isolated Bananas and Tony, the producers changed the rules to bring back two teams instead of one.

I'm surprised they even let that comment on the air.  It's sad when even the contestants can see through the producers' bullshit when it comes to Johnny.

I hate Natalie, but I legit thought all of her appendages were gonna fly off.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, scrb said:

They were right that just as they isolated Bananas and Tony, the producers changed the rules to bring back two teams instead of one.

if the rules can change at any time, it’s rife for manipulation and kind of unfair to the teams which outmaneuvered their rivals.

of course both teams will vote with Jonny now.  Cara Maria and Marie will and Pauly and Natalie pretty much have to, though they will be voted in first.

I’m not sure that they changed this last minute. They usually do the double cross thing when there’s four teams in the redemption house. That would have happened a little bit ago when Paulie/Natalie, Kam/Kayleigh, Brad/Kyle, and one of the teams of Da’Vonne/Jozea and Amanda/Zach. I think they’re balancing things out since they’ve brought in Ashley and Hunter and Cory and Devon, which surely benefits Nelson and his alliance. I’m not sure they’re doing it so much for Johnny’s benefit but to drum up conflict between Johnny and TYB. It’s so easy to look at this show and point out the unfairness of it all, but they just want to produce the most drama. However I do think this last elimination was unfair. Natalie could have gotten seriously hurt and she did have a lot of scrapes on her body. There was nothing funny about what Kyle was doing. I am glad Natalie and Paulie won. Kyle and Brad were so sure they were going to win. It was so satisfying to see them lose. I also liked Kam trying to manipulate the situation to get both sets of girl teams back in the house. She tried and I loved that. 

  • Love 14
20 minutes ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

I’m not sure that they changed this last minute. They usually do the double cross thing when there’s four teams in the redemption house. That would have happened a little bit ago when Paulie/Natalie, Kam/Kayleigh, Brad/Kyle, and one of the teams of Da’Vonne/Jozea and Amanda/Zach. I think they’re balancing things out since they’ve brought in Ashley and Hunter and Cory and Devon, which surely benefits Nelson and his alliance. I’m not sure they’re doing it so much for Johnny’s benefit but to drum up conflict between Johnny and TYB. It’s so easy to look at this show and point out the unfairness of it all, but they just want to produce the most drama. However I do think this last elimination was unfair. Natalie could have gotten seriously hurt and she did have a lot of scrapes on her body. There was nothing funny about what Kyle was doing. I am glad Natalie and Paulie won. Kyle and Brad were so sure they were going to win. It was so satisfying to see them lose. I also liked Kam trying to manipulate the situation to get both sets of girl teams back in the house. She tried and I loved that. 

Yes to all of this.  Maybe they're as annoyed with hearing TYB as much as we all are too. Ugh, shut up. For all his annoying qualities, at least Johnny hasn't come up with some terrible team name for him and his friends/alliances. He also plays his game intelligently.  TYB doesn't do anything intelligently. I'm not sure they could solve a sudoko puzzle with all 3 of them together. The scenario i'm rooting for is a Banoney win, Tony gets voted MVP and chooses to keep all the money. Johnny and Tony become vendettas again and Sarah gets a good laugh out of karma coming back to bite Johnny.   

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, esco1822 said:

The scenario i'm rooting for is a Banoney win, Tony gets voted MVP and chooses to keep all the money. Johnny and Tony become vendettas again and Sarah gets a good laugh out of karma coming back to bite Johnny.   

This!!! I hate Johnny, but damn if this season isn't filled with people I hate just as much. I still have a soft spot for CaraMarie after enduring years of bullying but I can't stand Marie. Cam is growingon me and I'm indifferent on her partner. The other girls are bullies and a box of rocks may have a higher IQ then the rest of the guys put togeather. Tony for the win. No money for you Johnny....or any of these other idiots.

Edited by mscav
  • Love 3

Even after Zach explained that the LLs were using them to further their own game, Amanda still didn’t get it. If she had trusted his game play they would still be in there. Bye bitch, hope to never see you again.

I’m glad Paulie and Natalie won, that elimination looked pretty brutal for Natalie. Haha Kyle, you got beat by a girl. I’m also glad Cara and Marie are returning but why is the redemption house still in play? This season will never end.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, strippedhalo said:

I did not expect to end up being so fond of Jozea and Da'vonne.

I really liked both of them. I liked how she didn't take anyone's crap. He grew on me from previous episodes. And he sticks up to Shane and his nonsense. 

Bye Zach, sad to see you go but happy to see your b* partner leave though. Part of me thinks he was happy to go to not have to deal with her anymore. She's is just awful! I'm sure we'll see you again in a month or so when the next Challenge starts. 

Someone please explain to me why Brad was yelling at Kaileigh (however you spell it). I know he thought she was lying, but wtf dude. All the while Kyle is laughing in the background, of course he said that crap. Poor Nelson, he may not be the brightest bulb in he box, but he seems nice enough. I really wanted to see him thump on Brad and Kyle. Mainly Kyle cuz that dude is scheezy and gross. He has no respect for women at all. Brad is a douche, has he always been a douche on other challenges? 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, esco1822 said:

The scenario i'm rooting for is a Banoney win, Tony gets voted MVP and chooses to keep all the money. Johnny and Tony become vendettas again and Sarah gets a good laugh out of karma coming back to bite Johnny.   

I’m thinking Paulie & Natalie win. I don’t want that, of course, but they would be the victors this season clearly deserves. Seriously, they had three chances to get back in the game. THREE.

Amanda’s gone!  Yaaaaaaaay!

Paul comes back!  What? Oh FUCK no.  

I didn’t feel badly for Natalie.  Them’s the breaks.  Also Kyle is a douchecanoe but “I’m going to turn her into liquid” made me laugh.

Natalie and Paul and Josea and Davonne all sucked on BB so I hate them all equally here.  I know Davonne earned some equity on her second (third?) BB season but not with me.

John remains heinous and what is happening now is not changing his history,  and also Tony sucks balls too, but Ashleigh, Sylvia and Shane could not BE more wretched.

There are just no winners here.  Marie is staring to grow on me but Cara + Paul = vomit.  Can we put Joss and Marie on a team?  Joss isn’t so bad now that the Amandatross is gone.

  • Love 2

Yes to all of this.  Maybe they're as annoyed with hearing TYB as much as we all are too. Ugh, shut up. For all his annoying qualities, at least Johnny hasn't come up with some terrible team name for him and his friends/alliances. He also plays his game intelligently.  TYB doesn't do anything intelligently. I'm not sure they could solve a sudoko puzzle with all 3 of them together. 

A sudoko puzzle? Try a Highlights puzzle, like one of those "what's different" games. Then they might have a fair chance. Between the 2018 century and "if we don't do this, it won't get done," Nelson is definitely in the running for "hardest to believe gets his pants on correctly each day."

These "gender neutral" eliminations continue to really frustrate me. It seemed so clear that it was much physically harder for Cara and Marie to break down those doors than Nelson and Shane, even with whatever equalizer was used. Nelson basically gave a door one thwack and it split open, while Cara had to punch hers five or six times to even make a hole. It's really absurdly unfair at this point.

I agree that Kyle has stepped over the line between borderline amusing and really gross. He was the most fun when he was a hapless player pirate. He's not nearly as much fun as an egotistical guy getting off on playing with women's minds. That said, he was totally right that in terms of the house alliance breakdown, Cara and Marie would do their side of the house no favors by potentially sending back Kam and Kayleigh. 


Bye Zach, sad to see you go... Part of me thinks he was happy to go to not have to deal with her anymore. 

He definitely didn't look particularly upset. I'll say this: I didn't see that Amanda did anything wrong in their conversation in this episode. She was calm and wasn't insulting. He still came away with the impression that she was the worst human ever to live. So I definitely think he was just completely and utterly done with her. Apparently, in addition to all the other things we actually saw Amanda do, she continued to make things up about Jenna's sexual history to share with Zach, and he was not amused.  Nor should he be. I think his conclusion that she's terrible is based on even more than what we were privy to (which was already enough to support his opinion). 

  • Love 9
On 10/16/2018 at 8:17 PM, Coco88 said:

I will miss Jozea and Davonne.  I didn’t think I would think that at the beginning of the season



9 hours ago, Jillibean said:

A sudoko puzzle? Try a Highlights puzzle, like one of those "what's different" games. Then they might have a fair chance. Between the 2018 century and "if we don't do this, it won't get done," Nelson is definitely in the running for "hardest to believe gets his pants on correctly each day."

I LOVE this!


I wanted them to stop the game when Natalie was getting thrown around like that.  Fuck Kyle. That was really brutal.  I don't like Paulie but by that time he would have had to have been so tired and he really pushed it out at the end. The falling off the platform was amazing but not as funny as the challenge where they were on the conveyor belts!  

I am usually Pro Shane but him saying Marie was being petty didn't make sense.  You all had tow throw someone in and you chose #CaraMarie.   Then they had to choose someone and they chose you.  I mean you can't have it both ways. 

  • Love 5

After seeing Cara/Marie and Nelson/Shane elimination, I think this show isn't very competent in adjusting physical competitions to be more fair to all parties involved. It was clear during Paulie and NAtalie's first elimination that they over compensated with Paulie's rope while Kam's rope looked slack as hell. With the break down the door challenge, Nelson and Shane zipped through those doors while Cara took multiple attempts in one spot just to create a space to get through. Marie struggling was expected, but to see Cara of all people struggle that much makes it look iffy to me.

I don't even like Natalie but I felt for her while she was being tossed like a rag doll in that cage, lol.

Zach didn't look the least bit concerned that he had to leave and as much as he's grown one me, I'm happy he took one for the team because I really didn't want to see Amanda come back. Amanda does seem like quite the horrible person - being stubborn can be good and can be bad and for Amanda, her ability to think she's always in the right makes her stubbornness an unattractive quality that represents a weakness more than a strength (in my opinion). In fairness, Zach used to come across as a pretty horrible person too and has said some really stupid and demeaning things as well. He's gotten so much better (at least it appears that way) over the past couples of years so there's probably hope for Amanda. Also, Zach was 100% right about her alliance using her. She sacrificed her shot back into the game the last time in order to help Ashley. She sacrificed herself this season to keep Ashley in the game. Her alliance used her loudness to politick, bully and took advantage of the fact that Amanda was paired with the best competitor of anyone in their alliance (even Shane said that with Amanda and Zach gone he and Nelson had to step up) in order to keep themselves safe. In a moment where they could have at least given her the reassurance that they would be okay with whatever decision she made, they stood silent and let her jump on the grenade to save all of their asses (and again, not the first time she's done it for them).

  • Love 5
On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 3:04 PM, dangwoodchucks said:

Even after Zach explained that the LLs were using them to further their own game, Amanda still didn’t get it. If she had trusted his game play they would still be in there. Bye bitch, hope to never see you again.

Zach to cameraman after these facts fell on deaf ears for the 14th time:  "Is she... or is she not... the most horrible human being ever?"


Amanda reminds me so much of GoT's Cersei Lannister, in that she's not half as clever as she thinks she is, and speaks when she needs to listen.  She only put herself into elimination because Zach was already down there; had he turned to her and whispered "You have 5 seconds to agree with me on Hunter/Ashley before I walk down and stand next to TJ" I think she would've caved. 

There are full LL/TYB teams like Shane/Nelson, Hunter/Ashley, Joss/Sylvia, Amanda... you/Zach and Maria/Cara are both mixed alliance teams and on the same level as far as importance to the alliance. 

  • Love 3

Amanda may be the worst human ever, but that's rich, hearing it from Zach. I'm never going to forget every asshole-ish and morally questionable actions he's taken from his past years. And how he treated Sam during one of the challenges. And all the cheating. I'm 115% sure he will cheat again on Jenna and will continue to be misogynistic in general.

  • Love 7

I can't stand Amanda, but she isn't entirely wrong in that Zach doesn't get to make the decisions unilaterally for their team.  He was right about her alliance, but he didn't bother to say that to her, or at least hear out her plan and then say this is what would happen if we went that way and point out the move that the team would then make.  He was all, nope, out.  I don't know that she would have listened and gone along with him in the end, but, he expected her blind allegiance to his plan and was basically trashing her for not having blind allegiance to his.  Why does he expect her to do what he won't do for her?  At the very least tell her what issues you have with going down the road she wants, because it's clear that she didn't see them.  When he did explain it, after the fact, she got it.  

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