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On 5/21/2016 at 7:11 PM, CofCinci said:

Drama/unprofessionalism with Maci's wedding photographer has revealed the Wedding date (early October). http://starcasm.net/archives/350249

Guess she wants to walk down the aisle after she gives birth. 

I thought it was leaked already that it was Oct?  I remember Chelsea from Teen Mom 2 and Amber (yea right, like that one will happen) all have Oct dates.

Edited by TaxNerd
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On May 31, 2016 at 6:36 PM, poopchute said:

I gotta say, I'm jealous.  We were both due yesterday and it looks like her baby came on time while I'm still sitting here hugely pregnant and miserable and no baby in sight. Congrats to her but I hate her at the same time.

Oh, Poopchute, I hope you've had the baby by now and are enjoying baby snuggles. I'm due mid-July and it's getting pretty hot (I live in south Louisiana) and uncomfortable. I went two weeks overdue with my son and had to be induced and it was miserable (at least that was in November, though, so no heat to contend with). I feel for anyone who goes past their due date.

Has Maci posted pics yet? Or is she planning on some magazine buying them? I just can't imagine there's that big of a market anymore for pics of her third child.

If Maci had a C-section, I hope she had her tubes tied at the same time. If not, I hope the doctor sent her home with birth control. And I hope Taylor is smart enough to get a vasectomy no matter what birth control Maci is allegedly on, because "miracles" happen a lot to that girl. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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On 6/2/2016 at 4:13 PM, Tatum said:

Novalee is pretty bad. I think the Duggar daughter that named her kid splooge or something like that is the worst I've heard. But Novalee ranks right up there.

I don't think Maverick is terrible, considering what these two could have come up with.

I'm dying at Splooge. It's sadly close enough. I hate the name Maverick. I know it could be so much worse, and with thus crowd, I'm usually just pleased if it is spelled correctly and doesn't have excessive Y's. The name also reminds me of Sarah Palin. Speaking of which, with this trend of odd descriptive noun names (Maverick, Saint) how long until we see a baby Rogue?


15 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


Has Maci posted pics yet? Or is she planning on some magazine buying them? I just can't imagine there's that big of a market anymore for pics of her third child.

I remember Kourtney Kardashian holding out on pics of Reign for a really long time, presumably to drum up interest, or waiting for a deal from a magazine. Didn't happen. And that was a Kardashian baby. Sorry third born children of reality stars, but your pictures just don't cost as much.

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Maci's always has pretty bad skin; the huge amount of makeup and tanning are not helping. Then there's the fact she's a heavy smoker AND drinker. Anybody will age poorly if they're constantly ingesting booze and nicotine. Catelynn and Tyler are also chain smokers and allegedly drink a lot more than they let on, and they're not exactly aging gracefully themselves. None of these people are as a result of their poor lifestyles, eating choices, etc. They're only in their mid-twenties and they already look so much older. Like they've just given up on life.

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8 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I have to give Ryan props for being the only dad in the TM franchise who hasn't had another baby. At least someone on this show learned a lesson about the consequences of unprotected sex. 

Hey hey hey, neither has Daddy Derek ;) And at least Corey was married for more than a day before his wife got pregnant. But you are right, Ryan deserves a lot of credit for that, especially since he has had girlfriends and very easily could have (so either every girl he has been with has been responsible with her birth control, or Ryan has been, or they both are, and they really should be congratulating Ryan on every reunion for this reason, some basic positive reinforcement if the show wants to claim that they have an effect on the birth rate).

  • Love 8

I don't think any of the original 8 dads wanted to be fathers (at the time), with the exception of maybe Gary, and in addition, Ryan and most of the TM2 original dads really didn't want that much to do with the moms either. However, I think Ryan has really, really, really  resented his lifetime tie to Maci more so than any other dad featured on this show. And why, I don't know. I mean, Maci's kind of annoying, but she's not a psycho like Jenelle or Leah, and Ryan's parents are still supporting him so it's not like he had to sell his beloved vehicle and work two jobs, like Corey had to do in the beginning. Really, for all her faults, Maci (other than maybe Chelsea) is about as good as it gets for the baby mamas on this show. (By that I mean as good as it gets for the father who has to co-parent with her, not necessarily who is the best mom for the child). Yet for whatever reason, Ryan harbors more resentment for her than Jo does for Kail, Gary does for Amber, or Corey does for Leah, even though each of those respective guys has had way more shit thrown at them than Ryan has. Very weird. Anyways, given how much I think Ryan despises his circumstances, I bet he is pretty good about condoms and probably buys morning after pills in bulk.

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37 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Who knew "slow" albinos made such cute babies.? If only Maci hadn't acted like she was in heat all the time and let her relationship with Kyle progress naturally, she might have some wedding pictures to show off. 

Kyle knew better than to stick around with that hot mess. They were only dating for a couple months and she was already begging him to get her pregnant because, without Bentley around all the time, Maci was "bored". I feel like Kyle probably enjoyed the perks that came with dating Maci, but at the end of the day, it was better being poor and free from her crazy than putting up with it for the rest of his life. Ryan already learned his lesson, and I'm sure Taylor will, too. Eventually. Hopefully.

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7 hours ago, Darknight said:
On 6/22/2016 at 10:11 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I have to give Ryan props for being the only dad in the TM franchise who hasn't had another baby. At least someone on this show learned a lesson about the consequences of unprotected sex. 

Ryan probably hates children. Even tho he has one. 

There is only room for one child in Ryan's life and that child's name is Ryan.

In all seriousness, I too am glad he has seemed to learned his lesson regarding birth control, because the ladies sure love them some Ryan.

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I just watched the trailer for this upcoming season, and they're trying to play off like Maci's third pregnancy was a total surprise. There's a scene when Taylor asks Maci if she thinks she might be pregnant again and then another scene where she acts totally surprised by a positive pregnancy test. Meanwhile, not only was she a few months along last season, but she was trying to hide her baby belly. Who the hell does she think she's fooling?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, poopchute said:

When Taylor proposed she said "finally"??!  First of all, rude.  Secondly, how long have they even been together? Two years? Longer than that? She's acting like they have been dating for a decade and they are 40 years old.

God, she seemed so desperate when he proposed. I'd be embarrassed for her if I actually liked her or gave a damn about her. I don't think Maci even likes Taylor enough to marry him. I think she just wanted to get married because she was embarrassed that she was approaching twenty-five with three children by two different fathers. It wouldn't have mattered who proposed to her as long as she gets her ring and wedding. Hell, I think she'd be even happier if Ryan was the one who proposed.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, poopchute said:

When Taylor proposed she said "finally"??!  First of all, rude.  Secondly, how long have they even been together? Two years? Longer than that? She's acting like they have been dating for a decade and they are 40 years old.


32 minutes ago, geekamonggeeks said:

God, she seemed so desperate when he proposed. I'd be embarrassed for her if I actually liked her or gave a damn about her. I don't think Maci even likes Taylor enough to marry him. I think she just wanted to get married because she was embarrassed that she was approaching twenty-five with three children by two different fathers. It wouldn't have mattered who proposed to her as long as she gets her ring and wedding. Hell, I think she'd be even happier if Ryan was the one who proposed.

I think the "finally" was because she has been waiting since she was sixteen to walk down that aisle. I do not think she realizes that a pretty wedding is one day and a marriage is a life time of commitment.

She wants Taylor to fill the groom spot and he need her third rate celebrity status to maintain his lifestyle of crappy t-shirts and beards.

I know some people will point out that Maci broke the engagement in her 16 and P show by setting down her ring, but I think she wanted to marry Ryan and he did not want to marry her.  The engagement was just something to make his parents happy and then he passive aggressively sabotaged the whole thing.

  • Love 7

Kyle's baby is cute.... But Krew? 

I've been watching some episodes of the last season and what I find odd is that maci always seems to have a bud light can just  off in the corner. Or when Ryan stopped by and she showed him the room she's walking with a big cup... My uncle who loved his beer never left his big plastic cup when he left the room he carried it with him.

Don't get me wrong,  it's fine to relax with a glass of wine,  beer whatever . It just seemed to me,  that the beer bottles, cans were always there in maci's scenes. 


I'm sure you all have discussed it.  I noticed it upon watch the episodes again. 


Re: Maci' s bad skin,  I had a friend who had the worst acne.  Nothing really helped.  Prescription stuff helped some.  She also would also pack on the make up to hide the bad skin. Finally she just stopped wearing make up. It took a few weeks and it was so hard on her but her skin improved. It wasn't perfect but so much better,  no more red angry flare ups . When I say makeup I mean foundation and powder and blush. Her Dr had been telling her for years that she was making it worse with the makeup. She finally heard him I guess. She's braver than me. 

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Maci has Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. One of the symptoms is acne. Another is very irregular periods. I also have this and have gone more than a year at a time without menstruating.  I think she must have something else going on, too, because she is really slim and most women with this condition have a very hard time keeping their weight down. It's usually very difficult -but not necessarily impossible- to conceive and obviously, with her having A child, she isn't infertile so she needs to bloody take precautions if she doesn't want "surprise" babies. But I don't believe she ever really thought she couldn't have any more kids.
My husband just commented that she could have proposed to Taylor any time. Yeah, she could, but either way, she's gonna get criticized because, well, she's Maci and she smacks of desperation. Plus, Taylor just seems like a fame whore and she's making a mistake with him, IMO. 

  • Love 3

To be fair, I believe the statistic is that approximately 2/3 of women with PCOS are overweight or obese. In America, 2/3 of all women are overweight or obese. This is just off the top of my head though, so the numbers could be off.

Regardless, not using birth control is stupid even if you have PCOS, because fertility isn't an impossibility. Taylor not choosing to use condoms despite knowing that Maci is not using birth control is stupid. Both of them are stupid to think, we are having sex with some frequency, or even once in a while, and are not using birth control, and now we are pregnant. Again. If either of them did not want another child, or were not ready for another child yet, then they should have used birth control like normal people who do not want children. 

  • Love 4

Oh, no doubt, DoctorWhovian. Our kids are 6 and a half years apart but I got an IUD after the youngest was born because we couldn't have handled another financially. Plus, I didn't need to "trap baby" my husband. 
Aside from anything else, Macy's got a cheek being paid to talk to young people about being responsible with BC. I hope that gig is well and truly buried.

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I'm in my early 30's and recently had a third baby. That's Three kids roughly the same age apart her kids will be. One in school and two under three. 

It is not that much different going from 1 child to then having two, but let me tell you something, adding the third child has taken the wind out of me.

Throw in a couple pets and this momma is around the clock. And I work!!!!

I work from home so I constantly have the two little ones needing me even when I'm on the phone with my boss (humiliating having to run up the stairs on the phone so that your boss doesn't hear "she stole my sippy cup whaaaa").

It is incredibly difficult to put two little kids in car seats with a bad back just to go to the grocery store (I hurt my back for foolishly carrying the car seat with my (at the time) 5 month old in it because I didn't want to wake her up and I suffer everyday - warning for the soon to be moms - don't carry the car seat with baby older than newborn).

The point I'm trying to make here is that three small kids is tough and even more tough when you have a fiancé with the mindset of a lazy teenager that drinks beers and tries to sell ugly shirts on his girlfriends third rate celebrity status.

I don't see him doing his part in raising those kids. I haven't even seen him change jades diapers. Maci does ALL the work. Taylor is a 20- something in a teenage boy body (dresses like one) and won't give up the video games to read a bedtime story.

Listen Maci, if you're reading this, don't marry this guy just for the ring because you will eventually resent him and be stuck home with three kids and no help when this gravy train ends. It took him until the second oopsie baby for him to get down on one knee.

Plus - get back on birth control or tell beardass to use a condom because for someone having fertility issues you get pregnant quicker than the queen ant in her colony.

Im rambling. One more thing, a poster above mentioned bud light cans in all of Maci's scenes. I know the girl loves her beer but Taylor is ALWAYS with one in his hand, mostly.

So those could very well be that lazy bums can lying around and hers being occasionally. I can tell when someone is buzzed or near drunk and Maci is hardly slurring and Taylor always has a buzzed look on his face. Lol.

Edited by Calm81
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I don't see him doing his part in raising those kids. I haven't even seen him change jades diapers. Maci does ALL the work. Taylor is a 20- something in a teenage boy body (dresses like one) and won't give up the video games to read a bedtime story.

I remember when they were searching for a house, the main priority was not school districts or rooms for the children.  No, the only thing Taylor cared about was having a man cave so that he could relax after a long stressful day of having no job (this was before Maci bought him the fabulous t-shirt company) and ignoring his kids.

One of the reasons Maci does not think anything of his lazy ass is that Ryan's and her parents help them out a lot. 

I think the real reason Taylor does not want to marry Maci is because he is not sure how long the gravy train is going to last.  I have a feeling that Maci is far from financially secure.  She has bought like twenty million houses and as someone pointed out up thread, she has lost all credibility as an advocate for birth control (so no more speaking gigs).

Taylor stated (he tried to make it a joke, but I think there was a glimmer of truth) that he will marry Maci if it gets them another season.

I know the girls get paid a ton of money for doing this show, but I do not see this series having legs for much longer.

Edited by qtpye
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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

I'm in my early 30's and recently had a third baby. That's Three kids roughly the same age apart her kids will be. One in school and two under three. 

It is not that much different going from 1 child to then having two, but let me tell you something, adding the third child has taken the wind out of me.

Throw in a couple pets and this momma is around the clock. And I work!!!!

I work from home....

OK, totally off topic, but how do you do this? How do people with kids at home also work? If there is a secret please tell me. I work in an office but at least once a month one of my kids gets sick, and sent home not just for the day, but for the next day as well, and it's usually when I am super busy at work. So, I have to try and work from home since my kid can't be at daycare. Even sending the healthy kid to school so I only have one at home, this is IMPOSSIBLE.  My baby crawls over my laptop. He whines when I set him down. He naps for maybe one hour on a good day, and trying to work off my one laptop when I am used to three monitors at work- that one hour, even with ZERO interruptions, is painfully inefficient compared to being in my office.


Also agree Taylor is next to worthless. Maci's desperation to get married has bit her in the ass big time.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Tatum said:

OK, totally off topic, but how do you do this? How do people with kids at home also work? If there is a secret please tell me. I work in an office but at least once a month one of my kids gets sick, and sent home not just for the day, but for the next day as well, and it's usually when I am super busy at work. So, I have to try and work from home since my kid can't be at daycare. Even sending the healthy kid to school so I only have one at home, this is IMPOSSIBLE.  My baby crawls over my laptop. He whines when I set him down. He naps for maybe one hour on a good day, and trying to work off my one laptop when I am used to three monitors at work- that one hour, even with ZERO interruptions, is painfully inefficient compared to being in my office.


I don't exactly work from home, but I do homeschool my kids and I also do paid market research for extra money. Since my oldest was a baby, I've had times where my kids are "confined" and they know that's where they need to be. I've never used playpens or highchairs like Jenelle, but with my oldest I had a large play yard, and in our current house they have a play room and I put a baby gate across the door way when need be. They're just so used to it that most of the time they happily play in there with each other, and are allowed to come out to go potty. I don't keep them in there all day, by any means! Now that they're older (8,6, and 5), they really only have to go in there when one of the others is doing individual school work with me. But I've just found that having that designated space and time from an early age was the only way, as a SAHM, to be able to get certain things done. I also try to squeeze things in during their designated TV time. 

My sister is a graphic designer for an architectural firm and she occasionally has to telecommute because of childcare issues. My niece is almost 2. She gives lets her watch her favorite PBS show on a tablet while mommy gets an hour in. Or she'll let her run around the backyard and bring the laptop out there. 

It certainly isn't easy! You just have to squeeze stuff in while you can. 

Maci and Taylor will hold onto this show for as long as they can, so MTV can support them. They're both lazy, if you ask me. I remember Maci always using Bentley as an excuse not to do her schoolwork. Which, I get it - it's hard. But she's never really seemed to have any motivation to me. If she can't buckle down with 1 kid, how's she going to get anything done with 3???

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