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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Ted Bundy had groupies, geekamonggeeks. They turned up at his trial dressed as similar as possible to his victim type. He even managed to become married to one of them by shouting out a proposal, which she accepted, and because it was recorded by the stenographer in active court, it was legal. There are sick MFs all over the place. -_-

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I think more and more that Leah has replaced her pain pills and benzos with some sort of uppers and that's why she's manically posting on social media about every little thing she does for the girlies (and of course, also to prove everyone wrong & that she's an awesome mom). 

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Scott Peterson also had groupies and one of the Menendez brothers got married in prison. There's a lot of looney women out there with a savior complex.

*eta: I just double checked my facts and it turns out BOTH Menendez brothers married in prison. Christ on a cracker.

Edited by BitterApple
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I love her # - I'minlove. 

With whom? Herself, for being such a good packer? Her kids? Okay, kind of odd way of putting it. The new model dude? Or the crack cocaine that gives her the energy to pack for their trip?

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2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I think more and more that Leah has replaced her pain pills and benzos with some sort of uppers and that's why she's manically posting on social media about every little thing she does for the girlies (and of course, also to prove everyone wrong & that she's an awesome mom). 

Would also explain her skeletal physique

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Maybe I'm off base, but is it necessary for Allie to have that large of a wheel chair? Could they not have gotten one that is smaller, more manageable? Is this one that allows her to grow with it, or does it have to be electric? I just feel like a lot of the wheelchair drama could have been saved by being smarter about what wheelchair you purchase. 

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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

You know she threw the kid in her wheelchair ONLY for early airplane boarding and preferential treatment at the water park. 

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who had that thought!

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15 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I think more and more that Leah has replaced her pain pills and benzos with some sort of uppers and that's why she's manically posting on social media about every little thing she does for the girlies (and of course, also to prove everyone wrong & that she's an awesome mom). 

This is probably the stupidest question ever, but I'm rather baffled. How exactly do people abuse pain killers? For the past few weeks, I've been suffering from 2 fractures in my right leg and I was originally given Tramadol, which did absolutely NOTHING. My doctor told me take 1 and a half. Nothing. Took the half full vial back to him and he put me on Norco, and guess what? It doesn't work. Obviously, I'm a special case who is probably psychologically stopping them. But, yeah, what's so great about them to most everyone else?

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For myself, I've been given serious pain killers twice in my life- both relating to c sections. The first time, I really had very little pain during recovery and stopped taking Percocet after leaving hospital. I had switched to Advil full time within 4 full days of surgery. Like you, I was like, *this* is what people get hooked on? Then for my second time around, I was in a lot more pain. I had to double my dose once home which not only killed the pain but also gave me a pleasant buzz. I realized pretty quickly continuing to double my dose was going to run through my script pretty quickly and lead to needing a refill. I think my OB would have granted me a refill no questions asked, but I did not want to go down that road. And c section recovery, although unpleasant, does get better, unlike chronic pain. So I took single doses spaced out pretty far supplemented with over the counter meds and by a week I was done with pills left over. 


After that experience though I could pretty well understand how it gets out of control, particularly if people like Leah are self medicating psychological issues with pain pills.

Edited by Tatum
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Thanks, Tatum, I really was interested to know and you also reminded me, I had Vicodin prescribed after my C-section and I not only did I not want to bother trying to get a refilll, I didn't even finish the first bottle.
I'm looking into holistic medicine right now because I haven't slept for more than 3 hours in a row for 7 weeks and I can't stop bloody arguing with everyone.

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Live in WV if you want opioids.  I wonder what Leah's situation would be like if she didn't live in a region sarcastically referred to as "Candyland". 

Why are they in California? I don't think a TM special is being filmed. 

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14 hours ago, CofCinci said:

You know she threw the kid in her wheelchair ONLY for early airplane boarding and preferential treatment at the water park. 

At first I was thinking she did it for the same reasons she posts pictures of herself cooking or preparing food for her daughters or playing with them, but you're probably right. If this was another, 'see, I am a good mom' post, she would have called attention to the wheelchair and used hash tags. Something like, "Ali LOOOOOOVES riding on her wheelchair, especially after mommy made up a super fun game! You can overcome any challenge if you just make it fun! #whenlifehandsyoulemonsmakelemonade #mommymagic #cantstopwontstop

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Tramadol and Norco do nothing for me. I ask the Drs not to even bother writing the rx of that is what they are giving me. It's a waste of money. I, too, have asked why people get addicted to those. Tramadol apparently only works once it's built up and taken in a continuous cycle every few hrs.  I learned that from the pharmacy. People would freak out over running out of tramadol. I wanted to tell them I if both RX's in my cabinet at home collecting dust because they don't work. I guess I've been sitting on a goldmine. 


I wondered why she went all the way to Cali for great wolf lodge. There are much closer ones to her than California. 

Edited by Mkay
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The only time I ever took a painkiller in my life was after I had dental surgery 10 years ago. I was so out of it after the procedure, my husband picked up my RX and gave me one and I don't even really remember. It knocked me out, so I guess it was nice to sleep through the worst of the pain.  But I woke up feeling very nauseated, so I never took another one. I just used Motrin until I started feeling better. 


Now, my mom has had disc problems in her back for years. She has had two surgeries and the pain just keeps coming back. I feel so awful for her, because she has a very active social life and loves doing things with her grandkids, but sometimes the pain is so bad she can barely get out of bed. She is prescribed Vicodin for it and she tries really really hard to only take if it the pain is unbearable. She tries to just do Motrin otherwise. But it's hard, because the pain pills really do take the edge off and it is exhausting being in pain all the time. 


I do get how easy certain people can fall prey to addiction. Not everyone who ends up hooked on these things starts out with bad intentions. But I've never believed Leah's c-section, spinal tap, whatever the fuck story. I wish she'd just be honest. I have a lot of sympathy for addicts. My cousin is a recovering heroin addict. He almost died. He is 2 years sober now and he speaks out daily on the horrors of drug use and tries to encourage others. He is very honest about what he went through. Leah wants to act like she is 100% a victim, and I don't even think she's totally fine now, but she hides everything. SO I just can't with her. 

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8 hours ago, Katt said:

This is probably the stupidest question ever, but I'm rather baffled. How exactly do people abuse pain killers? For the past few weeks, I've been suffering from 2 fractures in my right leg and I was originally given Tramadol, which did absolutely NOTHING. My doctor told me take 1 and a half. Nothing. Took the half full vial back to him and he put me on Norco, and guess what? It doesn't work. Obviously, I'm a special case who is probably psychologically stopping them. But, yeah, what's so great about them to most everyone else?

Tramadol is synthetic, and from what I understand, not really any good.  Norco is very weak and doesn't work for everyone.  Ask for Percocet... you will understand the draw.

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leahdawn92mtv☺️?❤️ A bond that will never be broke! A mother & her daughters! #AAA #TrueLove #summer2016? #GWLSoCal

Why? The bond will always have money? Good to know.

There are a bunch of new posts, and countless followers claiming that Ali is "walking sooo good!" Idiots.

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"A bond that will never be broke. "


I know she's never completed any education beyond whatever passed for a diploma at Holler High, but has she like ever read a book even?


I'd create a profile so I could correct her tweets with proper grammar, but I'd just get called a loser by her legion of superfans that tell me that grammar doesn't matter. And my post would get buried.

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10 minutes ago, Tatum said:

"A bond that will never be broke. "


I know she's never completed any education beyond whatever passed for a diploma at Holler High, but has she like ever read a book even?


I'd create a profile so I could correct her tweets with proper grammar, but I'd just get called a loser by her legion of superfans that tell me that grammar doesn't matter. And my post would get buried.

You'd also get told that you're just jealous. Probably jealous of her "which nose".

Actually, no. Replacing "witch" with "which" is far too refined for these imbeciles. It would more likely to be something such as: "Leah, witch color Little Hug are you gonna give your kids for breakfast?"

Edited by AhFillAck
I had to add sumpin', ya'll.
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1 hour ago, AhFillAck said:

leahdawn92mtv☺️?❤️ A bond that will never be broke! A mother & her daughters! #AAA #TrueLove #summer2016? #GWLSoCal

Why? The bond will always have money? Good to know.

There are a bunch of new posts, and countless followers claiming that Ali is "walking sooo good!" Idiots.

Didn't  the court systems already break their bond?

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1 hour ago, HeySandyStrange said:

So Leah just bought a home and now she is dragging her girls across the country on what is, most likely, a pricey vacation? Is she trying to spend up her yearly TM2 paycheck in one fell swoop? Jeez, she is outdoing herself now.

Should we take bets on how long before she's in foreclosure? She better find a guy with a stable job to knock her up soon, otherwise she'll be back in a financial hole.

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Since I'm an undercover a-hole, I'll give Leah 2 to 3 years tops before she loses her home. Probably a year after the final season of TM2 is when she will lose it. I think she'll have a hell of a time finding another decent guy with a decent job to sucker, since all her cheating, lying, and drugging is out in the open. I doubt TR Dues or the "model" would be good retirement plans for Leah, and I don't see the pool getting much better for her.

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14 hours ago, Katt said:

This is probably the stupidest question ever, but I'm rather baffled. How exactly do people abuse pain killers? For the past few weeks, I've been suffering from 2 fractures in my right leg and I was originally given Tramadol, which did absolutely NOTHING. My doctor told me take 1 and a half. Nothing. Took the half full vial back to him and he put me on Norco, and guess what? It doesn't work. Obviously, I'm a special case who is probably psychologically stopping them. But, yeah, what's so great about them to most everyone else?

I don't think it's stupid but maybe that's because I had the same question. Then I got second degree burns on the fingertips of one of my hands and I was prescribed Percocet at the ER. It was awesome. I have a hard time "turning off my brain" so it's difficult for me to relax (it's not anxiety, just constant busy-ness) Percocet totally mellowed me out. I loved it until the next day when I woke up with a massive headache, which I blamed on the Percocet.

Edited by MargeGunderson
Like the schools in WVa, my spelling isn't well.
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1 hour ago, OtterReality said:

mszward We saw Leah yesterday at GreatWolf in the waterpark. She looked so happy and so attentive to her oldest daughter that she was with. #GoodMom - comment on her Instagram  lolz

Wow, so she was supervising 1 out of 3 kids around a water hazard!  Awesome job Leah!

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Well that settles it once and for all! We  is all so wrong. Leah is obviously the mostest mom ever. So #thankful that random person alleviated all our concerns. #muchattentive

Edit: So, I thought this super mom was on this trip with just her daughters? Kinda sounds like (an)other adult(s) must be there otherwise where were Addie and whatever twin at the time the random poster saw Leah with the one kid?! #lying? Say it ain't so!!

Edited by Rebecca
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12 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Well that settles it once and for all! We  is all so wrong. Leah is obviously the mostest mom ever. So #thankful that random person alleviated all our concerns. #muchattentive

Edit: So, I thought this super mom was on this trip with just her daughters? Kinda sounds like (an)other adult(s) must be there otherwise where were Addie and whatever twin at the time the random poster saw Leah with the one kid?! #lying? Say it ain't so!!

Obviously Gracie was watching Addie while Leah was with Ali (or vis-versa).

I think Leah must be at the GWL in Anaheim because they offered her free/reduced stay if she mentioned them in her tweets. Otherwise girl is dumb to go all that way when there's one closer to her (which is a possibility). 

Is is this vacation being filmed for TM2? If so, it's likely being paid for by MTV or being comped by the GWL. I know from Kail's snapchats that's she's filming now, but I'm not sure if the other girls are. 

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She said specifically in one of the tweets she flew across the country by herself.  If MTV is paying, I'd assume she would have half the holler with her for the free trip.  

If it's filmed, I'll be curious to see if she does have any helpers, because she sure cut them out of her instagram story.

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Kailyn's at the GWL too? I really wish they would show them interacting, real housewives style. That's what I was thinking about it being comped. They must have to be in CA for some reason because it doesn't make much sense to go to that one when it's a chain. Maybe her foot model boyfriend had a gig for Keds? Hah.

Edit: I'm sure mtv would just edit out the helpers too. Monkey!!!!!

Edited by Rebecca
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I call bullshit on Leah taking her three girls on a trip where she is the only adult. Either Leah is with someone that just took a different flight, she has a friend or boyfriend that already was in Cali, or she was completely lying about traveling as the solo adult.

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30 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Kailyn's at the GWL too? I really wish they would show them interacting, real housewives style. That's what I was thinking about it being comped. They must have to be in CA for some reason because it doesn't make much sense to go to that one when it's a chain. Maybe her foot model boyfriend had a gig for Keds? Hah.

Edit: I'm sure mtv would just edit out the helpers too. Monkey!!!!!

Oh no, Kail is filming at home in Delaware now (according to her snaps). They are shooting Javi's homecoming. I don't know if Leah is being filmed at same time in California.

ETA: sorry for the confusion in my earlier post.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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If there is a big event (Javi's homecoming) MTV wants to be there. Otherwise I think it's still one week out of each month. So either it's everyone's week to film, or they are just there for Javi. I guess I could pay more attention in Kails snaps and see when she is being filmed. See if there is a pattern time wise. 

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3 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

I  have never stated that I love my kids on social media. I only use Facebook, and I have a few dozen people on there because I only add real life, meaningful people, but I've never posted that I love my son and daughter. I tell THEM all the time that I love them, and I naturally and instinctively do things to SHOW them that (and I don't mean material things and trips,) but I don't announce my love for them to the world . I must be a heartless and shitty mother! Who knew.

I always find it weird when people do that.  Don't tell me that you love your wife/husband/child, tell them! I really couldn't give a rat's arse about how much you appreciate their thoughtfulness/ ability to make you laugh/ insert other cliche here. 

I occasionally give a pass for a birthday message if it is accompanied by an embarrassing photo.  Otherwise, put it in a card!

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Some people do both. My SM accounts are very private and I only have like 20 friends, which are all close friends and family, on there. But I do share stories about my kids a lot and often gush about how awesome they are. I post a LOT of pics, but I try to be careful not to share things that might embarrass them. It's just my way of keeping in touch with everyone at once. And I'm a SAHM, so it's also how I get some adult interaction. 

I do think Leah is a bit OTT about it. Sometimes I feel like she protests too much. But I don't think, in general, it's a weird thing to do. 

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6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Some people do both. My SM accounts are very private and I only have like 20 friends, which are all close friends and family, on there. But I do share stories about my kids a lot and often gush about how awesome they are. I post a LOT of pics, but I try to be careful not to share things that might embarrass them. It's just my way of keeping in touch with everyone at once. And I'm a SAHM, so it's also how I get some adult interaction. 

I do think Leah is a bit OTT about it. Sometimes I feel like she protests too much. But I don't think, in general, it's a weird thing to do. 

I guess I find it strange when people put up these long winded "thankfulness" posts to 400 of their closest friends.  I'm in the social media generation and the majority of my friends have 500+ friends (I'm in the minority with 300!). I don't really know why someone who you met at a party or used to go to school with or used to work with needs to know about how your boyfriend is the best in the world and how much you appreciate them. 

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Now we know how she fitted all their clothes in one suitcase, Ali is wearing the same clothes all the others have changed guess somebody had to give up clothing so Leah could fit makeup. On second look Ali is wearing Addie's Monday tshirt from her awesome packing post.

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This is funny. Just a few days ago, a friend was telling me about an Undercover Boss episode featuring GWL.  She said they have a full protocol for when a child poops in the water (because its apparently somewhat common). I think she said it was called "Code Blue".  

Now I can't think about anything else when I hear GWL. I'm surprised the company allowed that to be shown!

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When these ad execs for companies like GWL, Coleman, and Buca Di Beppo's make social media deals with the likes of Leah and Jenelle, do they realize that these women are terrible mothers?  It's like paying Susan Smith to tweet/promote car seats. 

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15 hours ago, crazychicken said:

Now we know how she fitted all their clothes in one suitcase, Ali is wearing the same clothes all the others have changed guess somebody had to give up clothing so Leah could fit makeup. On second look Ali is wearing Addie's Monday tshirt from her awesome packing post.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Leah packed one outfit per child and told them just to jump in the water fully clothed and then hang outfit up to dry if they wanted it cleaned.

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Conspiracy theory alert!

Maybe she only stayed for a few hours, grabbed a bunch of shots to sprinkle throughout the week, then got out of there.  

I saw the Undercover Boss episode and they did call it a code brown.  Watching the way they just mopped it up and continued on with their jobs like it happens every few hours made me swore I would never set foot in one of those places.

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