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Teenmomjunkies reported that she's opening a porn chat website, while Michael would like everyone to know that his daughter Farrah is NOT. NOT! a porn star, and that he didn't look at her sex tape. Just in case anyone missed the last 30 times that Michael said so.

Ok you know what Michael? Of all the things I just assume about dads, "not watching their daughter get backdoored" is like, number 1 on the list. You don't have to explain that you haven't seen it.

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Farrah reportedly made the film crew rent porta-potties while they were working at her house.

Her neighbors must have loved that temporary addition to the neighborhood.




Update to a previous post.  Her house was removed from real estate listings earlier this month, but it is now on the market for $625K, down from $629K (and way down from her original asking price of $750K).

Edited by Bella Roche
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" She’s dipped her toes into stripping and writing erotic novels, and she’s dipped her vagina into selling sex toys molded in its exact shape. Celebrity Fit Club veteran Dustin “Screech” Diamond once testified that playing the bitchy, pure-evil antagonist on a reality show came with extra pay. Did Farrah agree to play the villain on Big Brother for the money? Maybe. Who knows? Would she do it for the money? Judging by her past career choices: 100% yes."

Edited by cheatincheetos
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She's showing off the results of boob job #3. Sigh.


Warning: Includes graphic picture of her DURING SURGERY.


Warning #2: The site has an annoying music track playing. Mute your speakers.




Edited to add: She also apparently is still planning on becoming a doctor (or something) of plastic surgery: http://toofab.com/2015/10/26/farrah-abraham-third-boob-job-photos/

Edited by bref
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"Abraham bumped up from a 650cc- to an 800cc-sized set of implants last week, going from a C cup to a D cup, according to Cosmopolitan."

If she was a motorcycle, she'd be approaching Harley-Davidson territory.


This is the same article that ran in my local paper online. The click bait headline said "Texas porn star goes under the knife again"

She's not even billed as reality star first!

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Farrah's dropped the asking price of her home down to $629,000, which is less than she paid for it (although she opted to buy it furnished since it was was a model house). Judging from comparable sales in the area, she may have some more dropping to go before it sells.


Price drop again 10/29 to $600,000.

Does she even have a realtor? I've never seen a listing for a flat $600, always $599,900 or similar.

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Price drop again 10/29 to $600,000.

Does she even have a realtor? I've never seen a listing for a flat $600, always $599,900 or similar.

Wow, it is now listed for less than she paid for it in November 2013 ($610,810), even before selling costs.  She's had several realtors, and the current guy is brand new.  I wouldn't want Farrah for a client, that is for sure.

Edited by Bella Roche
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I haven't really been keeping up with Farrah since teen mom og wrapped, but I just ran across an Instagram post that her and Simon are back together and I came here to see if there was any info, but now I'm questioning did they break up after the Austin visit shown? I'm not remembering clearly, I thought they had, but I'm questioning it now.

In regards to her thinking people will pay more for her house simply because she lived there, personally I would expect a steep discount, seeing as I would require a hazmat team to go through before I move in. Also while I'm asking questions, is she just moving houses or is she leaving Texas (as a native Texan I would be ecstatic if she left my home state... especially because I will potentially be moving to Austin soon) ?

And I can't with her inability to spell. I'm and not a grammar/ spelling nazi, if anyone sees me post elsewhere here I am a huge fan of "..." And I'm horrible at proper comma placement, and run-on sentences. I will happily admit those are not my strengths when it comes to writing, but not knowing the proper usage and spelling of "fowl" as an adult seems sad.

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Yes, they did break up after he visited Austin.  It is doubtful he has changed his position on marriage or moving to Texas, so she must have decided to continue dating him.  Maybe she is selling the house so she can move to California to be closer to him.  But then Michael would have to move, because he's the one taking care of Sophia.



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Whoa! Someone took her back? It seems he said he doesn't want marriage. So she will sell her house and stalk him. Actually probably not a bad idea. For Farrah. Otherwise, what other option does she have? She offends everyone on sight.  She thinks she's everything but will nibble up every crumb so she doesn't have to be a lonely bird. I feel for Sophia.

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Sounds like Simon got tired of not walking the red carpet at nightclub events & being in the VIP area with Farrah. He must have missed having some level of Z-list fame & whatever "perks" come from dating a D-list reality star and decided to get back together with her.

Or.....if they're currently filming, MTV needed a storyline for Farrah aside from new boobs and her continuing to be a horrible human being, so they *convinced* Simon to get back together with her.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Farrah wants to adopt. Let the comments roll! http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/farrah-abraham-baby-adoption-76977


LOL @ all the "sic" at her quoted Instagram post:



“Let’s embrace the power and beauty that family brings with adoption [sic]. There are over 145 million orphans in the world. I grew up with all my neighbors being adopted and in foster care and I’ve seen it mean the world to them to have loving and caring homes – ‘a family’ [sic].

    “I hope soon Sophia and I can make a world of difference by bringing home a baby brother or sister for Sophia. I always have been passionate about adoption as it means so much to me, my family, my community, my church and my heart. Thank you to all the parents who have adopted and to all the amazing children with their loving families [sic].”

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I just read a great article on Grantland obout the adult film industry.  It seems that Farrah is not liked in that business (what a surprise).  It seems she wants all the perks and money of being in that industry, but still look down on porn stars and claim she is not one.  You really can not have it both ways (this also includes her gross parent who obvously enable her actions with their "Christian" poseur crap). 


I think after Teen Mom, porn is really her only source of income.

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Farrah is going under the knife again -- this time to fix some implant problems:


“I was happy to learn about new incision placement for better results as opposed to under the breast for my paining and burning to stop. I’m happy I could share my story to help other women who may have these side effects and now know it is fixable and there are great doctors to fix this issue and better implants like SRX."



She sold the old ones to Adam Lind so he could make his pecs look bigger.

Farrah wants to adopt. Let the comments roll! http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/farrah-abraham-baby-adoption-76977



Selma adopted, thus so can her doppleganger.

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Ugh I saw the adoption article this morning... I just can't. I have never adopted or thought about the process, but would she even qualify? I would think her current activity in the porn industry would be frowned upon. I guess I can see the argument that being cared for in her home (by her nanny) is better than a orphanage. Beyond the porn stuff, she is just emotionally unstable,I'm really not trying to pick on her or be funny... But I seriously already fear for Sophia's well being, and now she wants to add another?

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I completely agree, I don't think that porn alone should disclude her, I also said her she was emotionally unstable, and there are probably a million other reasons. When I said frowned upon, I don't necessarily even mean that an adoption agency would say no, just that I doubt they'd be thrilled.

If I were the mom putting my child up for adoption, and I got her little portfolio, I'd definitely give it a hard pass. Maybe that was the reason for all of the bitterness to Catelynn at the couples therapy thing... She was hoping Cate would put Novalee up for adoption and she could take her (I'm completely joking)

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I completely agree, I don't think that porn alone should disclude her, I also said her she was emotionally unstable, and there are probably a million other reasons. When I said frowned upon, I don't necessarily even mean that an adoption agency would say no, just that I doubt they'd be thrilled.

If I were the mom putting my child up for adoption, and I got her little portfolio, I'd definitely give it a hard pass. Maybe that was the reason for all of the bitterness to Catelynn at the couples therapy thing... She was hoping Cate would put Novalee up for adoption and she could take her (I'm completely joking)


Joking aside, I can definitely see Farrah thinking that way. She truly doesn't live in the real world (in her mind) and I think this was something she thought could really happen.

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Axl is actually a popular and traditional Scandinavian baby name. She may very well have chosen it because it sounds edgy, she likes Guns N Roses, or whatever, but I guess it's also possible she's part Scandinavian (Debra looks like she could be Scandinavian and I have no idea about Ashley's father since it's not Michael).

Congratulations to Ashley. It has to suck to be estranged from your mom and sister, especially when you've just had a baby.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I don't even know what to say.

I might find her whole story more believable if she'd just admit it wasn't a home video she made as a souvenir for herself but a porno. But the fact that she's still unwilling to admit that is....just ugh. Also, someone please teach this girl how to use the word "myself." It's reflexive, Farrah!!!

(I do think that the other victims are credible. I'm not so sure about Farrah though.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Farrah has zero credibility.  I am pissed that she is jumping in on these very serious allegations simply because she wants to boost her bogus "sex tape with boyfriend" story. She is sickening! Is there any low to which she will not stoop? 


Even in her accusations, she sticks to the story that she met James Deen through a friend and she and James dated for a few weeks, then decided to make a private tape. GOD, she makes my blood boil. 


There is something very seriously wrong with her. I believe Farrah is either mentally ill, or very very stupid.**





**I do not equate mental illness with stupidity**

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Ugh, I just came here because I saw the rape story on Perez Hilton (http://mobi.perezhilton.com/2015-12-07-farrah-abraham-james-deen-rape-allegations/?from=post) it makes me sick that she is twisting herself into being a victim in all of this. I'm not hugely familiar with Deen, I really only know him by the sex tape with Farrah... So I have no idea about the allegations from the other people, but I feel fairly confident that Farrah was not a victim. I think she's just trying to get even because when the sex tape was released he didn't go along with her boyfriend leaked sex tape story. I think it's disgusting that she is now claiming to be raped, this is part of the reason actual rape victims go through hell coming forward. I don't know about the other claims, but by Farrah tagging herself in on the line of girls claiming to be raped by Deen, it in a way discredits the others. I'm not saying I don't believe the others, I truly don't know enough details, but my point is that somone could look at this and say "Farrah is clearly lying, so maybe the others are too?" I certainly hope somone wouldn't actually dismiss the other claims over that, and I don't think it's right, but unfortunately I could see it happening.

I don't know the process in filming a porn scene but my understanding was that they go through pretty great lengths to ensure one isn't drugged and is filming at their own will. Farrah's many meetings with Vivid don't really lend to her rape story either.

Honestly, if she would just be honest and own that she did a porno, I would be completely ok with it... I really couldn't care less what a consenting adult does, it's not how I would choose to make money, but that is my personal decision... But all of this lying, and back tracking and playing the victim of the big bad porn industry is what pisses me off.

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Oh my God.  She needs to be kicked off the show and our screens forever,  I can no longer support this piece of trash.  When a woman makes a false rape allegation she hurts it hurts all victims of sexual abuse.


This offends me much more then her making a porno.  Though lying about that porno being a sex tape was annoying, it is nothing compared to this.  I almost want to start a petition banning her from Teen Mom now.

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The sad thing is Farrah may actually have had a horrible time dipping her toes in the adult entertainment industry and legitimately have been harassed/taken advantage of or even drugged and abused as she claims. But because of her previous antics she comes across as less than credible and attention seeking or bandwagon jumping in the case of James Deen.

If she'd just admit that she made an adult movie or at the very least negotiated with a company to release a "souvenir" for money and that she now regrets that/ doesn't regret that because she provided for her daughter (that would have to be her line for mainstream magazines probably)people might take more notice of what she said re James Deen, who doesn't have a shortage of people willing to line up and call him an abusive asshole.

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I'll admit that I do think it's a pretty house. I looked through the pictures. While a lot of how it's decorated isn't that bad, a lot of it is not my style. And when I say it's not that bad I guess I mean compared to what other Teen Moms would do to the house (neon green rooms or something). I'm confused about why Farrah has a bear skin rug (?) on her dining room table like it's a table cloth as well as the mural of the golf course (?) in the study (?) but perhaps that's because it was the model home.

Zillow says that Farrah is asking about $1500/mo OVER what she should be in rent. Good luck Farrah!

And where will Michael live? Do renters get Michael in the pool house/casita included?

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I just watched the trailer and did I hear Farrah say she was too good for this show and she makes millions of dollars doing other things?  Like the millions she made off of the porno...sorry leaked sex tape.


I do not understand why they put up with her,  In all honesty the whole original cast needs to stop with this show and move on with their lives.

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I'll admit that I do think it's a pretty house. I looked through the pictures. While a lot of how it's decorated isn't that bad, a lot of it is not my style. And when I say it's not that bad I guess I mean compared to what other Teen Moms would do to the house (neon green rooms or something). I'm confused about why Farrah has a bear skin rug (?) on her dining room table like it's a table cloth as well as the mural of the golf course (?) in the study (?) but perhaps that's because it was the model home.

Zillow says that Farrah is asking about $1500/mo OVER what she should be in rent. Good luck Farrah!

And where will Michael live? Do renters get Michael in the pool house/casita included?

Yeah I think I remember hearing she bought it furnished (she is a super busy celebrity dontchaknow, and can't waste her time on thinking about decor, she has an empire to run between me's school and stuff) so that's probably why the decor is random. But lawd have mercy she is difficult to work with under any circumstance, but one where she is actually in charge is just unfathomable. She would always be too busy to worry about your drama if anything ever went wrong, and imagine the wrath if she decided to sell and didn't get top dollar in an offer, I'm sure it would be completely the tenants fault, and she would probably take them to court.

I'm from Texas, and we actually have my moms house on the market near Houston, it's been on the market since July I think and to date we have not gotten a single offer, I'm not sure how the housing market is doing in Austin, but if there is any correlation then she for sure is going to have difficulty with that high of an asking price. I know for us it's extremely frustrating because we've had to drop the price considerably, even though the house is in good condition, we made all the repairs, recarpeted, painted it and even replaced the roof, it looks pretty much brand new with the exception of slight wear and tear that would be normal in any house. The worst part is when we get feedback it's not anything we can control, it's been stuff like "the garage is too small for a truck", "there is only a partial view of the lake", "one of the closets in the master is too small"... Sorry I didn't mean to go on a tangent, I'm just bitter because we now have to I pay a crap ton of property taxes.

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