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Small Talk: Grab A Bottle

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@mamadrama I just read the ENTIRE go fund me story with Christina and I can’t believe the promoter is, was, getting away with that sort of practice while also taking advantage of newbie writers.

If Christina writes as good as she does on her go fund me page I’d like to read more. I feel disheartened when people lose the war financially while trying to do what’s right ethically - lawyer fees really do rack up. I’m glad you’re not into this type of practice. 

As for Stubbs, I’m glad you reached out to the PTV community, also @MyPeopleAreNordic as we are not just PTV posters, we are kinda like internet family. I like to vent to you guys more than I do my real family. So never feel bad about posting a GFM Page. If it’s something that is important and you need help - asking is important. You’re also helping out a defenseless kitty - so I’m glad your reader donated $1,000.

It may seem crazy, and enough to cover a mortgage but some people have disposable income and want nothing more than to make others feel good with their fortune. Very loyal reader. If people like Amber can get handed money like it’s water then you should too since you’re helping a beautiful animal.

I really hope that promoter gets taken care of by Amazon, and that Author B wakes up and realizes she’s destroying her character and credibility with readers by being the voice for someone that probably wouldn’t be so helpful if the shoe was on the other foot.

Praying for Stubbs.

ETA: Sorry if my post keeps going back and forth between the two topics lol.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

@mamadrama I just read the ENTIRE go fund me story with Christina and I can’t believe the promoter is, was, getting away with that sort of practice while also taking advantage of newbie writers.

If Christina writes as good as she does on her go fund me page I’d like to read more. I feel disheartened when people lose the war financially while trying to do what’s right ethically - lawyer fees really do rack up. I’m glad you’re not into this type of practice. 

As for Stubbs, I’m glad you reached out to the PTV community, also @MyPeopleAreNordic as we are not just PTV posters, we are kinda like internet family. I like to vent to you guys more than I do my real family. So never feel bad about posting a GFM Page. If it’s something that is important and you need help - asking is important. You’re also helping out a defenseless kitty - so I’m glad your reader donated $1,000.

It may seem crazy, and enough to cover a mortgage but some people have disposable income and want nothing more than to make others feel good with their fortune. Very loyal reader. If people like Amber can get handed money like it’s water then you should too since you’re helping a beautiful animal.

I really hope that promoter gets taken care of by Amazon, and that Author B wakes up and realizes she’s destroying her character and credibility with readers by being the voice for someone that probably wouldn’t be so helpful if the shoe was on the other foot.

Praying for Stubbs.

ETA: Sorry if my post keeps going back and forth between the two topics lol.

It's all kind of fascinating to sit back and look at from a distance. I had no idea that this type of thing was going on, although I did think it was strange that just about every anthology that was getting released through this woman was making the "list." I also think it's odd that all of these people have started paying her thousands of dollars to "mentor" them and she's become this kind of guru who can help you "get your letters." (God, I hate that.) I actually unfriended her 2 years ago because I was sick of all of her "I'll never be successful, nobody buys my books" post. I wondered how she got from there to where she is now. Now I know! They're just buying their way up. But I feel bad for the other writers. They're just trying to get a break. I wish they'd understand that with so many people getting "Bestselling Author" monikers now, it's more or less losing its value. And while it's nice to say that, almost NONE of those authors find any residual success from those anthologies. Frankly, I'd rather work slowly and inch forward a little at a time. (She also runs a service that will get you 10,000 newsletter subscribers in a day or something. I am sure there's something fishy with that. I have 23,000 on mine and it took me 10 years to get them. But I least I know where they came from.)

Stubbs is doing really well today! She had a good weekend. She's starting to toddle around the living room a little better, too. She's so tiny that we sometimes have trouble finding her and we all go into "Stubby alert." It's like, "Nobody move! She might be under your feet!" Where she's partially blind, she doesn't always know where she is. We often find her sitting in a corner, crying at a wall. It sounds bad, but it's also kind of cute. We'll say, "You yell at that wall, Stubbs! You tell it who's boss!"

  • Love 9

Holy catballs! The story behind the lawsuit would make a compelling story.

It is totally interesting. I love internet dramaz. I used to subscribe to a few babywearing drama FB groups because there were always scams and tales of internet sales gone horribly awry.

Once a Tula carrier (used) sold for over $2,000. I think it was $2k. Ridiculous. 

  • Love 7

All this Author Madness reminds me of working for the Hayhouse workshops. I was an aide to many authors/ teachers and the crap I saw and heard from some was outrageous. Luckily, I was a specific type of aide and didn't have to work for any of the drama filled ones. I stayed clear of them. I did get called into another class once and had to remove people because of some drama between a non payer egging on an author. I never dreamt there would be a event at that kind conference. RIP Louise Hays!  

  • Love 6

It really can be "Authorz Gone Wild" sometimes. Total madness. There are so many scams and schemes that I could tell you all about. This lawsuit, though...wow. She even started going after people who donated to Christina's. The fact that Author B is now making a jackass out of herself by defending all of this just makes me sad. 

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, mamadrama said:

It really can be "Authorz Gone Wild" sometimes. Total madness. There are so many scams and schemes that I could tell you all about. This lawsuit, though...wow. She even started going after people who donated to Christina's. The fact that Author B is now making a jackass out of herself by defending all of this just makes me sad. 

The KBoards were a really interesting read...wow.  I hope Author A gets what's coming to her! 

  • Love 6

Stubbs is doing really well today! She had a good weekend. She's starting to toddle around the living room a little better, too. She's so tiny that we sometimes have trouble finding her and we all go into "Stubby alert." It's like, "Nobody move! She might be under your feet!" Where she's partially blind, she doesn't always know where she is. We often find her sitting in a corner, crying at a wall. It sounds bad, but it's also kind of cute. We'll say, "You yell at that wall, Stubbs! You tell it who's boss!"

This has me shedding some happy tears and tears from laughing at the comments to Stubby. It is cute and hilarious.

She is so blessed to have you all.

OMG that story @mamadrama...unbelievable! There are some crazy people in this world. Author A deserves some big karma.

Edited by Kazu
  • Love 5

So at the author event over the weekend, I was seated across from a woman who writes hilarious romance books set in Hell (refraining from names here that might show up in a Google search, although you'll be able to find her easily enough if you want to look). She's a really nice woman. Even though we've been FB friends for 4 years and she only lives an hour away from me, though, this was the first time I'd met her. Stubbs wound up being my introduction to her because she's a big animal fan. (Her SM accounts have some of the funniest shit I've ever read.) I was glad to have Stubby with me because I really wanted to start up a conversation with her, but even though we live close together and write in similar genres, she's also married to one of my favorite actors. (The goofy guy JOYRIDE, the goofier guy in SAHARA, the dad in DIARY OF A WIMPY KID...) And even more glamorous to me, her father was a REAL writer-J. Peterman. He may not have written any books but his cataloug was a true work of art in the 90s. No, seriously, you should totally Google an old copy. Each article of clothing was illustrated, not photographed, and it came with a little story. It made me want to buy everything. 

I get a little starstruck sometimes. Stubby's little happy meows broke that ice right away.

  • Love 8

So I have a totally random question. My oldest's 10th birthday is coming up next month. We've always just had a small family party at home, and maybe one of his neighborhood friends would come. Just presents, cake, hanging out. No big deal. This year, he's invited some kids from his martial arts studio. We homeschool, so he doesn't have a whole classroom full of friends to invite. But if everyone that we invited comes, there will actually be 6 kids here (in addition to his siblings and little nieces and nephews).

Hubby doesn't want me to change how we do things - no bounce houses or ponies here. LOL! He figures they can just play with the new toys and/or run around outside. But I was going to do a create-your-own cupcake station. He also wants to send each kid home with something - like a small gift or party bag. THAT'S where I'm stuck. We're not doing a theme, because my son feels he's too old for decorations and all that. So I can't really do themed treat bags. Plus, I always think those party favor bags are just full of cheap crap you'd find at Oriental Trading company - that either break or just collect dust. As a parent, I HATE most of that stuff, so why foist it on other parents??? 

But I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas. We aren't millionaires, so I want to keep it pretty reasonably priced. The kids will be a range of ages. Mostly boys, but one girl was invited. Does anyone have any ideas on a cheap (but not "cheap") gift or collection for a treat bag? 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

And even more glamorous to me, her father was a REAL writer-J. Peterman. He may not have written any books but his cataloug was a true work of art in the 90s. No, seriously, you should totally Google an old copy. Each article of clothing was illustrated, not photographed, and it came with a little story. It made me want to buy everything. 

J. Peterman?! GET OUT!

(My best Elaine Benes impression. It needs work)

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@mamadrama - cool! Stubby is a CHICK MAGNET! Cool Chick Magnet... I used to love that catalog too.  Sigh.

@ghoulina - I agree the cupcakes are a good idea. My kid is younger, but we went to a party that had a book exchange. Everyone brings a new or used book in lieu of a present and then everyone goes home with a different book. Also, it's fun to make slime (you need jars or bags to put it in). I've found the shaving cream and elmer's glue one with contact lens solution comes out the best. 

  • Love 6

I honestly don't know!!! Lol! Like I said, I don't want to buy cheap, crappy, throw-away things. But we don't have a ton of money either. (We actually have basically nothing right now because the architect on hubby's job keeps fucking around with the checks. We have about $90k out in billing and not even enough in our account to pay the mortgage, but that's a WHOLE other issue! Hopefully he'll get paid before the party!) 

Please tell me your ideas, I'm happy to consider anything. It's hard because of the range of age of the kids. Some as old as like 11, but some as young as 4. 

I really appreciate the suggestions so far, guys! I'm making a list on Amazon and then will go over it all with my hubby and see what he thinks. 

  • Love 5

@ghoulina:  I did the "make your own pizza and cupcakes"party when my daughter turned five.  The area grocery store was charging big bucks for a similar party, so my hubby and I just did it at home.  With a little planning, it turned out great.  Because of the cooking element of the party, I gave each kid a chef's hat and apron.  (I got them from The Dollar Tree.)  You don't have to stick to a theme, though. 

For Loot Bags, I try not to give junk.  Usually, I go with bubbles and sidewalk chalk.  (My daughter's birthday in March so a lot of stuff for Easter baskets is on the shelves.)  Your party will have older kids who may not like that.  How about some Dairy Queen or McDonald's gift cards?  Maybe book store ones?  I figure if you are going to spend about $5 per bag on a lot of little crap, why not just get a $5 gift card for each kids so they can get something useful (or consumable).  

I've also seen joke/magic items at the dollar store (whoopie cushions, buzzers, trick gum, etc.).  That might be fun for older kids.  Also, when my daughter had her 4th birthday party at a gymnastics place (big mistake, since she was too young and it was a waste of money), I tried to find those cheap drawstring backpack to put the loot in.  Kids will use those and I think you can find them at Michael's (just use a coupon). At the time I couldn't find them, so I just used a regular gift bag, but put in a plastic water bottle that I got from the dollar store (along with chalk, bubbles, and candy)  The water bottle would also be useful and they will probably use it before they lose it.  :) 

You could get the bottles and fill them with some candy and lip balm!  (We are selling those at my daughter's school BBQ this year.  One of the moms put them together when she found a great deal on the bottles and amassed hundreds of tubes of lip balm for a charity thing she was doing.  She found a way to use the leftovers!)

You can also get sunglasses at Dollar Tree pretty cheap.  Also balls, frisbees, and kites are easy to find this time of year.  (Dollar stores, Wal-Mart)  I also like bath fizzies and pens/pencils/markers/crayons.  I'm a fan of the dollar stores and Five Below, but I also like the clearance racks at places like Michael's.  I also LOVE the dollar section at Target!!  You never know what you will find there.

Let me know what do you think.  Hope this helps!  :)

  • Love 4

@mamadrama I just googled the author you were speaking about. The goofy actor husband from Sahara gave me the hint :) Those books do look hilarious, I downloaded one that was free. The things you discover on this forum. And as always, Stubby is adorable.

@ghoulina I was just going to suggest the dollar section at Target and @Marisagf beat me to it! I found a bunch of cool stuff there just this past weekend. I was making a little gift bag for my friend who just had a baby. I also like the bottle filled with candy and lip balm idea.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, NannyBails said:

I'm sure you've thought of this, but is there something martial arts related you could have them make to take home?   

Yea, I did think of that, but if a few neighbor kids come too that might not work. Thanks, though!


26 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

Let me know what do you think.  Hope this helps!  :)

I love your ideas, thanks! I actually really like the gift card idea. The water bottle one could be fun too. 


Thanks, EVERYONE, for all of the help. I'm filing all these ideas away!

  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I did think of that, but if a few neighbor kids come too that might not work. Thanks, though!


I love your ideas, thanks! I actually really like the gift card idea. The water bottle one could be fun too. 


Thanks, EVERYONE, for all of the help. I'm filing all these ideas away!

I'd love to hear about how it goes. Be sure to post a photo with the final product.  :)

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So today I had an interview with the movie producer about turning one of my books into a feature film. The production company has optioned the rights to my book and it's gone into development. They have 12 months to begin production. I received a fee for the rights upfront, and when/IF production starts, I'll get a fee. It won't make me rich (the entire budget for the movie is only around $5million) but it would still be totally awesome. The production company is a big one. They've done many popular horror movies in the past, including one about an evil doll, two movies about a husband-wife paranormal team, and one about a writer who moves into a house where a whole family was killed on videotape. Chances of mine being turned into an actual film are slim. Still, the producer is feeling pretty confident about it and the others involved had read the book and liked it so it's a positive start. :-)

  • Love 21
6 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

So today I had an interview with the movie producer about turning one of my books into a feature film. The production company has optioned the rights to my book and it's gone into development. They have 12 months to begin production. I received a fee for the rights upfront, and when/IF production starts, I'll get a fee. It won't make me rich (the entire budget for the movie is only around $5million) but it would still be totally awesome. The production company is a big one. They've done many popular horror movies in the past, including one about an evil doll, two movies about a husband-wife paranormal team, and one about a writer who moves into a house where a whole family was killed on videotape. Chances of mine being turned into an actual film are slim. Still, the producer is feeling pretty confident about it and the others involved had read the book and liked it so it's a positive start. :-)

I know ALLLLLLL the movies you're talking about! WHOO HOO!!!! Congratulations!!!

  • Love 8

There is the most adorable fox family living under my neighbors shed.  I think there are 5 pups, but they are in constant motion so it is hard to count and be sure.  Yesterday the pups were playing and running around and having so much fun, and the mom was laying there like a sloth with her back to them.  So I named the mom Amber ? 


  • Love 20
On 5/1/2018 at 9:00 AM, Booger666 said:

There is the most adorable fox family living under my neighbors shed.  I think there are 5 pups, but they are in constant motion so it is hard to count and be sure.  Yesterday the pups were playing and running around and having so much fun, and the mom was laying there like a sloth with her back to them.  So I named the mom Amber ? 



I see a slug on the ground. THAT'S Amber.

That fox is so beautiful. How amazing to have such beautiful creatures near your home. I just posted on the small talk thread on TM2 that all I get around my home is an occasional possum. Whoop di doo. :-/

@mamadrama you rock, girlfriend! Your hard work certainly pays off.  I can't help but think and laugh at Baby Huey who sits around and "writes screenplays" and here your book gets picked up. HOT DAMN!!

  • Love 5

Hello everyone!  Just checking in.  @mamadrama thanks for the Stubby updates and so glad to see she had so much money donated to take care of her needs!!  Congrats on the good news with the book and production.

@ghoulina  I don't do gift bags and I don't like it when my kids get them.  I just have lots of food and lots of fun and feel like it's okay to have a party with that.  I send a thank you note for the gift afterwards and I'm okay with that.


I didn't end up getting the Supervisor job I thought I 100% was going to get.  I've been so depressed, so I haven't been on here much.  I put in my notice at my company because I felt they really stabbed me in the back.  I am devastated because I work with refugee minors and they don't have anyone else.  We are their family.  I did get a job at a shelter that's actually just one minute from my house.  So I've been kind of a mess and busy just trying to get my shit together with this.  My new boss is coming in soon (it's like eating shit watching him be trained in front of me) so I'll have to write in more detail later.

  • Love 4

They left to go to a meeting.  Woooo.   I am an awesome employee and the reason I was so shocked and felt so burnt was that they were always telling me I was the best, I was their favorite, they had let me in on manager type information, I've gotten bonuses for being nominated by my peers for Quarterly Awards.   I don't have a degree. The reason I have been able to move up quickly in social services roles is because I've worked my ass off.  I really had hopes this would be another stepping stone and they led me to believe that.  Their reasons I didn't get the role made no sense and none of my co-workers thought it made sense.  The reason they hired someone over me is because they have more education than me and have had more opportunities. For an organization that pride's itself on being equitable they are not. This was a classist move.  I have been here 3 years and this guy 6 months.  This is the second time I was the denied the position (the first time I had not been here that long and I agreed I needed more experience). There will always be someone applying for this position that has more education than me and they don't value the hard work I have done.  The last person that had the Supervisor role I helped them transition into that role. The kids here DO NOT like change and they were assholes to her, one kid was so terrible he even got kicked out. But I helped mediate all the relationships for her among many other things.  I truly believe they just liked this guy and wanted to hang on to him and thought I would help a new person again. But I'm not eating shit for them.  Their management is fucked up.  There are 31 employees and in a 2 month span 15 people are leaving.  So what does that tell you?

I have had a hard time finding a job that had a schedule that revolves around my family instead of my family revolving around my work schedule.   So to find this position that had the EXACT days I wanted off and will give me more family time is amazing. To be able to go back to my community and county where I have networked and am familiar with all the resources and have more time to serve there will also be good for me.  I am taking a pay cut but I'll also not need to pay a babysitter anymore or spend money on gas.   It's still not something I am happy about.  I don't want to leave the kids here and I wish I had not had this ending feeling so blindsided by my manager and director who I thought loved me. But I hope the best things will come out of it.  I need time to process it still.


Thanks for listening.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I didn't end up getting the Supervisor job I thought I 100% was going to get.  I've been so depressed, so I haven't been on here much.  I put in my notice at my company because I felt they really stabbed me in the back.  I am devastated because I work with refugee minors and they don't have anyone else.  We are their family.  I did get a job at a shelter that's actually just one minute from my house.  So I've been kind of a mess and busy just trying to get my shit together with this.  My new boss is coming in soon (it's like eating shit watching him be trained in front of me) so I'll have to write in more detail later.

I am really so sorry to hear this. I can totally understand why you'd want to leave, though. I'm hoping things are looking up for you and soon! 


(I kind of agree with you about the treat bags, but my husband really wants to do it, so....sigh....)

  • Love 5

Squeee! So cute! The adorable pics of Stubby & the fox pups have me smiling here!

I just want to thank all of you Buddies (and the lurkers who donated but don't post here) again for all of the support. Words are insufficient to express how grateful & humbled I am.  Thank you!  We are more than half way to the goal amount.

I'm going to have my surgery Wednesday (5/9).  I'll be on the forums between now & then, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU again.  I love ya'll like Amber loves her couch and like Cate love the rehab-spa.  Thank ya'll again so very much. 


  • Love 8
On 5/1/2018 at 8:12 AM, MargeGunderson said:

@mamadrama, please don't forget us when you become rich and famous! We need your snark. 

Seriously, congratulations! That's a huge deal!

My 11-year-old son is currently trying to raise money to buy himself a laptop. Yesterday he told me that as soon as he gets one, the first thing he wants to do  is "join your snark forum." I often read the comments aloud to him. He idolizes you ladies. ;-)

I told him he'd have to wait a few years but that I'd gladly keep filling him in on the juicy bits.

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I feel really out of the loop. I need to catch up on all my show gossip. So I finally finished the first book in that Appalachian series (the one where the folktales and urban legends come to life in the small town) and now I am branching out to something completely different. Any Mists of Avalon fans here? I wanted to take a famous story and rewrite it from the women's perspective like Bradley did with King Arthur. I wanted to pick one that has relatively few details, but one that everyone knows about. I decided to go with Eve. It's been a lot harder than I expected. 

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Oh you guys! Shit is going down and getting real in Authorland today. New author, different drama...

Any of you heard of a writer named Faleena Hopkins? No? Neither had we. She apparently writes romance novels with the word "cocky" in the title and last week she signed papers with the copyright office to trademark that word. She has since sent out I don't know how many cease and desist letters to other writers who have that word in THEIR titles. My writer friends are up in arms, some having legitimate fun (I'm going to trademark the words "haunted", "billionaire", and "vampire") and some getting pissed off. 

And then there's this video. At about 2am, this woman decided to reach out to those who are "bullying" and "attacking" her. The result is glorious. 1 1/2 hours of a crazy woman absolutely losing her shit. It's amazing. Some of my writer friends have created drinking games around it. (Take a shot whenever she says "brand" or "fan.")

The delusion is strong with this one. 

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Oh you guys! Shit is going down and getting real in Authorland today. New author, different drama...

Any of you heard of a writer named Faleena Hopkins? No? Neither had we. She apparently writes romance novels with the word "cocky" in the title and last week she signed papers with the copyright office to trademark that word. She has since sent out I don't know how many cease and desist letters to other writers who have that word in THEIR titles. My writer friends are up in arms, some having legitimate fun (I'm going to trademark the words "haunted", "billionaire", and "vampire") and some getting pissed off. 

And then there's this video. At about 2am, this woman decided to reach out to those who are "bullying" and "attacking" her. The result is glorious. 1 1/2 hours of a crazy woman absolutely losing her shit. It's amazing. Some of my writer friends have created drinking games around it. (Take a shot whenever she says "brand" or "fan.")

The delusion is strong with this one. 

I couldn't make it past, "Hi (pause pause pause pause for too long), I'm Feleena Hopkins."  This would be a 10-minute video if she edited the pauses!

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