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S09.E01: The Morning After

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Kelly is such a weirdo. When she “chose herself” and said no to Brandon’s first proposal (after considering going away with Dylan instead) she also expected that they would keep dating. That’s not how this works. One thing is to agree not to get married (I know plenty of people who have chosen just to live together, have kids, own a house together etc but not being married - but they didn’t make that choice after getting as far as a non-wedding.)

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Kelly is so fucking smug in her opening scene with Donna post-reception that I have ZERO* sympathy for her for the rest of the episode.

*Never had sympathy for her to start.

Also, what filter do the have on Nat in the opening credits because his face is smooooooooth.

ETA: Brandon: "I don't know, it just seemed like were more like brother and sister." Cut to 7 minutes later and Brando is boning down with said 'sister.'

Edited by Cekrypton1
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Two things that have always bugged the shit out of me in this episode:

-Wouldn't Kelly and Brandon have already made arrangements for the return of the rented furniture and other party accoutrements WHEN THEY SIGNED THE RENTAL AGREEMENTS? This is not a thing you figure out the day after your stupid (non-)wedding. 

-David calling Kelly 'sexy,' I guess this is one of the weeks where she's not his sister? 

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, Molly Cule said:

Two things that have always bugged the shit out of me in this episode:

-Wouldn't Kelly and Brandon have already made arrangements for the return of the rented furniture and other party accoutrements WHEN THEY SIGNED THE RENTAL AGREEMENTS? This is not a thing you figure out the day after your stupid (non-)wedding. 

-David calling Kelly 'sexy,' I guess this is one of the weeks where she's not his sister? 

Exactly on the furniture stuff. It’s not like they were going to keep the chairs and the dancefloor if they had gone through with the wedding.

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This Valerie HIV thing is so much more serious than this! She had unprotected sex with someone HIV Positive, in 1998! There is no way she can get an accurate test result in one week's time. She would have to freak out for much longer, and get tested in a few months to see where to go from there. This is a big deal, they act like such idiots.

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1 hour ago, Kimmykun said:

The Internet says Vincent Young is the same height as BAG and Ian. That is clearly not true.

One million LOLs. Everything about that tableau has always cracked me up. David's outfit could clothe the other three with fabric to spare, and why is Ol' Short Stack Brandon wearing a leather get-up in what I assume is still supposed to be late spring/early summer, and why do I care I don't care omg Brandon please just leave already. 

Edited by Molly Cule
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And another thing. I know Kelly sucks and all, but it seems like the show was trying to imply that Brandon is really the one that broke up with her, condescendingly, and she was still pining for him. I know she has really fallen from her previous awesomeness over the course of this show, but no way in hell is Brandon Walsh higher up on the food chain than Kelly Taylor. They have tried to push that narrative for years, and I am not buying it. 

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After college season one, it seemed the show writers never remembered what it was like to be young. The "gang" has always acted like they were 35 not 23. Heck, I know folks in the their 40s who aren't ready to settle down and don't ever wonder if someone is "The One". I think it would have been waaay better to have had Kelly want out- no take backs. Maybe she has doubts of Brandon's faithfulness. Or she wonders if she really was a soul mate to Dylan.

I still LOVE the fact that they had boring sex together... and Kelly would be able to tell the difference! I blame Brandon on that one.

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44 minutes ago, CurlyATX said:

After college season one, it seemed the show writers never remembered what it was like to be young. The "gang" has always acted like they were 35 not 23. Heck, I know folks in the their 40s who aren't ready to settle down and don't ever wonder if someone is "The One". I think it would have been waaay better to have had Kelly want out- no take backs. Maybe she has doubts of Brandon's faithfulness. Or she wonders if she really was a soul mate to Dylan.

I still LOVE the fact that they had boring sex together... and Kelly would be able to tell the difference! I blame Brandon on that one.

prolly because they were pushing 40 IRL lol 

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If you'd asked me before I listened to these last two episodes, I would've sworn that the non-wedding took place in the season 9 premier, and that Brandon and Kelly just randomly decided that they were happy with the way things were and didn't want to rock the boat by getting married. I always check out of the later season reruns somewhere around the end of the college years, so I think I only ever saw these episodes once, and I could've absolutely sworn that the non-wedding was a lot more chill and there was no "we're like siblings" talk or breakup talk and that they only decided to break up when Brandon wanted to go take a job in DC or something. Maybe I crafted an ever so slightly more plausible scenario in my head because what actually happens in these episodes makes absolutely no fucking sense.

The show has spent the past two seasons, plus parts of the one before that, trying to sell us on how in love Brandon and Kelly are, angels brought them together, blah blah blah dee blah blah. Now all of a sudden they want us to believe that they feel like brother and sister?? And yeah, their chemistry is pretty much non-existent (though I have to admit, I totally shipped them back in the day, before I grew up and realized how insufferable they both are), but this is what the show has been selling us, that they're this great love story, so they don't get to just suddenly tell us that "oh no, they're really like brother and sister" out of nowhere.

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12 hours ago, atlanticslide said:

"oh no, they're really like brother and sister" out of nowhere.

I know there is no continuity in the writing staff, but oddly enough I think Brandon first used this line on Kelly when she tried to seduce him during the Spring Fling dance (when Brenda lost her v-card to mad/bad/dangerous).  Now, this all contradicts an episode a few episodes ago where they were having all the sex in elevators, right?  

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Oh, he definitely did, that was a point back in Season 1 and brought up again when they were circling around each other in Season 4. But everything from Season 4 through Season 8 basically contradicts the idea that they see each other as siblings - feelings can change, so I can certainly buy that Brandon developed real feelings for Kelly, and I can even buy that one or both of them slid into feeling more platonic towards the other at some point in their relationship and their domestication. But I have a lot of trouble buying that they went from, yeah, fucking in elevators or whatever to suddenly feeling platonic in the span of a few episodes.  

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, atlanticslide said:

Oh, he definitely did, that was a point back in Season 1 and brought up again when they were circling around each other in Season 4. But everything from Season 4 through Season 8 basically contradicts the idea that they see each other as siblings - feelings can change, so I can certainly buy that Brandon developed real feelings for Kelly, and I can even buy that one or both of them slid into feeling more platonic towards the other at some point in their relationship and their domestication. But I have a lot of trouble buying that they went from, yeah, fucking in elevators or whatever to suddenly feeling platonic in the span of a few episodes.  

That's true , but from what I remember they were having sex in elevators because they realized how boring they have become together .. so I think the elevator sex was forced because they wanted to have chemistry but in reality they didn't feel it with each other . I think Kelly and Brandon just liked the idea of each other . If she really loved him , she wouldn't have jumped on Dylan the second he came running back to her when he saw them together in a past life and dumped Brandon like a hot potato . And if he really loved her , he wouldn't have started dating Tracy when him and Kelly were both finally single and Kelly kept telling him she wanted to be with him . Also , the second they got back together they both had a look of oh shit , what did I just get myself into 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

My favorite part of the episode is thinking that Jim and Cindy apparently immediately left to go back to Hong Kong the moment the reception for the non-wedding ended, if only so they didn't have to spend any real time with Brandon.   

Maybe they just hung out with the other parents at the Bel Age, complaining about whose kid is the worst.  

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