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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Addiction can run in families; the propensity to become an addict can be genetic. If Leah's biological father is/was an addict, it's possible that Leah inherited the likelihood to be an addict herself.

If Leah really did have a botched epidural (just going out on a limb here and giving her the benefit of a doubt), she would have my sympathy and I can see how she may have gotten addicted to her pain pills.

I had complications after my son's birth that required me to stay in the hospital almost 5 days after his birth. I was on Norco in the hospital and for over two weeks once I was home. When my Rx started to dwindle down, I remember looking at the remaining pills and thinking how hard it would surely be to be with the baby, any visitors who came to see the baby, and deal with the physical pain. And those pills made me feel good. I started taking only a half a pill so that I could make them last longer. Eventually I ran out and was fine, but I was really worried about facing any pain and the expectations of a new mom without those pills that made me feel so good. I can easily see how someone could get addicted to them, botched epidural or not. I was honestly sad when I took the last half pill I had left. But then I realized I didn't need them the way I was expecting I did (thank goodness) and stopped missing them. When I'd taken Rx narcotics other times (I also have a chronic back issue), they just made me feel sleepy and out of it. But after I had the baby - perhaps because of the postpartum hormones or something - they just made me feel like I was gliding on air & able to tackle anything. If that's how they made Leah feel after she had Addie, maybe she never realized she didn't need them and went right into looking for illegal ways to get them, and then she was addicted. (I'm not excusing her or her actions, just saying I understand how it could have happened.)

I hope she's gotten the help she needs. She does look much better recently. She looks pretty even in the after shows and stuff filmed since she finished rehab. But the fact that she doesn't own up to an addiction doesn't make me confident she is really doing any better or will do better long-term.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Does Dawn also double as Clerk of Court in Kentucky when she's not working in WV schools?

Wow, that is a dead ringer for dawn! And without knowing any of their political affiliations, (not trying to make this a political discussion, sorry if this is inappropriate) can anyone else imagining Dawn and Leah talking about protecting the sanctity of marriage, despite the 4 (at least) divorces between them?

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I could see Mama Dawn being a hypocrite on many levels.


Hey, has anyone ever come across this old article about MTV not allowing the cast to have visible tattoos? According to this article that is filled with tweets from Leah, Mama Dawn, and Jeremy, (not sure of the date) as they seem to imply that Leah would lose her MTV contract if she were to receive another tattoo. Strange. But it's okay for her to be an addict?


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I could see Mama Dawn being a hypocrite on many levels.

Hey, has anyone ever come across this old article about MTV not allowing the cast to have visible tattoos? According to this article that is filled with tweets from Leah, Mama Dawn, and Jeremy, (not sure of the date) as they seem to imply that Leah would lose her MTV contract if she were to receive another tattoo. Strange. But it's okay for her to be an addict?


Well, MTV has high standards. They also don't allow adult film stars, except when ratings get too low. Drugs, domestic abuse and alcoholism are all fine.

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That's probably a continuity thing. If she she gets a new tattoo halfway through filming then they can't use earlier footage and pretend it came from a later time. They should have the same rules about the hair extensions though because that's also a problem. Obviously just having tattoos isn't a problem because look at Kail (ugh).

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WOW. On the Facebook tm2 page...Everyone's vilianizing Corey! These people actually believe Leah went to "therapy" for depression and anxiety- "it's not like she has a drug problem." SHE WAS NODDING OFF. I hope they're just 14 year olds who never saw someone high before...

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Someone posted in an episode forum that they sensed possibly Leah had been sexually abused and the way her mother discourages her from getting help makes me think she knows very well what is at the root of Leah's addiction issues (sexual abuse or some other kind) and does not want it exposed. Where is Candy Finnegan when you need her? I want some reality TV crossover!

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WOW. On the Facebook tm2 page...Everyone's vilianizing Corey! These people actually believe Leah went to "therapy" for depression and anxiety- "it's not like she has a drug problem." SHE WAS NODDING OFF. I hope they're just 14 year olds who never saw someone high before...

I'm not surprised. Most of the posters on the TM2 FB page have less IQ points than a Kardashian. I left a scathing remark about Jenelle following the epi where she abused her dogs and was rewarded with a dozen nasty comments riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. Her leghumpers apparently thought I had some nerve criticizing a devoted mother like Jenelle and wanted to know how well I would deal if I was pregnant and my boyfriend was in jail; like that's a totally normal situation for most women;)

I'm not surprised at all that Cory is the "bad" guy.

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I'm not surprised. Most of the posters on the TM2 FB page have less IQ points than a Kardashian. I left a scathing remark about Jenelle following the epi where she abused her dogs and was rewarded with a dozen nasty comments riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. Her leghumpers apparently thought I had some nerve criticizing a devoted mother like Jenelle and wanted to know how well I would deal if I was pregnant and my boyfriend was in jail; like that's a totally normal situation for most women;)

I'm not surprised at all that Cory is the "bad" guy.

It goes to show how the editing plays a major part on how people are viewed. It is also a sad state of how young people view relationships. Many of them think it is normal to scream and shout at your partner because that is considered going through a "rough patch" [Jenelle]. They also believe it is perfectly normal to lay your hands on someone who upsets you [Kail] because they shouldn't be pushing your buttons. Leah is not an addict. She is just tired and stressed out. That explains all the bad things that have happened to her. The guys in her life just don't understand! These young people have likely watched the behaviors of the adults in their lives. Sad.

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Well, MTV has high standards. They also don't allow adult film stars, except when ratings get too low. Drugs, domestic abuse and alcoholism are all fine.

They don't show them smoking cigarettes either which a few of them do. I've noticed long skinny blurs and the ends of their fingers a lot of times. Funny because the blurs are always smoky.

Leah smokes in the car with her kids in the car. That's illegal in my state.

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They don't show them smoking cigarettes either which a few of them do. I've noticed long skinny blurs and the ends of their fingers a lot of times. Funny because the blurs are always smoky.

Leah smokes in the car with her kids in the car. That's illegal in my state.

I guess that's because of MTV's anti-smoking commercials. You would think that they would try to discourage it more with their stars, but Leah's kind of a loose cannon as it is.

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I was surprised when they showed Jenelle with a cigarette in one hand and a lighter in the other behind the wheel of her car last week.

It may be the only good thing I can say about MTV, but I respect that they air so many anti-smoking commercials. I hope the ads are cool enough to get through to today's kids.

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I guess that's because of MTV's anti-smoking commercials. You would think that they would try to discourage it more with their stars.

They can. They can cancel the show.



It may be the only good thing I can say about MTV, but I respect that they air so many anti-smoking commercials.

They also have those promos for the Itsyoursexlife.org. When there have been moments of DV, MTV then inserts the DV promos. When Jenelle was harming her animals, MTV had her do a special voice-over after the backlash they received. I don't have any respect for MTV for airing those promos while continuing to air this show. 

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WOW. On the Facebook tm2 page...Everyone's vilianizing Corey! These people actually believe Leah went to "therapy" for depression and anxiety- "it's not like she has a drug problem." SHE WAS NODDING OFF. I hope they're just 14 year olds who never saw someone high before...

Willful ignorance is totally a thing.  Also, I'm not going to begrudge these girls their cigs.  I mean, you can only expect so much from these girls.  They never signed up to be role models.  

Edited by lezlers
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I was surprised when they showed Jenelle with a cigarette in one hand and a lighter in the other behind the wheel of her car last week.

It may be the only good thing I can say about MTV, but I respect that they air so many anti-smoking commercials. I hope the ads are cool enough to get through to today's kids.

They were probably just excited it wasn't a bong... So they let it slide.

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Honestly I hate those Truth commercials. I am a smoker. I know it's unhealthy, but I'm also an adult who can make my own decisions about my life. I don't need to see 30 anti-smoking ads an hour to realize that "hey, that shit's unhealthy!!" because I get it. Fast food is unhealthy too and I don't see any anti-obesity ads during this show. But I also enjoy my smoking. I am sick of everyone demonizing smokers. It's almost more acceptable to be an alcoholic or an addict over a smoker. They also say smoking rates are down, but honestly, I'm 33 and almost everyone I know smokes, at least sometimes. Maybe it's down among teens.. Except that I don't really know any.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I feel so bad for the girlses. When I watch Leah's scenes I just can't help but think that she and the girlses smell. She just looks so gross and if she does not take care of herself I can't imagine her going out of her way to make sure the girlses are clean. On that one episode she wasnt giving them baths til almost midnight. I hope Corey gets the girlses. I can't imagine how it must feel to have to watch your kids lifes be destroyed by their mom and you can't do much about it.

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So not only is she drugged out of her mind behind the wheel, she's behind the wheel and the no seatbelt action is a regular thing.    I understand trying to work w your children' s mother but this is beyond a matter of playing nice.  Those girls are really at risk with this broad.


Can't Corey file some sort of emergency petition to get the girleses full time?

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For real? The much lamented wheelchair that was the focal point of so many of Leah's segments? The wheelchair she *had* to have like yesterday and that bastard Corey wouldn't get on the phone and harangue his insurance company to pay for immediately? It doesn't evn go to school with that precious little girl? I'd've willing to bet it's broken & lying on its side in the house. I'm glad people are calling the police about the seatbelts.

****I know Ali needs the wheelchair. I'm snarking on the fact that Ms Leah made such a huge deal about it & we never see it now.

I said the same thing a few episodes ago. Seems whatever Leah drives isn't big enough for the chair so we never see it. I also remember reports of it getting broken very shortly after they *finally* got it, thanks to demon twin. Wouldn't shock me at all if that incredibly necessary $20k wheelchair is in a basement someplace just sitting cos Leah can't "find" the money to fix it. *eyeroll*

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Honestly I hate those Truth commercials. I am a smoker. I know it's unhealthy, but I'm also an adult who can make my own decisions about my life. I don't need to see 30 anti-smoking ads an hour to realize that "hey, that shit's unhealthy!!" because I get it. Fast food is unhealthy too and I don't see any anti-obesity ads during this show. But I also enjoy my smoking. I am sick of everyone demonizing smokers. It's almost more acceptable to be an alcoholic or an addict over a smoker. They also say smoking rates are down, but honestly, I'm 33 and almost everyone I know smokes, at least sometimes. Maybe it's down among teens.. Except that I don't really know any.


I just find them very preachy and condescending and I've never found that tone to be helpful in getting people to quit. 



Interesting Leah article, apparently she's had the cops and Ali's school on her ass recently.



Not buckling the kids in? Real shocker. Considering we've already seen them not correctly buckled and wearing backpacks while buckled. I don't blame Corey one bit for fighting for his girls. At this point it's not a petty custody battle, it's about the safety of Ali and Aleeah. 

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I feel so bad for the girlses. When I watch Leah's scenes I just can't help but think that she and the girlses smell. She just looks so gross and if she does not take care of herself I can't imagine her going out of her way to make sure the girlses are clean. On that one episode she wasnt giving them baths til almost midnight. I hope Corey gets the girlses. I can't imagine how it must feel to have to watch your kids lifes be destroyed by their mom and you can't do much about it.

I remember in junior high there were a couple of smelly kids. I think they both lived in a local trailer park. They got made fun of a lot, and for other reasons beyond just smelling bad.



Not buckling the kids in? Real shocker. Considering we've already seen them not correctly buckled and wearing backpacks while buckled. I don't blame Corey one bit for fighting for his girls. At this point it's not a petty custody battle, it's about the safety of Ali and Aleeah.

I hope Corey and Miranda can get some sort of quickie emergency custody situation, especially since it's documented Leah doesn't use carseats or seatbelts the way she is supposed to with her girlses. I feel the worst for Addy since Jermy really isn't as involved or around as much as Corey is with the twins(es), so she will unfortunately spend the most time with Trainwreck Leah. It makes me happy that other parents are taking notice though, might force her to take some responsibility for her bad behavior...which she really hasn't done so far. Fake rehab and "therapy places" notwithstanding.


Anyone know what happened with her last guy...the sober coach, or personal trainer, or whatever they were trying to sell this dude as? Weren't they living together? And now with the uhh...coach out of the picture, however will poor Leah stay clean??? Or um, I meant...not depressed and stressed?? And in shape?!


I just find them very preachy and condescending and I've never found that tone to be helpful in getting people to quit. 

Exactly. I have a vape system too (it's an ok stand-in but not the same) and I don't smoke all the time, but I resent people who try to get all preachy or patronizing about me quitting because A. It's a shitty technique. B. I will do it more just to spite you if you're being a condescending dickwad. Petty? Sure. But then again, treating me like a fool who's been living under a rock is too. Everyone knows smoking is bad, it's like beating a goddamn dead horse. It works as well as the whole Just Say NO! campaign does against drugs.

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Well, at the cheer thing we see her inside with Gracie. Then she gets a call, or is going to make one, so she goes outside and gets in the car. She's very upset. Next thing we see Ali and Adderall in the car. So, were they there the entire time? Alone? Your guess is as good as mine, but I didn't see her take them outside with her and put them back in the car. 

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Well, at the cheer thing we see her inside with Gracie. Then she gets a call, or is going to make one, so she goes outside and gets in the car. She's very upset. Next thing we see Ali and Adderall in the car. So, were they there the entire time? Alone? Your guess is as good as mine, but I didn't see her take them outside with her and put them back in the car.

I'd guess they were alone because that random woman got in the car right after Leah came back. It just seemed like some random person MTV threw in the car. Ali was hanging out the window, and she just sat there.
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Yea, that woman appeared to be another cheer mom and she did not look like someone Leah would be friends with. I can just imagine the crew asking her to run outside in the sit in the car, to make sure the girlses were okay - while Leah was traipsing around the parking lot, bemoaning her grocery store divorce papers. That woman looked absolutely terrified when she was in that car. 

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I agree there's no way Cheer Mom was friends with Leah. My guess is the film crew knew MTV would be in for a hellacious backlash if Leah was shown leaving a disabled child and a toddler in the car by themselves, so they wrangled a random parent to baby-sit while Leah stomped around the parking lot crying about her problems.

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I'm not surprised. Most of the posters on the TM2 FB page have less IQ points than a Kardashian. I left a scathing remark about Jenelle following the epi where she abused her dogs and was rewarded with a dozen nasty comments riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

That seems to be the same group that comments on the Teen Mom youtube channels. They never heard of the deercam incident or don't want to believe it.

I'm sorry but my only suprise is that it was a seat belt situation and not leaving the kids in the car while she ran one in somewhere or stopped for a pack of smokes. 


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Here is a good article.  Again, the Ashley seems to have reliable sources. http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/09/09/teen-mom-leah-messer-reportedly-had-cops-called-on-her-for-endangering-kids-exclusive-details/


Click to link to read about this:


*The Ashley has a bit more to add…

A while back, The Ashley told you that MTV had to shut down production several times during the filming of Season 6, due to one of the girls putting her kids in danger. Now that this story has been put out there, The Ashley can elaborate a bit more.

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Hmmmmm……Producers buying carseats? Where did hers go? And she's still with Dues?! This can not end well.

She and Jermy made Corey out to be Satan incarnate because he wouldn't (pointlessly) call the insurance company 25 times a day to get the wheelchair, and yet how careful have they been with that chair since they got it? Hard to see her taking care of a mere car seat.

Here is a good article.  Again, the Ashley seems to have reliable sources. http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/09/09/teen-mom-leah-messer-reportedly-had-cops-called-on-her-for-endangering-kids-exclusive-details/


Click to link to read about this:


*The Ashley has a bit more to add…

"However, they continue to deny that they are dating."


"From now on, it's strictly physical!" --Sophia Petrillo

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It doesn't evn go to school with that precious little girl? I'd've willing to bet it's broken & lying on its side in the house. I'm glad people are calling the police about the seatbelts.

Since Leah's used pots as furniture in the past, maybe she cooks ravioli in the busted wheelchair.

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Does Dawn also double as Clerk of Court in Kentucky when she's not working in WV schools? 

The Wikipedia entry about that clerk does make me think a bit of the Messers with the nepotism going on.




"For 24 years, Davis served as chief deputy clerk of Rowan County, reporting to her mother, Rowan County Clerk Jean W. Bailey. Kentucky law permits elected county officials to employ their family members and to determine their compensation.

In 2011, county residents complained about Davis's compensation, an annual wage of $51,812 and an additional $11,301 in overtime and other compensation during 2011.While deputy clerk, Davis earned more than other chief deputies in the county:"


Also Rowan is just a couple counties from the WV border and Hatfield-McCoy country. IIRC, that area of WV is where Grandma Sandy's family hails from as well. They might be related, y'all-all!

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Here is a good article. Again, the Ashley seems to have reliable sources. http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/09/09/teen-mom-leah-messer-reportedly-had-cops-called-on-her-for-endangering-kids-exclusive-details/

Click to link to read about this:

*The Ashley has a bit more to add…

A while back, The Ashley told you that MTV had to shut down production several times during the filming of Season 6, due to one of the girls putting her kids in danger. Now that this story has been put out there, The Ashley can elaborate a bit more.

If true, I wonder if producers let Corey or Jeremy know that production was shut down because Leah was endangering the kids or if they were too busy buying carseats.
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Her twitter tonight. Huh?

Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn 4h4 hours ago

If God be for us, who can be against us

I wasn't aware that God was (God be? God were? God is?) for endangering your kids, abusing pills and sleeping around, but then again, I'm just a former Catholic school kid, it's not like I ever actually read the whole bible.

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Honestly I hate those Truth commercials. I am a smoker. I know it's unhealthy, but I'm also an adult who can make my own decisions about my life. I don't need to see 30 anti-smoking ads an hour to realize that "hey, that shit's unhealthy!!" because I get it. Fast food is unhealthy too and I don't see any anti-obesity ads during this show. But I also enjoy my smoking. I am sick of everyone demonizing smokers. It's almost more acceptable to be an alcoholic or an addict over a smoker. They also say smoking rates are down, but honestly, I'm 33 and almost everyone I know smokes, at least sometimes. Maybe it's down among teens.. Except that I don't really know any.

The ads aren't targeting people in their 30s. They are trying to show young smokers the negative effects of smoking and encourage them to quit before they become lifetime smokers. I'm glad MTV is airing them.

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Since Leah's used pots as furniture in the past, maybe she cooks ravioli in the busted wheelchair.

Epic! lol 


Maybe Leah broke the chair when she used to it get around the house - DUI.


We shouldn't be shocked at anything about Leah at this point. All this police report means is, some parent from the girlses' school is watching the show and they dislike Leah for obvious reasons. They noticed the same things we noticed on the show - Leah's kids are not being secured properly and made it their mission to catch her in the act. This is just like Amber Portwood all over again with CPS being called.



"The report goes on to state that the police stopped Leah at a later date, but found the girls buckled in during that time."


Not only do the girlses have to make their own breakfasts, but now one of them is having to ensure her sisters are buckled in.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I'm now picturing the scene in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" where Edwin Flagg goofs around the house in Blanche's wheelchair.

LOL One of my favorite movies!


I can see Gracie or Ali throwing a note to the neighbor next door pleading for help.

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LOL One of my favorite movies!


Have you ever been by the house in Los Angeles where exterior scenes were filmed? Looks much the same as it did in 1962.





I can see Gracie or Ali throwing a note to the neighbor next door pleading for help.

"Help, my mom has hoarded the house so badly that I'm trapped in my room. Please call the fire department..."

Edited by cheatincheetos
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