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Jesus God, Leah!!

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"In fact, there’s a good case to be made that marijuana prohibition and drug testing has incentivized the use of prescription pills and alcohol, since those substances flush from one’s system far more quickly than marijuana’s THC does. Certainly, the recent epidemic of synthetic cannabinoids owes to those factors – people use “Spice” & “K2” because they’re pseudo-legally available and their metabolites don’t trip workplace and academic drug screens."


"...the DEA has allowed for a massive increase in production of oxycodone over the medical marijuana era, claiming they had to produce an excess of pills so there’d be enough for both illegal addicts and legal patients"

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Gracie was pretty adamant when she found out Miranda was pregnant that she wasn't going to change any diapers. Something tells me that Gracie has way more experience changing diapers than any five year old should. Poor kid.

Yeah, I don't think that would be among the first thoughts of most 5 year olds upon hearing they were getting a sibling, other than maybe the Duggars.

  • Love 6

Yeah, I don't think that would be among the first thoughts of most 5 year olds upon hearing they were getting a sibling, other than maybe the Duggars.

I'm starting to think that Gracie is the victim of a bad edit. On the show we mostly see the acting out, the petty violence and Nazgul wails and shrieking. Yet, the clues are piling up that she does far more to keep Leah's home from falling apart completely than any kid that age should have to do.

  • Love 11

I'm starting to think that Gracie is the victim of a bad edit. On the show we mostly see the acting out, the petty violence and Nazgul wails and shrieking. Yet, the clues are piling up that she does far more to keep Leah's home from falling apart completely than any kid that age should have to do.


I think Gracie, much like Aubree, Isaac, Jace, Bentley, and Leah Shirley (sorry Sophia/don't know much about Carly), is smarter than her mother, but she has the same anxiety and lack of coping skills. She's had to assume the oldest child/junior parent role that many of these kids do, but she's poorly disciplined and freaks out a lot, which results in the tantrums and brattiness (not blaming her, she's a kid). This is a crucial time in her development and I hope she gets as much time with Corey as possible, because he understands that she needs boundaries and security, not responsibility and inconsistency. Ali is probably even more intelligent, and clearly more laid-back, but she's got quite a bit to overcome anyway. 

  • Love 6

So I don't know if anyone has heard anything about this. It was pretty widely recognized that Leah's trainer/bf was living with Dawn during the second rehab stint, and assume that means they were dating at least a little before that, is there a reason he had not been acknowledged at all on the show? Did he just opt out? Are we pretending she didn't jump into another relationship? I'm just curious because it's fairly common knowledge, but then again Jeremy's gf hasn't been addressed either, so who knows (I don't remember specifically if they were dating at that point, I only know Leah was for sure since he was at Dawns house when she was in REHAB...I refuse to call it anything else)

  • Love 1

So I don't know if anyone has heard anything about this. It was pretty widely recognized that Leah's trainer/bf was living with Dawn during the second rehab stint, and assume that means they were dating at least a little before that, is there a reason he had not been acknowledged at all on the show? Did he just opt out? Are we pretending she didn't jump into another relationship? I'm just curious because it's fairly common knowledge, but then again Jeremy's gf hasn't been addressed either, so who knows (I don't remember specifically if they were dating at that point, I only know Leah was for sure since he was at Dawns house when she was in REHAB...I refuse to call it anything else)

Someone posted a link (I think on this thread or the episode thread) where a deleted scene of Jermy's is on MTV's site. It shows him at home with his friend and he talks about the new girlfriend. He says she has kids (oh brother) and she has her shit together, unlike Leah. Whoa, low blow there, Jermy. He says Leah is nothing like she was and he just seems very happy about being divorced from her.


As for Leah, thanks for reminding me about T.R. Dues and how Leah hooked up with him around the time of her rehab. Maybe MTV edited out those scenes or, Leah wasn't filmed with him around?

  • Love 1

a deleted scene of Jermy's is on MTV's site. It shows him at home with his friend and he talks about the new girlfriend. He says she has kids (oh brother) and she has her shit together, unlike Leah. Whoa, low blow there, Jermy. He says Leah is nothing like she was and he just seems very happy about being divorced from her.

There seems to be debate online about whether Jeremy and Brooke are still dating. I wouldn't be surprised if his relationship with Leah has damaged his ability to trust his partner in a relationship.

  • Love 3

Mandy Winnell, the mother of T.R. Dues' children, is not pleased that Leah is looking after them when he is not home, as reported on ROL:


"Leah and [T.R. Dues] just moved into a new house, and decided to start keeping the boys over all the time— even though technically Mandy has full custody. Mandy has tried playing nice, but they are walking all over her. Mandy isn’t at all okay with Leah watching her sons without [T.R. Dues] present. The whole situation is a mess!”



I wouldn't be okay with Leah watching my kids for 5 seconds while I turn my head to look out the window. I also don't like Leah moving yet another new man into the home she lives in with her daughters. Even if she is totally clean, she is not the smartest tool in the shed and has shown herself to be incredibly selfish and impulsive. I'm scared that one day she's going to move a pedophile into her home.

  • Love 14

I wouldn't be okay with Leah watching my kids for 5 seconds while I turn my head to look out the window. I also don't like Leah moving yet another new man into the home she lives in with her daughters. Even if she is totally clean, she is not the smartest tool in the shed and has shown herself to be incredibly selfish and impulsive. I'm scared that one day she's going to move a pedophile into her home.


It is sad the Leah is so desperate for male attention that she jumps on the first guy who gives her attention and brings said guy around her girlses almost before the first date. For right now, I'd say most men who case after Leah are after their 15 minutes and a possible paycheck. In a few years, when she is no longer has the fame and money to reel them in, that's when I would be worried for her kids if she keeps this up. Unfortunately, Leah is a predator's dream: desperate, dumb, and careless. I'm really glad Corey and Jeremy are decent dads, those girls are going to need them.

  • Love 13

Here is Mandy Winnell's Facebook page. This is my first time searching for someone from this show that wasn't a main cast member:






Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

So I wonder how much MTV paid for Leah's "therapy" at Sierra Tuscon?  It's considered the "Cadillac" of rehabs.

I figured it would be Dr. Drew's show biz rehab at Pasadena Recovery Center, but then he did end up with five dead patients.  Probably not good for business, and the reason he exited that line of work.



Edited by Bella Roche

I've been looking at Kanawha County (Or however you spell it) and I can not see where Leah has a new house.  I see the old one her and Jeremy once lived in and sold before they bought the trailer.  So I searched TR Dues.  A TR Dues Jr owns a home with someone named Mona.  But Leah doesn't own any other home.  So she must rent with TR.

  • Love 2


I figured it would be Dr. Drew's show biz rehab at Pasadena Recovery Center, but then he did end up with five dead patients.  Probably not good for business, and the reason he exited that line of work.

Those individuals likely didn't seek the proper post-rehab help. Doing the show itself was a huge mistake. Never, ever should anyone do rehab for a paycheck. What motive is there to get clean and stay clean? I applaud those who managed to stay clean in spite of the fact they did that show.  No rehab facility can claim a perfect record of sober patients. I know of several where they have had a number of patients relapse time and time again or even die from their disease. I know this from my work. I know of two patients who died within five years after leaving the Betty Ford Center. It happens.


Here is Mandy Winnell's Facebook page. This is my first time searching for someone from this show that wasn't a main cast member:






T.R. Dues ex-girlfriend is already putting Leah on blast. What a bunch of classy people. Leah fits right in.



A TR Dues Jr owns a home with someone named Mona.  But Leah doesn't own any other home.  So she must rent with TR.

The story was, Leah moved in with Muther Dawn and the rest of the hillbilly bunch. Then, Leah and T.R. moved to their own place. I wouldn't expect Leah to own a home. She probably has bad credit. Then, there is her IRS troubles. She is still probably paying them and a few other creditors.


I wonder who got custody of the space shuttle washer and dryer?

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

The sad thing is that I doubt that Leah could see a predator coming.  She is the perfect target - single mother of young children, history of mental illness and prescription abuse who is "overwhelmed" and looking for a knight in shining armor.  She wouldn't question a guy who wants to go out with her, after all she was the hottest blondie around in high school!  At least Corey and maybe Jeremy would be on the lookout and Miranda would be very aware of the signs.  

  • Love 7

I saw photos of Leah before she was a bleached blonde "babe" to the guys. Her prom photo is one of them. She was far from being pretty. She definitely got her mother's looks because Mama Dawn was, and still is, nothing to write home about. I don't get where it came from that Leah was this hot thing in town. If she was hot, I can only imagine what the rest of the young girls look like in her area.

  • Love 6

I've also never thought was anything but average in the looks department. I suspect because they are living in such a small, insular community any young woman who is average and "always willing", so to speak, is considered a catch because the pickins are slim. Personally, I've always thought Leah had chicken like features and the only thing really attractive about her was that she was thin and blonde.

  • Love 4

I think her hotness came from being easy.

THIS in a nutshell. It was not her looks that the guys were interested in. It was who was willing to give it up.


I guess Leah might be considered a blonde in her neck of the woods. She wouldn't be considered blonde with her original hair color where I live. I will post it again, I never realized how much Ali looks just like Leah:







  • Love 4

Yea, Leah is not naturally a very pretty girl, IMO. She's plain and a bit mousy. She came across as "hot" for a few years because she was thin and dying her hair blonde and styling herself in somewhat trendy ways. Now she has gone off the deep end with the styling and makeup, and that's when she can even bother to take care of herself. She's a hot mess.

  • Love 8

I've always thought Leah has really pretty eyes (when they're not covered in layers of raccoon looking makeup). And, I agree wholeheartedly that the biggest reason she was the princess of the holler is because she's thin and easy.

I agree. Leah, Victoria and Gracie all have gorgeous, bright blue eyes. I think dyeing her hair from mousy brown to blonde coupled with the nice eyes made Leah a decent looking girl. Like Jenelle, they can both clean up pretty well when they want to.

  • Love 3

The sneak peeks are up. Leah and posse are on their way to a restaurant for her to have a convo with Corey. She's all nervous about it, though she doesn't say what they're meeting up to talk about. When she pulls up, she sees Miranda sitting at a different table than Corey and says she won't go in and talk if Miranda's there and that Miranda should have waited in the car. Methinks she knows Miranda won't go along with her story about not rehab therapy. Because, we all know that Miranda downgrades her as a mother/sarcasm turned all the way up/

  • Love 7

I'm supposed to be cleaning my house and I don't feel like it, so I'm sitting here instead. Thinking about how overwhelmed Leah says she is, I wonder how many of her scenes start with 'The girlses are with my mom/Jermy's mom/Corey/some random cousin or friend so I'm meeting so and so for dinner/having my nails done/whatever. It would be a riot to have them play back every time she says someone else has her kids at the reunion.

  • Love 8

With as much help as she has, it's ridiculous Leah can't manage to keep a halfway decent house and stock her cabinets with something other than MSG-in-a-can. Hell, she only has all three kids half the week. The rest of the time it's just her and Adderall. She makes damn near 100k a year, which is plenty of money to hire a weekly housecleaner. It just don't make no damn sense.

  • Love 9

With as much help as she has, it's ridiculous Leah can't manage to keep a halfway decent house and stock her cabinets with something other than MSG-in-a-can. Hell, she only has all three kids half the week. The rest of the time it's just her and Adderall. She makes damn near 100k a year, which is plenty of money to hire a weekly housecleaner. It just don't make no damn sense.

None of it makes no damn sense! On top of the MTV cash, there's all the money Jermy earned during their marriage that vanished.

  • Love 6

Maybe MTV has taken the position that they are not giving any more air time to people who are only after air time and a check, like Javi, Jeremy, Nathan, and Amber's beau. Nah, they just didn't want to pay them.

If only the entire reality tv industry had focused on this more in the first place.


Dear god, I forgot about that curly hair-straight bangs look she had going on. What in the world...

It's like she only bothered to curl part of it and didn't want to finish. Which I just can't understand because Leah has never shown evidence of being lazy ;)

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 1
Even if she is totally clean, she is not the smartest tool in the shed and has shown herself to be incredibly selfish and impulsive. I'm scared that one day she's going to move a pedophile into her home.



I saw on Dr. Phil (don't judge me) that an unrelated, non-bio male moving into a household is 33x more likely to be a pedophile.

  • Love 5

Was Chasity's mother going for "Chastity" but misspelled the name on the birth certificate? I can see one of Leah's dimwitted relatives trying to spell out Chastity phonetically and coming up with Chasity due to their horrendous grasp of the English language.

That's my guess. Either that or they looked up the definition and thought if they named her that, maybe she'd wait to start her family until she was an old maid at 18. But, then forgot how to spell it and didn't bother to look it up again.

  • Love 3

If only the entire reality tv industry had focused on this more in the first place.

It's like she only bothered to curl part of it and didn't want to finish. Which I just can't understand because Leah has never shown evidence of being lazy ;)

I think it was the opposite- pretty sure Leah has naturally curly hair. She added that volumizing mousse to make it crunchy and then straightened her bangs. She did her hair every day while on bed rest yet still told Corey being on bed rest precluded her from researching on places to live so expected Corey to handle that as well after working all day.

Leah without makeup in her teens was extremely plain Jane. Now without makeup she looks plain and haggard. I think the best she ever looked was in the first season of TM2 when she had the straightened dark blond hair, and her eye makeup was thick but not totally ridiculous. She looked a lot like Tonya from Real World: Chicago, before Tonya went downhill. Then she abandoned her generic pretty girl at the bar look for the platinum Dolly Parton curls and the multi hued eye shadow and it just got worse from there...

  • Love 8

I just lost a post about the relative popularity of the names Chasity & Chastity. Bizarrely, Chasity is actually quite a bit more common, but still peaked at only #252, in 1976 (Chastity started out with a slight lead when they both first appear in the stats, in 1972, and peaked earlier, in 1974, at #311). Since then it's been a downhill slide for both names, but Chastity drops off much faster and farther, disappearing from these stats in 1993, whereas Chasity hangs on until 2008. http://www.behindthename.com/name/chasity/top/united-states?compare=chastity&type=percent(in 2008, per the SSA website, Chasity is still in the top 1000 names, at #961, but Chastity is not; http://ssa.gov/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi (fill in birth year, then find names starting with 'chas'), I'm guessing that's where these rankings are from). I wondered if it were particularly popular in WV. Not enough for either to crack the top 100 baby names in the state in 1976: http://ssa.gov/cgi-bin/namesbystate.cgi (fill in state and birth year for specific results). 


I wonder what happened c. 1972 to set off this little trend. There were no Madisons, basically, before the movie Splash came out. There's probably something that got people started with Chastity/Chasity.


ETA: I think I've got it.  Sonny & Cher's baby, Chastity, born 1969?  She got featured on the Sonny & Cher Show some, too, so was this cute little kid around the time the name was peaking. Movie called Chastity and soundtrack in 1969, but they were flops according to wikipedia. I certainly remembered the name Chastity Bono when I was growing up, though, because it was a name I wouldn't have wanted! (Chastity of course is now Chas; wasn't sure what gender pronoun to use for back then).  Cher songs - Chastity's Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5vGnca8r1w. Chastity's Sun:  

 (the second one, which looks to be from the Sonny & Cher show and is definitely about her baby daughter, is something I could definitely see people in these teen mom circles drawing on for inspiration for a baby name).  Edited by akr
  • Love 4

I just lost a post about the relative popularity of the names Chasity & Chastity. Bizarrely, Chasity is actually quite a bit more common, but still peaked at only #252, in 1976 (Chastity started out with a slight lead when they both first appear in the stats, in 1972, and peaked earlier, in 1974, at #311). Since then it's been a downhill slide for both names, but Chastity drops off much faster and farther, disappearing from these stats in 1993, whereas Chasity hangs on until 2008. http://www.behindthename.com/name/chasity/top/united-states?compare=chastity&type=percent(in 2008, per the SSA website, Chasity is still in the top 1000 names, at #961, but Chastity is not; http://ssa.gov/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi (fill in birth year, then find names starting with 'chas'), I'm guessing that's where these rankings are from). I wondered if it were particularly popular in WV. Not enough for either to crack the top 100 baby names in the state in 1976: http://ssa.gov/cgi-bin/namesbystate.cgi (fill in state and birth year for specific results). 


I wonder what happened c. 1972 to set off this little trend. There were no Madisons, basically, before the movie Splash came out. There's probably something that got people started with Chastity/Chasity.

Sonny and Cher named their daughter Chastity in 1969.

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