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Spoilers and Speculation

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I thought that we might be better off having a separate thread for people who want to speculate without spoilers. If so I guess someone can create that.



Connor: I'm still in shock over that Walking Dead finale! I can't believe we have to wait ‘til October to find out what's next. Got anything to hold me over?

Our gang may have been in a tight-spot when we last left them, but Rick and Co. are going to be recruiting as many people as possible in order to get revenge on those man-eating freaks who run Terminus. One of the allies we're most excited to meet is 17-year-old Burton. He may be young, but he's already suffered great tragedy when lost his leg. Luckily Burton does not let his disability keep him down, and his positivity is infectious to everyone else around him.

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Yay, spoilers! Theoretically I'd love to remain unspoiled but when it comes down to it, I can't stay away.

So is it confirmed that they are cannibals? I saw a few comments from the showrunners that they purposely didn't show that piece and that we need to wait to see what's really up with Terminus.  I mean, I can't imagine it's anything different, just curious because I haven't been following.

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Yay, spoilers! Theoretically I'd love to remain unspoiled but when it comes down to it, I can't stay away.

So is it confirmed that they are cannibals? I saw a few comments from the showrunners that they purposely didn't show that piece and that we need to wait to see what's really up with Terminus.  I mean, I can't imagine it's anything different, just curious because I haven't been following.

I'm thinking cannibalism might be only one of the reasons why Terminus is a Bad Bad Place.  I have a hunch that Beth was taken by a group that wants to repopulate the earth by kidnapping and imprisoning women.  I have nothing to back me up on this, it's just a guess.  I could see this being part of Terminus, though - the people that aren't wanted there are eaten, while the most desirable are used to breed more.

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Chase Vasser, the former University of Georgia footballer, has bagged a role on "The Walking Dead" Season 5. He tweeted about the same on April 3. New characters on the show mean more excitement. Also, "The Walking Dead" creator expressed his desire to recruit "Mad Men" star Jon Hamm as bad-a** villain Negan.

On April 3, Chase tweeted, "Just got word from my agent that I landed a role for SUITS next season. Also have audition for The Walking Dead! #blessed #killingmyself."

Later he confirmed via Twitter that he is now a part of "The Walking Dead" Season 5 cast.

"It's Official! Tune in on Oct 13th on AMC for The Walking Dead! #cannibaltwist," tweeted Chase.

Chase also admitted that he had never watched a single episode of "The Walking Dead." However, he might be ready to go for a "TWD" marathon soon.

Comicbook.com noted that Chase mentioned October 13 as the date, but it was the season premiere date in 2013. It is possible that Chase wanted to convey that he is in "The Walking Dead" Season 5 premiere episode. AMC has not yet announced the official air dates for Season 5 of "The Walking Dead."

Chase is not the first UGA footballer to land a role on the show. IronE Singleton appeared as T-Dog and Hines Ward played the character of a zombie in "The Walking Dead."


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Just read an interesting article that discussed how--in the comic-- Rick and his group stopped in his original hometown before going to D.C. Could that be where--on the TV show-- we finally see Morgan again? (my own wish to have Morgan join them).

Also, a suggestion was made that the "SURVIVE" poster hinted at Father Gabriel's entrance on the show (with the church window)...anyone know about this being true or not?


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I don't know it to be true, but it would make sense at this point in the story for Gabriel to enter. They're currently without a moral center since Hershel's death, so he would be a welcome source of light.

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News today says MMB seen being filmed by the fence of Terminus...which a lot of people predicted, but who knows how it figures in the story. Also said crew preparing a "blood-splatter, reinforced door"...whatever that means.

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According to The Spoiling Dead, a FB group with a number of members in the Atlanta area that follows filming locations, TWD is filming now in and around Griffin, GA.  The Terminus set is still being used, as are some houses in Griffin.  It sounds as though just about all of the regulars have been seen on set; I don't recall seeing any mention of Rosita, Abraham, or Eugene, though I may have just missed the mention.  There was some worry as Steven Yuen (Glenn) wasn't seen until very recently, but he's been there.  Judith doesn't seem to have been seen yet, but as there are laws about filming with babies, maybe most of Judith's scenes are scheduled back-to-back-to-back later on?  

Edited by eejm
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The spumor on the TWD forums is that Glenn has been killed off. Crushing for me if true.


I saw that too.  It seems as though there has been an equal number of people (supposedly) on the inside who have said that he's been killed off and that he's still alive.  I don't know what to believe, but I'll admit I don't want any of the core group to die.  :(

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Crap. I still love Glenn a ton, even if I found Seasons 1-3 Glenn more compelling than season 4 Glenn. I was hoping for more retro Glenn in season 5! I just might get my wish, then BAM.

Edited by dannymoon
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If it is true, I hope that Glenn goes out like the badass that he is. My favorite Glenn scene is when he took out the walker tied to the chair in Woodbury. The man is a warrior.

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I worried for Maggie when they burned her pic saying they didn't need a picture since they were together and never splitting up again.  I figured she wasn't long for the world when that happened because it just seemed like a neon flashing "foreshadowing" sign.  But I suppose it could be Glenn, which totally sucks because he's definitely a warrior.  The most even-keeled character on the show.  

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I was hoping, as there are enough indications that the group will be heading north, that Glenn would be along. He would be able to resurrect his Glenn-the-Urban-Supply-Scrounger persona.

I hope we aren't going to see Glenn die and then Maggie discover she is pregnant. That would be way too Lifetime Network...but after Daryl and Beth at the funeral home, anything might happen.

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From what I can gather from TWD forums they are filming episode three now. It is so soon to kill off a major character, but it has been done before. I can't imagine that Maggie will be pregnant if Glenn dies. Judith is already one baby too many.

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I am so upset about the rumours of Glenn's death.  Yet Beth lives on!?!!?  I had a feeling something was up when Maggie made him burn her picture but I thought it was Maggie who was future walker-chow. 


From Steven's point of view though, I can see why he would want to leave.  He's received as much mileage out of TWD that he's going to get, he's a young, talented guy with a great future ahead of him if he strikes while the iron is hot. 


If it is true, it's going to be interesting to see what they do with Maggie.  She's a young, good-looking White woman so that means she can't be on her own for too long.  That's reserved for the older women and the women of colour.  I'm wondering if she might take over comic book Andrea's role.

Edited by mightysparrow
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SimoneS: Yes, Judith is still there, but Maggie could be pregnant and not have the baby...this show likes to have people espouse a certain point of view, only to have the irony of going back on that principle later. Maggie memorably threw the packet at Lori "Here's your ABORTION PILLS!"...but she'd never been put in the position of bringing a child into a ZA world (which, BTW, is far far worse now than it was at the farm when Lori realized her pregnancy.)

Rick believed you have an obligation to help people, even saying they couldn't leave Merle on the roof because you wouldn't do that to an animal...ended up driving past a man begging for help (Back-pack Guy), standing back while Eyeglasses Guy was attacked.

Glenn saved Rick the stranger from the tank because he believed in some karmic way, maybe someone would help him someday. Then he became the man who said he'd sacrifice any number of other people's lives to keep his group alive.

I'm not criticizing those choices, just pointing out that we all have our armchair ethics/scruples/moral compass---until we are really tested and that's when we start understanding the opposite point of view.

I could see it being another metamorphosis--like Carl, Daryl, Carol, etc.---for Maggie to face the horrible choice: bring a baby into Hell on earth to keep Glenn's child, her only remaining known family and part of Glenn just to be responsible for a traumatic infancy and possible cruel death. Or having to find a grotesque way to end the pregnancy.

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From Steven's point of view though, I can see why he would want to leave.  He's received as much mileage out of TWD that he's going to get, he's a young, talented guy with a great future ahead of him if he strikes while the iron is hot. 


If it is true, it's going to be interesting to see what they do with Maggie.  She's a young, good-looking White woman so that means she can't be on her own for too long.  That's reserved for the older women and the women of colour.  I'm wondering if she might take over comic book Andrea's role.


I don't buy for a second that Steven or any actor would want to leave TWD. These actors are not big names and this is a steady high profile well paying acting jig. The show also only films for part of the year allowing them to easily do other work. All the actors who have left have made it clear in a various ways that they were fired and would have like to have stayed. If Glenn was killed off, then I don't doubt that Steven was fired.


Re Magge: I can see her hooking up with Rick eventually if Glenn dies. I think he has tons of chemistry with Michonne, but that is never going to happen.

Edited by SimoneS
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I don't buy for a second that Steven or any actor would want to leave TWD. These actors are not big names and this is a steady high profile well paying acting jig. The show also only films for part of the year allowing them to easily do other work. All the actors who have left have made it clear in a various ways that they were fired and would have like to have stayed. If Glenn was killed off, then I don't doubt that Steven was fired.

TWD is definitely a good gig.  But Steven is a young man and he may not want to spend his life being the guy who was on TWD.  The endless round of comic-cons and meet and greets that actors and former actors get on has a definite 'Galaxy Quest' air to it.  Actors who haven't been on the show for several years or who had pretty tiny parts are on the circuit.  It pays well and keeps the ego stroked but if you're a young guy, you might want more for your career than that.  Better to get out while the show is still on top.

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If Steven is out, he may not be broken up about it, but I haven't heard anywhere that he asked to be offed.  The only one who did that was DeMunn, and then he changed his mind but it was too late.  Maybe Steven wants to go on to greener pastures, but I haven't heard or seen any indication that that's the case.  He DOES have a couple movie projects lined up, but those are easily done during breaks in shooting.  Hell, Reedus will be filming Triple Nine at the same time as TWD (granted, both are in the Atlanta area, so it'll be easier).  Getting let go would give him opportunities, but I doubt he asked for it (if the rumors of Glenn's demise are true).

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Of course TWD is a great gig for ANY actor and I'm sure that if and when Glenn gets killed off, Steven Yeun won't burst into laughter, shout 'later suckas' and flash a peace sign.  But Steven is a young actor and probably has ambitions beyond the show, so if he does get written off, it probably won't be the end of his world.


I, for one, will be devastated if Glenn is killed (and Beth lives on).  I think having an Asian-American male as a lead actor on a series is incredible.  Especially when the Asian-American character is a badass and the only man getting laid on the regular.  Glenn will be missed.

Edited by mightysparrow
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There really aren't many greener pastures for Asian American actors than the role Steven Yeun has currently got on TWD.  


Unfortunately true which is I am really hoping that this rumor about Glenn's demise is wrong.

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I hope they don't kill off Glenn.  He's a great character who brings something different from the rest of the cast - he started off as the pizza delivery boy who could get around Atlanta to the errand guy who everyone else bossed around (Lori) to the maturing young man who fell in love and fought off a zombie while tied to a chair.


He's also the only Asian American character on the show.  I've read that Atlanta has a significant Asian population but, in four seasons of the main group traveling throughout that area, Glenn is the only Asian person we've seen.  That's not realistic.  


I doubt very much that Steven is looking to get off the show.  I've heard that it's very tough for Asian actors to get cast as a main character on a tv show and especially to get cast as an American.  They usually get cast as an immigrant or foreigner with an accent, or as a martial arts villain, or (if female) as a prostitute or submissive damsel in distress.


Quite frankly, I'm tired of the current trend of tv shows killing off main characters for shock value.

Edited by tv echo
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Quite frankly, I'm tired of the current trend of tv shows killing off main characters for shock value.


I agree very strongly with you about this.  The opposing argument that always seems to come up with regard to TWD is that "This is a zombie show!  Everyone must die!  That's what makes this show special/cool/different/etc." 


I kind of get this perspective, but at the same time, I'm not sure I can stick with the show if the only long-term survivors are Rick and Carl.  


There's already too much hype in the media around "who will be next?" and too many viewers looking for clues in the episodes about who will die next (e.g., sudden character development -> death; redemption death arcs, etc.).  I know it's the ZA, but I want the show to be about more than the eventual death of every character.  (But maybe I'm just watching the wrong show, then--?)

Edited by fitzfrog
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My personal opinion, and I started feeling this way at the end of last season, is that the core group is pretty "safe."  And when I say core, I mean everyone who's still with us from the first season (there aren't all that many, you know) PLUS Maggie and Beth.  I think the show's brought in some new characters (Bob, Sasha, Tyrese and others coming this season) who can fill the Dead-Man-Walking role.  I think the show's producers will keep the core intact unless a salary dispute arises or the ratings start to slip or maybe, just maybe, have one killed (or placed in jeopardy at mid-season, only to find out that they were killed when the season starts back).

Edited by JackONeill
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My personal opinion, and I started feeling this way at the end of last season, is that the core group is pretty "safe."  And when I say core, I mean everyone who's still with us from the first season (there aren't all that many, you know) PLUS Maggie and Beth.  I think the show's brought in some new characters (Bob, Sasha, Tyrese and others coming this season) who can fill the Dead-Man-Walking role.  I think the show's producers will keep the core intact unless a salary dispute arises or the ratings start to slip or maybe, just maybe, have one killed (or placed in jeopardy at mid-season, only to find out that they were killed when the season starts back).


I think the only characters who are likely safe until the actors want to leave are Rick, Carl, Michonne, and Daryl. 


I think Andrea would have been in that group too if season 3 hadn't obliterated her character and the show hadn't messed up Woodbury to the point where she became a scapegoat.


I do think Bob and Sasha are likely cannon fodder (although I hope that isn't true for Sasha), but I think Tyreese will probably be around a while.

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It's interesting that Kirkman says he's just hoping they can make it to Season 7.  (Despite saying he's still writing the comics, that the show can on and on, etc).  In reality, except for a few exceptions, the rule for average longevity on TV is 5 to 7 years, with season 5 being the sweet spot.  After season 5, actors/writers/directors (including audiences) start getting bored, they start wanting more money (and/or their contract is up), the costs of the show start getting higher, attention starts suffering, etc.


Although the numbers no longer apply, the original Star Trek TV show (that shows costs about $12 to make) is a good example.  By the time season three came along, the network started ordering more "ship-based" stories versus "planet-based" stories because they were cheaper.  (Yes, many facts are different here, but the general principal -- MONEY -- remains the same.)(I suspect money is one reason we don't see our crew "roam" the country side as much.  It's cheaper to have them based in one spot.)


I can see them trying to go on with the show, but I bet all the actors we know will be gone by then.  Then, it'll be up to the new guys (and writers and directors, etc.)


Another reality:  TV is far different than comics.  There is a defined and very real market for comics.  It's very fan-based, and the fans are very loyal.  TV viewers are far my fickle.  In my opinion.


I think we'll make it to season 6, maybe 7.  I think it'd be smart to have an exit strategy, to make sure it's done right.

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AMC has released "Greetings from the Set" for season 5.


I know it's the ZA, but I want the show to be about more than the eventual death of every character.  (But maybe I'm just watching the wrong show, then--?)


You are watching the wrong show if you think that TWD is not about more than the death of each character. TWD is about the moral dilemmas and the bonds of friendship that the main characters encounter as they hold onto their humanity and survive in a brutal world. Characters die because it would be unrealistic if they did not given the brutality and danger that they face everyday. If anything, fewer characters have died because it is a tv show compared to the comics. I think that the show is found a nice balance. I suspect that Kirkman is the one insisting that the tv show does not veer very far from his vision because left to their own devices the producers would have long given into the fans who demand that their favorite characters do not die or they will stop watching.

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That clip tells us a lot.  Carol and Tyreese are outside the gates of Terminus.  They escape the container, get weapons, and escape outside the walls.  Terminus is overrun by zombies.  I wonder how we learn more about Terminus since they are still using the sets.  Someone left behind (Beth?) that needs rescuing?  Does Rick decide that another situation with the Governor isn't going to happen, no live and hope they leave them alone, they bide their time to attack? 

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I think the producers love to mess with the fans by having photos like the one of Daryl.  That's not from the show.  That looks to be one of those "revolving" cover photos for EW magazine (where there are 4-5 covers, one of each lead character, and nobody knows which one they'll get).


I think the only way Daryl will leave the show is if the actor finds a better job.

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Emily Kinney has officially been spotted on set and in her ugky gray sweater, tumblr is damn near exploding. Looks like Beth will be back, although where and how are still up for debate. I always knew they wouldn't kill her off shes too useful and it would be too much like Sophia but now I'm really starting to wonder what the hell happened to her.

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I think the only way Daryl will leave the show is if the actor finds a better job.


I read a well reasoned argument on why Daryl would be killed when certain events from the comic started, which they haven't yet.  But even then, I'm like you.  I don't think Daryl dies until the actor decides to leave. 


For all this show pretends that no one is safe in a zombie apocalypse, its just not true.  The B characters are all just waiting in line to be zombie chow and rotated out.  But they don't take out the A characters in ways that risk the audience.  The only A characters they've taken out are Lori, Shane, and Andrea.  They did a damn fine job of making sure the audience mostly wanted them whacked (or understood why they had to go) before they did it too.


That was why I was a little worried about Carol last season. It came across a little like they were setting up Carol for the chopping block by making her a pragmatic killer but that Melissa McBride was just too good an actor for it to work.  I don't know if they can contrive a situation to turn the audience against Daryl or Carol or Rick or Michonne to the point that the audience wants them gone.  So I think they are safe until they want out.


The show is not GoT.  GoT doesn't get backlash because they stay pretty true to the source material.  Its not the shows fault when beloved characters die.


Walking Dead decided to change things up.  Add characters not in the comic.  Switch out roles characters play in the story.  That makes the backlash blow back on the show.  The show fears the backlash, I'm convinced of that.

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