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S13.E20: Live Results 5 (Wednesday's Show)

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1 minute ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

Did the boyband (BTS( that performed say a couple of "inappropriate words." There was like a "blank/silent" moment that lasted for about 5-7 seconds. Was it just me?

My screen froze and the sound went out for a few seconds (but the screen froze first, then the sound went out, and I think they sorta came back at the same time). Wasn't sure if it was the channel or the TV (I'm at my parents' house and their TV seems to freeze at the top few inches until it's been on for a little bit, but it's been on for an hour and a half and this was the whole screen).

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14 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

My screen froze and the sound went out for a few seconds (but the screen froze first, then the sound went out, and I think they sorta came back at the same time). Wasn't sure if it was the channel or the TV (I'm at my parents' house and their TV seems to freeze at the top few inches until it's been on for a little bit, but it's been on for an hour and a half and this was the whole screen).

Okay. Maybe my screen froze. I'm live streaming the show on my laptop. Maybe it was buffering. (I wasn't paying too much attention, as I was checking my email.)

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  • OH MY GOD IT'S BTS!!! ?
  • Okay, I have no idea who these people are but all the girls in the audience were screaming and I felt left out.
  • Hey, I didn't know you could italicize an emoji...that's kinda neat.
  • I'm not ready to snark, I'm still catching up on last night's thread!
  • Oh, stop crying.
  • You guys go to Dinny's and let the rest of the show go on without you.
  • Wrong, Tyra. It is entirely too early to be thinking about the holidays (unless you're a quilter or other crafty person making handmade gifts).
  • Stop praying, Howie, you know damn well she's going through.
  • Oh my gosh you're so emotional TALK TELL US HOW YOU FEEL TALK TALK TALK!
  • She's not three years old, Tyra.
  • Um...but the song he sang was musical theater...like, from an actual musical...
  • Sorry, I ran out of snark. Or maybe I just ran out of attention span. 






  • Vicki Barbolak (are you kidding me?)
  • Courtney Hadwin (i'm shocked. are you shocked?)
  • Brian King Joseph
  • Glennis Grace - Dunkin Save Audience Pick
  • Daniel Emmet - Dunkin Save Judges' Pick



  • Da RepubliK (not surprised)
  • Aaron Crow (I want to be disappointed but his last two acts were so boring)
  • Christina Wells (I moved her and Noah to the Eliminated list as soon as I saw they were grouped with Courtney)
  • Noah Guthrie
  • Angel City Chorale
  • We Three - Dunkin Save Lost


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Wow, Vicki? I guess people like "Trailer Nasty." I guess she can be filler for the "Death Spot" since she is going head to head with Samuel who is usually featured mid-show or later in the show.

Simon, button up your shirt, please!

Tyra: Dunkin Save: "All singers." Second elimination round; "Again, all singers." No shit, Tyra. When you have that many singers in one episode , I'm sure they're fall in the same elimination group.

Howie, lose the dramatic expression. Everyone and their mama KNOWS that Courtney is going through. I'm sure you did too. You kept bragging about how she was going to win this.

Okay, now even having said that, and even though I grew tired of her "I"m so shy, but watch me break out" act, I'm sure Courtney was genuinely unsure that she wasn't going through. Those were some tears. Just my observation. But to me (and many here) it was obvious that she was going through.

Brian King Joseph vs. Angel City Corale: I'll admit, I held my breath on that one. Glad that Brian went through. Hopefully he steps it up. On another note, I find his smile infectious.

Dunkin Save: I wonder if Glennis was thinking of her son in a worrisome manner when she was full of glee about going through. We'll probably find that out next week. (Sorry if that was rude.)

Well, we know who the audience wants (per the chants). Not surprised that Mel chose We Three. She seemed to be sincerely connected to them from the beginning.

Howie: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Again, a lot of drama with Daniel. Sadly, I'll remember that rather than his performances. By the way, isn't be performing in Vegas, or was that something he had done prior to AGT?

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
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42 minutes ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

Okay. Maybe my screen froze. I'm live streaming the show on my laptop. Maybe it was buffering. (I wasn't paying too much attention, as I was checking my email.)

Same thing happened to me on a tv though.

Edited by anthonyd46
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17 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:
18 hours ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

Okay. Maybe my screen froze. I'm live streaming the show on my laptop. Maybe it was buffering. (I wasn't paying too much attention, as I was checking my email.)

Same thing happened to me on a tv though.

My tv did the same, and I was thinking "Oh, crumb, I have to get up and move the antenna." When it came back on, I figured it was my old tv, box and antenna spazzing. Now I wonder if they did do/say something ... naughty.

I was waiting for Simon to tell BTS to "step it up" for their next performance. The same with the acrobat group. AGT had contestants doing all those same things but they needed to "step it up" and add more danger next time. Go figure.

I was glad Brian King Joseph went through. I like his hair. But GAH! Simon told him to STEP IT UP next time!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by saber5055
It's BTS, not BGT!
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Neither Us the Duo or We Three or the Many Many Many of Us (Angel City Choir) went through. The kids' choir didn't make it either. Guess America likes its singers in single servings. (Has any contestant in the history of this show ever had more lives than Daniel Emmett? Has Simon already signed him to a contract? What is going on?)

So just how many singers are there in final? Six, I think, and only two variety acts. Is that a new low for variety acts? This show was way better when those numbers were almost reversed.

Plus two unfunny comedians. Yes, I know, comedy is subjective, but for me, neither one has told a funny joke all season. Oh I forgot, according to Howie, they're comedians, not comics, so they don't to say anything funny. Because they themselves are funny, so we are laughing at them. I thought that used to be considered "not nice."

Vickie invites us to laugh at her for being a the slovenly, trashy, unattractive woman. Sorry, no thank you. Rodney Dangerfield made fun of himself, but he was hilarious. So that can be done. Vickie doesn't have anywhere near the wit or creativity that requires.

With Samuel, I guess the appeal is that he's a nice guy who doesn't let having Tourette's get him down. Well, the singer who will probably win this thing (Michael Ketterer) is also a nice guy. I guess this show has become a celebration of niceness, rather than talent.

Thank you Vickie for correcting us in case we got you confused with Tyra. Just like you keep making sure we don't confuse you with Heidi. It sure is funny when you do that. Every damn time.

I've heard people compare Courtney's "dancing" to James Brown and Mick Jagger. But I think I found her real inspiration.


Edited by bluepiano
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How on earth did Vicki go through as a Top 4 pick?!!!!  

I think SImon gave up the ghost a bit when he expressed with great satisfaction that Ameriker was "spot on." with its picks.  What he meant was, "My God, am I great at manipulating the masses, or what?!"

Anyway, I would not be surprised if someday it is revealed that SYCO lied about the actual voting results.  

Heidi was pretty great and was very sporting with the tourist picks vignette.  

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BTS was pretty good - I'm a fan of Korean Pop, but not really a BTS fan. They have another good song called I'm Fine if anyone wants to check that out.

Commenting on the rest of the show's various fluff: Tyra looked hotter than an Egyptian Christmas yesterday, yet looked a lot worse today. She looks pretty hot without makeup, so it's odd how you can put on a fancy dress and smear on a ton of makeup and somehow look worse.

That segment with Heidi posing with the fans and judge doppelgangers was unfunny as to be expected, not only because it was one of those "we need to kill time" segments, but leaving Heidi in charge of anything humorous is a sure way to flatline all potential from the get go. Not like anything she did was quirky or funny anyways, but if Simon was the one kissing cheeks and cutting hair, I'm sure he'd be on his knees on stage begging the audience for forgiveness.

That gymnastic routine or whatever the performance was seemed to only take up 2 minutes and didn't seem anywhere near compelling enough to get anyone who was viewing it to go seek out tickets to their shows. Thinking that the guy rotating around in a hoola hoop has probably dedicated years to that "skill" is peculiar to ponder.

The Simon/Grinch thing was like 40 seconds long, it seemed totally pointless.


Thanks to ams1001 for typing up the list of names:


Vicki Barbolak - I was hoping she would go through because I love to hate her performances, plus they inspire me to write the most text in these posts. I don't even remember who she was up against, but since last night I must've dozed off 500 times, I know they won't be someone I will miss.

Courtney Hadwin - The shy girl somehow pulled through. You can be sure that I was screaming with cigar in mouth at my TV like Smokin' Joe Frazier's trainer. Of course that's sarcasm, since it would require me being awake during her performance to feel any sort of emotion. Everyone kisses her ass, despite like someone else pointed out, that she seemed completely untrained. I really think Michael Ketterer will pull Excalibur out of a rock on stage and Simon will put a crown on his head with how other worldly he is being portrayed, it's clear he is the golden boy.

Brian King Joseph - One of the only acts I have wanted to advance.

Glennis Grace - Dunkin Save Audience Pick - Aside from the tattoos that look like a project from an old episode of Art Attack, she is HOT. It's a shame the singing is boring and the fake sob story of "muh son / muh no success" is annoying, so I don't really support her at all.

Daniel Emmet - Dunkin Save Judges' Pick - Even though I don't mind him, this guy is like trying to get rid of lice. He's been up for elimination for every single round, even almost not going past auditions (the fake scripted drama) and actually being sent home already. Viewers (or the producers) have made it clear that they don't want him, so why does he keep sticking around?



Da RepubliK - Everybody expected it, so there's nothing to be surprised about.

Aaron Crow - Kinda surprising because it seemed like he was pretty popular, but I thought his act was boring.

Christina Wells - If nobody is paying attention to a performance, does it make a sound? A modern take on an old proverb. Zzzzz

Noah Guthrie - It's possible that he wasn't allowed to upload on YouTube while on AGT, but his channel has been pretty barren the past few months, which is a terrible marketing choice. He has 500,000 subscribers, which is pretty good, but I don't see how he couldn't have gotten huge while on Glee, especially since YouTube was much easier to get popular on years ago.

Angel City Chorale - Oh man, I was really starting to feel connected to that random blonde girl who was shown on camera for 2 seconds that one time. With zero ability to connect with the audience in any real meaningful way, it's a mystery how a choir that big would even make it this far.

We Three - Dunkin Save Lost - It was hard to focus on the girl with those....erm....two goons trying to hog the spotlight. In all seriousness, I don't really care.

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9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I was waiting for Simon to tell BGT to "step it up" for their next performance. The same with the acrobat group. AGT had contestants doing all those same things but they needed to "step it up" and add more danger next time. Go figure.

I was glad Brian King Joseph went through. I like his hair. But GAH! Simon told him to STEP IT UP next time!!!!!!!!!!

GAAHH! I just realized that I said "Step it up." Hopefully it wasn't as frustrating as Simon. Ha!

7 hours ago, suebee12 said:

I asked him to do this a couple weeks ago. He didn't listen to me, hopefully he will listen to you!!!!!

I doubt it. I'm sure he could care less what I asked. I have no problem with chest hairs, it's that with Smon, it was a tad distracting. lol.

Maybe he'll wear a suit (or acid-washed jeans and a blazer) next week with it being the finals and all.

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I think some performers don't watch the shows they're on, or have very different filters, so Courtney might not know she's TCO.

If anyone actually knows her, and it actually IS epilepsy, Sudaphed can help (please talk to a real doctor and don't get medical advice over the Internet.)


Daniel has a regular gig on Cleopatra's Barge in Caesars. Which is an actual barge. Inside a casino. He's on leave right now and another act is performing in his place.

Glad he's got steady work.  I've FF'd through the backstories, but he's got a good stage presence, and I wish him well.  That's true for all the acts--the more I FF, the less I resent, so that works out really well.


Wrong, Tyra. It is entirely too early to be thinking about the holidays (unless you're a quilter or other crafty person making handmade gifts).

Yep.  You can think about the first day of Autumn, or your fall sports home opener.  Or if you're in a choir, you can start practicing.  If you're buying candy, you're buying it for you--just realize that.

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1 hour ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

GAAHH! I just realized that I said "Step it up." Hopefully it wasn't as frustrating as Simon. Ha!

I doubt it. I'm sure he could care less what I asked. I have no problem with chest hairs, it's that with Smon, it was a tad distracting. lol.

Maybe he'll wear a suit (or acid-washed jeans and a blazer) next week with it being the finals and all.

Brian Joseph King could wear an acid-washed diamond-studded suit and play with a flaming violin while being lowered into a pit of alligators and he still wouldn't get as much praise or pimping as Courtney Hadwin.

SHIN LIM for the WIN!

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15 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Daniel has a regular gig on Cleopatra's Barge in Caesars. Which is an actual barge. Inside a casino.

Hahaha.. my husband quipped last night that he should work at Disney ...so I guess we were in the ballpark.

I really try to avoid all results until I can watch, and being in Amsterdam, I do have a bit of a delay since the live broadcast is at 2am and I do have to work.  I'm sitting in the hospital this morning for a doctor's appointment and they have this screen with the waiting times for the dr, hospital stuff, etc. and then i see, just for a second, Glennis Grace is through to AGT Finals.. I'm like fuck.  Last place I expected to get spoiled.

So the Dutchies are happy.  Her son is flying out to be at the final.  The entertainment news did an interview with him outside of his apartment in some grassy area. They asked if his mom has done anything to embarrass him.  He said it was when she was crying in her promo while watching his message to her on the TV (in Dutch).. lol... yeah, that stuff usually embarrasses kids.   All the Dutch stars were congratulating her.  It's all over the news here, but that's not a surprise. There isn't usually much going on here.

Edited by Amsterdamker
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50 minutes ago, Amsterdamker said:

Last place I expected to get spoiled.


50 minutes ago, Amsterdamker said:

 All the Dutch stars were congratulating her.  It's all over the news here,

Too bad it's not all over the news here so people who aren't on PTV would know she's already a famous singer. Although I guess if you aren't famous in America, you're not famous anywhere. *cough*

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After Vicki gets through early in the show, there is no suspense for 1 and 2.   You knew Courtney and Brian were getting through.  It must not feel good for those left, that it is highly unlikely they are going on. 

Glennis deserved to go through.  And I would rather have had We Three over Daniel, it doesn't really matter for the finale.  Neither has a chance to win.

I think Courtney, Michael, Shin Lim, Zucaroh and Brian should be the only acts that can realistically win.  Any would be fine with me, but I like Michael the most.  Courtney is the odds on favorite.  It will be interesting to see who the last two are. 

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57 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Too bad it's not all over the news here so people who aren't on PTV would know she's already a famous singer. Although I guess if you aren't famous in America, you're not famous anywhere. *cough*

Tbh, I really don't think of her as famous, but then again, I'm American.  I know she was a Eurovision entry for Holland about 15 yrs ago, but that was before my time.  I only know of her because she occasionally appears on Dutch talk shows that my husband forces me to watch (like right now) when something singing related occurs, like a death or an anniversary, but many other singers also appear on these shows, so to me she is just one of them...  Keep in mind this is only a country of 16mil and not everyone knows her.  There is only so much fame/success one can have here. The market is tiny...  Even though it's not my thing and I feel that Christina definitely has more soul (haven't heard a Dutch singer yet that has much soul..), I'm happy to see how well she has done and I hope it translates to more success for her in the future.  I don't think she has a chance in hell of winning though...

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Too bad it's not all over the news here so people who aren't on PTV would know she's already a famous singer. Although I guess if you aren't famous in America, you're not famous anywhere. *cough*

AGT has always done this. During his season, they never gave a hint that Kenichi Ebene (still my favorite AGT winner) had performed all over the world, We're always supposed to think that AGT is plucking these people out of obscurity and giving them a career they'd never have otherwise.  Even with the kid contestants, there's no mention of their appearances on other TV talent shows. (Courtney's shy act would be less believable if people knew she'd already done that British kids show).

But to me, there's been something especially deceptive about the packaging of Glennis because of all heartstrings tugging about how competing on AGT is taking her away from her child.

We're not supposed to be judging people on their talent, but rather on their back stories. (Phony or not. I guess Michael Ketterer really did adopt all those kids).

Would people not be voting for Glennis if they knew she's recorded a bunch of CDs? Who knows? But it's a very old fashioned concept that she couldn't have had a successful musical career and be a good mother.

Edited by bluepiano
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Vickie made it through?  WTF?  Ugh.

Brian made it through!!!  Yay!  

I'm okay with Daniel making it through.  I've liked him.  But I did feel kind of bad for We Three since Daniel has been saved multiple times while they were getting through without assistance from the show.  But whatever.

Courtney made it through.  <yawn>

Glennis Grace made it through.  Yay!  (The DH thinks she's great.)

We would like to see the win go to either Zurcaroh, Samuel, Shin Lim, or Brian.  We're guessing the judges want it to go to either Michael or Courtney.  We'll see next week!

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15 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

Thanks to ams1001 for typing up the list of names:

At your service! ?(Though I had help from Wikipedia. I just copy the whole list then cut and paste as they announce results.)

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21 minutes ago, bluepiano said:

But to me, there's been something especially deceptive about the packaging of Glennis because of all heartstrings tugging about how competing on AGT is taking her away from her child.


Totally agreed.  So much about her being a single mother.  Equally deceptive about her being Dutch.  Being a single mother in the Netherlands is not really a struggle.  Nothing like the USA..... Funny.. I don't think a lot of the dutch public saw the broadcast, only the clips of her singing shown on Dutch TV, so they have no idea of this.. when she has interviewed on Dutch TV, she is very down to earth and of course a bit more natural since she is speaking in her native language. She doesn't talk about missing or being away from her son, just that she wished he could see it in person.

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I just saw this on a Dutch website:

Grace, who is 40, did not put herself forward for the American contest. Rather, her international management showed a video of her performing the song to the programme’s producers and they invited her to take part in the auditions.

(I can't figure out from the article which song "the song" refers to..)

Edited by Amsterdamker
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2 hours ago, Amsterdamker said:

Totally agreed.  So much about her being a single mother.  Equally deceptive about her being Dutch.  Being a single mother in the Netherlands is not really a struggle. 

I know that she's not with her son's father, but I thought that she had a partner. At least her bio on Wiki claims this.

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I can't believe Daniel Emmet has made it to the last stage of this competition. Literally every round he's been thisclose to leaving only to get through by the skin of his teeth. I'd find it impressive if I didn't find him so dishwater dull.

Stunned in theory that Vicki Barbolak made it through (where are the jokes, fam? talking about your life at the trailer park is not comedy), but when they brought her up with Aaron Crow and Da RepubliK, both of whom needed saves in the quarterfinals, I knew it was hers. 

This is shaping up to be a really disappointing final. The only act I want to take it home is Shin Lim, though I do find Brian King Joseph to be very talented and charming and wouldn't mind him coming up from behind in the last second. I hope most of these acts know how lucky they are that they decided to enter themselves this year; any other year and they probably wouldn't have made it past judge cuts.

So let's see who we have:

  • Shin Lim
  • Duo Transcend*
  • Samuel J. Comroe*
  • Michael Ketterer
  • Zurcaroh
  • Daniel Emmet**
  • Vicki Barbolak
  • Glennis Grace*
  • Brian King Joseph
  • Courtney Hadwin

The * designates people who have needed saves (Daniel Emmet needed a save twice) so it is unlikely that they will crack the top 5 (although, as we saw with Daniel Emmet in this round, it is possible to come back from the death knell of the save, though rare). It's safe to say that the top 5 will be made up of some combination of the other 6. I'll say it'll be:

  1. Courtney or Michael
  2. Michael or Courtney
  3. Shin
  4. Zurcaroh
  5. Brian

with Vicki getting kicked down to the bottom 5. I don't have any data for this, just a hunch, and while her going through without even a save surprised me this week, I can't wrap my mind around her getting enough votes to be in the top 5. I reject any reality in which this is the case.

20 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

How on earth did Vicki go through as a Top 4 pick?!!!!  

Not just top 4, top 3! What is happening in the world?!

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2 hours ago, Amsterdamker said:

I just saw this on a Dutch website:

Grace, who is 40, did not put herself forward for the American contest. Rather, her international management showed a video of her performing the song to the programme’s producers and they invited her to take part in the auditions.

This is pretty common from what I've read from other contestants, all of whom were recruited to be on the show. I wonder how many people actually stand in line and get to do a cold audition. Maybe those "joke" acts that get the buzzer are locals, they let them in as fodder. Or maybe they are recruited too, from Bad Acts Inc. That way the show has total control over every season.

Edited by saber5055
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Same sound issues on World of Dance.  The performance music is muffled, but the random judges’ interjections and FF-worthy chatter come through loud and clear.  As do, of course, the commercials (wasn’t a law passed to put a stop to that?)

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- Vicki making it through is great because I get masochistic enjoyment from cringing at her unfunny performances. If Samuel Conroe can tell another decent joke or two (the jury is out on that one), it should further expose Vicki as talentless.

- That weekly time filler comedy sketch of "which judge is going to act stupid?" is such a drag. Howie acting like a contestant or Simon feigning laughter during that Tyra dating routine weren't good either. My thumb wants to be ever-affixed over top the PVR remote's FF button like the sword of Damocles throughout any of these tiresome segments, but like Vicki, I watch the whole thing just to absorb the second hand embarrassment. Heidi never comes across as funny or likeable to me, so her many attempts to charm people always seem lame. Same goes for Mel B and her foghorn voice, but nobody really appears to like her anyway.

- Daniel doesn't seem to have any fans; is there evidence of a single person ever placing a vote for him during the whole season? I don't mind him, but he's never made it through a round based off of merit instead of pity, making him out to be like a fly in your house who can't find the window.

- I'm not seeing how Tyra is currently 'fat' like one poster pointed out recently, but she can walk me around the stage on a leash like an Olate Dog if she needs the exercise. I'd bark out voting information to be helpful. Also, I used to hate her erratic manner of speaking (needlessly dramatic, cheerful, the 'street' voice) but am now a fan, as it's kind of a unique presenting style.

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All the Dutch stars were congratulating her.  It's all over the news here, but that's not a surprise. There isn't usually much going on here.

So off topic, but I occasionally watch the Incredible Dr Pol and I caught the episode where he went back to the Netherlands and everyone was treating him like a rock star. Is he that popular? Not too many famous Dutch, besides you know, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and such.

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4 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

So off topic, but I occasionally watch the Incredible Dr Pol and I caught the episode where he went back to the Netherlands and everyone was treating him like a rock star. Is he that popular? Not too many famous Dutch, besides you know, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and such.

I don't watch him, but apparently everyone else I know here knows him, so perhaps he is that popular.  Yup..  I can't add much to the list except maybe Golden Earring, who only had a few hits in the States, but apparently had a very long career over here. The only famous Dutch stuff in America is all the exported game/reality shows from Endemol. Most shows are broadcasted here before they are sold worldwide.  I don't think people even realize how many shows come from the Netherlands.  AGT isn't one of them... Big Brother (only 1 season in the Netherlands), Deal or No Deal (it's actually part of a postcode lottery here and on 2x a year for 5 weeks.. I Love it.  Hear it's coming back after 9 years in the US), 1 vs 100, Show me the Money, the Voice and more recently Diving with the Stars (I NEVER Thought this would be picked up in the States. It was scary to watch the Dutch version), and Utopia.

Edited by Amsterdamker
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9 hours ago, Amsterdamker said:

I don't watch him, but apparently everyone else I know here knows him, so perhaps he is that popular.  Yup..  I can't add much to the list except maybe Golden Earring, who only had a few hits in the States, but apparently had a very long career over here. The only famous Dutch stuff in America is all the exported game/reality shows from Endemol. Most shows are broadcasted here before they are sold worldwide.  I don't think people even realize how many shows come from the Netherlands.  AGT isn't one of them... Big Brother (only 1 season in the Netherlands), Deal or No Deal (it's actually part of a postcode lottery here and on 2x a year for 5 weeks.. I Love it.  Hear it's coming back after 9 years in the US), 1 vs 100, Show me the Money, the Voice and more recently Diving with the Stars (I NEVER Thought this would be picked up in the States. It was scary to watch the Dutch version), and Utopia.

How about Amira Willighagen? She won Holland's Got Talent in 2013 at age 9, and has sold a few albums since. I think she has become quite well known in the opera world, though I'm not sure how that translates into popular culture.

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If you're buying candy, you're buying it for you--just realize that.

and this is bad?

I missed both shows this week, if I remember to tune in next week, maybe I'll watch. I think this show is off my viewing list now. So I have no actual comment about the show.

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On 9/14/2018 at 9:30 PM, SyracuseMug said:

How about Amira Willighagen? She won Holland's Got Talent in 2013 at age 9, and has sold a few albums since. I think she has become quite well known in the opera world, though I'm not sure how that translates into popular culture.

No clue.  I have never heard of her.

Edited by Amsterdamker
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I was actually shocked when Glennis Grace ended up in the Duncan Save.  Not that it matters, she's going to the finals. I was shocked that she didn't just get voted into the finals. 

I was surprised that the judges went for Daniel over We Three. America has tried to get rid of Daniel a couple of times now.  I think We Three got to the semi finals without any setbacks. Simon must really want Daniel in the finals for some reason. 

When Courtney was standing there with the other two, I was really hoping for an upset.  If Christina or the guy from Glee had advanced instead, I almost believe I would have stood up and yelled - loudly. 

Really, America? Trailer nasty? 

It is going to be the worst final in AGT history. 

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36 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

I was surprised that the judges went for Daniel over We Three. America has tried to get rid of Daniel a couple of times now.  I think We Three got to the semi finals without any setbacks. Simon must really want Daniel in the finals for some reason. 

When Courtney was standing there with the other two, I was really hoping for an upset.  If Christina or the guy from Glee had advanced instead, I almost believe I would have stood up and yelled - loudly. 

Really, America? Trailer nasty? 

It is going to be the worst final in AGT history. 

They've been pushing Daniel all season, beginning with Simon giving him a "special song" to sing during his first audition. It' inexplicable to me, unless Simon or someone else associated with the show already has a financial interest in him. He's technically a better than average singer by AGT standards, but for someone who is allegedly classical trained he's barely passable. He's kind of the Disney version of an opera singer. More evidence that TPTB have been pulling strings to get him to the final: He was never once called a cruise-ship singer.

(But don't forget, the kids love him. He sang Aerosmith!)

Courtney appears on her way to being the worst act to ever win this show. (And I say that as someone who couldn't stand to listen to Grace Van der Wal). I mean, this really has to a joke, right? There are singers who incorporate a controlled "scream" into their vocals, but that sound at the beginning of "Born to Be Wild" was literally a scream.

Ms. Trailer Nasty actually lives in a very nice Southern California mobile home community near the beach. A lot of Americans would trade where they live for that in a heartbeat. It is not some trashy redneck trailer park. Everything about her routine and stage persona is phony. Big tip off. She' supposed to some kind of "tough broad" but she's constantly breaking into tears. She should at least have the ability to stay in character. (Like Aaron Crow, for example).

Edited by bluepiano
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