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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Also, are we forgetting that Ali the handicap child is also COREY'S as well? I'm sure he is overwhelmed and stressed by the situation as well.

Oh, we didn't forget. The one who forgets about this fact is Dr. Drew. Remember how he told him how Leah is the one with a mental issue after Cory exclaimed he is stressed out and overwhelmed, too? Leah, Mama Dawn, and Leah's minions also forget Cory is also stressed out by Ali's situation.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

What sh*ts me are the comments about Miranda-  "Just wait til she has her own kid" "She is just trying to steal Leah's babies", etc, etc. I can't imagine that Miranda's life plan involved becoming a step-parent to twin girls, one with a rare condition and the other with behaviour issues (not saying that she has ADD but that girl needs help) and having to justify the whole saga to the media.  It's a credit to her that she has taken on the responsibility of essentially being a part-time carer for Ali and has been so supportive of Gracie.  

Miranda isn't trying to "steal" Leah's girls, she is helping to make sure that they make it to their 18th birthday with hopefully an education, no children and all their limbs intact.  Leah wasn't a fit parent and while I appreciate how hard this must be for her, the kids should always come first.  

  • Love 16

Wait? Addie was out at 2 a.m.? Where is this info? So many articles, so little time.



MyPeopleAreNordic, on 21 Oct 2015 - 5:34 PM, said:

    I wonder what happened to make the judge immediately give Corey custody. Was there an emergency hearing called because Addie was found wandering around?

Usually that is the case. An emergency hearing is known as an ex-parte hearing that is normally held within 48 hours from the date of filing. It is a motion to the court that something has occurred and requires immediate attention by the court.


My question is, how did Cory find out? Who ratted out Leah? I want to thank them. If it was Jeremy...*high five*

  • Love 3

Wait? Addie was out at 2 a.m.? Where is this info? So many articles, so little time.

Usually that is the case. An emergency hearing is known as an ex-parte hearing that is normally held within 48 hours from the date of filing. It is a motion to the court that something has occurred and requires immediate attention by the court.

My question is, how did Cory find out? Who ratted out Leah? I want to thank them. If it was Jeremy...*high five*

The gossip mags reported Leah lost custody and a family "insider" mentioned Addie had been found by a cop wandering around. and there was a police blotter thing posted about a child neglect case at 1:45 am in a neighborhood near Leah's. No proof the police blotter is about Leah but it sounds probable.

Eta: the timing matches up. The court hearing was reportedly 10/13. The police blotter was 10/11. 48 hours.

What I want to know is how the cops knew where to bring Addie home. Presumably a 2 year old wouldn't rattle off her address or phone number.

If Leah was cited by a police officer, I'm guessing the local gossip mill gave Corey the heads up.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 3

Oh, we didn't forget. The one who forgets about this fact is Dr. Drew. Remember how he told him how Leah is the one with a mental issue after Cory exclaimed he is stressed out and overwhelmed, too? Leah, Mama Dawn, and Leah's minions also forget Cory is also stressed out by Ali's situation.


But yallses know only a MOM can properly care for her gurlses! Dads are just there to provide the paycheck and some commiseration from other moms who complain about how they leave their dirty socks about and can't lower the toilet seat. They don't actually do any parenting, amirite? She probably refers to her exes' parenting as "babysitting" the kids, too.


Did this mean that she was deliberately missing appointments for the girls "because fambly"?

I had to read this before I realize she meant "apts" as "appointments" and not "apartments." I was envisioning her racing around to different slummy apartments with her kids in tow to get her next fix. Usually "appts" is shorthand for appointments, but we know the schools aren't well there.

  • Love 8

What I want to know is how the cops knew where to bring Addie home. Presumably a 2 year old wouldn't rattle off her address or phone number.

If Leah was cited by a police officer, I'm guessing the local gossip mill gave Corey the heads up.


If a child was found alone at 2 am, why would the police bring the child back to the home?  I would think the police would bring the child to the police station and call Children's Services to take immediate custody.   You don't put a child back into an unsafe environment. 

  • Love 1
I had to read this before I realize she meant "apts" as "appointments" and not "apartments." I was envisioning her racing around to different slummy apartments with her kids in tow to get her next fix. Usually "appts" is shorthand for appointments, but we know the schools aren't well there.

That's what I read from it at first too, dragging her kids to apartments, since I was thinking about how Corey criticized her for moving too often.

  • Love 8

If a child was found alone at 2 am, why would the police bring the child back to the home? I would think the police would bring the child to the police station and call Children's Services to take immediate custody. You don't put a child back into an unsafe environment.

Yeah makes no sense, but the article said the police officer brought Addie back. I just don't know how, unless the officer happened to know Leah.

All this info is coming at me too fast. I am thinking Cory got custody of the girls because of what happened to Addie. Nooooo. These are two different issues. Cory went to court because the girlses were late for school again in spite of Leah saying to Dr. Drew that it wouldn't be happening again. Well, we knew it would. Addie taking a midnight stroll is a recent matter that just occurred eight days ago. Leah is up shit creek.


McKay - great job finding that info. I didn't even know Leah lived in Charleston. I kept thinking Leah lived in Hickville.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

This makes me sad. If losing custody of your kids doesn't light a fire under your ass, then I just don't see much hope.

This is personal, but I lost my kids at one point due to my drug use. Losing them lit the biggest fire under my butt to get clean. I got clean and worked my ass off and got them back. I can't imagine how low you have to be to just give up on your kids.

  • Love 15

Well, at least the girlses will be clean and tidy and on time for school and appointments now.  What a mess.  Glad Corey has the kids, and I hope Jeremy is working on getting Addie the hell out of there.


If you have all overdosed on Leah today, here's a little nugget from the original TM's.


Happy Halloween.



  • Love 1

I'm torn. On the one hand I want to dance in the streets to celebrate that the twins will finally have the stable, happy home they deserve. I'm so happy for Corey. Hopefully this means he can get them off the show for good. On the other hand I'm so scared for Addie and I hope that Jeremy can get full custody of her. That poor baby, wandering around outside and we all know damn well she wasn't properly dressed.

If this isn't the wakeup call Leah needs to get her shit together, then there's no hope for her. How much do you want to bet that she's working on baby #4 right now?

I think it's great news.

I hope this is a wake up call for Leah but I wouldn't be surprised at all if its not. My friend and neighbor when my kids were young had her kids removed from her custody and given to their grandparents because of my friend's meth use. All she had to do to get them back was attend parenting classes, go through drug rehab and submit to random drug testing for a full year after regaining custody. She did none of it. She kept doing her meth and saying she would get started "tomorrow". Fast forward, her kids were raised by their grandparents and she wonders to this day why the kids turned out the way they did (which isn't good) and why they want nothing to do with her.

Sometimes the pull of those drugs is more important than anything else. It's so sad, I'm still in touch with her because despite everything, she's one of the sweetest, warmest people I've ever known.

She's still doing meth.

I hope for the best for Leah for the girls sake but I'm not holding out much hope.

  • Love 3

I hate to sound like a geography snob, but I can imagine addicted parents and neglected children is pretty common in Leah's neck of the woods. Is it possible Addie wasn't the child mentioned in the police report? I can't imagine they'd let a toddler return home after being found wandering at 2:00 am.

Edited by BitterApple

I hate to sound like a geography snob, but I can imagine addicted parents and neglected children is pretty common in Leah's neck of the woods. Is it possible Addie wasn't the child mentioned in the police report? I can't imagine they'd let a toddler return home after being found wandering at 2:00 am.

Yes, my very first sentence in the post said something like "this is probably not Leah but," or "I'm not saying this is for sure Leah." With that said I posted a link to the charleston newspaper.

Also I'm sorry. I didn't know it was wrong to post that. The info was very vague so I assumed being a public newspaper it was ok. Sorry again.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3

What a dumb asshole. What on earth could be so distracting that you don't notice an infant leaving your house alone? I guess it was the stress and anxiety again?


I would feel pretty safe in assuming she was not distracted but DICK-stracted.


Probably bumping uglies with her beau of the week, high as a proverbial kite, and obviously to everything and everyone except herself.


Girl's downright nasty.  I'm glad those kids were snatched from her custody.  She's no better than any other addict that endangers their children, MTV "celebrity" or not.  I've pretty loathed her stank ass since the whole feeding the girls Cheetos off the floor debacle.  Ugh.  


Now I hope Germy follows Corey's lead and gets custody of baby Adderall before that little girl is snatched off the street by some pervert whilst Leah is getting her freak on oblivious to the world around her.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 9

This makes me sad. If losing custody of your kids doesn't light a fire under your ass, then I just don't see much hope.

This is personal, but I lost my kids at one point due to my drug use. Losing them lit the biggest fire under my butt to get clean. I got clean and worked my ass off and got them back. I can't imagine how low you have to be to just give up on your kids.

Thank you for sharing that and being so honest. I shared a story about a friend with the opposite result. Good for you for putting your kids first and getting clean.

Congratulations on getting clean. My sober date is 12/29/95. My problem was alcohol. Thank Dog I quit before I had any issues with my kids but if I hadn't quit I have no doubt I would have lost them. I saw myself becoming my parents and my kids having the same horrible childhood I had with drunken parents. I wasn't going to do that to them.

I hope Leah gets her shit together.

  • Love 6

I am NOT defending Leah but this almost happened to us.  I got up one morning and a friend who was staying with us told me that he'd gotten home from work late and when he came out of the bathroom, our 4 year old was headed out the front door - this was at 3:00 in the morning.  Thank God he was there otherwise I wouldn't have heard her.  We put an extra lock at the top of the door so she couldn't do that again.  Freaked me out.  So, I know this is possible. 


However, given the neglect we've seen on the show and Leah's lack of parenting, we all knew this was just a matter of time.  You can't put your life out there for the world to see, screw up THIS BAD and expect to walk away unscathed.

  • Love 5

Wow, this is both the best and worst thing that could have happened to these folks, I don't even know how to feel. Admittedly I feel sorry for Leah, but it's really for the best - for her, too, because she clearly can't handle her responsibilities - and now those kids will have a more stable life in a stable home. And like others have said, hopefully this will be the "rock bottom" that spurs Leah to change, really change, but unfortunately it's probably just as likely that she won't. 

  • Love 1

The problem with Leah, I believe is that this won't change her behavior. She will make it into "and everything is falling apart, I'm so stressed!" and since she surrounds herself with enablers, she doesn't know what's right or wrong anymore. No one says "no" to her in her group of people. That's a problem to me. You need people who aren't just going to tell you what you hear and unfortunately, I don't think Leah has that. I think that's why anytime Corey tried to offer advice or something, she would fly off the handle about them judging her and calling her a bad mom. 

  • Love 8

Yes, this. Sometimes I think Leah does have the necessary amount of self-awareness to realize that she's making bad decisions or needs to do better, and if she had people in her life to back that up and tell her the things she needs to hear she might hold to her resolve and actually do better. But she surrounds herself with enablers who coddle her and tell her it's everyone else's fault and spin everything to make her think that whatever she's doing really isn't so bad. She'll never change until someone whose judgment and truth she believes in implicitly actually tells her her truth.

  • Love 4

Yes, those enablers in Leah's life are going to be her downfall if she doesn't break away from them, Mama Dawn in particular. Which brings me back to the question, what the hell are they trying to protect her from? What secrets (other then the obvious drug use) are the Messers trying to cover up?

It is all pretty sad. Leah is the entitled, spoilded princess type I wouldn't want to be around in the real world, but she is a product of her dysfunctional environment. She has been told her whole life that being a SAHM and wife should be her goal, even though it hasn't been a good fit so far for her

She probably isn't a total idiot but she doesn't have enough natural intelligence and insight to try to understand how screwed up the situation is. I hope she can turn things around but I'm not holding my breath.

  • Love 4

Yes, those enablers in Leah's life are going to be her downfall if she doesn't break away from them, Mama Dawn in particular. Which brings me back to the question, what the hell are they trying to protect her from? What secrets (other then the obvious drug use) are the Messers trying to cover up?

It is all pretty sad. Leah is the entitled, spoilded princess type I wouldn't want to be around in the real world, but she is a product of her dysfunctional environment. She has been told her whole life that being a SAHM and wife should be her goal, even though it hasn't been a good fit so far for her

She probably isn't a total idiot but she doesn't have enough natural intelligence and insight to try to understand how screwed up the situation is. I hope she can turn things around but I'm not holding my breath.

This is the one thing that makes me feel a little sorry for Leah, despite the fact that she's a self absorbed lazy moron.

There's a lot of reasons for enabling. For example, my brother in law is a drug addict who has stolen from everyone in his immediate family and everyone except my father in law has washed their hands of him. My FIL continues to allow him to live with him even as his cash and other belongings go missing and his vehicles are used and then damaged, sometimes totaled. It's a lost cause, and my father in law isn't helping, but he just can't bring himself to kick him out and leave him to sleep in a ditch somewhere ( which he's done). He loves him.

You could argue that Barb enabled Jenelle by allowing her to bring baby Jace home and caring for him while Jenelle went out, but she was worried about Jace's safety and honestly wanted to believe Jenelle was better than she is.

In the Messer clan, I DON'T think this is the case. I don't think their ass kissing is because they are truly blind to how bad off Leah is, nor are they too worried about how possibly being too honest will completely destroy her and they reassure her to protect her.

I believe their motivation is 100% selfish. If they are honest they are worried Leah will either get pissed and avoid them, therefore cutting off their camera time and MTV subsidized dinners and vacations, or, in delta Dawn's case, break down, quit being filmed, and then not only is her meal ticket revoked, but then Delta Dawn gets known around the Holler as the mom of a drug addict. I think their enabling is to preserve their own perks.

If so, how sad that Leah's nearest and dearest will sacrifice not only her mental health but the physical safety and emotional wellbeing of her kids, for their own gain. I generally think she's a useless waste of space, but I do pity her if this is the case.

  • Love 7

I was scrolling through the comments on social media and I can't believe how many people are defending Leah. The general theme is Cory is a total shitbag for taking away "her" kids and any one of us would be stressed out if we had a handicapped child too.

Never mind the fact that Leah only had all three kids for half the week and they were still dirty, missing school, missing therapy, wandering off unattended, riding in a car with a mother under the influence, eating shit food at midnight and stabbing each other with pencils. If that's what passes as acceptable parenting behavior, I weep for the future.

we had a handicapped child. my second child was born with a bad heart condition and pretty much spent most of his 2 and a half years in the hospital. we also had an older child at home who acted out because I wasn't always around, as I was working and spent a lot of time in the hospital with my second child as well. I get it. yes, it's stressful as all Hell, half the time you don't know if you're coming or going, and you're just trying to stay afloat above water and keep from drowning. I was in therapy for a good chunk of the time this was going on as well, and was also was prescribed anxiety meds because of all of it, but got the lowest dosage possible because i'm terrified of taking pills and becoming dependant. I sympathized with leah for the longest time, especially when there was so much no one knew about ali's condition, and what her long term progress would be, because I was in a similar position for years. I knew that overwhelmingly agonizing fear. there's still some part of me that sympathizes with her, because of what I went through with my second child, but at the same time, she makes it really hard to because of all her antics and believing she's doing nothing wrong and that everyone is against her, when she doesn't seem to realize how much danger she is putting her three girls in. despite the whole uncertainty of ali's future -  she's thriving. she's living. she's alive and running around and having fun and living a life, despite limitations from her illness, and that's the blessing in all of this. I hope leah gets the help she needs so she can be their mom again, and truly enjoy/appreciate the gift despite her daughters illness/handicap.


Edited by kaydub
  • Love 6

Okay, so I'm a dork and this made me giggle.  On another website, someone posted that "Jeremy was trying to get custody of Additional" I'm sure that the poster meant Addie, but autocorrect probably corrected it to additional.  I've been laughing at this for about 10 minutes. 

Something tells me that is their nickname for Addie. lol  In Mama Dawn speak "That ain't no mistake!"



I hate to sound like a geography snob, but I can imagine addicted parents and neglected children is pretty common in Leah's neck of the woods. Is it possible Addie wasn't the child mentioned in the police report?

It appears McKay's report was incorrect as far as the date and Addie being the child in question, but the actual incident did happen. As for your comment, you are right, as sad as that is. Since the report posted here was not about Leah, it means it happened to another child! Is this why President Obama is jumping on this whole thing about prescription med abuse in Leah's neck of the woods? What the fuck is going on in them woods? Deer cam is beginning to sound more like drug cam, for those wanting to know that their drug dealer is in the woods. Here I thought drugs were running rampant here in So Cal.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

What a great bit of news to log in to this morning! I'm really happy for the girlses and sure hope Jermy gets primary custody of little Adderall quickly! In a perfect world, I'd say I hope Leah takes this as the wake up call of her life and gets her shit together. But, I don't think it'll happen. It'll just be another excuse to cry stress and anxiety and all of her family will agree with her. You know it's just a matter of time before one of the yokels makes a statement saying it was all just a big mistake and that the truth will be revealed soon. We've been waiting on the big reveal for years now!


A poster upthread mentioned that MTV could still film Leah and the twins on the weekend. As some of us who are also watchers of the Real Housewives have learned, both parents have to consent to their children being filmed. Corey and Miranda have already said they are done with the show. I'm hoping Corey will not consent to having the twins filmed and that Jermy follows suit. Without the kids, Leah won't really have anything to offer as far as MTV goes and, hopefully, they'll cut her loose. Unless, of course, she gets knocked up again. Which wouldn't surprise me AT ALL.

  • Love 9


A poster upthread mentioned that MTV could still film Leah and the twins on the weekend. As some of us who are also watchers of the Real Housewives have learned, both parents have to consent to their children being filmed.

That's right. The girlses are in Cory and Miranda's primary custody now. That means Cory dictates everything from their medical needs to their everyday needs and what he will allow vs. what he won't allow. I can see Cory not allowing the girlses to be filmed at all.


Leah's child support will go down. This means Leah will now have to pay Cory child support. Now, Cory could decide to not go that route, but I can see his attorney making it an issue. Leah will now have to give up a big chunk of her MTV earnings or, GET A JOB. Who the hell will hire her without a drug test except for MTV?

  • Love 4
Train Wrecks Amber and Jenelle lost custody, and they are still part of the TM family.  Leah will be there for the next season unless she voluntarily drops out.  Even if Corey is done, they can still film her with the twins on weekends.


Unless Corey puts his foot down and says she can't film with them. Which he just might do. Personally, I think all of these kids are getting to an age where they need to stop being filmed. They're in school now, and things could get embarrassing. OTOH, he might want to use filming as a way of keeping tabs on the girlses when they're not with him. It will be interesting to see what he does. 


Here it comes:

"Wait, don't fire me, I'll get pregnant again so I have a storyline..."


I guarantee you she's already working on that with T.R. Dues. 

  • Love 4

Oh wow, I didn't even think about that. Leah basically lives entirely on child support payments and MTV checks. With Corey now having primary custody, and Jeremy possibly seeking custody of Addie next, those payments would be done for. (Whether or not she has to pay them remains to be seen; the legalities would say that she's technically supposed to but I don't know if either baby daddy would bother to enforce it.) Furthermore, if Corey chooses not to sign off on the twins being on the show, which he would be authorized to do now that he's the primary caregiver, MTV may downsize her role in the show, if they don't write her out completely, and that money will drop as well. What are the odds she's saved a good chunk of the MTV money so far? Because we all know girlfriend ain't getting no job.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 3

Oh wow, I didn't even think about that. Leah basically lives entirely on child support payments and MTV checks. With Corey now having primary custody, and Jeremy possibly seeking custody of Addie next, those payments would be done for; and if Corey chooses not to sign off on the twins being on the show, which he would be authorized to do now that he's the primary caregiver, MTV may downsize her role in the show, if they don't write her out completely, and that money will drop as well. What are the odds she's saved a good chunk of the MTV money so far? Because we all know girlfriend ain't getting no job.

Corey has always had to give consent for the girls to be filmed whether he had custody or not. He's had the option of saying no to them being on camera since day one. Every parent or guardian of every kid on this show has to give written, legal consent to have their child/children filmed. Barb is Jace's legal guardian. If she wanted to, she could say no more filming and Jenelle would be shit out of luck.


Yep. Leah's gravy train is about to be cut off. She's probably trying to get pregnant to secure herself another season as I type this.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 4
Corey has always had to give consent for the girls to be filmed whether he had custody or not. He's had the option of saying no to them being on camera since day one. Every parent or guardian of every kid on this show has to give written, legal consent to have their child/children filmed.


Right. And I think a lot of him allowing it for so long was because it allowed him to keep better tabs on the girls. Without the cameras, he would not be privy to half the crap going on under Leah's "care". 

  • Love 3

Right. And I think a lot of him allowing it for so long was because it allowed him to keep better tabs on the girls. Without the cameras, he would not be privy to half the crap going on under Leah's "care". 

Honestly, if I was Corey and the girls had to go to Leah's every other weekend, I'd agree to let them be filmed (but I would not be filmed or have any filming done at my house) when they're with Leah. That way at least there would be some other adults around besides Leah & her family.

  • Love 7

I just want to add that Miranda is being really classy in this situation.

If I was Corey's new wife and had to put up with all Leah & her family have said about Miranda, I wouldn't be anywhere near as classy. I probably would have called TMZ or some gossip site the minute the court hearing where Corey got the girls was over. No way would it have taken a week or so to get out. And I also probably would have sold the story about Addie getting out last month as soon as it happened, too. If Leah was treating me the way she treats Miranda, I'd be looking to at least make a few bucks off of the gossip as a "source" and so the "truth can come out" and all. Of course, engaging in those kinds of activities would be distasteful because there are kids involved, but I'd be so tempted!


The fact that Miranda wasn't on social media or TMZ blabbing about Corey getting custody as soon as that hearing ended really says a lot about her. Good for her. Same for Papa Jeff and all Corey's family members.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13

Thanks. Do you think there's a good chance that he will withdraw his consent now, though? Especially when he's reportedly dropped out of filming for next season himself?

I sure hope so. Leah has never had to work for anything. She lives off of child support and MTV. Without those sources of income, she'll either get her shit together or implode. One of the worst things for an addict is to have  money without having to work for it. Any respectable rehab/treatment facility will tell their patients that a huge part of recovery is having a job and earning a living. It boosts self respect and plays a huge role in learning how to be responsible. Even filthy rich people in recovery are encouraged to work or volunteer as part of the recovery process.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 4

Honestly, if I was Corey and the girls had to go to Leah's every other weekend, I'd agree to let them be filmed (but I would not be filmed or have any filming done at my house) when they're with Leah. That way at least there would be some other adults around besides Leah & her family.

But, we've seen for ourselves how that worked out. Even with MTV around, Leah was high as a fucking kite while she was driving around with the girlses unsecured in their carseats, leaving them to their own devices while she was nodding out while holed up in her room talking on her phone, dragging them around until 11:00 on a school night, the list goes on. I don't think having cameras around makes it any safer for the girlses :(

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