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I'm way behind on reading and know I posted this somewhere, but since it is still being discussed, thought I would repost it here:

There IS a parenting plan and custody order between Ryan and Maci. We saw it on the show back when it was originally airing. Ryan wanted Bentley's birth certificate to enroll him in something and Maci told him to get it himself. He had ordered it but didn't think it would make it in time. His parents had been urging him to get a formal order since it was all up to her, and after that, he did, probably just to make his mom lay off, but he did follow through. We also saw several instances of them handing off or discussing the agreement, which were mentioned wherever the other post is located.

They were referred to mediation and the mediator told them that at Bentley's age, Ryan was entitled to another evening during the week. Maci said no because Ryan didn't parent, his parents did, and he didn't deserve the extra time. The mediator told her it wasn't about her it was about Bentley and Maci broke down in tears. She then complained about how unfair she found the order because Ryan didn't actually use his time, he let his mom parent and he did the fun stuff.

Mediation IS court. The mediator would submit the Parenting Plan to the judge for his signature. Mediation is used in almost every domestic relations case because it eases the burden on the court system. Child support, and to a large extent, visitation, is formulaic. What can be agreed to as far as visitation and property division in a divorce is handled then, and if they absolutely did not agree to the terms, then they have to go in front of a judge. It wouldn't have been worth it for Maci to take it that far, since she would probably need an attorney and the judge wouldn't cave to her, either. She probably expected Ryan to cave because she didn't think he actually wanted the extra time, but they are both so bull headed and stubborn he wasn't going to give in. It's probably also the reason they text any change requests and not call. I know in my sister's divorce the mediator told them to make sure it was done by text or e-mail and to save those in case they need it in the future, and it should be between Ryan and Maci not Maci and Jenn.

I don't think Maci will ever go back to adjust the order since Ryan may get even more time. I'm not sure why she gets every Thanksgiving, but it may have just not been important to Ryan or he got some other holiday every year. It seemed to me that she was mostly unhappy with the fact she didn't have the control she felt she deserved, which sucks but is what happens when you have to co-parent.

She also left Bentley for long stretches of time with Jenn and Larry while she followed the moto-cross racer, before Taylor, around the country. I think his name was Kyle, also. It seems like he tried to sell some unflattering story or photos of her when they separated, but don't remember for sure, since it happens to all of these women. That is when she met Taylor and he claimed he had never seen Teen Mom and didn't know who she was even though everyone else did. Someone else, one of the girls from the party house, I think (but also don't remember for sure and don't care to look it up), answered a Twitter question of "Where's Bentley while she is at the races every weekend?" with "At his grandparents, Larry and Jenn's house." I actually suspect that Ryan's visitation included every weekend, not every other weekend, and Maci was okay with that because she had been a partier since high school, but think that she said it was every other weekend and one of those tournaments(?) was a few weeks long and not just on weekends. Ryan could have had a longer stretch in the summer, too, and it was during that time. In any event, in my opinion, Maci thinks the Edwards' are the greatest people on earth and appreciate everything they do for her and Bentley, when it suits her. Otherwise, they are overstepping their boundaries and out-of-line. It is possible for both to be true, but I don't see how the Edwards' can know she thinks they are out-of-bounds when she has no trouble asking them to step in between her and Ryan sometimes.

As an aside, the only time I remember them discussing Ryan's child support was when he was on Workers' Comp or laid off and Maci said her child support hadn't arrived. He said it came out of his check and later we saw her read a note from her bank that there was an error and her account had been credited the child support amount. If he hasn't been paying, I think we would have heard about it again.

  • Love 5

I went to try and find the video of the mediation, but couldn't locate one. The reviews show it happened in October 2010 and took place after Maci moved to be with Kyle, not after the birth certificate kerfuffle that I remembered. Other than mentioning Maci got upset about the additional day, none of them mentioned anything else about it, and I read seven, because as usual, Maci's scenes were boring and Farrah was her normal unpleasant-easy-to-trash-self.

I can't play video on MTV's site so I didn't look there, and don't even know if they go back that far. I think it's my firewall since it is usually what causes these issues. 

  • Love 2

I appreciate your efforts @Christina.  Did you try YouTube?

I also recall that scene that you describe.

The way I remember things back then, depending on what was going on in Maci's life, it dictated and ruled Bentley's life. If she chose to move miles away from Ryan, oh well.  If she chose to move in with a house full of young girls so they could drink and party, oh well. Bentley would adjust. If Maci went out of state to chase guys and party, she would leave Bentley with Jen and Larry. No problems then. Bentley had to adjust having to live with a guy because Maci was working hard at getting this guy to marry her. It's all about what Maci wanted. Ryan made it easy because he wasn't so involved, but he did take issue from time to time to some of the things that were happening such as Maci moving far from him. I would rag on his ass for not following through with a visitation order. You can only gripe so much. 

Going by my cable guide, the information for next week's episode reads Maci takes issue with Taylor's extracurricular activities. Of course she does!! Girl ain't happy unless she is in control. 

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, Sounditout said:

Sorry if this has been discussed, I haven't read much of this thread because there is a Farrah thread lol.  Why does Maci never change her hairstyle?  The straight, no bangs look is very 70's and boring and doesn't do anything for her IMO.  I would love to give her a makeover, maybe some shorter layers and long bangs?  Anyone else?

I agree, but Maci's hair seems very thin, she might not want to lose any volume to bangs or layers. 

I googled some of Maci's hairstyles and I totally don't remember this 2 toned phase:



Yikes is right!  I don't remember that color either but I think her hair looks pretty when it's curled and kind of swept over the side of her head.  She seems very low maintenance though so that's probably why she has the hairstyle she does, it doesn't require any work.  I can see her as the type to not want to sit in the makeup chair for hours prior to going on the after-shows.  Some of the girls are made up and dressed to the nines (Farrah) and Maci looks the same with a little mascara lol.  I guess it's not a bad thing that she cares about taking care of her kids more than her appearance, I just think she could be prettier with a different cut/style.

  • Love 3

Everything I Need to Know about Family Law I earned from Teen Mom-Joanna L. Grossman Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University

This is from 2011. It's interesting.

(Here is a link for Part One) http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1636&context=faculty_scholarship

From Part 2 of the article:


Maci and Ryan, as discussed below, share custody of son, Bentley. Although they don’t have a formal custody order, Ryan is subject to a formal child support order. He clearly is the legal father of Bentley, which means he has an obligation to pay support. When Maci realizes that he is behind on payments, she asks him to pay up. He claims his paycheck is being garnished, but she claims the checks are not coming. She seeks help from the child support enforcement office, an agency that exists in every state (by federal law mandate) to help collect on existing child support orders. 

Maci and Ryan share custody of their son, Bentley. He spends 3-4 days a week living with each of them. But their custody agreement was reached through a mediation process and was never approved by a court or issued as part of a formal court order. Thus, neither of them has any firm basis for objecting to the other’s behavior, without filing a petition for a formal custody proceeding. This troubles Ryan, who worries that Maci might just take Bentley and move. And when she did move to a different town several hours away, he didn’t have any clear legal recourse. He also had no recourse when her boyfriend moved in, although he threatened that she would lose Bentley because of it. Likewise, she has no recourse when he leaves Bentley with his parents during custodial visits and goes out partying with his friends. These issues—relocation, cohabitation with a nonmarital partner, and parental behavior—are all matters that would be typically be dealt with in a formal custody agreement that outlined the respective rights and obligations of the parents. Disputes could then be raised as needed with the court, or with a court appointed parent coordinator or mediator. Without such an agreement, Maci and Ryan are in legal limbo on custody matters. 


Edited by druzy
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Sounditout said:

Sorry if this has been discussed, I haven't read much of this thread because there is a Farrah thread lol.  Why does Maci never change her hairstyle?  The straight, no bangs look is very 70's and boring and doesn't do anything for her IMO.  I would love to give her a makeover, maybe some shorter layers and long bangs?  Anyone else?

She has thin, fine hair.  You really can't do much of anything to it.  I have a friend with the exact same hair (color and all) and it's either straight and down (no bangs) or up in a pony tail. The blonde hair looks like it might be part extensions. 

  • Love 2

She sported that hairstyle on one of the tell-nothings and Ryan's girlfriend had the same one at the time. It was apparently a style.

I haven't read the link yet, but their order was signed off on by a judge. It was agreed at the mediation and they had so many days to object or it would be forwarded to a judge for his signature. That was the issue Maci was having, whether to force the issue with the extra day or not, since she didn't want him to have it, but it probably wouldn't be worth it to hire a lawyer and go in front of a judge to argue about, so she let it go. As petty as it was, I saw her point, but a judge wouldn't. 

If she didn't turn him over at the appointed time, he could call the police, show them the Order, and have Bentley transferred to his custody per the agreement, and so could she. It was not in effect before she moved with Kyle, which is what that quote seems to be discussing. That move is what made him take formal action. So, today, unless for some reason the judge decided not to sign it, which I suppose is possible but doesn't make much sense, they are bound to that agreement. Ryan would probably be entitled to more time than he was back then, but frankly, I don't think he wants it, so there is no reason for him to pursue an adjustment. Ryan's rights to more time is also the reason Maci will probably not pursue an adjustment. Maybe, if the Edwards push the issues, Maci will feel she has to go back to court to ensure that Bentley is not being forced to sleep with Jenn against his comfort level, or maybe what I suspect to be Ryan's drug issues will force the issue. Right now, unless what was shown on the show was a reenactment (reality tv would never do such a thing!), there is a legally enforceable Court Ordered Parenting Plan in place, and has been since 2010.

There was a scene where Maci read a note from her bank about an error in her account and her being credited the child support amount. There was some delay when he went on Unemployment or Workers' Comp, whatever it was, but it was being taken from his check and not credited to her correctly at first. That was after there was a child support order in place. It was a few months after he was born before that happened, but can't remember how long. I think she filed fairly quickly after they separated and he didn't fight it like Jo did with Kail, so it isn't ringing any bells.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Christina said:

She sported that hairstyle on one of the tell-nothings and Ryan's girlfriend had the same one at the time. It was apparently a style.

I haven't read the link yet, but their order was signed off on by a judge. It was agreed at the mediation and they had so many days to object or it would be forwarded to a judge for his signature. That was the issue Maci was having, whether to force the issue with the extra day or not, since she didn't want him to have it, but it probably wouldn't be worth it to hire a lawyer and go in front of a judge to argue about, so she let it go. As petty as it was, I saw her point, but a judge wouldn't. 

If she didn't turn him over at the appointed time, he could call the police, show them the Order, and have Bentley transferred to his custody per the agreement, and so could she. It was not in effect before she moved with Kyle, which is what that quote seems to be discussing. That move is what made him take formal action. So, today, unless for some reason the judge decided not to sign it, which I suppose is possible but doesn't make much sense, they are bound to that agreement. Ryan would probably be entitled to more time than he was back then, but frankly, I don't think he wants it, so there is no reason for him to pursue an adjustment. Ryan's rights to more time is also the reason Maci will probably not pursue an adjustment. Maybe, if the Edwards push the issues, Maci will feel she has to go back to court to ensure that Bentley is not being forced to sleep with Jenn against his comfort level, or maybe what I suspect to be Ryan's drug issues will force the issue. Right now, unless what was shown on the show was a reenactment (reality tv would never do such a thing!), there is a legally enforceable Court Ordered Parenting Plan in place, and has been since 2010.

There was a scene where Maci read a note from her bank about an error in her account and her being credited the child support amount. There was some delay when he went on Unemployment or Workers' Comp, whatever it was, but it was being taken from his check and not credited to her correctly at first. That was after there was a child support order in place. It was a few months after he was born before that happened, but can't remember how long. I think she filed fairly quickly after they separated and he didn't fight it like Jo did with Kail, so it isn't ringing any bells.

You have an amazing memory @Christina 

MTV and Teen Pregnancy: Critical Essays on 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom edited by Letizia Guglielmo


maci 1.png


  • Love 5
22 hours ago, Ladystardust said:

Whenever I see Maci or Taylor sporting one of their TTM shirts, the first thing that pops in my mind is "Time of The Month". Not good when your clothing line makes me think of periods. Not that "Things That Matter" is much better. What things matter? Pockets?

They didn't come up with the name/brand of TTM. Taylor purchased boxes of the TTM printed shirts from a defunct company. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

They didn't come up with the name/brand of TTM. Taylor purchased boxes of the TTM printed shirts from a defunct company. 

Yeah I remember they said that. Still think it's a dumb name. I also think it's weird they bought a company like that - you'd think with something as simple as t-shirts they'd create their own brand and name it something that means something to them. I have no idea what things matter to Taylor and Maci. Beer? 

On the hair color, I think Maci's natural color is that lighter red. The blonde phase was awful on her. I also don't know why she dyes it that brighter fake red when she's a natural redhead. And I agree her hair looks better when it's shorter. 

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I remembered the mediation but not the facts that lead to it and reread about it when I was searching for the mediation video. I used to remember the little crap about these people much better, but it's gone on too long now, is too convoluted between what is shown on-screen and what is revealed on social media, and I've just lost interest.  I thought Ryan took her to court after the birth certificate brouhaha but the articles said it was after she moved to live with Kyle a few hours away, then I remembered it. 

When the Child Support Order was first put in place, it needed the amount of time with each parent to calculate the support amount, which is when they made an informal, not court ordered, agreement of every other weekend. Ryan has threatened to take Maci to court for 50/50 custody in almost every season of the show, which is why I think people didn't remember there was a Custody Order in place. He never does, likely never will, and I don't think Maci is even threatened by it now. She claims he doesn't see Bentley unless the cameras are there, which is easy enough to believe based on his general disinterest in life, yet she bitches about him and lies a lot in general so it's hard to believe her, either.

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I think Maci's natural color is strawberry blond. I agree with the quoted below. Her face is way too small for the long hair, and her hair doesn't look good long anyways due to how fine and thin it is. Shoulder length is as long as she should go. I have a similar hair type and as soon as it reaches chest length it looks scraggly.

On 5/19/2017 at 0:31 PM, Marisagf said:

I liked Maci's hair best during one of the early seasons of Teen Mom, when she had it about shoulder length, natural color, and side parted.  Kind of like this photo.  She can lose me with the tats, waist-length hair extensions, blonde color, fire engine red color, and of course, the gauges!



  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, pakalolo said:

I was googling Maci Bookout hairstyles, I love how that picture really highlights her lightbulb shaped head.


Here is another look I don't recognize...


That appears to be taken during her self tanner era.


ETA: Remember when she would wear her hair up, and someone on here christened her "bagel bun"? Now, whenever I see her, I have this odd urge to go find a Brueggers and order a sun dried tomato bagel.

Edited by Tatum
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As far as I know, the only legal trouble he's been in (for substances) is a DUI, which happened several years ago. Maci flat out denied his car accident had anything to do with drugs or drinking, and I don't believe anything has been stated otherwise. As far as I know, there have been no rehabs, no drug arrests, no therapy- drugs are merely the most logical cause for speculation.

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Tatum said:

As far as I know, the only legal trouble he's been in (for substances) is a DUI, which happened several years ago. Maci flat out denied his car accident had anything to do with drugs or drinking, and I don't believe anything has been stated otherwise. As far as I know, there have been no rehabs, no drug arrests, no therapy- drugs are merely the most logical cause for speculation.

He has a DUI? When was this? 

So, we go from Ryan being a lackluster father to suddenly having a drug problem? Maci saying she didn't know the severity of the problem had me chuckling a bit only because I was reminded of her drinking and someone else saying they didn't know the severity of her drinking. 

Maci stating there is a drug issue reminds me of what I mentioned here before. I would find it hard to believe she knew something about Ryan doing drugs and choosing not to say anything. But if she did know something, shame on her. I don't take kindly to Cate and Tyler leaving their kid with April or Butch. I sure don't take kindly to Bentley being around someone who is abusing drugs. Why would she have continued to push Ryan to step up and be a better father if she knew he was doing drugs at all? 

  • Love 5
On 5/19/2017 at 1:31 PM, Marisagf said:

I liked Maci's hair best during one of the early seasons of Teen Mom, when she had it about shoulder length, natural color, and side parted.  Kind of like this photo.  She can lose me with the tats, waist-length hair extensions, blonde color, fire engine red color, and of course, the gauges!



I agree that length is flattering, but she needs bangs to cover up that fivehead.

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, Tatum said:

As far as I know, the only legal trouble he's been in (for substances) is a DUI, which happened several years ago. Maci flat out denied his car accident had anything to do with drugs or drinking, and I don't believe anything has been stated otherwise. As far as I know, there have been no rehabs, no drug arrests, no therapy- drugs are merely the most logical cause for speculation.

Ryan refused transport to the hospital after the accident. Typically, the people who do that have substances in their system. 

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Ryan refused transport to the hospital after the accident. Typically, the people who do that have substances in their system. 

Or don't have insurance. 

I could see him having long term pain after that accident though, and that accident being the catalyst for him abusing prescribed pain medication, especially if combined with alcohol.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 7

My guess is that Ryan dabbled in stuff before the accident. After the accident, he probably did sustain some injuries that required painkillers and that likely triggered a full blown addiction. Because that boy hasn't EVER seemed 100% right, to me. But I think the problem has progressively gotten a lot worse, especially in the last few years. And I think he was stealing from his parents to pay for his addiction, and that was what was behind the big blowout last year. I think Larry probably really wants to enact some tough love, but Jenn won't go for it. I think they've fought over how to handle Ryan for awhile now. 

  • Love 13
44 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

My guess is that Ryan dabbled in stuff before the accident. After the accident, he probably did sustain some injuries that required painkillers and that likely triggered a full blown addiction. Because that boy hasn't EVER seemed 100% right, to me. But I think the problem has progressively gotten a lot worse, especially in the last few years. And I think he was stealing from his parents to pay for his addiction, and that was what was behind the big blowout last year. I think Larry probably really wants to enact some tough love, but Jenn won't go for it. I think they've fought over how to handle Ryan for awhile now. 

100% agree on this. I've always seen a weird, blank, useless guy. Now he's zombied out. I'd bet Cate's faux farm it's opioids. 

Mackenzie is a weird piece to the puzzle. I've wondered since she came around if she was getting him the drugs somehow. Or she's just desperate to get her kid into Jenn and Larry's world. Although frankly, I've always wondered if Larry has a drinking problem. Forget Maci and her beers, Larry always seems lit. 

  • Love 11

If I had an enabling spouse to an adult kid like Ryan, I'd be lit all the time, too. Larry vented how Jen puts Bentley and Ryan before him all the time. You can't push a spouse aside like that, allow a grandchild to sleep in the grandparents' bed, which leads me to think Larry isn't getting much sex from Jen. Combine all of that with Ryan's bullshit, the poor guy's needs are not being met, he is being ignored, his words mean nothing to Jenn, the guy has no voice or say-so in that home. Sounds like they need therapy and marriage counseling. Poor man. He deserves a case of beer. He is drowing his sorrows. Maci has no excuse for all her beers, especially the ones she chugged while pregnant. 

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

My guess is that Ryan dabbled in stuff before the accident. After the accident, he probably did sustain some injuries that required painkillers and that likely triggered a full blown addiction. Because that boy hasn't EVER seemed 100% right, to me. But I think the problem has progressively gotten a lot worse, especially in the last few years. And I think he was stealing from his parents to pay for his addiction, and that was what was behind the big blowout last year. I think Larry probably really wants to enact some tough love, but Jenn won't go for it. I think they've fought over how to handle Ryan for awhile now. 

That is exactly my theory. The drug use was there long before that car accident. 

Jenn is a big-time enabler. She now has a husband who may be drinking to cope and a son who is an addict and is also killing cats. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Also, even if Maci said he went to the hospital doesn't mean its true. 

Very true. Girl is shady as fuck. If she is lying, then she is no different than Jenn by covering up for Ryan. That may be why Maci is so pissy with Jenn. Jenn is stealing Maci's thunder. Maci wants to be the one who controls everrrrrrrything having to do with Ryan. 

  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I'm kind of curious how Maci will react if Ryan has a child with Mackenzie?!  Will she be accepting of it as Ryan is with Jayde and Maverick?

Agreed. They have shown Ryan playfully  (as playfully as Ryan can be...) with Jayders at least once or twice. Ryan could clearly care less that Maci is with Taylor. But Maci seems bothered that Ryan is now engaged. She sounded so smug when she was babbling that nonsense about how she's the only girl in his life who stands up to him, or whatever the hell she said. She has a very high opinion of herself.

  • Love 11
22 hours ago, politichick said:

She would actually gain some volume, wouldn't she?

I guess I'm going by my own hair, which is long, thick, and curly. If I didn't cut the front of my hair off into bangs and get it layered I would have so much hair I could barely be seen through it like Cousin Itt.

I'm not a hair dresser though, I'm just going on the assumption that if she doesn't have a whole lot of hair to begin with, it seems like losing a bunch of it to bangs in particular would leave her with even thinner looking hair.

Bangs would certainly help to disguise her 40 watt forehead though.

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