Ilovepie August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 2:44 AM, LuvMyShows said: Combine that with his flat affect, being very analytical, and seemingly clueless about feelings, I wonder if Dave is on the autism spectrum. Expand I don’t think he’s on the spectrum - he’s a finance guy. I am also an accountant and I get him. Generally type A, not touchy-feely. Cold hard facts. Basically the opposite of his wife. She needs a lot of validation and he is just not that guy. I wouldn’t be that person either. I think Amber is being ridiculous most of the time, but if I was committed to seeing this through I would have changed the way I deal with her and start vetting every word out of my mouth because every innocuous comment becomes a minefield that could blow up Amber’s insecurities. They both seem like decent people to me, but they are a disastrous couple. 23 Link to comment
princelina August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 2:44 AM, LuvMyShows said: Combine that with his flat affect, being very analytical, and seemingly clueless about feelings, I wonder if Dave is on the autism spectrum. Expand As a special ed teacher for 30 years, I am pretty confident in saying that he is not. I'm not trying to be mean or argumentative, but it bothers me when everyone gets "diagnosed" just for having a distinctive personality type - Dave's being that he says what he thinks, and is rather insensitive :) 19 Link to comment
Kareem August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 Unfortunate that Expert Jessica checks in on Amber and Dave and chooses to see only the tip of the iceberg regarding the dynamic between those two and glosses over it, like she does everything else. Tristan didn't know he would be picked for this circus. His apartment lease would have been up soon whether he was chosen or not. He already had his businesses in the two cities and had the option of moving to Houston. I don't think he's looking at Houston as a way out. The couple is new, he knows it's something they need to discuss further and yet the little troll needed to announce it as soon as they sat down, in front of the endless font of advice father and the bordering hysterics sister, no less. Way to build trust there, Mia. How about waiting until they had a better idea of what they were doing. He was thrown under the bus when she brought it up, again when he said he was uncomfortable and again when she summed up her three weeks together by saying he yelled at her, while she was with the wives. Her playing stupid after the lunch was beyond ridiculous. After all her drama, lies and BS, it's incredible that he hasn't curled her up a little further and drop kicked her. She can take her donuts with her. Religion and the experts' force fed forgiveness speeches aside, dude needs to get out of this. I hope he does. 18 Link to comment
LuvMyShows August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 4:14 AM, princelina said: As a special ed teacher for 30 years, I am pretty confident in saying that he is not. I'm not trying to be mean or argumentative, but it bothers me when everyone gets "diagnosed" just for having a distinctive personality type - Dave's being that he says what he thinks, and is rather insensitive :) Expand That is not what I said. I made my comment with specific and primary reference to not being able to read women (missing the social cues), which I mentioned to be combined with his flat affect, being very analytical, and seemingly clueless about feelings. Missing social cues and feelings is a hallmark of Asperger's, which was not an idle or ignorant guess on my part, having been a parent in a kids' therapy group that included several Asperger's kids and their parents. 1 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 Prediction.... Dave will stay with Amber on Decision Day to make amends for the 7.5 rating...then will file for divorce as soon as possible Tristan will stay married to Mia because of their religion but will file for divorce as soon as possible because of her continued shadiness. Both men will go over to Ricky Bobby's house where they will celebrate their freedom, grill up some ducks that their boy shot and play with Henry, Nellie and the latest foster pup... 10 Link to comment
Guest August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 Take a shot every time Tristan says "a light lunch." Bobby: I'm in love with Danielle! Danielle: I'm in love with everything Bobby does for me! Danielle seems nice, but I think she's closed off and a bit skeptical from having to mother past boyfriends. She's so taken aback by Bobby pulling his own weight as a partner that she'll probably convince herself it's too good to be true and self-sabotage. Bobby looks like he wants affection and verbal affirmation, but Danielle's a little aloof. Amber's hair is blonde because she believes blondes are more desirable. I hate Tristan for making me imagine his donut blowjob. Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 (edited) On 8/29/2018 at 6:22 PM, NoWhammies said: Wow. Bobby has a beautiful golf swing. Expand His Peerless clubs means he is a pretty serious golfer... Co President of the Ricky Bobby fan club complimented his swing... Edited August 30, 2018 by humbleopinion 6 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 (edited) Bobby's fantasy was as wholesome a glass of milk. He had mentioned previously in a TH that he thought a girl in a soft comfy t shirt was sexy...guess he went a little wild and added a baseball cap to the fantasy. Bobby was wondering why Danielle's voice went low when she asked if he liked girls in hats...that was Danielle trying to talk in a husky, smokey, sexy voice... you dummy.... Edited August 30, 2018 by humbleopinion 9 Link to comment
LisaWl7TR August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 (edited) On 8/29/2018 at 1:28 AM, gonecrackers said: Tristan, you don't need a move to have an 'out' of this marriage. No one would have had a problem with you leaving Mia after the detainment for stalking her ex. Expand Just don't give Mia your new address when you move! Edited August 30, 2018 by LisaWl7TR 12 Link to comment
Waterlilly August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 Dave and Amber: if anyone missed Unfiltered, Amber’s face and body language say IT ALL! I do think she over thinks and then says something defensive. I’m type A too and Dave makes more scents to me, I like direct answers not much for games. I thought I heard DrPepper (Jamie voice) say that Amber was brunette during the “processing”. If that is true, it didn’t take that hair long to fry. I saw a picture of her as a brunette and she looks great, it softens her features. Both Amber and Danielle wear their thoughts on their faces, they need to take lessons from Mia on the art of the con. Bobby and Danielle: they remind me of Anthony and Ashley in that they don’t play the producer’s games. You can tell thar they have talked about this and keep things private. Danielle is more confident and secure than Ashley was, we’ll see if the producers get to her. Danielle should go play golf with Bobby, that is a sexy swing right there. Tristen and Mia: interesting diversion tactic at lunch, took the attention right off of any talk about stalking and stealing. Tristen just wants to move to Houston, he really doesn’t care where Mia lives. Of course she doesn’t mind traveling to stalk. 12 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 Amateurs...Mia has already planted locators in Tristan's stuff and probably in Tristan, too. Mia will show up at his tutoring clubs locations in Dallas and Houston, stand across the street looking into the store fronts, waiting patiently for him to come back to her. Tristan will get thousand of texts from Mia begging him to return to her, that was her MO with Jared. Tristan will come to regret unleashing the "L" word or having sex with her. He has 5 weeks to convince her that she was not his destiny...good luck with that. 9 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 Agreed, Amber pouted and fumed the whole Unfiltered. JamieO's chirping couldn't get her out of her funk... Think Security had to walk Danielle out to her car after the taping. Did anyone notice the big swaying hug Amber gave to Mia at the nail salon? Honor Among Thieves.... 6 Link to comment
gonecrackers August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 11:47 AM, humbleopinion said: Amateurs...Mia has already planted locators in Tristan's stuff and probably in Tristan, too Expand I don't think he'll be worth the effort for her. On 8/30/2018 at 12:15 PM, humbleopinion said: Did anyone notice the big swaying hug Amber gave to Mia at the nail salon? Honor Among Thieves.... Expand Misery loves company. 5 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 Thick as thieves.... 1 Link to comment
LennieBriscoe August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 (edited) Maybe Ricky Bobby meant only a "soft, comfy shirt and a hat." ? Ah, right; Amber (thinks she) wants a baby. That would explain..... Hey! When did bowling establishments add gutter bumpers?!* Mia can't even bowl in a straightforward manner! *Apparently in the 80s, and I'm an insensitive jerk! Edited August 30, 2018 by LennieBriscoe 1 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 Only JamieO can be pantless... 3 Link to comment
MV713 August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 (edited) On 8/29/2018 at 8:27 PM, snarky snarkerson said: I thought that too early on, but there was a scene in an earlier episode where she must have had her face washed and they were not nearly as offensive. I think she just uses a brown cream/pencil/whatever the heck she uses that is the wrong shade and that's combined with not watching youtube videos on how to use such things properly. I say this as someone who overplucked in the 90s and has a lot of sparse spots. I watched the heck out of a bunch of youtube videos when the new bunch of products came out a few years ago beyond brow pencils. The best combo for me is a cream followed by tiny bit of brow powder to really set it and make it look more matte. She just needs someone to teach her. Expand I actually think that NO ONE looks as good as they think they do when they do their own brows. The best judge are your family/friends. I think that everyone with bad brows thinks they look good and are done properly. I had to flat out tell my son's girlfriend that her brows looked horrible and that she was using the totally wrong product - NOT for one second do I know what I am doing, but that she looked like she drew a black sharpie across her forehead! Once I gave my honest feed back, she took a better look and we came up with a normal looking eyebrow process for her. Danielle needs some good old fashioned HARD advice. Same with Amber and her hair - someone PLEASE tell her that her hair looks awful most of the time! Edited August 30, 2018 by MV713 missing word 3 Link to comment
Guest August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 5:06 AM, humbleopinion said: Bobby's fantasy was as wholesome a glass of milk. He had mentioned previously in a TH that he thought a girl in a soft comfy t shirt was sexy...guess he went a little wild and added a baseball cap to the fantasy. Bobby was wondering why Danielle's voice went low when she asked if he liked girls in hats...that was Danielle trying to talk in a husky, smokey, sexy voice... you dummy.... Expand I know! I get that they would never spill actual kinks but I thought "that's what does it for you? that's all it takes to get you going?" Talk about vanilla! It was cute though. Almost too wholesome, like he's deflecting from a hardcore fetish like being dominated or watersports lol. It also made me laugh that Bobby mimicked Danielle's attempt at a sexy come on (however cheesy) as a man's voice. Clearly he hasn't been seduced by many women. Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 (edited) Bobby's grandpa is probably laughing at how lame his grandson's fantasy is.....I'd grab that girlie and bend her over...bad grandpa, that ain't right..... Bobby would never embarrass Danielle by asking her to do anything she's too shy to do in front of the cameras...those two have a game plan and stick to it, no blindsides, no sneak attacks..."no bombs dropped"to borrow a phrase from Tristan... Edited August 30, 2018 by humbleopinion 6 Link to comment
Shieldmaiden August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 (edited) I’m shallow and judgmental, but Amber’s “fantasy” date consisted of a ride in a carriage from My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and a restaurant with a lovely view of a parking lot (yes, I noticed the skyline in the background). I’ll pass. Edited August 30, 2018 by Shieldmaiden Grammar is important 9 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 (edited) So what is Dave's fantasy? A wife he can run his fingers through her soft silky hair... not get his fingers tangled up in a blond Brillo pad..... His laundry clean and folded, dishes washed and put away...Paisley visiting friends for an extended visit... Knowing Amber's financial situation...letting her have a pass is the best indication his marriage is as temporary as the Basset furniture they considered "lease to own" A wife that didn't sleep with gym guy..... Edited August 30, 2018 by humbleopinion 4 Link to comment
Lily247 August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 4:33 AM, LuvMyShows said: That is not what I said. I made my comment with specific and primary reference to not being able to read women (missing the social cues), which I mentioned to be combined with his flat affect, being very analytical, and seemingly clueless about feelings. Missing social cues and feelings is a hallmark of Asperger's, which was not an idle or ignorant guess on my part, having been a parent in a kids' therapy group that included several Asperger's kids and their parents. Expand I dont see anything about Dave that makes him seem remotely on the Autism Spectrum either, including Aspergers. When you see it, you tend to know it right away. Dave is just cold and direct and the type who doesnt give a f. I taught special ed for 10 years as well. 8 Link to comment
ezzy4 August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 Mia has SERIOUS boundary issues. She as been ARRESTED over her lack of appropriate boundaries. Everything about her family interactions demostrates this lack of appropriate boundaries is a family dysfunction; her father's weird discussion following the ceremony, her sister's forceful opinions about where people should live. People like this see boundaries as challenges. Just try to put a boundary down...they will push right through it. Tell them what you don't want to discuss at lunch, and it will be the FIRST thing they talk about. This stuff is serious. There are no easy solutions, especially when the entire family is enmeshed in this behavior. Mia looked completely blank during the discussion about why what she did at lunch upset her spouse. She later told the girls that the only real problem was her husband's reaction (while providing ZERO acknowledgement of her contribution to the argument). She just plain doesn't get it. She's shown ZERO contrition for her arrest either. Ug. She is the WORST! 15 Link to comment
Lovecat August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 4:41 AM, SnarkEnthusiast said: I hate Tristan for making me imagine his donut blowjob. Expand Well I thought he was implying a little "ring toss game" action, so now I hate *you* for making me imagine his donut blowjob :/ [Said in jest, of course!] 2 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 30, 2018 Author Share August 30, 2018 At the nail salon she minimized the problems she and Tristan have had in their 3 week old marriage...getting arrested at an airport... hasn't everyone been detained and put in the DFW jail? 12 Link to comment
ezzy4 August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 Amber is exhausting. Just exhausting. She is a bundle of raw nerves and expects others to fix her insecurities; which no one can actually do for her...'cause...well they are HER insecurities. Dave has a fairly cold personality. He seems pretty self contained and...well selfish. So Amber requires MORE emotional support than most spouses do, and Dave gives LESS emotional support than most spouses do....sooooooo.... Yeah...don't see this really working out... It's a pretty big miss for these "experts". 7 Link to comment
StatisticalOutlier August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 10:08 AM, Waterlilly said: I thought I heard DrPepper (Jamie voice) say that Amber was brunette during the “processing”. If that is true, it didn’t take that hair long to fry. Expand I heard that, too, and I think it was mentioned here that the "experts" were surprised when she showed up blonde. So I don't get all her angst, but mostly, I don't understand how her hair could get that bad that fast. But I'm loving the fact that she apparently identifies as a blonde. I'm okay with my hair color, so that's out for me. But I'm thinking that if I get called out as a mean person I'll respond that I identify as a nice person and shut that shit down fast. On 8/30/2018 at 3:27 PM, Shieldmaiden said: I’m shallow and judgmental, but Amber’s “fantasy” date consisted of a ride in a carriage from My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and a restaurant with a lovely view of a parking lot (yes, I noticed the skyline in the background). I’ll pass. Expand Me, too. That "rooftop dinner" looked to be on the second or third floor. 1 9 Link to comment
gonecrackers August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 With Mia it's always everyone else's fault; she'll never be the one with the problem. Any true psych worth their salt would know this girl has problems. Everyone's got issues, but Mia's a no-win. Tristan's got to bail out; he's already becoming unglued. Even if they didn't know what her deal was when she was signed on, after the arrest Tristan should've been offered an annulment & maybe a do-over if he wanted (they need a 'just in case' couple for this show) - but Mia should've been released from the contract & booted from the show. 18 Link to comment
Yeah No August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 4:33 AM, LuvMyShows said: That is not what I said. I made my comment with specific and primary reference to not being able to read women (missing the social cues), which I mentioned to be combined with his flat affect, being very analytical, and seemingly clueless about feelings. Missing social cues and feelings is a hallmark of Asperger's, which was not an idle or ignorant guess on my part, having been a parent in a kids' therapy group that included several Asperger's kids and their parents. Expand True, but those are also hallmarks of certain Myers-Briggs personality types, especially ISTJs, INTJs and INTPs, so there is a bit of overlap there. Being a finance guy, I would think Dave would most likely be an ISTJ. The uber-logical, analytic, methodical, calculated Dave, who seems clueless about feelings and women, paired with Amber, the quintessential free-spirit, sensitive mess of introverted feelings* and sweet soul, are not the best match. *(Note that introverted feelings means she communicates her feelings indirectly, not that she's necessarily an introvert.) I peg her for some kind of SF or NF type, maybe an ISFP. I definitely think their main problem just might be a classic personality type conflict. If anyone remembers the classic "NT-NF Death Spiral" of decades ago, theirs would almost fit that mold. That came out of the personality mailing lists I frequented years ago. The thing is, when paired with someone complementary to her, Amber would not seem like the needy, insecure person she is coming off as on this show. That's all a function of the bad match that these two are, and the natural devolution of the "death spiral". What happened to all the so-called psychological "instruments" the "experts" used to say they used in seasons past? If the two of them sat down for the MBTI I could have known in a hot minute that they would likely not work out. But I probably would have known just by interviewing them. These experts don't have good instinct when it comes to matching. The fact that they got Danielle and Bobby right is only because that was extremely obvious. 2 Link to comment
ramble August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 5:01 PM, StatisticalOutlier said: But I'm loving the fact that she apparently identifies as a blonde. I'm okay with my hair color, so that's out for me. But I'm thinking that if I get called out as a mean person I'll respond that I identify as a nice person and shut that shit down fast. Expand Oh I like that idea! Maybe I can finally tell my coworker to quit humming, whistling, and singing out loud and she’ll actully hear what I’m saying. Forgot diplomacy I’m going to scream, “Stop it you noise making bag of crazy! I don’t care if you sang once at an event in junior high. You were never asked to again and you’re 45. Get over it! And no you don’t hum in perfect tune and whistling does not put people in a good mood. I imagine taping your mouth closed daily. That puts me in a good mood.” When HR calls me in I’m going to claim that I identify as a kind co-worker and they can’t write me up. Case closed. Topic? I wish someone would tape Mia’s mouth closed. And that has nothing to do with a fishbowl fantasy. (Eww!) I can’t stand to hear the manipulative pile of lies she keeps spewing. She is not fun to hate in a villain kind of way. She’s just nasty. 2 Link to comment
Ilovepie August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 7:00 PM, Yeah No said: These experts don't have good instinct when it comes to matching. The fact that they got Danielle and Bobby right is only because that was extremely obvious. Expand Or maybe the old adage "A broken clock is right twice a day". I think it's actually just dumb luck. 6 Link to comment
Yeah No August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 8:58 PM, Ilovepie said: Or maybe the old adage "A broken clock is right twice a day". I think it's actually just dumb luck. Expand LOL, I like your explanation better! Slightly OT, but my best girlfriend met my husband before I did - He was her then boyfriend's best friend. Sometime after I met him and we were engaged, she told me she knew immediately that we would be a match. 40 years later, we're still together! Although even back then she knew me better than anyone and still is an excellent judge of character. These "experts" couldn't hold a candle to her. 4 Link to comment
ChiMama August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 (edited) On 8/29/2018 at 12:16 PM, Crazy Bird Lady said: On the other hand, I suspect that because family is so important to her, Tristan's mom would probably agree with Mia as far as letting her family know asap that they (she and Tristan) were thinking of moving so far away from them. Expand Houston & Dallas are 3.5 hrs apart by car; my family is 3 hrs from me. It's not the other frickin' side of the world. I always have the same reaction when watching those house hunting shows when someone whines that a 20-min commute is too much. I commute an hour each way. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. <shrug> Edited August 30, 2018 by ChiMama 4 Link to comment
Ilovepie August 30, 2018 Share August 30, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 9:33 PM, Yeah No said: 40 years later, we're still together! Expand Congratulations! My husband and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary in May. 40 years is impressive - maybe you should apply to be one of the experts? Pretty sure you have a better idea of what it takes to make marriage last than Dr. Pepper and crew! ;-p 4 Link to comment
Waterlilly August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 Danielle’s daily commute is equal to a one way trip for Tristen and Mama Mia to pop over for a light lunch with the fam. 3 Link to comment
Neurochick August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 As I watch this show every season. I realize the experts don't know what theyr'e doing. But the thing is, NO experts would know what they're doing. You can match people up by computer, or asking people questions, or using psychology, or doing anything, doesn't matter; two people can be the same race/religion/same family values/whatever. Doesn't matter. The reason I feel it doesn't matter is because no one has a crystal ball, no one can predict the future. No one knows how a person will react to bad stuff, or even to good stuff. Danielle and Bobby seem great, but they haven't gone through stuff yet. Dave and Amber seem like a mess because she has a lot of insecurities and Dave doesn't know how to deal with them. Tristan and Mia have issues, not because she stalked an ex, but because she wasn't honest about it. Was this the only ex she stalked? Does she have a history of stalking? She wasn't honest about those things, she smiles and says it was a misunderstanding, well if it was, let's hear about it. I mean there are people who call the cops on others for any dumbass reasons (look at recent news stories). They're giving Mia a chance to explain herself and she won't do it. The show didn't know how she'd react when they picked her. No one knows how anybody would react, that's why the experts shouldn't even be called "experts." 2 Link to comment
Ilovepie August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 On 8/31/2018 at 12:35 AM, Neurochick said: As I watch this show every season. I realize the experts don't know what theyr'e doing. But the thing is, NO experts would know what they're doing. You can match people up by computer, or asking people questions, or using psychology, or doing anything, doesn't matter; two people can be the same race/religion/same family values/whatever. Doesn't matter. The reason I feel it doesn't matter is because no one has a crystal ball, no one can predict the future. No one knows how a person will react to bad stuff, or even to good stuff. Expand I agree that there is no sure thing, and even when it looks good on paper there is really no way to account for chemistry. That being said, you certainly can tell when two people absolutely do not belong together. For instance, someone who says I must live in Manhattan matched with someone in New Jersey (Sean and Davina); someone who idealizes a manly man matched with a funny nerd (Sam and Neil); someone extremely afraid of dogs matched with someone who is in love with his giant dogs (Sonia and Nick), and don’t get me started on Jessica and Ryan. All of this to say, they have set most of the couples on this show up for failure by matching for ratings rather than anything else, including common sense, which is pretty reprehensible when you think about it. 5 Link to comment
Crazy Bird Lady August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 (edited) On 8/31/2018 at 1:45 AM, Ilovepie said: I agree that there is no sure thing, and even when it looks good on paper there is really no way to account for chemistry. That being said, you certainly can tell when two people absolutely do not belong together. For instance, someone who says I must live in Manhattan matched with someone in New Jersey (Sean and Davina); someone who idealizes a manly man matched with a funny nerd (Sam and Neil); someone extremely afraid of dogs matched with someone who is in love with his giant dogs (Sonia and Nick), and don’t get me started on Jessica and Ryan. All of this to say, they have set most of the couples on this show up for failure by matching for ratings rather than anything else, including common sense, which is pretty reprehensible when you think about it. Expand That!! ...And of course, Dave and Amber are yet another blatant example of the "experts'" motives. On 8/30/2018 at 11:14 PM, Ilovepie said: Congratulations! My husband and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary in May. 40 years is impressive - maybe you should apply to be one of the experts? Pretty sure you have a better idea of what it takes to make marriage last than Dr. Pepper and crew! ;-p Expand We've been married over 40 years. I don't think that makes me any kind of 'expert' -- but I like to think I'd never put a couple together that are obviously not going to work out. Edited August 31, 2018 by Crazy Bird Lady 1 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 31, 2018 Author Share August 31, 2018 (edited) As dismal as Tristan/Mia and Dave/Amber there are some relationships to be celebrated this season... Henry and Bobby-no matter what happens, Bobby will always be New Dad Dave, Tristan and Bobby-Gentle teasing among the amigos but touchingly supportive Danielle and Bobby-Bobby will blurt "I love you" and Danielle's brows will jump for joy Jon and Dr. Jessica- Rawr...Dr. Jessica...Jon was primed for sexy time after 6 months of rejection...we know who likes sweaty boys Amber and Mia-Thelma and Louise...Do Dave and Tristan a favor and drive off a cliff.... Edited August 31, 2018 by humbleopinion 6 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 31, 2018 Author Share August 31, 2018 Anyone else suspicious that Tristan and Mia aren't living together...much like Jon and Molly. Think Mia just drives back or gets a ride to her apartment with the production crew truck then comes back to shoot scenes with Tristan. They are never filmed eating any home cooked meals or even coffee...we at least see Dave/Amber and Bobby/Danielle strapping on the feed bags. Mia is always fully made Molly. Their story line of lack of trust is more a lack of interest in Mia for me...she is neither sympathetic or likeable. 8 Link to comment
princelina August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 7:00 PM, Yeah No said: I definitely think their main problem just might be a classic personality type conflict. If anyone remembers the classic "NT-NF Death Spiral" of decades ago, theirs would almost fit that mold. That came out of the personality mailing lists I frequented years ago. The thing is, when paired with someone complementary to her, Amber would not seem like the needy, insecure person she is coming off as on this show. That's all a function of the bad match that these two are, and the natural devolution of the "death spiral". What happened to all the so-called psychological "instruments" the "experts" used to say they used in seasons past? If the two of them sat down for the MBTI I could have known in a hot minute that they would likely not work out. But I probably would have known just by interviewing them. These experts don't have good instinct when it comes to matching. The fact that they got Danielle and Bobby right is only because that was extremely obvious. Expand Remember when Pepper said they made a match because "they'd look sexy together"? Danielle and Bobby are both small and cute - that could have been it! 3 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 31, 2018 Author Share August 31, 2018 Running Food diary for the season because I'm tired of Amber's hair, Mia's untruthiness, Tristans's puffy eyes from yet another crying jag, Dave's 7.5 gift to Amber : Limited to the food eaten in the 3 households...not restaurants... Suburb Dad Bobby has delighted us with his pasta/veg and crescent roll dinner, hefty kebobs on the grill, peanut butter and rotten at the core(don't forget to trim it out) granny smith apple slices, bagel and schmear. Danielle labored mightily to make those brown sugared pork chops, smashed roasted potatoes and roasted broccoli. The extended Dodd family had a barbecue take out lunch, they went with the beef ribs...the baby backs would have been a better choice. Tristan has ruined pink glazed with gold leaf donuts for those of us with delicate stomachs and runaway imaginations. Dave brought us the aptly named Turkey Mess and a lovely cooked full breakfast in healthy portions, props to Dave who walks the walk of exercise and moderation of diet... Amber spooned out takeout for Zachia and her lapdog husband who had a dog bowl of water for his beverage...whew...hope Amber didn't exhaust herself... Did I forget anything?.... 8 Link to comment
humbleopinion August 31, 2018 Author Share August 31, 2018 In the tease for the next episode... Dave and Amber revisit the Lucky Spur Ranch...the venue for the 3 weddings...why is Amber dragging around in a red blanket...? The venue is an hour north of Dallas in Justin, TX, Home of Justin Discount Boots for your cowboy and hat needs... Tristan and Mia have all their wedding photos in a basket to surprise them when they scheduled them to meet at the high rise...wonder if they added a blow up of Mia's Tarrant County Jail mug shot as a fun bonus. The producers went all out in creativity for The Bobster and Fear the Brow...a bed in the bed of a flat bed pickup truck to watch their wedding video in a drive in... If those 2 don't get swept away with the romantic setting to blurt out their love for each other...oh wait, there is about 15 production people standing around just off camera... 4 Link to comment
Yeah No August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 11:14 PM, Ilovepie said: Congratulations! My husband and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary in May. 40 years is impressive - maybe you should apply to be one of the experts? Pretty sure you have a better idea of what it takes to make marriage last than Dr. Pepper and crew! ;-p Expand Thanks, but I think you and most others here could do a better job of matching with one eye blindfolded and a hand tied behind your backs! ;-) On 8/31/2018 at 2:31 AM, princelina said: Remember when Pepper said they made a match because "they'd look sexy together"? Danielle and Bobby are both small and cute - that could have been it! Expand Plus they look like they could be brother and sister, LOL. 4 Link to comment
Yeah No August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 On 8/31/2018 at 12:35 AM, Neurochick said: Tristan and Mia have issues, not because she stalked an ex, but because she wasn't honest about it. Was this the only ex she stalked? Does she have a history of stalking? She wasn't honest about those things, she smiles and says it was a misunderstanding, well if it was, let's hear about it. I mean there are people who call the cops on others for any dumbass reasons (look at recent news stories). Expand Speaking of people calling the cops on others for dumbass reasons, I just read that one of my favorite TV food personalities, Alton Brown, was arrested almost 20 years ago when he first started doing his TV show "Good Eats". He had done some filming in a local Kroger supermarket in his first season, so the staff knew him there as a TV celebrity. One time when he went shopping there for the show, he forgot a case of soda or something like that in the bottom tray of the shopping cart and was stopped by the security guard and treated like a criminal. Now, even I have forgotten things in the bottom of the cart, but the usual response is, did you forget your soda, not "Stop, you're under arrest!". Alton was actually arrested and brought into custody. I forget what happened after that, but he was forbidden from ever going to that supermarket again. It was very humiliating for him and knowing what kind of person Alton is, I seriously doubt he would ever intentionally try to steal anything from a supermarket. He thinks that the security guard thought he would make a name for himself by nabbing a celebrity. I wish I could believe that Mia is the kind of person I would never think would do something like that, but so far she hasn't impressed me with her character. 2 Link to comment
NoWhammies August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 I feel like the past few seasons, a pattern is appearing - one happy, successful couple that appears to have been actually genuinely matched, and two disasters that even my dogs could see were always going to be overblown dramatic pairings full of misunderstandings. So maybe they meant to do that... 1 Link to comment
Neurochick August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 (edited) On 8/30/2018 at 4:35 PM, ezzy4 said: Mia has SERIOUS boundary issues. She as been ARRESTED over her lack of appropriate boundaries. Everything about her family interactions demostrates this lack of appropriate boundaries is a family dysfunction; her father's weird discussion following the ceremony, her sister's forceful opinions about where people should live. People like this see boundaries as challenges. Just try to put a boundary down...they will push right through it. Tell them what you don't want to discuss at lunch, and it will be the FIRST thing they talk about. This stuff is serious. There are no easy solutions, especially when the entire family is enmeshed in this behavior. Mia looked completely blank during the discussion about why what she did at lunch upset her spouse. She later told the girls that the only real problem was her husband's reaction (while providing ZERO acknowledgement of her contribution to the argument). She just plain doesn't get it. She's shown ZERO contrition for her arrest either. Ug. She is the WORST! Expand I agree with you regarding the arrest, but I disagree with the rest of this post. What are "appropriate boundaries" anyway? Who gets to say what are and what are not appropriate boundaries; and appropriate for who? I think one of the worst things in psychology is to push everybody into a small box as to what is correct behavior or not. People have different boundaries. Not everything is dysfunction, not everything requires therapy. Not everything is enmeshed. It's like Amber and Dave. Dave isn't the type of person who feels that he has to validate Amber every second, but Amber is the type of person who needs that validation. Is Amber wrong? Is Dave wrong? The issue with Mia isn't that her boundaries are different, or that her family has a "disease" or anything like that. The issue is that she can't respect another person's boundaries. That's where there is an issue. I just get so tired of everything having to be a diagnosis. Quote I agree that there is no sure thing, and even when it looks good on paper there is really no way to account for chemistry. That being said, you certainly can tell when two people absolutely do not belong together. For instance, someone who says I must live in Manhattan matched with someone in New Jersey (Sean and Davina); someone who idealizes a manly man matched with a funny nerd (Sam and Neil); someone extremely afraid of dogs matched with someone who is in love with his giant dogs (Sonia and Nick), and don’t get me started on Jessica and Ryan. Expand Those relationships might have worked if the people met each other organically. But they were wrong for the show. Edited August 31, 2018 by Neurochick 2 Link to comment
Jade Foxx August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 On 8/31/2018 at 2:26 AM, humbleopinion said: Their story line of lack of trust is more a lack of interest in Mia for me...she is neither sympathetic or likeable. Expand Mia is so "off," I can't explain it - robotic, disconnected, slow, stunted, challenged - like she's trying to mimic being human? (isn't that what's said about sociopaths?) 3 Link to comment
Neurochick August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 I don't understand all of this diagnosing of people. I don't know if Mia is a sociopath/psychopath/narcissist/or just plain strange. I don't know if Dave is on any spectrum. I don't think it's possible to know these things as we're watching a highly edited (badly), probably scripted reality show where we see a tiny particle of these people's lives. I think Tristan and Mia were matched up because of what it said in that article linked previously about pastor Cal this one. It's hard to find black people who want to marry other black people and it's hard to find people of other races who want to marry black people, was basically what this article stated. I think all of these couples were chosen because they were camera ready and willing to participate in the show. Lots of people might not have looked "good enough" to be on camera and lots of people might not have wanted to participate on this show. 2 Link to comment
Empress1 August 31, 2018 Share August 31, 2018 On 8/31/2018 at 9:54 PM, Neurochick said: Lots of people might not have looked "good enough" to be on camera and lots of people might not have wanted to participate on this show. Expand I think I read an article that said they don't tell the applicants what show this even is until late in the game and once they do, a lot of people (sensibly) bounce. So between that, people who might not pass the background check ( ... well, that's suspect now), and people who aren't good TV, the pool is probably small. 3 Link to comment
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