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TDS 3.0: Season Four Talk

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I was hoping Trevor would bring up the NBA Finals and Toronto's involvement in it. But instead of some cutesy lame ass jokes about Canadians and our politeness (that we get a kick out of), he talks about Drake, who some consider a bandwagon jumper. The guy was wearing an armband the other night to conceal his tattoos of the numbers of the Warriors Steph Curry and Kevin Durant. If you really want to know who the real superfan of the Raptors is, then check out these series of tweets from Muhammad Lila about Nav Bhatia, who has never missed a home game in their 24 years of existence.

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On 6/1/2019 at 9:09 PM, Victor the Crab said:

I was hoping Trevor would bring up the NBA Finals and Toronto's involvement in it. But instead of some cutesy lame ass jokes about Canadians and our politeness (that we get a kick out of), he talks about Drake, who some consider a bandwagon jumper. The guy was wearing an armband the other night to conceal his tattoos of the numbers of the Warriors Steph Curry and Kevin Durant. If you really want to know who the real superfan of the Raptors is, then check out these series of tweets from Muhammad Lila about Nav Bhatia, who has never missed a home game in their 24 years of existence.

Would “It’s a comedy show” be too weak a defense? Someone like a “superfan” would probably get a segment lasting at least eight minutes on a Sunday morning edition of SportsCenter. Meanwhile, Drake is right there, a bit of fruit just hanging so close to one’s hands.

I liked the bit from Roy and Michael about Obama getting a huge ovation in Game 2, complete with chants of “MVP!” Thankfully, there was no response from right-wing jagoffs about how he was popular, but with Canadians.

Nice to see the president continue to embarrass Americans abroad. Props to Trevor for trying to sell the Queen trolling him . . . but I don’t think she cares at this point in her life.

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I couldn't figure out why the UK national health service was 'on the table' for trade talks, and I didn't realize that was because he didn't know what it was. 

Good job getting Bernie. 

Nothing against the woman, but she was kind of condescending. 

I also like the typical right-wing 'go right to the most extreme thing that's barely relevant to the topic because we can't do nuance'. "Millions of people are going to die." Except everyone in Denmark because they all have healthcare. 

I was a little skeptical of Jaboukie's early oh-so-extra-Millennial pieces, but he;s starting to grow on me, really enjoyed his Bernie interview. It was also nice to see Bernie a little chiller than he normally seems. His calm, intelligent explanation of today's Socialism not being Soviet Socialism was engaging, and I wish he'd talk more like that than crazy-haired old man yelling.

Trevor just kills KILLS the accents.

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1 hour ago, ganesh said:

It must be the height of gall for a d-day veteran, who literally punched out nazis 75 years ago have this stinking pile of garbage as the commander in chief enabling it happening again. 

I think this might be proof ghosts do not exist. If they did, they would — at minimum — explain to the president that maybe getting his flaming honkey of a veep to fill in for him.

10 hours ago, Gulftastic said:

Please don't feed the 'bumbling buffoon Boris' narrative he so carefully maintains to disguise the dangerous, lying, right winger beneath.

I think to myself that British people would not let that happen. Then I remember “Brexit,” and I prep myself for the inevitability of that asshole running shit.

On 6/5/2019 at 11:42 PM, peeayebee said:

I'm not as amused by Lewis Black as I used to be.

I’m still a fan. I liked the irony of the guy that played the embodiment of a girl’s anger telling people to calm down.

On 6/7/2019 at 11:21 AM, Lantern7 said:

I think to myself that British people would not let that happen. Then I remember “Brexit,” and I prep myself for the inevitability of that asshole running shit.

Unfortunately, according to John Oliver, it's not the British people voting for the new PM, it's the conservative party. So in other words, if trump stepped down, instead of pence being president, the Republicans and only the Republicans got to choose the next president. 

In other news, Danielle Brooks is awesome. I'd turn down a movie to do Shakespeare in the Park too. Especially for a role like Beatrice. 

10 hours ago, possibilities said:

The Tim Ryan interview annoyed me. Ryan talked about how he knew what people are going through, but did he actually say how he would fix it? No. And then Trevor complimented him by saying Ryan had all the policies. WHAT ARE THEY? Did they edit them out?

I was wondering why he didn't implement those policies to protect the people of Ohio, since he claims that he had the solutions.

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2 hours ago, ganesh said:

Perez's best statement was, "Get in line" - vote for the fucking nominee and stop being whiny bitches. 

Was this on last night's show? I fell asleep before it came on and haven't watched the YouTube clips yet. Perez said the same exact thing this morning on a radio show I was listening to when he was talking about the 2020 Dem nominees.


On the episode for either Monday or Tuesday (I don't know when they're posted online) he couldn't even make any jokes about the situation where that cop was about to gun down an entire family because a 4-year-old shoplifted a Barbie doll. That's how fucked up the behavior of some police is. Sadly I can't even say I'm shocked that something like that happened. Good thing some brave witnesses were able to record it so the cops couldn't get away with lying about the events. Or, who knows, they'll probably get away with it anyway and keep their jobs, because apparently that is the country we live in.

Also he said "What’s troubling about this is it makes you wonder how many people have been arrested and put in jail because everyone assumes the police version of the events is always the truth"...this is true and I've experienced it. I didn't go to jail since it was in college so it was handled through the school, but a large male police officer physically attacked me unprovoked (I am a petite woman, not that it matters if it's unprovoked but still) and claimed that I attacked him. There were no witnesses besides other law enforcement, or recordings. I had to sign a piece of paper verifying their fake version of events or else get kicked out of school. Back then corrupt police behavior wasn't discussed in society as much so I felt very alone and like nobody understood what I was going through.

Edited by BuyMoreAndSave
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I hadn't heard about bones growing at the base of skull because of looking at your phone all the time. Yikes. I'm glad I don't do that.

That pic of Hitler smiling was CREEEEE-PEEEEE!

Too bad Biden didn't apologize. I understand that he was trying to say Congressmembers need to work together even when they have differences, but since he has a tendency to want to say nice things about everybody, his compliments of bad people overshadow everything. My BIL is a bigot and a racist, but, yes, he can be nice at times, even to  people of color. He has his good points, but he's still a bigot and a racist. 

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

Too bad Biden didn't apologize.

I don't know. Beto was giving his wife a compliment about raising their kids and then spent a week apologizing about literally everything. None of the candidates are the super best squeaky clean people and who gives a fuck? They need to get their shit together and focus on beating the piss out of the traitor in the white house. 

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I've listened to a couple of interviews with Dan Taberski who made the podcast Running from Cops. One of the things he talks about is how the show has been on so long that cops become cops having learned from Cops how to behave He also talks about the race and class issues. This interview is from On the Media, you have to scroll down for the episode.

The show has been doing great work all week on the "go back" tweets. They've incorporated strong points into their commentary throughout (Trump's inability to understand that "Black/brown" and "American" aren't mutually exclusive, the fact that he's never told Bernie Sanders to "go back where he came from," and President "if you're not happy here, leave" spending much of his first campaign lamenting that the U.S. has gone down the tubes - come on, his inauguration speech included the phrase "American carnage"!) I really liked Trevor's derision for that representative making the bad faith argument, "How could it be racist if he didn't SAY their races in the tweets?", and lining up the "send her back" chants with an Olympic race was a great demonstration of how long Trump just stood there listening to it.

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28 minutes ago, angora said:

I really liked Trevor's derision for that representative making the bad faith argument, "How could it be racist if he didn't SAY their races in the tweets?", and lining up the "send her back" chants with an Olympic race was a great demonstration of how long Trump just stood there listening to it.

I convinced that if the president knew how to "dab," he would have been doing that during the chanting. I think the race footage was about 11-12 seconds long, including the recovery of the lead runners.

The Congressional stuff from a few days ago was cringeworthy. Funny to see Rep. Sean Duffy in Trevor's crosshairs. If you didn't know, he appeared on The Real World in 1997 and starred in the first season of what would be known as The Challenge. He met his future wife Rachel (RW: San Francisco), and they've had nine kids because they're religious and don't use birth control. Usually, I'd be okay with his presence in Congress . . . but I'd like someone in his district to step up and chop his ass down on Election Day like he was a redwood.

He also competed in lumberjack events prior to RW. I should have led with that.

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Great show tonight. The side-by-side of Trump waiting out the chant while Usain Bolt raced was inspired. How the hell can Trump say he quickly spoke? I know he lies as easily as he breaths, but, like Trevor said, has he forgotten about TV cameras? 

7 hours ago, angora said:

and President "if you're not happy here, leave" spending much of his first campaign lamenting that the U.S. has gone down the tubes - come on, his inauguration speech included the phrase "American carnage"!)

Right. Everyone runs for office in order to do things better. Everyone who campaigns lists things that are wrong and need fixing. Being critical of what's going on in the country does not make you unAmerican. If anything, it makes you more American because you can it to be great. I mean, didn't someone once say, Make American great again?

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I was a little puzzled seeing David Spade as the guest last night ... not Trevor's style. Then it dawned on me ... corporate synergy.

I enjoy Spade's humor on his old Showbiz Show and will be watching his new series. Wonder if he'll sit on his own set side-facing the guests? (He was playing to Trevor's audience but it was still odd to watch.) Funny to hear that Trevor's mother in 1990s South Africa liked Spade on Just Shoot Me -- most random reference ever.

On 7/19/2019 at 7:03 AM, Lantern7 said:

The Congressional stuff from a few days ago was cringeworthy. Funny to see Rep. Sean Duffy in Trevor's crosshairs. If you didn't know, he appeared on The Real World in 1997 and starred in the first season of what would be known as The Challenge. He met his future wife Rachel (RW: San Francisco), and they've had nine kids because they're religious and don't use birth control. Usually, I'd be okay with his presence in Congress . . . but I'd like someone in his district to step up and chop his ass down on Election Day like he was a redwood.

He also competed in lumberjack events prior to RW. I should have led with that.

I kept waiting for our beloved Trevor to make a reference or a joke, but is it weird that I was really shocked that there wasn’t an MTV/reality show reference to Duffy?

Those of us who recognized him aren’t THAT old. I’m not throwing shade at the TDS’s writers at all. If anything, their consistent deep dive research continues to educate me on topics I previously knew nothing about. For example, the comparison of time it would take Usain Bolt to win a medal vs the Cheeto in Charge’s pausing during a rally was sincerely fascinating!

Even if a writer didn’t recognize him, I’m a wee bit surprised that no one Googled him and wrote a hilarious joke about him. One can only wonder what could have been...😍

PS: I saw Trevor live in May. If you have the chance to see his arena tour, you have to go!  It’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a religious experience. 

Edited by Bridget
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15 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I have to ask: is "dude" a word used in England? At all?!?

Johnson was using it as a reference to his acronym for 'Deliver, Unite, Defeat' and then added 'Energize' because otherwise it would spell out DUD. So I think he was trying to make a lame joke not that it's used colloquially in the UK. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic

I never watched Don't Shoot Me or any of the Spade/Farley movies. I'm not sure what I've seen him in, but to me he'll always be the voice of Kuzco in Disney's The Emperor's New Groove. "No touchy. Noooo touchy."

I've been thinking more about recycling since hearing about so many unacceptable items being put in the "blue bin." It's confusing. I rinse stuff, but I've never washed anything. I'm not sure what the solution is except, as Trevor said, to not use plastic so much. That really takes a concentrated effort.

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That was a great Lewis Black segment. For quite a while now I haven't really enjoyed them.

I also liked when the correspondents' questions were inserted into Mueller's testimony. That was well done.

Cracked me up when Trevor was saying Trump won't ever leave office so as to avoid being charged. The Secret Service knocking on the door and then Trump saying, "No housekeeping!" was perfect.

As an Australian who doesn't believe any non-Aussie can do a successful Australian accent, I can say that Trevor's isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. (John Oliver's is better.) However, 'fanny pack' is not an expression we use - in Australian slang, 'fanny' is equivalent to, but not as rude as, the C-word. Instead of 'fanny pack', we say 'bumbag'.

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46 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

And I got the feeling Spade is using Trevor’s studio too. No?

I don't know where LOwDS (never too early for initials!) is filming. I'm thinking Hollywood.

Wait, so the twenty candidates were randomly assigned debates? My fear is that it's going to be a deal where Dracula is sleeping in his coffin, and those that would slay him wind up killing each other because they keep getting wedged getting into the room. Bernie waving his arms? That shit was funny.

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9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Wait, so the twenty candidates were randomly assigned debates? My fear is that it's going to be a deal where Dracula is sleeping in his coffin, and those that would slay him wind up killing each other because they keep getting wedged getting into the room. Bernie waving his arms? That shit was funny.

Like Three Stooges Syndrome from The Simpsons? Not that I'm saying the Democrats are like germs (maybe DeBlasio).

I LMAO’d when Trevor showed the clip of Booker saying to Biden, “you’re dipping into the koolaid and you don’t even know the flavor,” followed by “you know what’s cool about being black? You can just make up phrases and white people don’t even know if it’s real.” I’m half black and I remember that koolaid saying from wayyy back when in elementary school, so it brought back memories. 🤣 I haven’t heard anyone say that phrase in a long time.

Edited by Alexis2291
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