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Small Talk: Grab A Bottle

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On 7/3/2018 at 9:48 PM, mamadrama said:

(And I am going to address this with the director.) Various other counselors at the activities also witnessed things, but only the canoeing woman intervened. 

We were separated into cabins by county so all the girls in my cabin are from my small county. I hate to cause any drama with any parents around here (we all know each other) but the behavior was unacceptable. In addition, those counselors need further training on how to spot and react to bullying, as well as how to look for kids who are being singled out and left alone. When they weren't actively bullying my daughter, they were completely ignoring her, which was almost worse. Seeing her sitting at her little lunch table all alone or walking 30 feet behind the others, alone, kind of hurt my heart. I finally just said "fuck it" and devoted all my energy to her. I just let the other adult deal with the rest of the kids. In the end, she and I had a GREAT time, but it was just the two of us. 

I know you know this, Mamadrama, but how about instead of approaching the parents with a worry about causing drama, you approach it as a teachable moment?  Heck, approach the camp director and counselors that way as well.    It's not about getting anyone in trouble, really, but about teaching children compassion and kindness and teaching counselors how to identify and react appropriately to situations like the ones your daughter was experiencing. 

I know I would want to know if my kid was being a jerk so I could talk to them about the behavior and help them identify better ways to treat other people.  I also know I'd probably be more open to hearing unfortunate news about my kid's behavior if it were framed as a teaching moment rather than a "your child is an ass" moment, even if the latter is true.

I'd also think long and hard about going back to that camp unless I was guaranteed that there would be training sessions on dealing with difficult behaviors for the counselors/adults at the camp. 

That being said, I'm glad your daughter had fun!

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, NannyBails said:

I know you know this, Mamadrama, but how about instead of approaching the parents with a worry about causing drama, you approach it as a teachable moment?  Heck, approach the camp director and counselors that way as well.    It's not about getting anyone in trouble, really, but about teaching children compassion and kindness and teaching counselors how to identify and react appropriately to situations like the ones your daughter was experiencing. 

I know I would want to know if my kid was being a jerk so I could talk to them about the behavior and help them identify better ways to treat other people.  I also know I'd probably be more open to hearing unfortunate news about my kid's behavior if it were framed as a teaching moment rather than a "your child is an ass" moment, even if the latter is true.

I'd also think long and hard about going back to that camp unless I was guaranteed that there would be training sessions on dealing with difficult behaviors for the counselors/adults at the camp. 

That being said, I'm glad your daughter had fun!

I didn't approach it with the parents at all, the director did, but it didn't matter. At the slightest insinuation that their little angels were anything but perfect, all hell broke loose. So that's been the drama here for the past week. That's what happens, though, when you live in a county that has only one elementary, one middle, and one high school. 

No way would I send her back there next year, or my son. 

  • Love 3

Hi ya'll....just checking in to let everyone know I'm okay.

My best friend, my chihuahua who I've had basically my entire post-undergrad adult life & who literally saved my life years ago, passed away. I'm heartbroken. It's hard...maybe harder than finding out about the cancer even. I know that sounds crazy, but maybe I'm just crazy then.  Before we had kids, she was my only baby for 8 years....and she was/is always my first baby. 

I feel like she stayed until I was recovered from my cancer surgery.  She died in her sleep and she wasn't sick long and didn't suffer. But I miss her so very much. The grief is....a lot. I'll be around as much as I can but I'm probably going to be giving myself a break from stuff (including TM) until I start back at work in a few weeks.

Thank you again to everyone who donated, checked on me, sent me encouragement, sent love, etc. Ya'll are the best. I just didn't want anyone to worry. 

  • Love 14

@MyPeopleAreNordic, welcome back! (even if it's just a brief check in). Glad to hear your treatment went well, but so sad for your loss. She sounds like a very special girl, and obviously a great source of love and support for you. She'll always hold a special place in your heart, and I'm sure she knew how much you loved her.

  • Love 5

Oh girl, I am so sorry to hear about your fur baby. I don't think you're crazy at all. The bonds we form with our pets....especially when they've been there before everyone else....it's a lot. I get it. I'm just glad she was able to see you through your surgery and I'm thinking of you while you continue to recover and grieve. Take all the time you need. 

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Claire85 said:

@mamadrama how is our unofficial thread mascot Stubby? 

I haven't been on here much this summer! I DO have a Stubby picture for you, though. 

Stubb's has gotten a real attitude. She thinks she's ferocious and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. She still has trouble running and walking (apparently tails help balance) so she kind of jumps around like a rabbit. Aside from a skin infection back in July, she's done very well. We're going to get her fixed now, and that should be the last surgery. 

Pictured: Stubby LOVES boxes and she keeps dragging them out of the garbage bin. She makes little houses in them. I realize the second picture is blurry, but one day Stubbs dragged my son's tank to her box and parked it in front. She got inside and stayed there for hours. I guess the tank was her home security system. 

stubbs 2.jpg

stubbs 3.jpg

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh my gosh, she has a real personality! I love it.

She really does. I can't believe this is the same kitten that we didn't think would make it through the night. 

Have you all watched SHALLOW HAL? You know at the end when Jason Alexander admits that he has a "tail" (his spine or something extends past his butt) and he makes it "wiggle"? That's exactly what Stubbs does with her little stub. When she gets super excited it will twitch back and forth. There's only about 1/4 of an inch there, but it's super cute. 

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, mamadrama said:

She really does. I can't believe this is the same kitten that we didn't think would make it through the night. 

Have you all watched SHALLOW HAL? You know at the end when Jason Alexander admits that he has a "tail" (his spine or something extends past his butt) and he makes it "wiggle"? That's exactly what Stubbs does with her little stub. When she gets super excited it will twitch back and forth. There's only about 1/4 of an inch there, but it's super cute. 

Hahahaha, I know exactly what you're talking about and I can totally see that. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Hahahaha, I know exactly what you're talking about and I can totally see that. 

I can see that too. Unfortunately I don't like Jason Alexander and I intensely disliked his character in Shallow Hal although I'm sure that when Stubby does it it's adorable 'cause he's just too cute for words and I'm not even a cat person. . 

@druzy and @Maharincess thank you ( I figured I better move this to small talk ;). It was a brutal couple months. We really felt it was best for our niece to go to her father. Also we completely understood his fear that we would fight him for her, long story. 

Now we have his brother and ex-wife of 30+ years coming around the home to see what they can have. As my husband is trustee on his trust we have to settle his debts. It hurt our hearts that Pa-in-law was such a wonderful man and these people that were not in his life at all heard he had passed away and suddenly they are here saying " I know he would want me to have his guitar, his guns is there anything else of value I know he would have wanted me to have that". This almost makes me hate people. Then I remember the ER doctor who cried with us and apologized he could not save him.

Sorry for the rant (and my horrible grammar). I don't like discussing this in me day to day life yet it wears on me. You guys are awesome!

  • Love 5

@badhaggis, I am so sorry. That's just shitty. People act like such assholes when they think they can get some money. I'm bracing myself for the free for all when Mr. Guilfoyle's mom passes. UGH. And you don't even have the option of not engaging. THE WORST.

@mamadrama, your daughter is gorgeous. Kids are so weird in the things they will single out another for. I worry about my kiddo mistaking these little shits being manipulative for being his friend frequently. It definitely happened more when he was 5-6. I admire you for keeping it together. I wouldn't trust myself not to go off and then just take my kid and leave. Let someone else watch those other little jerks. 

  • Love 4

Oh yes @guilfoyleatpp it is amazing the brother actually said he and dear departed pa-in-law were so close (not true from everything pa said) because he never wanted anything when their mother passed and he and pa were the only ones to not want anything. Next sentence so what are you doing with his guns, well what about his guitar you know I gave him that guitar, okay what about the forge over there I gave him that. We finally said fine take the forge. Couldn't do it that day he'd be back. One month later nothing. 

Then the ex-wife asks for the exact same things. According to her she never spoke to her former brother-in-law. Bullshit. Why lie what purpose does it serve?  

  • Love 3

@badhaggis...OMG. I feel like I've heard a version of that from someone else close to me.  Emotionally distant family comes swooping in, claims thisthatandtheother and wanted them to hold it like it was a fucking layaway. FOR MONTHS.

I'm assuming the forge is rather heavy and would require work to get rid of. You're not a damn storage facility. JFC I'm so sorry. :(

  • Love 3


I almost got kicked out of Walmart once. 

you're just gonna leave us hanging with that?


@guilfoyleatpp, moving this to small talk. :-) Yeah, so about 10 years ago, Walmart was releasing the first Twilight movie on DVD at midnight, and it was on a Friday or Saturday night (don't remember which, but it was a weekend night). My friend & I who had seen the movie & loved it (we immediately went to Target after seeing the movie & bought the books) decided to go for the midnight release...only thing was, it happened to be the same night as a birthday party for a mutual friend. Soooo, I was a little drunk when we went to the Walmart (she drove! I was drunk, but responsible). There was a really long line, and there was a dad with his daughters in front of us. I don't know if they were complaining, or acting up (I didn't notice...again, drunk), but the Dad told them that if they didn't shape up they were going home. I called him a douche & asked how dare he keep his daughters from Twilight?! Manager came over, told me to cool it or I'd have to leave. Funny thing was, they sold out of the DVDs, but someone in front of us had 2 copies, saw what went down & gave me one of their copies because I "obviously needed it more than them". LOL! Not one of my proudest moments. 

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

@guilfoyleatpp, moving this to small talk. :-) Yeah, so about 10 years ago, Walmart was releasing the first Twilight movie on DVD at midnight, and it was on a Friday or Saturday night (don't remember which, but it was a weekend night). My friend & I who had seen the movie & loved it (we immediately went to Target after seeing the movie & bought the books) decided to go for the midnight release...only thing was, it happened to be the same night as a birthday party for a mutual friend. Soooo, I was a little drunk when we went to the Walmart (she drove! I was drunk, but responsible). There was a really long line, and there was a dad with his daughters in front of us. I don't know if they were complaining, or acting up (I didn't notice...again, drunk), but the Dad told them that if they didn't shape up they were going home. I called him a douche & asked how dare he keep his daughters from Twilight?! Manager came over, told me to cool it or I'd have to leave. Funny thing was, they sold out of the DVDs, but someone in front of us had 2 copies, saw what went down & gave me one of their copies because I "obviously needed it more than them". LOL! Not one of my proudest moments. 

Ha that’s awesome!  And over Twilight to boot.  If I didn’t know better I’d ask for your identity because that sounds like something one of my besties would have pulled.  She is a total Twilight girl and she is mouthy! ?. With all the attitude I’ve pulled in Walmart (I’m a Target girl, but every once in a while venture to the Walmart), I’m surprised I’ve never had an incident.  

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 4
21 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Ha that’s awesome!  And over Twilight to boot.  If I didn’t know better I’d ask for your identity because that sounds like something one of my besties would have pulled.  She is a total Twilight girl and she is mouthy! ?. With all the attitude I’ve pulled in Walmart (I’m a Target girl, but every once in a while venture to the Walmart), I’m surprised I’ve never had an incident.  

Ha! I'm actually considered to be "quiet", except on rare occasions *see above*. :-) I'm a Target girl too. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've been to Walmart...they aren't as conveniently located to me, and every time I've been to one, I have been too irritated by the double wide aisles where people still feel the need to park their carts right in the middle. 

  • Love 5
On 8/30/2018 at 5:04 PM, CaliforniaLove said:

Ha! I'm actually considered to be "quiet", except on rare occasions *see above*. :-) I'm a Target girl too. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've been to Walmart...they aren't as conveniently located to me, and every time I've been to one, I have been too irritated by the double wide aisles where people still feel the need to park their carts right in the middle. 

You had me at Red Card and Cart Wheel. ???

Funny story.  My foster (soon to be adopted 9/19!!!!) son calls Target “Arrows.”  He was 8 years old when I got him 2 years ago and ever since the first time we went there together he called it that.  So now all my family and friends know, “mom needs to go to Arrows.  AGAIN.”   

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

You had me at Red Card and Cart Wheel. ???

Funny story.  My foster (soon to be adopted 9/19!!!!) son calls Target “Arrows.”  He was 8 years old when I got him 2 years ago and ever since the first time we went there together he called it that.  So now all my family and friends know, “mom needs to go to Arrows.  AGAIN.”   

So much congratulations to your near adoption! How amazing!! I mean, it has already already been official that you're family, but to have that paperwork in place...PHEW!! "Arrows" is the cutest! Best bullseye is on the horizon! ?

  • Love 6

@CaliforniaLove thank ya!  It’s been a long road and much more to come.  But I am ready for the ride!  It is really hard for me to see kids like thes ones on these shows because of my journey.  I got this kiddo when he was 8.  He reminds me in so many ways of Jace on TM2.  That’s my beef with these girls.  They are all fucking their kids up and don’t even realize the damage.  I praise the good lord every day that when I bought my house a few years ago just happen to be in the #1 ranked school district in our state.  I’m no saint but I try!

  • Love 8
50 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

@CaliforniaLove thank ya!  It’s been a long road and much more to come.  But I am ready for the ride!  It is really hard for me to see kids like thes ones on these shows because of my journey.  I got this kiddo when he was 8.  He reminds me in so many ways of Jace on TM2.  That’s my beef with these girls.  They are all fucking their kids up and don’t even realize the damage.  I praise the good lord every day that when I bought my house a few years ago just happen to be in the #1 ranked school district in our state.  I’m no saint but I try!

"Saint"..."geaux"away...are you Drew Brees?! ?? Sorry if you have more battles, but as of 9/19, hopefully that's winning the war. These girls suck. The fact that "catch me outside, how about that?" girl is a successful musical millionaire makes me sick. Sharing bits of your story is a reminder there are still good people left in this crazy world. Thanks!

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, CaliforniaLove said:

"Saint"..."geaux"away...are you Drew Brees?! ?? Sorry if you have more battles, but as of 9/19, hopefully that's winning the war. These girls suck. The fact that "catch me outside, how about that?" girl is a successful musical millionaire makes me sick. Sharing bits of your story is a reminder there are still good people left in this crazy world. Thanks!

Lol!  Let’s just say I will be front and center come Sunday night.  Les is more (I miss that cat).  As for these bitches on this show?  Thank the good lord for closed adoption.  Cate and Tyler are the opposite of poster child for this process.  I’d have told them to fuck off long ago.  Speaking of which, my kids bio has a FB Page in his name.  I’ve tried to get it taken down but now luck.  It makes me sick.  

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Lol!  Let’s just say I will be front and center come Sunday night.  Les is more (I miss that cat).  As for these bitches on this show?  Thank the good lord for closed adoption.  Cate and Tyler are the opposite of poster child for this process.  I’d have told them to fuck off long ago.  Speaking of which, my kids bio has a FB Page in his name.  I’ve tried to get it taken down but now luck.  It makes me sick.  

Good for you!! Life isn't the Baltierra's vision of their kid showing up at the age of 18...but to be honest? They certainly aren't the worst people to be "reunited" with (gag) if that were to happen. I can't quite imagine what you're going through. Not everyone is a harmless narcissistic Bieber wannabe who is inexplicably married to a long lost Judd sister. I hope you're able to rest easily soon. ?❤

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Claire85 said:

Hey @mamadrama checking in for another Stubby update.


I don't have a way to upload any current pictures at the moment, but Stubby is doing well. She goes in to be spayed next week. She's become kind of cock of the walk around the house. She's a real diva. She also loves Coke boxes (the 18 packs). We cut off the top when she got too big and her head was touching it. Now she uses it as a bed. If one of the other cats tries to lay in it, she runs them off. We took in another little rescue kitten who was so tiny and malnourished that we called her "Bones." At first, Stubby would hiss at her and wouldn't have anything to do with her. She was very jealous. Now, though, she's warming up to her. I occasionally find them sharing the box. 

  • Love 10

I did a Go Fund Me update and included a little video. Here is Stubby and her first few months of life. I can't believe how far she's come! She has to have one more surgery for her bowels (she as trouble using the bathroom) and during that one they will also spay her. (I sometimes call Stubbs "he", but he's really a she.) Stubby is a complete joy. She's definitely one of the family now. 


  • Love 7
On 11/13/2018 at 7:48 PM, mamadrama said:

So my son hacked into my PTV account and started reading all my comments, ha ha. He had a blast. Now he wants his own account so that he can talk about shows, too. I am now busted for talking about them, though. 

Good Lord would I be busted if my daughter looked at the posts about her. I went off in the Judge Judy forum about her bullshit! I'm horrified enough that my grandson follows my rated 17plus Instagram. Guess he knows Nana is an old stoner now! 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

They won’t allow you to do it in some places if you don’t already have a certain number of kids? Yikes.

There are medical guidelines so that someone doesn't make a decision at age 20 that they regret when they marry at age 25. In Ohio, for women, I think it is age 25 with two kids or 21 with three kids. I have a friend who had serious uterine issues and wanted to have a hysterectomy of the uterus, leaving the ovaries and Fallopian tubes since medicine was suggesting not removing the ovaries and tubes at the time, but was only 24 and had no kids. She was told that she wasn't likely to carry a pregnancy to term. The third time she lost so much blood that she had to have a transfusion three doctors signed off on it. To be clear, I mean it was her third time needing a transfusion. It was like the tenth time requiring hospitalization since she was 17.

I have a cousin with schizophrenia who wanted a vasectomy and another cousin with schizophrenia who wanted a hysterectomy and both had to present letters from their psychiatrists that it would be in their best interests, and still had to search for doctors to perform the surgeries.

None of them have regretted their decision, but I can see someone deciding they didn't want children when they were 21 and changing their mind later. There are also many men and women who decide they don't want children and never change their minds. Also, fun horrible fact -- in some states and many countries it is still a requirement for the husband to sign off on a hysterectomy but no requirement for wives to sign off on vasectomies. 

  • Useful 3
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That's interesting that you used Ohio @Christina. My sister talked a doctor into a TL when she was still in her 20's and she had no children and was single. This was the 80's though. 

I firmly believe Ryan didn't want anymore children but he fucked up and didn't wrap his business. MackTruck KNOWS Jen and Larry want those Grands so she is secure in her spot. I would not be at all surprised to see her living with them and RYAN moving out. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, Christina said:

There are medical guidelines so that someone doesn't make a decision at age 20 that they regret when they marry at age 25. In Ohio, for women, I think it is age 25 with two kids or 21 with three kids. I have a friend who had serious uterine issues and wanted to have a hysterectomy of the uterus, leaving the ovaries and Fallopian tubes since medicine was suggesting not removing the ovaries and tubes at the time, but was only 24 and had no kids. She was told that she wasn't likely to carry a pregnancy to term. The third time she lost so much blood that she had to have a transfusion three doctors signed off on it. To be clear, I mean it was her third time needing a transfusion. It was like the tenth time requiring hospitalization since she was 17.

I have a cousin with schizophrenia who wanted a vasectomy and another cousin with schizophrenia who wanted a hysterectomy and both had to present letters from their psychiatrists that it would be in their best interests, and still had to search for doctors to perform the surgeries.

None of them have regretted their decision, but I can see someone deciding they didn't want children when they were 21 and changing their mind later. There are also many men and women who decide they don't want children and never change their minds. Also, fun horrible fact -- in some states and many countries it is still a requirement for the husband to sign off on a hysterectomy but no requirement for wives to sign off on vasectomies. 

My BFF from grade 6 (currently living in NYC) has had uterine fibroid and cyst issues since she was 12. She ultimately had to go for weekly blood transfusions because her health was deteriorating. She was losing so much blood that she almost passed out on the subway.  

The only way to “fix” her health issues (no pun intended) was to have a hysterectomy. Docs suggested other options, but those procedures were more of a “Band-Aid” type of a situation. She’d have to go back every 3 years for the rest of her menstruating days and have the procedure done again because it was only a temporary fix. 

She’s never wanted kids nor has she any desire to get married.

She was 32 at the time and there wasn’t a single doctor in NY, NJ or PA who would perform the surgery for fear of her “possibly changing her mind.” This was less than eight years ago! She offered to get a psych exam, sign her name in blood and jump through whatever hoops she had to just so a surgeon would help her. No doctor was willing to accept that a 32 year old female, who didn’t have kids,  had zero desire to ever have children.  

Desperate for a solution, her mom ended up making an appt with a doctor out here (San Diego) and served as a proxy for her daughter.  During the appt, my friend Skyped in and had a consult with the doctor. Doc agreed to surgery.

I was beyond relieved that she would finally get some relief, but having to buy a plane ticket and fly across the country in order to get the necessary medical care all because of her age? I have no words. 

  • Love 1

My flip flop story....

My late MIL beat the shit out of me with her flip flop slipper. She was 90 at the time! I was laughing so hard I couldn't even run! Not that I would have cuz....respect...Anyway, the entire house from toddlers to elders were in stitches because she was cussing me out in Italian and the shoe was falling apart with every slap. I swear you could hear the laughing for blocks. We are not quiet folks!

(No, she wasn't abusing me or even hurting me;) That's what I get for being a smart ass. 

Damn I miss her. She lived to be 98!

  • LOL 6
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

My flip flop story....

My late MIL beat the shit out of me with her flip flop slipper. She was 90 at the time! I was laughing so hard I couldn't even run! Not that I would have cuz....respect...Anyway, the entire house from toddlers to elders were in stitches because she was cussing me out in Italian and the shoe was falling apart with every slap. I swear you could hear the laughing for blocks. We are not quiet folks!

(No, she wasn't abusing me or even hurting me;) That's what I get for being a smart ass. 

Damn I miss her. She lived to be 98!

Sounds about right.  🤣

  • LOL 4

I’m sure pretty much all of us has moments when we question why we watch this show. I’m 52 and have no children. I joke with my fiancé that I’m going to make him watch it, but I’m not a sadist. I’ve told my 89 year old mom about it and she questions the reality of these people. 

I loved COPS since it first aired in the 80s. I think I just like a good train wreck. Also, the TM shows require no brain activity to watch, so I can sleep through it. 

I know that if the TV show featured in Idiocracy (Ow! My Balls!) actually existed, I’d watch it, post on its forums, & listen to podcasts about it. 

  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, 4Sibes Redux said:

I’m sure pretty much all of us has moments when we question why we watch this show. I’m 52 and have no children. I joke with my fiancé that I’m going to make him watch it, but I’m not a sadist. I’ve told my 89 year old mom about it and she questions the reality of these people. 

I loved COPS since it first aired in the 80s. I think I just like a good train wreck. Also, the TM shows require no brain activity to watch, so I can sleep through it. 

I know that if the TV show featured in Idiocracy (Ow! My Balls!) actually existed, I’d watch it, post on its forums, & listen to podcasts about it. 

When I was home with boy-child in the early 90s, I was obsessed with Jenny Jones, Ricki Lake and Sally Jessy Raphael.  I feel like these shows are basically just watching those kind of issues as they happen

  • Love 10

I did several years working as a corporate HR director. Now I work with psychologically and cognitively disabled adults. I am frustrated with how many people everywhere (not just on this show) are incapable of seeing that they aren’t always #1 priority. 

I have an extremely intelligent nephew. He has his MD degree & is in his second year residency in anesthesiology. He is still cocky enough to believe he’s always the smartest guy in any room. I don’t think he’s realized nurses at his hospital know more than he does. There is a difference between being smart and understanding things. 

  • Love 8

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