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Jesus God, Leah!!

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But did you get the ultra-deluxe Star Trek models? If you purchased them yesterday, you've probably already used them more than Leah's used hers.

Of course not - I don't have an MTV paycheck, so it was last year's models. Bummer! Now I'm so stressed out about it I think I'll take a nap.

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 5

Those curls! Ali has beautiful hair. See Leah, this is what happens when you comb your kid's hair and use conditioner. Radical concept, I know. 

Now I'm creeping through grandpa Jeff's instagram. The girls look so happy and clean in all of the pictures. If they spent more time with this side of their family and less with the Messy Messers they'd actually have a chance in hell at turning out ok. 

Jeff raised Cory correctly, and Cory is doing the same with his children.  And then there's the Messers...

  • Love 5

No, I'm not Martha Stewart. But I put it away today


Impressive! (especially considering I'm still working on getting summer stuff put away - downside of having a separate laundry room).  If only Leah could get one that washes, dries, folds, AND puts the laundry away, she'd be golden. Well other than the other disgusting stuff noted by the cameraman, but it'd be a start.

This whole warsher talk has me giggling. Didn't Leah say to Germ she needed a bigger washer so she could wash way more clothes at once? I seem to remember a pre-purchase conversation about the need for a bigger warsher. I think she mentioned warshing blankets as well. That is probably why Leah's first warsher broke down. Remember when Germ mentioned they should just get it repaired. Oh heaven's no! Leah needed a much bigger warsher! Seems that is how Leah is with all the other things in her life - she needs more.

  • Love 2

Impressive! (especially considering I'm still working on getting summer stuff put away - downside of having a separate laundry room). If only Leah could get one that washes, dries, folds, AND puts the laundry away, she'd be golden. Well other than the other disgusting stuff noted by the cameraman, but it'd be a start.

Hell I'D like that machine too.

  • Love 2

This whole warsher talk has me giggling. Didn't Leah say to Germ she needed a bigger washer so she could wash way more clothes at once? I seem to remember a pre-purchase conversation about the need for a bigger warsher. I think she mentioned warshing blankets as well. That is probably why Leah's first warsher broke down. Remember when Germ mentioned they should just get it repaired. Oh heaven's no! Leah needed a much bigger warsher! Seems that is how Leah is with all the other things in her life - she needs more.

Im just picturing Leah totally overloading the machine, and as its thumping back and forth and clanking around, Leah's like, hmm the washer must be broken. Time to buy a new one!

  • Love 5

She probably thinks the dryer is broken when she pulls the clothes out 3 days later and they are wrinkled...

One of my friends husbands has a little girl with what was a one night stand (before he met my friend) he has her every other weekend, and they have a set of clothes at their house for his daughter and while it seems kinda mean they don't let her wear them home with her mom because they always got ruined. I feel like this is going to be where Corey eventually winds up. My friend was upset because they don't want it to be like they are holding out with nice stuff to make the child want to be at their house more or anything, but they were tired of spending money on things so that the child could have some nice things (nothing extravagant, but not cheap either) then they would go home to the moms with the child never to be seen again.

  • Love 7

She probably thinks the dryer is broken when she pulls the clothes out 3 days later and they are wrinkled...

One of my friends husbands has a little girl with what was a one night stand (before he met my friend) he has her every other weekend, and they have a set of clothes at their house for his daughter and while it seems kinda mean they don't let her wear them home with her mom because they always got ruined. I feel like this is going to be where Corey eventually winds up. My friend was upset because they don't want it to be like they are holding out with nice stuff to make the child want to be at their house more or anything, but they were tired of spending money on things so that the child could have some nice things (nothing extravagant, but not cheap either) then they would go home to the moms with the child never to be seen again.

I have a friend in this exact situation. She sends off her child to the ex and they keep all the clothes she sends him in including shoes while he returns with old, dirty clothes. She finally decided to just not send him off with those newer clothes and shoes. Just a basic t-shirt, pants, and shoes.


Ali does have beautiful hair. I have always noticed how well-combed the girles hair is when they are in the care of Miranda and Cory. Did anyone catch in the Unseen Moments how Leah just threw clothes on the girls and there was Gracie and Ali with their hair all messy as Gracie screamed wanting to be in the car with the other girl that was standing there? I betcha that is how Leah left their hair, not bothering to comb it.


That scene showed it was Christmas time. By then, Jermy was well past the whole deer cam situation which occurred in October. That guy was soooo done with Leah.  Just watching that whole scene play out, I was annoyed. Imagine Jermy? I had this feeling that he was so annoyed with hearing Gracie yelling and crying constantly, clothes all over the place, Leah constantly being late, cats all over the place, the whole place is just out of control. So miserable! 

  • Love 8

Those curls! Ali has beautiful hair. See Leah, this is what happens when you comb your kid's hair and use conditioner. Radical concept, I know.

Now I'm creeping through grandpa Jeff's instagram. The girls look so happy and clean in all of the pictures. If they spent more time with this side of their family and less with the Messy Messers they'd actually have a chance in hell at turning out ok.

Did you see the pic with Jeff and Corey as a toddler? Think Papa Jeff has gotten better looking with age because he's a dead ringer for Corey in that pic and that's not a good thing. Perhaps Corey will age really well and become a bonafide DILF and Leah's head will just explode as I think she always considered herself too cute for him and we all know she's not aging well.

Is Corey's mom still in the picture? Think Jeffs wife is labeled as his stepmom.

  • Love 1

You know what's funny about Corey and his dad is that sometimes I think his dad looks younger than him. I think the stress and bullshit with Leah aged Corey quickly. But yeah according to the old pictures Jeff looked exactly like him when he was younger, and Ali looks just like Corey.

And I think Corey's mom is in the picture because they've mentioned the girls being at her house in the past. She's just not on the show

  • Love 4


Is Corey's mom still in the picture? Think Jeffs wife is labeled as his stepmom.


I think the only time we have seen Corey's mum was when she was doing Leah's hair for her wedding and she did not seem too happy with the situation. The salon was some funny hilly billy name from memory that Corey's mum owns. Corey also has a sister that is never mentioned.

  • Love 1


Did you see the pic with Jeff and Corey as a toddler? Think Papa Jeff has gotten better looking with age because he's a dead ringer for Corey in that pic and that's not a good thing.


Corey, too me, is pretty much average looking. He suffers a bit from not having a very defined chin/jaw line, something he apparently didn't inherit from Jeff. Or maybe as he ages his face will become more defined, like Jeff's is now.


Speaking of hot Papa Jeff, I vaguely remember seeing a picture of a younger Jeff in a military uniform. Can't find it now, but he was looking pretty damn spiffy in it lol.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 2

Wow this is sad for pretty much everyone but I'm glad the girls seem to be in a safer place (well 2 of them so far.. hopefully all 3 soon).


The Addie story reminds me of the time I found a toddler wandering on a street in nothing but her diaper. She was walking on the street, then across the foot bridge that goes over a river. The baby/toddler was with my Mom and I for a LONG time before the mom even came looking for her. Thinking of a kid I 'know' (via TV) in basically the same situation is just so sad. I know kids get out, out of eye-sight, etc. but geez.

  • Love 5

I think Corey wouldn't bother with CS, because it would be too much of a hassle trying to fight Leah and her clan. I suspect their claws will come out soon. Though yes, Leah's happy ass should be shelling out some of her six figure TM2 income to Corey for the twins. Or at least setting up college funds that Corey has access to. Lord knows Leah would demand someone's last $30 if she fealt entitled to it.

I am glad Leah is probably cut off from Corey's CS. Less money for her to blow.

  • Love 10

How timely...someone from that area in WVa posted an article about heroin and prescription pill usage becoming a real problem there on my facebook feed. One of the first comments was about a 3-year-old getting out of the house and wandering around while her mom nodded. Odd coincidence.


I really hope Jeremy can do the same for Addie. I always thought he seemed a little removed and unconcerned for her, probably because he was literally removed from the region, but it's good to hear (if true) that he's trying to do the same thing for her.


This is beyond snark, this is truly scary. I hope Leah gets the help she needs. I'll reserve my ridicule for her hair extensions and her assumption that she can snap her fingers and Corey will leave his beautiful, kind, smart wife to go make a DeerCam appearance.

  • Love 6

This is great news if true.  Family court judges generally aren't falling over themselves looking for reasons to give primary custody to fathers, so a judge must have finally seen that there is some serious shit going down in Leah's house to award custody to Corey.


I wish this could serve as a wakeup call for Leah, but I worry it will only speed up her downward spiral.  I sincerely hope she gets it together.  When I saw her name pop up as a trending topic on Facebook, my first thought was that she had OD'ed or gotten in a car accident or something.  I think Leah, unlike Jenelle, does care about her kids and could be a decent mother in the future if she wises up and gets a whole lot of help (and not the Mama Dawn/enabling/therapyNOTrehab version).

  • Love 9

I'm torn. On the one hand I want to dance in the streets to celebrate that the twins will finally have the stable, happy home they deserve. I'm so happy for Corey. Hopefully this means he can get them off the show for good. On the other hand I'm so scared for Addie and I hope that Jeremy can get full custody of her. That poor baby, wandering around outside and we all know damn well she wasn't properly dressed.

If this isn't the wakeup call Leah needs to get her shit together, then there's no hope for her. How much do you want to bet that she's working on baby #4 right now?

  • Love 9

I was scrolling through the comments on social media and I can't believe how many people are defending Leah. The general theme is Cory is a total shitbag for taking away "her" kids and any one of us would be stressed out if we had a handicapped child too.

Never mind the fact that Leah only had all three kids for half the week and they were still dirty, missing school, missing therapy, wandering off unattended, riding in a car with a mother under the influence, eating shit food at midnight and stabbing each other with pencils. If that's what passes as acceptable parenting behavior, I weep for the future.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

What the fuck is with these people?? I mostly stick to PTV so when I go to another site I'm generally dumbfounded by the comments.

OK, even if Leah had all 3 full time and no help at all, and no money to hire help, and instead of a drug addiction was honestly drowning in all her responsibilities, the girls are still in an unsafe, unstable, and unhealthy environment. She would be more sympathetic, but at the end of the day's the minor children's welfare trumps her feelings. Why don't these fans GET that? It's been documented that Leah is unable to get her girls to school or to physical therapy on a regular basis, and she is unable to adequately supervise her children if the Addie story is true.

  • Love 12

So so glad to hear this news regarding the twins. Finally, Gracie will get a break from making breakfast and will have some help doing her hair. 


I do worry about Addie, though. It's one thing for a toddler to scoot out into the back yard when you're busy, but you usually notice right away. The fact that an officer brought her home likely means she was wandering for some time and a neighbor/passerby called the police. I don't know what Germy can work out, considering he works out of town, but I hope something is done for the little one's sake as well.  

  • Love 10

I was scrolling through the comments on social media and I can't believe how many people are defending Leah. The general theme is Cory is a total shitbag for taking away "her" kids and any one of us would be stressed out if we had a handicapped child too.


Uh yes... I'm sure I would be too. Having been a handicapped child I feel awful for what my parents went through. However I'm so proud of Corey for taking matters (and the girlses!) into his own hands. I can't believe people are commenting otherwise. Did they not watch the last season or two? 

  • Love 5

This whole warsher talk has me giggling. Didn't Leah say to Germ she needed a bigger washer so she could wash way more clothes at once? I seem to remember a pre-purchase conversation about the need for a bigger warsher. I think she mentioned warshing blankets as well.

There are 'warshers' now that can wash two loads at once (often one compartment will be small, for when you want to wash a few items without being wasteful). When I looked some up online, they still weren't anywhere near the price that she was talking about on that episode. It's like she went out of her way to find the most expensive model in the store for the sake of buying the most expensive model.

  • Love 3

I am so glad the twins are living the majority of the time with Corey and Miranda. I feel so bad for Addie being found and brought home by the police officer. This is beyond sad that she was probably scared out of her mind wandering around looking for her mom. Even worse now it is documented that she was lost and found by the police and her mom was doing what while this went on.

  • Love 2

Jesus take the wheel. This is the response I received based on a comment I made about Leah's drug use:

"She doesn't do DRUGS! She got hooked on anti-depressants after her doctor gave her too high a dosage, so it's partly his fault! Either way it's not like she was doing CRACK COCAINE! She tried to get HELP and what did Cory do? Refused to let her see the kids on MOTHER'S DAY! So shameful!"

I didn't even bother responding, because you can't fix stupid. She must be watching a different version of the show than me.

  • Love 18

Corey, too me, is pretty much average looking. He suffers a bit from not having a very defined chin/jaw line, something he apparently didn't inherit from Jeff.

  Jeremy has a weak jawline too and didn't look as good before he grew the facial hair to delineate it (he was beardless in the first episode where he was dating Leah, season 3 #5)The receded/weak chin seems to be common in Appalachia.  He looks better in the scenes where he isn't carrying as much excess weight.

  Corey's eyes are also kinda close together. If I were a caricature artist I would probably pick on that a bit but it's also a bit endearing. Like you said, average looking.

  • Love 2

Jesus take the wheel. This is the response I received based on a comment I made about Leah's drug use:

"She doesn't do DRUGS! She got hooked on anti-depressants after her doctor gave her too high a dosage, so it's partly his fault! Either way it's not like she was doing CRACK COCAINE! She tried to get HELP and what did Cory do? Refused to let her see the kids on MOTHER'S DAY! So shameful!"

I didn't even bother responding, because you can't fix stupid. She must be watching a different version of the show than me.


Apparently a different version than the one I saw as well. And I'm only talking about what was aired! Who even knows what they've got that wasn't shown.


Granted maybe I'm sheltered but I've never even heard of an anti-depressant that makes you nod off like that. Anti-anxiety stuff (i.e. Xanax) yes, but an anti-depressant?  No. Also never heard of an anti-depressant that'll cause you to be so out of it you let your toddler wander the streets unattended, unless it was mixed with something else.

  • Love 4

 I feel so bad for Addie being found and brought home by the police officer. This is beyond sad that she was probably scared out of her mind wandering around looking for her mom. Even worse now it is documented that she was lost and found by the police and her mom was doing what while this went on.

If that doesn't affect her custody of Addie, then I'm afraid to think of what the threshhold must be.

  • Love 5

Jesus take the wheel. This is the response I received based on a comment I made about Leah's drug use:

"She doesn't do DRUGS! She got hooked on anti-depressants after her doctor gave her too high a dosage, so it's partly his fault! Either way it's not like she was doing CRACK COCAINE! She tried to get HELP and what did Cory do? Refused to let her see the kids on MOTHER'S DAY! So shameful!"

I didn't even bother responding, because you can't fix stupid. She must be watching a different version of the show than me.

Send me the link. I'm going in!

  • Love 13

Wth was wrong with her dark stomach in that picture? Did you use self tanner on her stomach, it is so much darker than her shoulders.

I'm hoping that now that the incident with Addie is on file that it will help both Corey and Jeremy. That's just some crap right there. Even if one is distracted, the mother is either right out the door after their toddler or searching frantically for them. She was probably asleep in a drug induced coma.

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