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S32.E11: You're the Worst


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I can't tell which of these idiots is fighting anymore. It's a blur to me at this point. If I see hair dye, I know it's Cara Maria. That's how inattentive I am these days.

To review: "Killer Kam" lets herself and Kayleigh down, and they go to Redemption Island House, where Kayleigh and Natalie fight over the whole "throwing of the clothes" thing from Vendettas. Fights break out at the Main House, and I don't remember who was involved, other than that I wasn't rooting for anyone at all. The gang actually competes in a terrifying mission involving making a rope bridge thousands of feet in the air. Tony & Johnny are the only ones to complete it, so we know next week is gonna suck a copious amount of ass. Sadly, some teams basically punk out, and Teege reads them the riot act. Under normal circumstances, I roll my eyes as Teege lips off . . . but, see, there are zero consequences for giving up this season. Second place is basically the same as last. Only the winners are safe from the vote, and everybody will throw out burn votes in order to not put up in an Armageddon. A bunch of testers managed to finish in ten minutes, and a few of them were shorter than Cara Maria? Good for them, but STFU, Lavin. Seriously. A trained monkey could do your job, given the people he'd have to deal with.

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Amanda and Ashley aren't the worst, they're just trash. I don't even know what was happening there. Cara Maria was doing, imo, a very mature thing letting Ashley know she wasn't mad, she was just hurt about the Kyle hook-up. And because Ashley knew she was in the wrong (she was hiding it from everyone in the house) she scrambled and tried to make Cara Maria look loony tunes. Seriously, this was the only time this season I was back Cara Maria up. I love that Marie surprisingly had her back because that pile on was just so stupid. What was Amanda's reasoning anyway? Ugh, I can't stand her. I was happy that none of the Lavender Ladies made it across that I didn't even mind that Bananas won.

The Natalie/Kayleigh sit down escalated so quickly. Like what?? Kayleigh was wrong to out Natalie, that shit's not cool no matter what.  And Natalie did swan around the house all dramatic and hurt over the Johnny hookup that happened before she and him even did anything. That line about feeling so insecure because Kayleigh is so pretty? Get out of here.

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1 minute ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Amanda and Ashley aren't the worst, they're just trash.

They're ALL trash! I can't even feel all that bad for Cara because she's so pathetic but I hate bullies so I was glad Marie stepped in and stood up for her partner. And didn't Cara say this season was going to be an all time great? WTH? It's going at a glacial pace, there is no one to root for and the damn Redemption House is shown more than the actual house and challenges. I'm in til the end but unless that ending involves Johnny getting his ass handed to him I'm going to be disappointed. Ugh. 

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I think Natalie is a useless POS with a grating voice and I think Kayleigh is also the same, except with a less grating voice (but harder to understand), but sorry, there is no good excuse or reason for outing a person. Why can't she just apologize and acknowledge that doing that was below the belt? You can still hate her, but insult something else about her instead. It's like a less severe shade of what Jeff Varner did on Survivor to Zeke a few years ago for being transgender, but it's just wrong, plain and simple. You just don't do that. On a nitpicky note, I was way too distracted by Kayleigh's visible tracks and Natalie's boobs which were so pushed up, it looked painful.

I don't like CM at all, however the Lavendar Ladies just need to shut up. It's embarrassing. 

Also I'm glad I don't have a fear of heights. The only time where I felt genuinely scared of being up high was when I was going up the cables of Half Dome because I didn't have enough confidence in my upper arm strength to be able to hold on to the ropes and not slide down slippery granite at a 45 degree angle, haha. I think this challenge seemed scarier because it was over a cliffside instead of water. The thought of hitting water is less frightening to me than hitting lots of jagged rocks. Even though I have a fear of deep bodies of water where I can't see the bottom and an irrational fear of sharks. (I could never ever do the night challenges underwater they've done in past challenges. TJ could bitch at me all he wants and I'd take it. Or I guess I would just be peeing in my wetsuit the whole time and crying which would fog up my goggles, so that wouldn't be good either, or vomiting which isn't a good idea underwater either. Would I rather be dead or have Teej think less of me? LOL.)

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
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This is not the episode you show little girls to inspire them about girl power.

Courage, maturity, grace, solidarity.

Yeah this episode had none of those things, not that any episode of the Challenge does.


Cara needs to spend some of her prize money and time on a therapist to understand why she’s crying over a lout like Kyle.

Why even have any conversation with Ashley?  Who wants to hear anything come out of that mouth?

Lavender Ladies just alienate everyone, even their own partners.  Joss was trying to cover Amanda’s mouth during the yelling match and Zack was mad at her too.  Then she talks trash about Cara’s performance and then proceeds to jump off.

Only thing they have going is numbers but they all suck.  I mean their performance in the challenges.  ;)


The challenge was interesting but favored the all male teams.  Brad and Kyle had the second best performance.  Davonne was the only female who did okay but she and her partner only got one.

I think the aftermath of the bickering affected teams, especially Zack and Amanda and Hunter and Ashley.

  • Love 4

I know some dudes will stick their penis in anything, but how did Kyle go from Cara and Faith to Ashley.  Yuck.  She is so gross and homely.  

Marie was surprisingly mature! I am glad she stuck up for Cara.  And Amanda wishing Cara's horse dies? Who does that.  Sick.   Horses are majestic and beautiful, I can see why Cara likes them.  Why is that dorky? Amanda must be jealous.  

Edited by Cherry Cola
  • Love 10

I don’t care for Cara Maria at all, although I felt bad for her being bullied. And I always keep in mInd that she was begging Paulie to “dump his loser girlfriend” and hook up with her.  So she awful in her own way too

i also don’t think she’s nearly as pretty as everyone says she is.

But I do need to know what lipstick she was wearing during the bullying,  it looked great on her and I think would look good on me as well.  Wish I good figure out how to post a screenshot on my phone.. 

Cara was definitely being bullied and Amanda was just vile.  She made it seem like she was just minding her business and Cara came at her. Joss's bed is not a bubble isolated from the rest of the world. Whether you were talking shit to her face or behind her back, YOU started it Amanda. Someone sticking up for themselves is not them looking for the drama. I didn't mind one bit how Zack spoke to her. Amanda needs to be told constantly to shut the fuck up because she's barely saying anything worth listening to. 

Ashley popping off was just so annoying to see. I wish someone would just wrap that ridiculous long hair around their hand and swing her until she goes flying somewhere and never to return to my TV screen. 

I was surprised by how mature Marie was about the fight and had Cara's back. Maybe it was purely because she realizes that her alliance doesn't really have her back strong, but at least she stood up for the right person in the situation. Lavender ladies talk a big game but as individuals, they aren't competitors, they just have numbers. Amanda would be gone already if she didn't have Zack for a partner. 

I don't even like Natalie but I thought she showed way more maturity and Kayleigh behaved like an idiot. 

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What a surprise, Ashley is crying and wants to quit.  I hope she does and takes her fellow crotchrocket Amanda with her.

I mean, Amanda was trashing Cara left and right but Cara started it?  Huh-wha?  Delusional harpy.

Cara does need to stop boo-hooing all over the place, that I do agree with because it must be EXHAUSTING, but that’s not worthy of the cackling hosebeasts chirping shit from the sidelines.

I’m not much a fan of Hunter but I can get behind his disdain of Ashley.

Also these assholes are making me root for John and Tony which is unforgivable.

Why on earth was Paul so hellbent on Natalie and Kayleigh talking?  He forced them to do it which is wrong wrong wrong.  There is nothing wrong with them continuing to hate each other, they were both wrong in what they did and there is no reason they need to pretend to be friends.

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So...laughing as other people throw someone's suitcase over the bannister is a mean thing to do that is is no way comparable with OUTING SOMEONE on social media. I'm disgusted that Kayleigh a) doesn't recognize this even after she has surely been spoken to by multiple people about it and b) seems to be more or less "getting away with it." I realize the social media exchange didn't happen on the show, but the fact that TJ (and therefore the show) took an anti-bullying stand last season on behalf of Kayleigh but is just treating her outing of a fellow competitor as another "he said she said" piece of drama is deeply uncomfortable to me.

I would also love to know how Kayleigh thought that talk was going to go. She acted like it was a sit-down for Natalie to apologize to her. What an unhappy person Kayleigh must be.


Cara Maria was doing, imo, a very mature thing letting Ashley know she wasn't mad, she was just hurt about the Kyle hook-up.

I agree. CM really wasn't coming at Ashley at all, and regardless of CM's own personal romantic history and what other women were impacted, in this specific situation she was clearly trying to approach Ashley as a friend and work it out with her. Ashley's reaction definitely suggested she felt guilt, IMO, but since she's another person who can never admit a misstep, she immediately became offensive and personally insulting. I'm not surprised that Amanda decided to involve herself, since her greatest love in life is seemingly screaming senseless obscenities at other women and then smugly stalking off like she's won something, but I totally agree with Zach about who she is as a person. Free Zach! Run, Joss, run! 

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 10

I am getting very tired of having to FF through all the stupid shit this show consists of every week.  Every time Ashley's awful face appears, I hit the button.  There was never a golden age for this show, but it does not seem to me that it dwelt on stupidity and foolishness to the lengths it does these days.  There just isn't enough challenge time and too much drunken screaming time.

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Well, I can’t tell if Marie is sincere in having Cara’s back, but she came out of that ridiculous “fight” as the only one who doesn’t have anything to be embarrassed about. 

Ashley didn’t hear a word Cara tried to say her at that bar ‘cause she feels guilty for sleeping with Kyle. Cara was sad and kind of pathetic, and, the thing is, she knows it, so she made sure to put it out there that she knows Kyle isn’t off limits ‘cause he’s single. She was just putting out there that it hurts even though she knows it shouldn’t. Ashley knows she alienated Hunter over it and now Cara is butthurt so she just lashes out. I’m glad she’s feeling the heat over it. 

Screw you, Amanda. “I’m just innocently sitting in my boyfriend’s bed all loud as hell so you can hear me trashing you.” I hope Cara takes you down hard. Drunkenly wishing someone’s animal dead. That is some evil shit. 

Outing someone isn’t the equivalent of being a gleeful bystander in the juvenile suitcase dumping escapade. So, fucking admit that you went beyond the boundary of rational payback. Does Kayleigh really not get that? 

As much as I now loathe the Lavender alliance, it makes me realize how much I despise Johnny because I would still rather see one of those lame ass challengers win than him. 

I cant believe I use precious DVR space on this show. I just can’t help myself. 

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I love how Ashley always fucking wants to quit over stupid shit. Why should Hunter trust her? And did Amanda forget that shit was talking shit about Cara Maria? She is just a fucking pathetic twit when numbers are on her side. Same with Ashley. Sit the fuck down girl you couldn't even tie one fucking rope because you were bitching about her arms then goes postal on Hunter. Someone just needs to smack her right in her fucking mouth and walk off saying fuck this shit.

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3 hours ago, toodywoody said:

I love how Ashley always fucking wants to quit over stupid shit. Why should Hunter trust her? And did Amanda forget that shit was talking shit about Cara Maria? She is just a fucking pathetic twit when numbers are on her side. Same with Ashley. Sit the fuck down girl you couldn't even tie one fucking rope because you were bitching about her arms then goes postal on Hunter. Someone just needs to smack her right in her fucking mouth and walk off saying fuck this shit.

You wrote what I would've written. 


I lost all the respect I had for Amanda after seeing the contradicting, pathetic little bitch she is. Man, I wish Cara would face her in an elimination!


I feel for Hunter being delt that unstable POS of a parter. SMH.

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I think I have an unpopular opinion in that I think Hunter is wrong, not Ashley.  I have no love for her, but she didn't owe him honesty on who she is or is not sleeping with. Yes, she lied, but he had no business asking in the first place.  So for him to act so bent out of shape is unfair.  You can't just ask me anything you want and expect total honestly no matter how private the question, and then deem me a terrible person if I don't tell you everything you want to know.  His sense of entitlement is off putting, especially because I don't believe he's actually as mad about the lie as what the lie was about - her sleeping with someone not him.  I can't stand her, but the way he's acting made me actually hope she would take her toys and go home, just to punish him.

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Cara was definitely being bullied and Amanda was just vile.  She made it seem like she was just minding her business and Cara came at her. Joss's bed is not a bubble isolated from the rest of the world. Whether you were talking shit to her face or behind her back, YOU started it Amanda. Someone sticking up for themselves is not them looking for the drama. I didn't mind one bit how Zack spoke to her. Amanda needs to be told constantly to shut the fuck up because she's barely saying anything worth listening to. 

Ashley popping off was just so annoying to see. I wish someone would just wrap that ridiculous long hair around their hand and swing her until she goes flying somewhere and never to return to my TV screen. 

I was surprised by how mature Marie was about the fight and had Cara's back. Maybe it was purely because she realizes that her alliance doesn't really have her back strong, but at least she stood up for the right person in the situation. Lavender ladies talk a big game but as individuals, they aren't competitors, they just have numbers. Amanda would be gone already if she didn't have Zack for a partner. 

I don't even like Natalie but I thought she showed way more maturity and Kayleigh behaved like an idiot. 


I'm not sure what Nelson and Joss see in Kayleigh and Amanda--they're both vile women. I hate that they made me defend Cara Maria and Natalie but so be it. Cara is clearly being bullied, including during the challenge. I was just sitting there thinking about how all these bitches were talking sh*t about Cara not moving during the challenge and wondering how quickly they would scream about the heights or quit because they couldn't do it. Hypocrites. It's gross. This show is just not worth it anymore. All the "villains" (aka lavendar ladies) do is complain, screech and bully. At least Johnny was interesting as the guy we all love to hate. Also, what is Sylvia's deal? I feel like she is just part of this group so she can fly under the radar. She doesn't seem overtly malicious like the people she surrounds herself with, it's just weird. 

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, esco1822 said:


I'm not sure what Nelson and Joss see in Kayleigh and Amanda--they're both vile women. I hate that they made me defend Cara Maria and Natalie but so be it. Cara is clearly being bullied, including during the challenge. I was just sitting there thinking about how all these bitches were talking sh*t about Cara not moving during the challenge and wondering how quickly they would scream about the heights or quit because they couldn't do it. Hypocrites. It's gross. This show is just not worth it anymore. All the "villains" (aka lavendar ladies) do is complain, screech and bully. At least Johnny was interesting as the guy we all love to hate. Also, what is Sylvia's deal? I feel like she is just part of this group so she can fly under the radar. She doesn't seem overtly malicious like the people she surrounds herself with, it's just weird. 

I'm guessing their interest is purely in what their eyes see and nether regions feel. If character and substance was on their list of important qualities in a woman, watching on Amanda in particular behaved would have been enough for Joss to have stepped up and called her out for her behaviour because there's no defending that.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

Also what they didnt show was Joss apparently dumped a bucket of water over Cara's head from the balcony when she was below talking to someone.  So that added to the fight.

Ugh I already started un-loving Joss when he hooked up with Amanda but this is it for me.  That is disgusting

Edited by Neveragain
Joss and Josh are not the same people!
  • Love 7

Goodness, these bitches. I really can't stand any of them. I'm not really fan of Cara or Natalie, but I felt for both of them this episode. Amanda's comment about hoping Cara's horse dies was unnecessarily cruel. 

My best friend came out to me (and only me) when we were 18. She didn't come out to her parents and the rest of her family/friends until 4 years later. I can't imagine anyone outing someone without their permission and not feeling some sort of remorse. These people are all awful. Why do I keep watching?!

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, esco1822 said:


I'm not sure what Nelson and Joss see in Kayleigh and Amanda--they're both vile women. I hate that they made me defend Cara Maria and Natalie but so be it. Cara is clearly being bullied, including during the challenge. I was just sitting there thinking about how all these bitches were talking sh*t about Cara not moving during the challenge and wondering how quickly they would scream about the heights or quit because they couldn't do it. Hypocrites. It's gross. This show is just not worth it anymore. All the "villains" (aka lavendar ladies) do is complain, screech and bully. At least Johnny was interesting as the guy we all love to hate. Also, what is Sylvia's deal? I feel like she is just part of this group so she can fly under the radar. She doesn't seem overtly malicious like the people she surrounds herself with, it's just weird. 

Sylvia doesn’t seem to have been an instigator, but you can see her screaming and flailing with the others in some of the shots. And she has just a lovely tweet responding to the backlash basically saying that “trash tv” viewers’ opinions of her behavior aren’t worth her time. So I’m actually going to rank Sylvia above Ashley (but below Amanda) on my list of people I hope never to see again on TV. I also noticed that in one shot you can see that Zach tried to hold Sylvia back (presumably from getting physically involved) and she freaked and broke away from him, leaving him with his hands up in an “appease the crazy person” gesture. 

And I cannot possibly imagine what Nelson sees in Kayleigh, especially after her ice cold treatment of him at the vendettas reunion. I’m still laughing at Zach’s face earlier this season when Nelson told him that he thought Kayleigh was like Jenna. Zach must watch this stuff and feel very affirmed in his recent life choices. 

I would love to know where Amanda works as a nurse that she doesn’t have professional consequences from this kind of behavior on television. 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, lasu said:

I think I have an unpopular opinion in that I think Hunter is wrong, not Ashley.  I have no love for her, but she didn't owe him honesty on who she is or is not sleeping with. Yes, she lied, but he had no business asking in the first place.  So for him to act so bent out of shape is unfair.  You can't just ask me anything you want and expect total honestly no matter how private the question, and then deem me a terrible person if I don't tell you everything you want to know.  His sense of entitlement is off putting, especially because I don't believe he's actually as mad about the lie as what the lie was about - her sleeping with someone not him.  I can't stand her, but the way he's acting made me actually hope she would take her toys and go home, just to punish him.

Why would he purposefully fail at a performance just to have a little pity party?  That was so dumb.   To me that does not equal a strong competitor.


I don't dislike Ashley but what the fuck was she wearing at the bar?

Not sure if this was addressed above, but Marie was in the bed with Kyle to stop Ashley from getting in there who was trying to fuck him again, probably to spite Cara Maria and Marie was having her back by getting into the bed first. They were not cuddling and Cara Maria and Marie agreed to let Marie continue to shit talk Cara Maria to the Lavenders to keep her spot with them and not lose that due to being partners with CM. 

So she knew what Marie was doing and was appreciative of it.  Despite their own issues Marie had her back.

On 9/20/2018 at 10:56 AM, Unclejosh said:

Also what they didnt show was Joss apparently dumped a bucket of water over Cara's head from the balcony when she was below talking to someone.  So that added to the fight.

Why didn't they show that?

23 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

Not sure if this was addressed above, but Marie was in the bed with Kyle to stop Ashley from getting in there who was trying to fuck him again, probably to spite Cara Maria and Marie was having her back by getting into the bed first. They were not cuddling and Cara Maria and Marie agreed to let Marie continue to shit talk Cara Maria to the Lavenders to keep her spot with them and not lose that due to being partners with CM. 

So she knew what Marie was doing and was appreciative of it.  Despite their own issues Marie had her back.

It's interesting how Cara and Marie's relationship has changed for the better. 

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Amanda and Ashley are both trash and absolutely vile. I hate seeing a person being bullied and just being ganged up on so my heart does hurt for Cara Maria because this is not the first time that it’s happened to her on this show. I’m surprised Shane didn’t jump in there too. At least, Cara Maria has learned to stand up for herself.

My conclusion with all this is that Cara Maria is a strong competitor and like Tony said, her resumé speaks for itself. Of course, the other girls are jealous of her, no doubt about that. Ashley and Amanda were talking trash about Cara’s performance during the challenge, but neither of them did much better. I wish they would just go home already especially Ashley since she’s ranting about wanting to go home yet again like every other season she’s been on. 

Regarding Natalie and Kayleigh, Natalie was wrong to stand back last season and watch Kayleigh’s stuff be thrown over the balcony, but Kayleigh outing Natalie on social media was unacceptable. She didn’t have a right to do that.

  • Love 2
On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:14 PM, Cherry Cola said:

I know some dudes will stick their penis in anything, but how did Kyle go from Cara and Faith to Ashley.  Yuck.  She is so gross and homely.  

Marie was surprisingly mature! I am glad she stuck up for Cara.  And Amanda wishing Cara's horse dies? Who does that.  Sick.   Horses are majestic and beautiful, I can see why Cara likes them.  Why is that dorky? Amanda must be jealous.  


I despise Amanda.  She swans around like the queen of the house, loudly bad mouths Cara - including an attack on her looks - then acts shocked, shocked I tell you, that Cara would attack her "unprovoked" (or whatever basic term Amanda used).  And to top it off, she hides in her "boyfriend's (fuck buddy's) bed as he holds her back.  It's only when she's backed up by her gang of bullies that she hops down and starts getting in Cara's face.  She's a nasty bitch, and as a fellow nurse, I fear for her patients.  

I actually dislike Amanda far more than Ashley, because Amanda has an education and an occupation and should know better.  Ashley has a win - no matter how dubious some find it - and more challenges under her belt to match that attitude.  Amanda has nothing but an apparently unfailing stiff dick to back her up.  Joss is tainted by Amanda and I may never get over it.

Edited by RedheadZombie
Believe it or not I do proof read before posting.
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