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13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

You know, I said it all along about David.  It was soooooo obvious David's been wanting to get outta this marriage since we first met him & Shannon.  OK, so why didn't he divorce Shannon years ago?  The kids?  Nah, others said that, but I didn't believe that shit for a second.  No, no, no.  So why didn't David dump Shannon a zillion years ago?  Clearly, he was miserably unhappy with her -- and yet he stuck around.  Uh, why?

Dough, dough, dough, dough, dough, dough!

David is worth millions & he doesn't wanna give Shannon any of it.  Well, tough shit, David, ya cheap fuck.  Shannon paid her dues in a crap marriage, where you treated her like shit & cheated on her & even beat her.  And she stayed at home & raised your kids, so it's time to pay up, shithead!

But is David worth less now than he was back then? If his net worth is growing with age, then I would think it would have made more sense to have divorced her all those years ago instead of now.

My theory is that David waited this long because first he thought he could have the marriage, kids, big house and social circles all the way having the side chick. But when he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he had the option to divorce Shannon right then (which would have only compounded what an asshole he is) or he could have entertained his wife's desire to try and heal and make the marriage work. Knowing what I know now, I think David intentionally tried to do enough to make it seem like he was truly trying to salvage their marriage but all the while upholding a level of withdrawal from Shannon that he hoped would crack her. I think he wanted her to be the one that would file for divorce (not sure if that would have made any difference to the spousal support he would have to pay). If he let Shannon think that she walked away from the marriage on her own terms, she would probably feel less inclined to expose his abusive ways because he would bank on Shannon not wanting to cause mayhem for the sake of their daughters. His abuse was outed, he let her damage her credibility for him by denying that it was ever true, all the while he was just growing more and more resentful. I think he just got so fed up that he said 'fuck the consequences' and now that he's dealing with all of the consequences of his stupidity, he wants to pretend he has the right to be outraged by it.

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15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Look, I know the Milkman's shorts were all kinds of wrong.  And yet, damn, he had great legs!  Sure, his look & manner was off-putting & weird.  And yet, he was kinda hot.  I thought he was stoned -- er, cuz I figured that's the only way to get thru a date with Kelly.  And no, he wasn't completely stupid cuz he said Kelly was difficult.  So he clearly knows what she's about.

So I'm confused.  Uh, why does Kelly think she'll never be alone?  Still, scratching my head over why she's so confident about that.  I figured ALL men would eventually flee from her (maybe with varying degrees of quickness), the same way they all eventually flee from Bethenny.  Eek!

I kind of liked the milkman. I thought he and Kelly made a good pair because they're both weird and uncensored. He seemed dry, acerbic and, well, weird. And, yes, he had great legs. And yes he was wearing shorts that showed them off. And yes shorter shorts on guys is definitely on trend these days.

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On 8/27/2018 at 1:39 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

David is worth millions & he doesn't wanna give Shannon any of it.  Well, tough shit, David, ya cheap fuck.  Shannon paid her dues in a crap marriage, where you treated her like shit & cheated on her & even beat her.

I know this board is chock full of Shannon lovers and yes, David is an ass for sure but didn't Shannon vehemently deny that David ever beat her? When Vicki put that rumor out there Shannon cried and cried and denied, denied, denied. In fact, it was one of the major story line during the season in which Shannon hated Vicki. 

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Weren't police called & a report was made & then she refused to press charges?  Or am I not remembering correctly?  I'm def NOT a Shannon lover at all.  Nuh-uh.  No way.  I never could stand her non-stop self-pitying & whining.

But seeing Shannon talk about David's intense anger after the judge's alimony decision . . . it made me sympathize with her.  Some asked why Shannon would seek to reduce so significantly what the judge set for David to pay her.  I wasn't puzzled about it.  Not.  At.  All.  Shannon is scared of David -- and particularly his anger & his temper.  Wonder why?  Not me.

Now, we've seen that Shannon does have a kind heart & is capable of kind acts.  So did she ask the judge to reduce David's payments out of kindness to him, to keep the peace for the kids' sake or cuz she's scared of his anger?  

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I don't think she's afraid of his anger. We have seen in the past how she acted with him. Criticizing, belittling, complaining, generally being really nasty to David.  You don't do that when you are scared of someone. I do think, however, that she is just plain tired of fighting over who gets what and how much and figures she will do just fine on $22,000 a month PLUS her paycheck for doing the show which has to be at least $250,000 a year or much more so why prolong the court battle.  Also, with the assets they had together and the sale of that mega house Shannon probably got some cut of all that, too, we are not privy to everything they settled on. 

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2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


Weren't police called & a report was made & then she refused to press charges?  Or am I not remembering correctly?  I'm def NOT a Shannon lover at all.  Nuh-uh.  No way.  I never could stand her non-stop self-pitying & whining.


David was actually arrested and had to take anger management classes. That was public long before Vicki and Shannon had their falling out. Vicki told Kelly (off camera) about a different incident in which Shannon called her claiming that David was being abusive and she was afraid of what he would do to her. Shannon later denied Vicki's account of events because she was still trying to make her marriage work and it also sounded like she was very drunk when she made that call to Vicki. 

And, I DO firmly believe that Shannon is afraid of his anger. I think that is why she was willing to go for less than the judge allotted her. I also think it's why her mother told her to make sure her attorney walked her to the car after the hearing so that she wouldn't face the brunt of his anger alone. I also think the reason David is prolonging the court battle is that it is about control. The reason he was seething with anger after that court appearance was because he couldn't control what the judge set as appropriate support payments. But he knew that if he was angry enough Shannon would relent just to keep the peace, and he was right. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't think she's afraid of his anger. We have seen in the past how she acted with him. Criticizing, belittling, complaining, generally being really nasty to David.  You don't do that when you are scared of someone. I do think, however, that she is just plain tired of fighting over who gets what and how much and figures she will do just fine on $22,000 a month PLUS her paycheck for doing the show which has to be at least $250,000 a year or much more so why prolong the court battle.  Also, with the assets they had together and the sale of that mega house Shannon probably got some cut of all that, too, we are not privy to everything they settled on. 

Yeah, but I think her needling & nagging him was pretty much the pattern of their marriage.  He endured a lot from her & I suspect it really took a great deal for his temper to appear & explode.  Sounds like it didn't happen often, but when it did, it was scary.  I'm convinced she's scared of him when his rage errupts -- as she described his reaction to the judge's alimony decision.

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10 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


On 8/27/2018 at 1:39 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

David is worth millions & he doesn't wanna give Shannon any of it.  Well, tough shit, David, ya cheap fuck.  Shannon paid her dues in a crap marriage, where you treated her like shit & cheated on her & even beat her.

I know this board is chock full of Shannon lovers and yes, David is an ass for sure but didn't Shannon vehemently deny that David ever beat her? When Vicki put that rumor out there Shannon cried and cried and denied, denied, denied. In fact, it was one of the major story line during the season in which Shannon hated Vicki. 


As I can attest to personally, women (and sometimes men) in abusive relationships often deny or lie about what is really happening. This happens for many reasons, including denial, being ashamed, being scared to come forward. The longer you’re in the relationship, the more they can mess with your self of self, your self esteem and your connections with others outside the relationship. It’s easy to see when it’s happening to others and wonder “why don’t they just leave”, but it’s not that simple which you are living through your own personal hell.

that being said, my experience was long before the internet, let alone social media, so I was in my own little bubble not knowing what was really going on.

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13 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

As I can attest to personally, women (and sometimes men) in abusive relationships often deny or lie about what is really happening. This happens for many reasons, including denial, being ashamed, being scared to come forward. The longer you’re in the relationship, the more they can mess with your self of self, your self esteem and your connections with others outside the relationship. It’s easy to see when it’s happening to others and wonder “why don’t they just leave”, but it’s not that simple which you are living through your own personal hell.

that being said, my experience was long before the internet, let alone social media, so I was in my own little bubble not knowing what was really going on.


I'm glad you got out and see things clearly today. Brava.

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I couldn't get over the tiff between Vicki and Kelly at the party.  I noticed that when Kelly brought up her grievance (which I feel is completely warranted), Vicki starts to negate her feelings first with it's over, then Kelly's being loud and inappropriate and then Kelly's upset.  It was complete deflection and Vicki was projecting her own actions onto Kelly.  I'm no doctor, but that looked like text book narcissism to me.  She disgusts me.  I feel like I have to shower after watching her.  I may not make it through this season.

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On 8/21/2018 at 6:52 PM, mon berg said:


wealth he worked all his life for and she never worked great system they have in US


I can understand why he was not happy that is silly money.


People saying about David is not nice so on how comes he gets on with all the other husbands fine and is chummy with them the only time he had a spat was with that dicko guy who twisted the cancer stuff.


I noticed in this episode how Tamara really is still a s**t stirrer she tries to do it in a smarter way which I suppose for these women who are not brightest do not notice it.

Shannon comes from money and if I remember correctly, her money started his construction company. I disagree with you about her working. Raising children and keeping a home is a lot of work.

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6 hours ago, Reality police said:

Shannon comes from money and if I remember correctly, her money started his construction company. I disagree with you about her working. Raising children and keeping a home is a lot of work.


Yes she does come from money and no his company did not come from her money.


It's not that hard women try to make out it is more difficult then it is when kids become school age that leaves a 6+ hour window open free in the day which most just sit there watching tv.


I have children and raised my daughter from home while my wife worked.

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12 hours ago, mon berg said:


Yes she does come from money and no his company did not come from her money.


It's not that hard women try to make out it is more difficult then it is when kids become school age that leaves a 6+ hour window open free in the day which most just sit there watching tv.


I have children and raised my daughter from home while my wife worked.

I laughed out loud at this.


I stay at home with my kids, who are all now in school. My days start at 5am five days a week when I take my kids to swim practice before coming home, packing lunches, doing dishes, discussing current events with them and making sure everyone is appropriately dressed and packed for the day. Once they leave I immediately dive into my day which is not 6 hours of free time to watch TV, but rather a sprint to get multiple loads of laundry done, clean the house, run a variety of errands, some days volunteer at my kids school, keep the house decorated and presentable and then come home to prep dinner because from the time the kids get home from school until about 8:00 it’s off to numerous sports and activities before we come home to shower and eat a late dinner. There are many stay at home moms in our area and their days all look like mine. We are doing ALL of this, with minimal to no help from our husbands. Maybe you sat around watching TV when you raised your daughter but most stay at home moms aren’t able to spend their days that way. Shannon, by all accounts, has smart, engaged kids who participate in numerous activities and a beautiful, well-kept home where home cooked meals are eaten. That’s not the product of a mom who sits in front of the tv all day.


No it’s not “difficult” and not a job but it’s still work. Rest assured, my husband knows the amount of effort that goes into my day and he couldn’t do what he does if I don’t do what I do. That’s the price of alimony.

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On 9/4/2018 at 3:02 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, but I think her needling & nagging him was pretty much the pattern of their marriage.  He endured a lot from her & I suspect it really took a great deal for his temper to appear & explode.  Sounds like it didn't happen often, but when it did, it was scary.  I'm convinced she's scared of him when his rage errupts -- as she described his reaction to the judge's alimony decision.

This. I just don’t find Shannon to be a reliable narrator so I’m not taking her word for what’s going on with the divorce or how this latest meeting went down. I don’t think she lies in the way Vicki or Tamara do, where they drop complete fabrications from time to time if it serves their purposes. I do think she shades her stories heavily like Meghan used to do, where when she tells a story you get the last 5 minutes of somebody being mean to her and completely glosses over the first 3 hours or so of her being a nasty piece of work that lead up to it. When Shannon tells a story she’s always the innocent victim of someone attacking her for no reason. I doubt this went the way she described.

of course, I also think David is a huge dick so who knows what’s really going on.

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On 8/21/2018 at 8:34 AM, Gem 10 said:

I can’t get over how mean he has become to Shannon.

Same. I hate that I thought David was hot. He's a nasty person. Shannon deserves so much better. 

On 8/21/2018 at 8:42 AM, Misslindsey said:

I have the unpopular opinion of not minding either Gina or Emily at this point. Though a lot of that has to do with me not really liking any of the veteran housewives. I went back and forth on Shannon and tolerated Tamra better when they were not friends with Vicki. I did not mind Kelly when she was mad at Vicki this season. So really, if any of these women want me to like them just hate on Vicki.

I just started this season, and I actually like both Gina and Emily! It normally takes me a bit to even care about the newer additions, but I instantly found them both interesting. I know Peggy had a hell of a year her season, but I got the impression she would never be the type to let loose and have fun. Lydia also didn't really hit it off with any of the other women. It was time to shake up the cast, although I do miss Meghan. 

I thought Kelly was the most mean for awhile (more so than Vick), but I even like her lately. She hasn't had any mean moments. I was on her side with Vicki setting up her ex. I would not be pleased if someone I had a friendship with did that. 

I hope Eddie is healthy these days. He seems like a good egg. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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