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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I've been spending way too much time thinking about the trail cam while I polish off another bag of Cheetos. And, I think I've come up with the answer to why they had a cam up to record comings and goings. A couple years ago, there were several junkies living in our neighborhood and theft of pawnable items like power tools was rampant. My husband is a contractor and we had some tools stolen before everything was under lock and key. We used a trail cam set up in the barn and garage to catch the thieving bastards and it worked. Robbie and his junkie friends have probably stolen everything that's not nailed down and they set up a cam to see who was slinking around when no one was watching.

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So I have a theory that Cheetos is already living with Germy's mom.  I don't know what episode it was but it showed Germy and Leah just bounce onto some bed in Germy's mom's house (that was really weird) to have a discussion. In the same scene Germy's mom feels for a tooth in Cheetos and says "no wonder you've been so cranky today".  At first I thought maybe Germy, Leah, and the gang moved in with the fam but now that this has all come to light I tend to think its that Cheetos and/or Germy moved in with his mom some time ago.  That would explain why Cheetos was sitting on a pot at the dinner table at Leah's cause all of Cheetos "things" are Germy's parents house.  I mean really Leah has twins so she'd have two booster seats and we've seen Cheetos in a highchair in the old house but yet suddenly Cheetos needs a pot to sit on to eat at Leah's?  In addition, Germy's mom posted a pic of Cheetos in the mud and Leah's sister commented that she missed her already and to tell Cheetos her aunt loved her.  Weird comment as aren't they all in the general vaccinity of each other? Just a thought who knows...

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“I’ve seen Leah pop a handful of pills, chew them like they were candy and swallow them. She doesn’t even need anything to wash them down with,” a source from the Messer family told InTouch this week...


I feel like I'm picking on Leah lately, but I found this today. On one hand it's almost all anonymous sources, which I give the side-eye.  On the other hand it's nothing we haven't heard before really.

  • Love 4

If we go with the theory about Leah and Germy  still living in an apartment or with family, then the cam footage rumor can't be true. There would be no camera for Germy to hook-up to catch someone stealing his camo pants or to see who is sneaking into his apartment. If they are living with family, then there should be family around which wouldn't give Leah a chance to be the wife who stays home alone while someone sneak arounds and climbs through a window or goes through a back door.


I think back to that one article where it showed Leah on her new farm with the horse that was "gifted" to Goggles. With the recent allegations about Leah's cheating, there was mention of their home drive-way being connected or shared with the Calvert family. So, I don't think apartment-living is the life Leah is living.

Edited by SPLAIN




I feel like I'm picking on Leah lately, but I found this today. On one hand it's almost all anonymous sources, which I give the side-eye.  On the other hand it's nothing we haven't heard before really.


I was just heading over here to post that article, too.


I don't like the "anonymous" sources angle of it, either, but the withdrawing "a thousands dollars a week" to support her habit sure gave me an immediate flashback to those $1000+ withdrawals Germy was bitching about in the car.


Maybe MK was just the excuse she gave Germy about going through all of that cash.


I dunno...skeevy appearance (not just her usual WTF look but those scenes when her makeup looked like a box 64-count crayons had exploded into her face)...nodding off on the phone...the oddly dilated pupils in a couple of scenes (although opiates normally cause pupils to contract)...inability to apparently get out of bed to take Goggles to therapy....Cory's famiily always having to call her to see if she needed any help getting the girls around...her perpetually "exhausted" state.


I hate giving a lot of credence to "anonymous" sources but she certainly was (is?) displaying all of the signs and symptoms of someone with a substance abuse problem.  


Plus with the Robbie factor back in the picture and the heroin connection.


Yeah, even trying to be totally skeptical about the "anonymous" dealer in that article, it just doesn't look good for Leah.


Hell, maybe she was out of cash and trading a little ass for drugs with Robbie and she didn't consider that "cheating."


Crazy shit there in West Virginia, that's for sure.

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If she started on opiate pills it would make sense to then "branch out" to heroin, which is cheaper.  Robbie probably hooked her up with them, among other things.



I only know two people who've used heroin. Both of them started off becoming addicted to the pain medication that had been prescribed by a doctor before hand.


One of them had been to rehab after rehab, nothing worked. He's still addicted to this day. That person is currently in jail, awaiting some heavy duty prison time.

The other died. He was murdered after trying to buy drugs in a town, in another state, he'd never been to.


I wish some of these "doctor feel goods" would recognize how they contribute to lives being ruined (not that I blame them, entirely. No one 'makes' you a drug addict. Or forces you to become one.)

IF Leah is in fact addicted to something...I'm sure she didn't wake up one morning and say "I think I'll be an addict!".  A likely scenario is, she was prescribed something for anxiety or perhaps depression.  She found the drugs put you into a kind of floaty haze (yes, I've been prescribed Ativan for anxiety and yes, it makes you feel all nice & floaty) and maybe with all her "stress" over money, her daughters, issues with her husband and her ex-husband, it just felt better to stay high on the drugs.  Because, she "needed" them to get through the day.  Soon enough, any addict will find that one pill just doesn't do it anymore, so they need two, then three, until next thing they know they've blown through a 30 day script in less than a week.  It's hard to explain to a legit doctor why you need more so soon, so then it becomes doctor shopping or inventing symptoms to get a doctor to prescribe something else that will do the trick just as well or even better.  Addicts who are currently sober can tell you an active addict will go go into a panic when they run out of pills, and will go to ANY lengths to secure more drugs.  All the while telling themselves they "need" them (see: Jenelle and her "need" to get high when she's "bored").
Of course, this is all speculation, but there are signs this is what Leah is battling.  As someone who had to wean off a dependency on Tramadol (which was prescribed to me by a doctor who "forgot" to mention it is highly addictive), I don't envy her.  Because when or if she tries to quit, it's a tough road.

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Is heroin cheaper? I am an idiot when it comes to street drugs, which is kind of funny cos I have experimented enough in my younger years. But if anyone ever asked me to be the one to supply anything, yeah people would be disappointed. I see episodes of Intervention where it says the addict spends $500 a day on stuff and I wonder, how the hell does that even work? Who does that? How are these people not dead?


Most of the heroin addicts I have ever known it never started with a legit script for anything. Just being young and dumb, and willing to try anything. Most picked up an addiction along the way, some are dead, and some I have no idea what happened to them. I am kind of glad for that. My illegal drug days are long gone and I wouldn't want to associate with anyone who's still involved.

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I've had to be on morphine and norco for the past 6 months or so. I was terrified of becoming addicted but I had no choice but to take them.

Being housebound because of my injuries, I found an online NA group who put me in touch with a local group. I found a sponsor and she's really helped me. I was worried like somebody above said that if one pill stopped working, I'd be tempted to take another. My sponsor has seen me through everything. She said I'm the first non addict she's ever sponsored.

After I'm 100 percent again. She and I want to start a program for this situation. People that need the medication but are afraid of becoming addicted. I think it would benefit a lot of people and hopefully help some from becoming addicted.

Since I can't do much at the moment, my job is to come up with a name for our program. Lol.

There's a HUGE difference between being addicted and being dependent. I'm dependent right now. I'm at the end stages of my injury and have asked my Dr to start weaning me off the morphine.

Wow. I'm so sorry for going so off topic. This subject is personal for me as I watched my mom become addicted to pills. I remember calling her Dr when I was about 12 and begging him to stop giving her so many. It was horrible to watch.

Again, sorry.

Edited by Maharincess
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Wow. Leah is a damn mess if all of this is true. But I will say that if Amber and Jenelle's dirty laundry was aired on the show, Leah should not be an exception. She constantly tried to out Corey over bullshit and now she wants to hide her bad behavior. It seems her house of cards is crumbling.

Edited by RedKoolAide
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The first rehab the guy from my post was in was full of former patients the hospital put in their to break their drug addictions caused by their addiction to doctor prescribed drugs, like your situation. There were a LOT of patients. It was pretty sad. This was circa 1996 for the record. I wonder if they still do that?

side note, wonder if MTV will address the Leah situation on tonight's unseen episode?

Edited by LexiconDevilOne

Did anyone catch in these unseen moments how leah says she still gets hate for cheating on Cory. Dr Drew asks how old were you? She says 16. Good Grief Leah!! Stop pretending everything else didn't happen. You have cheated on Cory since then and everyone knows.

And a month after this was filmed you cheated in Germy!

And leah pretty much just confirmed she is no longer in cosmetology school.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3

Another unseen moment shown tonight, Leah FREAKING out over a dead kitten.  Kids feed off of how you as a parent react. She truly, truly needed to be slapped with a whole package of bacon to be brought back to her senses. Girl was acting like she was on drugs. Oh wait............




On this link someone commenting as "The Forgotten Twin" posts a whole lot of info about Leah.

Edited by Mkay

My Aunt was addicted to heroin for about 40 years.  During that time she was kicked out of the military, became a stripper, a "lingerie model" and finally a prostitute before settling down and taking care of her Mom.  For awhile she moved away from her home town completely, and that is when she finally straightened out and beat her addiction.


And I'm not excusing Leah's teeth, but I took a medication called Dilantin (I have seizures) for 18 years, starting at age two.  My teeth certainly look like I had an addiction, but I never did.  Nothing is making the stains go away.  I've asked multiple dentists about it, and basically the stains won't go away-- at least not with anything I can pay for.  And since I'm now on medicare, I don't have a lot of dental care available to me anymore anyway.

Can someone tell me what that Ashley Roundup is about. Clicking on the link takes me nowhere and when I google the site and click on their link, it doesn't work. Is this some kind of conspiracy? Is Leah behind this?


Teen Mom Junkies link...Kail's Second Chin and Kail's Jiggly Chin, two of the usernames of the people who comment on that site. LOL  I have read these poster's usernames before, but it never fails to crack me up to read them again and again. Another user's name is "Leah's Meth Pipe".

Edited by GreatKazu
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Thanks to severe reflux and other issues my teeth aren't the prettiest either. Not exactly meth-teeth territory, but they don't look normal. I have had a couple dentists tell me I need veneers. Yeah, right. Maybe they can donate them if the situation is that dire. Sad thing is Leah does have access to decent dental care. She could afford it and she doesn't. I have no sympathy for that.

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I can't figure out if Leah looks uglier with all that clown make-up or without it. She really is hard on the eyes in that photo. White, pasty, ghost-like, eek!


I'd vote definitely without the make-up.  She actually looks kind of human in the Walmart photo, as opposed to when she's wearing the blue eyeliner or whatever it is that makes her look so ghastly.  Her ghost-like coloring?  The subtle and flattering Walmart lighting certainly wasn't doing her any favors, but I prefer that over orange.


I'm probably biased because I almost always prefer less make-up over more, even when skillfully done, which hers never is.  Suffice to say I won't be buying much at her Mary Kay parties. 


It's ironic that she looks less like a "People of Walmart" in this photo than any photo I've ever seen.


Her teeth?  They look like a real person's teeth, instead of these blinding white things that everybody seems to have now.  They're a little dingy, but I think I prefer that to looking fake.  Maybe it's just because I'm used to it--back in my day, there was a thing called "tetracyline teeth," which turned teeth an unpleasant gray, plus of course there were the rest of us who had teeth that weren't on high beam all the time and still managed to be happy and have successful lives.


But I will say it looks like the braces did a good job of putting them where they're supposed to be, which is good.


Now, the hair?  That's tragic.  Her hairline is a problem, being way back up on top like that, and I don't envy her having to work around that.  But even more problematic is the texture of that mess.  I think somebody just hacked those extensions out (kind of like how they pull their IUDs out) and left it at that, damage and all.  I know short hair is anathema to hot chicks everywhere, but she could have gone a lot shorter, like a pixie, and gotten rid of as much of it as she could, for a fresh start.  Find out what color it really is--it might be attractive.  It's got to be better than what it is now.

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Oh, no. Do not put me in the mix with Leah. I am a regular person and my teeth do not look like Leah's. Those teeth certainly don't look normal. I never had to whiten my teeth. They are white because I took care of my teeth. Why? Because my parents took me to the dentist and I didn't drink Mountain Dew or any other soda from the day I was born. Leah is an alleged pill popper and possibly has done more than just pop pills. That will definitely do harm to one's teeth. Having had a brother who was born ill and was given a lot of meds while he was growing up, his teeth paid the price. Not going to bash on someone who had no control over that. I certainly don't think Leah's ugly teeth has anything to do with having been born with medical issues and therefore, taking meds that ruined her teeth. That girl doesn't need veneers to have nice-looking teeth. Kail had braces and other work done her teeth without going the Chiclet-looking teeth route with the veneers. Leah  needs to stop whatever drugs she is ingesting and learn to lay off the Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Her mother admitted giving her Cheetos since she was a baby as an incentive to walk. I am guessing that was Leah's first addiction.


One thing is strange about her teeth. In many photos her teeth look white. Other times they don't.


IMO Leah is just not an attractive girl. I don't know that there is anything she can do to improve her looks in my eyes.

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[Leah's] mother admitted giving her Cheetos since she was a baby as an incentive to walk.


Seriously?  So that's something passed down from generation to generation?  Excellent.



One thing is strange about her teeth. In many photos her teeth look white. Other times they don't.


I don't remember them looking this bad on the show, either.  Maybe it really was just the Walmart light.  But they're vastly better than a lot of meth-mouths I've seen.  For one, they seem to all be there.  For now.



IMO Leah is just not an attractive girl. I don't know that there is anything she can do to improve her looks in my eyes.


I agree she's not attractive, but she seems to refuse to dance with who brung her.  Looking like what she looks like might be a good start.  I always thought it was better for people to think, "She might be pretty if she fixed herself up," rather than, "All that effort and she's still ugly."


It does look like she has nice blue eyes.  (Channeling Carmindy, the make-up person on What Not To Wear, who always tells even the biggest troll, "You have such pretty eyes.")  I don't think I ever noticed them with the raccoon rings.

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Leah could greatly improve her looks. She could quit smoking, bringing some life back to her skin tone, swap water for pop getting rid of the chapped lips, and she could bring down her blonde color a few tones and cut a better shape into it. I really think two better habits, a cut/dye, and she'd be cute. Miranda's hair is kinda trashy so I think the local salon scene is crap.

I think her teeth are coffee+cigarettes+shitty brushing habits. Her smile seems fine on the show.

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Interesting blind item I read today:




Sounds like Leah to me!



ETA that the previous blind item about the Teen Mom star who's been using all her child support on drugs makes a lot more sense now.  I had initially thought it was Jenelle.

Edited by zenme
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I think her teeth are coffee+cigarettes+shitty brushing habits

Amen. Throw in the effects of all of those meds she is taking to help her with her "stress". As for the drugs, well, it is pure speculation, but I don't doubt she has dabbled in the fine arts of meth smoking.


I always thought it was better for people to think, "She might be pretty if she fixed herself up," rather than, "All that effort and she's still ugly."

Leah is fugly. But then, I always thought possums were very ugly creatures. No amount of make-up or orange tanner can make a possum lovely.



Her mother admitted giving her Cheetos since she was a baby as an incentive to walk. I am guessing that was Leah's first addiction

Yes, and her second addiction was, and still is, dick. The pipe might be the third.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6
Leah is fugly. But then, I always thought possums were very ugly creatures. No amount of make-up or orange tanner can make a possum lovely.


I've always thought Leah had very rodent-like features. But I do think there was a period of time in between her mousy brown curls and the Jem-as-a-Remax-agent look that wasn't too bad. If she stays current, but doesn't overdo it, she could at least pass for "cute", in my book. 

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So lets say Leah and Germy split. Germy takes Cheetohs every other weekend. Lets say the twins schedule with Cory remains the same, weekends. Leah could have two entire weekends per month to herself as a single mother of 3. Its 4 more childless days than SAHPs get.


She will quickly use that time to get knocked up by some other boy band Wanna-be. 

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MTV is Delaying Filming of Season 6 Due to Leah Calvert’s Issues


Currently, the ‘Teen Mom 2′ girls and their beaus are all signed up for Season 6…everyone except Leah and Jeremy.  While MTV may not be planning (at this time) to get Leah help, they have been effected by her alleged drug problem. Another source says the reason that filming has not begun on Season 6, despite the fact that this Leah/Jeremy/Robbie love triangle would be equal to ratings gold, they can’t capture it all on film because Leah has yet to return her contract. According to a show crew member, none of the ‘Teen Mom 2′ girls have filmed anything for Season 6 yet.



Edited by JerseyGirl
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In Touch exclusively spoke to a man who claims to be her drug dealer, who says Leah’s been “getting high for years.”  “I used to give Leah the pills myself; she’s picked up 30 to 40 pills at a time from me,” the alleged drug dealer tells In Touch exclusively. The drug dealer says the 22-year-old is taking the painkillers Vicodin, Lortab, Percocet and oxycodone. “She was withdrawing $1,000 a week to buy pills,” says the dealer.  The dealer also claims that as she became more famous, Leah began using someone close to her to pick up her drugs. (In Touch is withholding the name of the middleman.) “She gives [the middleman] the money and he gets them for her. They’re in this together.”  


After Leah’s husband, Jeremy Calvert, took to Twitter releasing an accusation of Leah cheating with her bad boy ex Robbie Kidd, In Touch contacted his friend. “If Leah is hanging out with Robbie again, she’s definitely partying,” Robbie’s friend Nathan Mullins exclusively tells In Touch of his pal, who was arrested in September for possession of a controlled substance without a prescription.



Edited by JerseyGirl

Another unseen moment shown tonight, Leah FREAKING out over a dead kitten.  Kids feed off of how you as a parent react. She truly, truly needed to be slapped with a whole package of bacon to be brought back to her senses. Girl was acting like she was on drugs. Oh wait............




On this link someone commenting as "The Forgotten Twin" posts a whole lot of info about Leah.




The screen names on that site.   One has the forgotten twin as "Gracifer"

Jeremy indicated he was moving out of the house today — and took the opportunity to make a subtweet jab at Leah’s rumored bedmate, Robbie Kidd.

Beat he can't do this lmfao you sure made a great choice he can't buy a big Mac pic.twitter.com/kMc9iKoFye
— Jeremy Calvert (@Calvert505) October 23, 2014

He also changed his Twitter profile picture within the past few days to a shot of Addie, deleted mention of Leah from his bio and unfollowed her.



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