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S32.E04: The Affair

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This might go down as the absolute worst season in the show's history. All we get is drama. Drama, and Big Brother alumni making things so much worse. I will say this . . . after watching Paulie in action, I am so glad he's not going to be on the next season of The Amazing Race. There were rumors involving him, and he would have killed the show. Big Brother people can ruin anything . .  . even The Challenge.

I know I'm old fashioned, but here's my take on the Double Cross and subsequent Armageddon: if a Challenger leaves the game, it should be on the field of battle (apologies for the grandiose proclamation). Natalie and Paulie got their shot to re-enter the game because Paulie picked the one double-cross out of three. And then he dismisses Chuck/Britni and Jemmye/Jenna just to whip out his meager meat and wave it at Brad and Zach. As much as I shouldn't feel bad for most of these assholes, I kinda want to hug Jenna. That was the absolute dumbest way to go out. Going into this season, I was ready to root for her and Jemmye, because they were the least objectionable team. Just bullshit all around.

And then, after Natalie utterly shits the bed in the Armageddon (we need a derogatory subsitute), she and Paulie left the game. Nope, just kidding, they go back to Redemption House. So stupid. So stupid. What, is BMP hoping somebody invades Redemption House for the express purpose of caving in Paulie's skull? As much as I don't love Zach and don't like Brad, I want to see that happen . . . but it would wind up far uglier than I'd want. Once again: Big Brother players ruin everything.

And Jozea? Nobody cares about you and Da'vonne. CT will sidle up to everyone at some point, telling them about how bad Jozea sucks in general. And that he can't really swim.

Edited by Lantern7
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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

And Jozea? Nobody cares about you and Da'vonne. CT will sidle up to everyone at some point, telling them about how bad Jozea sucks in general. And that he can't really swim.


Speak for yourself, I for one like Mama Day, she gave some of the best confessionals during her time on Big Brother.

In regards to Paulie, the dude was an asshole on Big Brother and he is one on this show as well.  That being said, I kind of enjoyed him fucking with Brad and Zach.  The vets on this show always seem to treat the newer players like crap, so it was fun to see someone fuck with them for once.  Grated I did not like what he said about Britt (I don't know how she spells her name and I am not going to look it up.) and Chuck mainly because while she does still have feelings for him she did not actually have sex with him.  Or at least not that we were shown, so that is a fucked up thing to do.

Edited to add: I agree about the pacing of the show being terrible.  They could have easily done the whole Four Horsemen elimination (Such a terrible name I half expected Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, and Ole Anderson to walk out) and a regular elimination in that episode. 

Edited by BK1978
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Paulie and Natalie were going to choose Jozea and Davone anyways, since they had some alliance.

But he thought he was playing 4D chess when all he did was lose it over losing the elimination again.

Unfortunately, B-M will probably keep inviting that loudmouth and Natalie again.  Though she talks and hasn't produced either so far in the two seasons she's been on.

Probably an unpopular opinion but I sort of enjoyed Paulie going after the guys like that.  It reminded me of how nuts the people on this show used to be and how vicious they could get.  The only part that was a bummer was Jenna going home so early.

I will echo everyone else and say that the spacing of these episodes is ridiculous.  Show more challenges, ffs.

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For all of us hating the pacing of the show this season, I do not think it gets better. I listened to Jemmye on a podcast after the premiere and she said it is the longest season she can remember.  So now that people know about Redemption House, and the secret vote not being actually secret, how does this play out? I cannot fathom what a good strategy would be at this point.  

I think it is ridiculous that Paulie and Natalie get to go back to Redemption House.  So stupid. No wonder this season will be endless. 

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When you call something the Redemption House were a team is expected to get a second chance, I expect that they are challenging and earning every inch getting back to that house and competing for the million dollars. I do NOT expect a random ass luck of the draw as part of the process. That was bullshit. Jenna is a great competitor. Sucked hard to see her go out that way. 

I loved the fact Joze and Day took out Paulie and Natalie yet again, but once again, absolute bullshit that they get to go back to Redemption House. 

CT was spot on about Paulie. He had full blown Napolean complex going on. He knows that losing that challenged made him look stupid as fuck after all the trash talking he did so he went fully unhinged and began threatening the guys in an effort to salvage his ego. There's not a single thing he's done to establish that he's any kind of physical threat in competitions and with his antics, he just kept digging his grave deeper and deeper. I really hope we don't see him get a chance back in the house. Not that I mind seeing a new person come in and shake things up amongst the guy, but there's nothing subtle or clever about him that I can see which makes him a poor choice for a villain. He wants to play off that lie as being calculating and strategic, nah, he was just being a malicious piece of shit because at best, he'll mess with Brad's head and get Brad out of the game...there's still a ton of other people you gotta go through to get to that money (if you ever make it back to the house). I could respected him more if he had simply pointed out the obvious feelings between Brit and Chuck that are still there. He didn't need to claim that they were fucking each other when it was clearly a lie. Also, I'm not sure why he would call the guys cowards. To my knowledge, none of them gave them their word that they wouldn't vote for them. They all put in a secret vote because that was the requirement for the voting process. Paulie cased a secret vote for someone else, by his logic, he's a coward too. Stop acting like a little bitch Paulie. 

Day has the best confessionals this season. Channel your black panther girl, lol. 

So is this season going to be mostly about the Redemption House? I want to see the people who are actually in the competition, you know, COMPETE. 

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Fuck you Paul.  You lost TWICE asshat and the only way it will be enjoyable to have you on this show is if you keep getting to Armageddon and then tossed right the fuck back into Redemption.

He seriously talks like he’s some big shit when he hasn’t done ANYTHING.  Fuck a duck, rook.

Someone explain to me why I like Zach now?  I did NOT see that coming.

That little bit at the end with Brad and him when they looked all serious and then cracked up amused the hell out of me.  I still like Brad, when Britni is outtie.

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They must really have problems with crew to build up the challenges.  Maybe that's why they've been sparing in the challenges and why they used the dumb double cross rather than having all the Redemption people competing to get a chance to go back.  That means the two teams who went home last night didn't get to compete in anything, unless you count that dumb dig out your partner thing.

If you think about both Armageddon challenges, they were similar, both used the same cages but with different panels for the hole to send in the puzzle pieces in the first case and the hammer plaster and the ice panel to break through in the second elimination challenge.


Maybe the South African crew can't build them fast enough.  They spent some time to build up the Armageddon dome and the lighting panels underneath.

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4 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

When you call something the Redemption House were a team is expected to get a second chance, I expect that they are challenging and earning every inch getting back to that house and competing for the million dollars. I do NOT expect a random ass luck of the draw as part of the process. That was bullshit. Jenna is a great competitor. Sucked hard to see her go out that way.

Day has the best confessionals this season. Channel your black panther girl, lol.

1. Total agreement. Like I said . . . if you go out, you should go out in competition. The only other options would be quitting (injury or otherwise) or expulsion. The two dismissed teams should've had a chance to play to stay. Instead, we get an all-Big Brother battle (guaranteeing the audience a loss either way), and Natalie utterly shat the bed. But because BMP values drama over gameplay, she and Paulie get to stay in limbo . . . assuming Brad and/or Zach don't find Redemption House and cave his skull in.

2. My reaction: "You keep T'Challa's name out of your mouth!!!"

ETA: God, what is it about me wanting skulls caved in? I'm sorry, guys. Knowing how the show would work, Paulie would probably escape with his life because Brad and Zach would be too busy arguing which of them would beat his ass first.

Edited by Lantern7

I thought Paulie's remarks were disgusting.  Asking Brittany what her vagina looks like and then saying she was going to tell Brad she was riding Chuck's cock like a champ.  What a nasty man.  I know this show has competitors with no morals and no redeeming values, they talk horribly to each other and do shitty things but this seemed borderline sexual harassment to me.  He sucks and I hope he never come back again.  

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49 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Zach claimed in a confessional that Jenna made mistakes in their relationship. Name one! 

Being in a relationship with Zach is probably her biggest mistake. To me, he’s always going to be that guy that called women inferior to men. I doubt he’s actually changed his mind on that. He’s probably just better at keeping it off camera. 

I’ve never watched BB so I know nothing about Paulie. He didn’t come off so great here, but the guys that were taunting him would do the same. And it’s not really fair to say he lost two eliminations in two days. Of course he’s a part of the team and they’re only going to be as strong as the weakest link (Natalie), but he did his part. Zach should chill out saying that because it’s not like his partner’s any better in Amanda. 

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
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21 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

ETA: God, what is it about me wanting skulls caved in? 

I don't know, but perhaps protection from that would actually be a good use for Shane's hair-growing space helmet, which was the most intriguing part of the show for me (does that ever work?  The producer interviewing him didn't seem to think so!).  The second most was Jenna thinking she could buy the Redemption House if she won the million dollars (which her partner Jemmye quickly reminded her was a half mil, but do we know that for sure, or might it be winner take all?).  I don't know what the real estate market in South Africa is like, but it looked like it came with a lot of land!

I don't think I'd want to be in any house that had been used by the Challenge, though, no matter how initially gorgeous.  Though I have been in the Philly Real World former bank/RW House/art gallery/not sure what it is now.  

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On 8/1/2018 at 6:37 PM, mojoween said:

Fuck you Paul.  You lost TWICE asshat and the only way it will be enjoyable to have you on this show is if you keep getting to Armageddon and then tossed right the fuck back into Redemption.

He seriously talks like he’s some big shit when he hasn’t done ANYTHING.  Fuck a duck, rook.

Someone explain to me why I like Zach now?  I did NOT see that coming.

That little bit at the end with Brad and him when they looked all serious and then cracked up amused the hell out of me.  I still like Brad, when Britni is outtie.

I have always liked Zach for some reason, but I had taken a few year break from the challenges. Probably about the time he started coming on. So from what I've seen of him hasn't been as bad as some of the people on there. I really wanted him to thump a mud hole in Paulie. Can you imagine if Paulie had went off like that on CT circa 2008??? 

BMP can fuck up anything. Why of all things would they make it to where two teams lose by sheer luck? Why not make the loser of Armageddon go home? Make it so where the team who draws the double cross can choose any two teams to compete to win their way back to the house or be sent home? If they want to risk going home, they can vote themselves in. If not, they can send two other teams in. Either way, teams are given a chance to compete. The fact that Paulie and Natalie have lost twice and are still in the game is laughable. They could conceivably lose several more times and get to stay in the game. 


I’m sick of purges in general. They seem to only exist to give weaker competitors more of a chance. And even then, none of the newbies, save for Smashley, have been able to win. 


So far this is the worst season of the show. The previous two weren’t great either, and they were made worse by the Finals. Maybe this season will give us a good Final, but I doubt it. Supposedly the reunion will be 3-parts. If they make us wait to reveal the winners again, I will just look up the spoilers.  

Edited by ImpinAintEasy

I think it's okay to like Zach now and perhaps he has changed which is why people have gone soft towards him.  If you are Zach's age or older than him (I assume we are) then you know you have done and said really awful things you regret in the past.  People have the ability to mature and correct their fuck-ups.  Remember when we thought CT was a butthole and now everyone adores him.  

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12 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I think it's okay to like Zach now and perhaps he has changed which is why people have gone soft towards him.  If you are Zach's age or older than him (I assume we are) then you know you have done and said really awful things you regret in the past.  People have the ability to mature and correct their fuck-ups.  Remember when we thought CT was a butthole and now everyone adores him.  

For some silly reason I have always liked CT. The whole flower thing in Paris....I was like, no don't say you got them! Lol totally showing my age

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