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Season 5 Discussion

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Predictable episode, but not bad. I liked seeing LaSalle in charge, he’s the best character on the show by far, I wish he would stay in charge while Pride recovers instead of bringing in a new agent like they are doing. 

Gibbs’ appearance was good, and I liked that they referenced the Vance stuff. 

Who was the blonde Pride was talking to in his dream? I haven’t followed the show closely the last couple of years, who was that? 

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10 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Predictable episode, but not bad. I liked seeing LaSalle in charge, he’s the best character on the show by far, I wish he would stay in charge while Pride recovers instead of bringing in a new agent like they are doing. 

Gibbs’ appearance was good, and I liked that they referenced the Vance stuff. 

Who was the blonde Pride was talking to in his dream? I haven’t followed the show closely the last couple of years, who was that? 

The blonde was like an angel assigned to guide Pride from life to the after-life.  For me, her saying "see you soon" at the end of the episode was really effective -- definitely made me wonder what's going to happen to him and when.

I liked the episode and found it compelling even though of course Pride lives!  What I could not get over was how BAD the shots were from the NOLA NCIS team when they shot repeatedly at Amelia -- I mean, come ON!!! 

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Who was the blonde Pride was talking to in his dream? I haven’t followed the show closely the last couple of years, who was that?

According to imdb.com, the actress also played a character named Megan Sutter in season 4's 'Monster'.  I've seen all episodes, but am not sure what role that character played in the episode.  Did she die and is now Pride's angel, or was is just a case of the same actress playing two unrelated characters in the same show?  ETA:  Never mind:  I remembered the scene near the beginning where Pride remembered that she was dead.

There was definitely no suspense over whether or not Pride would survive.  The only scene that surprised me was when the ambulance was t-boned by that truck (and I should have expected that to happen.  Any time two characters are driving along  just talking with no action, I usually expect an accident.  This one caught me by surprise for once). 

Edited by BooksRule

I very much liked LaSalle in charge, he did a good job balancing crazy revenge impulses with cool law enforcement work.

Who was the dark haired attractive older woman who was with Loretta when they scooped Pride up and hid in the morgue?  Is that Pride's girlfriend?  I thought she was his ex-wife, but then when Laurel showed up, it was like they were strangers, then later Pride or someone said something like "it was about time you two met" so I figured she wasn't the ex, but some new girlfriend?

I run hot and cold on Gregorio, but I did not hate her last night.

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8 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:


Who was the dark haired attractive older woman who was with Loretta when they scooped Pride up and hid in the morgue?  Is that Pride's girlfriend?  I thought she was his ex-wife, but then when Laurel showed up, it was like they were strangers, then later Pride or someone said something like "it was about time you two met" so I figured she wasn't the ex, but some new girlfriend?


Rita Devereaux a New Orleans ADA and Navy Reserve  JAG officer who is also Pride's girlfriend. Being played by Scott Bakula's wife Chelsea Field.

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I just watched that and as a retired nurse the CPR scene freaked me out.  CPR is NEVER administered with the head of the bed the least bit elevated.  In fact it wouldn't be administered on a soft bed, the head board detaches and used as a firm surface for the chest compressions to be effective .  That was a real newbie mistake

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I also liked the new addition to the show as well.  I thought she worked well with the team.  Probably Pride saw that as well and helped push him a bit into perhaps taking that promotion.  But what about the bar though?  Who would run it if he leaves?  Or maybe said promotion can still be in New Orleans.  Guess we shall see.

They really need to beef up security around NCIS headquarters down there though.  No offense to Officer Roy(?), but it feels like every few episodes the place gets attacked and laid to waste. 

And I could possibly see Pride getting the go ahead to do a desk job.  But no freaking way would he be out in the field so soon.  Not only for his physical well being but his mental one as well.

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The "Pride has psychic visions post near death experience" thing is not working for me.  This is a straight procedural, not True Blood or even The X-Files.  I know Gibbs has had his "see dead people" moments, those were clearly his subconscious at work.  Foreseeing the future, OTOH, is not in the fabric of this show.  

But I do like the new supervisor, so I'm holding out for a few more episodes.

I like the new supervisor.  I liked how she had obviously done her homework and came in swinging.  I also liked how doing that homework apparently informed her as to how to handle the unique personalities of each agent.  I cracked up when Gregorio, horrified and pissed about this person coming in and usurping the leadership position and so clearly manipulating Sebastian, came around with blood in her eye to kick some ass, and then ends up being sucked in and played like a fiddle.

Pride must be the Terminator, or a Timex watch since for the last three episodes (finale, season premiere, then this episode) he's taken a severe lickin' and kept on tickin'.  He's an old man, by all rights he should be collapsed in a heap in ICU by now. 

The team trapped and vulnerable in their headquarters was pretty tense.  But I loved how Dr. Loretta blinded the bad guys in their night vision goggles by whacking the power back on.


On another note, it looks like I'll be headed to the NOLA area on business in mid to late October and I hope to have some spare hours to wander around.  So I was taking special notice of the backgrounds.  Holy cow, I know it is a very old and historical district, but it does look a bit shabby in the harsh light of day!

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41 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

NOLA area on business in mid to late October and I hope to have some spare hours to wander around.  So I was taking special notice of the backgrounds.  Holy cow, I know it is a very old and historical district, but it does look a bit shabby in the harsh light of day!

By coming that late in the year, you'll be missing the smell side of things, which is most impressive in summer.  By the end of summer, which sometimes happens in October, the urine (human and mule) is just getting its aging and a hot humid summer day is something you won't forget. 

You are safer wandering in a car than on foot.  Across the river (Algiers Point) has a lot of the cemeteries and streets where many eps have been filmed.,  The National Park in the swamp is a great place to go for walks on raised walkways and it's safe.  Don't expect to find parking in the CBD or the French Quarter.  

If you lived there, you'd feel shabby after several hundred years and the heat, humidity and bugs that make NOLA home.

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Way behind on all the fall premieres, finally caught this one last night. We all KNOW that Pride is going to live through this and be miraculously healed within 3 eps max. This is fine, in principle (Although I would have found it WAY more interesting if he'd died, like every other human being in the universe would have), but the story of how we *get* there HAS to be interesting or I'm going to tap out. My suspension of disbelief has its limits and I think I've decided that assassin lady who apparently, like Pride, is not susceptible to normal human injuries, implausibly trekking across the entirety of New Orleans to sneak into a hospital, take out two law enforcement, and knock Gregorio in the head (ok, I enjoyed that part), and so on, while having been practically run over, shot in the stomach, and I've forgotten her original injuries that caused her artful eye bruising, but that too, is all beyond my ability to handwave. The show is interesting enough on its own merits, guys, this isn't Hawaii Five-O. And I could have rolled with the above potentially, if I'd had any idea who this lady was or why she cares or why we should care.... so this all kind of dragged, is the point.

I'm also kind of over the TV trope of "Fearless leader in peril, everyone else on team completely loses their shit over it". Is this how law enforcement teams generally work? I assume they have each others' backs and would take a bullet for each other, but the level of shit losing in these shows when Fearless Leader is in peril (so, basically every week between all the NCISes and other procedurals I watch), is way over the top IMO.

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On 10/2/2018 at 10:28 PM, brgjoe said:

I also liked the new addition to the show as well.  I thought she worked well with the team.  Probably Pride saw that as well and helped push him a bit into perhaps taking that promotion.  But what about the bar though?  Who would run it if he leaves?  Or maybe said promotion can still be in New Orleans.  Guess we shall see.

They really need to beef up security around NCIS headquarters down there though.  No offense to Officer Roy(?), but it feels like every few episodes the place gets attacked and laid to waste. 

And I could possibly see Pride getting the go ahead to do a desk job.  But no freaking way would he be out in the field so soon.  Not only for his physical well being but his mental one as well.

Why leave he can run the area, where ever it extends to from New Orleans, unless I missed a line about moving.


The most preposterous plot point was that Smith t had to kill the IRA guy and his guards because NCIS New Orleans headquarters location wasn't known. 

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Misc about this episode...

I like the new supervisor and thought she fit in very well right from the get-go. As someone said upthread, I do love Scott Bakula, but could stand a little less of him onscreen too. (BTW, CPR is not done with the person propped up in a bed - they would have set the bed to flat). Also, does anyone else think that Gregario's character has really changed more than an average person would change? She seems to have lost her edge. Even her tough accent seems to have vanished. Oh and one more thing - and keep in mind that I love Lucas Black - but he has a weird stance, gate, and even when he does the crouching thing with his gun to cover someone or check out a building for the bad guys. It's just weird looking to me.

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Have they even mentioned LaSalle’s family issues yet? 

I also liked the new gal. She had a good vibe about her.

and does no one in that neighborhood call 911 when there are gun shots or explosions? The cops never responded did they? 

And  if I was the officer assigned guard duty for HQ, I’d be asking for a transfer about now, especially if Pride is floating around. He has a black cloud around him.

i always enjoy seeing Laurel. I enjoy the father /daughter banter. Reminds me of me and my dad. Like Pride, He also was career law enforcement, and  just as obstinate!

Edited by neuromom
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On 10/5/2018 at 7:53 AM, llewis823 said:

and keep in mind that I love Lucas Black - but he has a weird stance, gate, and even when he does the crouching thing with his gun to cover someone or check out a building for the bad guys. It's just weird looking to me.

I can't say I've ever noticed his stance but I notice that he makes exaggerated mouth movements when he talks.

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Three good things—

I don’t know why exactly — new cast members, new locations, new job for Pride, bigger role for Sebastian — But this felt like a fresher show. 

What I don’t get is exactly what is Pride’s job? I mean, he almost immediately goes back into the field with his old team ... and gets into trouble. (Just like old times!)

And the new dude who is his assistant (?) at the new place indicates everyone knows Pride is “trouble” yet is surprised when he gets into trouble and when he doesn’t do things their way. I mean, come on. Pride is, in essence, a street cop. He’s made for the field, not an office.

I will be interested in seeing how the writers handle the seemingly two separate threads — Pride’s new job and those people, and his old job and those people. And standing in the middle is Pride who still hasn’t fully recuperated.

Edited by JackONeill
Bugger is not the same word as bigger. Close though.
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Nice to see Reggie Lee again. I loved him on Grimm.

Obviously Pride is not going to last long at the new job ... but the dumbasses who put him in charge should have known that by now.

I actually like the idea of Pride not being the boss and Hanna taking over, because I'd like to see Pride in a more subservient role so he can stop loose cannoning all over the place. Maybe he can do something awful as new boss that causes him to get fired and also be personally responsible for someone he actually likes being hurt/in trouble because of him so he can take that not-boss role with humility and just be an investigator.

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Yay! Reggie Lee!

and the female MI-6 agent was cool. I liked how in the end she really was one of the good guys...just a little gray because her job IS being a spy! And the “nerdy” part of her personality seemed legit to me.

oh, Pride. Can’t you just focus on your NEW job? Hannah is being VERY patient and understanding with him. I lime her. But we all know that at some point , Pride will recuperate and decide he’s better off in the street.

Fingers crossed that when that happens , Hannah doesn’t get thrown under the literal bus.

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Well, well, well...when the agents discovered that the Very Important File they were looking for was in a foreign embassy, and therefore OFF LIMITS, I told Mrs. UncleChuck "I'll bet you there is a fancy party at that embassy TONIGHT!!" and sho nuff, the next line of dialog was "The embassy is is having a party tonight--and I'll use my connections to get added to the guest list.  I'm glad I didn't have the remote in my hand or I might have thrown it at the tv!!!!!!!

I swear to God, those embassy parties must be the most overused, stupid, laziest device ever used.  I'd almost believe that the movie/television writers' guild has a requirement that no one is admitted to full membership in the guild until they have written a scene involving an embassy party that must be infiltrated.

Just once, I'd like to see the hero in one of those shows say something like:  "We need to get into that embassy to steal the files." and the next line is "Well, they were having a fancy party, but it was LAST NIGHT!"

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1 hour ago, Trey said:

Okay episode.  I picked out the perp as soon as he showed up.

Glad Lasalle's IRS problems are all taken care of.

Yep. Me too!  After ignoring the IRS issue for three whole episodes, they certainly wrapped up and tied up in a nice little bow in less than an hour .

oh...any other Trekkies catch that the director was Lavar Burton? 

Pretty cool! (He directed Scott in several episodes of Enterprise )

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I was wondering about that IRS issue myself.  I had thought they had forgotten about it.  But they did bring it back and it was solved inside an hour.  Works for me though, I am glad to get it out of the way.  And glad to see his dad wasn't an outright evil dude just trying to keep that money for himself.  You would think though that daddy would have given junior a little heads-up on what he was doing with a lot of the $$ generated by his company.  At the very least, he had to know that was slightly illegal.  I wouldn't want my son to be saddled with something such as that when I pass on.

The case o' the week was OK.  Didn't see the poisoning of the plant coming.   But I did think that friend did have something to do with it from the beginning. 

Wonder how long they will continue with this Pride as a suit thing?  He doesn't look comfortable doing it and I would imagine the higher up's are getting less tolerant of him as well.

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