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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I didn't realize mama Dawn had a second job with "the star glam". It's going to take a lot for a judge to shift custody back to Leah. I know ultimately custody was given to Corey to some degree over those records, but that wasn't the only issue either. So Leah got her kids to school so she is a fit mother? So what if she can barely stay awake long enough to parent a child.

Speaking of which, whatever happened with the whole narcolepsy thing!? When my doctor thought I could potentially have it and was considering testing he wanted it done ASAP seeing as if I did have it I shouldn't be in public driving/living my life putting myself and others at risk due to my inability to control it, and the testing is extensive and can take a while, so he wanted it started relatively quickly. Leah had been saying she "might" have it for close to a year now, surely something would be known by now, they may not have a definitive answer, but they would be on track for a better idea. For me it was ultimately ruled out which is why we didn't pursue any testing. I doubt Leah has it or that a dr was even considering it, it's hard to say because we haven't heard about any other episodes, but for me that screams she doesn't have it, you know if she had continued having the episodes she would be screaming it from the roof tops.


Also?  If she had narcolepsy, she'd lose her drivers license.  THEN how is she going to get the girlses to school and doctors appointments?

  • Love 3

I didn't realize mama Dawn had a second job with "the star glam". It's going to take a lot for a judge to shift custody back to Leah. I know ultimately custody was given to Corey to some degree over those records, but that wasn't the only issue either. So Leah got her kids to school so she is a fit mother? So what if she can barely stay awake long enough to parent a child.

Speaking of which, whatever happened with the whole narcolepsy thing!? When my doctor thought I could potentially have it and was considering testing he wanted it done ASAP seeing as if I did have it I shouldn't be in public driving/living my life putting myself and others at risk due to my inability to control it, and the testing is extensive and can take a while, so he wanted it started relatively quickly. Leah had been saying she "might" have it for close to a year now, surely something would be known by now, they may not have a definitive answer, but they would be on track for a better idea. For me it was ultimately ruled out which is why we didn't pursue any testing. I doubt Leah has it or that a dr was even considering it, it's hard to say because we haven't heard about any other episodes, but for me that screams she doesn't have it, you know if she had continued having the episodes she would be screaming it from the roof tops.


Bolding mine


I had an office mate years ago who was narcoleptic. When it hit her she would just basically pass out, not nod out the way Leah does. I recognize her nod out because that's what I used to do when I took too many benzos and oxy's.

I didn't realize mama Dawn had a second job with "the star glam". It's going to take a lot for a judge to shift custody back to Leah. I know ultimately custody was given to Corey to some degree over those records, but that wasn't the only issue either. So Leah got her kids to school so she is a fit mother? So what if she can barely stay awake long enough to parent a child.

Speaking of which, whatever happened with the whole narcolepsy thing!? When my doctor thought I could potentially have it and was considering testing he wanted it done ASAP seeing as if I did have it I shouldn't be in public driving/living my life putting myself and others at risk due to my inability to control it, and the testing is extensive and can take a while, so he wanted it started relatively quickly. Leah had been saying she "might" have it for close to a year now, surely something would be known by now, they may not have a definitive answer, but they would be on track for a better idea. For me it was ultimately ruled out which is why we didn't pursue any testing. I doubt Leah has it or that a dr was even considering it, it's hard to say because we haven't heard about any other episodes, but for me that screams she doesn't have it, you know if she had continued having the episodes she would be screaming it from the roof tops.


Bolding mine


I had an office mate years ago who was narcoleptic. When it hit her she would just basically pass out, not nod out the way Leah does. I recognize her nod out because that's what I used to do when I took too many benzos and oxy's.

Edited by AmyFarrahFowler
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From The Ashley:


Trouble in paradise for Leah and TR.... I love a good passive aggressive Facebook post.



Now see, this is an example of how it is unfathomable to me that there are some people who think the Leah minions are not aware of what goes on outside of the show. Our board is not the only place to get the information to linked stories about what is going on in Teen Mom world.  I am most definite that those minions are following the outside information from going through various Facebook pages, as you can see up above. Mr. Dues is now sharing some quite handy insider information there about what is going on between him and Leah. It then ends up on some Facebook tabloid pages such as In Touch Weekly and US Magazine. I had posted previously about the minions and my disbelief at how they defend Leah when there is so much information out there about her behavior which ends up on Facebook, not to mention on the show. That doesn't even count the tabloids available in the stores or in various waiting rooms. I don't "Like" any of the Teen Mom cast members' Facebook pages, but I do see certain pages come up on my feed because I "Like" them such as local Los Angeles news which sadly, will also report on these girls.  The pages and links also appear on the side of my Facebook page under "trending". Not hard to miss at all when a trending story about Teen Mom pops up such as when Leah lost custody. I just find it hard to believe that any one of those minions who defend Leah on Facebook, are not gathering other info about her. If they are that big a Leah fan, I imagine they have "Liked" a lot of pages pertaining to gossip or anything Teen Mom-related.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I can't figure it out either Splain. It would be one thing if someone was a fan of Leah and only watched the show, and had no idea about her off camera shenanigans. But those people wouldn't be on PTV and The Ashley and Teen Mom Confidential or what have you defending her, because anyone who gives enough of a shit to create a profile and spend time posting and attack other posters that don't like Leah- well these guys are WAY more invested in her than the casual viewer who can't be bothered to read anything about these girls.


I guess I have to agree with those that theorize that the ones that like Leah are probably young moms themselves, locked in combat with their exes over custody and child support, despise the women their exes date/marry, and Leah has somehow become their champion. They see themselves in her and to insult her is to insult themselves. They probably DO hear all the negative buzz about Leah and dismiss it as a bunch of lies spread by jealous people.

  • Love 5

Jeff with the baby? Gah, so many feels. I think it's just so adorable how enamored of his grandkids he is. And Miranda DOES look great. Damn. I liked seeing the throwback to her sitting with the twins three years ago. It reminded me just how long she has been in their life.

Pretty pretty please will someone post this picture of Miranda from three years ago, or at least the link? I scrolled through the Instagram link, but I can't find it. Forgive me, I'm almost 40!

Pretty pretty please will someone post this picture of Miranda from three years ago, or at least the link? I scrolled through the Instagram link, but I can't find it. Forgive me, I'm almost 40!


I don't know how to post the picture itself from Instagram, but I think this will get you to it: https://www.instagram.com/p/_nm6CPlACp/?taken-by=poppawjeff.

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Got this photo from a website that for some reason I can't link here. Strange. It is T.R. Dues mentioning his post where he asked if one should see their ex at a restaurant. I guess he wasn't talking about Leah, but himself. I guess it was Leah who was having a shit-attack over him having dinner with the ex...LOL



Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Got this photo from a website that for some reason I can't link here. Strange. It is T.R. Dues mentioning his post where he asked if one should see their ex at a restaurant. I guess he wasn't talking about Leah, but himself. I guess it was Leah who was having a shit-attack over him having dinner with the ex...LOL


If you don't want to be misunderstood LEARN HOW TO WRITE A COHERENT SENTENCE!!!!!!

  • Love 11

I mean, how could anyone have known who or what he was talking about when he used no names but ambiguous pronouns instead? If he legitimately needed advice why not say " hey y'all I need some help here: I have to meet up with my baby mama to discuss our kidses and Leah is upset, how can I talk to her about this?"

After I typed this I came back to ask what kind of person feels the need to post statuses about their personal business anyway? That's like high school bullshit and these are adults with multiple children. So dumb.

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 7

I still say that original post was about Leah, not Dues. He has more than one kid with his ex, no? Leah only has one with Germy. Sure, he writes like he has 2 functioning brain cells, so it could be an error. But I don't think so. I think he just got in hot water with his nookie provider and is now trying to backtrack. 



FTR. who gives a flying fuck what posters on FB think??! It's up to you, as a couple, to have mature discussions and set boundaries you both feel comfortable with. 

  • Love 9

I also think he's full of shit. I think everyone jumped on him for being an insecure control freak so now he's back pedaling. Although I'm sure Leah appreciates the insinuation that SHE'S the insecure jealous harpy.


Now, Leah's a cheater, but looking back, most of her long term relationships have had trust issues. Corey didn't want her to get a job in the first or second season because he was worried she was going to flirt with other coworkers or customers or basically anyone with a penis. Jeremy didn't like her talking to Corey. Dues doesn't want her talking to Jeremy. Now, granted, all these concerns turned out to be founded, but why do these guys all stay with someone they can't trust?


Interestingly enough, Leah also implies in her 16 and Pregnant episode that she broke things off the The Amazing Robbie because he was too jealous. This always seemed weird to me because from what we've seen onscreen or heard via social media,  Robbie has never treated her like anything other than an easy lay. I've never seen him show any kind of affection or respect to her, and he only seems to come around when she's in a relationship and he doesn't have to worry she's going to get clingy. Either she totally made that up, or "I broke up with him because he was too jealous" was Leah-ese for "Robbie was getting distant so I cheated on him and then he broke up with me after he found out, even though I denied it".

  • Love 4

Got this photo from a website that for some reason I can't link here. Strange. It is T.R. Dues mentioning his post where he asked if one should see their ex at a restaurant. I guess he wasn't talking about Leah, but himself. I guess it was Leah who was having a shit-attack over him having dinner with the ex...LOL


He couldn't just ask her if she was OK with it? He couldn't just turn to her in the house they live in together and ask her? Why go on to social media to find out if she's OK with it?

These people don't make no sense.

  • Love 7

He couldn't just ask her if she was OK with it? He couldn't just turn to her in the house they live in together and ask her? Why go on to social media to find out if she's OK with it?

These people don't make no sense.

That don't make no sense! :-)


Tell me about it! Who the hell goes to social media...never mind. These idiots live and breathe, and likely shit social media. They can't handle the truth when people throw it in their face and call people "haterz", but then they do shit like this and invite strangers into their problems and then get mad when people respond. I can't help but laugh at Dues then tagging Leah's name in the post to come and defend him. Oh shit. Whatta man you got there, Leah.  He then posts "making sure you are ok with it now." LOL  What a couple of fucking idiots.

Edited by GreatKazu
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They all express disgust and LOL about social media and "haters," but can't stop posting to Twitter, FB, Instagram, etc., etc.

They also check their accounts 10 - 20 times a day to see what people are saying.

EZ solution: Close your accounts or don't post comments to them.

Thank you!! That is exactly what I was going to post... You know how to not have people misunderstand things on social media??? Don't post your business on social media!!! It's all good when the public is adoring them, but a marginally negative opinion and you're just a "jealous hater"... I am not even remotely jealous of any of the teen moms, especially Leah and Jenelle (the 2 that seem to think everyone is soooo jealous of them). I fall somewhere in between the generations of social media, I'm in my early 30's, Facebook came out towards the end of college for me, I only recently got Instagram, so I use social media, but I am not dependent to the point of documenting every waking moment in my life. I just really hate when these people put all of their business out for the world to see, but then cite social media hate as a big problem.
  • Love 5

Bad news for Leah:  The State of West Virginia is cracking down on doctors and pharmacists who provide narcotics to anyone who wants them.  One drug distributor alone has filled orders for 118 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills over the past five years -- enough to supply every West Virginian with thirteen pain pills a year.



  • Love 4

Unfortunately, I fear this crack down on Rx pain meds in WVa is just going to end in more pill addicts becoming heroin addicts when they can't get their pills.

(And I'm not suggesting they should address the pill addiction epidemic and that this is a bad move. I don't have an answer; I just have heard that cracking down on Rx pain meds ends up with many people addicted to heroin.)

  • Love 7

Unfortunately, I fear this crack down on Rx pain meds in WVa is just going to end in more pill addicts becoming heroin addicts when they can't get their pills.

(And I'm not suggesting they should address the pill addiction epidemic and that this is a bad move. I don't have an answer; I just have heard that cracking down on Rx pain meds ends up with many people addicted to heroin.)


A friend who's a drug counselor once told me that the heroin addicts she's encountered think the pill addicts are just snobs taking the same drugs [ETA: because the pills are so much more expensive]. I do think it all needs to be addressed. It scares me to think that people who really do need the pain meds may start having trouble getting them, though.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 5

A friend who's a drug counselor once told me that the heroin addicts she's encountered think the pill addicts are just snobs taking the same drugs [ETA: because the pills are so much more expensive]. I do think it all needs to be addressed. It scares me to think that people who really do need the pain meds may start having trouble getting them, though.

Start having trouble? I've had 6 spinal and hip surgeries in the past 2 years, I can only walk a few steps on my own and need a wheelchair moat of the time. I'm in constant pain and will need some type of pain medicine forever. I'm treated like an addict when I pick up my prescriptions. These abusers have made it so hard for the people who really need them. It pisses me off.

  • Love 9

Except, Leah doesn't get the majority of her meds from a doctor. She likes to insinuate she gets all of her prescription meds from a valid prescription, but in reality, she gets them from the local dope dealer. Where her dope dealer gets his/her stash is anyone's guess. 


I would guess that the local dealers in WV get their drugs from shady doctors or pharmacies.  If they crack down it will also affect the dealers ability to get their product.

  • Love 2

Start having trouble? I've had 6 spinal and hip surgeries in the past 2 years, I can only walk a few steps on my own and need a wheelchair moat of the time. I'm in constant pain and will need some type of pain medicine forever. I'm treated like an addict when I pick up my prescriptions. These abusers have made it so hard for the people who really need them. It pisses me off.

Oh man, I'm really sorry to hear that. I broke my leg severely about 11 years ago and at that time they prescribed me so much Oxycontin that my family had to go to 2 different pharmacies to get it all, but they weren't treated badly. They hand the stuff out like candy at the oncologist's office where another family member currently goes, but she doesn't need or take the pain meds so I don't know how she'd be treated at the pharmacy. It pisses me off too that people who need them either can't get them or are made to feel bad getting them.

  • Love 1

It's not just at the pharmacy. I have a few different Doctors but I use my GP only for my narcotic prescriptions. Any time she has a vacation or something she has fill in doctors. I get grilled by some of the fill ins all the time. Most won't just refill my prescriptions and make me come in, even if I was just seen by my own Dr a month before. I get the third degree when I see them. They have my chart, they can see me in front of them, I've lifted my shirt and showed them the gross road map of fresh surgical scars, and they still treat me like I'm only there for drugs.

I wish some of these doctors would have to live with my pain for just a day, they'd change their tune real fast.

I end up in tears a lot of the time. My GP goes on maternity leave from April until August and I'm dreading it. I hate taking these things but I don't have a choice.

People like Leah make it really hard for people who really need these medications. We already have to jump through hoops to get the prescriptions approved, then we're treated horribly on top of it.

Sorry for the rant. This is a sore subject for me.

  • Love 4

Start having trouble? I've had 6 spinal and hip surgeries in the past 2 years, I can only walk a few steps on my own and need a wheelchair moat of the time. I'm in constant pain and will need some type of pain medicine forever. I'm treated like an addict when I pick up my prescriptions. These abusers have made it so hard for the people who really need them. It pisses me off.

Start having trouble? I've had 6 spinal and hip surgeries in the past 2 years, I can only walk a few steps on my own and need a wheelchair moat of the time. I'm in constant pain and will need some type of pain medicine forever. I'm treated like an addict when I pick up my prescriptions. These abusers have made it so hard for the people who really need them. It pisses me off.

Sorry you have to feel that way, and worry about chronic pain and what will be available after

more crack downs, it is ALWAYS the innocent people who end up paying because of fraudsters, be it drugs, shoplifting, whatever. I am in Canada, also take them for chronic pain, for the rest of my life and I am always worried that some morning I will wake up to big headlines that there will be no more morphine pills dished out to us! Wish these dam addicts could suffer our chronic pain hell for just 1 week, then they would know why they are really needed.

I really made a mess with my posts, didn't I?!

Sorry, I was feeling a bit heated talking about

these issues!

  • Love 3

Oh man, I'm really sorry to hear that. I broke my leg severely about 11 years ago and at that time they prescribed me so much Oxycontin that my family had to go to 2 different pharmacies to get it all, but they weren't treated badly. They hand the stuff out like candy at the oncologist's office where another family member currently goes, but she doesn't need or take the pain meds so I don't know how she'd be treated at the pharmacy. It pisses me off too that people who need them either can't get them or are made to feel bad getting them.

Oh FRICK, I have to get off here, keep screwing up, come back when I calm down!

I really feel for all of you/us who legitimately need these things and end up having issues due to people like Leah. One really interesting thing I found when I was on the Oxycontin for my broken leg was that I never felt "high" from it until the pain started to become less, which was a few weeks. As soon as I started feeling that way I tried switching to ibuprofen and it worked so I stopped the stronger stuff. I know it's only one experience, but I've heard others say this too - that if you truly need the drug for actual pain, you don't get high from it unless your dosage is off - you just get relief so you can function. ETA: shared this story because Leah is VERY clearly high in a number of scenes, which tells me she's abusing the stuff or her dosage is way, way off. When people abuse these things they are denying other people the relief they need to live better lives. It makes me sick.

As far as what she is/was taking I thought it was benzos for anxiety, and painkillers for migraines? Depending on how much you trust the tabloids, I think I remember reading Lortab and Percocet for painkillers (what can I say? I was stuck in a long grocery store line). I don't think the article said what she was taking for anxiety.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 4

Sorry you have to feel that way, and worry about chronic pain and what will be available after

more crack downs, it is ALWAYS the innocent people who end up paying because of fraudsters, be it drugs, shoplifting, whatever. I am in Canada, also take them for chronic pain, for the rest of my life and I am always worried that some morning I will wake up to big headlines that there will be no more morphine pills dished out to us! Wish these dam addicts could suffer our chronic pain hell for just 1 week, then they would know why they are really needed.

I really made a mess with my posts, didn't I?!

Sorry, I was feeling a bit heated talking about

these issues!

That's what I take too, a time released morphine and I have norco if I need it for breakthrough pain. I've tried to not take them, I figured that even taking them I'm always in pain anyway so I tapered and stopped taking them completely for almost a week. I was in agony the entire time. I can't move well anyway but I couldn't even get out of bed.

I also live with that fear. I worry about my Dr moving and me not being able to see her anymore. I worry about all of the new laws. I'm on a pain contract so I can only get them from my Dr and have to use only one pharmacy which is fine because I did that anyway. If I folow my contract I get my refills every month with no problems. I just don't think that contract would carry over if I had to get a different Dr.

It just sucks, as I'm sure you know to not only live with chronic pain but also chronic fear. I'm sorry for what you deal with, I feel for you.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

I really feel for all of you/us who legitimately need these things and end up having issues due to people like Leah. One really interesting thing I found when I was on the Oxycontin for my broken leg was that I never felt "high" from it until the pain started to become less, which was a few weeks. As soon as I started feeling that way I tried switching to ibuprofen and it worked so I stopped the stronger stuff. I know it's only one experience, but I've heard others say this too - that if you truly need the drug for actual pain, you don't get high from it unless your dosage is off - you just get relief so you can function. ETA: shared this story because Leah is VERY clearly high in a number of scenes, which tells me she's abusing the stuff or her dosage is way, way off. When people abuse these things they are denying other people the relief they need to live better lives. It makes me sick.

As far as what she is/was taking I thought it was benzos for anxiety, and painkillers for migraines? Depending on how much you trust the tabloids, I think I remember reading Lortab and Percocet for painkillers (what can I say? I was stuck in a long grocery store line). I don't think the article said what she was taking for anxiety.

Yes Niksac, exactly what all pharmacists I have asked about getting high from morphine, all say the same thing, will not make you high if your body really does need it for the pain. A good way to see if we are actually addicted to it or not. Next month it will be 20 years since I got sick, and still have never felt that high. We all need to form a club so no one ever has to stop getting it:)

I agree that Amber and Matt(creepy,greasy,oldish) seem like they are having a buzz or two, especially Amber. Especially Amber's eyes, a few times you could see she was on something.

Man, I wish none of us had to live with chronic pain.

  • Love 2

It's not just at the pharmacy. I have a few different Doctors but I use my GP only for my narcotic prescriptions. Any time she has a vacation or something she has fill in doctors. I get grilled by some of the fill ins all the time. Most won't just refill my prescriptions and make me come in, even if I was just seen by my own Dr a month before. I get the third degree when I see them. They have my chart, they can see me in front of them, I've lifted my shirt and showed them the gross road map of fresh surgical scars, and they still treat me like I'm only there for drugs.

I wish some of these doctors would have to live with my pain for just a day, they'd change their tune real fast.

I end up in tears a lot of the time. My GP goes on maternity leave from April until August and I'm dreading it. I hate taking these things but I don't have a choice.

People like Leah make it really hard for people who really need these medications. We already have to jump through hoops to get the prescriptions approved, then we're treated horribly on top of it.

Sorry for the rant. This is a sore subject for me.

I feel so bad for you, wish I could help you somehow. I never heard of a pill contract, have to google that. They sure are strict were you live, but once again, because of people like Leah. Watching her conking out on the couch with baby in her arms was so transparent, where is CPS when this is on national t.v.? After my daughter died, was cleaning out all of the medical supplies that had piled up, there were 31 bottles of medications sitting in the drawer, everything she had ever taken, why would that even be possible? Not very good monitoring by the oncologist/pharmacologist, sounds totally opposite of what you have to go thru.

Start having trouble? I've had 6 spinal and hip surgeries in the past 2 years, I can only walk a few steps on my own and need a wheelchair moat of the time. I'm in constant pain and will need some type of pain medicine forever. I'm treated like an addict when I pick up my prescriptions. These abusers have made it so hard for the people who really need them. It pisses me off.

I'm sorry you have to go through that. It isn't fair that you get treated like that.

I remember at my worst, I was on an anti depressant, benzo, painkiller and meth. My one doctor prescribed me all the legal stuff..but seriously that combo without the meth is deadly. Some doctors don't care or pay attention.

Anyway, if Leah gets desperate enough then heroin is in her future. Addicts have a way of getting what they want no matter what they have to do.

  • Love 2

Thanks everybody, you're all so sweet.

My fear is that if my Dr leaves for another job or something is that the pain contract won't carry over with a new Dr. New Drs always want me to try different things for my pain. I've tried them and they don't work.

It sucks to live with that fear.

This is why people like Leah piss me off. I understand addiction, I'm an alcoholic, I haven't had a drink since 12/29/95 but I still am and always will be an alcoholic. I get that it's a disease beyond control, but it still makes me angry. Anybody who legitimately needs the medication is treated horribly and its because of people like Leah.

Thanks again for the kind words. I've been feeling really down all weekend and you've cheered me up by being so sweet to me. I appreciate it.

  • Love 8

I would guess that the local dealers in WV get their drugs from shady doctors or pharmacies.  If they crack down it will also affect the dealers ability to get their product.

Right. But, many dealers are not always getting their drugs from those two sources. They could be getting them from nurses, workers in hospitals, someone who works at filling orders for pharmacies, they could be buying them from people who are receiving drugs for their ailments and those who are faking their ailments. People who are tending to elderly or ill patients such as a nurse, a nurse's aide, or even family members who are looking to make quick money. 


Maharincess, you know you are my girl and my thoughts are always on you and your health.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

My husband works with somebody who sells Vicodin. He told my husband that he buys them by the thousands from somebody who works for Kaiser in California. He's been getting them for years, I don't understand how thousands can go missing for so long and nothing has happened yet.

I would LOVE to find out this woman's name, I'd turn her ass in so fast.

Thanks Kazu I love ya you smart ass alien. XX

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

Hubby had hip revision and they prescribed 100 Percocet. Pharmacist told me to be careful walking to car as people outside the pharmacy will ask if I want to sell. Scary. He used 10, we are going to return the rest for disposal. Addiction is a terrible, terrible thing. I blame Leah's family, she is young and can still make a good life for her and the girlses. Mama Dawn, if you are listening, BE A PARENT.

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