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Spoilers and Speculation

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Still, I think it'll be Glenn. They're setting up Maggie to lead the hilltop already and cut her hair just like in the comics. Oh, sweet Glenn. Please don't let it be so.

Maybe, but from a budget perspective, I don't see how the show can afford to maintain two large established sets in Alexandria and the Hilltop throughout the coming seasons.

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My family keeps asking me why I read spoilers for a show I like so much. I guess real life is uncertain and hard enough. When I know a rough episode is coming, like it is tonight, I spoil it for myself to ease the pain a bit. The Negan audio was proof in the puddin for me ( no, pun not intended for Carl), although what I heard on the audio is somewhat different than what others heard ( or don't want to hear). I am pre-morning the loss of one of my favorite characters....

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As time passes, I become less and less convinced that Daryl is the victim. Why give us the "shock" ending in last week's episode if they are to kill him this week instead? I am guessing that Daryl is injured but not gravely wounded (because Dwight is largely ineffective). 


As far as Glenn's fate...would Maggie suffer a miscarriage and become a widow in the same sequence of events? That seems unbearable. To me, its one or the other.


So Abe remains a possibility but its likely to push poor Sasha over the edge. She had her crisis of faith last season. Would she be able to cope with another loss?

I just read a breakdown of all the finale spoilers at TSDF forum and a new-to-me spoiler is about Abraham. He has a talk with Sasha. He "basically" says he's ready to settle down and have a kid with her. If this spoiler is true, it feels like one of those moments, you know?


I also checked a site that lists cast member appearances and Steven Yeun canceled his appearance at this weekend's walker stalker con in Denver. I wonder if that means anything.

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I would LOVE to be wrong, but i really feel like the show has been building to Glenn's death the same way it built to Rick-Michonne. I have especially thought this since last week when Glenn said something to Michonne about it was lucky we all got together, became a family, etc. Something like that -- I admit I was distracted by wine and the live chat-- but even if I imagined that exchange, it got me thinking anyway.


It was Glenn who first called out to Rick in that tank. It was Glenn who fell in love with Maggie and built the bridge to Hershel and family. It was Glenn (with Maggie) that Michonne first saw, out looking for baby formula before Merle intervened. It was Glenn who rescued Tara and first encountered and cooperated with Abe's army. It was Glenn reaching out to Alexandrians on runs, believing in them, and Glenn with Enid and with Heath during the Savior massacre.


Glenn is a solid cornerstone of this family -- always with resourcefulness, loyalty and common sense, and also mercy, love and hope. He is kind of the best of them, really. And he is a hardcore survivor, too, from Atlanta to killing a walker from duct tape and a chair in Woodbury, to being left behind ill at the prison, to the dumpster Houdini show and so much more. Taking him down is no easy thing.


This isn't about Negan sending a message only to Rick. It's a devastating message to the entire family. Thus, Glenn.


Although all the bat anvils could make that a misdirect! Really, though, I feel like for the narrative, it has to be Glenn -- or Maggie, in a twist to devastate Glenn. I feel like they've been sowing the seeds of her future leader development, though, and this will be brutal enough without a pregnant woman being killed. And Aaron's presence makes me think he's there to comfort her (was he the first to learn of the baby, in the tunnel episode)?


Maybe Daryl is just being macho over his gunshot wound?


PS -- any cliffhanger related to Negan's main victim would be so lame. I hope any cliffhanger would be more along the lines of what's next? Is Negan done for now or does someone else get killed/maimed? Is Maggie losing the baby? Etc.

Edited by EllenC
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Is there any last minute word that this may NOT be a cliffhanger?

According to someone at TSDF forums, 3 minutes have been added to the episode but no one knows if that is significant. With less than 2 hours to air, it looks like confirmation will only come after we've watched the episode.

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.. I love Daryl, but I think I would be relieved to be wrong and it be Daryl. And speaking of Daryl, his early banter with Glenn was early on the road of humanizing him/making him part of the group. Glenn is like everyone's brother. 

Ugh. I think I'm trying to talk my way through the stages of grief already.

Edited by EllenC
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The Spoiling Dead Fans posted a couple of tidbits on Tumblr. I'm on my phone so I'm having issues quoting properly:

The Saviors play some fun road games with Rick and Co.

Morgan says fuck it to his “no kill” policy when he must end a life to save another.

Even though we're at under 30 min, things are trickling out.

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Abraham's chat with Sasha reminded me of McBain's partner talking about his post-retirement plans. Talking about your long-term plans is the quickest way to get killed!

Also, not just Eugene but also Sasha and Rosita were in the lineup. All of Abraham's nearest and dearest...

I'm leaning away from Glenn because of his freakout over Maggie. If Negan kills him, it will look like he's punishing him for acting out.

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I miss the good ol' days when we would see the death happen in one episode, and we could process it right on the spot.  We didn't have to wait to see Andrea die.  She shot herself.  She died.  We didn't have to wait for Daryl to discover Walker Merle and kill him.  It happened in one episode.  We didn't have to wait for 2 episodes to see Shane die.... or Dale... or Hershel.  Even Beth -- she was shot and down she went.  There were still cliffhangers in every season, but, as far as the important deaths, we saw them and dealt with them in one episode each and were not left hanging. 


This season has been all about leaving us hanging... and they may think they are being clever by doing that, but I see a lot more comments around the Internet to indicate that people were not happy with this cliffhanger (or with DumpsterGate) than comments to indicate they were happy with it. 


Now I can't wait for the spoilers about who is seen filming!  Bring them on!

Edited by Sherry67
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They said on TD that there are hints, contrary to what I had thought, so maybe the slowed-down audio of the braining, which seems to contain a screamed "Glenn!" and a male voice saying "Mag--", is indeed telling.


Someone on Reddit--wait, where are you going?--pointed out that the Lucille victim POV shot wasn't the only POV shot of the episode. There was that recurring POV shot from the perspective of the Team Rick members locked up (Daryl, Glenn, Rosita, and Michonne). Could that be a clue?

Edited by Eyes High
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On Talking Dead I think they said their were clues. OK, Based on that and not the Zaprudering of the final because they said they took that into account I would venture to say Rick.


First clue is that Negan kidnapped the Jesus freaks and sent them back to kill their/the leader.

Second clue is that when brought before Negan he asked which one is the leader.

Third clue is that when Negan is giving instructions he said if anyone tries anything feed cut out and feed Carl's other eye to Rick.


But they could've littered this season with clues or planted facts that could be used to justify taking out just about anyone.

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They said on TD that there are hints, contrary to what I had thought, so maybe the slowed-down audio of the braining, which seems to contain a screamed "Glenn!" and a male voice saying "Mag--", is indeed telling.


I was just wondering about those hints too -- it was Kirkman who said that, right? 


Typically I would think that the newest, least important or least developed character of the group kneeling in front of Negan would be the one to end up getting Lucilled.  But I think it was Gimple who essentially said that they went the cliffhanger route because this -- what we saw tonight -- was the end of a story, and the next episode we see (Season 7 premiere) will be the beginning of a story. 


That little 'clue' Gimple gave -- piddly though it may be -- is the only thing making me think that someone major and important will be the dead one in October.  No offense to Aaron, but I don't think his death would really herald the beginning of a new story for the group.  He wasn't around long enough and he was not developed enough to make that big of an impact.   The death of someone major (like Glenn) would mean a new story for at least one person in the group (Maggie).  The death of Rick would, of course, mean a whole new story.  I think it will be one of the main, longtime characters/players.


Whatever the case, the cliffhanger is still annoying as hell.

Edited by Sherry67
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I was just wondering about those hints too -- it was Kirkman who said that, right? 


Typically I would think that the newest, least important or least developed character of the group kneeling in front of Negan would be the one to end up getting Lucilled.  But I think it was Gimple who essentially said that they went the cliffhanger route because this -- what we saw tonight -- was the end of a story, and the next episode we see (Season 7 premiere) will be the beginning of a story. 


That little 'clue' Gimple gave -- piddly though it may be -- is the only thing making me think that someone major and important will be the dead one in October.  No offense to Aaron, but I don't think his death would really herald the beginning of a new story for the group.  He wasn't around long enough and he was not developed enough to make that big of an impact.   The death of someone major (like Glenn) would mean a new story for at least one person in the group (Maggie).  The death of Rick would, of course, mean a whole new story.  One of the main players.


I agree. It needs to be someone big, and it needs to be someone whose death will propel new storylines. Glenn's death in the comics causes a serious rift between Rick and Maggie and launches her on her path to assuming leadership of Hilltop.


My only problem with Glenn getting killed off is that it will look like Negan's target selection wasn't random--that Negan was punishing Glenn for his freakout when Negan suggested putting Maggie out of her misery--and I had the impression it truly was random in the comics, that Negan would have killed anyone he picked (except maybe Rick, to avoid martyring him). Comic Negan had this whole bit where he mused over whom to kill off and initially discounted Glenn as well as everyone else, leading to his inability to decide that prompted the random selection.


If you watch the last POV shot before Daryl et al. are dragged from the vehicle, you can tell that the POV shot isn't Daryl, as he's the closest one to the front of the vehicle, and there's clearly a head in the lower left corner of the POV shot. That leaves Glenn, Michonne and Rosita. There's also a cut from one of the earlier POV shots to Rick and Maggie, for whatever that's worth.

Edited by Eyes High
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Well, after a lot of thought, I think I know who

is going to die in the season seven opener: Aaron. I mean, the character has only appeared a handful of times and I think the core actors have all signed on for another season.

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But I think it was Gimple who essentially said that they went the cliffhanger route because this -- what we saw tonight -- was the end of a story, and the next episode we see (Season 7 premiere) will be the beginning of a story. 


If that means they jump ahead to a new state of affairs, and don't show the reactions and aftermath of what happened tonight, it will be the biggest ripoff in tv history.  That would be totally unacceptable.  I will have to watch TDD later this week, because I thought I heard Lauren say they themselves wouldn't know until the new season started filming, so if that's true, then they didn't film anything else for that scene.

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If that means they jump ahead to a new state of affairs, and don't show the reactions and aftermath of what happened tonight, it will be the biggest ripoff in tv history.  That would be totally unacceptable.  I will have to watch TDD later this week, because I thought I heard Lauren say they themselves wouldn't know until the new season started filming, so if that's true, then they didn't film anything else for that scene.


I might be misquoting Gimple or just badly paraphrasing him, but it was something along those lines -- tonight's episode was the end of a story and then the next episode we see will be the start of a story. 


There had better not be another pesky time jump! 


IF the doomed person is Glenn, I suppose he could mumble a couple of incoherent words as he takes his final breath and Maggie would, of course, go into shock or start screaming.  But I really think that Gimple and company could have told the same story -- whatever story they are trying to tell -- by showing the death in tonight's episode, showing a moment of reaction from everyone, and then leaving us all to wonder for 6 months how they get away from Negan.  I guess there is some sort of method to their madness that I don't quite get.

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If you watch the last POV shot before Daryl et al. are dragged from the vehicle, you can tell that the POV shot isn't Daryl, as he's the closest one to the front of the vehicle, and there's clearly a head in the lower left corner of the POV shot. That leaves Glenn, Michonne and Rosita. There's also a cut from one of the earlier POV shots to Rick and Maggie, for whatever that's worth.

I'm going to go with Glenn. People were pissed that Denise, now a lesbian was killed in place of Abraham. If they killed Aaron after they'd get rekt. The 100 recently killed a lesbian character who is leaving for another roll and there was so much backlash that the Maybeline advertisers pulled their advertising and had them placed on other shows because the Bury the Gays trope is horrible.


AMC did a cliffhanger for more cash, they obviously want a month or two to judge who will be killed. If you're placing Glenn against two women of color, he's going to be killed cause he's a guy. Sadly, they're going to start filming in June and that shit is going to spoiled long before October.



I might be misquoting Gimple or just badly paraphrasing him, but it was something along those lines -- tonight's episode was the end of a story and then the next episode we see will be the start of a story. 

This was damage control. Simple as that, lots of people were pissed. Rightfully so, despite not liking Fear the Walking Dead I might tune in for the aftershow to see if they continue to damage control. Was anyone really excited by this season premiere and them moving cars for a long time? It wasn't that exciting.

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So, who were the knights in shining armour who showed up to help Carol and Morgan in the finale?

My understanding from all the spoilers I read is that they are from The Kingdom and they are enemies of the Saviors. I was pleasantly surprised when the spoiler I'd read about the armored guy offering to help Carol played out on screen. It was refreshing. Takes knight-in-shining-armor to a new level. And while I agree with a poster in the episode thread about Morgan's actions practically being a declaration of love, I have to say it could be fun to see Carol hook up with a young "knight" on a horse.


I assume one of the new stories we'll see in season 7 is Morgan and Carol meeting

Ezekiel and his tiger (?)

, and introducing the surviving Alexandrians to the members of The Kingdom. 


I'm not loving the whole "tonight a story has ended and a new story will begin in season 7" since I feel the writers gave us "hints" about everyone. There are only a few people who don't have stories to end: Aaron, Rosita, Eugene, Daryl and maybe Carl. Does that mean they're safe?


Abe and Sasha: When I read the spoiler about Abe telling Sasha he's ready to do what Glenn and Maggie are doing, I thought that spelled Doom. But it can also be the start of a story for them since they both had lost hope.


Rick and Michonne: They've found happiness, so does that mean their stories are over? It could also mean Rick's humbling is the end of his story as a leader and season 7 is the start of his story as someone who has to regain his family's trust and respect.

I think I read Andrea is about to leave him in the comics when he admits he hasn't given in to Negan but wants everyone to think he has. he's going to fight.

To me, there's still so much story for Rick. I'd be heartbroken to learn AL decided not to renew his contract.


Glenn and Maggie: Is their story over? Is the new Maggie story a story that can only be told if she's a widow?


One reason I dreaded a cliffhanger like this one is because I have a feeling no one is safe right now. I wouldn't be surprised to learn the cast doesn't know who the victim is either. I bet that's why they were all really upset when they read the script.

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I haven't watched it yet. I fell asleep before 5pm, feeling totally exhausted, and opened my eyes and rushed off the couch to make sure it was recording, just in case I do want to watch - then fell asleep again. I've already seen who was on Talking Dead, which makes me think that it was Daryl. (Heard about the cliffhanger, on facebook.) Unless they deliberately brought him on TD, to throw people off. 

I did think I saw Morgan shooting a gun, though!! To protect Carol. 

Edited by Anela
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My understanding from all the spoilers I read is that they are from The Kingdom and they are enemies of the Saviors. I was pleasantly surprised when the spoiler I'd read about the armored guy offering to help Carol played out on screen. It was refreshing. Takes knight-in-shining-armor to a new level...


...One reason I dreaded a cliffhanger like this one is because I have a feeling no one is safe right now. I wouldn't be surprised to learn the cast doesn't know who the victim is either. I bet that's why they were all really upset when they read the script.


I have not read the novels so I know nothing about the Kingdom but its an element of the story that *may* bring me back next year.  I love the idea of survivors wearing armor. And, so far, they appear to have a shred of humanity.


As far as the cast "not knowing"...I just posted a comment about this in the TD thread. Production begins in a few weeks. Scripts are written. Isn't it highly unlikely that the cast doesn't know the identity of the victim? 

Edited by Ellaria Sand
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I honestly don't care who Negan killed. I'm excited for King Ezekiel and his big, fluffy kitty.

I don't know who that is. I'm halfway through the episode now, so I guess he shows up soon.

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I thought the episode was mediocre. the last 15 minutes or so was exciting, but, the rest seemed like drawn out filler. I hate what they are doing to Carol. Rick made very little effort to say anything- surely, there are at least a few of Negan's men that are there for self preservation but may still have a conscience. He could have begged for them to help Maggie because she is pregnant, and not even an attempt to reason with any ( come join us, you don't have to do his dirty work, you've lost your humanity, etc). The whole 2nd half of the season in retrospect feels like gobbledegook to confuse us with clues about who got Lucille'd. Gimple's a turd, Kirkman is a pompous ass, and Chris Hardwick kisses both their asses. Booooooooo!

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This season has been all about leaving us hanging... and they may think they are being clever by doing that, but I see a lot more comments around the Internet to indicate that people were not happy with this cliffhanger (or with DumpsterGate) than comments to indicate they were happy with it.


Completely agree with this, and thanks for reminding me that they have NOT gone the cliffhanger route in most instances until this season. With the Glenn fakeout I had developed kind of an "they always do this" mentality and they really don't. Until now--which is so frustrating. I want to mourn. I want to think about Maggie officially losing her ENTIRE family and maybe her baby and wondering if she even wants to live. I want Rick to go crazy because he fucked up the plan and people died. Again. I want to think about cowed Rick succumbing to living under Negan's brutality to keep his people alive. And I can't, because the thought I'm left with is still "Who died?" (That said, I'd be shocked if it's not Glenn. But still. I want to know for sure so I can begin to process my delicate feelings).

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I admit, I'm no film historian.

Here's my take on cliff-hangers. Back in the old days, they'd make serials with recurring characters. Most were westerns. The audience would come back every Saturday. One Saturday the episode might end with Luke and his girlfriend trying to escape the bad guys in a wagon. The camera would pull back to show they were heading to a sheer cliff. The episode would end with the wagon going off the cliff. Then the audience would return next Saturday to see how in the world Luke and his girlfriend escaped certain death. Turns out they jumped off the wagon just as it was going over the cliff, but you didn't see that in last Saturday's episode. Okay, the first time you see that, you go "Cool." But, over the years, it got beat to death (pun intended).

Then soap operas picked up on it.

Then other shows started using it. Who killed JR? Of course, need I point out Dallas was a soap opera.

Sure there are times when as a device it can be effective. Like the Terminus plot.

But in this episode it was just a cheap manipulative ploy, which, when you rely stop and think about it, is the definition of "cliff hanger."

Cheap and manipulating. It cheapens the show and it makes the audience feel manipulated.

Edited by JackONeill
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I haven't watched it yet. I fell asleep before 5pm, feeling totally exhausted, and opened my eyes and rushed off the couch to make sure it was recording, just in case I do want to watch - then fell asleep again. I've already seen who was on Talking Dead, which makes me think that it was Daryl. (Heard about the cliffhanger, on facebook.) Unless they deliberately brought him on TD, to throw people off. 

I did think I saw Morgan shooting a gun, though!! To protect Carol.

Yeah, I saw Norman Reedus on TD. Here's my take: he was there to tout his new show, pure and simple. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he still likes TWD. Maybe it's just the mood I'm in.

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The only two people I think are out are Carl and Rick, considering Negan's comments to feed Carl's other eye to Rick if anyone reacted to who he was bashing in. If he was currently turning Rick's head into hamburger meat, there'd be no logical reason to make that comment. 


Also can't see it being Michonne, as I feel like they'd have at least given her a line in the finale if it was indeed going to be her final moment. Would be pretty sad if she sat the entire episode out only to show up in the last ten minutes for no dialogue and to get her head bashed in.


I also agree with the poster above that if it's Glenn, it looks like Negan is doing it in retaliation for his earlier freak out, so I don't see it being him either. But it does follow the comics, so there is a possibility.


My money would be on Abraham or Eugene, with an outside chance of Daryl. 

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I honestly don't care who Negan killed. I'm excited for King Ezekiel and his big, fluffy kitty.


Agreed.  At one point in the season, I would have been upset if it was Darryl or Glenn.  Now, after that crappy finale, I don't care anymore and hope that Negan kills all of them.

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I'm thinking that the one killed would be whoever's POV is in the van? It wouldn't make sense to switch to another POV in the same episode. Then again they aren't above cheap gimmicks. I was thinking it was Daryl since he seems to be the only one of the 4 who would be going in and out of consciousness earlier in the episode due to being shot and blood loss.

Then I thought of the prior episode we get his blood on the camera after he was shot and we hear Dwight. That looked like it could be from Glenn or Michonne's POV(outside chance, since they seemed to far away though). Are those 3 POV's the same person?

Edited by peacefrog
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Hopefully, it's okay to post this here. Here's a link to Forbes. They discuss 5 ways to make TWD better (very interesting comments). Also, within the article there's a link to a review of last night's episode.


Thanks for the link. I liked some of the writer's points, especially 3. Either here, or in an article, I read the show gets decent cutbacks(?) in Georgia, and it would be expensive for them to go to DC, or anywhere else to start filming. And I remember thinking that's too bad because I'd like them to start traveling again. I'd like to see them come upon different locales, and meet different people (good, bad, crazy, dangerous, generous) and kill walkers along the way.


I mean, I know many viewers want to see main characters die, and often argue there must be death during the apocalypse, but I do wish we could have a show with 7 or 8 characters (Rick, Carl, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Carol) traveling to California, or wherever. I wasn't wild about Alexandria when they arrived and I still don't like it (though I really like Aaron and I liked Denise), and I definitely don't like Hilltop (I don't get the Jesus love), and I just don't find our gang that interesting when they're in these communities with loads of expendable people.


I also think he makes a great point about survival. Though I enjoyed "The Next World", the stuff with Jesus was ridiculous. Rick and Daryl did not act like men desperate to get food, etc. to their community. Following Jesus around was stupid and beneath them.


And now it looks like we're going to meet another community next season with The Kingdom. While I'm looking forward to a group of people wearing armor, it's also another community.


I'm thinking that the one killed would be whoever's POV is in the van? It wouldn't make sense to switch to another POV in the same episode. Then again they aren't above cheap gimmicks. I was thinking it was Daryl since he seems to be the only one of the 4 who would be going in and out of consciousness earlier in the episode due to being shot and blood loss.

Then I thought of the prior episode we get his blood on the camera after he was shot and we hear Dwight. That looked like it could be from Glenn or Michonne's POV(outside chance, since they seemed to far away though). Are those 3 POV's the same person?




I wondered this, too, but haven't rewatched the episode to look for clues. There are voices during these POV van scenes, but I didn't pay much attention while watching the episode live.

Edited by slade3
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 I'd like them to start traveling again. I'd like to see them come upon different locales, and meet different people (good, bad, crazy, dangerous, generous) and kill walkers along the way.


I mean, I know many viewers want to see main characters die, and often argue there must be death during the apocalypse, but I do wish we could have a show with 7 or 8 characters (Rick, Carl, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Carol) traveling to California, or wherever.


That show is called Z Nation.  :-)

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I'm thinking that the one killed would be whoever's POV is in the van? It wouldn't make sense to switch to another POV in the same episode. Then again they aren't above cheap gimmicks. I was thinking it was Daryl since he seems to be the only one of the 4 who would be going in and out of consciousness earlier in the episode due to being shot and blood loss.

Then I thought of the prior episode we get his blood on the camera after he was shot and we hear Dwight. That looked like it could be from Glenn or Michonne's POV(outside chance, since they seemed to far away though). Are those 3 POV's the same person?


I'm thinking a lot about this, too. Of course, it leads me back to my original thoughts from earlier in the thread that Glenn indeed would be the victim. : )  I don't know why I don't think Daryl -- maybe only because it feels like they've gone to pains to set up something with Daryl and Dwight that doesn't feel finished. Wouldn't be the first time, though!


There certainly was a lot of emphasis on Abe/Eugene last night, and recently, so it wouldn't shock me if one of them were the victim. (It also wouldn't shock me if all that was about making them more front and center, and tied to Rick, in what's coming next.) Anyone else would. So I guess I get to ponder POV and the Last Day on Earth chatter and how that applies to various characters (even those who weren't part of it), and whose death is most likely to drive future storylines, for several months. BLAH.


I actually think Glenn's initial reaction to cry out toward Maggie being threatened could be a reason he WOULD be chosen -- it let Negan know that those 2 have a strong connection, if he didn't already know -- and many of the others there were there because they were trying to help Maggie. Thus, killing Glenn makes an impact, no pun intended.

Edited by EllenC
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If the POV was consistently the same person, then it can't be Daryl that dies. The POV where the van door opens, you can clearly see Daryl's head rise up from slumping down. From the proximity and angle, it could almost be Michonne, as she was sitting right behind Daryl in the van.

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Hopefully, it's okay to post this here. Here's a link to Forbes. They discuss 5 ways to make TWD better (very interesting comments). Also, within the article there's a link to a review of last night's episode.



Nice article. I may not agree with all of it but the author clearly spent time thinking about the show and how it can be made better (which may be more than Gimple/Kirkman are doing). Here is what resonated with me:


I want to know these characters well enough to feel betrayed by them, to feel triumphant for them, to care about them. I want to see it coming, to some degree, when a character screws things up for the rest of the group, or goes out and surprises us with self-sacrifice. Not everything can be shock and awe and gruesome deaths (though they belong here, too.) Not every ending can be a cliffhanger.


What we do need is a show that lets characters drive it forward, whose actions can all be traced back to their beliefs, flaws, and compromises.


Character motivations - what a concept! We get bits and pieces of it but nothing consistent. At this point, the characters should drive the story not the reverse.


And I guess this is what we have to look forward to for the next six months - http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-star-doesnt-know-880340

The actors claiming that they don't know who the victim is. By now someone was surely been told, "oops, guess what, your services are no longer needed."

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I'm thinking that the one killed would be whoever's POV is in the van? It wouldn't make sense to switch to another POV in the same episode. Then again they aren't above cheap gimmicks. I was thinking it was Daryl since he seems to be the only one of the 4 who would be going in and out of consciousness earlier in the episode due to being shot and blood loss.

Then I thought of the prior episode we get his blood on the camera after he was shot and we hear Dwight. That looked like it could be from Glenn or Michonne's POV(outside chance, since they seemed to far away though). Are those 3 POV's the same person?


I forgot about the inside-the-van POV between last night and now, and yet I know that I thought it was interesting that we were seeing those scenes while the episode was unfolding.  You're right -- it doesn't seem to make much sense to switch to a totally different person's POV in the same episode after they have gone to the trouble of showing us those van POVs.


So, really, my feelings about who got the bat are pretty much exactly the same as they were before the episode aired!  Nothing has changed.   Morgan had been one of my initial choices, but when spoilers revealed that he was with Carol during the episode then he was immediately ruled out.  My other three picks for who would be Lucilled were already Glenn, Daryl or Abraham, and originally I thought that Daryl had a slight edge.  Abraham's story is advancing at a quick pace, though, which would seem to indicate certain death.   The only reason I would veer away from Abraham being the Lucille victim at this point is because he was not in the van.


But the van POV -- and the fact that this death would start a new story, or have a lasting effect on the group -- points to Glenn or Daryl.  One of them is "taking it like a champ."  When Dwight shot Daryl and said "You'll be all right," we were to assume that Daryl had blacked out.  So that fading-in-and-out-of-consciousness POV in the van would make sense. Although I agree with EllenC that it seems like there is more story to tell with Dwight and Daryl.


I tend to not think that Lucille will kill Michonne or Rosita.

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La la la, I am putting my fingers in my ears and not hearing anything suggesting Michonne could be the victim, la la la la. Even though it just popped in my mind the way Rick was staring at the RV bullet holes -- and could that connect somehow to a victim who was in the van with bullet holes.


And ludicrous, creating a cliffhanger in a way that means you can't even tell the actors? Someone will have to get that 'BTW, you're out of a job' call pretty soon? Maybe the one does know.

Edited by EllenC
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Didn't they not show Eugene during eeny, meeny, miny, moe? 

I thought I saw him and that they took pains to show everybody. But, it was interesting that they took a moment to pass off the bullet plans so that everyone would know that he doesn't have to survive.


Plot-wise, the two that make the most sense are Glenn and Abraham. Big enough characters to be believable targets, not necessary to future comics plots, and not named Daryl.  The one thing that makes me doubt that it will be Glenn in the end is that I can't believe that they want to deal with fan reaction when everyone realizes that the show made us wait weeks to confirm that he wasn't dead and then months to confirm he was dead.  "Schrodinger's Glenn" is a bad joke, not a good way to tell a story.  (Also, I will go to my grave saying that the audience would like Morgan more if the cheesemaker episode had happened after Glenn was proved alive, rather than immediately after his fake death.)

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Yeah, even though storywise, it makes complete sense to me for it to be Glenn, Dumpstergate is the one thing that does make me doubt it. I would feel really badly for Steven Yeun AGAIN, again with the fans wondering, the no immediate emotional payoff from other characters and now no job (after wondering about THAT since filming ended in November?). "You want me to show up to set for a few weeks to throw off the spoilers? Are you joking?"

Edited by EllenC
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