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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Pardon my ignorance, but why does everyone refer to Leah's mom as 'Delta' Dawn?

Her first name is actually Delta. I'm from NJ, and I don't know many people who go solely by their middle name. Is it a southern thing? So far we have Delta Dawn, Aleeah Grace and now Franklin Lee?!

So I think this was Double D's third divorce? I thought I heard there was another between Leah's dad and Lee.

  • Love 2

It's a common naming tradition in the South for people to go by their middle names. I don't know the reasoning behind it, unless the person was given a first name from another family member (say, grandma or grandpa) but don't want to be confused for them.

I know stepdaddy Yoda Lee wasn't a favorite but I did appreciate that he didn't totally seem up Leah's ass like mama Dawn. I wonder what their reason for divorce was? I'll bet he has some dirt.

  • Love 5
I know stepdaddy Yoda Lee wasn't a favorite but I did appreciate that he didn't totally seem up Leah's ass like mama Dawn. I wonder what their reason for divorce was? I'll bet he has some dirt


Yeah.  I'm really curious about what happened between Lee and Dawn.  Is there a deercam somewhere in WV with Lee in it?  Was Lee an Ashley Madison member? Did he develop a pill problem of his own?  Or was it a simple case of "my feelings for you have dropped"? 

I wonder what their reason for divorce was? I'll bet he has some dirt.


Oh, I bet he does.  I bet he knows where the bodies are buried, both literally and figuratively.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 8

At the moment, I am suffering from a 5mm kidney stone that has to be surgically removed on Monday. To say that I'm in pain is an understatement. My doctor is prescribing me Percocet for the pain. Only Percocet. Not Vicodin, Percocet, and Tylenol #3 like Leah's "doctors" did. I have two sons, ages 8 and 4, and even though I'm taking ONE Percocet roughly three times a day, I am still able to care for them. I am not nodding off like she did. I...I don't even know how anyone can get to that point. That was terrifying.

I believe she was referring to spinal anesthesia for her c-section with Baby Adderall, not a spinal tap. But who knows.


I remember when she said that I thought "wait, what?  I haven't heard of a pregnant woman getting a spinal tap before."  But I'm not a doctor, so who knows.  I've had two C-sections and received Norco after both.  First one I got 30 pills for.  The second, I got 100.  I'm guessing it was an error, there was no need for that many.  Pain meds are dangerous, they're SOOO easy to get addicted to.  You take a stressed out young mother and throw pills at her like that and you're asking for trouble.  

  • Love 3

I am not saying she didn't have a spinal tap, but I don't know why she would have one related to child birth... A spinal tap is most commonly due to suspected meningitis, and is when a small amount of cerebral spinal fluid is removed to test for illness. I suspect she had an epidural, which is done on a different part of the spine, and is when anesthetic medication is injected into the spine for the purpose of numbing for labor... But she is using the wrong term and saying spinal tap. Again, I really don't know the circumstances, but I don't recall there being illness that would have been bad enough to require a spinal tap when addy was born, so I suspect she is confusing epidural and spinal tap. It is possible that something with her epidural went wron and required pain meds, but I can't imagine any doctors throwing that many pain meds at anyone without further evaluation of the problem. I guess it's possible the Tylenol 3 was given and she said it didn't help, so the dr moved to pecocet, then she said that wasn't helping the pain and so they moved to Vicodin... But I can't imagine that all three would be given concurrent. I'm also a nurse, and I know while in the hospital sometimes a doctor will give a range of pain makes for various levels of pain, like for pain 0-4 give x my of Tylenol 3, 5-8 x mg pecocet, and 9-10 x mg of Vicodin... But I can't imagine they would be sent home on that same regimine.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I've had an epidural and a spinal block with my C-sections and neither hurt at all but I know there could be complications from them with some people.  I also thought Vicodin and Percocet were the same as far as strength of the med?  I know they tried to give me Vicodin after my C-sections but I've had bad reactions to it before so they gave me Norco instead, which is interchangeable with Percocet.

I just realized who the Mess-ner clan reminds me of. The Firefly family in Devil's Rejects. Mama Dawn is Mother Firefly and Leah is a much uglier version of Baby. I can even hear Mama Dawn crooning to Leah, "I remember when you were a baby, you looked just like a fucking angel!" as Leah tries to seduce some poor, unsuspecting fool into her web.

Edited by DixonVixen2359
  • Love 1

Yeah, I've had an epidural and a spinal block with my C-sections and neither hurt at all but I know there could be complications from them with some people. I also thought Vicodin and Percocet were the same as far as strength of the med? I know they tried to give me Vicodin after my C-sections but I've had bad reactions to it before so they gave me Norco instead, which is interchangeable with Percocet.

They are, but they have different chemical make ups, so I meant more in a trouble shooting sense than dosage if that makes sense. Like if she started on the Tylenol 3, and that wasn't strong enough, so they moved to Percocet (which is similar to Tylenol 3), and then that didn't work, so instead of going stronger they tried a different mechanism of action (they actually probably have similar mechanisms of actions since they are in similar drug classes, but their chemical make up would be different). I'm just speculating I have no idea what the thought process would have been, who knows she may not even have legal prescriptions for all of them.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 1

At the moment, I am suffering from a 5mm kidney stone that has to be surgically removed on Monday. To say that I'm in pain is an understatement. My doctor is prescribing me Percocet for the pain. Only Percocet. Not Vicodin, Percocet, and Tylenol #3 like Leah's "doctors" did. I have two sons, ages 8 and 4, and even though I'm taking ONE Percocet roughly three times a day, I am still able to care for them. I am not nodding off like she did. I...I don't even know how anyone can get to that point. That was terrifying.

I believe she was referring to spinal anesthesia for her c-section with Baby Adderall, not a spinal tap. But who knows.

Oh man! I feel your pain.  I haven't had a 5mm but that pain is no joke! Tylenol #3 only worked after the 2nd dose.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  I know you can't wait for that to be removed.  Hang in there. 


To the person who asked, Kanawha Public Records do indicated her legal name is Delta Spears aka Delta Dawn.  Thanks to the person who mentioned Franklin LEE Spears and Dawn were divorced I found this goody: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/News/201308160136

under divorces.  

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 1
 Thanks to the person who mentioned Franklin LEE Spears and Dawn were divorced I found this goody: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/News/201308160136

under divorces.  

That would explain why we haven't seen Lee on the show lately.

actually not that one. The one that you linked looks like it may be a PTSD survivor or someone who works with them.



shows an interest in the Navy and not a lot else. Would need confirmation that it's really him but that's his photo. His Pinterest followers seem to be mostly young women, among them his wife Monica (nee Haas).

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 2

Her first name is actually Delta. I'm from NJ, and I don't know many people who go solely by their middle name. Is it a southern thing? So far we have Delta Dawn, Aleeah Grace and now Franklin Lee?!

So I think this was Double D's third divorce? I thought I heard there was another between Leah's dad and Lee.

Not Southern myself but seems like referring to someone by both first and middle name might be a Southern thing.

"Shame on you, Corey Tahler!" "I love you, Jermy Lynn!"

Jersey, hmm. I have cousins in Hoboken, Westfield and Tinton Falls NJ.

  • Love 1

Not Southern myself but seems like referring to someone by both first and middle name might be a Southern thing.

"Shame on you, Corey Tahler!" "I love you, Jermy Lynn!"

Jersey, hmm. I have cousins in Hoboken, Westfield and Tinton Falls NJ.

Never thought about it that way, but maybe it is. Half my family still calls me Mona Lynn (my actual middle name). And my first name is not shared by anyone else in my family so it's not to tell us apart or anything.

Lee was probably making the mistake of telling it like it is - "Leah is a junkie!"


Remember when it was reported Leah was jumped by three girls while at the movies? Leah claimed to not know who the girls were, and Mama Missing One Chromosone Dawn, offered a reward to find those girls. It came to me today out of the blue:



  • Love 2
Remember when it was reported Leah was jumped by three girls while at the movies? Leah claimed to not know who the girls were, and Mama Missing One Chromosone Dawn, offered a reward to find those girls. It came to me today out of the blue:



Were they girls that Jermy had been sending pics? "That's my sleazy poor-woman's Lance Bass!" They beat her up while Jermy was with her and he emerged unscathed? That's the implication.


That same article mentions Jenelle's brother (the one that we just saw briefly):


 “Jenelle is worried she’ll end up going off the deep end. It’s her nightmare that she is going to end up in the psych ward.” Jenelle’s fear is exacerbated by her brother’s diagnosis. “My brother, he has bipolar and schizophrenia,” Jenelle recently confessed to Dr. Mohammed, the Medical Director at Malibu Horizon Drug Alcohol Rehab Treatment Center.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

Not Southern myself but seems like referring to someone by both first and middle name might be a Southern thing.

"Shame on you, Corey Tahler!" "I love you, Jermy Lynn!"

Jersey, hmm. I have cousins in Hoboken, Westfield and Tinton Falls NJ.

I'm from Texas, which is sometimes considered southern, and sometimes not. And I don't know if it's because I'm from a big city (Houston) or what, but the only people I know who do the full name thing are girls, or someone's mother, so I always thought it was weird when Leah would do it to two mostly grown men. To me it sounds like she is "downgrading" them when she does that.

Fun fact, my name was actually intended to be a compound name (first and middle). My first and middle names are Leigh Ann, and that's what anyone who knew me before third grade or was introduced to me by a family member calls me, but I went to a new school in third grade and I'm not sure what happened, if my mom didn't talk to my teacher before school started to tell her I go by Leigh Ann or what, but on the first day of school she called me Leigh, and I was extremely shy, and would never dream of correcting an adult... So from then on out to this day I just go by Leigh.

  • Love 3

Just saw a blind item (whoever posted that link a few weeks ago, I love and hate you!) that Leah has a meth dealer who is angry with her that she's not paying up.

I don't know what kind of stupid ass meth dealer you have to be to not get the money up front, but ok. 

"276. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/25 **#4**

This Teen Mom might claim she is drug free, but the guy who sells her meth says she has not been paying and if she doesn’t, then he is going to start spilling and he knows a lot. Leah Messner"


Also, I always thought that y'all were referencing the Delta Dawn song from Tanya Tucker when you were talking about Leah's mama. I loved that song as a kid. Now I realize I'm older than DD in the song, which is scary, but I do not walk around town waiting for my mysterious dark haired man. Although, my now 4 year old did call me baby instead of mama for a long time. He had a speech delay. 

  • Love 4

My understanding is that if you believe in Christ, you're a Christian.

And what's this about Rawwwwbbie having a pinterest?!?! Forgive me for being close minded and sexist, but pinterest is kind of a girly website. I don't know many (any) men on pinterest, personally.

They're trying to broaden the site's appeal to bring in more male members, especially with the company IPO coming up, but you're right, it's mostly women using Pinterest. Maybe Robbie figured it would be a good way to attract chicks with less male competition. It might be an account in his name that his wife is really managing, who knows.

After last night I am really starting to think that Delta Dawn relies on Leah for some amount of money.  Delta Dawn and Franklin Lee Spears divorced in 2013. While she did at one time work who knows if she still is. 

Dawn mentioned recently on social media that she works in the school district. Yes, even though "that don't make no damn sense" Dawn is working in education now. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume it isn't in the better-rated George Washington district. She and Lee both worked in healthcare before; maybe her job change had something to do with the divorce.

  • Love 2
Dawn mentioned recently on social media that she works in the school district. Yes, even though "that don't make no damn sense" Dawn is working in education now. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume it isn't in the better-rated George Washington district. She and Lee both worked in healthcare before; maybe her job change had something to do with the divorce.

Well, she could be a lunch lady or something. Did she indicate what she was doing for the school district? I would think a school nurse would need to be an actual nurse in case a real emergency arose, but maybe she's qualified to hand out band-aids.

Edited by akr
  • Love 3

Dawn mentioned recently on social media that she works in the school district. Yes, even though "that don't make no damn sense" Dawn is working in education now. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume it isn't in the better-rated George Washington district. She and Lee both worked in healthcare before; maybe her job change had something to do with the divorce.

1) nice profile picture.

2) I think there are several jobs she could be doing, like cleaning or serving lunches. I know for classroom aides, substitutes and para professionals you need at least an associate's degree. (Where I am, anyway) Maybe she does office work? Then again, she was a dental assistant which I think requires a certification. Maybe Dawn got through some kind of schoolin'.

Well, she could be a lunch lady or something. Did she indicate what she was doing for the school district? I would think a school nurse would need to be an actual nurse in case a real emergency arose, but maybe she's qualified to hand out band-aids.

My mom's a nurse, and she said that schools require a BSN to be a school nurse. That might be on a state by state basis, so it's possible.

Not Southern myself but seems like referring to someone by both first and middle name might be a Southern thing.

"Shame on you, Corey Tahler!" "I love you, Jermy Lynn!"

Jersey, hmm. I have cousins in Hoboken, Westfield and Tinton Falls NJ.

I would love to move to Hoboken, but I can't afford it! It's almost as much as living in NYC.

  • Love 1

Still baffled at how Leah passed a drug test.



Cory and Miranda are being slammed for their comments on the last episode. Well, this show is edited. God knows how long they have been dealing with Leah's shit. Who is to say they didn't approach her in a supportive way and all they got in return from Leah was, "Stop beating me about this. I ain't no druggie."


  • Love 3

Oh man! I feel your pain.  I haven't had a 5mm but that pain is no joke! Tylenol #3 only worked after the 2nd dose.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  I know you can't wait for that to be removed.  Hang in there. 


To the person who asked, Kanawha Public Records do indicated her legal name is Delta Spears aka Delta Dawn.  Thanks to the person who mentioned Franklin LEE Spears and Dawn were divorced I found this goody: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/News/201308160136

under divorces.

I think that listing people's personal business in the local paper is such a redneck thing to do. Do other people live in rural areas that do that? This information might be public record but is that really what local newspapers are made for?

  • Love 2

How did I not know Dawn and stepdad Lee split?! That explains so much. I bet Leah is supporting Mama Dawn and may even partially supporting her if she is working. I thought Dawn's house looked like a different one than I remembered. That would explain a move. I was staring to wonder if maybe Dawn was on pillses too because she seemed so adamant that Leah was fine. But Dawn losing the second income (from Lee), might mean she's relying on Leah to fund or subsidize her.

Leah bought her sister Victoria a new car in September 2013 as a birthday present. I'm guessing Leah has probably been subsidizing or helping her mom & siblings for a while now. Heck, that's probably part of her "stress" - not just being a mom of 3 but also her family relying on her for financial support. (Although given how much free childcare they do for her, I guess maybe this is her way of paying them?)

ETA: I just scrolled down and saw Dawn is working for the school district. I think Leah could still be buying things or paying some of her bills for her, though.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

I think that listing people's personal business in the local paper is such a redneck thing to do. Do other people live in rural areas that do that? This information might be public record but is that really what local newspapers are made for?

I think this was asked before. Yes, they are public records. For several reasons (I don't feel like listing them, I posted the them before), newspapers and other sources are allowed to print this information. It is a matter of choice for each paper and no, it is not a rural thing.


Dawn is so horrendously ugly. How long before she snags another guy? After all, the Messer women cannot be without a man for too long.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

Just my two cents, but Leah would benefit greatly if she practiced yoga. It would help her with her stress level, overall attitude in life, and her addicitions. If she practiced yoga seriously (not the kind of yoga from classes offered at a gym), I'm certain she would stop smoking too.

Additionally, it something she could do with her daughters, and it may have extra benefits for little Alli.

Well, she could be a lunch lady or something. Did she indicate what she was doing for the school district? I would think a school nurse would need to be an actual nurse in case a real emergency arose, but maybe she's qualified to hand out band-aids.

I shudder to think what she is putting on those kids' plates if she is a lunch lady!

"Honey, you don't want no nasty broccolli! Have some extra mashed potatoes with your cornbread!"

  • Love 4

Still baffled at how Leah passed a drug test.



Cory and Miranda are being slammed for their comments on the last episode. Well, this show is edited. God knows how long they have been dealing with Leah's shit. Who is to say they didn't approach her in a supportive way and all they got in return from Leah was, "Stop beating me about this. I ain't no druggie."



Corey has the right to say anything he wants to Leah as she is the mother of their children. Miranda needs to STFU if she has nothing constructive to offer. It's great to show support to your husband in a difficult situation but know your place. If she was a good LE officer she would know that what she has to say with her crappy attitude is not going to get them anywhere. I'm not saying Miranda doesn't have the right to be upset but bitch, you ain't end all be all on this matter at all. I love people who openly judge someone on their parenting skills when they have no children of their own yet. Once again, take a seat and grow your baby. Yes, I speak from experience.

  • Love 3

I speak from experience, too. I didn't have children until I was married for five years. Before that, I had to watch a relative whose children were being exposed to domestic violence and drug abuse. I didn't judge but, I did do what I felt I had to do in order to let those parents know that what they were exposing their children to was not acceptable. I had no problem calling CPS on their asses. To think that someone might tell me to mind my own business or that I am being judgmental because GASP! I didn't have children and therefore, who am I to look out for the best interest of a child.  If I or any other childless adult worried about feeling judged, that would mean that those kids wouldn't have received the help that they desperately needed. 


My mother and father could not have children of their own. It is why they adopted my siblings and I. Before they had children, they were known as exceptional, loving, kind, and warm people to other children. They didn't have to bear children in order to love and nurture children that belonged to other people, some of whom they took in for one reason or another.  This was back in the 1950s.


I think the idea that a person who has no children of their own, cannot feel love, compassion, and concern for children, is absurd. One doesn't have to lay an egg in order to know how to cook it.  Miranda has had these girls in her care for quite some time now. She is more than the person who helps put a roof over their head. As a viewer, I am deeply frustrated with Leah and those around her. I don't even know her and I am so concerned for those kids. I want to take them and hug them. Yes, even Gracie. It is no wonder that child is acting crazy. She has no choice but to live with her mother who is dragging her and her sisters through her senseless way of life.  I don't see it as Miranda judging Leah. I view her as the person who has had to hear the children tell her and Cory about the chaos at home, the fighting, the screaming, the shouting, the dirty home, going to bed at midnight only to have to get up six hours later, make their own breakfasts, and Gracie has likely had to tend to her baby sister's dirty diapers and whatnot.


Miranda is like Barb in that, Barb didn't allow Jace to go over to Jenelle's because of what she knows. Miranda is in the same spot except they have no choice but to relinquish the kids back to Leah every week. I am not involved in this situation but, even I am worried sick about those girls.


Frankly, I think it is a slap in the face of step-parents, like Miranda, who have had to pick up the slack for the parent who couldn't do their job. Yes, Leah is not doing her job as parent and yes, step-parents are parents too.  Any parent who abuses medications and drugs, claims they are so misunderstood, depressed, tired, stressed, all the while they are cheating on their spouse, is not doing their job as a parent.  She is certainly not suffering from migraines, anxiety, back pain, depression, stress, or sleepiness while she is riding Robbie. 

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 15

Corey and Miranda are the ones who have to pick up the pieces of Leah's messy life. I'd be pissed too if I were Miranda. Miranda has gone above and beyond for those girls. Even offering to take Alli to therapy when Leah doesn't feel like it. I'm sure when the twins go over to Corey and Miranda's they're all wound up on sugar and junk food, unkempt and cranky from living in Leah's shithole.

  • Love 11

Still baffled at how Leah passed a drug test.

Cory and Miranda are being slammed for their comments on the last episode. Well, this show is edited. God knows how long they have been dealing with Leah's shit. Who is to say they didn't approach her in a supportive way and all they got in return from Leah was, "Stop beating me about this. I ain't no druggie."


Fuck that noise. In my opinion, it's about damn time Corey and Miranda have confronted Leah about her drug use and all around failure at motherhood. Her pill popping allegedly started around when Adderall was born. She turned 2 this past February. Granted this didn't happen overnight, but it looks like it took nearly 2 years of steady decline for them to really get in her face about it. And to the person who said they should offer to help instead of criticizing the princess, they have tried that!! That's why they want custody during the week, and for Miranda to bring Ali to therapy. They are begging Leah to allow them to make sure the girlses' basic needs are met, but Leah is too stupid, stubborn and prideful to allow it.

  • Love 12

Corey and Miranda are the ones who have to pick up the pieces of Leah's messy life. I'd be pissed too if I were Miranda. Miranda has gone above and beyond for those girls. Even offering to take Alli to therapy when Leah doesn't feel like it. I'm sure when the twins go over to Corey and Miranda's they're all wound up on sugar and junk food, unkempt and cranky from living in Leah's shithole.

I really think Miranda deserves to be commended on het commitment to raising the girlses. During her marriage to Corey (which has coincided with Leah's descent into the shitter) she has supported Corey and been the driving force behind him pursuing custody. Would she do that if she didn't love the girls? Having seen the way they behave, I don't think this is just for show. She clearly loves them, and wants them to be in their home with her new baby.

  • Love 9


Miranda needs to STFU if she has nothing constructive to offer

Whaaaaaat? That is all that Miranda has been doing. She has been the constructive one in their lives since their so-called mother can't bother to tend to her children. Leah claims to have no energy, she is soooooo tired, and yet, there she is having sex with god knows who aside from Robbie. Cory works. Miranda put her career on hold for those kids. What has Leah given up? dick? Fuck no. Her addiction? Hell no. She won't bother to get out of bed for her girls, but she doesn't mind getting INTO bed for some random dick. If no one tells Leah exactly what she is doing, then they should all be ashamed for remaining quiet while the children continue to be at risk. Too much time has passed on by for this fuckery to continue.


Adam is a major asshole who we slam left and right for his inadequate parenting. Why not Leah? I just can't with this kind of thinking.



Frankly, I think it is a slap in the face of step-parents, like Miranda, who have had to pick up the slack for the parent who couldn't do their job. Yes, Leah is not doing her job as parent. Any parent who abuses medications and drugs, claims they are so misunderstood, depressed, tired, stressed, all the while they are cheating on their spouse! She is certainly not suffering from migraines, anxiety, back pain, depression, stress, or sleepiness while she is riding Robbie.


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12

IMO, the time for being nice to Leah is long over, it's time for shit to get real with her. I believe Miranda had every right to say what she did to Leah. Miranda has been a saint to Leah; she has had listened while Leah tells everyone what a horrible father Corey is while her girls run around like cave children while she's high and arguing with her latest husband. Like was said up thread, Miranda, along with Corey, have to pick up the pieces after the fuckery Leah unleashes.


The person who really needs to STFU is Mama Dawn.

  • Love 14

Just my two cents, but Leah would benefit greatly if she practiced yoga. It would help her with her stress level, overall attitude in life, and her addicitions. If she practiced yoga seriously (not the kind of yoga from classes offered at a gym), I'm certain she would stop smoking too.

I don't know if Leah would sign on for the physical and mental health benefits, but if they told her that it would help her be more "flexible," that might pique her interest.

I shudder to think what she is putting on those kids' plates if she is a lunch lady!

"Honey, you don't want no nasty broccolli! Have some extra mashed potatoes with your cornbread!"

Cheeseballs and mountain dew for everyone!!!!!

  • Love 2

I think this was asked before. Yes, they are public records. For several reasons (I don't feel like listing them, I posted the them before), newspapers and other sources are allowed to print this information. It is a matter of choice for each paper and no, it is not a rural thing.

Dawn is so horrendously ugly. How long before she snags another guy? After all, the Messer women cannot be without a man for too long.

Well, she can't let her 23 year old daughter catch up to her in the marriage department already! This was summer 2013. So Leah and Jermy were still okayish, Adderall was like 6 months old.

Anyone think maybe Dawn wanted Leah to get divorced in the same way that the bitter single girl in your friend group seems to love it when someone's having relationship trouble? (I say this as someone who is single as fuck. However, since I'm not an evil harpy I don't get joy out of my friends' issues) She's said awful things about Corey, Jeremy, their families and Victoria's husband on Facebook. It's like she wants her daughters to be single, and then the three of them could be like the Appalachian Golden Girls. Or Sex in the City/Holler.

  • Love 4


Anyone think maybe Dawn wanted Leah to get divorced in the same way that the bitter single girl in your friend group seems to love it when someone's having relationship trouble?

My feeling is, I think Muther Dawn has let it be known to Leah through her words and actions, that men are disposable. As long as you can find someone else to replace the last one, there is hope yet.

  • Love 9

I'm not asking anyone to give Leah a pass on her non parenting and drug abuse. The point I'm making is that IN MY OPINION Miranda needs to let Corey take the lead. I get she's mad, frustrated and worried (I have made that clear) and has taken much responsibility on the girlses behalf but she needs to take a step back and let Corey set the tone. Leah is a screwed up mess, yes but Leah is not Miranda's dog to kick.

  • Love 3

Going by everything that has happened both on and off the show, Miranda had remained very constrained up until now. In fact, this might be the first time she had spoken up about Leah's obvious fuck ups regarding the children. And considering the how the Messer clan has babied Leah and vilified Corey and Miranda on tv and in social media, that can't be an easy feat. If she was a real cold blooded bitch she could've tried to put a wedge between Corey and the twins to have him to herself and cut the baby mama drama out of their lives. Instead she has been an involved and invested stepmother to the girls. So I tend to lean on the side of one or two pointed questions to her stepdaughters' mother isn't so bad after two plus years of putting up with Leah's dramatics. Just my opinion.

  • Love 10

After the crap that the Messer clan have dished out over the past few year about Miranda & Corey I think she has been quite constrained. From the top of my head there was Leah happily dishing that Corey cheated on Miranda before they married. There have been numerous social media posts on how their marriage is not as perfect as it seems (heck what marriage is perfect just because they don't put their issues on social media does not mean they are pretending to be perfect) then there was Victoria slamming Miranda in the wake of the deercam saga. I would have bitch slapped nearly the whole Messer clan long ago if I was I part of the Simms clan.

On the other hand we have Dawn "the truth will come out" Spears, Leah "my marriage to Jeremy is nothing like mine to Corey, Jeremy shows me love an affection, hold up now he wants to divorce me so he was never there for me and the relationship was never healthy" Messer and Oreo "Miranda is not nice I can't tell you why or give specifics but she is not nice".

I know which side I am rooting for, the people that put the best interests of the girls first (plus I love Jeff). The Messer's bring a lot of crap on themselves with the messs they make on social media. I really do hope that Leah has sorted her crap out and also learnt to take responsibility for her actions, I do not hold out much hope though since the muck raking of Jeremy started as soon as he wanted a divorce.

  • Love 13

I'm not asking anyone to give Leah a pass on her non parenting and drug abuse. The point I'm making is that IN MY OPINION Miranda needs to let Corey take the lead. I get she's mad, frustrated and worried (I have made that clear) and has taken much responsibility on the girlses behalf but she needs to take a step back and let Corey set the tone. Leah is a screwed up mess, yes but Leah is not Miranda's dog to kick.

And who is to say that Cory hasn't taken the lead many times before this ONE scene we witnessed?


This problem has been going on for quite some time. No one can tell me that this was the first time Cory ever said anything to Leah. Cory is Miranda's husband, and Leah and Jeremy have said some pretty shitty things about him on camera, social media, interviews, reunion shows, Leah even snickered and laughed with Jeremy on the reunion show as she claimed that Cory was cheating on Miranda. Up until this recent episode, Miranda has remained quiet and not stood her ground. Enough is enough. She seems to be taking the reigns and letting this addict know that because of her failure as a parent, it is she [Miranda] who has combed the girls' hair, dressed them, played with them, tended to them, fed them, took them out to appointments, likely went to their school to talk to teachers. We know that Miranda has been to Allie's doctor visits as this was shown on camera. Miranda has been more of a mother than Leah.


This just proves that just because some females can give birth, doesn't make them a mother.

Edited by GreatKazu
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